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Previous Thread: >>56504063
Bro I hope I get shiny shield dog.
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You DID get your shiny sword dog, right? Better get it now before the raid rotation goes away soon for another 2 years or so, and you can’t shiny hunt it in the main games! GOD, it feels good being a GoCHAD.
What if I don't have the main games
Yeah i got it first try so that means i have to raid 100 times for Zamazenta
Wish there was a better way to transfer to Home. Buying a used cart of LGE was worth it to get OG mons out but the charge thing is just gay bullshit and I am NOT paying. I’m not even annoyed with legendaries, but 5-6 normal shinies a week is stupidly low.
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Of course
>i- if i lie about something in the internet enough times that means i MEME MAGIC it to be true1!!
This retard >>56521881 is a ban evading shitposter who is constantly trying to "troll" people.
He got into an argument one time with someone about PGsharp having the most bans of any spoofing tool. And for some reasoning people pointing that out really makes him mad. So he changed his name field to what it is to try and passive aggressively "trigger" the person he got into an argument with.
Not him but I'd imagine that as the most accessible spoofing tool it'd have the most users and this the most bans, unless either the user bases are similar or the ban rare much lower on other spoofs it's not any sort of profound statement
Don't engage with the resident schizo, nothing good comes from it. Just report the dumbass and move on.
>Not him
Do you think anyone at all actually believes you?

>the most accessible spoofing
Wrong. iPoGo is used much more than PGsharp. Mainly because there are vastly more iPhone users than android users.

