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Last Time:
>Empire won't stop haunting us
>RG, Bunken and I try out Pokemon Atlas
>It's a pretty kino and visually stunning spic game that sadly has quite a few flaws
>Mercury continues through Bizarre
>Tiramisu finishes chapter 12 of Empire and unsurprisingly finds it to be shit
>And up next we have......fucking Undertale but Pokemon, please kill me

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator
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I like that you can at least get nature mints in this game, but them being dropped via random chance as rewards for the Rolycoly mingame kinda sucks, granted the minigame is fun at least.
And the minigame is starting to occasionally crash my game, cripes.
>Lawds has pulse3 now via a password
>Also gives the player access via a different password
kinda based t b h, both sides being password only (for now) is nice
Can't wait for more availability retardation based on player potentially using a password for pulse3 thoughever
Either unbreakable ties or low difficulty unbound is probably the easiest of those three
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And the power flickering doesn't fucking stop.........siiiiiigh.....
I'm also really not getting any good mints, scheisse.
Thankfully it only happened once, not sure why T B H.
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>Puts a minigame that gives the player mints
>Doesn't program half the mints into the game
Welp, I take back what I said about a single crash so far.
> Tiramisu finishes chapter 12 of Empire and unsurprisingly finds it to be shit

Hey, not what I’ve said :p … I’ve said, and I quote, ahem:

I didn’t hate Empire as passionately as you seem to do, but neither did I love it. If I had to find one word for it, it’d be CUMBERSOME.

It isn’t pure shit, for that the ingredients are too good. But it’s like watching an inept cook turn good ingredients into a mediocre meal.

The setting - not to be conflated with the story - is really good and what draws you in. However, the ratio of long-winded dialogue to substance over 12 chapters is atrocious. Really not much has happened in the main Royale plot, the really few exciting moments came from the Virgil/OriGen side (?) plot.

The gameplay has so much effort put into it, yet it is so purposefully anti-fun. Toliman or Rastaban are lessons on how not to design gameplay. The moments where I felt “I’m having fun” are very far and between, overall, so much just wastes your time and forces you to follow guides slavishly.

The unequivocally good, for a breather: The map design is extremely varied and has character, so that deserves praise. The Fakemon are subdued and mostly well-made. There are noticeable efforts to make every shitmon viable through niche mechanics. The difficulty is just right.

So yeah, those are my thoughts on it. Very mixed. And the resolution of chapter 12 makes me skeptical whether the writers are capable of ever delivering something satisfying.
I still laugh like a madman every time I recall how badly Clay buckbroke yurifags on this board.
So I took on Unbound in difficult mode. I’ve already played Insurgence from the same creator (?), found it quite sucky - especially on the story front - so I’d be surprised if this is good.
Kek, fair enough, but summations are needed sometimes, I really wished Octavius could just get that massive stick he has up his arse to actually listen to people's criticism of his game instead of focusing on shit nobody likes or wants, he needs to curb the dialogue down, considering he supposedly browses these threads every time someone plays Empire, it's very likely he just doesn't care it.
Unbound has neat features but it's a very dull game and with a lot of really questionable features and a lot of bloat, I wouldn't call it bad due to the sheer amount of effort that went into it, but the game ain't that interesting for what's worth.
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>A tribe that knows birds are very important
>Sunny Day available this early
Unbound and Insurgence were made by completely different devs
Octavius has a Discord server full of contributors and players praising his game. I don’t think he’s often confronted with the thought it may use some improvement.

But if he’s in need for constructive criticism for whatever reason, I think I’ve written it up. Albeit I don’t believe someone reads our schizo ramblings here lol.

Hm, no idea where I got that info from then.
he has a channel called 'player-feedback'. the incredibly minor suggestions that have basically zero impact on anything sometimes get implemented.
the major critiques about how the game handles it's gameplay/story especially during certain sections either get pushback from octavius/stoicstone themselves or are completely ignored. this complaint about the toliman boulders was before ep10.5 when they were trying to revamp the whole game to make it more palatable for new players lol

>I don’t believe someone reads our schizo ramblings here
they do, at least sometimes.
whether they actually take anything to heart is another story entirely. RG and I copy/pasted essentially our reviews for vanguard into a google docs feedback form and that game did focus its next update on addressing things we didn't like, when 99% of that server unquestionably suck that dev's cock. on the other hand octavius and stoicstone definitely think they're smarter than anyone who criticizes their game. so really just depends.

