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Your very own guardian/knight bride pet wife
what did they meant with this
she is a pet, she is happy that way
eigo izu beri beri haado
purizu andaasutando
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She took the name of her husband
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She'll only be a knight for a sir but not for a madam
Gardevoir and her canonically large boobs!
Drinking gardemilk every morning!
Against my will!
Never did get drawfag to do gardevoir on a motorcycle...
Your Gardevoir should always be psychically fit AND physically fit! No man should have to fear his partner can't carry him out of a burning building!
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why didn't she just see the future and stopped her trainer from pissing off ninetales
Loyal to the end...
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What happened to the last thread?
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Cute and wholesome
Scratch all the other pats but pet, it's just funny to me that these powerful creatures are nothing but hamsters at the end of the day
I just noticed the Ralts onesie the baby is wearing, that is adorable.
just ignore that wally had a male gardevoir, it was always a gallade, even in gen 3
didn't get bumped I think
It's a Gardevoir in Masters but I do prefer him having a Gallade to contrast Diantha
It was removed.
That's weird.
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my girlfriend mocked gardevoir's chest spike today lads
it might be over
the chest spike is the coolest thing about gardevoir, its rad and looks like candy
stop calling your hand a girlfriend, it's weird

I like when people draw it translucent like a crystal.
I regret to inform you this is the actual state of an actual big tiddy goth gf. She prefers Braixen.
>big tiddy goth gf
Ah yes, the edgy bimbo trope, everyone has one of those..

>prefers Braixen
Why no one likes Delphox, only pedos like Braixen, your gf is a pedo, why are you with that pedo!?
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How are you supposed to titfuck a Gardevoir if she has those spikes above her chest?
grace, finesse, and dexterity
I remember playing Ruby or Sapphire for the first time. Picking torchic, catching a Ralts like Wally did, and getting an Aron in a cave. I was not disappointed what they all evolved into. Truly the most memorable gaming experience, and I played Red and Silver countless times prior to that.
Gardevoir is a cutie.
Thumbnails making me see things..
Internet ruined my mentality..
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Casual reminder that off-model Kirlias/Gardevoirs are canon and the pokedex proves it.
>It is said that a Kirlia that is exposed to the positive emotions of its Trainer grows beautiful. This Pokémon controls psychokinetic powers with its highly developed brain.
-PokeDex entry for Ruby/Omega Ruby

>MFW a Kirlia's growth and development can be affected by surrounding emotions.
>MFW Trainers constantly expose their Kirlia's to lewd and lascivious thoughts to guide their physical development to make them more physically attractive to humans.
Gardevoir would never commit such a heinous transgression. You should know Shaunberg.
You should break up with her unironically.
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i dont think she would do that shaun
Gardevoir would be my friend and girlfriend and we'd go on walks together and cuddle
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Would she let you stick it in her ass?
No, I'll let her stick it in my ass
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hell yeah brother
Unfathomably based
My Gardevoir is male.
the spike is her heart, that makes the difficulty hotter
her dick is massive
I would deepthroat every inch of it
Anyone know where that anon got that one 3D model from? The one with the gummy worm in her mouth from a while ago? I know who the artist is but can't find it in their newgrounds gallery.
this makes sense, gardevoirs ability being trace already lets it modify its body to copy all sorts of weird stuff, growing breasts is probably nothing
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Giant mitts
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their love is real
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I really like when Iron Valiant is portrayed as something converted from a Gardevoir or Gallade, like something that's been lost
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we can go flatter
>Used gardevoir
>Used iron valiant
i'm gonna need the best gallade's moveset for platinum
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We need an evil Gardevoir regional variant
>It's a Gardevoir in Masters
Normal Wally has a Gallade, his Sygna Suit alt has a shiny Gardevoir.
So that's what happened to the shiny Ralts he caught.
These gripper are making me act up
I must smooch and hold them
shiny mega garde already feels like the "evil gardevoir". it should be the villain mon of ZA
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sprite I did for infinite fusion
I really like it but I'm not a huge fan of how IF became all references and stuff. That's not your fault though and your idea is well within the scope of the project.

