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What are the worst games from an objective standpoint?
Sun and Moon from what i played.
Everything after gen 5 is garbage but of the games worth playing DP are the worst
Diamond, Pearl, Platinum
I don't care about your "objective standpoint" question. Considering this is a game and not a life matter issue like y'all make it always sound like, it'd say that the fun factor should be the most important criteria. I didn't have fun playing White. I didn't have fun playing Moon. Therefore, gen 5 and gen 7 are the worst.
Every Pokémon game is either a 6/10 or a 7/10, imo. And the ones that "suck" and the "best" ones depend on how much you are willing to look past the flaws to just vibe in the world the game presents.

imo BW is the worst one, I just couldn't get into Unova in that game (though I really like B2W2).
And for me the best one is definitely PLA or SV just because they allowed me to roam around freely and I got really into the lore of those games specifically.
>Everything after gen 4 is garbage
FTFY, bort.
>inb4: muh but le hecking DEI characterinos and le garbage bag
No, kys.
I don't like PLA because of how it retcons established lore
XY objectively.
what's wrong with XY?
Red and Green
SM is so shit, it actively hindered the gen before it so they could rush out some slop for the 20th anniversary instead of finishing XY.
>What are the worst games from an objective standpoint?
Your favorites
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>"Here's a new generation with all new pokemon!"
>"Remember Charizard? Remember Pidgey? Remember Lucario? Remember Gardevoir?"
Where new content?
do alolaturds really?
RB objectively. Buggy mess and 0 reason to play them
The one standpoint that can be considered objective is the technical side, and on that regard the original games are atrocious, filled with bugs and held together with duct tape. The switch games, especially SS and SV similarly suffer in this regard, but nothing is as game breaking as the glitch festival that is Gen I.
XY has quality over quantity. instead of getting 156 ugly jobmons we get 89 kinomons

it's actually astounding how much it feels like they forgot how to make a pokemon game when designing sinnoh
>Where new content?
the mega evolutions on 3/4 of the pokemon you listed you're conveniently ignoring because you're assblasted about XY and can't actually think of any valid problems it has

glad we agree BW2 is shit because it has no new content btw
sm is the worst. shouldn't even be considered a game
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>mega evolutions.
Oh boy, I sure do love my favorite pokemon being ruined and turned into ugly obese jobbers with randum spikes
klefki is a good design
XY hands fucking down
>ugly obese jobbers with randum spikes
yeah I hate the gen 4 cross gen evos too
No it's not and you're gay.
>Where new content?
ummm your viridian forest remake? team rocket base remake? your shitty walk straight "dungeon" that introduces the new team just like mt moon with a fossil choice after just like KANTO?
Oh wait... new? LOL
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Pretty low tier generation honestly.
An above average amount of great mons, but the highest concentration of garbage throughout any of the generations.
this is contrarianism.
>b-but muh writing!
Even SM was better.
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People really call this the best gimmick.
Even wilder, few call this better than NO gimmick.
You just posted a picture of it.
but route designs
she didn't post sunmoon
Just us 2 I guess, too mamy nostalgia brain millenials on this board
>What are the worst games from an objective standpoint?
It can't be anything else but Red and Blue.
>it's GF's first crack at Pokemon, of course it will be rough
>the fucking Bag
>the fucking PC
>annoyances like one Eeveelution per save makes Pokedex completion a nightmare
I do like a good RBY playthrough, but it's the worst. And no, not because of glitches that are very rare.
>filled with bugs you'll never notice and it will never crash
You've never even played RB.
>the fucking Bag
>the fucking PC
Both of these are terrible in DPPt but unlike Gen 1 it doesn’t have the excuse of being a Game Boy game.

>it's GF's first crack at Pokemon, of course it will be rough
And yet DPPt, which was made 10 years later, is somehow littered with worse game design.
>Both of these are terrible in DPPt
DPPt's bag does not have limited space, and its PC doesn't require constantly switching and saving between boxes. If DPPt's Bag and PC is too painful for you then RBY's must be unbearable.
>>it doesn't have the excuse
Fuck off with that crap, it doesn't make it any better when I'm actually playing the game.
>And yet DPPt, which was made 10 years later, is somehow littered with worse game design.
You really need to get over your Sinnoh Derangement Syndrome. Level grinding, QoL, the gameplay in general, RBY simply does not outperform DPPt in anything besides route diversity, which again is a little held back by everything else.
u can use that gold hand to move mutiple pokemon in dppptp doe
>grinding in pokemon
You're bad and your opinions are worthless shit.
Pokemon is about collecting pokemon too stupid.
probably one of the switch games
>DPPt's bag does not have limited space
No, instead it has unlimited space where you're forced to scroll for 20 seconds through dozens of filler items just to find an item in your bag because the UI is retarded and wasn't designed properly.

>and its PC doesn't require constantly switching and saving between boxes
No, instead it just requires saving for 15+ seconds every single time you save after doing literally anything in the PC.

