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/vp/ - Pokémon

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Spooky Girl Talk Edition
Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: Your trainer has an hour to kill before challenging a gym. How are they feeling? What are they seen doing?
>Thread task: Draw your Pokemon teaching something to their trainer.

>/tog/ archives

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
Picrew links, Sprite-making programs and resources, and AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

Previous thread: >>56491921
Phantom Force Turn 2

Fun fact: The move bypasses Protect
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>it's finally fixed
Thank you, OP.
Some previous end-of-thread highlights in case you missed them.

>Molly hair design sheet
>Fairytalegirl design continues
>Ruka and Arcanine win the race
>Ivy's Big P Pokemon tog race
>"Wow, it's something!" Archive card & Resource Pack
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Repostin' since it was kinda late in the thread.
Thanks for highlighting the Molly progress!

Reposting from last thread:
>I feel like putting my Molly redesign on hold, it hasn't interested me much lately. I also feel that because I like her design already it'll be difficult to streamline/improve. Maybe I'll focus on other oc's first.

I’ve had a bad immune system since I was little, but it seems like it really is flu season!

>thank you for once again reinforcing the idea that /vp/ is a Ghost-Type board

For sure! Ghosts are honestly so good, probably my fav type. I wouldn’t be surprised if lots of my oc’s end up with a ghost buddy.
>Maybe I'll focus on other oc's first.
I for one fully encourage people to make a lot of different characters that they can bounce around when one starts to feel samey. I wrote a book about it, "Living With Alt-Itis."
It's so surreal seeing what a huge difference it makes giving Arcanine rounded eyes instead of the usual piercing gaze. Great work on all the fluff in that drawing, too. You seem pretty attached to the OG anime, so having Snubbull biting on the tail-end of Ruka's hair is a pretty great callback to Meowth's girlfriend.
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The second Community Booster Pack starts NOW!

Take Pokémon to the next level: the Xth Level!
With LV.X cards, gain new abilities and attacks to turn the tides of battle in your favor!
MEGA Pokémon also return as LV.X cards!

>Use https://pokecardmaker.net/creator to create your cards.

>Access the recently-expanded Schizo Resource Pack here for backgrounds provided by the Archivist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15yLgfXZUNxehHv79cBMEk5M8dueHg_9e?usp=sharing

>Edit your background/card style with https://www5.lunapic.com/editor/

>Submit your cards here: https://forms.gle/rinJ5WeXFW25GQva7

Submissions end December 11th, all rules and resources included in form link!

>You can read about them and how they work here: https://files.catbox.moe/0vg83h.png
>Mega Pokémon will be reintroduced as LV.X cards also, be sure to place the following rulebox on the left just under the image border: https://files.catbox.moe/h63wnz.png
>Example of a regular LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/1bz70x.png
>Example of a MEGA LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/pj4cms.png
>To create a LV.X card, select the Sword/Shield Base Set type, and under Subtype select LV.X
>Look at existing LV.X cards here: https://pkmncards.com/level/x/

>HP limit is 210.
>Replace the SV1 tag in the bottom left with TOG2
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I've got a wedding to attend today, so I'll be out of the house again.
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Who could hope to tame such a wild temper...?
Hey, I made a template for a trainer profile recently that an anon pointed out was more suited for OCs.
And I agree with them, and want to get some use out of all the time I spent in photoshop.
Making a second version, and wondered what this thread wants out of basic information for their OCs?
At the moment, I've got:
Name, Age, Nature, Region, Hometown, First Starter.
With slots for a team of 6, and some room for PC 'extras', and a spot for two companions and their three pokemon, each.
And a 'bag' at the bottom for important key items.
The assumption being that essentials, like medicine and pokeballs are a given.

So... what else do you guys need/want?
How about a square to put a paragraph of lore in there too?
File deleted.
I already considered that, but the more 'general info' I put, the smaller the area for lore is.
actually, I'll just show the WIP sheet. It's all one large text block.
decoratively, it's rather bare bones, but I can create a transparent png for anyone that wants to make it pretty. ...or you know, paint bucket.

It's derivative of a trainer profile that I saw browsing google images when I was looking up one for personal use, but I really wanted a 'companion section', and ended up just making my own.
Oh, this was my attempt to combine /vp/ census with an OC profile.
whoops. wrong file.
Ignore the second text block, it's been deleted.
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Apologies, I'm not a graphic design artist.
I can, you know, make boxes and organize them semi-nicely.
But if anyone wants anything specific added to the text block, I can make changes.
Nice, I was just looking for templates anyway.

I think the categories are good as they are. Maybe goals, enemies/associations, favorite type? Not super necessary, just stuff that came to mind. Someone else may have better ideas.
I had to look that one up lol. But yes, working on more is usually the way I go about non-Pokémon characters too. I’ve seriously lost count of the amount of projects laying around. I just really feel like focussing on my poke-oc’s again!

Maybe change year of birth to just a general age. And maybe add something like occupation or aspiration? Alt outfit could be fun too.
Those are good suggestions. The more specific categories there are, the less room there will be for the bio.
I'm trying to be mindful of that, but also feel like the bio space is more for a short blurb about the character, as opposed to the character's entire backstory.

I'll continue to check back throughout the day
>change year of birth to just a general age
change made
>occupation or aspiration
I had "trainer class", but maybe not everyone's OC is a trainer? dunno. I changed it to occupation.
Precisely. The lore blurb should be your elevator pitch, not the entire bibliography. There's better ways of going about that than cramming it into a six-inch donut hole.
Non burger appearance. I didn't talked a lot around the end because I saw some good questions and stuff, but that would mean I could've killed the thread before people appreciate those things.
Now I just will answer some highlights.

David's actual home is very utilitarian. Is just 2 rooms (living and bathroom). He started to live in these cheap places mainly for functioning (not much in rent means money isn't a big issue so that means more time to train). I'll draw a diagram later.
But the only place he could say it was a really cool home was the Battle Frontier penthouse, shaped as the Frontier's logo as well. He sometimes misses that place.

That race would be a massive chaos, but it would be awesome. At difference of the water race race, David may end 2nd this time, but not for the reasons you'd think. He would push Rapidash to the limit, use Flare Blitz to give a final push, and finally launch himself forward by jumping off and using Fire Blast.
The mad man would run lit all the way to the finish line just to lose against Miko by a hair (Electrode is really fast), run through, and crash in the stables. At least there won't be a fire because he hits the water hole.

Hey, welcome to /tog/. As for character lore, I made a text file long ago, maybe I'll rewrite it.
I also made a Poison/Ghost samurai a few threads ago, and I'm still debating if I should make my shitpost OC. I mean, is a shitpost until you actually run with it, but is a shitpost at that point? I don't think so.

Why would you? Primeape is awesome.


Alright, non burger out. See you soon.
evening fellas
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Almost forgot, today's card from me is UNOWN!
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There there, you can't kill a thread on a dead board.
I'd appreciate if you could do a rewrite, I don't think we have that in the archives.
You're talking to Wolke, viejo, they've been here for a while now.
Good news, Merry bro. I got off the phone with my friend down in Georgia. He gave me tons of great leads for me to send your way later once I organize the notes I took.
>Only been here since July
>they've been here for a while now
Whether you deem it new or a while. Doesn't matter. Wolke-anon is a staple of tog.
Simple. Fact. Fact!
Haha, oops, >>56433191
Wolke has always been here.
Please notify ahead of schedule next time you're gonna sit inside my walls
I'm not normally one to impose, but you should consider replacing your water heater soon, I'm seeing a lot of calcium buildup around anode.
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Alright, this is finished. A 'drag and drop pngs' style of template. Sorry it's not pretty.
Again, it was for my personal use, but I'll drop it here, just in case anyone here doesn't like any of the other templates out there.

I'll reply to this post with a transparent file, so if you're so inclined to make it prettier than gray, it will be a bit easier.
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cheers, /tog/
have a good weekend.
Looks great, bud, thanks for the generous contributions.
But I need the Sp Atk buff!

Now this looks nice.
I knew I wasn't much for dancing but damn.
Let's find our rhythm tonight, /tog/.
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Ok I think I got it now. Her name will be Merumo.
The idea for this character is thanks to Emily anon. I think it was him that said something along the lines of "most people only give their OCs mental issues to garner sympathy for themselves". And it immediately made me wanna make a character whose mental illness was played for laughs rather than sympathy. But, like, tastefully. So I got this idea for a character with social anxiety who constantly finds themself in compromising situations because they can't speak up for themselves and get unwittingly roped into crimes, and thus shenanigans ensue.
And this is that character.

Cheers for the bios! Feels good to understand David a bit better now. I also remember that samurai OC, I thought that was a very interesting concept!

I'll fill this one in too, but later.
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Actually lemme fill in those circles properly
>The idea for this character is thanks to Emily anon. I think it was him that said something along the lines of "most people only give their OCs mental issues to garner sympathy for themselves".
Yep, was definitely me who said it.
>gets roped into crimes
She randomly gets roped into a Heist with the Payday gang.
Bro, is Friday. Time to dance the night away.
>/tog/ Rhythm Game
>Grym's theme comes on
Yeah, well, I had about three minutes to figure out how to do a Syrian wedding dance. Three minutes is not enough time to figure out how to do a Syrian wedding dance.
How does a skinhead get invited to a Syrian wedding? I'm still trying to figure that out myself.
Refresh my memory on the poison samurai, was that something that cropped up while I was on vacation or is my memory slipping?
>She randomly gets roped into a Heist with the Payday gang
Watch as her anxiety activates Ace Hostage Taker, Partners in Crime, Joker, Confident, and High Value Target. So, the moment she screams, she has like 5 cops, the Payday gang and one cloaker protecting her while she tries (and fails) to fix the drill.
>How does a skinhead get invited to a Syrian wedding?
Sounds like an american marine fighting in the middle east, saves a family, and customs says he now has to marry the family's daughter. On the plus side: cunny!
>[Gets canceled on Twitter]

>Poison Samurai
Well, I had the idea of making him a Ghost Samurai first, but then I saw we had like, thousands of Ghost users, so I went with Poison instead. Besides, that way I can say his hatred is like venom: the longer he is away from his sword, the bigger and stronger his hatred gets.
The idea is that this ghost and the medium he possesed go on a pilgrimage to recover the sword. Problem is that the Samurai is a HUGE asshole. If the next step won't get him close to the sword, he won't move, doesn't matter what happens. He can let a man be killed and mugged, a woman raped, and a baby die in a fire if they aren't helping him.
He would even answer with "I died, and now I'm back to life, so they can do it as well". At least the medium (named Aiko) tries to make him a better person so his soul can rest.
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Well it's either that or the heist takes 200 years cause she can't fix the drill and she's wondering why she's not seeing any enemies and everything is silent-- cutaway and it's just Emily going Doom Slayer mode and mowing down hordes of police per mag, unable to die with Berserker Anarchist.