It's very good and she's very pretty.
From the thumbnail I thought that it was a fertilization globe
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Iron Valiant basically fills that concept already. Its dex entry states outright that it's "cruel" and will KOS anything or anyone that stands in its way
My bad it was in a magazine entry not the dex, but my point still stands
love bla bla bla bla
nahh, evil gardevoir needs to be a seductress fairy, not a robot
false swipe
mean look
Not exactly. It's true that it's cruel, but I wanted a reverse spin on Gardevoir. Instead of being an empathetic lady that calms trainers and pokemons, someone manipulative, seductive and mischievious that feeds on intense emotions and causes troubles for fun. Like a female counterpart to Grimmsnarl.

I don't really like megas, although her design is good.

Yes that's right! I like that you got the succubus interpretation without making her porny. Obviously though it couldn't fly in a game or even hack rom, because it's too referential to Morrigan, it would need to be more subtle and with less details.
Anons help me name my Gardevoir in Legends Arceus. I always name her myself but I thought I'd let my /vp/ bros do it for once

>Timid nature

She'd make for a great Mystery Dungeon villain design as well.
As a little boy I had a HUGE hate crush on Team Charm. The "ewww, girls" child mentality doesn't match well with early puberty.
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melee garde is so funny to me
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I'm gonna draw her, sirs!
Sana is BEEEG
Sana is like Smith for gardevoirs. everyone had a Sana
Don't name a gardevoir "sana", that's like naming a human "huma".
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i will name my cat 'cat' if i want to
draw her!

holy fuck that crotch is making me sweat
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How about Vesna? It's a Serbian name, quite cute if you ask me.
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Shaunathan, you need to get some help.
Sure thing, Shaun.

What if the Kirlia's trainer has a huge pregnancy fetish?


Dawn's Promise
Morning Star
cute garde
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It's funny how Shaun keeps coming back here, just makes me gladder every time he pops up that my top fav Pokémon doesn't have any content for him to use.
I feel sorry for you guys about Gardevoir being in every spectrum of degeneracy that you'll have to deal with this often..

