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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading.

>Thread Question
Tournament arcs - How to write them? How not to write them? Why or why not to write them? How much is enough? How much is too much?

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Just put up the first chapter of my first fanfic attempt in [checks watch] like eight years. Still trying to get back into the groove of writing so if you have any feedback I'd really appreciate it. Hoping to keep around a weekly update schedule.

>Tournament arcs - How to write them? How not to write them? Why or why not to write them? How much is enough? How much is too much?
It's Pokemon, I don't think it's unwarranted to have a good tournament arc in a story that's primarily about the journey of a trainer and not a more self-contained plot. Just don't be as dumb about it as the anime got sometimes.
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>How to write them?
Have a cast of interesting characters and teams first and foremost. The important ones must leave a mark on readers.
Have in-between episodes unrelated to the matches, keep some matches in the background, or make the tournament itself short if it's not endgame.
Only do six-versus-six in semi-finals and finals, everything else will just make reading through battles exhausting

>How not to write them?
Throwing whatever characters with no interesting aspects to their personality or teams. Also wasting full matches on unimportant characters.
Going with several tournaments in short timespans.
Writing a gorillion 6v6 matches

>Why or why not to write them?
If your MC is a trainer or your cast is primarily composed of those, you can only really show their worth in tournaments and crises.

>How much is enough?
One long tournament is enough (top 256 at most), and even then, only fully show the MC's matches and the important ones involving other characters.
For short tournaments, however, it doesn't matter so long as they don't overstay their welcome. Just don't do more than three.

>How much is too much?
When you write a long-ass tournament detailing all matches, many of which you could've easily summarized or cut to one moment.
And, for the love of everything, don't start and end a rivalry in the same tournament.
>"Hehe, wouldn't it be funny if we suddenly started building artificial tension between Kiawe and Gladion despite both characters barely interacting with each other?"
That shit sucks.
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>Tournament arcs - How to write them? How not to write them? Why or why not to write them?
The easiest way to kill all momentum in your story is with a shitty tournament arc, especially if you go out of your way to show every single fight. Some of the most heavily shitposted fics here (e.g. Reset Bloodlines) are prime examples of how NOT to do a tournament arc.
The naruto fanfic community treats the Chunin Exams as a giant meme because of how easy it is for a story's pacing to grind to a halt and/or force the authors into burnout. Many writers decide to write every single fight out rather than skip a few with a summary.
>How much is enough? How much is too much?
Having a tournament every couple of towns before you get to the big League Tournament is perfectly fine, as long as you keep scope in mind.
I’m writing a fanfic, but it’s my first time writing Pokémon battles. I have an excerpt here, and I’d like to see if there’s anything I can improve on.

(The link is in pic related, I can’t actually post the link because of the spam filter)
I considered editing the webm in some way to make the hat fit better but decided it was too much work for a visual gag that would disappear in a matter of hours.

Don't ask me why, but the spam filter only has a problem with the .co domain, while rentry.org works just fine.
>Don't ask me why, but the spam filter only has a problem with the .co domain, while rentry.org works just fine.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! That’s much better.
The pacing and sentence structure are both problems here, it basically goes:
>He did this. She did that, which is that. He did this next, which counters that. Then this hit her, and he followed up with other thing.
Every sentence reads practically the same with the attacks and Pokémon switched out, it's all so matter-of-fact with very little flavor. It also kind of glosses over things without elaborating or giving any detail before moving onto the next, it makes the whole battle just kind of whizz by while also making it feel like nothing has really happened. It almost reads like a transcription of the battle messages in game with some very basic work done to reword it into a story.

Try actually describing the use of each attack, instead of merely stating it happened.
>Porygon-Z used thunderbolt, which dealt a considerable amount of damage, but Lycanroc was able to take the hit regardless.
Should be something more like:
>Porygon-Z's body tensed up for a moment, as if building up energy, before it suddenly began to flail wildly as it let loose a bolt of electricity right at Lycanroc! The attack came faster than the canine could react, catching it off-guard and causing it to howl out in pain as electricity arced through its muscles. It was a formidable move—but the Rock-type wasn't down for the count just yet.
Pretty unpolished and definitely something I'd reword a couple times on my editing passthrough, but hopefully good enough to demonstrate what I mean.
>Tournament arcs
I would never touch them, but for those that do care I would tell them to take a look at Reset Bloodlines to learn what NOT to do
When it comes to using non-regional pokemon in a certain region, I'm of the opinion: "there are over a thousand pokemon, use them." I understand not everyone feels the same.

But I'm curious on if I'm going overboard on a specific thing. The protag of an Isekai slop project I'm developing is a Faller, and Space Time Distortions are spawning around the region, causing a myriad of pokemon that aren't native to that region to suddenly exist there via leaving the Distortions or trainers catching them while in the Distortions. Is this too radical for a hyper-autist audience?
I think it would be fine so long as the distortions have a reason to exist and aren't clearly just an excuse to throw exotic pokemon at the main character.
And the latter point is a big if, because a lot of people are into that kind of shamelessly biased-to-the-MC writing.
Thanks for your feedback. The battle isn’t really the main part of the story, so that might be why it feels a bit rushed. I guess I’m just eager to get to the good part.

>It almost reads like a transcription of the battle messages in game with some very basic work done to reword it into a story.
It kind of is, yeah. I haven’t watched much of the anime (besides a few spotlight episodes), so my view of the Pokémon world is very rooted in the games, and it’s quite rigid as a result (things need to happen in a certain way and in a specific order, all that kind of stuff). I’ve been watching Horizons and reading the SV manga, so I’ll hopefully become more flexible with my writing.

Again, thank you so much for your feedback. Jeez, this writing thing is tougher than I thought! I’ve only ever written prose before this, so it’s quite a big step up from what I’m used to.
The Distortions are central to the plot and are symptoms of the ultimate antagonist's attempted plan. Basically the Distortions have been going on in Alola for a few months and societal cohesion has broken down, leaving Ula'Ula Island to be in basic anarchy, causing the strongest trainers of certain areas to be de-facto warlords of the island competing against each other for resources/power. Protag Isekais to Ula'Ula, joins Team Skull, and tries to re-establish order amidst the chaos. Might have been very inspired by the Sengoku Jidai (and I unironically thought I wasn't a mega-weeb before this).

