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This thread a successor of Novel AI request thread >>56427886

This is a general thread for posters to upload their AI attempts, and make requests from others who may want to attempt to make their own Pokemon related gens.

NovelAI is a paid AI image generator that recently upgraded to V3. Users paying $25 a month have "unlimited" Small/Normal generations. Though some actions, such as upscaling, alternate resolutions, and image variation, require credits.

Microsoft's Bing AI is a free image generator that is powered by DALL·E 3.

Civitai is available for free using ‘buzz’ for currency gen and you get about 50 every day plus some more for liking models and giving genning likes and such.

Otaiku is a (mostly) free phone app that allows image generation and sharing to connected email accounts, texts, and social media platforms. An ad watch is require between each image generation, but paying for the premium service nullifies this.

Local Generation using Stable Diffusion requires a decent video card. Guides for local genning can be found in the /g/ threads:
Stable Diffusion threads:

Pastebin of Pokemon artists:
>https://pastebin.com/U0mmK3Tm (embed) (embed) (gotobed) (embed)

Please keep in mind AI is not omniscient. Characters with under 300 images will require more tags to have them look correct. The following is a danbooru link with all Pokemon characters with over 300 images:

If you want to request something specific, please look up tags to make sure your image comes out the way you wish. This is a good website for converting a danbooru tag list to NovelAI tags:

If you plan on sharing multiple images together, we'd recommend posting just one, and give links for the rest. This way we can conserve space.
From ThatOneAiAnon, for newcomers to NovelAI:

https://mega (dot) nz (slash) file/67xwTRSB#m0fPUmJRaWd3oh47gt6nw2LKNMe820TaiKdXTAhx8tI

It's a html based tool you can run locally. It's basically for keeping track of all artists you like (including their art styles) and being able to rank etc. I also turned Danbooru's entire tag system in a collapsable list of buttons in case you're looking for that specific tag, or just looking for inspiration by thumbing through all the tags. You can edit all the js, css, html code if you want to modify the tool in any way.
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Cherenfag anon here, thanks for >>56459460!
While the outfit actually reminds me more of Prisma Illya (I think its the colors more than anything, the barrier jacket is supposed to be black), it's still very cute and good.

Anyways I'd like to see more Cherens - like, perhaps a PC98 visual novel style image? Although he should still look like he's in the official style.
I'd probably start proompting them myself if I wasn't both too obsessed with trying to improve my actual art and on FreeBSD. Maybe this means I should go back to Arch, but at the same time I'll miss compiling my own shit...
Hey, thanks little girl.
Cute! I love her shy/embarrassed expression, and her butt is very cute.
Glad you do! Anon requested it last thread but I don't get on all that often. If you'd like any mon or pokegirls, I'll take some requests!
Sweet! I’d like to see Penny shyly waving hello, if that’s alright.
Is this based off any character in particular?

Arcanine and Bowser, also based on Asgore from Undertale
Sweet. I had a feeling there was at least some Asgore inspiration.
Got a few cool results, I'll post em.
You're welcome. Did you request the naked pics too?
Aww, thanks! Penny is adorable. I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately.
Oh, I did a prompt based on him before.
I remember that one. That looks very cool.
She's cute. I didn't appreciate her enough in the main story. She's a little rude to Arven in the post-game. Then again, she did misbehave a lot in general, I suppose! I will not post Penny correction, I promise.
Despite being rather shy and introverted, she has a bit of an attitude, and I find that very cute. She seems to get along with Arven pretty well in their league club interaction. They have some very fun dialogue together.

I don’t want to correct her, I want to give her all of the love and attention she deserves.
She does, I think it's just the friction of them meeting in the initial Area Zero segment. I need to do some more of the post-game content and League Club stuff desu. That's a nice sentiment. I didn't mean anything too sadistic!
>I need to do some more of the post-game content and League Club stuff desu.
You should! You get quite a bit of insight into the characters (Nemona in particular). Have you spoken to them at the academy? After you experience all of their interactions, you can go to their dorm rooms! Penny’s room is the definition of “imagine the smell”.