Source; Literally what happens when I am playing Payday.
>skull and bones 2
I like the Yotsuba one!
I'd probably vote for asymmetry in seriousness.
>get unwittingly roped into crimes
>"Allow me to introduce myself."
Silas may have a quest or two to share on behalf of X Aqua shenanigans.
Does Merumo come from a wealthy family? Given her species is Hikki I might imagine so.
>finally figure out that weird polka they're doing
>they change the song and start dancing something completely different and I spent eight minutes staring at feet for nothing
It's fucking hopeless.
The best joke about Marmalade being a hiki is that we now have an in-universe reason for why she went weeks without a name--she was just too shy to say it.
But let me ask you: what makes you say social anxiety is a mental illness? I think people are too liberal about throwing those terms around. Someone being a shut-in isn't a sickness any more than a Gym Leader having a Type preference makes them compulsive. People are drawn in different directions, that doesn't mean everyone is insane. No, if Moomoo got so worked up over the idea of ordering a pizza over the phone that she started vomiting and ripping off her fingernails, then it becomes a sickness.
Let people be quirky. I resent the idea of having to staple some medical condition to every person, all it does is reinforce the belief that actual mundane character traits are abnormal.
Society is to blame.
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You Germans are an odd breed.
Well, years of inbreeding and fighting lead to many of our empires falling.
We never recovered. But we are trying!
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I am back and able to do shitty drawings again!
Don't take this the wrong way, but I have no idea what I'm looking at for your first travel partner.
I see a frowny guy with emo bangs and, like, Squall's leather jacket. And a red shirt.

Am I close?

also, a bunch of onix tunnels collapsing to bury a region actually sounds plausible. Like, in a 'if you don't think too hard about it' kind of way.
Yeah that's pretty accurate description
>Like, in a 'if you don't think too hard about it' kind of way.
I can imagine that being a plotline if GF ever visits Orre. Which they won't, but I can see that being the reason why everything is a freaking desert.
Well, just to not lose the custom: not burger reporting. Bump.
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Eugh...too much image editing and cropping needed for this template...
>You mean I actually have to WORK?! Put effort in!?
Gorgeous work, is this the first time we're seeing that manga halftone drawing? Looks great.
Seeing yours and Rukanon's sheets makes me realize we actually overlooked something major.
We need one last version that has boxes for names and nicknames for all the MC's companions.
Alright, fun's over, back to work. I should have Episode 6 published sometime this week.
>windows gives my PC the Blue Screen just to force a system update
You motherfuckers. I will rain hellfire upon you for this. Consequences will never be the same.
I forgot to close this thread before going to bed last night. And this is such a reasonable request.
>We need one last version that has boxes for names and nicknames for all the MC's companions
I'm not sure how I could do that cleanly without making the document larger.
I'll try. ...
oh dang. I built my own profile on the master copy, instead of duplicating it.

I'll just delete stuff. All my layers are grouped and named. It's the only thing I do 'right' in PS.
Effort for a mere profile template is annoying.
Bio space got slightly larger as a result. Like, 'pull out your measuring tape, or just trust me' larger.
also, this really is the last one, because I don't want to spam your thread with the same image, but with slight changes. I would have popped the files in catbox or something if I knew.
We're easygoing here, don't worry about it. Thanks for the quick touch-up.
Now on behalf of the resident obsessive, you're also going to need to upload a transparent version like you did before. He gets twitchy.
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1 out of 4 stories done. Can't wait to get this finished and then get back to BB to finally begin writing "new" parts of the story.
My layers are often a chaotic mess of unnamed obscurity
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That's my boy.
How's the fever today?
Fever has actually been gone for some time now, it’s just that nighttime is absolutely horrible with coughing and I can’t figure out why. Besides that I just have to keep taking the antibiotic so I don’t relapse. Some cough medicine seems to be helping as well.
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Every drawing here was done last night, yeah.
A little Update. Also I kinda wanna give Ruka another "ally" but I'm not sure what "archetype" I should use.
>Ruka is a Gyaru
>Oriko is a Sukeban
>Rita is a Gothic Lolita
>There's the nebulous rich boy rival.
I considered making another Gyaru maybe. Like a full on Manba maybe but I feel like that's too easy.
>watching a video on really terrible Pokemon cards so I know what not to do
>the nawwatuh's speech impediment is atwocious
>but not nearly as atrocious as some of these cards designed by paid professionals
>cards so bad that it only takes a single glance for me to immediately see how poorly-designed they are
Take heart, amateurs, even within our own little meta bubble, none of you will ever be able to design cards as useless as some of these Hawlucha cards that people paid real money to print and purchase.
>but I'm not sure what "archetype" I should use.
A Supernerd beta orbiter running logi for her. I think the Japanese call them herbivores.
>useless Hawlucha cards
Show us some.
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Look at this dumb shit.
Honorable mentions:
Hawlucha-EX. A card that has an ability that deals 20 damage to opponents upon being damaged... and only has 130 HP. You get to deal 20 extra damage... once. And then your opponent gets 2 prize cards instead of 1. Does it at least punch good? No. It can do 100 damage if a Stadium's in play; 60 damage otherwise. For the same cost, Lucario-EX does 100 damage all the time and Mega Lucario-EX does 140 damage AND knocks an Energy card off the target.
The non-EX Hawlucha is even worse. Its only attack deals 60 damage. If the target isn't an EX, it does 0 damage. 70 base HP, btw.
But it's gotten better since then, right?
As recently as 2024, Hawlucha is paying three energy cards for... 70 damage. Well, la-di-da, it can OHKO other Hawlucha. Mimikyu can do that for 2 energy AND it bypasses resistances.
This bird is tailor-made to play second fiddle to everything else and then die.
Now, it's important to note as the pot calls the kettle slurs that I'm not a fan of the rocket tag style of play the real TCG revolves around. I don't like the idea of just racing to be the first one to hit the "I win" button first because I just think it limits creativity in what kind of kooky strategies you can use that are probably more fun and more interesting than paying 3 energy to do 250 damage x4 if you defile the opponent's mother.
But I'm not the one designing this game. They decided to give everyone a rocket launcher and then decided that some mons will have BB rifles and then dare to say they're equal.
Fucking looney tunes.
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>me in 2000
you're telling me this thing has ten extra hp, can do 40 damage for one less energy (not affected by resistance!?) AND needs one less energy for a retreat cost!?
This card is amazing. I'll trade you my Hitmonchan for as many copies as you have.
I tried out AI music for the first time today and it's surprisingly fun. I wanted to gen a generic BGM for Merumo and was surprised when the AI wrote a whole ass song with spot-on lyrics. And it's pretty catchy too, wtf.

>what makes you say social anxiety is a mental illness?
Well, it's true that just being introverted isn't an outright disorder. But I was thinking more of the kind where your body is forced into fight or flight mode from just talking to people. I agree that not every slightly abnormal personality trait qualifies as a medical condition but I imagined a character who WANTS to go out and make friends but shuts herself inside because she gets panic attacks from being around others.

>frowny guy with emo bangs and, like, Squall's leather jacket
Sounds like the typical cool rival character who all the female fans fangirl over. I like it.
And I want the Onix thing to become canon. Like when the nutcase character end up actually correct and the crazy thing actually happens and suddenly everybody turns to him for help. That'd be fun.
>And it's pretty catchy too, wtf.
Is funny to me because I saw an Internet Historian video (Incognito channel) where they bugger around with AI music. Many songs are really catchy.
Also, can we hear it?
Yeah, pretty mean of you to taunt us with something we don't even get to hear!
You know what's actually funny? That IH video is exactly what made me try it out. I lol'd at their party song.


It made 2 versions, I dunno if it always does this but here's the other one https://suno.com/song/30a29e51-9d6e-4ca2-ba99-c2fb5184fae0
I think I like the first version better though.
>supernerd beta orbiter
Hey actually that reminded me of a character idea I had a while back. A nerdy boy who runs in the Pokemon Contest circuit. He believes there's a strategy to winning contests and that he's optimized it.. He finds Ruka annoying cuz she just goes on vibes and flies by the seat of her pants instead planning ahead.
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I feel my masculinity sapping away with each passing moment. It's very cute and calming but now I have to chug a stout.
Check'd. Consider merging the two nerds together? A Supernerd all about optimizing trying to get Ruka to take things seriously because he wants her to be the very best and she just wants to be herself.
Nigga, you made /tog/ anime outro!
Alright kids, I'm archiving the previous thread.
Realistically, is it necessary for me to archive any TCG cards if they're all going to be rounded up at the end of the season and archived anyway?
It feels weird skipping over them, but there's also no real reason to double up.
I think grymanon makes songs too
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Surely you're jestin'.
Shit this stuff's actually passable, I might have to delve into it more later.

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I like to imagine that if /tog/ fics were actual animes, they would end up getting recapped by some anime nigga
>When Macro Cosmos TRIED and FAILED to get the jump on Phos
"Nah, I'd escape" edit of Phos
>When Emily VIOLATED Mecha Mewtwo
Pic related but with Emily
Close up of her smiling with the caption "Ain't no disease holding me back no more"
>When Luke Forester SAVED THE WORLD from Giratina
Serious expression of Luke captioned "Aight bet"
>ALEXANDER HERIOT: The Prince of Black Air Forces
Edgy frame of him smirking holding a gun with a speech bubble saying "Prepare to be violated"
That's what gave me the idea to make a character song. After the IH video I just really wanted to try this but I didn't know what kind of song to make. Then I remembered Grymanon's songs and thought I'd give it a try.