Just thinking out loud here, but I didn't want the story to be a standard "eight gyms, elite four, defeat a champion" thing, but it turns out I've got 8 "warlords" the protag will have to defeat, the overall antagonist has 4 lieutenants as a "4 horsemen of the apocalypse" reference, and the ultimate antagonist might as well be the champion battle. Funny how things work.
>4 horsemen of the apocalypse
cringe and overdone, think of something new
This is revolutionary for Pokémon fanfiction.
Albet I'd like to see them as their own force rather than minions.
minions you say
I think I have a revolutionary idea for Pokemon fanfiction
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The four are canon characters who've been twisted by Cyrus. They're foils of the protag and three trainers he helps develop during the story.

Also, as a an authority on cringe, is naming this thing "Legends: Lunala" a 10/10 on the cringe meter?
>Fic got its first review
>It's just a bot
Screaming. Biting a pillow. Kicking the wall. Petting my dog harder than usual so he gets confused.
It is what it is
Can you please get a job
Unfortunately, he never graduated from his easymode major, and never will. Even if he did, a worthless easymode major like his wouldn't be good for anything other than another below-minimum-wage job working for Puerto Ricans.
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Could be worse. At least you know it's a bot.
I'm convinced 90% of my followers/watchers aren't even real.
>Might have been very inspired by the Sengoku Jidai (and I unironically thought I wasn't a mega-weeb before this).
It's ok anon, everyone has a Sengoku phase caused by Shogun 2 at some point in their life. I ended up buying a physical copy of The Book of Five Rings because of it
I'm fucking tired of him being le super big bad, Giovanni has more chances of fucking up some worlds because he's going around
Any name English that has the word Luna in it is cringe, not a fan of Cyrus or the Four Horsemen thing.
How an Ultrabeast or some other pokemon as a villain? But that's probably the mystery dungeon in me talking.
I like your idea in general but I'm having a hard swallowing up all that happening on Alola that's so small and traditionalist I just cannot see society crumbling like that. And I mean Alola had the UB crisis happening on it already and it was not a pokepocalypse.
I don't know I'm being weird I like it but I don't "buy" the concept either.
I have a sneaking suspicion you think you know what a foil is, but don't.
>Canon characters twisted
80% chance to be cringe, 19% mid, 1% actually interesting
Pick a new big bad, like Colress or something

>Legends: Lunala
Cringe/Cringe, would skip based purely on title
I do agree Cyrus is cliche, I’ve just always figured he was doing something in the Distortion World. Giovanni is arguably more cliche but that’s my opinion.
That’s just because the story will focus on Lunala as a legendary throughout and it’s loosely inspired by Legends Arceus. I can rename Selene “Luna” to please my cringe overlords tho
Only Ula’Ula has the breakdown, the rest of Alola doesn’t. Ula’Ula in the games can’t really do anything about a hostile group overtaking a town in the best of times, I figure in the worst of times they’re shit outta luck.
I kneel to the dubs and master of cringe.

Is “Prince of Po Town” any better? I felt it anointed the protag too much at the beginning.
i wanna see a fic that deals with high unemployment and a pokesociety filled with all of the garbage that you see in modern jobs
>fake jobs
>fake interviews
>"actually you don't have 2 contest ribbons so I can't let you participate in this pokemon contest"
what fics made Cyrus into the big bad? i can only think of reset bloodlines (lol), ashes of the past, and a few of the sinnoh fics
he's less common than giovanni
>Prince of Po Town
cringe/Cringe, you have won a quick glance at the description
My lips are kissing your toes, Cringe Master-Sama
>Giovanni is arguably more cliche but that’s my opinion
Sure, but at least the faggot serves as a way to make more crossovers, like he fucked around the multiverse so much that he attracted some interdimensional threat and now they're at war with them or something.

What can I say? Everyone knows Pokémon villains are retarded so looking beyond the Pokémon side for an antagonist should work, if the author does want some stakes I mean.

Wasn't he more of a plot device in Bloodlines?
>Wasn't he more of a plot device in Bloodlines?
More or less, it's not like that story got far enough for Cyrus to do anything bad beyond already winning/causing the time travel in the first place. It's implied he would've been the endboss though given that the whole point was to stop him.
At last I see your true issue, it is you who is Cringe, only when you have killed your Cringe self will you be able to write not cringe
>"Ash, Cyrus is gonna kill us all, so please go back in time and fix everything"
>Ash doesn't go back to his actual past, but to a re-written world
>still has to deal with Team Rocket
>sidelines TR because wait, Misty drama
>then he also has to deal with Iris drama
>and Anabel drama
>and Red who is an asshole
>and Paul who is an even bigger asshole
>and his evil OC sister
>and Sabrina
>and Mewtwo
>and his evil dad, who we barely know anything about other than he wanted to fuck Sabrina
>Cyrus? Hasn't shown up yet
>oh, and Dawn is still MIA
It's been 11 years since Reset Bloodlines began. Someone please put this story out of its misery.
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>Goddamn, crazy this dude's art still looks that cringe after ten years of--
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>story involves time traveling
>Neither Palkia nor Dialga appear in any manner.
are they stupid?
did reset bloodlines actually not show either of those in the prologue? I can't remember because I haven't touched that shitshow in ages
that makes the rip-off even funnier because ashes of the past had them show up multiple times throughout the story
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Ash is a ni
I don't know I havent read any of these fanfics I'm here to post about MY writings and harrass smutanon to write DendraxTulipxMaleOC
I always figured Cyrus was up there with Maxie and Archie in that he wouldn't continue being a villain. Except it's less of a realizing he was acting retarded, but more of he has no more reason to be a villain anymore, he has his ideal world and he wants to spend the rest of his days with his precious pokemon in the Distortion world.

That's funny, since Cyrus presumably achieved his goals in the original universe that means while Ash is having his x-men story Cyrus is wreaking havoc and Dawn is either still in trouble or dead.
Or if Ash is still in the very same world Cyrus rewrote, then why did Cyrus ass the 'blondliners'? Is this just Cyrus excuse to have his own harmen fic? Are Cynthia and his female admins draping their bodies over him right now?
The world will never know.
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I went to check since I got curious and
>The only way to alleviate this disaster is to send someone competent back through time with their memories intact, someone who will be able to keep Cyrus from discovering the answers to time and space. That someone, by default, is you."
Yep, seems he's alive as of the first chapter who knows about the rest tho.