>RBY simply does not outperform DPPt in anything besides route diversity
the map design is better than DPPt
the encounter design is better than DPPt
the exploration is better than DPPt
the HMs are less obnoxious than DPPt
the story is less retarded than DPPt
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>It's bad because I'm too low IQ to move the pokeball which makes the menu scroll fast
Giving internet to third worlders was truly a mistake.
Scarlet and Violet on performance alone.
SV and it's not even close.
Why doesn't it just scroll fast normally?
>No, instead it has unlimited space where you're forced to scroll for 20 seconds through dozens of filler items just to find an item in your bag because the UI is retarded and wasn't designed properly.
>No, instead it just requires saving for 15+ seconds every single time you save after doing literally anything in the PC.
See you're just kind of describing things from DPPt without actually explaining how it's worse than RBY.
I really don't think you play Pokemon games yawn. I have completed the dex in a Gen 1 game and it is not possible to conclude Red and Blue's PC isn't worse than DPPt's. DPPt has an actual UI, switching boxes is not a huge pain. RBY has limited box space and if you hit the limit you can't catch anything else, the UI only displays names, viewing pokemon is not too fun either because pressing cancel when you're done sends you all the way back to the Withdraw/Deposit/Release options. You can't even look in the box with Withdraw if your party is full of 6. It is absurd to bitch about DPPt's speed when everything about RBY's PC is clunky, and you cry about saving when you have to save every time the box is switched in RBY.
>the map design is better than DPPt
>the encounter design is better than DPPt
>the exploration is better than DPPt
>the HMs are less obnoxious than DPPt
>the story is less retarded than DPPt
And even if that's all true, the archaic design of RBY simply makes all of that harder to enjoy. There's a limit on how much I can catch at a time. There's a limit on how many items I can pick up at a time. The pokemon are too TM dependent, TMs have no description, no move has a description. There's hardly anything implying the trainer's had any design put into them besides Blue's Blastoise knowing Blizzard. The exploration we all tout is ultimately just going down a hallway slightly earlier.
Why not just concede that the first Pokemon games are the worst ones? You'd rather I bitch about a 3DS or Switch title?
>Third worlder
Yup, certified micropenis poster
BW and BW2
You're right, it's way too generous. Spewpa and Avalugg are fucking repulsive.
>instantly seething about muh unova boogeyman even though it's dex is better
XY has the highest percent of shit designs of any regional new roster anyway so if anything you just proved it has the worst quality while not giving us anything. The lack of effort is showing and it's terrible.
>instantly seething about BW2 when it isn't a new generation
Try being literate.
>See you're just kind of describing things from DPPt without actually explaining how it's worse than RBY.
Having to scroll through dozens of shitty items is worse than not having to scroll through dozens of shitty items.
Not having to save for 20 seconds every time I do anything in the PC is better than not having to save for 20 seconds every time I do anything in the PC.

I hope you get it now, sagie.

> the archaic design of RBY simply makes all of that harder to enjoy
DPPt's design is even more archaic and it's YOUNGER than RBY.
>brownie mad
>Not having to save for 20 seconds every time I do anything in the PC is better than not having to save for 20 seconds every time I do anything in the PC.
Your tears are screaming up your posts.
This is one of your most embarrassing displays and that's really saying something. You try to come across as being very knowledgeable and objective on Pokemon games but now I'm doubting if you have even played RBY and DPPt. The most diehard genwunner wouldn't pick RBY's PC over DPPt's. Stick to XY boxart threads faggot.
First Gen where no one can catch actually them all without cheating.
BW2. it's not a pokemon game if I can't catch pikachu
pokemon dash
thank you for listening to my ted talk
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the most popular pokemon comes from gen 6 and the least popular comes from gen 5. nothing more needs to be said
I mean I can't say for sure since I haven't played anything since USUM, but I guess Diamond and Pearl?
The UI is really slow obviously, but I also just didn't really care about the Pokemon variety in Diamond. The whole game feels like a combination of Gens 1-3, made worse.
I tried Platinum and it was a bit better. It's a shame I don't like Diamond and Pearl cause Gen 4 has some of my favorite designs in the series.
Based monster. If this was from gen 1 people would jerk it off constantly.
Anything from the Nintendo DS era
I'm gonna go with SwSh.
>threw out mega evolution for the first time in favor of its own gimmick, which was limited to just these games and poorly balanced
>EXP Share breaks it hard, no longer optional either
>exploration sucks ass, Wild Area is cool but the implementation still isn't great
>terrible story
>slightly subjective but the new Pokemon look terrible; wouldn't surprise me if this was one of the worst-rated dexes amongst the community
Ironically I think the graphics are one of the few redeeming qualities it has, but it's hard to find anything else positive about it.
The few objective things about Pokemon are
>The Pokemon available, and how they interact with every single battle in the game
>The map design you have to navigate through
>The technical aspects of the game that impact how the player experiences it.
As it stands, RG, DP, and SS have to be the worst as they fail multiple categories
RG has arguably the worst technical end, and a slightly scuffed Pokemon pool where they cut like 40 Pokemon and replaced them with Oddish/Belsprout, but the map design is serviceable and accounting for TMs most Pokemon are fine. It's probably the most playable Pokemon game despite all the issues, only RS arguably beats it but if you want a quicker experience RG will do for you.
DP has bad technical performance on almost every level, a bad Pokemon pool with only a handful of interesting boss fights, and mediocre map design. There's barely a reason to play it and it's impressive how BDSP barely fixes any of the issues or improves on the game's strengths, so if you want to say BDSP is even worse that's possibly true.
SS is just shit enough in every area that it's probably the worst game. The Pokemon pool, despite being large, isn't terribly amazing, and every single boss fight in the game is boring. The performance issues aren't game breaking but far more consistent than most other Pokemon games (XY more or less only lags in battle, and even then can have a stable framerate if the camera does nothing, as an example). And the map design is rarely any good at all, with like one decent map idea hampered by the fucking ladder animation, and the Wild Area is especially just a complete nothing map. SS however has a problem right now that neither other game has. RG has multiple later versions and two different remakes for different tastes. DP has Platinum which is better in every way that matters despite inheriting a ton of DP's fundamental issues. SS forces you to pay 30 more dollars to tack okay content on to the side and not fix the base game.
Dude just glossed over GS as if it didn't fail at all 3 things
>the new Pokemon barely even interact with you
>Johto has the simplest and worst region design in the series
>worst technically with gen 1's clunkiness and gen 4's slowness
It edges out SS as the bottom of the barrel for me.
GSC and HGSS easily
Gen 2 sucks because you have to spend dozens of hours to get rewards the other games just hand you.
Such Leveling, evolution stones, breeding much being slower than usual, or broken apricorn pokeballs.
HGSS added more shit onto this like 100 day gible, voltorb flip, pokeathalon
Its not content if I have to play voltorb flip for hours to get 1 ice beam TM instead of paying 80k$
Go from Gen 2 to Emerald Plat or both black/whites and see how much their game design respects your time. So many things in the Johto games are needlessly gated by awful mechanics or at the end of the adventure
Johto itself is bland, boring snd small region too
XY or BDSP. Those two games fail to even attempt to capture the spirit of Pokemon, something even SwSh tried to do. XY doesn't try to convey an adventure alongside your battling pets and BDSP is flat out a worse game than the original DP.
>jynx but better
You posted them. Diamond and Pearl are completely outclassed by Platinum in every single way that matters.