Still a Better Love Story than Twilight
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physical gardevoir is based
That's pretty nice
Id commission you if i had a project warranting it
My name is Shaun and idk who this namefag is.
I come here maybe twice a year for art threads and it throws me off every time because I forget.
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Shaun is the name of the guy who posts vore in every thread because he is insane. You're Other Shaun, we don't hate you.
I'm not a fan of the u shawns. Need more w shawns
>you will never get facefucked by Gardevoir
Gardevoir spotted >>56485293
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i hope the next legends game keeps the alpha mons
Are you intentionally trying to summon the one who should not be named!?
Alphas are overrated..
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why live...
this is what I want in life. For Garde to hold my weary head and tell me it's going to be okay
Shawn is the incorrect spelling. Shaun is the correct latin spelling closer to the nsme its derived from: John.
I post big titty gardevoir and lopunny, im not much better depending who you ask.
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>I post big titty gardevoir and lopunny
So, you're the one who keeps getting the threads fragged!
That's right! His name is probably some shit like shaunberg or shaunstein.
Notice how shaunberg, as a yid, has no spelling errors when typing in his native language, yiddish. Meanwhile, whenever he tries to type in English, so many typos abound. This alone is enough to out shaunstein as a filthy jew, who was kicked out of Nasser Yorat University and not New York as he tries to imply, and was rejected from the University of Tel-Aviv and not UTM. As a member of a (((tribe))) with a professional victim complex, shaunberg's only available instinct when punched by a single pajeet was to curl up and beg for mercy, then play the victim later, rather than fight back like a real man would.
An ideal case in point!
Notice how shaunberg, as a yid, has no spelling errors when typing his yidjabber like "HASBARA". Meanwhile, whenever he tries to type in English, so many typos abound. This alone is enough to out shaunstein as a filthy jew, who was kicked out of Nasser Yorat University and not New York as he tries to imply, and was rejected from the University of Tel-Aviv and not UTM. As a member of a (((tribe))) with a professional victim complex, shaunberg's only available instinct when punched by a single pajeet was to curl up and beg for mercy, then play the victim later, rather than fight back like a real man would.
Unfortunately for shaunberg, the kike, I don't have a pager for him to blow up. Maybe he can try to blow up my desktop, despite its superb cooling system, but he'll need to get through my proxies and routers first. Except shaunberg is one of the kikes who was born with a horrendously low IQ, and had to ask his shitcord troon kikes for help on how to ban evade in the first place.
Notice how shaunberg, as a yid, has no spelling errors when typing in his native language, yiddish. Meanwhile, whenever he tries to type in English, so many typos abound. This alone is enough to out shaunstein as a filthy jew, who was kicked out of Nasser Yorat University and not New York as he tries to imply, and was rejected from the University of Tel-Aviv and not UTM. As a member of a (((tribe))) with a professional victim complex, shaunberg's only available instinct when punched by a single pajeet was to curl up and beg for mercy, then play the victim later, rather than fight back like a real man would.
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the threads are getting deleted because they die off becuase no one here actually makes gardevoir content and its 1 or 2 dudes ERPing with each other
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>no one here actually makes gardevoir content
I do but I'm not welcome here because I like my Gardevoir to be able to smell and noses are haram to these dorks.
Noses don't exist anon they're a myth
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Well I still think they're cute and totally work on Gardevoir!
if gardevoir was in that pikachu movie from a few years ago, it would have probably had a nose
I don't think so, they didn't give noses to any of the noseless Pokémon in there, but they would've given it eyelashes, hair textures, and skin textures though
I also really like the messy hair Gardevoir we've been seeing lately. Noses, messy hair, and flushed skin!
I don't visit here frequently enough to frag threads
I keep my posting within ToS, skirt the lines so to speak
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I enjoy the addition of alphas.
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>Pokémon representing feeling and emotion
>she bonds with you more and more over time
>she uses her psychic and amorphous-egg group biology to grow wide curvy hips and big porcelain breasts
>she requests you, her friend, to help her experience all the feelings of human copulation
>you fuck her tight porcelain quim hard as she closes her eyes and savours this experience