And the reason, like you've been told many times before, is because PGsharp uses third party servers to log in. Which Niantic can easily detect.
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Post shining wolfmothers
After this 20min there will be another dog that spawns right after right? I got a 1000+ lobby queue :/
PLEASE respond
Yeah for some reason the modern raid hour feature is that after 25 minutes the raid will wear off and after about 5 minutes another raid will happen for another 25 minutes or so. I guess it’s to help people get more raidmons without going to as many gyms. Just make sure your lobby doesn’t get reached by people during the cooldown period of the raid hour or those impatient fuckers will not join your raid.
You're hosting on pokegenie or something? Raid day is the worst for that.
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thanks for the raid invite pizza
Nooooo I'm sorry I didn't mean to send w/o a sticker I just wanted to change it but fucked it all up
T-tomorrow for sure...
I'm willing to just trade for it at this point.
I did around 30 raids and only got one. Could've been worse i guess.
oh shit you didnt get your shiny sword dog?
here we go again, now you gotta get TWO shiny shield dogs so you can trade for the one you missed ^_^
1/20 shiny rate btw
Why would you ever let someone hit your dog even if it doesn’t do much?
>trading for a shiny
Buddy, if I’m not OT, it might as well be traysh
who even likes these sword and shit dogs?
in hindsight do you regret having claimed that solgaleo could one shot both palkia-o and zygard with solar beam?
I'm sorry anon. Honestly i'm tired of arguing. I was wrong for thinking solarbeam could one-shot them. Lets move on and have a constructive discussion about the game. Again, i'm sorry for all the trouble i caused to this board.
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>42 dogs
>a single shiny
>no hundo
Feels bad
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Crowned form when?
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Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you, !Niantic?
>unprovoked screeching and passive aggressive shitposting
It's actually fucking hilarious how !Niantic can't even sort of address anything said to him, because he knows how mentally ill and insane he is. All he can do is double down and keep drip feeding content to cope.
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>the schizos are in full force
I did get a shiny dogg but when I use him against rockets it just feels like he dies to anything while my shitmons can 1v3
So you don't have a shiny Zacia? kwab
bro he can just change his OT before he trades it to you
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Fucking unfair time consuming bullshit
>Buddy, if I’m not OT, it might as well be traysh
When you transfer her to Home, your Home account becomes OT
Nah I only had 2 chances today.
Almost got a hundo
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nice one, excited for the other dog
>still no Shining Zacian
Ah well.
Maybe I'll have more luck with Zamazenta.
this shit is even harder than the Beldum raid, at least Metagross is good outside mememax raids, I am not looking forward to Toxtricity
G stunfisk dmax will save us
>caught my SIXTH (6) shiny onix
I shouldn’t complain about getting shinies but please Hanke, no more
Im in a similar situation with Aerodactyl, after the fifth one it stopped being funny
this but Lickitung
For me, it's Bronzor
At one point I transferred a shiny Sableye I just caught because I was sick of getting them, then 10 minutes later I caught a 3-star shiny Sableye to replace it.
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It took 23 raid passes but I finally got it, shit stats don't even matter cause it's going HOME.
why is she named ben?
>he doesn't know
I'm sorry anon. I had a regular of these niggers with 2117 run away from me after 7 excellent throws in a row. I wasn't even mad
>almost lost a 15/14/15 the other day
Thankfully the second to last ball caught the fucker
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48 raids. 48 fucking raids. I used every remote I could and went to every raid that even spawned in my shitty ass town and I didn't get a single fucking shiny Zacian. It's not fucking fair.
>48 raids. 48 fucking raids. I used every remote I could and went to every raid that even spawned in my shitty ass town and I didn't get a single fucking shiny Zacian. It's not fucking fair.
I had a friend who wanted a hundo Rayquaza. He did over 100 raids until he finally got one.
45 here. Got one with my 2 last passes yesterday. Had to hear some niggers in the group chat saying the shiny rates were boosted. Fuck them.