You could argue Gen 1 because the games are so buggy and mechanically unpolished, but here's they're also mechanically unique. No later Gen has the same mechanics or the truest possible presentation of "the original 151." There are valid reasons to play Red (international) or Blue, Yellow, and even the original Red or Green. There are 3 different sets of sprites to see and varying levels of bug fixes, with Yellow even having different enemies at some points. They all play fast enough and have a decent flow to them, even without Running Shoes to speed up the game before you get your Bike.

Diamond and Pearl, on the other hand, are outperformed by Platinum. Platinum is faster, has much better Pokémon variety, has more to do, and makes the narrative slightly more sensible. Diamond and Pearl try to do what Ruby and Sapphire did with their legendaries, but it amounts to switching out a sprite instead of writing different dialogue. They didn't put much effort into it at all, which is unfortunate for a region so steeped in its mythos. Platinum fixed that issue. The only things Diamond and Pearl have to differentiate them from Platinum barely matter at all: different clothes for the protagonist, a couple of version exclusives, and (if I'm not mistake) a single-digit number of sprites. There is no defending them in good faith.

>But what about Ruby and Sapphire or Gold and Silver?
>They're outclassed by Emerald and Crystal!
The paired versions of Gen 2 and 3 both have some redeeming qualities. Gen 2 has unique sprites for each game, different coloring from Crystal, and doesn't randomly inject shit about Suicune into your adventure. Ruby and Sapphire uniquely only show one of the two evil teams in Hoenn. It mostly only amounts to changes in dialogue, but you only aren't dragged to Sky Pillar.

>XY doesn't try to convey an adventure alongside your battling pets
Rangerbros we are untouchable as always.
Poor route design. Granted all the 3D games have this issue but have other ways to supplement poor exploration (island scan, Wild Area, open world)
>island scan
>Poor route design

You get a different sense of protecting the region when you play Ruby or Sapphire instead of Emerald. Ruby and Sapphire gives you a more focused approach to saving Hoenn, as you defend either the land or sea to maintain it. In Emerald, you're dealing with the land and sea simultaneously as Rayquaza makes itself know in the sky, thus presenting you with the entirety of the region's ecological balance. The paired versions are more implicit about conservation, while Emerald is much more overt.

Since the Gen 2 and 3 pairs run just about as well as their third versions, I'd say they're worth playing once if you want to play them all. I would absolutely not say that about Diamond and Pearl unless you want to experience just how much of a slog a Pokémon game can be. I mean this in the truest sense. While Johto is very slow to grind, it doesn't bury you in snow, mud, or fog just to waste your time. Surfing doesn't take years off your life. You can overlevel one mon in the Johto games if you really don't want to grind, but you cannot escape the tortuous engine of Diamond and Pearl.

For all the time I just wasted to type this, I hope some of you know in your heart of hearts that this matter is barely up for debate. Every other game (even Sun and Moon, which I personally fucking loathe) has a handful of reasons to play it at least once if you like the series. This is the single pair of games that becomes more impossible to pitch to someone the more you think about it. It's really unfortunate that games which introduced the physical-special split and facilitated an explosion in competitive battles is just a stepping stone in retrospect.
Isn't gen 6 the only generation since 1 where you can complete the national dex with only the main series games within the generation?
>the new Pokemon barely even interact with you
Doesn't matter, the Pokemon pool is solid. I'd say it's better than Gen 1 for both using Gen 1 Pokemon better and putting Gen 2 Pokemon in mostly the correct places (it's still scuffed though in comparison to something like RS or BW). Just because a Pokemon is "new" doesn't mean it's good or a good fit for the game. The GameCube titles have functionally zero new Pokemon and do incredibly well with the boss design, as a great counterexample.
>Johto has the simplest and worst region design in the series
The map design is, on average, better than Gen 1 map design.
>worst technically with gen 1's clunkiness and gen 4's slowness
Improves on a lot of Gen 1's issues, fixes a lot of glitches, and both GSC and HGSS are way faster than DP (surfing in DP feels fucking awful, and that's not even a performance issue that's a game design thing).
I dunno how you managed to reach that conclusion on an objective level. Subjectively I get not liking the game but that's not the discussion.
How do i catch Pikachu in Gen 5?
PokeTransfer Lab, or one of the many historic events that distributed it. Neither of those are cheating.
>need another game
So you can't?
I went to PokeTranfer Lab, but couldnt find any wild Pikachus to catch.
So you can't catch every Pokemon in every Pokemon game, why did you specifically single out Gen 5? It's not like any of the games before Gen 6 have an exclusive form of a Pokemon that simply cannot be obtained through any means aside from cheating.
Did you talk to the NPC at the back of the room?
That's not what >>56447891 or >>56449199 said.
Yes he did, he said catch.
>babyshit is solid
>a linear circle and going back and forth in a straight line is better
>same battle speed as dp with the old shitty box system
suck a dick disingenuous retard
>because a Pokemon is "new" doesn't mean it's good or a good fit for the game
Literally any Gen2 Pokemon would be a better fit then 2 cocoons, a second Magnemite, a second Haunter, and a fucking empty space Chuck has instead of a third Pokémon.
>It's not like any of the games before Gen 6 have an exclusive form of a Pokemon that simply cannot be obtained through any means aside from cheating
I'm really hoping this is just an XY fan trying to set up a gotcha moment because B2W2 has multiple entire Pokemon that are only available through cheating. Regardless, that's a very stupid reason to define a game as objectively the worst compared to something like the actual Pokemon catchable in a given game. Diamond and Pearl having two fully evolved fire types and ice types affects playthroughs more than an unobtainable alternate Floette form being in the files.
>disingenuous statement that ignores that nearly every aspect DP runs like a molasses with its legs broken because it’s optimized like shit
>no argument
>b-but the surf speed tho (please ignore how it's the same in johto)
concession accepted faggot
>only way to get a shiny arceus for a gen 4 living dex without injecting
>pokemon ranch connectivity
>can dupe items for other gen 4 games in the jap versions
>easier bt ribbons
Diaperkino can’t be stopped
You don't notice slow HP bars in Johto when everything except Red is underleveled. You don't notice the surf speed in Johto when there's only like 3 places to surf for longer than 5 seconds.
try again
What would be my ideal pokemon region?
>I hate Fairy Type
>A region that is hell for Fairy Type Pokémon
>A region where having a Fairy Type Pokémon is the worst idea ever
>A region where all of its legendaries and uniques pokemons are resistant and effective against Fairy Type
>A region where all of the starters are effective and you register Fairy Type
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>we can't optimize our game properly so let's make the overall experience worse to hide that
gsc is truly a marvel of modern technology
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You gave no argument so I didn’t respond with one