>she can psychically and empathetically feels your own pleasure and orgasm, subsequently increasing her own pleasure and causing a sort of feedback loop
>later, you come back from your job and find her furiously schlicking her dripping sex
>she requests harder and more extreme pleasures
>you're extreme sexual experiences with Gardevoir now consist of railing her pale anus with lubricated sandpaper wrapped around your cock, pussy torture with wax, figging her pussy with raw ginger, genital piercing.
>she cock and ball tortures you until your dick is purple, sore and pulsating spastically
>Gardevoir's descent into the furthest regions of experience are become deeper and deeper
>one day you turn on the lights in your dark bedroom after a long day of work almost faint at what you find
I just want my shiny mega gardevoir back, that's all
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>One day, by the power of Eldritch smokey Arceus, this Gardevoir suddenly is able to speak.
>It's slow, and hard to understand, but over time she begins to communicate decently to the family that raised her so lovingly.
>Since any kid with a pokeball can force a pokemon to evolve through battle, the fact it took decades for her to evolve meant they cared about her a great deal to not cause her any harm.
>All the more reason she loves them.
>Not so much a pet anymore, she's a member of the family, has a spot at the table and everything.
I crave evil Gardevoir
Is he like the peridot spammer from /co/?
My guy, this is beautiful. Tell me, where can I find more of your art?
Thanks. There is some coombait here and there, so beware
>There is some coombait
Thanks for the heads-up.
I love that your Gardevoirs are on model. And also how you gave them a very "lady of the lake" aura. It's gorgeous. Could almost be canon if GF was a bit more based.
Much appreciated
Oh yeah.
This is the good stuff
I don't like sexualized mons at all so this is a huge compliment from me! Keep it up anon
Don't post sad gardevoir.
Post happy gardevoir.
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Can we post creepy Gardevoir?
Please fucking do.
I like it when they blush green like a homestuck character
kind of. Peridot guy makes threads but shaun spams in every thread
Well lately peridot guy has been spamming threads too, like in the Ms. Co thread. Same shit, different anus I suppose.
>blush green like a homestuck
This post has made me violently angry.
You are now imagining Gardevoir drawn with Troll Horns.
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i also like green nipples and when she's green Down There so blush makes sense to be green too
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I never had 3rd Gen games when she came out. I always thought she was a Psychic/Plant Type. Was surprised they made her a Psychic/Fairy.
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Incorrect! Blush is a result of blood being visible beneath the skin, the nipples gain their coloration though pigment. Also, fun fact: Shiny Gardevoir's skin has a slight pink tint to it when compaired side by side with Base Gardevoir in the 3Ds titles, I'm not too sure about the switch titles as I haven't bothered checking.
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You want to fuck Gardevoir.
I want to be her slave.
We are not the same.
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Pokemon are still, essentially, animals. Are there some foods they shouldn't eat? Would giving my Gardevoir Pringles kill her?
Love it.
It's safe to assume any Pokémon in the Human-like egg group can eat the same stuff as Humans, also she's in the Amorphous as well which is none as the blob/gas Pokémon meaning can't have food poisoning, so put it simple she can eat almost anything.
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>so put it simple she can eat almost anything.
including (You) spooky!
gardevoir is probably mostly fine to eat human food but too much would be bad for her i think. They're very lithe and probably not made to eat too much. Most animals with big brains do eat a lot but Gardevoir has the whole empathy thing and once you get magic involved all bets are off on biology
Vriskevoir is a horrid idea please draw it anybody
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Your Gardevoir turned into a human?
>They're very lithe and probably not made to eat too much
They're probably lithe because they can''t get enough calories since the human brain burns roughly 40% of what we intake and this leads to humans consuming way more food than other mammals with similar body sizes. One could only imagine what a brain developed enough to possess psychic powers would consume. Chances are most wild gardevoir are malnourished and the ones living in places where food is plentiful or with humans are meatier due to being able to get more food to fuel that massive brain.
Are Gardevoirs smarter than humans?
Well I'm working, I'll get to it when I get home.
>I was thinking Aradia
Pokemon steered away from Pokemon being monsters ever since gen 3 pivoted toward friends and pets. But that in mind, i still like to see gardevoir as a monster with their empath powers. Cool and wierd alien elf thing that's unnaturally svelte.