You can invite them to the league club after completing Mochi Mayhem, and you can get some pretty interesting details regarding the characters as well.

I have another request for you. How about doing her in a swimsuit? I imagine she’d wear either a wetsuit or a one piece swimsuit with a long sleeve top/rash vest.

Don’t worry about it! I’m aware it’s all in good fun. I just love her a lot and want to give her so many big hugs.
Oh yes, I need to do Mochi Mayhem specifically. I think I've been in Penny's room, it made me laugh what a total mess it is. Swimsuit gens coming up!

That's very sweet. She deserves the hugs. And maaaybe some smacks on the behind. Heh.
Thank you.

cute Penny
That’s such a cute pic! Penny would likely be very insecure about her body, so she would probably wear swimsuits that cover a lot.

>And maaaybe some smacks on the behind. Heh.
I probably won’t smack it (I prefer to be more gentle), but I’d definitely like to rub it softly.
Different swimsuits. Thanks! She does seem like she'd be shy about it.

Cute. I just tend to want to see uh, misbehavior corrected, I suppose.
That looks so cute! Thanks for that. It might not be the most attractive look, but as long as she feels comfortable. Although I have a bit of a soft spot for the “no pants swimsuit” look.

No worries! You have your tastes and I have mine.
Wasn't able to get exactly what I was aiming for, but I think you'll like this one.
Cute! It looks like she wore her swimsuit under her clothes for this occasion. Can you do her in a swimsuit, without her glasses this time?
I love her embarrassed expression in this one. She would be very nervous about wearing a bikini for the first time.

Cute! Penny without her glasses is always a treat. Can you do her in a different artstyle this time? Maybe pokemoa or Ken Sugimori. Or is wamudraws the artstyle you’re most familiar with?
It's just the style I use by default, since I like the way the stuff turns out. I tried Sugimori for this one.
That looks amazing! Thank you so much for that. Can you do the previous prompts in that style, if that’s alright?
Sure thing, but it will be later. Hope that's okay.
No worries! Take as much time as you need. That looks so beautiful, I’m very proud of Penny for being able to come out of her shell like this, even if it’s a relatively minor thing.
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This is okay right? It's not showing anything
You’ll be good, hopefully. Although you should probably put it behind a spoiler or catbox link just to be safe.
Which loras create images meant to resemble in-game screenshots from Gen 7/8?
Thread is off to a nice start I see.
Why is she sad? :(
Not to worry, she just had allergies but she is all better now and she says she appreciates your concern.
That’s good to hear.
Oops. Here she is lol
someone wanted to see how this would look and i had gotten a slightly better pull which resembles him better (i think)
Oh I should have edited out the eyelashes first. Shit

Nice to see you again. I'll be back later with more stuff.

>i barely posted anything good

i apologize :( also I hope I didn't accidentally repost anything from the last thread
>i barely posted anything good
What do you mean? Your posts are great! Don’t beat yourself up like that.
>Make a fem-adjacent character more feminine
>Oh I should have edited out the eyelashes first.
Nah, son. You improved him.
Thank you so much anons
No problem! <3
(Not mine, just thought this was cute)
How do people train or get these models? These are great! Can you do Shiny Female Meowstic? o:
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Don't remember if I shared these previously, but this is the set I posted up yesterday.
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From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of cybernetics. I aspired to the purity of the Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal.