> >b-but the surf speed tho
And saving, and entering battles, and whatever the fuck that wheel thing was, and basically everything

>Kalos faggot doesn’t know how the poll works
Like clockwork
Only because of the Genwunners smearing Unova out of spite
I hate Pokemon that are popular

I only like Pokemon that are totally unpopular among the Pokemon fandom

I also like Pokemon that no one uses in the competitive game and that no one uses in the adventure game
inb4 "troon" and "you're brown"
They work that most votes win, cope about it LLOLLL
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Do none of you remember how you had to save every time you switched boxes back then? I thought you fags were obsessed with catching em all?
It has to be XY. Started the gimmicks, a small and bad dex, removed a bunch of features while barely replacing them with anything equivalent, bad dungeon design, no post game, etc
The open world is bleak, and it's not just the graphical fidelity but also artistic direction. Paldea looks like it could be any open world game from several console generations ago, with or without game breaking bugs.

Also the Battle system seems diluted, and I think people don't talk about this enough. Battles are still mostly 1v1 against NPCs, or Doubles which were only the focus of the DLC. What happened to all other battle mechanics, like Triple Battles, Co-Op, or Hordes of Pokemon attacking you in the wild? Shift/Set Mode are also gone, which I want to believe is an oversight.
What did they forget?
do not forget the animations you can never fucking turn off
>The most diehard genwunner wouldn't pick RBY's PC over DPPt's
I would.
>needs to ignore every other route in the game because it destroys his narrative
every time
Go make a sorted living dex in RBY.
>go do [arbitrary thing you have no reason to do]
Have you completed the Pokedex at all?
>i dont have any reasons to collect them all in every game
damn dexit bros btfo
The old box system was so bad that zoomers made a mod to modernize it, which romhacks use today.

DPPt is so bad you need to play in an emulator with speed up to make it playable
I got Moon when it came out, played it once, hated the experience and never touched it again.
Then while on holiday, I picked up a cheap copy of Ultra Moon. It’s worse than I remembered. The fights are good, but there are times when you get to play literally three seconds between cutscenes.
So for me it’s gen 7
RBY and GSC are so slow that the Stadium games have a mode to officially play them on speed up.
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so trve...
>needs to deflect to completely different games
concession accepted
>not even posting routes anymore
Yup. You have no argument. XY detractors truly are pathetic.
No argument huh?
Jej how pathetic
>no how dare you post bad dungeon design
>needs to deflect to emushit
in RBY?
>claim routes are bad
>get asked how the routes are bad
>is unable to prove the routes are bad so has to change the subject
Yes. You conceded.
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Remember when gen 5 had actual puzzles like this? Good ol times
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you know XY has good routes because sagefag never posts anything after santalune forest
that's because santalune forest is literally viridian forest
>XY has to plagiarize a good game to have good routes
>proceeds to prove my point
You're not very smart, are you?
>DPPt is so bad you need to play in an emulator with speed up to make it playable
Pokemon is a RPG with a lot of level grinding, all of them greatly benefit from speed up. I'd sooner play DPPt without emulator over a lot of the other games anyway, at least it has the VS Seeker and those double wild battles with the stat trainers.
>Pokemon is a RPG with a lot of level grinding
maybe if you're terrible at the game.
As I already told you Pokemon is also about collecting Pokemon.
Everyone already knows XY is obsessed with Kanto. Posting Santalune Forest would only support that.

You're not very smart, are you?
but why is kanto pandering bad?
Please explain the Arceus thing and how any of the others are useful at present. I'm asking sincerely. My posts were from the perspective of someone who just wants to play the main games, therefore the functional differences are what matter. It also seems kind of fruitless to reference Ranch (since you can't buy it anymore), item duping in specifically JP versions (since you probably only want these for online and would be better off injecting since you're already exploiting a glitch), and ribbons (they only show legitimacy in some instances and are otherwise pointless). If there is legitimate value here worth trudging through those pieces of garbage, please correct me.
>others are useful at present
shiny Pokémon,haley’s mew, storage, infinite items, like i said
>ribbon legitimacy
? huh? are you retarded?
Why are you so terrible at reading, sagefag?
>it's another shitflinging about XY vs Unova thread
All of that sounds like useless shit to me with the exception of Mew (I'd inject it), but to each his own. Definitely not worth the effort to own multiple extra games so you can transfer through the gens.
I thought some of the mons you could only get through events had Ribbons that proved they're legitimate. I know certain movesets in older gens would require using mons purified on the GameCube games, thus they'd have a ribbons.
They're two of the most similar games in the series and it causes this much seethe. I don't get it.
it all sounds pretty useful to me, but you sound like a dumb poorfag that doesn’t even know how ribbons work
>consoom or you're poor
>the Pokemon pool is solid
audible kek
>she’s both poor and retarded
what times the welfare office open?
>he thinks everyone is the same person
>she hopped off the groomer telagram to come help her dilation sister
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What a low bar
I'm the anon you were talking to before. Stop speaking to me like a cunt. Also, no, what I know about ribbons is that they're useful in legitimacy checks and otherwise offer nothing. It's not the purchase or piracy of the things you mentioned that are the problem (I can afford it either way and always could), it's the fact that you'd be using your time this way for no real benefit, even relative to playing another Pokémon game. I even gave you the benefit of the doubt by reading more about Ribbons to see if I missed something. I didn't. The point I brought up initially was ultimately the one that mattered. None of your reasons are enough to save Diamond and Pearl because everyone of those things can be accomplished more efficiently without having to play strictly worse versions of another game. If the crux of your argument is what the games can do for you 15 years ago, then you completely missed the point of what I was talking about in the first place.