Gardevoir appeals as much to monster fuckers as they do people go "Hnnng cute waifu".
They probably have immense learning capacity but the uptake could be slow. It is now believed that the human brain getting much larger than it is now would slow our thinking and making us slower to learn, react and even cause hallucinations if it was too large for signals to get to where they need to.
The uptake could be slow? What do you mean? Is there anything in the pokedex or elsewhere about their mental capacity?
Whether or they're smarter, using more of their brain to manifest supernatural forces would take more energy away. That's just a variable added on.

I'd say potentially smarter than humans as a baseline for many psychic pokemon too. Gardevoir uses their powers to read minds more or less so they would socially be more wise and perceptive.
Does this mean that, were pokemon real, we could see actual differences between "Domesticated" Gardevoirs, the ones that live near population centers that are easy to catch, "Pet" Gardevoirs which are cared for more by their owner, and truly "Feral" Gardevoirs?
I could see Ferals being far slimmer, more aggressive, and far more crude in their intelligence yet still high for a Pokemon.
Domestic ones would be the ones we know of mostly, as they've been raised around humans and tend to get along with them even if they haven't been captured.
The ones we'd call pet Gardevoirs may weigh more, and may naturally have a bit more curve and fat to them, as well as being far more intelligent, depending on the trainer.
In many ways. I could see them figure out logic puzzles, and maybe possess the intelligence of a human child, but maybe not too much further.
i have a feeling they are smarter than us, but try to avoid leaving in large groups because they're sensitive and would be easily traumatized by conflicts and human troubles. Which is why I believe a regional form that makes them evil, cunning and almost parasitic would work. Humans have Gengars too, after all
>she can psychically and empathetically feels your own pleasure and orgasm, subsequently increasing her own pleasure and causing a sort of feedback loop
That is my fetish.
I tried writing a fanfic one time and one of the elements was that Gardevoir who are loved and happy have bright shiny horns, and Gardevoir who are unhappy have dim and faded looking horns.
>The ones we'd call pet Gardevoirs may weigh more, and may naturally have a bit more curve and fat to them, as well as being far more intelligent,
This is actually something you can observe in many species, yes. Domestic and Pet animals tend to be larger than they would be if encountered out in the wild and they do display higher intelligence in testing. A gardevoir that's lived with people all its life would probably be very intelligent as there are dogs that somewhat grasp the concept of exchanging money for goods.
I couldn't say where the extra mass on their body would go though.
Im gonna write a fanfic in the vein of a scientific model detailing biological changes and differences between various Gardevoirs based on environment, upbringing, diet, and breeding. The guy writing in it will be called... Uh. Hmm.

Professor Stump.
Did this man just make Garde Tits and Ass canon?
Depending on how the Gardevoir is raised, and what they would be doing, we could see them for various things.
>A Gardevoir raised on a farm that helps out may become a bit more toned, helping to move things and work with her hands.
>A Gardevoir raised in an urban environment may, depending on that environment, become more aware of surroundings and slower, having some toned legs to get around and may learn to take the bus.
>A Show Gardevoir man be bred to accentuate specific features, like horn shape and color, hair piece, eye size, slimness.
>Standard pet Gardevoirs adopted from shelters, either as they are or raised from Ralts, may be softer and a bit of a lazy, doting lap pokemon.
>Gallades may be raised in inner cities to be used in the equivalent to Pokemon Dogfights, being aggressive, developing sharper arm blades, muscles, and a desire to eat children like Pitbulls.
Yes he did.
Can't see them getting as big as how SaltyXodium would draw them, but definitely noticable.
>I couldn't say where the extra mass on their body would go though.
Butt and thighs
That's a very well loved Gardevoir, to never worry about food, fighting, or anything. Have her watch the kids and you're fine.
>Somewhat chubby Gardevoir is told to watch the baby while Mom and Dad run a few errands.
>Come home to find them both asleep on the couch.
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kek. To be fair I think a Slowking would have behaved the same.
I'm pretty sure this means Gardevoir have a greater appetite than their frame would suggest and likely have a very fast working stomach capable of expanding to the end of holding quite a bit of food. Do not leave them in the kitchen unattended: They WILL make sandwiches.
She's just special.
Autism aside, they should have programmed different behaviours depending on the pokemon category, not just their type. Slowkings can talk ffs
Do not deny your Gardevoir the calories she requires!
I want to give my Gardevoir a Tauros Burger.
Medium rare.
Caramelized Onions and mushrooms.
fits with the horns and the hair swoops on the side of garde's head.
A Gallade is trying to serenade your Gardevoir outside the window with a boombox playing Peter Gabriel songs. What do you do?
pull out my own and send that wide-hipped elbow freak to the spirit in the sky w/ my chandelure
He's just looking for love, Norman, why must you be so violent?
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if only
My Gardevoir is kind of a bitch and is likely prepping a moonblast the moment she detects his presence.
What's her nature?

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