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Adding the Fairy-type was the best thing to have happened to Pokémon
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Agreed. High testosterone straight men love girly pokemon
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It's so goddamn funny watching people throw a shitfit over Fairy Types because they threaten their fragile masculine ego or whatever the fuck. Buncha fuckin neanderthals literally throwing tantrums about pink and cute creatures cuz they can't fucking handle it.

It's so pathetically transparent too, how every "argument" they try to invent for Fairy being bad is all rooted in this blatantly obvious insecurity they have. Literally EVERY SINGLE "argument" they use is clearly just an excuse pulled from nothing. The only exception is Fairy being really strong competitively, but even then it's blatantly hypocritical because Steel is clearly way more OP. Their reasons for their irrational hatred of Fairy Type are always illegitimate.
Well said. Sometimes people are too focused on how the Pokémon work in competitive settings but forget what it would be like if you were to actually encounter a wounded fairy type Pokémon in the wild and there weren’t any other trainers around.
I didn't like that there were only 2 types based on folklore (dragon and ghost), especially considering that since the beginning there were Pokémon defined as fairy in the pokedex
project harder, mentally ill clown gator fag
Thank you for proving my point.
Melia would use psychic though, she is a traditional mage.
No idea if anyone from XB would be a fairy fag.
thank you for proving my point, deranged sadcase
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The only redeeming quality of Fairies is making my favorite type worthwhile offensively.
Holy sexo
Reminder this dog is 9 feet tall
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The cute girl type
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that's not a wolf it's a fucking grizzly bear

pic rel is underselling its size, its height is definitely supposed to be measured by the top of its head
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this is her true size
she doesn't look that big in-game though
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Was there ever an in-universe explanation for how some Pokemon changed types?
Instead of one type, is better to give them pokemon that fit the character itself.
I forgot the fucking image, if you know xbc2, these pokemon fit each girl respectively.
Who are the best Tera Fairy Pokemon??
Have another one.
Just a thing, though: the Gallade and the Gardevoir should be swapped.
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>-but forget what it would be like if you were to actually encounter a wounded fairy type Pokémon in the wild and there weren’t any other trainers around.
It's a sign
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make fairy/flying
Yeah but even under that logic Melia wouldn't use most fairy types. I'd be fire, water, electric, earth, flying and dragon
jannies are gay niggers I swear
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>Adding the Fairy-type was the best thing to have happened to Pokémon
Fuck off, it was the worst thing added that ruined pokemon beyond repair, and nobody was asking for a dragon counter
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>and nobody was asking for a dragon counter
why are you lying?
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Why was Fairy type removed from TCG? Having fairy pokemon as Psychic types is... jarring.
Because the world is cruel.
At the time of X&Y's release, there were something like fifty Fairy Types in existence across 649 mons--only marginally more than the amount of Poison Types in existence all the way back in just the first generation when it was also rolled in with Psychic. Keeping Fairy around would only cause unnecessary bloat and limit deckbuilding options.
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Why is it constantly being paired with Psychic?
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Both can be seen as the "magic type"
The best thing was the physical/special split.
Fairy Type killed Pokemon as a franchise.