Don't call others dumb when you are being a fucking idiot.
why are you still going on about event ribbons, you autistic rambling paint huffing nigger? i didn’t say anything about them. as long as dp can do these >>56449304 and the other gen 4 games can’t without injecting or mods, it’s valuable. otherwise you can just cheat any bad shit out of dp too
forgot they’re also the only game you can use honchkrow and mismagius in before postgame…holy shit they’re just so good
But again, three of those things are pointless. The ribbons and shinies are purely aesthetic, therefore you're an idiot if you bother with them. You never explained what legitimate means you're using to get your Arceus in DP specifically versus the other games. I conceded that Mew is relevant since there are very few ways to get it, but I'm also quite sure there is another way. And no, you can't just cheat bad shit out of the engine of DP, nor can you cheat out all the other things Platinum has that make it a better game than both. You can argue that you can speed up on an emulator, but Platinum is still invalidates their existence. Call me whatever insult you want and end your post with whatever sarcastic remark you want, but you're still wrong. It was retarded in the first place to engage with you when one of your points was contingent on the JP release and another was on an unavailable WiiWare game. Honchkrow and Mismagius would have made much better arguments than anything else you listed, even though that's pretty easy to do with save edits and wifi.

Diamond and Pearl are the worst games in the series.
Tyrantrum is a jobmon with a beard and crown
I don't even think BW is better than DP.
They are better than BW, but setting that aside, there is no other game that is a functional upgrade of BW. DP are replaced by Platinum, whereas BW are not replaced by anything. B2W2 are sequels. They are worth playing if one likes the series solely because there is no replacement, regardless of your individual feelings about them.
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well they’re not pointless, sorry faggot.
>durr why get Arceus in dp
for the dex retard
>durr can’t cheat the bad stuff
why not? if you can cheat, so can i

Diamond and pearl are the ultimate pokemon games. your shitty trannyhack and johturd demakes will never surpass them in any way.
*They are better than DP
My B, I was originally typing "BW are better than DP." I'd never argue in favor of Diamond and Pearl for any reason other than introducing wifi and the PSS.
BW2 is a functional upgrade over BW. Whatever novelty came from having Unova pokemon only has long since worn off.
No, you fucking dumb fuck, use reading comprehension. I asked HOW you are getting this Arceus legitimately, not WHY.
>so can I
You stupid fuck, what I said was that you can't fix DP's shitty engine with a cheat, nor its shitty map design. Using save edits and shit doesn't add enough to DP to compensate for the fact that Platinum is doing the same things better. You could just cheat at Platinum and have a better experience. In other words "you can't cheat the faults out of the game and you can't cheat the improvements out of Platinum." Fuck's sake, and you called me dumb?

The operate word in the image you posted is "tried," because they absolutely fucking failed. The execution was lazy and suboptimal, hence Platinum is a much better execution of the same idea only a few years later.
The story is literally not the same. It has nothing to do with the novelty of the Pokémon selection. There is no functional replacement or upgrade for the story of Black and White in the Pokémon franchise. This is an inarguable fact.
>HOW you are getting this Arceus legitimately
went to the spot and caught her
>shitty engine with a cheat
*holds down the speedup button*
>nor its shitty map design
*catches bibarel*
*teaches it hms*
*walks through walls*
>fact that Platinum is doing the same things better
see >>56449304

And they absolutely succeeded. your mind has been corrupted by poketubers and sissy ultramk porn into hating them. DP = the ultimate pokemon, they can only be beaten with cheats….
Depends on your view of remakes.
If a remake is to be compared to its past version, then Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire are the only remakes objectively worse than the original, and thus are the worst Pokemon games.
If a remake is considered stand alone, then Hoenn is good enough to proper ORAS above XY.
So cheat in an Azure Flute, just like I thought, nice. Totally couldn't just give yourself the event mon by spoofing the GTS to get a legal mon. Retard, I'm not going to argue with you in circles anymore. If you're doing those things in DP, you can do them in Platinum and also be playing a better game. You aren't funny. The more I think about what you're saying, the dumber it was all along. Fuck you for continuing this waste of time.
>The story
Oh nooooooooo not the heckin story.
nope ride the bike there
>rest of the post
didnt read, but I’ll just assume it’s more autistic faggy pseud babble
Please, go ahead, tell me the name of the official Pokémon game that has exactly the same series of events as Black and White, but is not Black and White. Show me the remake that has all the same characters and updated mechanics. Oh wait, you fucking can't, because there isn't a third version for Gen 5. So as I was saying, Gen 5 is a unique pair of games worth playing because it isn't strictly worse than any other game in the series.
>ride the bike
>to hall of origin
Close the tab. You're such an insufferable faggot.
>What are the worst games from an objective standpoint?
Probably a tie between Scarlet/Violet and Sword/Shield
there’s some walking to, you’re right
So in conclusion you're baiting, uninformed, and/or unable to read. BDSP unfortunately have more legitimacy than the originals do, as they are both outdone by Platinum.
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ruby/sapphire. 7 hours of gameplay, more linear than any other game, ZERO postgame.
just ride the bike and walk to arceus, you can even do runaways for her shiny. why are you so fucking shit at the game?
>If a remake is to be compared to its past version, then Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire are the only remakes objectively worse than the original, and thus are the worst Pokemon games.
BDSP are also worse than the originals.
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The difference is, I'm posting a verifiable piece of factual information and you're baiting.
I can’t judge 8 or 9 since I’ve never played them but feel that everything from Gen 6 onwards is a snowball towards greater mediocrity.