Right? I already used up all my free songs today but I'll definitely come back for more later. I wanna make an anime intro now.

BTW how'd you make it instrumental? Do you just add it as a keyword? I was surprised when it automatically wrote lyrics for my prompts.

Imagine character songs for all the characters, including duets/collabs with different voices for each of them. Dunno if that is possible but it would be cool.
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>Size 4
Try a Size 20. The fuckhuge armored boots is the only thing in her old, original ref sheet that will never be changed in the slightest no matter what rendition of her I end up in.
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>BTW how'd you make it instrumental?
There's a toggle option.
I'd do anything to make David reach "Hi! I'm Goku!" levels of anime memes.
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There ya go.
Let's go!!!
You ever think about how weird it is that Pokemon that undergo Mega Evolution are so quick to be able to figure out how their new bodies work? In a lot of ways, it's really not too different from normal Evolution, but how exactly is Swampert able to intuit that it can fill those big ol' anchor arms full of air to jet through the water when
A) It's only in that form for a few minutes at the absolute most.
B) It's almost always in that form while under duress; ergo, not a lot of opportunity for trial-and-error.
Is it just instinctual to them? Unlocked genetic meme? Acquired knowledge plumbed from the depths of the Mega Stone like a Final Fantasy job crystal? Is the bond between man and mon required to unlock the full potential of Mega Evolution nothing more than just sitting down with them and doing a few practice runs to hash things out ahead of time? Am I mayhaps overthinking it entirely? Probably. Probably.
It's a shame our introduction to Mega Evolution is rooted in that filthy fucking traitor Lucario that already knows how to Mega Evolve, because not only did that rigged match with Korinna probably sour a lot of people to the whole concept, it also gives the wrong impression of just what is required of a mon in order to go Mega.
The Anime and Mystery Dungeon expanded on this idea by having to master your inner demons lest the Mega form run amok, but those are both secondary sources at best.
I'll think about it while I go to bed. Don't nuke the thread without me.
Personally, I think evolution is more of an eventuality.
Let's put it like this:

>Babymon/1st stage
Most Pokémon that are at this level can be either newborns or, like the Treecko tribe, Pokémon that weren't challenged AT ALL by the elements. Why bother to evolve when you have plentiful food, a secure roof, and live safetly inside a groove/well protected cave? Most of these Pokémon stay the same. They never had to endure anything.

>Mid evos/ 2nd stage
These are more stronger, and their anatomy changed accordingly. Their bodies turn bigger, more agile or resistant. They even add skills (2nd type) to their abilities to get a better upper hand against predators and the natural elements.

>Final evo/3rd stage
Now these are the "oddities" of the Pokémon World. Some Pokémon are just "he became bigger", but others add limbs or modify their bodies to best their mightiers. But some also resemble human anatomy.
These Pokémon are more "self aware" and mentally active. I don't expect, say. Rhyperior to speak latin and read me The Illiad. But their main characteristic of having a peanut for a brain is gone. He also isn't as open to violence as his pre evos. I mean, he can destroy a lot, but he is relatively calm.
Other interesting example would be Blaziken. As Torchic, is a small chick. Destined to be served in Hoenn Flaming Chicken restaurants. But some evolve into Combusken. Now their legs are more fitting to fight rather than run.
But Blaziken is an evolution for fighting. His dangerous enemy are Flying types? I'll jump and punch you with ease (Sky Uppercut). I will also learn martial arts like humans do (Fighting type) so I can be on top of my game.

Continuing because I cook too much

Mega evolution may as well be a 4th evolution. When "RETURN TO MONKE" and "neuron activation" collide. Their more beastful abilities surge, but their mentality also increases. Some have problems stabilizing this new surge of power As seen by fucking Furcario, but other Pokémon are more likely to stay in that stage in peace see the Psychic/Fairy ones.
Mega evolution may as well be the next step of natural selection for Pokémon. Then you have Z Moves, where they can reach incredible powers by moving Imagine something like chanting and rituals. And after that, you have Dynamaxing, which is basically "hey, the brits built their empire inside a FUCKING NUCLEAR REACTOR that CREATES KAIJUS", no biggie.
And now Franco is trying to monopolize Terastralization which is "God let me have cheats on, so I'll change classes mid game". And let's not get into Ogerpon and her masks. Also, wasn't terastal done in the card game first? Something called Delta or something? I know you guys will say "that's Insurgence", but I'm sure you have cards with different types
And I better stop this autism before I bring Orre and their whole "Shadow type" which means no weaknesses, all moves do STAB, but your Pokémon can't evolve. And the fact LUGIA was affected means that legendaries can be affected, AKA: can be broken as Hell, AKA: NIGHTMARE MODE MANDATORY.
Well, after huge rants, let's go back to the calm moments.
I've been hearing this more times than I want to admit

I feel you. Guys, if anybody needs some masculinity back: old rock and babes, that always helps. Here's a link that may help, I need to listen to Iron Maiden now

These are also my thoughts on pokemon ecology and honest explains a lot of "jobmon" complaints about "I can't see this thing living in the wild" (Cinderace comes to mind). Yeah, because it doesn't. You think humans wouldn't specialize Pokémon to look and perform certain ways? Many livestock animals would be helpless without humans at this point and would die swiftly in the wild. Like a pug
It could also explain some Pokémon with weird anatomy.
Not excuse, because things that are factually correct can also be absolutely idiotic. But it can explain it.
For example, Samurott.
Now don't kill me, let me cook. Samurott is an otter, and is a great swimmer. But this clashes badly with his samurai lemotiff. This can probably be because he mainly used those oysters on his body as armor, not as weapons. Just now his race can use blades properly (Hisuan can as well, but his horn is bigger, so he probably kept fighting underwater).
The second example would be Incineroar. Everything lead to a bigger cat. But Alola's fauna isn't weak at all. Becoming a huge pseudo luchador helps him to overcome his enemies. And the reason why he expels fire out of his bellybutton is because he "hugs" his prey, and the fire can burn it until it can be hunted down.

This sounds less "Pokémon are weird mascot monsters" to "humans affected this beings ever since they shoved their metaphorical and literal dick in the ecosystem".
>You think humans wouldn't specialize Pokémon to look and perform certain ways?
An excellent point.
Bump before bed, cya later fags.
I'm going to answer the TQ before bed.

David doesn't like waiting so much, especially during gym challenges. He fought the trainers, he won over the puzzles, he is on a roll!!!.... to then discover the leader is gone and now the guys called him/her, and he/she is on their way.
While he doesn't like this, he accepted it because he knows nothing good comes from hurrying things up.
Example: when he was at Celadon for Erika's badge, the girls told him to wait, so he did. But after a while he sees his surroundings and confounded the perverts with trainers. He asked one of them what's going on, and he got the "this place is filled with girls!" answer.
He thought they were being racist, so he said "oh yeah? I'll show them!". He kicked the door, and a Victrebeel jumped and caught him.
He ran with half his body suffering burning from the acid until he stumbled with a tree. He started to slam his body against it until the plant pokémon let him go.
He almost got banned from challenging the gym, but he proved he wanted to badge, not oggle at the girls.
He then almost lit up the place in flames, but that's a story for another day.
Ye :))) (circe theme coming at some point)

For my characters, I treat Mega Evolution as lower that a Pokémon unlocks after reaching a certain point on their bond with their trainer. Gengar resonated with Grym's feelings and wanted to continue living with her, so it unlocked mega evolution.

Sorry, I just woke up so there's very little in the way of detail.
Oh, oh, you meant "power." Yeah, don't worry, you're not the only one feeling groggy.
See, that friendship bit is the part that I'm hung up on because people have been pointing out for over a decade that Sycamore is wrong about literally everything. The only thing he gets right is the name of the Region he's in. All his talk about Mega Evolution, bonds and the power of friendship is totally contradicted by everything else presented to us in Kalos. All you need is the stone and its holder. Lucario ditches the Trainer who actually raised it just because it liked your Aura more. My G Lysandre is planning to exterminate man and monkind and he's still able to evolve his Gyarados.
The idea of needing to be close with your partner is a nice sentiment, but I think it really just comes down to having enough of a commanding presence to be able to control whatever force of nature your Pokemon transforms into. A mon might listen to you when it's normal but lose control upon going Mega; but a true chosen one prodigy can impose their will in any circumstance and that connection to what it really means to be a Trainer is what allows them to take the battle to the next level.
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last wholesome picture before i start doing stuff for spooky season
The mind-reading gremlin and the gremlin with the amazing stage theme!
I saw Parkour civilization.
(1/2) fun fact, oct 5 is when i first designed bibi, weird to think it's been a year already
ahhh i see, i use gaussian blue to achieve similar effects so i'd assumed. still looks great though!
fucking awesome work as always anon! you're spoiling me putting both of my protags in there, look at bibi's smile.....i always gush about this but the energy of your poses and sense of composition always make your work super dynamic and convey dimension super well, i'm taking notes
sorry their lore's a bit inaccessible, to give a little info on everyone
SV protag reskin
chuunibyou wannabe vocalist who sucks at singing
volo 2.0 obsessed with the treasures of ruin
tired officewoman who returns to being a trainer after a decade of retirement
a self proclaimed alien lifeform who's looking for details on her origins
if you're still curious about details i actually put a little concept art compilation together for a friend a bit ago, litterboxing it because i don't necessarily want it archived since it's a lot of blogposting but it'll be up for a few days for the curious
Evening, bud. How goes the laid off life?
i'm glad you like them! i'll note tho, while i designed those outfits the jirai's the only one who belongs to me, the gothic lolita is circe and the gyaru is ruka, and they belong to different creators here
also wow, you're great at coming up with hairstyles! too many cute ones to pick from
SOOO cute. absolute perfect doggo also man it's been a minute since we saw oriko i missed her. stellar use of halftones too and ruka's team melts my heart
Holy smokes, hivemind post.
>it's a lot of blogposting
I forced you to sub to my blog, it's only fair that I read yours.
So hey, important question while I enjoy this extended lunch break and habanero: whatever happened to the other Koraidon? Is it still down in the Crater somewhere? Surprise cameo in the underdepths? Reduced to atoms?
Asking for a friend.
thank god for gene renders. somebody more into minecraft memes than me please make a tierlist of ocs who go for chicken or beef
oh that thing's still just fucking around down there, nobody's got time to think about catching it or sealing it off somewhere given all the other shit that was going on. she doesn't encounter it again but just knowing it's still out there is why she's so touchy about people going to area zero, and subconsciously guards her side the whole revisit since that's a little nervous habit of hers. her usually optimistic demeanor kinda just crumples in on itself in that place because of it
I got more lazy/spending more time playing deadlock than anything, got 57.5 in a class, I need to be more careful in my studies (though also that class was like pretty weird, investigation techniques and all these rules and what not just to make a paper), I should be cleaning up or acomodating my room considering how much free time I have these days.
Haven't gotten much done at all today due to being stuck in bed for the most part.
But I did force myself to make this.