Should i make nsfw versions?
is there anyone even in these threads anymore outside the 2-3 creators?
Probably, i always saw myself as an outsider since i just come here drop off a few cool pictures while testing the machine and then leave.
NSFW? Sounds like Maverick talk to me!
Yes, please. Could I request a Voca-Roxie?
The annoying thing is the board is relatively slow and there's only a very few active hours unless you're all-but-insomniac. So a genner might not catch the board in a waking hour, sees the state of the thread at that particular moment and doesn't bother.
May I get a succubus Marnie por favor
Please allow for 6-8 weeks processing.
Jeez, the future paradox timeline sounds grim.
>thread for posters to upload their AI attempts
Ok. Have a few.
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I couldn't really get the Harley-Davidson 8-cylinder gasoline engine with giant exhaust pipes to come out. Oh well.
Okay, that's pretty funny.
funny stuff

holy f*** it actually got Bill's hair right!!
I'll try to do these in a bit

That's a cute one

Yes just what we need, more Liko gens!
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Would you swim with her?
Nah. The water is probably near freezing.
The pink makes it look like Peach lol
You mean swim in her.
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I'm using NAI with the vibe transfer on a shiny render of Female Meowstic to help integrate the color scheme. Took a few times but it's easy.
One more.
That's her pee.
She should be arrested then. It's a serious crime.
Those are so cute! Thank you so much.
cold, bitter
You're very welcome. I wasn't sure exactly which gens you meant earlier, but I did the last couple. Without vibe transfer it's hard to get them exactly similar or right. If you have any other ideas or requests, I'm not up to much. That applies to anyone else reading!
Succubus Sabrina or Vampire Valerie
Don't listen to that degenerate, she's a good girl.
Cute, sassy.
Succubus Sabrina sounds fun...I'm on it.
Dawn playing electric guitar, please!
You should be thanking her.
Security guard Jasmine
Gyaru Skyla on a plane
I got one, hope I’m not too late!

Hapu surfing or mad cause small and she’s jealous of tall.
Got a few, doing my best here.
Will do.
Riding in the plane, or on top?
Riding in the plane please
Gonna switch styles, but if you prefer the sugimori-esque look for your request just say so
Fit wild cavewoman Nemona or Poison type(Purple hair) Lana
What exactly would make her Gyaru? Sorry, right now I'm trying for blonde hair, dark tan, should I prompt for leopard print clothes?
Added to the List
turned out much cuter than I expected
Leopard print and loose hair and clothes
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Egyptian Nessa akin to something like this please?
I'm not sure if she's recognizably Skyla still, but I hope this is pleasing!
Shit, sorry I couldn’t respond sooner! I was busy.

Requesting POV on a date with Nemona, Sugimori style.
Aww, thanks! She looks absolutely beautiful dressed like that.

Now for a more suggestive request. How about a silhouette of Nemona changing behind a shower curtain?
Sure thing, gonna do "Poison-type" Lana and
No worries!

God, I could stare into her sunset coloured eyes for hours…
NTA but can a full body pic of that or one with Shauna please?
The shower curtain silhouette might be a tough one...
Oh my god, that looks so beautiful! Thank you so much! Can you do more like that?
I can try!
Btw, do it in Sugimori style.
You got it. Hope some of these are to your liking.
Oh my god, I’m in love. The lighting makes it look so sensual.
Thank you, cute Clem!
Oh yes, I was pleased especially with the last one, with her closing the curtains and smiling back. Very sweet.
God, she is so beautiful. Her smile combined with the tease of her naked body is so hot. How about doing a silhouette of her entire body? Have her undressing, if possible.
Getting the full silhouette has been the issue mainly. Gonna experiment with undressing tags and stuff.
No worries! I’m excited to see the results.

Based cavewoman Nemona. I’m glad cavewomen continue to be a staple of these threads.
I'm getting some interesting results.
Oh my god, those look so beautiful! They look so sweet and intimate. The first one is very nice, it looks like she’s getting ready for class. I love the second one as well, it looks like you’re showering with her and she’s drying off (god, I wish I could get the chance to do that). Those pics are so beautiful, thank you so much.
This one seems like it would have been tricky to get that look
A lot of it is quite a fluke. I am using 2 different images for vibe transfer, tweaking settings to get it somewhat right.
You really love Nemona, huh anon? Thank you for the gushing praise. Just trying to make people smile.
This looks SO KINO. It makes me envious about AI making this cool stuff.
A.I. art is cool, but even a shitty drawing made from the heart has soul and appeal. It's fun to play with this tool, but the control you have with making your own art by hand can't be beat. It's very admirable.
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod those look so beautiful! That is exactly what I was looking for! I love how she has her shirt on in the first one, and I love how she’s tying her hair in the second one. Thank you so much. Those look so beautiful and sensual.
Holy fucking shit, that pic is fantastic! I love how she’s taking off her shirt, and her ponytail looks so beautiful. Her subtle curves look fantastic as well. I love the lighting as well.