hey bro i still got a few hours for zac raids
shoot me some raid passes, ill trade you the shiny!
Hilarious. My gf did the Rayquaza make up raid with me. She had just started playing during the necrozma event. We were doing the first Rayquaza raid and she was complaining she hadn't caught a single raid shiny yet. First Rayquaza she does is a shiny. She checks it and it's a fucking hundo.
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Imagine how much of a shitshow 4 and 5 star max raids are going to be.
the recommended number of players will no longer be a recommendation, but a requirement for 5* no matter what teams everyone brings under that number
>Hilarious. My gf did the Rayquaza make up raid with me. She had just started playing during the necrozma event. We were doing the first Rayquaza raid and she was complaining she hadn't caught a single raid shiny yet. First Rayquaza she does is a shiny. She checks it and it's a fucking hundo.
Fucking rookie luck.
>Got a 14/15/14
Is this shit even going to be useful?
1/20 my ass
>Is this shit even going to be useful?
Of course!
It'll help you take down the next dynamo 'mon!
It's like a soulless, even worse pokemon go - INSIDE pokemon go!
I'm definitely gonna waste even more of my time on even more useless shit!
I did it with two people yesterday. A level 30 Charizard, a level 20 Blastoise with bite and a level 20 metang. My partner had 3 untouched galarian starters. She died when there was 1/4th left because she kept missing her dodges. Had to dynamax 5 times
>galarian ponyta
Hanke please, I've had my fill of these three
That little sneaky egg thief is always welcomed in my party
Is it possible to solo a mega raid? I just want the Mawile.
3stars are easy if you have good counters
If you only have 2 or 3 good counters, fill up the rest of your team with 1hko 'mons so you can revive them quickly
If you have six good fire types it should be astonishingly easy if imagine
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He said mega not 3*
Usually possible if you exploit double weakness, but Mawile doesn't have one. Most mega raids should be very doable with an alt though, since you're giving yourself mega buff, friend buff and party power, in addition to the damage.
You can use Genie to scan what you have and estimate how well your account could do under selected conditions, but... since they changed raids to be aids, I don't think it's still accurate. Today Zacian used 5-6 Wild Charge in a row, and played the animation (and showed the text) once.
>He said mega not 3*
My bad.
What I said still applies tho.
I took down gardevoir with a necrozma and a metagross + 3 or 4 fast-to-die shitmons
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I'm using my last raid pass once my limit resets at midnight and that's it. Fuck this shit.
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Doable with a level 50 primal Groudon with PB.
It gets tricky with a level 40 unless you have sunny weather.
Finally, i have catch'em all
When do you think this shit will die? Its gonna get boring from here
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I'm getting that shundo.
They won't catch up to game freak and given their track record probably won't release all galar mon these next few seasons. Interest is already starting to wane as they drip feed dynamax across the roster. If they speed up they'll only kill the game faster. It's a shitty situation.
Don't think the game will die before the 10th anniversary though, but phone games don't last very long. That Simpsons game that is ending service is doing it after 12 years.
Silly anon, let's see your shiny, shadow, purified, and dynamax dex?
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God I wish that were me...
I could actually uninstall the game at that point
Nah, im not that autistic, i have all the mega, though
Why that doesn't exist?
How do I tell what level my mon is? Is it based on their CP?
>over 1000 unique species of pokemon
>only 300 storage spots
What did Hanke mean by this?
Yes, use pokegenie or any iv calculator
Check the dust and online calculator. Or count the candy needed to level up. After level 40 you need xl candy to go up half a level
perhaps you should consider buying some pokecoins to then buy some storage slots heheh
That was the original default storage space back during the launch of 2016, back when there was just kanto. It was very generous at the time, but now it feels like a joke. Of course they never updated it for newer players.
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Because a dynamax dex would solely be based on niantic releasing all of the mons as dynamax capable.

