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We can all agree with >>>56456933 that the fairy type ruined pokemon and is a pointless thing added since nobody was asking for a dragon counter and that is a balanced type
I'd be 100% okay with it if they made it weak to bugs. bug type needed help and GF refused to extend a hand. I will never forgive.
People who make pointless hate threads just to spite harmless appreciation threads should be taken out back and shot.
nah dragon was broken after the phys/spec split ruined the game balance.
Just say it: you can't train a Poison-type.
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Fairy type is cool and having a counter to dragon is great but I miss when gardevoir and her evo line were pure psychic
No, honestly the folklore based types are cool
The problem wasn't that fairy type was added in an on itself, but that it wasn't properly balanced beyond being a nuke against dragons. GF could've called it the magic type, or the light type or the mystic type, and it would've done the same.
> screws over ice by taking away their dragon slaying monopoly
> screws over weaker dragons by nerfing their type that wasn't that strong because of no SE stab except against themselves
> buffs the real strongest type steel
> becomes the new strongest type
> screws over poison by snatching the fighting nerf from them and putting them in direct competition with steel
> screws over people who wanted Non-Dragon type Psuedo legendaries because since dragon is nerfed so hard Gamefreak can give them all the psuedos without consequences
> screwed over my 3rd favorite Pokémon of all time by giving it a quad weakness when it was already balanced by having a relatively low speed for an OU glass cannon
Fuck the fairy type and anyone who defended it.
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why isn't Normal super effective against Fairy?
>nah dragon was broken
Dragon-typing wasn't broken, Dragon-types were broken. There's a difference. No one was complaining about Kingdra or Druddigon.
>the phys/spec split ruined the game balance
No matter how hard you try to astroturf, no one will ever take this seriously.
> no SE stab against itself
> "broken"
Outrage and Draco meteor had built in drawbacks.
>screwed over my 3rd favorite Pokémon of all time
>The problem wasn't that fairy type was added in an on itself, but that it wasn't properly balanced beyond being a nuke against dragon
Nerf Moonblast to 90 BP and 20% chance to lower target's SpA
Remove its resistance to Bug
Optional: Give it a weakness to bug on the condition that U-turn is nerfed to 40 BP
Fairy is now fine,
What u-turn needs is not a nerf to its BP, it to have it's distribution gutted to the ground like toxic and scald.
Just gonna....

non-argument ad-hominem nonsense.
But enough about OP.
>One DECADE later and Dragoniggers are still crying about their 3edgy5u Boss-Type getting its first counter
Fairy types should jusr passively make all Dragon Types on the field take double damage or something
You guys think fairy type is bad because it nerfed dragons for no reason?

How about when they tried for YEARS to nerf psychic and they just kept beating it down, down, down, down. What the FUCK is gamefreaks problem? Why do they make good types and then nerf them? It's like if a firefighter started a fire and then claimed to be a hero by putting it out. Are they trying to cause controversy for publicity? Psychic used to be so cool man. The original pink type.
>psychic type has become the worst type in the game and ghost types have become the best by a nautical mile
>no one even notices because VGC fags cry about Incineroar and dragoniggers have spent eleven years crying about being emasculated by the color pink
>No matter how hard you try to astroturf, no one will ever take this seriously.
It does manage to turn a thread into a steaming pile of shit however.
How is pointing out Kingdra was unfairly nerfed insecure?
Only glaring issue with Fairy is that nonsensical Bug resist. You know it is only there solely for U-Turn. Steel is the thing that is a massive mistake. Combinations like Fire/Steel and Fairy/Steel demonstrate the glaring flaw of the chosen resists and immunities
>Not having a Pokémon with Steel/Poison moves
This is on you, anon. If anything, I only push the "make Bug SE against Fairy" idea, but thats it.
Poison and Steel moves are easier to get, so maybe find some covering.
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>Gay Men Tantrum Thread
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> fairy fag calling other people gay
Nigger trannies claimed Sylveon from the getgo.
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>Starts talking about trannies out of no where
You do know most Fairy type mons are either predominantly female or 100% female, right?
Hating Fairy type is like hating women, only Incels and Gays hate women.
Balanced by only being resisted by steel types, which tons of dragons had ground/fire coverage for.
Outrage and Draco Meteor are ridiculously powerful, of course they had drawbacks, as does Close Combat, Overheat, High Jump Kick, Hyper Beam, Solarbeam, ect.
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I don't remember anyone claiming Sylveon as a troon back in 2013. At most they memed about it being gay, but never really claiming it as a literal fag icon.
Trannies do love their historical revisionism though... and bringing themselves up every thread out of nowhere.
I like actual women not pink blobs
>Dragon-typing wasn't broken
It absolutely was. You don't play the game.

>No matter how hard you try to astroturf, no one will ever take this seriously
Why would I care about the opinions of campaignshitters?
I'm sorry they been annoying for so long I forgot when they started.
The lack of SE hits balances out being only resisted by one type dumbass.
>thinking SE hits matter
you don't play the game
>can deal effective 180BP+ damage against the entire game
Does dragon even struggle with fairy these days? Dragonfags got tons of behemoths this generation. Out of the trio (dark, fighting, dragon) I think only fighting really struggles and even then they can fight back pretty decently. Darkfags can definitely go toe-to-toe with fairy
shut up faggot
vp used Outrage!
But it doesn't affect Fairies...
They do. Having weaknesses to common attacking types negatively impact a Pokémon's performance.
Dragon Meteor gets weaker every time and Outrage locks you in and then confuses you. I played in gen 5 OU it wasn't as strong as you made it out to be. If you don't have anything that can outspeed or tank it that was on you.
They should have just made better ice types.
>Missing budget Alakazam
Fairy salvaged it gameplay wise
>They do
They don't.

>Having weaknesses to common attacking types
Why would I care about weaknesses if I can KO everything because they can attack me?

>Dragon Meteor gets weaker every time
Doesn't matter if I get KOs wouldn't otherwise get
>and Outrage locks you in and then confuses you
Doesn't matter if I get KOs wouldn't otherwise get

>I played in [fanfic format where pokemon are conveniently banned]
How is this even slightly relevant to how GF balances the game?
Making better Ice types doesn't address the reason why Gen 4-5 Dragon type is broken.
They weren't that broken though. If you had a good ice special sweeper in OU that could Outspeed Latios everything would have been fine.
Nigger you think weaknesses don't matter. STFU
t. Latios
>They weren't that broken though
They were that broken though.

>If you had a good ice special sweeper
Making a single good Ice type Pokemon doesn't address the issue that I can mindlessly click Outrage/Draco Meteor against virtually the whole fucking game and win for free.

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