I 100% agree with everything you said. I wish I could draw better, though.
: )
God, these pics are so beautiful. I love how they all seem to have her wearing her shirt and nothing else. I love that look. My request was based off a beautiful fic from one of the previous Nemona threads. Thank you so much.
Your very welcome! I sort of forgot there is a whole little pokegirl (and boy) sub-community here. I hope the pics make your fic even more enjoyable! If you'd like, I could make some shirt-only pics of her too.
That pic looks very beautiful! After all those silhouettes, it’s nice to get a good look at her. I love her expression, it looks like you walked in on her while she was changing. Btw, the fic isn’t mine, it’s from another anon.

Yes, please.
I’m gonna need that but Olivia please?
How's this?
Will do, but later.
>I sort of forgot there is a whole little pokegirl (and boy) sub-community here.
That’s kind of one of the main appeals of these threads, at least for me. For a while, the description of these threads even specifically mentioned pokégirls as one of the things that can be showcased here.

I came here because art of naked pokégirls in the official artstyle is something that is impossible to resist. I still come here for that, but the chill vibes of these threads are also a selling point. The regulars here are quite nice, even if not a lot of them are here at the moment.
Workout Shauna please?
Thanks man
Could you be more specific? On it.
No prob.
>Depart to dreamland decrying the desolation of the discourse
>Suddenly Cambrian explosion
Okay, I'm just gonna shotgun a bunch of random shit for a genner to do if they see it later.
>Shieldmaiden Bea
>Skyla cosplaying as Athena with a Rowlet
>Robin Hood Gardenia
>Valkyrie Cynthia
>Guardian angel Lorelei
>A little goober Raichu doing goober things
>A Snorlax in 80s aerobics gear, but still asleep
>Poppy as a fantasy dwarf
Cute! I love that she’s missing her tie, it makes her look ever so slightly more exposed. I love her expression as well, she looks very determined to get intimate with you, even if she’s a bit nervous about it. Can you do more?
Oh yea, I've made a few already. They vary a lot.
Oh my, that's quite a list. I'll tackle some of these for sure.
That looks adorable! I love that it’s just a plain t-shirt, but I can’t explain why. Maybe it was laundry day, and she didn’t have much to wear? Or maybe it’s one of your shirts? Both options are very cute.

I love that one! Her expression is adorable, and her pose and state of undress are so cute. Her stomach looks very nice and toned, and her lack of anything from the waist down is very sexy.

You might want to put some of these behind a catbox link just to be safe.
requesting lillie in a wet swimsuit
Maybe, but I'll probably be okay. No explicit nudity.
That looks very cute! I love how she’s pulling her shirt down to cover herself, I really like that kind of thing.

The second pic is also very cute! She looks very nervous about showing herself off to you.

You’ll probably be okay, but it never hurts to be safe. These pics probably break the rules anyway, but you’ll hopefully be fine if there’s no genitals visible.
(Not mine, just thought this one was really cute)

Was gonna say something like this or her in yoga pants worked just fine! Thanks!
Just woke up, oh I like those!
Can you do some with her platinum outfit? Also with a smug/mean expression if possible (to really bring a rock'n roll vibe).
106+1 pics already? That was fast
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Call the police.
Struck gold once more, I see. Welcome back.
How about Lilligant in a business suit shaking someone's hand to celebrate a successful business transaction?
Also, thanks Satan.
I'll do more requests later tonight.