Polara's battle theme: Fear Factor
I will likely redo this at a later date lol
Hey, careful. You're paying a premium for the privilege of that barely passing grade; you'll have all the time you want to be complacent after you get your pretty paperwork and not a minute sooner.
Trust me on that one, else it's a long fall.
That's definitely a creepy thought. Thanks for the punctual reply.
Speaking of pacing ourselves, you ever consider taking it easier on yourself so you aren't constantly bedridden? You need to take better care of your health while you still can.
>you ever consider taking it easier on yourself
Wish I could
I have people to please and a project I have to do solo
If I take too long to make things everyone loses interest and I'll be stuck at zero again.
Stuck at zero is a hair better than being stuck at -6, savvy?
You'll have time to grow into fame and fortune, but chances are good that you're at the age where your body's integrity will only be moving in one direction from here on out.
Anyways, the capsaicin high is starting to wear off, so while I'm still feeling sagely, just remember that the only one who can help you is you.
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I initially read this in a literal sense, as in being tasked to kill someone one hour before a gym battle. I actually haven't put a lot of thought into Alex's gym career because that all happens after the edgy revenge plot that is his main storyline. In fact, although I made a "plan" some time ago, really, everything that happens after the Kalos arc is a huge blur and I'm tempted to just cap it off there.
Seeing another template posted after so long reminds me of the early days back when I had to keep updating Alex's bio.
Well, there are a few options that we can go with here
>Riding Kingdra
>Surfing on Revavroom
>Sitting in Archaludon's back
>Riding Samurott-H
But I think the one that he would probably go with, even if it's the least "fun" option, would be Galarian Zapdos, assuming this is "endgame" Alex. Revavroom would be too easy to fall off of, Kingdra and Samuott might be comfortable, but their speed stat is middling, and Archaludon would be awkward to sit in while it's running, especially given the way that it moves. Samurott would be the next best thing if for some reason Glapdos wasn't available or seemed too risky.
I feel strangely honored that my "STRIKE HER DOWN" post made it into this. I don't think you should be ashamed of the "blogpost" formatting, there's a lot of valuable information here and seeing some of the new artwork has this charming "game art book" feeling to reading this. I'm interested in the asymmetry motif that you mentioned and I like the elaboration on why Bibi is the way she is.
I love that Alto functions as kind of a heel to Bibi early on. What would Alto be doing if he never saw that vkei band? I find it funny how he thinks selling out is "kinda gay"... but he likes to wear a crop top.
Seems like I overestimated their heights. I always thought Tes was 5'11 and Alto was 6'4. I think his outfits are fitting even if "corporate". Plus, being sexy is his and Alex's thing.
Yeah, I getcha. Thank you.
Shit that's an actually interesting Cloyster design, but you just know it'd be shit for the same reasons Escavalier is shit. Strong Attack stat but no speed and terrible defensive typing.
If you minmax the fuck out of it Cl*dsire style, it can work, but it would either need to be an extremely fast physical glass cannon like Weavile or a Barraskewda tier Swift Swim/Slush Rush abuser.
How would it do that if it ends up with no improvement to it's Speed stat compared to normal Cloyster? And wouldn't an Ice-Poison Cloyster get a different ability like most regional variants I can remember do?
IF I have the appropriate Ultra Beast model handy, I may be introducing another character from my project as a trainer here tomorrow.
But that all depends on if I have the model I need or not.

Anyway, goodnight.
Normal Cloyster doesn't get Swift Swim. If it doesn't get extra speed, then it would just be a badly designed Pokemon.
So something GF would likely do anyway.
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Thanks for reminding me that I need to start working on an Alex document and I guess a sort of reference for Alex's bodytype as well. I think that if you don't want to keep this thing, that you should formalize this stuff into a Google document. You've got a lot of interesting stuff here that would be helpful to know. I still question why he has that Nidoking, though. Perhaps there's some stretch analogy to be made about how it represents the "ugliness" inside of Tesoro. Rina reminds me of the band Sybreed for no reason other than vague ties to "the future". I wish that I had this kind of outfit designing talent. The best thing I can do is just take inspiration.

Now, remember how I said last thread that I was thinking about making some kind of DnD spinoff with Alex? Here's my pitch: Alex is a lone mercenary commissioned by the king to guard a small merchant cart designed to be inconspicuous to a destination. He's not told what's in it, but he agrees because this contract pays stupid amounts of money. He's in the desert with a random family and their Camerupt transporting the item to an unknown location, they come across a trap that Alex easily destroys. Some more time passes, and some shady figure teleports in out of nowhere, engages Alex, this time the fighting actually gets tough so the Pokemon come out. He just barley loses because he's also trying to protect the family, and the item gets stolen while the cart gets destroyed. He uses what's essentially a magical telephone to tell the king that the item is lost, and only now does the item get revealed: it's a cursed raw ore that was on transport to a high level wizard in order to be permanently expunged. The ore contains an entity that is basically the shrieking orb of rage from that one Onion skit. The mistress is part of a generic chaos cult that wants to awaken the entity of pure rage to bring destruction. Alex has to find it, bring it back, you get the idea. Thoughts on this plot and Alex's outfit?
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>The best thing I can do is just take inspiration.
Not true: you're also very good at testing the limits of my ongoing character growth.
Please please please please please revise that draft, I beseech you.
Aaaand you're good at attention to detail too.
Is a self-insert an OC?
Well, David said his OC is a self insert, but he also works around it like a character.
So I'd imagine yeah: self inserts are OCs as well.
As a character for serious writing, I imagine it limits you into only doing what you would do, and liking what you would like.
Which is fun because you get to imagine a west marches style pokemon ttrpg, but with yourself as the character. The pokemon universe is now your oyster, what would you do if you weren't railroaded through a game's main quest line?
However... people aren't really that interesting. Generally. I mean, I'm not really that interesting.
I guess it depends if your fiction is:
>What if Pokemon, but for real?
>Pokemon is fantasy (not based in reality), let's push the boundaries of fiction
Is your story about a Gym Leader's day-to-day life and struggles with her job? Or is it about a Gym Leader trying to forge alliances without the evil organization finding out, or else the big bad will crush the rebellion before it can even get started?
I appreciate just being imaginative. But self-inserting is generally frowned upon in most circles. So I was just curious what people here thought.
Do you have a self insert idea, anon?
Not officially. But I've certainly thought a lot about this franchise, having grown up with it. And I absolutely put my self into the world, and thought about what my goals would be, where I'd go, what I'd do if I couldn't be a trainer. Things like that.

I think having the protagonist of the mainline games be silent, is so that you CAN self-insert (if you want). As opposed to RPGs with characters that have their own personalities. Then it's fun playing through them to see what happens to your cast of characters, be it Crono or Cloud.

I think, mostly, I just like the puzzle of creating teams for, say, fictional professions. Like, what pokemon would a steel worker have that would help them with their job? or, Pokemon need food to survive, so keeping an Onix or Snorlax might only be feasible for the rich.
Sorry I forgot to reply to this before. Yeah, she would have to come from a rich family in order to afford living as she does without leaving the house.

I actually like this Cloyster better than the official design

That pdf is super interesting, thanks for that! I actually like that you included your personal thoughts and ideas, it gives more insights into how you developed the characters.

I think it can be. I self insert in games all the time and sometimes it evolves into a character of its own. I start by changing their background to make them fit into the universe, replace undesirable traits with what I wish I was like, make changes here and there and eventually they're loosely based on myself but far more interesting.
I hope you find your UB, man.
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there is this template for the chicken beef thing.
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Hasumi and Anna!
Life update: We’re starting to think that whatever got me wasn’t bronchitis, because both of my parents are now sick, and bronchitis is not contagious. We think it might be croup cough that is supposedly going around my uni. My mother has described it as “The worst sore throat I have ever had in my life”.
I appreciate the honesty in telling me that it sucks. I’ll probably just make it a one-off like the Wild West thing, then. It’s probably better that I don’t turn it into a series because then I’ll have two series to deal with. I do wonder why you think >>56538158 though, unless it’s something I’m really interested in, I tend to kind of rush to get things described. In fact, even though the casino scene is probably pretty long, I actually think it feels really short and rushed. We’ll see. I’ve also axed one of the four short stories in order to expedite the completion of CHD because the third one really didn’t serve any purpose.
God making those hands was absolute cancer. SD1.5 really cannot into interlocked fingers
Now's your chance to force feed your mother rice and see how she likes it. Congrats on becoming a self-made orphan.
>I do wonder why you think
You made no less than four variations of the same suit because you needed to make sure it was perfect . That's attention to detail, even if the focus is incredibly narrow.
>You made four variations of the same suit
I did?
>Captcha: 4W0W