>then why did Cyrus ass the 'blondliners'?
This is actually a good question, I would expect and autist like Colress to do that just for shit and giggles but Cyrus should have been more like that really old movie where having emotions was forbidden, Equilibrium iirc, not some capeshit where there's some dude fucking half the planet and the person he hates has hundreds or thousands of clones with the same stupid marks in their faces.
Are the movies canon? They don’t really work with my mental image of legendaries and how I want to write them.
Lol Colress would do that, mister "I want to see the potential of pokemon no matter what!"
Then he freezes and entire city again and resets the humans but giving humans more pokemon-like traits and also harems since.
Some of them are referenced in the series.
What's the dumbest place you've ever taken inspiration from?
It's a mixed bag but generally anything from the anime is either rarely half-canon or unsubstantiated fanfiction. The movies are no different and often run contrary to what we see in the games(which is the only true canon we have)
Is it too edgy to give Chien-Pao to the first major antagonist of your fic? He has a team of catmons and I figured that was an intimidating enough ace to thrash the MCs and stalemate a grown-up Emma and Clemont
The Four Treasures of Ruin fall into the same category as the Ultra beasts where I see them doing their own thing.
It's always weird to just see a legendary play second fiddle to a human, especially one as malicious as a Treasure of Disaster. So I imagine it would be his partner, a pokemon whose opinion he would take into consideration since it could leave and isn't overly loyal.
That kind of tracks, because I intend him to be the least "evil" of the villain faction, just a ruthless hunter trying to get back what he sees as the property of his boss, and has a really strong affinity with his Pokémon. With the intention of him becoming a friendlier non-aligned rival later when he realizes his boss's plans are too destructive even for his own tastes.
Maybe if it were the four of them.
The Treasures seem wankable enough if you push them to the limit but ultimately they're not restricted legends so they shouldn't be sweeping everyone left and right like that. Just one of them at least.
Only other issue is that the Treasures are as far as we know unique one of a kind Pokemon so explaining how the dude got it would be another issue.
>unique one of a kind Pokemon so explaining how the dude got it would be another issue.
La Primera(Juliana) is already a minor character in the story so my outline was to have it revealed it was stolen from her.
>Given one of four stolen legendary pokemon
>A legendary pokemon
>An evil legendary pokemon
>Not so evil himself
I smell trainer betrayal if he's not able to convince the cat to chill the fuck out, pun intended.
The girl that broke a franchise.

But seriously, the amount of hatred she gets is ridiculous
I want to be Clair's childhood friend, beat her in a pokemon battle, and then correct her.
She had to get that trade evolution from somewhere.
Smooth by Santana
breeding correction needed
Please elaborate
Built for rivalry followed by marriage
Has anyone ever written a story with the average /vp/ anon as a protagonist? I'm talking about a guy who obsesses over stats, calls every pokemon he doesn't like a shitmon, burns every bridge he comes across and is an unlikeable dick all around.
I'm slowly writing something like that, but I've only got 1.8k words and a vague outline. MC isn't explicitly said to be a /vp/ user but it can be inferred based off his shitassery.
There is one where an isekai smogonfag calls Nemona the weakest champion live on stream and is challenged by her.
His Pokemon team is all references to popular media so he's as cringe as a /vp/anon.
His bridges don't burn though. He gets to enjoy being an unlikeable stat-obsessed cunt while also being worshipped by everyone
Got a link?
I don't sorry
He's probably talking about this one, and meant to say Geeta instead of Nemona
>OC is named Cloud
You just know you're in for some S-grade cringekino
>make the world run on game logic
>trash talks his opponent's Pokemon for being unviable
>uses a fucking Banette
>and get its typing wrong and has to revise the chapter
>also gets to make a move after seeing his opponent's move first
Dropped it. Forget competitive, I doubt the author plays Pokemon at all.
yeah idk why the author didn't just stick to his guns and make it a true game mechanics fic since that seemed to be the whole angle his story was going.
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>make the world run on game logic
A few years ago when I discovered that I wanted to make Sacred Gears based on legendaries with Zekrom and Reshiram being power armors, I also wanted to use muh Dexholders as the wielders but it all fell like a sand castle when I realized that Kanto would be the weakest of the bunch and Red fags would stone me to death like the average Nasufag does when someone doesn't suck Emiya or their magic system and hax
To be fair, a world that runs on game logic was interesting like 20 years ago when it was a new idea with something different to offer.
That's why I stopped writing to work on the time machine. WAGMI.
Do I include Tobias in a Sinnoh journey story?
He better be shit at battling
>Tries to EV train his pokemon
>Get arrested for trying to systematically wipe out the region's pidgeotto
>Won't stop bitching about what he calls the 'fanfic meta'
>Blames this 'fanfic meta' for why he has to kill all the Pedgeotto
Is The Most Evil Trainer the only story that shows what a real fanfic meta is like?
>Mmmm sorry protagonist-kun, but the council has decided to coincidentally ban the strats your team is built around. No, we haven't banned any of our favorite strats, why do you ask?
I don't care to actually discuss Smogon, I don't play it.
I was making a joke about how he adheres to standards he hates in a format he doesn't like but refuses any alternatives and just bitches incoherently or starts pointless conflict.
Not that Anon but I've read a study that says that 80% of all conversations on Xitter comes from 20% of it's users and that study was done in the late 2010s:
Seeing that pic convinces me that it's more likely that it's 95% of all conversations comes from 5% of it's users!
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Would you ever consider using rape as a tool to humiliate characters you don't like?
Nah, rape is the cheapest way to make drama and not worth the effort because its rarely handle well.
>author creates build-up and hints that their MC is going to win the grand festival and finally get a relevant W
>MC loses to in the grand festival’s final round, throwing away all build up and sucker punching the climax because they wanted Dawn to win
>this is after training with legendaries and Steven Stone as well
I don’t think I’ve ever been so fucking mad at a fanfic before.
Does he fuck dawn tho
Nah, the author seems like a straight and narrow kind of guy and the MC is like 22 and Dawn is 10.
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>22 year old with extensive training loses to a 10 year old
Absolute dogshit
What is the most patrician way to make drama?
His Pokémon are okay with training to be literal jobbers?
I need a name.
It’s an isekai story, the MC’s only been in the pokemon world for 2 years at this point but it still stands. I think he also said Dawn could compete at Ash’s level in battling so I wonder if he’s just dickriding her.
Type Specialist by Incarnated Wisp. Got recommended it and thought this loss was particularly egregious.
>Dawn could compete at Ash’s level in battling so I wonder if he’s just dickriding her
Ash, Ash the jobber, Ash the mister can't win a single league without plot armor.
That Ash?
I can't tell if the author is a waifufag or ships dawn with a self inserted ash.
Anyways this is another W for type generalists!
I forget, does he ever job to her in terms of straight-battling? Or May?
Everything must be le subversion, to the point that the story crumbles because fuck the reader for expecting happy things every once in a while.
Many writers try to always subvert the reader to be unique yet all of them have this genius idea so what's conventional becomes the actual subversion.
All the Sylveons I've seen in fics have the same asshole personality for example.
I don’t think this author does shipping. I’m 140 chapters in and there’s like nothing. I thought for a half second he was going to plow Cynthia but he just wrote her out to be a history autist.
Nah bro I write rapefics of the characters I DO like. I'm a little fucked up like that.
You have bugs in your brain.
The only proper way to sideline her is to get her barefoot and pregnant.
I don't write a ton of fics, to be fair.
Fuck I already read this! And that one by the other anon who wrote the Calem rape-fic. I'm all out of rape.
Give me more ideas, then
Tobias is fucking sick
I would read a Tobias fic
What are people's general reactions to the loss?
So the MC has not won anything meaningful or at all ever? It's just been loss after loss?
There is not a single point in the story where the MC's gender is confirmed. It's always been a they/them ambiguousity.