I cannot get her to wear the suit and shake the guy's hand. It just has the guy wear the suit and Lilligant be normal.
Morning, Machine!
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Yes, can I request Serena upskirts?
cute lil
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Testing stuff, small delivery.
Hey Nemonanon
Neat, thanks!
How are you doing? I see you’ve been gifted another sub. Sweet.
Welcome back, Machine. Glad to see you're doing well.

If you're still taking requests, could we see maid Chloe? Give her a cute blush and smile as she welcomes you home.
May I request Wicke sitting on an exercise ball, please?
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Yup, sniped one from /vg/
Sure, still testing stuff.

Sup guys, it’s Hex. I’m back for my vacation of this place!

Machine got one for you!: Yancy holding a Wooper
Welcome back! It’s so nice to see you again. Looks like these threads are returning to how they once were.
hey there Hex, how are you?

I’m good, just happy to see you mates are alive and well!
I’m going pretty good. My birthday was a couple days ago, and I made a new Nemona thread to celebrate! I’ve also been watching a lot of Pokémon Horizons lately (just finished episode 16), it’s getting quite interesting.
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>Missed birthday

Mate I’m sorry, happy late birthday!
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May I get the rear-view of this please?
Cuties. When you have time later, could you do a couple full-bodies with her?

Happy belated, Nemona. Hope it was a good one.

Good to see you back here Hex, however brief it may be.
No worries! Thanks for that.

>Hope it was a good one.
It was great! I had a fantastic night out with my friends a couple nights prior to celebrate.
Can I get more Cavewoman Jasmine like >>56472539 please?
Requesting Nemona wearing a formal long sleeved dress.
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I don't have my Yancy prompt right now, I'm on my laptop. Remind me later.
Also hi Hex.
Can I get human Lopunny girl on a moonlight date please?
Holy shit they really penalize you if you hit the rate limit now. It's been an hour and I still can't gen.
If you gen a lot in Novel in a short time, you get an error saying you're being rate limited. It used to go away after 10 minutes or so.
Jesus. What’s the point of the rate limit, anyway?
like the rate limit Microsoft put for Bing's generator, it was probably done in response to people creating auto-generate scripts
I saw them linked in the /h/ AI threads
Fair enough, but it’s a bit ridiculous how long the cooldown is now.
>Rate limit
>Even though you paid

…….Did they tell you that you could pay to remove it or something dumb like that?
Nope, you only get rate limited with the 'unlimited' tier. The lower tiers you have to use their currency, the 'unlimited' tier limits the 'unlimited' gens because people want to gen a lot.
Yes, it's stupid and misleading.
The fuck is this shit?

Tribal Pokégirls or Past Paradox Timeline Pokégirls?
Plugging in some old gens into NAI with the same seed is giving me completely different images. Was there an update recently?
Check it's the same sampler and step count. There was an update a little while ago, but I don't think it altered gens that much.
It's a very weird bug. The first time I try importing settings the result is very different. Trying again makes it look like the original image.
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God, she looks beautiful like that.
Requesting Nemona in a sports bikini, surfing
Okay okay
Btw those pics look fantastic. The artstyle is on point.
Not OR, but that looks fantastic! Nemona definitely seems like the type to try surfing at least once. Her bikini looks fantastic as well.
based thread
I’m gonna need that but with Lorelei..