Also, I need an excuse for as to what Alex would be doing in Flocessy Town when Iron Treads does its thing.
I was combining separate occasions. In the one I was thinking of, you took Koanon's drawing of Hemlock, made a mirrored version, then made transparent versions of each.
Not the first instance, nor the last, but it's why I w̵̧̪̪̦͗̀̾͒̈́́͆̓̀̀̄͝ą̵̢̙̺̱̦̦͕̦̟̃̈́̀̃̎̕n̵͇̣̩̞͈̞͍̓́̓͆͋͒̌̍͘͘t̴̯̔̇͋̕ ̷̢̻̹͖͈̟̬̾̾ṱ̸̒̈͠o̵̱̱͓͓͖̹͚̣̽̚͘ͅ ̶̡̞̟̩͓͈͖̩̜̽̐̄͋̒̓̃͘ͅḧ̶̢̖̬̭̦̦̪̝̟̓̈́͒̌̃͆́͝į̴̛̫̬͖̹͙͕̀́̀̀̊̒̚͝ț̷̨̣̫̀́̈́͛͒̈͊̏́͗͠ ̸̨̪̗͎̪͖̯̻̱͑̉̕̚͜ÿ̴̡͙̺́̒̈͑̃̃̐͘̚͘͜o̷̮̗̣̫̞͆̽͒̐̓̄͐͐̉̚͘͝ͅu̶̦̣͖͇͙͚͈̐̋̌̂́͘ͅ ̶͙̻̼͖̥͂̔͘ẘ̵̰̬͈̒͛͠i̷̡̛̯͌͆͐͒̕͠ţ̴̼͎̘͍̟͕̬̺̯͐̓͂̓̃̄͝͠h̵̛̗͚̼͚͇̦̆̈́̇̎͜ ̴̬̞͇̠̗͔̙̭̩̼͕͔̏̀̎̿̈́̄́́̇̕a̷̛̬̺͑̈͂ ̶̞̤̣̘̝͇̱͍̤̿̇́̏̈́͒͒̍̚̕͠ͅb̸̛̛̦͖̹͚͉̩͍̙͈͐̐̉͂̐ŕ̷̛̻̥͖̠̄i̶̥̭̣̓͋̐̃̾́̽͆̓̕c̸̢̫̝̳̀̏͒̄ķ̵̫̦̥̫̬̩͎̞̫̭͐͌̃̏̓͗͌̀ love you.
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Unfortunately, there is no model for Naganadel that has been ported to KK.
The plan was to have NOXI from my project join as a villain allied with Gray and Polara.

Noxi would have grown up with Poipole, and owed her life to Gray for rescuing her from the streets.
Gotta say, I'm not really a fan of just copypastaing these characters from one universe to another without any major changes or attention to the differences.
Now if you had made their skin a pale blue like the Megalopolis residents to go along with that Poipole, then we'd be in business.
There's a very good reason why Polara and Noxi wouldn't have had blue skin
Plus creating a character can take DAYS to do.
but anyway, Noxi won't be making it into the story due to the obstacle stated

However, there will still be a good reason as to why Polara owns a Blacephalon yet isn't from Ultra Megalopolis
JK, take your time.
This is a big takeaway. I cannot stress this enough, there isn’t a reason not to take your time with this stuff because nobody besides Phos Guy actually has people waiting on their work. There isn’t a single person besides Archivist (who doesn’t really count because he shows interest in basically everything that has ever been posted here) who has ever gone “I can’t wait to finally read Black Blaze, I’ve been waiting for so long”. Take all the rest that you need because nobody will ever take issue with it. There is no hype for anything except for EIF.
Thank you lads.
I appreciate your patience.
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>Phos Guy actually has people waiting on their work
>he shows interest in basically everything that has ever been posted here
>There is no hype for anything except for EIF.
You are so, so close to understanding.
>There is no hype for anything except for EIF.
Definitely feels that way, and why I am just taking my time with chapter 3.
Alright, I'll actually humor you: If you're actually capable of functioning like a normal person, I'll become your personal ghostwriter.
No more spam images, take off the caps lock, stop insulting the people you want to recruit. Do we have a deal?
Uh-uh-uh, you have to agree to the terms first and you're already violating the rules.
Wow, violated all three rules at once. I really was willing to write a story about Cynthia falling in a cave and getting shishkebab'd by a stalagmite, but now I'm not going to help you.
Why the fuck are you interacting with the hog boy? We already concluded he cannot be reasoned with or act normal.
Because it's really funny giving retards enough rope to hang themselves with.
It's especially hilarious to me to be able to taunt them with the knowledge that I really would have done it if they were capable of meeting the terms.
Shame, too. I would have had fun with it but now it's never going to happen.
You retard thats the same reason he replies back. Now shut up you're making it worse
Does anyone else have this glitch where removed posts keep showing up until the next new post?
You can just refresh the page too.
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You think I didn't try that already?
I work IT, dude, that's always the first step, it's nothing personal. I've mentioned this before, but I cannot be any more clear cut when I say: if you are not browsing this website with the 4chan X extension, the 4chan X extension,
>the 4chan X extension,
you are solely responsible for your own suffering. Click the arrow, Filter, Filename
Complete assurance forever in three easy steps. Want to go further? Make a custom script that automatically brings up the report window upon detecting a filtered filename. If you can't handle doing even the simple version of downloading 4chan X,
>the 4chan X extension,
you deserve to be trolled every waking hour of the day.
If every anon downloaded the 4chan X extension, the 4chan X extension,
>have I made my point yet
and started filtering filenames, low effort troll posts would cease to exist overnight.
>Download the 4chan X extension
Back in my day, we had a combination to avoid shitposting: Shift + Left Click.
The future is now, boomer, we have technology to do that for us.