Anyway here’s my most recent lucky, I gave a buddy an Entei for it and I was expecting it to be shit. All I have left is espeon and Sylveon to evolve it into to get the shiney eevee evolutions i have all up to 3k. Which should I evolve this one into?
Both of those shinnies suck, choose Sylveon so you can spend more time with her
Go to a therapist. You will never make people think you're more than one person.
Now instead of a literal one trick RPS pony like skarmory giving me free wins for being on every team, you have this fat fucking fuck clodsire that wins against EVERYTHING that doesn't invest shields. Now that the meta isn't flying, you get dogshit ground types like fucking diggersby doing whatever they want, winning half the matchups they should lose based on typing, because there is NOTHING in the game capable of oneshotting them they ARE a 3rd, 4th and even 5th shield.

Pre season 20 meta was so nice, and I had everything I needed, now I have to build a shitsire, spam bulky pokemon that do no damage so I can survive against fucking diggersby and clodsire's garunteed neutral nukes on 99% of machups. Then fucking niantic makes all of these previously irrelevant shitmon top meta and then makes them NEVER spawn so you can't build them. Fuck that fuck them.
I fucking hate being forced to run garbage tank mons like azumarill. Most unfun battles ever, and I hate that the ground typing is almost free to use now offensively, because its main check, flying, is gone. I hate how 5 turn moves are bullshit pacing when the enemy uses them and clunky garbage when I use them.
I also think the game is being powercrept in terms of energy pacing.
I want the old meta back hanke.
Previous tanks were things like skarm, easiest pokemon to wall due to only having one attack typing, and azumarill, which is kept in check by its sluggish pacing and piss poor attack, and dewgong, which has a shitty fast move with bad pacing and a horrible typing. Now you have tanks with GREAT pacing PERFECT coverage and fucking ATTACK DEBUFFS TOO why the fuck would you give a ground type with amazing pacing, coverage, and ability to comfortably eat even frenzy plants and hydro cannons, and GIVE IT A FUCKING ATTACK DEBUFF MOVE?! Fuck off. You should be able to hard counter every mon. Now you can't
Just use gastrodon
So how’s the new upcoming event going to work? The hungarian birds I get from DEI will just have the chance to be shiny now? Will they still have the increased chance of running away or what?
It doesn't wall them though. Even though you "have the advantage" they still DEMAND a shield or they will just EQ you 3 times. Clodsire is broken
ASStrodon lol
Regardless of the buff, clodsire alone makes mudslap too slow. If you are weak to fucking mudslap it should be taking around 10% of your health if per move if you are tanky. Super effective damage on clodsire=what neutral damage is like to everything else.
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>Lo siento, resisto el daño neutral o algo así.
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What a shitshow of a game.
>Tranny avatars
>Fast moves being buffed and then nerfed to the ground, ruining entire teams (Kartana)
>Raid bosses spamming charged moves
>Now those charged moves also one-shot your shit even if resisted
>Dogshit pvp becomes even shittier after move updates
But piggies are ready to spend hundreds raiding Palkia and Dialga, hoping for a CHANCE they have their signature move lol
>look through celebi research
>’do a trade!’
Welp, guess that’s never gonna be completed, LOL
>Charm/Psychic Mega Gardevoir raid one-shotting my Metagross
Bravo Niantic, only the most quality products.
Just get a cloned apk and open the game and the clone at the same time on your phone
>did a mega blaziken raid with six people
>the thing damn nearly wiped us
We won but I still demand compensation Hanke.
>safari balls
finally rolling in with new balls huh
experts is it worth leaving my house for this community day?
>got a warning today for "influencing reviewers" on Wayfarer 7 months ago
How fucking gay can this company be
Not if you live on a third world country, like mexico or the other little mexicos
No it's an absolute shitmon with no redeeming qualities
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Got a 98% Zacian as a gbl reward after the midnight in my last set before the rotation for Zamazenta at the morning
unfortunately no shiny... *sigh
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...this will take time to be ready
Um, bro. You XLs?!?!
Is this your first pvp game? Metas change. Quit crying and adapt. You shouldnt be stressing over a best of one blind 3v3 battle set up. Fuck your elo, use whoever you like, and enjoy the ez rewards
Dynamax Falinks is fucking impossible
Okay, for one, learn English. Holy fucking shit, your posts are autistic and badly formatted. Actually annoying to read.

Secondly Azumarill is a safe switch, you don't lead with them.

Third, Azumarill can one shot both Diggersby and Clodsire with Solar Beam.
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>Ooh! It must've been about seven, eight threads ago.
>Me and the anons was out on this board you see, all alone at /pgg/, when all of a sudden this huge faggot, this giant schizo from resetera comes out of the anonimity
>We was so scared, Arceus have mercy, I jumped up in the board and I said "Anon, what on earth is that schizo rambling about?!"
>It stood shit talking us, rambling with these shitty posts..
>Oh it was so scary!
>And I yelled, I said "What do you want from us schizo?!" And the schizo bent down and said "Solar beam"...
>Solar beam
>Well, it was about that time that I notice that the schizo had an user name and it was the same from three threads ago
>It was the solarfag
>I said, "Dammit solarfag! Get off my thread! I ain't giving you no (you)s!" It said, "but muh solar beam" I said, "Oh, now it's about pvp!! What?! Is there a Solar beam only cup or something?!"
>And that was the third time we saw the Solarfag
heh... sounds like you need some vitamin D in the form of a beam
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Picked up the game last year, but dropped off after the ugly update. Recently heard that you can get the Shiny Galar birds now, but are they permanent, or a timed event for a week? I got low ball stock and shit bag space because Ibwas F2P, not planning on jumping back in on a low-low chance for only 7 days to catch a blue Articuno, but I might consider it if it's permanent.
Do I need to be a certain rank or league for this? I just get shit mons
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Please just stop I'm getting so tired of this dude.
uhh why am I still getting zac raids?
On a single quick car ride to a doctor's appointment, less than 10 minutes, the game crashed in 3 different ways.