I don’t hate Gen 6 though, it just feels like a disappointment when it all could’ve been so much more. Gen 7 are the worse games I’ve played. You don’t even feel like the main character of your game. It’s all about Lillie’s shitty family. Cut scene after cut scene with the most hand holding ever given to me in this game. I Gave it one last shot when Ultra Sun/Moon came hoping it wouldn’t hand hold me and proceeded to get princess carried through the game instead as I had to go through a shittier story than the first.
Then Let’s Go came out and I realized the direction these games were going.
Whatever you rank gens 1-6, at least it feels like I’m playing Pokemon. Gen 7 does not and considering every game has some anime gimmick now, I doubt it ever will since Gamefreak knows they will sell on name brand and nostalgia alone.

I can’t rate objectively as a whole since Gen 7 made me drop entirely and i don’t ever plan on giving the games the light of day until Ohmori leaves the company. But of gens 1-7? 7 is objectively the worst.
that’s right
you don’t need a fag flute to catch her
You have to do that (by cheating because it wasn't released, get an event mon (only possible now by cheating), or walk through walls (by cheating).
nope no cheat codes needed.
You are blatantly lying about a game that's 17 years old on a forum dedicated to the franchise. Fuck off.
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>Invents dexit
>do some biking and walking
>catch arceus
simple as
In your imagination. I'm not replying to you anymore, dude. Go post bait toward someone else or take 30 seconds to fact check this nonsense. I did my due diligence in case I missed anything. You're just saying nonsense.

I stand by my assertion that DP are the only Pokémon games that are outclassed enough not to be worth a single playthrough. Gold, Silver, Ruby, and Sapphire come close, but ultimately have small differences from the third version that could justify a playthrough. Platinum eclipses Diamond and Pearl so thoroughly that they are not. Therefore, OP posted the answer to his own question.
Distortion world sucks though
concession accepted, bitch. go enjoy your dilation session and don’t forget dp=ultimate pokemon games, only games you can catch god without injectslop.
Fuck you. I posted proof. You can't because it's bullshit. Kill yourself.
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I thought you weren't replying anymore
sister, the proof is out there. dp doesn’t need injectslop to catch Arceus, go find it yourself
BDSP wins again.
I'll never stop reminding people.
I found it and it says that you're wrong. What you think is true is actually a myth.
if you’re gonna just deny basic facts, then i don’t what to say. do you also think you’re a woman?
dp, being the ultimate pokemon games that they, do NOT need injectslop to catch arceus like the lesser games do. no toys r us farceus either, the real fucking deal.

what aren’t you getting?
I looked it up like you said and found that you were wrong. It's not that complicated.
>tranny obsessing
>jew capitalizer
>pedo knowledge
You're based!
true! im happy you’ve come to your senses and will stop wearing your mom’s underwear
Weirdest projection of all time. All because I looked it up and proved you wrong. KWAB
go ahead and show me
>still posting this literal troon
The proof is out there, go find it yourself.
>can't find the proof on his own
>get on bike
>catch arceus
??? it works on all version
>get on bike
>arceus isn't caught
you just suck then
Go back to yugioh
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God damn how are megas this ugly. Even if we count your “okays” as successful (which is questionable. Mega Pinsir is garbage), that’s a 25% success rate. It’s 10% if we just count “good” as successful
you’re fault if you don’t know where to find arceus. there’s some vids out there for you buddy
Is it also my fault that you're an esl?
DP, BW1, and USUM are equally garbage
>he said catch.
Yes, you throw a Pokeball at it in the minigame, catching it. I don't know how else you'd definite catching Pokemon aside from "a Pokeball being thrown at it".
>babyshit is solid
It has at least one challenging boss which is fairly normal by Pokemon standards.
>a linear circle and going back and forth in a straight line is better
I thought we were talking about the design of the maps themselves, not the flow of the game. Even then, the only real problem in the game is the non-linear segment negatively impacting some of the levels of bosses, which again Gen 1 is also guilty of while being a worse in some aspects (the vast majority of it is optional which is why I don't hold it against it).
>same battle speed as dp with the old shitty box system
I'd like a video example of your average battle for evidence. And not that one that claims RS is just as fast as DP while only running away from the Pokemon, because in the video RS's was completely frontloaded while DP was all in battle stuff meaning that the longer the battle would last the worse DP would get. I need multiple Pokemon. Is this about the HP drain being programmed wrong in very similar ways? If so, legitimate complaint even if DP has other problem in battle. But it doesn't have DP surfing, making the game objectively faster than DP, which means you are still incorrect.
Sorry you're incorrect about a lot of things, but I am being genuine.
Could you list some on-theme examples then?
Everything you said is technically correct. I was just pointing out the technical issues with their complaints.
List a segment that's absolute dogshit, then. Like, the worst it gets is before the first gym, which would be true for Gen 1 if Route 22 wasn't amazing.
Explain in detail, don't be Mario Wiki describing the Rambi glitch. We all know about Tweaking, just say it if that's what you're talking about and let him claim that's cheating (it is).
is it my fault you’re retarded and don’t know how to follow simple instructions?
I literally followed them and they said that you're wrong. It would be really easy for you to prove me wrong if you could, but you can't. Keep being brown :)
Here's a video of getting on a bike in Pokemon DP
As you can see in the video, he does not catch Arceus while getting on the bike. This, therefore, means that you're leaving out crucial information about how catching Arceus works. That or it's RNG based, which would not be skill based therefore >>56450934 would make no sense.
try again
Hey man, I came back to the thread to see if there were any points made that were somewhat coherent. Thank you for continuing to question dipshits who have no proof to substantiate their claims. I wish more posts had effort put into them instead of whatever that baiting ESL is doing.
yep that’s step 1 now go ride it to arceus
BW1's story is not worthwhile enough to justify it over BW2.
Illiterate retard. Them compared to the third versions is completely irrelevant.
So how do you make the stairs to Arceus appear once you're at the top of the Spear Pillar? That's the one big thing you're leaving out. I am, in fact, bad at video games, so I would like a detailed description of how to do it. Also, it would be really weird to have the stairs there while the story is going on, so I assume you also need to at least have some progression flag, do you happen to know which one?
sorry im not a cartographer you fucking faggot, go look up the directions yourself
>tells people to look it up
>they look it up and prove him wrong
>reeee just look it up
>they look it up
>the don’t properly follow directions and half ass it
B2W2 is a better game by a pretty significant margin, but the fact remains that B2W2 is a sequel to BW. I would argue that B2W2 are so good it's difficult to justify playing any other game in the series over them if you aren't doing so to play online or listen to music. However, if you do want to play every region in its entirety, you have to play BW. It's just a factual statement.