>gives the player access to PULSE3 with just a password
motoxissies...our response?
>Odyssey getting a .5 update
it's over
Fun melty to watch unfold over in reborncord though kek
>motoxissies...our response?
The ubercat's power grows...ignore that it's other two abilities are shit kek
Rebornchuds, it's over, we're now part of the rethuglican antiwoke nazi party....
>>Odyssey getting a .5 update
Tbf, he got this out really quickly and it seems we're still on track for December release
Not like rejuv or whatever is going on with azure
>Not like rejuv or whatever is going on with azure
it'd take a lot of shit to end up like those two tbf, Azure especially has been really embarrassing in it's .5 kek
Wouldn't you still need a fresh team to EV train though? It just feels bad to bench everyone you had, then go grind for EVs instead of adventure which interrupts the normal flow of the game.
I thought you were exaggerating so I checked their discord. The first mention of 2.5 is in June, 2023! It's been a year and 3 months and there's no indication of even a 1.5 coming out. Truly a massive fumble.
Yeah as far as this goes, it really is just a graphical/QoL update and such. what a concept kek
You probably want to switch down to Difficult then
You can probably use the same team all throughout with some decent planning and EV training once, but you will probably need to EV train
It doesn't get talked about but there was also a 2 year gap between the first and second update. The game literally started off with a worse version of the 13/13.5 debacle kek
Like I've said, had they just stuck their nose to the grindstone they probably would be at Act 4 at this point. Sucks that Empire has to be the new rebornlike we have to "look forward to"
>Nearly all of the aelitakino after the garufa section was removed
it's so fucking OVER bros
>be me
>make mod of rejuv
>insert gen 9 into the game (when rejuv will do this already)
>insert kino cutscenes with fun characters like aelita, then proceed to take it away for no real reason
>make a bunch of retarded balance changes that are entirely unnecessary, nerf fun mons for no good reason and maybe make a handful of shitmons good
>adjust maybe 10% of the fights in the game, and the 90% that's left is either just imported intense teams from v13 rejuv or slightly reshuffled classic mode teams with max EVs and some better items

what did wingdings mean by this?
i hope he used this time to get a little better at script/codeshit if absolutely nothing else
alright....i think it's time to kill CHAOS
Thoughts race around my head to my fingernails
They keep comin' like a hammer pounding on my brain
Gotta fight it, gotta hold on to my sanity
But there's a rage burning slowly deep inside of me
>do you want one of the two interesting fakemons or just a basic ass chikorita
how the FUCK is this even a question

of course i'll go with chikorita
>the flowers on the overworld have solid hitboxes and you can't walk behind them
it's so fucking over

>literally like 10 lines of texts of being given radical reddit's 'QOL package'
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literally already a better depiction of palkia than [REDACTED]
>the mom event in your house doesn't work anymore
>4chan ate my post a few times
uh oh did i post from a copypasta that jinny jin and the automod didn't like

get a life you fucking losers
Well done lawdskeks, you've finally made me infiltrate your shitcord to see the reasoning behind this retardation
>p-punching people is le bad and we don't want to send the wrong message!!
>i don't really care about the message, i just didn't like it anymore so i removed it
Like okay fine, if you think some shit leans too much into cringe fanfiction territory and want to remove it, sure, but
>>part of why riolu gift works so well is bc theres meaningful gameplay attached to it, you get a cool new guy
I can all but guarantee 90+% of the people who've played this mod would've liked the scene just as much if you didn't gave the player anything, faggots, the free riolu didn't carry that scene
I'm not even only mad because I like Aelita, but that last part is really retarded, you can still have kino scenes even if you don't get free shit out of it, and the free shit almost never has a (significant) impact on the kino
I don't even know what the fuck they mean in that last post
I don't remember any crashes outside of leaving hometown without a pokemon, but definitely keep the game unmuted because some of the jokes like AI Carl are soundgags, and the theme that plays when you fight alpha/totem pokemon is fucking great
>it's a ytboi
it's so over

inb4 'removed for encouraging school shooting'