Also just to show dominance can you try and put her in a China dress show she can show off her hips?
Glad you like it. I don't really know what a sports bikini was, but the machine sure did, hehe.
Thanks, but why is machop so scared?
Lorelei coming up
>just to show dominance
What do you mean by this...? :s
>can't do trubbish so it just gave me braxien appearing confused

Love her smile! She looks like she’s asking if you saw her spicy surfing skills. Either that or she’s just showing off her butt. Both scenarios are cute.
I was going for some silly reaction image styled stuff and I'd imagine he could be scared of getting caught by one of "those" girls.
Just seeing if you noticed!
Can you do her surfing naked?
Are you that one furry degenerate who put eyeshadow on Eevee’s? If so I have one thing to say to…

…Nah can’t even make that a joke. Real talk: they’re cute. Any chance for more Sassy Flareon?
oh nemonanon lol
Sorry, I can’t help myself sometimes!
Oh you like sassy Flareons do you anon?
Cute ideas.
Ahh, I see. It's very cute.
I believe that degenerate was actually me...
>Cute ideas.
Thanks! I like writing cute scenarios for requests that get delivered. Btw I meant to say “epic surfing skills” but I guess it autocorrected to “spicy” for some reason.

Those pics look amazing! Looks like Nemona is taking advantage of the private beach behind her house.
This is excellent. I just had a very intense chatbot session about a Flareon.
What about a Flareon, eh?
I just accepted "spicy" as unconventional slang, lol. Glad you liked them, it was a Hell of a struggle to get her actually surfing and not sitting on the surfboard or running in the water.
I fucked it. Was that not clear?
No! I'm shocked!
Flareons are not for fucking, they are for battling anon...
It's going to keep happening.
Believe me, “spicy” is definitely not a slang term I use very often. The pics turned out great! Nemona has a very beautiful body. The waves look fantastic as well.

A more SFW request this time, how about Nemona wearing a formal long sleeved dress? I like to imagine she wears dresses with long sleeves because the sleeves hide her arm brace.
>flareon general
At this point, the next thread might as well be Flareon edition.
Heh maybe. Last one from me, goodnight thread
Goodnight, anon! Hope to request more from you soon! (You’re Ginny Anon, right?)
Naw I'm still here, side-tracked making Helltaker lewds. I'll do that Nemona request now.
No worries. You guys make very similar gens and you first appeared around the same time, so I got confused.
God, she looks so beautiful. I have no words. The feeling of seeing the girl you love in a formal outfit for the first time is something that just can’t describe. Fantastic work.
Alt design. Perhaps she'll get a formalwear costume for Masters or something like that? I don't actually know if Nemona is in masters, but she should be.
That looks beautiful as well! The necklace really adds to her look. Her smile is so precious. She looks so happy to see you.

Nemona is in Pokémon Masters! She has a very nice alternate outfit (pic related). The cheerleader vibe really suits her.
The expression tags are fun to mess with. I like the variety you can get out of it.

Oh very cool! Screamtail is a cute pair pick for her too. Anyway, I'm retiring for the night. It's been a pleasure!
>The expression tags are fun to mess with.
I imagine they would be! Her expressions in your gens are always really cute.

That’s a very nice pic! Her expression is adorable. Nemona is pretty much your personal cheerleader already, especially in the final battle against Koraidon/Miraidon. Although if she were to cheer me on wearing something like that, I probably wouldn’t be able to concentrate. It would do a lot to motivate me, though.

Goodnight, anon! I hope to request more from you soon!
Holy shit, we’ve already hit the image limit. And what a fantastic pic to end it on! What should the OP for the next thread be?
I nominate >>56463830
How long till new thread?
We still have some posts to go before the bump limit is reached. In the meantime, we can make more nominations for the OP.

I'll throw my hat in the ring with any of the following:

dang image reached before i can drop off more cyborgs and a nsfw image set of hexbot.
That's why somebody should make a new thread instead of waiting for bump limit.
How many posts for bump limit?
Why did you bother bumping, imbecile? It was on the way out.
bro what's the point of an AIgen thread in bump limit? Just make a new one, the thread can't fulfill its premise.
meant *image limit
Just a reminder you can put sage in the options field to not bump the thread. Also, does anyone mind if I make the new thread?

Mods on some boards get mad if you make a new thread before the old one 404s.
I'm not going to be back for a while, so go ahead, Machine. If there's other info you feel needs to be included in that second post we have, this is the chance to do so.
This thread reached the image limit, request it here: >>56476903

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