I'm going to bed. I hope you all get to follow your dreams.
>I hope you all get to follow your dreams.
We shall grab the shitposting, burn it, and use it as fuel to our trip for the stars!
Reposting this image because it goes well with the message
Let's have a nice week, /tog/.
My brother asked me a question I would like to hear your guys' input on. Can Pokémon survive in a Pokéball if left alone for long periods of time?
Well, I always thought Pokéballs were like putting your pokémon inside an stasis chamber.
It won't heal it, it won't heal it, is just a small device to carry a living being. As time went on, these living beings were turned into data, giving step to teleporters and internet connections. Trading was mutations at first, but now is part of a pokémon's dna activity. And some balls have special effects, like capturing one pokémon that makes you wait a lot, or caught them unaware. Others do it better at night, and others need the weight of a pokémon for a better chance.
So, yeah. Pokémon can live inside pokéballs, and even have cushy lives (if the anime is to be an example). But the moment the internal battery dies, well, the pokémon is free. And he better be free in an open area. Otherwise it will get really ugly.
I presume there would be a safety mechanism to release/send out he pokemon from the ball when the ball's internal battery runs dry, so there wouldn't be much of a forever.
As for the mon itself, my uninformed headcanon is somewhere inbetween data and "it's magic, I don't got to explain shit", so it really would be a glorified ssd for living beings. Which in turn means that as long as the ball is fine, the mon is fine, and see the first paragraph for when the ball moves from being fine to being not fine.
Pokemon can bow out at any time. See: Ash's mons refusing to save themselves in the blizzard, Psyduck, twenty-plus years of Wobbuffet, your starter walking with you outside the Elite 4 in US/UM. They can also hibernate for decades inside the ball as demonstrated by James's Carnivine and the dead man's Dartrix also in US/UM.
According to the recently-translated art book from the early years, Bill's PC system works by faxing your Pokeball to some nebulous storage space, where the ball sits in a literal box/on a shelf until you withdraw it. In Alola, they also get the additional benefit of being able to fax themselves to Mohn's Pelago whenever they feel like stretching their wings/slaving away in the mines for my profit.
In pure headcanon, as a youth I also imagined them being held at the Professor's lab or returning to their original catch location with the Pokeball acting as a safety net to yeet them to safety if they ever get in trouble until you call for them again. The former is most plausible, the latter relies heavily on plot wizardry and little kid feelings over logic.
If that battery eventually fails, I don't see any reason why the capsule wouldn't open up to let them out (the point of the ball is to seal something inside, so I imagine the bulk of the power supply goes toward keeping it shut), nor do I see any reason why the mon in question wouldn't leave sooner if it wanted to. As for why it wouldn't want to, it's important to remember one of Japan's most famous heroes in modern history:
A while back someone mentioned that their OC's Pokemon would be trained to have immunity to Intimidate and other things like that. I think that's kind of bullshit, but it also brings into question how such abilities work. I don't think it just works like being an actually Intimidating being, rather, it's an actual spell that decreases the opponent's attack stat. Which is how situations like this can happen mechanically. Since it's an ability, it would probably be something that's done automatically on entry, like this
>The Pin Cluster Pokemon emerged from its resting place with a scowl. It rolled its eyes into the back of its head to obscure its irises and gave a chilling "MMMMMM..." as wisps of red energy were released from its eyes and unwillingly absorbed by its opponent. The Tauros stood its ground, forming a battle stance and countering with its own Intimidation, giving a low, loud "OUGHHHHH" as it did the same.
Likewise, I think that stuff like Taunt functions in a similar manner. It's not the action itself that counts but rather the "spell-casting".
>"Nasty Plot, go".
>A myriad of dark expressions quickly formed and shifted between each other on Zoroark's face. Suddenly, Samurott's eyes gained tiny red wisps as they widened, and a manic smile formed on its face while its left arm beckoned Zoroark with an instinctual Taunt. Zoroark snapped out of its conniving state, before breathing in and letting out a terrifying, deafening roar. Phos swore that she saw Samurott's beard gust back from the blast as its eyes squinted in contempt.
>"Didn't know you could do that", she chuckled.
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>The Pin Cluster Pokemon
The what.
Of all fucking names, that's what they go with? Not the Sea Fiend or Poison Barb or Naval Mine or the Navel Mine or My Navel, but the Pin Cluster. Sure.
Besides, I thought you were the one who suggested training up an immunity to Intimidate? Or was it Rocky.
Damn, that Pin Cluster's got me all messed up.
>Pokemon can bow out at any time
I find that hard to believe, since the whole capture process seems pointless then. Why would you have to hurl dozens of balls at a mon until it finally stays inside? It suddenly decides "Eh, I like you now"? What would be the point of stronger Poké Balls if they can just leave it any time anyway? And Pokémon who don't like their trainers could just run away any time. We see Pokémon who hate being captured in the manga, yet they merely glare at people from the inside of their balls, clearly kept inside against their will.
I've never liked the scenes of Pokémon leaving their balls in the anime, it was always for cheap gags. Haha, Wobuffet came out and finished the Team Rocket motto instead of Meowth, how funny. It's even funnier after the 5000th time.
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>Why would you have to hurl dozens of balls at a mon until it finally stays inside? It suddenly decides "Eh, I like you now"?
It's a negotiation (see also: Shin Megami Tensei's first outing from 1987, Dragon Quest 5 from 1992). It's not that they suddenly decide, "eh, I like you now," it's that they conclude "meh, I could get used to this." Better quality balls see better, faster results, same with balls specifically suited for certain varieties of mons over others. The capture process doesn't make you friends, it deems you worthy of being the Pokemon's Trainer. It doesn't have to like it or you (see: most legendaries, Buneary, Lokix), but it acknowledges that you're worthy of following around for now or otherwise too strong for it to rebel against (in the case of the badge merit system).
No, the way I describe the ability goes against that and I'm not sure how it would even be possible to do so. I would never suggest such a thing because that's crossing into actual Mary Sue territory.
>Let's have no good reason to be immune to one of the strongest abilities in the game, just say that it's a really strong and special Pokemon therefore it isn't affected by Intimidate even though it doesn't have an ability that counters Intimidate
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>me, writing an OC so unbelievably shitty that all other OCs are retroactively promoted to Shakespearian quality by virtue of not being him:
(it's probably this one)
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Canonically a crossdresser btw
I don't care but that definitely rests my case.
All of the zircaverse is just a way for nyantcha to project every fetish he has
>exhibit A
What did he mean by this?
The archive isn't working right now, but I once made a comprehensive list of every fetish that Nyantcha has veiled into one of his Zirca OCs. I'll post it later if the archives get back up.
>what did the black man pretending to be an asian woman on the internet mean by making a cross dressing faggot?
You missed the part where he's fat
>pretending to be an asian woman
Nyantcha RP'd as a woman for clout, and it worked for a while until the internet run a girl check on him.
He is just another black guy who is getting off on coomer money. There's usually an image that gets posted with all the info, but mods started to delete (probably because is a pseudo dox), so all we have is the MANY threads people said "Thiccwitcha is a dude".
We should have an "OC of the year" poll where folks can vote for their five favourite OCs produced by anons
I vote for mine, and so should you
I nominate... Bibi for strongest trainer.
Ruka for kindest trainer.
Hasumi for most ambitious trainer.
David for class clown.
Luke for most likely to be president trainer.
Ayumu for most likely to be a champion trainer.
Emily for most entertaining trainer.
Alex for most likely to be shoved in a locker trainer.
Phos for most likely to become a Deadlock character trainer.
A brilliant idea.
I volunteer Alex to pour through all the archived threads and collect the names of every single character posted here.
The Big One: https://www.pillowfort.social/posts/1919731
Gym Leaders Height: https://www.pillowfort.social/posts/1919697
E4 Art: https://www.pillowfort.social/posts/1919712
Vos Xavion: https://www.pillowfort.social/posts/1919719
There’s also one new guy named Halcyon not shown there. Sadly, most of these are also veiled fetishes, though the characters themselves have somewhat normal design thoughever. Off of the top of my head:
>Halcyon (https://files.catbox.moe/hphjg6.png) - Femboy/Pastel Goth/Streamer
>Suzuen - Shota
>Steely Crits - Bara
>Rylie Florderi - Clown Girl
>Yosemi Garicia - Tribal/Muscle Girl
>Yorra Villeneuve - Pear Hips/Thick Thighs
>Dorado Guerrero - Bara/Drugs
>Aysha D’Navari - Pear Hips/Thick Thighs/Ebony
>Evangeline - Loli/Pastel Goth/BPD Chick
>Kairo D’Navari - Pear Hips/Thick Thighs
>Jules Jagger - Cheerleader/Thick Thighs
>P1X3L - Streamer/Thick Thighs
I mean, all artist has a solid idea, and sometimes is a really good idea.
But then they go for the easy cash (not judging, everybody's gotta eat), and the idea turns into generic wank. Hell, I feel most people know Yorra and her daughter Hope more fore R34 rather than the Pokémon connection.
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A vote for Luke is a vote for Sinnoh
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>Yorra and her daughter Hope
Who and WHO?!
No wait, never mind. I'll take your word for it.
>Make the Sinnoh Elite Four actually good
Sheiit, nigga, that's all you had to say!
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added picture of the dex and also Nox and Suzi's names.
Forgot to answer the question: Luke would spend his pre-gym wait carving more apricorn balls.
What's the Mega Ring for if he doesn't even own any Pokemon that can Mega Evolve?
Unless this is a tabletop custom job.
And what's the status on getting that drawing tablet set up?
Custom infernape. ability lets Torch do more hits per hit. And with Luke's build, it's really the GMs fault Torch is so busted.

Still haven't the funds to justify buying one yet. perhaps soon though
>Make the Sinnoh E4 good
Is it sad that the only moment I had problems with the E4 was with Flint's Lopunny because I forgot to have a Fighting move? Even Cynthia was easy because, yeah, fail and grind, but only took a couple of attempts.
Flint was an annoying footnote because I defeated all his team, and then I had to endure until Lopunny was out. Second time I was ready tho, so with new Exp I kicked Cynthia's butt easily.
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>Emily for most entertaining trainer.
Entertaining? Literally how?
Mostly because of the pocket dimension story, and those people Emily saved were ever grateful to live in her pocket.
I've not read something like that finding some relation to Pokemon... Or maybe ever.
Plus all the small, but adamantly discussed as necessary details like the fact she has a closet full of the same outfit or the insanely heavy boots.
I'm jostled from my standard train of thought. Entertaining!
Have you seen Cromartie Highschool where the boys slap Freddy Mercury's head and he doesn't emote? Entertaining like that.
That one probably shouldn't count. It's not related to Pokemon Trainer Emily at all.

I have not seen whatever that is and idk how it is considered entertaining.
You are missing out
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>Your trainer has an hour to kill before challenging a gym. How are they feeling? What are they seen doing?
Taking a nap.
Oh is this the one where the guy breaks all the pencils?
Okay that was worth a chuckle at least.
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Show me your pokemans.
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These plus an Abra to ride on my shoulder.
Aww, how cute. He has your eyes.
It's the whole dogs-resemble-their-owners thing.
We both started out as wide eyed youngster full of energy and now we're just tired af.
I wonder what categories my characters would win.
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The Eternal SOON (tm) award.
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There there.
Unfortunately with most of my focus being on my project there's not much I can do with/tog/ stuff...
Yo, that Venusaur is lit. Explains why he is a Poison type.
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Well, I've finished up the story with Iron Treads, so now that leaves only the main feature left to write. I may or may not get this out on the weekend, we'll see. I've run into a bit of a conundrum with the ordering of this thing, though. The original "tying up loose ends" thing wasn't completely in chronological order, however, I'm not sure if this thing should be. The Iron Treads incident was recently moved to be the opener despite occurring second chronologically, meaning this is in a 2-1-3 sequence. Peak-end rule dictates that since I'm not super confident in the ending, I should put 1 in the middle to act as a pseudo-climax and for 3 to be a sort of denouement since there's a brief snapshot of the present at the end, however, the opening of 1 was sort of written as an opener to the fic as a whole, and, in addition, 2 as it stands right now was written without naming Phos or Alex, and putting 2 back behind 1 would necessitate changing that, which in the grand scheme of things would not be significant but it would ruin a bit of the mystery that comes from having 2 as the opener before 1 reveals Alex as being Alex. I won't be putting this up to a poll, but I will be putting 2's name up to a poll.
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Just as long as you make some strong indicators so that we as the reader can understand that the "first" section occurs after the "second" section, I don't see the issue.
I'll give you this weekend. Gives me time to calm my nerves as I gear up for the finale.
I'll be honest with you anons, doubt grips us all, some more tightly than others, and knowing that the summit is looming right above me now has really been cutting into the writing time of this current episode. Even in spite of everything you've helped me accomplish this year, I'm still left wondering if I really have what it takes to give the series a satisfying conclusion and the fear of flubbing it is enough to make me want to run away from it all so that I can fail on my own terms.
I made that choice once, never again. If I succeed, I'll succeed with confidence. If I should fail, I'll fail spectacularly. I just hope I can be ready for it either way when the time comes.
Let's put our best foot forward, /tog/. I'm going to bed.
Sweat it. Worry. When you finish EIF you will permanently upstage the thread by being the first and likely only person to ever actually write a complete work. Think long and hard about how you want that work to be remembered. You will remember this until you inevitably lose interest in Pokémon for good, and maybe even beyond that. Nobody else here will ever have the status or fanbase that you have, for any reason. Nobody's work will ever be as enjoyed or acclaimed like yours has. So end it well.