I know, it's fucking insane. But it's true. We all just assumed the MC was a man
Rule of thumb, if the character doesn't identify as a they/them and their gender is kept ambiguous they're either.
>a.) a woman pretending to be a man due to [plot]
>b.) a trap
>c.) a Zoroark(non-human) in disguise
>d.) actually a member of a genderless species
>d.) some combination of the above
It's not that they explicitly identify as they/them. Their sex is just never ever brought up.

I don't know what the author was thinking or if it was even intentional, but considering everyone who reads their story assumes the MC is a man they kinda fucked up if their intention was to be a trans ally
>e.) Bugsy
For that battle? Seems to be negative. But I kept reading and he actually wins the Conference, so at least there’s something. The other losses benefit him since it’s just gym leader losses but it felt really fucking gay to lose in the grand festival.
Could’ve sworn the MC was called by a “he” earlier. Whatever, I’m calling him a dude. Gender unicorns can fuck off
Got a link to the chapter in specific? Wanna see how it happens and people's reactions.
You’ll miss out on why it’s annoying though
To be fair, and to give the benefit of the doubt, to not specific or establish the character's gender or keep details such as looks vague and undefined, is actually not a half-bad idea to help out with people's self-inserting.
Not everything is always painted on alphabet people's colors.
I don't dislike the idea in itself honestly. It's just that at the end of the day Male MC tends to be the default and what everyone assumes the it is no matter how much others like to pretend otherwise.
That said if the author had a melty because 90% of people were assuming the MC male then they're a massive raging faggot.
>Serene grace Togekiss with Air Slash
Ah, so he made Dawn Clair+ levels of cheap, that's how she won.
I’m assuming it’s just for self-inserting purposes. There’s like no reference to alphabet cult shit, the story is all focused on the pokemon and anime plot.
>Reading the reviews
>All the posts going about how the MC is Ash 2.0 who's never allowed to win anything because of plot
They aren't wrong, Dawn is a contest girl and the mc lost to an incredibly cheap strategy 140 chapters in.
Contests are always perfect to give bullshit losses because of muh points.
But from what I'm seeing on the reviews Dawn also somehow managed to match the MC on straightforward battling too so there's really no excuse.
is this secretly a femdom fanfic?
Is this perfect platinum or whatever?
>Type Specialist by Incarnated Wisp.
That fic was pretty decent considering it seems to be the guy's first fic and he actually completed the damn thing, which is more than what most writers can say. That contest loss didn't really stand out to me when I first read it, since it appeared to be a side-thing. He gets some wins shortly after iirc, like the conference.
The real issue that fic had IMO was that the story meandered for most of its final arc. The early 200s is when it feels pretty bad, then it hard-curves into an ending gauntlet against the Aether Foundation.
Yeah, he won against Tobias and Ash. I still think losing against Dawn and matching her in a battle after all of the build-up was pretty fucking gay though after all of the grinding he did. I don't recall if there were any rules against simply knocking out the opponent, so he should've been way beyond her level and simply KO'd her team. It's dumb to showcase how much he was grinding and then not have him clown on her. I get that it would've been boring but in that case there should've been something else to try to avoid that kind of thing.
In Pinnacle it made sense.
Luna's a Trainer by career, entered the contest to fuck around and learn and not to win so her not winning is not important, and her entering the contest was to further both her and Ursula character development and arcs first and foremost which succeeded splendidly at such.
Luna beating Jessie makes sense, Jessie's just a shitter at battling, and Ursula was completely dominated by Luna in both match-up and battling skill with Ursula only barely scrapping by playing defensively to try to bet it all on a last minute win by points because there was no way she'd win otherwise, and even then that was nearly not enough until Gible evolved, which is once again pay-off for Ursula's arc so far, and finally being able to use Dragonflame which had been foreshadowed a lot too. Luna not paying attention to the clock was mentioned a lot too, which Ursula noticed, which is what she decided to base her strategy on.
Honestly, the only time I've been annoyed with contests in Pinnacle was just recently with the Wallace Cup because I was hoping the author would make Dawn not win because I've always thought that Dawn beating May and winning the Wallace Cup was fucking retarded but they had her win still, even so, I can't really fault them for that one since that's just how it went in the actual thing so it can't be helped somewhat.
>how it went in the actual thing so it can't be helped somewhat.
I fucking hate that trash, (your) existence already fucked muh original timeline or what have you so making such things happen despite everything already being different doesn't make sense, go fucking nuts if every other character is already sucking your OC/SI
Just because canon can change doesn't mean all of canon will change.
It feels very unrealistic though for no one around him to mention it.
Like they "they/them" thing. Normal humans don't use that, they'll just clock you based on how you look at a glance.
Yeah, nobody's going to say they/them once they've met you.

Also the other thing I disliked with the story was how the author used the anime's rendition of the box legends. I hate how they're depicted in the anime.
How do you, personally, balance writing a "weird" character without making them too annoying to read? I'm trying to write somebody that's a little off-putting and emotionally hard to get a bead on, but I dunno if I'm only able to parse her because as the writer I know what's going on in her head while the reader doesn't.
Limit the number of scenes they're in. If they have a lot of screen time, they're going to be annoying. A small amount of annoyance can be quirky, enjoyable, palatable. A lot is... well, annoying.
She's one of the major characters, unfortunately, so limiting screen time isn't much of an option. If you feel like it, could you glance at the scene I've been working on with her and see if I'm laying it on too thick?