>camera stops working for no reason, so I can't spin around. Reset game
>Try a dynamax fight, get stuck on the transition to the battle (but my metagross gets damaged of course, forcing me to waste items healing)
>click on pokemon to catch, gets stuck before the zoom in so the game keeps running but no action works anymore

What a good game haha
11 am
I'm not complaining, I just got a 2nd shiny Zacian. Gonna hold on to her in case I need to trade for a shiny Zamazenta
You need to be at rank 20 but its really not worth it. You don’t get a legendary as a reward for reaching rank 20 anymore and the legendary encounter rate was nerfed like 2 years ago down to like 4% so you have a very unreliable way of getting a legendary from tap tap tapping for hours and hours and when you mind numbingly tap tap tap for a couple more hours your rewards will mostly be just more shitmon
Go to a therapist, Austin.
permanent (allegedly)
Any word if the bird appearing rates are boosted?
>item bag is full
>won't let me buy remote raid passes because item bag is full
what the fuck is this horse shit? passes count as items in your bag now? what the fuck?
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>have a purified Skarmory that is close to 1500 CP
>wonder how Steel Wing/Return/Brave Bird would fare now that Sky Attack was nerfed into the ground
>still loses all but 1 even-shield scenario against POISON STING Clodsire with Stone Edge, and that 1 is only due to winning CMP on the final turn
Goddamn this blob is busted, it's like Nidoqueen and Galarian Stunfisk had a baby.
>passes count as items in your bag now?
When have they ever not?
>When have they ever not?
I'm almost certain I've bought passes with a full bag before.
This is the first time in my entire playing of the game that I've been blocked from buying passes because my bag was full.
why are you playing in AR mode?
If it's in the bag and you can throw it away, it counts to the limit.
All your healing shit, balls, berries, passes, lures, incenses, evo items (except GimmieCoins)
If your bag is full, you can't spin discs.
Only exception is when that spin will get you your daily free pass.

Maybe they have changed how buying items works with the limit?
I wouldn't know because I will never spent money on this shit.
>If it's in the bag and you can throw it away, it counts to the limit.
Passes and TM's should absolutely not count towards one's item limit and it's stupid if they do.

>Maybe they have changed how buying items works with the limit?
That's what I think. It was probably able to be bought regardless of your items and now it's not cause they want you to buy bag increases. greedy bastards.
>20 Zacian raids & no shiny
>2 Zamazenta raids and a shiny
This game is just gambling for NEETs
Passes and TMs aren't even the worst.
Why do gifts count?
Why do rare candies?
Don't question it and just pay up.
>Passes and TMs aren't even the worst.
>Why do gifts count?
>Why do rare candies?
>Don't question it and just pay up.
I'm honestly surprised they don't make individual pictures in the picturebook count.
I met two from one incense today, so maybe. Of course I caught neither.
Gifts don't count
You mean postcards?
That has it's own counter, so you can spent even more money.
If you want horror, imagine 1 sticker = 1 slot
>You mean postcards?

>they can made sub inventories for postcards but not for passes, tm's or anything else.
I wrote this after raging last night from getting a gorrilion close losses while I was running teams I put little thought into. I had just finished my shadow gallade so obviously I lost a ton of matches to fumbles and having not used glass cannons since I used haunter like 15 seasons ago.
Also if azu is a safeswitch why does he always get walled whenever I safe switch him? I think you mustve misunderstood me because I would never lead azu.

I am mostly mad because I am a dustlet with a spending issue so it takes me forever to adapt my roster to meta changes like this. Somtimes I'm fine, but if the daily trends shift to something I have no answer to its annoying.
>decide to Max falinks with my friend because duo is faster (lol)
>first try - my screen freezes at max raid icon
>second try - friend is thrown out to map few seconds in
>third try - friend is thrown out to map few seconds in
>fourth try - game doesn't load my charge button and I can't fight
>fifth try - friend gets the same as above
>six try - we get past first Max stage and I get thrown out to map
How buggy can you make this game, Hanke?
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If it's what I'm guessing, then you can unlock it if you have an encounter stored in your research, pop it and run away. You should be able to spin again
I hate this so much