Is there any video game franchise for me who hates fairies, wants a franchise without fairies and also an anti-Pokemon franchise all around?
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>it was the worst thing added
Even if accepting Fairy type is bad at all, it's not even in the top 20 worst things ever added.
>ruined pokemon beyond repair
Deluded, get over yourself.
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Fairy type > dark and steel (and all other types)
Fairy type > genders and breeding
Fairy type > field effects
Fairy type > abilities
Fairy type > double/triple battles
Fairy type > physical/special split
Fairy type > mega evolutions
Fairy type > z-moves
Fairy type > g-max
Fairy type > terastallization
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You got millions of suggestions, as well as got told to go do your own research.
There's nothing funnier than an autistic bastard crying for 7 straight years because a thing he don't like got added to his serious adult kiddy game series.
All my arguments are good.
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Not my problem
Is there a pokemon that express Melia being a massive magnet of suffering? And it's not just the thing about the being the "loser girl", she genuinely goes though absurd levels of suffering to the point people think the devs are sadistic.
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Be silent, gay man
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I wish I was gay enough to like it
>Liking the Female Type makes you gay
Just say you're not straight.
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>I wish I was gay
>I wish I liked cock
definitely something a straight person would say
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Sup pussies who wants to make my bullet punch
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give frame thrower
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They evolved
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I want a fairy-type to suck me dry with draining kiss
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That sounds dangerous
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As long as you're fine with taking a counter.
I want a fairy type to hug me until I finally feel happy.
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I hope we find happiness one day...
Today was the first fucking day in my life I ever related fairy to faggots, just because the 4chan toxic gays
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I love cutesy pink shit more than anything, but I'm kinda bitter about how fairy took so many cute mons (especially from normal) and made them all fairy. And I don't like having what's pretty much a containment type for cute, girly mons. Like before the cutesy mons were spread out among the types and there was good variety for cute teams. But now everything even remotely cute or girly has this type slapped onto it. IDK, there's something annoying about knowing that every trainer with a cute aesthetic is gonna be using the same damn type. We're never gonna get someone like Whitney as a non-fairy specialist ever again and that pisses me off. Don't get me wrong, I like all the individual fairy mons, I just hate that they're all thrown into this one group as "the cute type" or "the type for girls." Fairy had some benefits for type balance but I don't play competitive and these games can be steamrolled with one mon so I don't care about balance or meta.
Grown men playing Pokemon is one thing, but those obsessed with fairy types? They don’t even count as human.
Go and be an insecure queer somewhere else, timmy
It's paired a lot with grass too, and those two things are part of why it would be retarded to change its interactions with the bug type.
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You still can build teams of cutesy mons without using any Fairy types though. Grass alone shows that Fairy does not have a monopoly on cutesy Pokemon.
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Yeah I get exactly what you are trying to say. Same thoughts about most fairy-type mons but I don't particularly care about the type itself aside from being a buff in terms of type effectiveness, usually.
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Fairy being the girly type doesn't really bother me as for reason that most Folklore Fairies are usually girly themselves as well which is what the Fairy type are reflecting on, and another reason is that every type has their own identifications as well.
>Water type is mostly water animals and aquatic creatures with blue as the primary color
>Fire type is mostly desert animals and fire creatures with orange as the primary colors
>Grass is mostly plants and nature creatures with green as the primary colors
I think it's good that a lot of the cute/girly mons were changed to Fairies as Normal type consists of brown realistic animals which a pink balloon rabbit thing or a space fairy stucked out like a sore thumb there while Psychic leans more on Mental Powers over Magical Powers, so Fairy made sense with the more Mystical mons like the green elf mage, also they are so much stronger than they were before.
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I will not be tempted by your sultry Fae
>Tapu Lele enters the field
Elves are fairies though
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Wasn't poison type rolled in with Grass, back in Gen 1? Pretty sure I remember the first Koffing and Nido-line cards being grass. It was Ghost that got rolled into Psychic.ykyg8v
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>girly cutemon teams have to be fairy typ-
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My only dislike of fairy types is that too many lean into the pretty pink aesthetic, I want more Carbinks, Klefkis, Shiinotics, and Tinkatons
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>Not pretty pink
Tinktards really are braindead
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or grass type
the rest are exceptions
also stufful and vivillon are not girly
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Sex type
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you wouldn't
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tinkaton is hot pink
Free her!
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I do enjoy me some tallmons
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How tall?
Yo, it's Melia!
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This would be getting close
>beautiful Primarina
>faggot gay macroshit
Waste of talent.
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How do you do, fellow fairies?
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That's a stealthy Deerling. I like it.
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Anon, that's getting beyond just 'tall'
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wrong, adding metal/dark is the best thing that happened.
too imbalanced the way they implemented it.

>here's a type that beats dragons
>oh yeah, remember the psychic type? the one that beats fighting types but is weak to dark and bug?
>well how about a type that can just beat both fighting and dark as well as dragon? and guess what, it resists bug too!

if psychic were SE on steel it would be a decent tradeoff, but being weak to poison just doesn't feel like enough of a negative, poison types are easy to deal with. fairy types shouldn't resist bug and/or there should be more types that resist it
Ah, yes, that's why we see Gardevoir top worlds
buffing steel was stupid
I don't think bug needed to be weaker than it already was
poison weakness is like having no weakness
dragon doing 0 to pink is stupid
Overall it's stronger of a type than dragon now
Also the fact steel/fairies exist is extremely homosexual
It's nice they added a type, it just feels poorly thought out for balance
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It’s called the Iron-type
Not sure if the artist wanted the pic to be cutesy or not because of that butt.
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It's Pikaki, he's a horndog with good taste.
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I agree. A lot of my favorite pokemon got turned into fairies :>
Need a cute Fairy type trainer in a new game to curbstomp my Fighting and Dragon team and then tease me about it while I blush and hold back tears.
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No poison?
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for steel and poison yes
the worst thing for dragonfags
Dumb boy.
this artist for sure wants to have sex with that pokemon
Looks like a normal cute fanart to me
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