Not that guy, but it seems fine to me. But like the other dude said, as the screen time goes up the character might become unbearable.
Meh, there are already at least 4 universes.
>Black Universe
>White Universe
>Mega Universe
>Anime Universe
No reason to keep strictly to canon, honestly I don't get the appeal of having your mc play second fiddle to a person who's the main character of another story. You don't strictly need to put your character into one of the predefined pokemon settings anyways and unless the story has a particular reason for the anime or games canon why involve it that much? No need to feel overly obligated for the sake of the original work when you're a making a fan work.
More than that. There's a universe where fairy, steel, and dark don't exist (R/B/Y); one with dark and steel but no fairy (FR/LG); and one with fairy types and also Agatha and Lorelei are still in the Indigo elite four (LGPE).
What's the lifespan of pokemon?
Shorter than a human's except for when it isn't.
On average, a lot longer than an earth animal perhaps on par with a human. Some Pokémon are made of minerals/ectoplasm/sludge that wouldn't degrade the same way as flesh. Letting them live a long time, maybe indefinitely in ideal conditions. Some Pokémon can also reconstruct themselves or just have bullshit properties like Wartortle living 10,000 years because fuck you.
Effectively immortal so long as they have the will to live and don't let themselves degenerate.
This is why humans aren't desirable. One day they will die, and they will take with them your will to live.
It depends on the species of pokemon, some like ghost types can survive indefinitely and some obvious ones like steel, rock, and ground tend to have longer life spans.
But those are general statements about how long one could live if they were in ideal conditions.
What if you're the MC and your role is to make sure Ash jobs at certain points?
>accidentally give good advice to Ash early on and he ends up learning how to actually train and battle before XY
>"oh no I just ruined my hecking timeline!"
>run off and uplift Richy/Tobias/etc to compensate
>also fuck over Ash by posing as a villain and making his pokemon tired just before their matches
>microdose his meals with estrogen just to make sure his new testosterone levels don't make him hook up with a girl
>microdose his meals with estrogen just to make sure his new testosterone levels don't make him hook up with a girl
>Turns Ash trans
>Misty is woke so they hook up
>Timeline eviscerated
Good job nerd
Good justification for banging all of Ash's girly sidekicks.
>"Yup, I'm cucking Ash to save the world, no need to thank me reader-san."
If you're going that far you might as well go all the way and take Ash as your wife.
>If Ash Ever Sleeps With Someone From His World It Will End, So When I Isekai'd As A Woman I Bit the Bullet And Became His Sex Friend!
Please support me at Comiket.
Pinnacle's done well in that regard honestly.
Luna's involved on Galactic who's way more hardcore here, stuff with J and Shadow Pokemon, she's got a subplot of her own with Giratina too that'll tie up with Galactic later on and at this point has met Cynthia more times than Ash had at that point in the anime. She's not-chums with TR and is practically about to make them her underlings.
She's fought out thrice and is 1-2 against Ash but none of the fights have been proper or serious or have an asterisk on them. And of the top of my head she ended up doing Maylene's plot so she actually cucked Ash out of that.
Meanwhile Ursula won her entry to the Grand Festival on the same Contest Dawn bombed super hard while in the anime Ursula was a super loser all the way through.
I think Pinnacle's done well on balancing things. Luna's by no means just cucking herself because of muh canon. She actively involves herself on things so canon's plenty changed here.
Being a time janny? I unironically always thought that was Tobias's role
If I was isekaied to be the old wiser companion to Ash I'd be making sure to dilude the canon as much as I can by means of me impregnating Delia.

Actually, I'd be too busy fucking Delia bareback to go with him in his travels.
This, but I'm Jessie.
Shut up Kiana
The story people were talking about above actually does give Ash and Dawn mega evolution access as a result of the protagonist's meddling, funnily enough.
31 years, 27 days, 9 hours, 5 minutes, 6 seconds, precisely.
is borne of caution dead? it's the only pokemon fiction i've been reading. any other fics of similar quality?
This guy has his priorities in the right place. Let Ash go on his dumb journey, I will be busy pounding Delia into oblivion.
Don't worry James will impregnate both of them.
By sperm donation maybe, that man is a wine aunt.
>is borne of caution dead?
>any other fics of similar quality?
...care to share?
I'd say Pokemon:The long con is pretty fun
It's a mixed bag. Some of them come close but there's always something that gets in the way far more than BoC's fox romance.
>Hard Enough
is decently written but the pacing commits sudoku after an arc or two and you might think some of the later story points are just stupid character assassinations
>Searching Far and Wide
is similar to BoC in some of the characters but it's focused more on slice of life than progressing the plot.
>An Unlikely Partner
is a good one that I don't see mentioned often.
>Pokemon Jordinio Version
is the magnum opus of modern fanfiction, but it will leave you feeling like we're in desperate need of another great flood and plague.
Thanks, I'll give these a shot.
>Hard Enough
I read quite a bit of this before getting sick of it. For some reason, its attempts at being grounded don't really hit as well as BoC.
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Finally an alternative to just killing him off, thanks.
Based on the funny shit this thread has said before? touch the skies, type specialist
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This guys regular posts are way more interesting than the slopfics. I would never last a day in scotland.
As much of an unlikeable shitbag I bet he is in real life, no one deserves to lose their dog like that. Unless it was a shitbull
>>Pokemon Jordinio Version
Wasn't he worse than the Reset Bloodlines faggot?
Huh, aleays thought he was a Burger with how aggressive his writing was
It's not dead, the author just doesn't update it so he can milk patreon bux from sorry saps.
I wish Andre had a bigger presence in BoC. He'd actually give the story some actual conflict other than Lee constantly fretting over being a protagonist or his nuclear haulocaust PTSD.
>Pokemon Jordinio Version
I couldn't even get past the first couple of chapters with how fucking awful that fic was. It's not even good slop like mcdicks, it's like prison food.
>thinking about how worthless Charizard is and how it kept costing Ash matches
>remember that one snowed in episode where Ash is trapped inside a cave
>if (You) used your meta knowledge to catch Ash's Charmander then Ash would freeze to death in the middle of nowhere
If Charizard is so worthless why would you even catch it? Honestly just leave the fucker there for Ash to catch and get a good pokemon in gen 1 like a tauros.
Fuck BoC, all my homies would prefer to finally get another chapter of auradog-romancing
>anon gets killed by a time janny
Isn't it canon that every Pokémon MC is guided by fate in the DLC?
How do you feel about calling a baby Pokemon a hatchling? All Pokemon hatch from eggs, so it’s technically correct, but it sounds weird to call some species hatchlings, like mammalian Pokemon.
Pokedex entries and some artwork describe or depict hatchling Pokémon. If you want to do it there is a basis for it.
Is that the name of a story, I can't find it on FF, RR, or Ao3?
Go to bed Kieran
Borne of Desire
>Calem rapefic
Which one?
>Borne of Desire
I was aware of the romatic super-text of BoC, but I never heard of BoD.
Might check it out later although I think Lucario is kind of overrated when compared to the patrician Zoroark.
What Pokemon would you pick for a trio of henchmen that are meant to act as comic relief while still being a credible threat to the MCs for the first arc? Personality wise they're

>A big, doting hulk who's probably too nice for this job with his tendency to apologize to their victims and apply first aid to any injuries their battles cause, and his nurturing nature makes him the de facto leader watching out for the other two
>A fidgety, impulsive jerk who tends to leap before he looks, and tends to be a magnetic for all the physical punishment of the group.
>A little gremlin of a woman whose unpredictability catches the heroes off-guard about as often as her own teammates.