On a side note, a new raid bug has appeared for me and it's happened twice. I got ejected out of a raid with the error "this gym battle has already been completed" or something. It goes back to the "join" screen but almost immediately goes back to the encounter's "rejoin fight" screen. One time my lead pokemon was made fainted and the replacement immediately got hit with an unannounced, animation-less charged attack.
Another time it just got switched out for the 2nd (Groudon vs Wild Charge Zacian)
You are the only person who tries to "troll" by changing your name field. You will never make people think you're more than one person.
Are the shiny birds “daily adventure incense” only or do they also show up in normal incense spawns?
Looks like it's still just daily incense
Cringe, too bad I can’t game the system with dialga
I live in México and I leave my house for most community days.

It's a great way to score new smartphones.
>pay us for the master all
>you also need to do these boring time gated quests for it lmao
This company needs to explode
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One and done, boys
>do 1 raid
>not shiny
its so fucking over...
They just made the masterball pointless since whiny birds won’t flee, who cares?
Should have been me anon.

So true.....
>Community note
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Okay but what does this actually mean
They don’t give us a list or anything
What is the permanent change and why is it permanent
From what I've seen on Reddit, it's just slightly different spawns. The DAI regulars were apparently really excited that Miltank and Druddigon are now available spawns, because apparently they weren't available before I guess.
Soo what Niantic did here is actually illegal.
These dumb shits need to get hit by the BBB for this infraction
More like Ireland is just retarded
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Skarmory wasn't even broken, it was damn good no question, but it had no coverage was fairly passive and had a meta staples Lanturn, Chargabug, Regitseel to keep it in check.. All they need to do what buff Fire types directly, which they started doing with the incinerate buff and giving Fire type Pokemon move coverage, and indirectly by nerfing Waters and Grounds so that Fires can become more prominent.

I agree with some of Skarmory's nerf, fliers as a whole were becoming a problem, but they didn't have to completely clip Skarmory's wings, they could have left Steel Wing unnerfed.
The quests are time gated?
Nah it stays on there until you complete it. Worst case you get soft locked if something is out of rotation
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Congrats, anon. Between Zacian and today I'm not 53 raids in without a single shiny.
The past year has seen a huge dip in players in my area. I haven't seen anyone other than me join a raid in months. It used to be fairly active.
Oh was Falinks not supposed to be some one-shot mega demon? Maybe I'll try to solo it again tomorrow (hate that you can only do this shit until 9pm)
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>tfw you live in a small town
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Just got this from Sierra
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Is this a decent box?
For the 10 passes maybe but the postions and revives are free shit.
I'm just looking for more raid passes since I'm a poorfag who never has more than like 200 or 400 coins at any given time
It's not bad. That's 62.5 per pass way better than the 250 for 3 on the shop. I think there's only like one rotating bundle that is 100 passes at about 56 or so coins each
Thanks hanke
I think it's 5250 for 99 raid passes. Also the other good bundles are
>999 coins for 15 passes
>1025 coins for 15 passes (this one has 2 lucky eggs if you want that)
>385 coins for 6 passes
>niantic thinks this post may violate our player guidelines, it is under review
Hot chicken not appropriate language?
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Which of these two Dratini is better? Is HP really that important?
>Sewadle CD
>spotlight: Slowpoke
The surprised is that it's not Squirtle again
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Fuck weekends and fuck shadow raids, It’s harder to find regular legendary raids because of this
both trash
do not invest in non hundo
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>Niantic is so deceptive even twitter is fed up with their bullshit
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considering transferring over my best buds over to Home and uninstalling after Halloween, good plan or nah?
The only reason to play Go IMO is if you use it to collect shinies you can't get elsewhere or don't have the time/means to hunt. If it no longer provides that function you, I'd delete it ASAP.
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Excellent one.
This is ten precent luck
Twenty precent skill
Fifteen percent cencentraded power of will
Five percent pleaure
Fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the game

Danke schōn Hanke
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Got my second 100% Blaziken after a raid and couldn't flex it on campfire
kek, it's been a long time since the last time I used campfire and some of my DMs kept getting hidden, and they contained nothing even remotely suggestive, much less vulgar or explicit. and I wasn't even talking in English
How do you ‘flex on campfire’? I would do this if I knew how.
>guy who drives a shit box also spends the most on the game
There is one creepy anon that keeps asking me to go on strolls with him.