Or don't, that's fine too.
T-thanks. No pressure, brah...
I need to see the Abra riding on your shoulder, that sounds adorable
I hope that Liliko woman is doing alright.
Cute delinquent gremlin. I hope she does alright. I think she was trying to lay off the booze.
Well, as is so often the case, the booze is just part of a larger issue.
Not me, though. I'm just built like that.
Regardless, I hope that whatever she's doing, she's prioritizing her health and not self-destructing.
I mentioned to Bibi King a while back that I feel most people aren't nearly as assertive as they should be, and that they would resolve a lot of issues in their life if they were more direct and willing to take a stand for themselves. It's okay to impose, it's not aggressive or selfish to put your foot down when you disagree with the way things are being run. Same deal applies with finding a healthy work-life-social balance. You need to be able to stand up and say "I can't do this," or "I won't do that," and most importantly "this is what's best for me."
Lot of people with medical issues don't get the proper care they need because they just march to the tempo placed on them by society. It's why I'm so adamant that people around here take care of themselves always. If an anon won't listen to the little voice in the back of their mind, I hope they can at least listen to me instead.
>>56528280 (OP) #
Life update: After seemingly starting to get better, my body decided that it would be funny to start vomiting again, although not as severely as last week.
>>56546691 #
I’ve also decided that I’m going to be debuting a new casual outfit for Alex in the Iron Treads incident. Maybe I can KIND OF Photoshop this when I get home, but I might need to learn how to do textures. Hopefully I’m not ripping golden boy off with the “Pokemon styled jacket” motif. It’s a jacket with a sparkling gradient like Glimmora. Any suggestions to make it less “basic” would be appreciated. I also had an idea for a Weavile jacket but I’m not sure if that’s copious, suggestions for that would also be appreciated. If this falls flat I can always just change it later.
Not going to be debuting this outfit in the fix but I also thought something like this would be fitting, just not sure when he would use it https://qu.ax/ghECU.png
Have some peppermint tea, buddy. And stay hydrated. You're on the upward climb. Hang in there.
No, I don't think any one character has a claim on Pokemon-themed attire.
Give the jacket bright yellow buttons like Glimmora's eyes, that's my only suggestion.
Tragically, he died right after solving the captcha.
What a shame.
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Older Luke
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truly I am an idiot. fixed the spelling
Thank you, Older Luke.
Any recent updates to look out for in Guilded Platinum or has this been everyone's cheat week?
No updates, haven't found the spark to write since my computer got fixed. Lost the momentum and am working towards getting it back with more silly Luke art
Well, you know I'm rooting for you.
The silly little guys are nice, but it might also be worth your time to try and kick things up a notch to see what you can achieve if you've got nothing else planned for now.
If need be, I can write up a tutorial on how I was using Paint whenever I get home, maybe it can be helpful for you.
Bob Ross's tutorials also work on Paint, incidentally.
I've done bob ross on a canvas before, came out pretty good. I'd be willing to see what you got tutorial wise
Yeah, I'll give you a little demonstration when I get home, but I've got a few errands to run first.
>Bob Ross's tutorials also work on Paint, incidentally.
I don't know how my PC will handle me beating the devil out of it.
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Percussive maintenance is a key part of any proper tech support.
Trust me, I'm a professional.
>I'd be willing to see what you got tutorial wise
So, I'm going to very briefly demonstrate two methods of drawing in MS Paint:
The first and maybe most obvious method is to be completely insane. To be thoroughly mentally-unsound. To be so obsessed with your vision that you agonize over every detail at extremely-zoomed in distances as you free hand with a mouse cursor over and over again until you get it right.
Example spoilered for being fetish-lite, but if anyone ever wondered why I was the MS Paint Anon in the early, early days, it's because I cut my teeth on many, many works just like this.
For obvious reasons, this Paint method isn't recommended, but it is perfectly doable.
The second method is extremely simple by comparison, but requires a bit of case study first.
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The most distinct trait of Ken Sugimori's art style that sets it and the Pokemon aesthetic in general apart from other anime styles is the particular way that he draws the eyes on his characters. Once you're clued in to the method he uses, it becomes surprisingly easy to replicate. All it involves is a simple |/ motif.
Characters' eyes can be more or less rounded to emphasize cuteness versus toughness, age, etcetera, but they will almost always follow the |/ rule even if some parts are invisible. Think of it like a ratio. The line art that forms the sides of the eye is typically more narrow than the arch that represents the character's eyelashes or forms the base from which their eyelashes sprout out.
If you can replicate these eyes, you've already done most of the heavy-lifting in four quick swipes of the mouse. We'll do a demonstration next.
Using nothing more than the line tool, the 3-point curved line tool, and the oval tool in the absolute most basic version of Microsoft Paint, we can recreate the Sugimori eyes to a T.
And using Paint 3D that came bundled with Windows 10 and is available from the Microsoft App store [[until October 31st of this month]], we can add a bit more nuance to the construction of the face using not just the 3-point line, but the 4-point and 5-point lines as well to fine tune the shapes.
This example was created just before I started typing using only curved line tools and the oval tool.
It's not exactly up to par nor is it entirely faithful to Sugimori's exact style, but it took less than a minute to create.
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All that being said, take a moment to study this original MS Paint drawing from back in the day. Very, very little of it was freehanded, the overwhelming majority of it is just stitching curved lines together.
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And for comparison, the original Phos drawing done in Paint 3D; also almost 100% made of curved lines stitched together.
Catbox thinks that it’s funny to make the video slow as hell for no reason. This is why I always use other image hosting websites.
When EIF starts to really wrap up and you have time to doubt yourself as usual, you should go back and redo all of your MSPaint stuff to kill time.
In summary, mimic the Sugimori eyes, use a curved line for everything else, and all the pieces will fall into place.
If you aren't familiar with drawing proper anatomy or proportions, I recommend the helpful links provided in the
>I want to learn how to draw!
link provided in the OP.
And right here. Special thanks to Tweny.
There is no shame in tracing.
>you should go back and redo all of your MSPaint stuff to kill time
I would absolutely love to and it's something I think about a lot.
Remove the Anonfiles link from the pastebin, the website shut down a while ago due to repeated uploads of cheesy pizza.
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gif attached is how bibi meets her mienfoo (who years down the line becomes one source of martial arts training). running to and fro around kitakami she stumbles upon it practicing its moves and tries to replicate them with little success, mienfoo's a little too gentle hearted for its own good and decides the silly human needs someone to look out for it
little nyx runs drill, drills, and more drills. like a kid desperately studying for an exam she makes sure that everyone has got their combination of moves ready to go and that deino's in the mood to listen to her that day. she's nothing but nervous despite having a more "slow and steady wins the race" approach to battles. bibi on the other hand reserves the day of a gym challenge for rest and relaxation, no point burning everyone out when their regular schedules are already filled to the brim with training exercises. that said, she'll be in the middle of a picnic or playing games with her pokemon when all of a sudden she snaps her fingers or whistles, expecting whoever's around to readily react to those nonverbal commands of hers and fire off a move. she keeps them on their toes like that
forgot to comment on it earlier but i'm so glad she has a name now! looking forward to her getting roped into terrible circumstances, the best thing to do with cute characters is make em a little miserable
>"kinda gay".
definitely a bit of irony in how he conducts himself. vkei isn't necessarily manly, but that's also why it attracts so many female fans. it feels pretty in line for him to just call shit he doesn't like "gay" even if he doesn't actually have any particular feelings about others' sexualities or perfectly embody masculinity
holy christ how'd you get this candid picture of me (the piercings on mawile are fucking peak)
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>Bibi for strongest trainer.
not quite sure if she qualifies but it gave me the excuse to make a joke
if i ever put the sinnohan self insert idea i had to paper he has his vote
cast most likely to be adapted into a jrpg
while i am quite excited for more eif, is it bad i kinda hope you don't finish it before the end of october? i've known exactly what i want to draw for the finale for a while now but i've got my hands full with halloween stuff
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....and one more. gnight

Honestly, really helpful. Thanks for posting these.
How typical of a good man to come and go so suddenly in the night.
I promise you I won't be finishing by the end of October. As has pretty much been the rhythm from the get-go, I end up squeezing one episode or Gaiden into a month. Which is both a tremendous lot and also not nearly as much as I would have liked.
Though I hate to jinx myself by claiming another deadline to eclipse, the finale would probably be closer to the tail end of November, around Thanksgiving. I felt a tuft of beard turn grey thinking about it just now. Maybe I'll get locked into a fae mood and really go all out for a sooner release, but this has been the busiest year of my life by far and as we near its end, I'm feeling so very, very tired.
Happy to be of service, you know I'm always here to help however I can.
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I've been laying low for a while because I figured I didn't have much else to contribute until I get my story rolling, but I'm still alive. Just trying to find the time to work on this amidst college shit.
For now my approach is to just write the story itself while leaving gaps whenever there's any specific mention of my region or any names and landmarks, then fill them out later once I get to coming up with that.
Also insecurity's creeping in and I'm wondering if I haven't accidentally made Merry too visually similar to Lorelei.

>>Thread question: Your trainer has an hour to kill before challenging a gym. How are they feeling? What are they seen doing?
Very likely chugging coffee to stay sharp before the battle (she'll regret it later).
Oh, hello. That'd be very generous of you, but I would appreciate it a lot if you did that.
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Howdy folks, sorry I've been a bit inactive lately, I've been pretty swamped. Good news is I am writing again (yaaay). Bad news is I'm nowhere close to being finished with the next chapter (boooo).

>Thread question: Your trainer has an hour to kill before challenging a gym. How are they feeling? What are they seen doing?
Miko would be mindlessly gambling on his phone to keep a clear head. Going into it unprepared allows for more shenanigans to take place and, for better or worse, Miko loves that sort of randomness a battle may bring.

Ivy on the other hand is strategizing, studying up on her opponent and getting in any last minute workouts that she can. While she mostly thinks with her muscles, she knows how and when to lock in and use her brain every once and while.

Thank you anon for an amazing trainer sheet template, you did such a great job. I love filling in shit like this, it made me contemplate adding some sort of travel companion or reoccurring rival to Ivy's story.

God I love Ruka, everything here looks amazing. I especially love the Technical Magazine drawing too, so cool.