I'm leaning towards giving a Golett to the first one, both for the lovable lug concept as well as a Pokemon with a visible defect he can always be doting on and trying to keep well-maintained. But the other two I'm still debating.
>A fidgety, impulsive jerk who tends to leap before he looks, and tends to be a magnetic for all the physical punishment of the group.
A Murkrow, Murkrow are jerks.

>>A little gremlin of a woman whose unpredictability catches the heroes off-guard about as often as her own teammates.
Obviously a Sneasle, Weavile or Sneasler no other line of pokemon screams "goblin woman with issues" more then they do
>well-meaning big oaf
Bewear that accidentally crushes enemies in a bearhug when he was just trying to give them a friendly greeting
>impulsive jackass who takes risks and usually ends up paying for it
something like Meowth for a gambling angle, or something that uses Metronome or some other gimmicky move that leaves a lot up to chance
>chaotic gremlin girl
Morpeko, since it's a cutesy little scrimblo that has violent moodswings constantly
Bisharp, Krookadile, Zorua
These three little assholes
just read a few chapters, couldn't really get into it because the main character is so fucking useless
That the fic's core premise, though. Useless faggot gets roped into the world of competitive battling.
I get it, and I usually like that sort of premise, but it's not fun at all, it's just pathetic.
I guess I was expecting more audacity given the premise of "fraud gets recognized by champion". Something like the "success through misunderstandings" trope, maybe? Some clever shenanigans to compensate for lack of ability?
Instead, it's an angst fic (boo for FF.net's lack of proper tags). The premise is pretty tame, not that much different than the usual Pokemon standard of someone established recognizing the MC and sending them on their way to take on the League.
The difference is that everyone has higher standards. Apparently, losing any battle ever results in social death.
I'm not against having some stakes, but this MC somehow cares too much about the stakes to quit, but doesn't care enough to do anything about it.
I'm also not against him being a coward, but he should at least commit to making his own life easier to live as a coward instead of having Hop drag him around.

Second chapter of my OC adventure's finished and up, this time introducing the first villains and the first canon character that will be part of the main cast. I haven't done any real(for a given value of real) writing in way too long, so please let me know if there's anything about the grammar or writing style that's tough to follow. Any other critique is also welcome, especially if it's not a bot trying to get me to ask for "commissions".

I'll put it on Ao3 too once they let me, I'm still in queue for an invite.
The vidya MCs are all inherently walking plot devices due to being in a video game. There's no other way to interpret the nonsensical stories the games have.
>There's no other way to interpret the nonsensical stories the games have.
The games are shorthand abstractions of the real events. Seems like a pretty easy way to interpret things in a way that makes sense.

You literally walk on foot across most of the game world and challenge nearly everyone in your path, and unlike some other people in the series you're in it to win it and rarely fuck around. That's plenty of time and trials for a superhero to bloom.
Holy based.
I'm not referring to a kid becoming a stronger trainer, I'm referring to the authority figures largely being incompetent buffoons.
Anybody ever make fanfic of a fangame?
Ah that part. Yeah it's real bad, gamefreak ironically enough suck ass at telling stories with conflict. B&W was particularly bad, it was the first time we saw the authority figures actually getting involved but they were complete jokes.
The police are there to give carry limit tickets and to enforce the no-running-indoors law. The gym leaders are literally hired on the basis that they suck at pokemon battling.

The real authorities are dexholders, special agents chosen by the league and top professors to enforce the government's will.
BW has a better reason than the others in my eyes but it's still hilariously laughable that the E4 actually challenge you after the declaration is made that shit's about to go down with N. I guess at that point it legitimizes it as a champion battle, but still.
Is it stupid to write a fanfic instead of making my dream fangame (mechanics included)? Asking for a friend.
That part reminded me of a segment in Super Paper Mario where a king insists you fight his 100 samurai in honorable 1v1s before he gives you the mcguffin to save his world, but at least SPM did it as a joke.
Fangames aren't profitable so they're the height of stupidity. Nintendo will copyright strike you for a patent they hold on using "if" statements in code.
>authority figures largely being incompetent buffoons.
Have you seen the villains? It seems adults are just plain retarded like in KND
Depends on how much patience you have. I'd love to make a fighting game with my characters, but making all the frames and coding the entire game on my own would be a nightmare, so I just prefer writing the story instead. Are you willing to learn the grind of spriting and coding your stuff?
>Get email about review on my fic
>Email cuts it short and says to view it on ffnet
>Go to fic on ffnet
>Review isn't there
Man I hate that fuckass site. I didn't know it had gotten so bad in the years since I used it.
>Fangames aren't profitable so they're the height of stupidity.
Not everything has to be measured by its ability to make money.
Jacking off isn't profitable either yet here you are
They deleted it shortly after posting? The email would naturally still be there if this was the case.
That or you're checking the public page for reviews. IIRC there's something about guest accounts not having their reviews visible until 3 days have passed
No, but everything's ability to make money determines how much money the author needs to already have to be able to afford to engage in it.

If I didn't have to think about being able to afford things like electricity and food, I'd have a lot more willingness to engage in activities that are not profitable.

With N on the war path, if you're going to make a game just do your own thing that captures the essence of what matters to you in the game you want to fangame, but avoid the game itself or you'll be fed to Kirby. (An amorphous monster that consumes everything it sees and appropriates whatever distinctiveness its victims had: The perfect IP lawyer.)
I think I understand where you're coming from. In the Flashman series, the titular character is fully aware that he's a hypocritical fraud yet he still tries his best to roll with the punches and inevitably fail upwards. The protagonist of The Long Con just wallows in his own shit.
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Bros, what happened to humans in PMD?
A human from our world was isekai'd. Pokemonkind decided the only solution was to erase humanity.
They all died of ligma...
Who the hell is Prima Dialga
Can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually got some good advice in this thread. Thank you anons.
Which one?
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>Tournament arc
>SI messing with muh timeline
>Catching a canon character's team
>Muh meta
>Clair bully/rape/marriage
Baby, wake up, Festival of Champions updated!
Foolish anon, there are naught but crabs here. Heed our advice, and you shall only be pulled back down!
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Golden Straits nine
>I actually got some good advice in this thread
No you fucking didn't.
What’s a good reason for why box legends stay in their own region and lack worship/recognition in other regions?
>be billions of years old
>have seen everything
>sleep to pass the time
>something wakes you up
>slap it like an annoying mosquito
>go back to sleep
Basically how dragons and (non-degenerate/non-crazy) gods work.