>>>>>>>>>>>>>the riolu is why the aelitakino works
holy fucking shit kek
this mod really should've just been a slam dunk in so many ways, how did they fuck it up with retarded squabbling like this

also punching texen is based fuck that faggot. i know why they don't like the punch texen thing, it's because rejuv-general is apparently a shithole and constantly calls for ritual texen blood sacrifices and they don't like that. but come on you're not filleting the fag's dick or anything you're just punching him after he's being a tard (and hell, they already le discourage it with the party hype dropping and everything)
of all things i was expecting i was not expecting route side bosses?

basically a leftoid came in, called the whole pokemon fangame community racist/sexist because dark rising has gotten shit on more than it should be because the creator being a black woman, tards on rebornevo took extreme offense to that and had an ultra chuddy meltdown in response, was hilarious watching some of the masks come off

he's trying to say 'you're basically the woke version as someone who criticizes games because they're made by niggers' but badly
>but definitely keep the game unmuted
don't worry, i am
i'm annoyed that i can't recognize a lot of these songs
I think some of them are commissioned, or if not made by someone as part of an 8-bit album, Xdeviruchi
>ability that rolls a die and produces a random effect each turn, from healing you to full to putting both sides to sleep in a nightmare
i literally heard a vein in finchinator's temple pop from thousands of miles away

this bitch is looking real crusty
It's a good thing the dev left the debug activator in your room then kek
Yeah it's really fucking retarded
That's difficultyfaggots for you, I suppose
huh, i thought it was like some shit where they're from certain old meme games that you'd get a laugh if you recognized it
maybe that's the feel they were going for, idk

like here this is the doom theme and it got a chuckle out of me
oh definitely most of them are memes, but a few aren't
harder to catch this guy than level 1 promised consort radahn

it actually wasn't that bad desu, easier than malenia kek. i also did before they nerfed the gay incest fags

kek. vinceGODS...
you're a manic, congrats on that kek
topfucking kek

man i always keep thinking this is an emdasche song

thanks kek
it's definitely stockholm syndrome but i started unironically enjoying radahn by the end of it, on the other hand ironically i found romina and metyr to be way fucking worse

stop eating my posts and stop having pajeets fix this site, gookmoot
he's become so strong bros....
I like how intentionally shit the eventing is sometimes kek

better looking than most gen 8 and 9 pokemon TEE BEE AYTCH desu ne
He's the frogadier literally right next to the faggot
thanks, kek, i'm a retard and got jewed by the zorua
a spanish fangame at heart i see
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I did too kek, though the gym seems to hint at his location too
why are trainers suddenly level 30 kek
something's wrong with my bee snake thing, bros.

i did actually think he was on the glitchy roof of the building too kek
i had to do a double take and remember that i didn't call my character CUNT or something like that that i usually do kek
>water absorb graveler
>live camera feed from florida
>he's just watching our battle
the servine ended up rolling a curse on itself and a double omniboost kek

the people down there are scarier than the gators on meth, tbf
now hear me out

correlation may not imply causation, but there is a definite positive trend between good games and pokefucker incidences (unless your name is soulstones and empyrean, in which case fuck you)
Power finally fucking stabilized a bit to the point I can turn my PC again without risking it exploding.
I'll probably pick Atlas back up in a bit after I'm done with chores and I cooled down from the massive headache I got from screaming on the phone for hours, how's Chaos so far?
Holy fucking shit dude, every single time they just keep shitting the bed harder and harder.
if ties was the one with the vaporeon jumpscare then you're unfortunately correct kek
>human fossil (probably from (((africa))))

it's okay, i wish the maps were a bit tighter, presentation a bit better and the jokes a bit better/more frequent. part of the problem is that misty orange has kind of ruined these kind of silly meme games
did you know there's an entire subreddit specifically for hating this bitch

i wonder what elgin air force base or whatever propaganda center reddit is run out of thinks about those kinds of subs

well, it also had the moaning vaporeon rare candy dispenser
>You're forced to run into a landmine at the end
haha...can't wait to see how much further down they go desu
what's ligma
what kek

probably taking a break for now
While I know the mapping is ironically shit, it does start to get annoying having the maps be so fuckhuge that I get lost trying to leave

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