The topic of the thread is "what are worst games from an objective standpoint?" This inherently a comparative question. My means of comparing the games is looking at the objective factors that differentiate those games in order to determine whether or not they are worth playing, as a bad game is one that you probably don't want to play. This necessitates comparisons of a game to third versions and remakes to see if the experience is different enough to play the older version. That's most relevant in regards to Gen 1 since it has 3 different versions of its originals (JP RG; JP B, international R and B, and Y). It also has two sets of remakes. Every experience is different.

In that analysis, my conclusion is that DP have the least unique factors to differentiate them from Platinum. Another anon made a point that you might not like the Distortion World, and I could see that argument if I drank enough. I truthfully cannot be more explicit. I'm not illiterate, you don't understand.
I did while I was waiting on your response, all I found was this
I assume that's what you're talking about, which is weird because it's clearly a glitch as the title states, and is walking through walls which >>56450386 says is cheating. I know you said >>56450391 which explicitly only mentions codes, but unfortunately glitches are in fact cheating. Unfortunately, unless you can provide more detailed information, I have to assume you're arguing on the same level as that one schitzo that claimed Eternal Floette had an event distribution https://archive.palanq.win/vp/thread/56083943/#56085003. I'm sorry if you don't have a good enough grasp on the English language to explain it, but I'd accept a video tutorial somebody else made or a super jank video you made that at least approaches an example.
Didn't even read all that. If the first version is shit compared to the second it could still easily be better than other gens.
>which >>56450386 says is cheating
nope not cheating. (You)r arbitrary rules don’t qualify, it was purposefully left in by Masada
what is happening in this thread??
schizophrenic retard doesn’t how to ride a bike in pokemon and needs directions.
You know given BDSP seems to still have it in a similar form to the JP release of DP that's almost a legitimate argument. I'll tell you what, I'll agree with you if you say XY's save deleting bug at launch was intentional by Masuda too, just to be fair to XY.
Then it's a good thing Diamond and Pearl are a pretty bad experience compared to every other Gen too. I get your point, but that's not how I'm approaching it because the regular "my Gen is better than yours" discussions are retarded. I don't care if you don't like that, but you didn't care enough to read, so we're even.

Pretty sure Pokémon obtained by glitches are considered cheating. I need to find an official statement, but considering they would be able to tell at a tournament if you obtained an unavailable Pokémon, it's not a big logical leap. Further, you could have just fucking said you were glitching all along instead of being a pedant. Using a code to do this is functionally identical to what you're describing with less effort.
>Using a code to do this is functionally identical to what you're describing with less effort.
To be fair using cheat codes is functionally identical to a lot of things with a lot less effort and if done well result in things exactly identical to normal gameplay. Why do you think people inject Pokemon in the first place?
Okay, do the Rambi glitch in DKC. Surely, if you're some games knower you'll know how to do it intuitively with zero direction.
1. stop samefagging on multiple devices, it’s embarrassing and quite obvious.
2. it’s catchable in-game with 0 external modifications = 100% legit
I understand that, as well. I think it's hilarious in this particular example because the person doing it wouldn't even need to check flags or anything to inject the mon in question. They could just turn on the code, go to the location, catch it, and never need to think about it with no way for a tournament organizer to trace it
Not him but it was bare bones as hell with whatever it brought back from previous games and in a way played it too safe
Ah yes, the old "Gen 1 mew is legitimate argument." Yes sir, let's battle with our Odd Eggs. I'm not samefagging. Me and the other guy don't type the same.
that’s legit too, yes.
and you are samefagging, your boyfriend left you now you got on the phone and think submitting 2 posts in under a minute will make it not obvious
Don't forget that on top of the Scatterbug line, it also has caterpie and weedle just in case
Well, if you're retarded in that specific way, I guess there's nothing I can say. We clearly just have a different definition of a term. I and that other gay are using the correct one, and you're using a retarded one which I think makes you the biggest faggot in the thread. Glad we could reach a conclusion.
Good to know, then let's go back to 2008 and register for a tournament with our Odd Eggs. You should have tried to put that Arceus up on the GTS before the event happened as well. I'm sure a TO would be really happy with you if they checked your save file and found 10 Pokémon with exactly the same PID in 2024 that you created with a dupe glitch.
>got on the phone
I've been on my phone the entire time. I am not the other poster, end of discussion. I'm the same guy that explained why I believe Diamond and Pearl are pointless. I don't take the time to greentext much because I an on my phone. Whoever he is, I appreciate him for actually putting effort into his posts, but we don't speak the same.

So anyway, you can't get an Arceus in Gen 4 without Mystery Gift that would be considered legitimate. It doesn't exist. The same thing applies to Shaymin or Darkrai.
you have the wrong definition, yeah i know
>I and that other gay
kek don’t talk about yourself like that, faggot
>another longwinded pseud phonepost in under a minute
hmmmmmmm. didn’t read btw
Look man, I know you're upset that you're not as intelligent as me, but flexing illiteracy is really not the way to go about winning an argument about Pokémon. You think I'm typing two different streams of autism when I need to sit and think about what I'm about to say? You wouldn't understand because you neve cultivated that skill. Get fucked
>when he’s spamming walls of gibberish on 2 phones after getting BTFO
How would you know it's gibberish if you allegedly didn't even read it? I'm on one phone. I've been genuine the entire time, whereas you just attempted to trick me by appealing to ad hominem (one that is untrue at that). There was nothing to BTFO me in the entire thread besides the one time I came back to reply to someone after I said I was leaving, which I did because the *yawn* followed by idiocy pissed me off.