We know from some games that certain legendaries do roam regions though. The unova weather trio, for example, took a dip in hisui.
Yeah but I feel like Ho-Oh should at least be recognizable in other regions. It’s supposed to fly around the world.
Does it? Or is that just flowery mytho because of it being associated with rainbows, thus technically appearing all around the world because rainbows are considered part of it.
I'm this >>56519406 post. Anons pushed me to get off Cyrus as a primary antagonist and I created slightly OC Antagonist (previous Kahuna of Ula'Ula instead of Nanu). Much more fitting to the story, and I can foreshadow things way better (hopefully).

This thread is crap shoot when it comes to good advice (I've seen some of the mot retarded shit imaginable be paraded as fact or good advice). But anons who gave me feedback pushed me to do better, which will (hopefully) help things out on my story.
Ah, that.
Yeah, Cyrus is a stupid choice because he wants robots so I think Colress would have been a better choice
What is the most retarded advice you were given?
How would you salvage Rose?
Hardmode: you can't rewrite the events of Sw/Sh, only add onto them.
Someone once suggested asking 4chan for ideas
How and where should I be shilling my dumb played straight Pokemon adventure with no kinks, smut, or isekai/SI stuff fic?
Fanfiction.net is probably your best bet, even though it's a buggy mess. SpaceBattles would also be a good spot. You'll probably want to cross post it to a number of sites to promote it once you've gotten a few chapters down.
Does anyone what Adventures did with his character? I read somewhere that he ended up as a dindu noffing but that even with that they didn't really solve the problem
He's not really concerned about eternatus, it's all just a smokescreen to bring it back to Galar so he can try to spread Dynamax energy to other regions and thus make everyone finally stop laughing at Leon for being a hack fraud that only accepts rigged matches and refuses to battle abroad.
If a character has a name you're worried readers may have trouble pronouncing, should you work it into the story somehow so they can see it sounded out, or should you simply laugh at their struggles?
You should change the character's name.
Mmm, speaking as a person instead of some wannabe writer I'd either use their last name of its easier or abbreviations or nicknames
One thousand years is the estimated time until all of Galar is destroyed. He has 10 years to deal with the energy crisis before it reaches critical mass and vital infrastructure fails.
The nobility (ie: people like Shieldbert and Swordward) successfully manipulated history to obscure the role of the box art legendaries in favour of their descendants in saving Galar. Rose gets deceived into thinking they know how to use the rusted weapons to stop Eternatus and does the Darkest Day plan under their advice.
He deliberately keeps the Gym Leaders out to prevent the plan from leaking to the public, but the Gym Leaders eventually find out about Rose's plan through their own investigation and try to arrest him before he can cause the Darkest Day. Rose releases prematurely releases Eternatus and shit hits the fan.
There's a lot of details I skipped, but that's the jist of it.
No, it sounds cool and it's an extremely oblique and inconsequential reference to Metal Gear. Absolutely crucial to the story.
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>start reading a Ash x Misty fanfic
>enjoy the first few chapters despite being a bit intimidated by the chapter count
>slowly realize that the author's notes takes up at least a tenth of each chapter
>start finding the romance elements burning very slowly
>want to quit reading it but can't because I'm a fifth of the total chapters in
Anyone else with these feels?
And are there better fanfic romances you can recommend to me as well?
What's the name?
Celot, intended to be read as se-LOAT, or se-LAHT, to invoke an ocelot. But depending on the reader they might just be seeing KELL-ut. Not a huge deal but, eh
>Searching Far and Wide
>is similar to BoC in some of the characters but it's focused more on slice of life than progressing the plot.
You weren’t kidding. I hung it up after about the 10th chapter of everyone involved being oblivious to the Gyrados solution of “just adopt the clingy goldfish yourself”.
I think there was a throwaway line in Explorers claiming that humans are "rare" in their world. So either there was a mass extinction event, or they've just never been the dominant species.
>And are there better fanfic romances you can recommend to me as well?
Romance is the hardest genre, even more than comedy when you realize that between 60-70% of its writers are kissless virgins, so no I don't
How romantic are we talking here? Sappy romance focus, or half romance half other plot?
>Romance is the hardest genre
Only when the authors put no effort into it. If you put effort in working the relationship, there's no problem.
But what if you don't know anything about relationships?
Read a few romance books written by women
I can tell you with unwavering confidence most romance books written by women were not written by women who had first-hand experience with romance..
All the romance books written by women are about the two worst people alive (doormate female), (creepazoid rapist stalker that is an insert of that guy from one direction)
Yeah but they’re almost always the most popular. Don’t you want acclaim, anon?
>Used goods
>Toxic dynamic between leads
Why would you ever say that?
Imagine being a parent and naming their kid "Celot" knowing full well that 1. it sounds like Zealot when spoken 2. it reads like "kell-lot" when written and 3. it's just a roundabout way of naming your child "big cat". May as well name that motherfucker "Gagwuar."

But anyway, if you must have the name, come up with a way of having another character question its pronounciation early so you can explain it to the audience. There was a character named Achilles in one of Orson Scott Card's books who no one in the story bothered to mention that it wasn't pronounced the traditional way until way late in the story. This is a mistake coming from a legit professional writer. So it's not the end of the world if you fuck up, but seriously be better.
I would've taken that as "sea low", Frency style like Merlot.
If I wanted acclaim I wouldn't be writing Pokemon fanfiction in the first place.
No one is reading Pokemon fanfiction for realistic romance anyway.
That's true anon! People write pokemon fanfiction to have their OC's suck and fuck and cum with their favorite Pokemon characters and each other.
Fair point, I'll try and get it at least somewhat naturally in there.