I post all my ebin shinies and hundo's.
I have never used campfire, you can post pictures or something?
>Counter's energy generation has nee reduced for pvp battles
Put it back you shitfuckers.
Everyone hates you.
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Yes and you can find local people that play pokemon go on there, and have meet ups with them.
mind you its not a thing for 'spoofies'.
>get a 96% sewaddle
>don't evolve it because Shadow Claw is trash in PVE
what a waste of a CD.
>I am everyone
I didn't mean to quote you post. oops.
Is there a full list of Party Challenges and rewards?
I know for a fact that Eeveelution shirts not in the research is are possible,
but could not find anything online that states how to get them or even that they exist at all...
Pic related + Tandemaus since that was introduced
The shirts are something like "Use 50 Ultra Balls to catch Pokémon" or higher depending on party size
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Spoof and spam trades.
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Can Anyone explain why this non shiny Sewaddle has sparkles?
>Spoofing and trading just to get something that will be obsolete when Gmax comes out next year
And what are you gonna use to beat those gmax raids?
as opposed to
>walking and trading just to get something that will be obsolete when Gmax comes out next year
She loves you and is trying to make you proud.
The walking is good for my health though.
I didn't know that mons could be all 0 also can someone please tell me why I have to release each meltan one by one instead of a group?
enable expanded group transfer or whatever it was called
>no hundo
>of course no shundo
>not even a decent 3 star shiny
>zam raids didnt even show up
Thank you, and if that was you on that other thread a few weeks ago, thank you for telling me about sharp I could actually play the game now without having to walk 15 minutes just for two pokestops now.
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>15/15/14 Zamazenta
So it's useless right? Even for raids? Even if they let you use the crowned form eventually?
Decidueye ez solo???
Yup, just a worse Zacian.
>Even if they let you use the crowned form eventually
Four years is a lot of time.
Very, double weak to flying.
Any three star is as easy solo for anyone over 40
>Run Mega Alakazam
>Zamazenta uses Crunch
>Run Mega Gardevoir
>Zamazenta uses Iron Head
What you need to understand is that the raid doesn't select its charged move until your team is locked in. It simply hates
Welp, I got a 13/15/15 and 14/14/14 Zacian at least.
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Yes it does
Probably, but not entirely certain. I did give advice to a few anons over the time.
>walk around with daily incense
>literally 0 incense spawns
>spoofers walk around with daily incense
>311 pokemon, two of which were the legendary birds
Thanks Niantic, very cool!!!!!!!!
bro you used it during community day hours....
At 1am?
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just how lucky are youse guys? This doesn’t show my first lucky, which was a mewtwo my buddy traded me back in 2029
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>host a Zamazenta raid
>win with tons of time to spare
>fail to catch it
>checking my friends list
>I was the only who failed
Name a worse feeling.
fail and see someone else get a shiny
I thought these post-CD 4* raids were impossible to solo. My Mega Rayquaza took down a 4* Swadloon without even fainting.
Crabby and Tentacruel just spawn on the beach, right? Or is there something regional, like only Hawaiian beaches or something?
uhh yeah bro you just needed to bust out the literal best raid unit haha no biggie
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>no shundo malewife Leavanny
What even is the point of living anymore?
except 3* shadows which just become impossible to damage and you die to the clock
Where are the Sewaddle showcases?

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