Tl;dr: This is off topic, but I'm being earnest and factual, you're just being a cunt and you know you are.
Objectively? It's DP for sure, I want to say GSC too because of the lack of viable mons but it's such a piss easy game that I don't think anyone stays long enough to care
who's worse, discord or the faggots banned from the discord like that one crystal autist yesterday
> too because of the lack of viable mons but it's such a piss easy game
Stop being bad at games
ive been earnest and factual the whole time too
tl;dr i’m correct and you’re a schizoid retard who has to samefag and gishgallop
How the fuck am I gishgalloping exactly? We're not talking in real time. You can easily pinpoint any specific sentence, but you allegedly don't care enough to read what I'm saying. I'm not samefagging, so whatever you're saying is already resting on a pretty faulty basis.
And that is the opposite of what he said. This is why I think some of you have no reading comprehension.
you just keep shoving incoherent shit into this thread on two (2) devices. every post you’ve made is low quality. that’s how
It's incoherent and yet you're able to interpret it when you actually read it. Show me/us your substantiated opinion on what the worst games are if you really want to increase the quality of the thread, then. I'll be waiting on the same device I've been posting on since the beginning. While you're at it, you can show your proof that I'm samefagging.
didn’t read this one, it’s probably more low quality drivel asking to suck my dingaling or a tangent about a banjo kazooie glitch or something .
Here we see an astonishing case of suppressed homosexual desires coming to the surface. I can't say conclusively, but presume it's brought on by intellectual insecurity and/or lack of interest in the original topic of this thread
i mean….you did call yourself a faggot >>56451176 while samefagging. im happy you’re out and proud faggot, don’t get aids!
I'm still not samefagging, so anytime you want to post your proof or point out linguistic similarities as evidence, go for it. Just so you're aware, I know you know you're totally full of shit. What are you, afraid to have your opinion picked apart?
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It's a four-way tossup between DP, LGPE, SWSH, and SV for me.
Diamond and Pearl's Pokemon selection for the main campaign is pitifully limited. The games are very visually unappealing, none of the scenery of the game particularly stands out most of the time (Platinum definitely lifted the weight here). DP's dungeons are just very samey brown environments. And this feels like a nitpick, but man I really don't like the blue/violet/purple colors throughout Sinnoh's Pokemon and Pokedex. Usually you see complaints about the round/spikey designs but for me, it's the color palette of not just the Pokemon, but the overall games as well.
Let's Go's catching mechanics and lack of wild battles are just unfun. And when you're playing in Docked Mode, you're at the mercy of playing with the Nintendo Switch's controllers which can notoriously start drifting right out the gate, which makes catching a Pokemon the most difficult aspect of the game. This is of course more Nintendo's fault for shitty hardware, but I would also put fault on GF here for not letting you use a pro controller on docked mode, and not only that, you shouldn't be forced to play on handheld mode to get a "proper" experience out of this game. All that aside, this game is just Kanto again with a Pokemon Go casual experience which is cute I guess, kinda boring for the most part, and lacking in content which I guess was the point, those Master battles were taking the piss out of players though.
SWSH are probably the best and most polished game of this bunch, but this game's campaign is such a boring straight line full of no substance characters which the games is trying hard to make me feel connected to. This is at the point in the series where they're being also a bit more cinematic in moments but it really doesn't work when everyone is completely unvoiced. The Wild Area which this game had went so hard on pushing is stale, ugly and lifeless at times, and I'm not particularly favorable about Dynamax.
you were samefagging but had to stop after getting uncovered. your boyfriend’s aids-smeared phone in one hand, your shit-covered phone in the other. so sad.
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SV's had the potential to be the best Switch Pokemon if they weren't unfinished games. Despite the dexcut, the roster of Pokemon is still plentiful to go around, the characters have substance and are way more memorable than SWSH's or Let's Go's.... Trace I guess, the story campaigns feels like what the Wild Area and to an extent what Legends Arceus wanted to be, but the game still suffers scaling issues, even if it is completely open ended there's still an implicit intended path. But none of that matters when these games are so unstable to play overall.
All of these games I've talked about feel unoptimized and unfinished to their extents, but SV are truly on another level. A testament to Pokemon's power and scale as a franchise to stay afloat after a game like this where other game series and franchises would probably have died here and then, or their reputation fallen to absolute lowest like how Sonic had become the but of everyone's jokes for the last near 20 years.
I didn't think me leaving for an hour would upset this retard so much. I'm glad you care :)
Firstly, that isn't any form of proof or analysis that's similar to proof. Second, it's not true because I've been on one phone the whole time. Third, I don't have a partner or I'd be getting my dick sucked at this hour instead of arguing with your dumb ass. Fourth, I'm not gay. Fifth (and most importantly), you STILL are dodging the actual topic of the thread after asserting my posts are low-quality. Maybe you're not a bad person, but you are acting like an idiot.

How about doing what >>56451443 did since they actually had the stones to say something relevant instead of dragging their sexual obsessions into the thread?

>inb4 didn't read
didn’t read
I like Gen 6, but new quality pokemon is one of the reasons.

Gen 6 has objectively the worst new pokemon ever since Johto and the fact that they couldn't even make those 89 mons good is only a testament to how shit it was.

I dont care because they were making 721 fully-fledged models from scratch, but dont say the new pokemon were a selling point.
Even though a lot of the Gen 6 mons are middling to bad in design, it was probably the most fun new roster of mons to actually use. The only mons that overlap too much are Sylveon and Florges. It was the first Gen where every single mon could do something relevant on your team.
>The pokemon are too TM dependent
That's the beauty of Pokémon training, being able to teach them techniques they wouldn't learn in the wild, like Snorlax learning Surf.

>TMs have no description, no move has a description.
This was a common thing in 8-bit era RPGs. There was no description of attacks, power, magic points, etc. That information was found in the manuals that came with the games, magazines or official guides.
Let's not forget that the GB went on sale in 1989.
Retard. Nobody masturbates with Jynx
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Anyone who doesn’t even consider gen 7 to be among the worst haven’t replayed them in a decade

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