That's also a pronunciation I can get behind. The fic starts off in Kalos so it fits the Frenchy theme.
Just create a friendship story and have it eventually become romantic. One character becomes infatuated with the other, or whatever. That's easy drama.
Sorry for the late reply but either one so long as they're enjoyable.
The only one I've seen posted here that isn't TTS:
new to pokemon fanfics
are there any "must read" fics?
in my experience, most fandoms have "that fic" which everyone has read
Traveler. Your mileage may vary, it's very dull in the beginning.
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Guns are useless against aurafags and psychics in my setting.
What about aura guns firing psychic bullets
If you've got a spare year to burn, there's this fic of Jasmine that is a wonderful twist and turn every step of the way.
>1 million words talking about when Jasmine finally has sex
I can take 1mil words when the main focus is journey or something else, but I can't take 1mil words when the main focus is supposed to be love and seggs, like hell, how much of that is emotional mumbo jumbo that doesn't mean anything for hours on end? I respect my own time and sanity.
The way the dialog flows makes me want to strangle someone.
The adventures manga.
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>reading a pokemon x human fanfic
>the protag has both male and female pokemon in his team and has romantic relationships with the female ones
Is there any reason to not just make the entire team female?
It feels awkward to read this stuff when half the team are just normal pokemon and the other half are having sex with the mc.
Does he not spend time with the ones he doesn't fuck, as friends?
Reminds me of the one si fic with the guy who only has a kirlia, lucario, zorua all female after like hundreds of thousands of words.
You can tell he's into them but the story pretends he isn't
What is the Pokemon equivalent of Christmas? Do they even call it Christmas?
Game of Champions is the GOAT.
Name? But if I had to guess just based on the description you gave is that he wanted some Waifumons but decided to fill the team out with male pokemon that serve as useful npcs that can learn things like fly.

>Kirlia, Zorua
Pretty suspicious pickings here.
Western degenerates have this weird thing where they try to "break le cliches" just to pretend to be grounded and above others, rather than, you know, embracing their preferences?
It's like a drunk guy telling you a story but every once in a while he pulls his phone and plays a recording of himself giving a sober speech, it has this whiplash of indulging insanity and level-headed rationality.
Any recommendations that do Pokemon ecology pretty well? I was thinking about the differences between Sneasles, Sneaslers, and Weaviles, mainly how the 4x weak Dark/Ice types won out over the Fighting/Poison types. The idea I came up with is that the emergence of the nocturnal Dark/Ice type Weavile was due to human intervention, Sneasles are already considered a pest in Kanto and Johto so traits like being nocturnal and crafty would be favored, they would also retreat further up into the mountains in order to avoid humans who would hunt them. And in matters of competition between the Dark/Ice types and Fighting/Poison types, while the Dark/Ice types would still lose the moves they would have access too would allow them to more effectively obtain Sharp Claws for evolution and when that is combined with Dark/Ice type Sneasles hunting in pairs would means that they have a tactical advantage over their counterparts and over time with the number of Weaviles outnumbering Sneaslers this would cause the Fighting/Poison breed to go extinct.
Thinking of all that made me pretty hungry for a fic that deals with Pokemon ecology, especially anything that has to deal with past or regional forms.
Is it the starter? Because starter bias is really common even with players
Mmmm, you might have a point...
Guns powered by evolution stones should be faster and more versatil than normal ones
Do journeyfics with the actual game protags get any sort of popularity these days? I feel like I’ve never seen one that’s as popular as OC or Ash stories.
SI as the PC? Yeah
Other than that, sorry bro but the market is full of self-insert stuff, no OCs, just self-insert with muh meta knowledge
>The lab looks much like it is in the game. A wide space with several computers, sci-fi level machines, and bookshelves along the wall. One aide is manning one of the PCs while another is near the corner writing on a notepad as a Lotad before him picks at a bowl of food. The one named Dave grumbles at almost being run over and walks up to you. "Ah, sorry about Brendan. He didn't hassle you too much, did he?"
Hold on a minute
>The one named Dave grumbles at almost being run over and walks up to you
heh, into the trash Borne of Craption goes.
>sci-fi level machines
And for some reason, nutrition is something they never thought about or developed...
>zookeeper has intricate knowledge on how to best take care of animals and has meta knowledge
>nobody ever brings up the fact that there’s literally a zoo in Kanto
I feel like an easy fix is having the fic be pre-rgby, but I haven't read it too harshly and am pretty biased towards pre-rgby fics.
You mean a million words SO FAR.
The premise doesn't interest me but I WISH I had this kind of motivation.
I'm honestly a bit surprised retellings never got popular.
Its a dead horse by now but Pokémon sucks at storytelling and worldbuilding, the potential is there but just that
Well yeah, that's why I thought it'd be more popular.
Has anyone here, ever had altercations with Viroro?
Besides his friendship with the author of Reset Bloodlines, why would anyone care about that guy?
He's an amourfag, last I checked he doesn’t do that much
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I've been mulling over a couple of short story ideas (mostly PMD) to try and get back into writing, and I think I've settled on this one. 'course, I've said that a few times before already, but I really mean it this time, probably!
Some old /padt/ fags did get into a fight with the guy iirc, other than that I haven't heard anything about the guy since he's a co-writer in RB but as everyone knows that is dead
I honestly hate PMD stories.
>want to use pokemon cries like from the games
>have no fucking clue how to describe 90% of them in written language
No wonder most writers just make them say their name and call it a day
Eh, it's just a summary so I can't really gage it but I think it makes more sense for the gender to be flipped. The former human sending the letter should be female and the partner should be male. I've never seen a man try to confess his feelings like that, only women.

Chirp, meow, bark, trill, yip, roar, and bellow all work fine as descriptors desu.
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Ran into this issue myself. Got by with meow, woof, grrrr, squeak, and had my steel-types go "bzzrt" and "kzzrt" but I hit a brick wall when I tried to come up with something for Cacturne. What the fuck kind of noise does a cactus make? I had him go "heheheh" and "oogah boogah" which... still doesn't feel quite right.
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>The Luxray hissed
>The Cofagrigus chittered
>Dialga let out a mighty roar
I use generic noises and let the reader's imagination fill in the gaps.
I know you're trying to describe the noise they make in the games but the idea of a Cacturne saying "oogah boogah" in human language is fucking hilarious
I just like writing shy boy x outgoing girl, honestly
A shuffling or humming noise maybe or the sound of dry leaves crunching.
I tend to use them saying their names in addition to more generic sounds mentioned by narration, because I write them as possessing their own intelligence, and it lets them act more like they're part of the dialogue and not just making various animal sounds.
I don't have any story recommendations, but my fan theory on why Weavile won out over Sneasler is actually due to competition from Gligar and Gliscor. Both Gligar and Sneasel have very similar habitats in Hisui, and the poison/fighting type would have a hard time competing with the ground/flying type that's immune to being poisoned. This caused Sneasels to move further up the mountains and selected for those that could defend themselves with ice type moves.
Fic about the first Weaviles being rejected by the loose packs of Sneasler in the Hisuian mountains and having to defend themselves from vicious Alpha Electivires when?

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