This spam detection shit is driving me to the fucking edge- look forward to part 2 of this post because I have no other choice
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Tfw I accidentally copied over what I had typed out.... you win this time spam detection

have a good night anons ;_;
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Love the gifs and the quick memes, bee-tee-dubs. Wish I had more time to talk about them right now.
This wouldn't be an issue if you just forsook the real world in favor of hanging out with us more often. How many of your friends and loved ones are as interesting as me, really?
Hope you try again later.
Ah, perfect, I was starting to worry you wouldn't see that message. I'll upload it in about fourteen hours or so. In the meantime, you really shouldn't be shy about posting here, I don't know where lurker-kuns keep getting this idea from. Use the thread as an opportunity to do some networking, flesh out the small details between your dude and their mons that wouldn't or won't make the cut within the context of a proper story, and bounce ideas and suggestions off of others. Remember: if Alex tries to butt heads with you, that means you're on the right track.
>I'm wondering if I haven't accidentally made Merry too visually similar to Lorelei.
Unless you plan on giving Merry a pair of great stonkin' tits, I'm not seeing the resemblance.
Though maybe consider doing so anyway?
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Man, doing comics will hopefully help me draw more consistently. Updates on this are gonna take forever but I wanna try and keep at it. Backgrounds are completely AI because I'm lazy.

I love that gif. It's almost as if Mienfoo captured Bibi instead of the other way around lol
>the best thing to do with cute characters is make em a little miserable
Yes. Yes, it is.

...I'm starving, tapping out.
Poor Merumo, someday she will be able to hold a conversation.
Well I'd say that's off to a good start. Not knowing Jack from shit, you had me fooled with the backgrounds.
Does that last panel count as fanservice?
What is Phos like when she’s on her period?
Tries to psychically transfer her period cramps to Franco
The Fate Stay/Night way?
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Hold up i just wanted to reference a meme i saw the other day, does this shit actually happen at some point of fsn?
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it's a new day and I was longer feeling dejected by spam and tried giving this another go, that is until this post got spam filtered again. I won't make the same mistakes as last time tho. I will be taking out my frustrations every time this happens with an Ivy doodle
You're right, you're the most interesting anon I know- I'll try harder for you anon <3 especially cuz Lorelei is one of my all time favs.
I'm writing in Luke for this upcoming election in November. Fuck America, make Sinnoh great again.
Did he get the mega ring when he was younger? Which of his Pokemon does he mega evolve? Absol?
What a banger animation. I love seeing Bibi interacting with her Pokemon. She, along with everything else you do, is so full of life and personality.
Agreed, thanks for the tutorials anon. Will try and incorporate these into my next piece/character.
and here's part 2 because god forbid I keep all this in one post

I'm so surprised parkour civilization has permeated its way into /tog/. Miko would jump for the beef due to the added risk (and make it cuz of dumb luck). Ivy would jump for the chicken to get some of that lean protein (and make it cuz of her physical prowess).
>Taking a nap.
looks like venusaur can really use one. I love the details and accessories incorporated into your team.
Nice work anon! I've considered making comics before, but I don't think I have the patience for that kind of stuff. I just know that coloring, backgrounds, and consistency would be the end of me so kudos on pulling this together. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Merumo's adventures.
She switches out her coffee for raspberry leaf tea and has Murkrow run all her errands for her for a day or two.
Infernape actually, Cynthia gave us megas for helping her fight Team Galactic in Solaceon town.
Oo glad I asked. I was wondering if you had some custom megas in the campaign or not. Looks sick, really cool.
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I meant to change Luke's occupation in the second one to Ranger, oh well here is the last one. Spoilered because it's Luke's end state.
Luke's so handsome
I'm surprised you of all people would benefit from anything I have to say given I'm the one who should be copying you, but I'm glad to be of service.
And look at that, the lessons are already making a big difference for you. After I'm done organizing Merry's notes, I'll do another brief demonstration on posing and any other details that might help you along.
And I encourage, implore, beg, plead, invite any real artist to step in with lessons of their own. Feels weird being a student trying to tutor another student. Blasphemous, in a way.
Being a student teaching another is one of the best ways to learn, at least irl. It makes you play around with the information and process it in a way that helps you actually retain the info.
Also tried to do this
And just like that, you're already more qualified to be the art director than whoever was responsible for Scarlet and Violet.
Sorry I haven't been around too much.
I'll be returning to project work on the 15th. So I'll still be posting here and checking/making cards, just not as often. Sorry.
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>Which is both a tremendous lot and also not nearly as much as I would have liked.
well if that's not the feeling of all artists working on a project. you're always going on about how others should take it easy, remember to take that advice yourself, if inspiration strikes, wonderful! but undue pressure will just make you miserable
>too visually similar to Lorelei.
a lot of people seem to get worried about visual similarities that aren't nearly as egregious as they think. merry's aesthetic is her own, pokemon's got room for more than 1 hot chick with glasses. besides, the suit jacket makes her look way more prim compared to lorelei's popped collar vest
the contrast between her portrait and goofy doodle self in the corner's to die for. also man, we're both getting trounced by the spam filter huh? feels like i'm looking in a mirror with her. also anon, you've got the patience for animation, you've got the patience for comics, don't sell yourself short
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>love the gifs and the quick memes
glad to give you something to smile about
oh those are some adorable pjs
don't forget to check in!
eh, as long as you still intend to improve at a craft you'll always be a student, and because of that you'll almost always be learning from other students. though i guess if anyone here's actually qualified to teach it'd be ruka since that anon has been to art school (wouldn't surprise me if miko anon's been too). regardless. i've given my coloring tips before which is all i feel qualified to talk about, but on the topic of learning from tracing i also want to point out that you should also pay attention to lines of action while you do so, they'll help you form an actual understanding of how the body moves, shifts weight, and contorts, letting you figure out how to pose characters more naturally. nothing is wrong with tracing, but there's definitely a way to maximize the information you gain from it. try and outline the "flow" of body parts on the model you trace
hmmmm yes, the lines are lines. I mean, I get it the body makes/is made of those lines. I'm just struggling with how to apply that information.
Thank you, King, that's pretty much exactly what I was going to talk about, though I didn't know the specific terms.
When portraying a character in art, our hee-hoo monkey brain is naturally inclined to focus in on symbols, symbols that represent core identifying features; like circles for eyes, lines for mouths, etcetera. However, the face is only 5% of the body's surface area, and the remaining 95% cannot be neglected.
Body language is the most important method of expressing character. A person may be smiling, but if their shoulders are slouched, their spine is slumped forward, they're squeezing their binder and tapping their foot, are they really happy to see you?
If you want to have a character stand tall, your first thought may be to simply have them... stand, tall. However, this limits the range of expression severely and makes them look rigid. Think of how uncomfortable it was having to lock in place for a school photo. Straight lines are restrictive, curving lines represent freedom of movement and expressiveness. Our shoulders, hips, and spines are almost always moving and twisting in almost any circumstance. Life is asymmetrical, we rarely have those theoretical lines running across our shoulders and hips running parallel.
Take a look at the examples I've provided to see how building around that "Line of Action" benefits the whole. If you want to draw better poses, it begins and ends with manipulating the hips, shoulders, and spine and then branching off from there and manipulating the Lines of Action to suit your needs. For example, turning the curve following the vertebrae into a winding S-shape.
added some hair
I want to add more stuff to the hair, but Idk what to do in that regard
I keep forgetting the pictures
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Busy busy busy, always so busy...
In summary: You apply that information by looking at your drawing and asking yourself "does this have a flow?" It's okay to have straight lines, but god that gif is really distracting
but no seriously where was I going with this, my train of thought is gone
It's okay to have straight lines, but there are many circumstances where a work can be improved with the addition of a wobble. As you look at reference images, trace an imaginary line down the model's spine, from the back of the head to the tailbone, and note how often a drawing that appears to be a straight line is actually constructed from a curve.
If you want some fun drawing practice, draw three lines of actions in any fashion you so choose and of whichever lengths you desire, then try to construct an image around it the way I demonstrate here.
As far as accessories go, the sky's the limit. A pokeball hairclip is always in vogue, or maybe something more personal.
If you mean detail for the hair, don't.
As Rukanon grumbled about prior, Sugimori doesn't actually put much detail into his hair aside from shading and lighting. Just flat abstract shapes and spikes. This is both a blessing and a curse.

I'm going for a walk, I'm told we'll be seeing Aurora Borealis over our fair city tonight.
Aurora Borealis?
At this time of year?
At this time of day?
In your part of the country?
Localized entirely within your vicinity?
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Better late than never! Never surrender to procrastination!
Late to the thread, but first for our hearts. That's a cute Volbeat.
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Cool eyes
Thanks, this is probably one of the top 10 things I've ever drawn.
Well, we are close to the end. Should the next thread be spooky edition? Most of our threads last one week max, so it would be relatively early.
What about some TTs and TQs? Looks like we may have new artists with the tutorials pls repost them in the new thread.
Also, what about the OP?
>Most of our threads last one week max
Just have 2 spooky threads then. Autumn/Winter festive times are the comfiest. Rest of the year can't compete at all.
As long as I get extra candy
As soon as I get out of bed, I'll add a download link for the "borrowed" version of photoshop that I use to the OP links, as well as provide a link for Clip Studio that Hasumi's anon uses. I don't know if Mikoanon/Ivy anon/Ivon or Bibi King ever mentioned what programs they use by name, but I'll add those too if I get the chance.
Unfortunately for us, it amounted to just a saturated version of the usual light pollution, slightly extended glow with a green tint to it that makes you squint your eyes and say "I guess that's the northern lights." Still cool, but nothing amazing.
It's very striking, I really like the extra color you splashed in the iris. Is this a character that we know, or just someone you made up for the exercise? At any rate, congrats on taking a big leap into developing your art skills. It'll get even easier from here.
Spooky Week? No. Spooky Month. Who could fault us for being in tune with the
of the season?
I'll start brainstorming some thread ideas, but please for the love of all that is holy let's not glue the question and task together, they can and should be distinct from one another so we can have some variety in our answers.
I think I posted her once and she got confused for an Older Emily. She's one of my players' favorite NPCs
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Today's card is Druddigon.
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[Important news]
Added a new section to the
>I want to learn how to draw!
section of the OP that includes links to Clip Studio and a free installation of Photoshop CS6. (It's safe, I've been using it since January 24th.)
The Photoshop link is accessible through the /tog/ archives, in the folder reading "This is not an installation wizard for Fotoshawp."
The OP template has once again been updated accordingly to note the addition of a Drawing Programs section in the
>I want to learn how to draw!
link. If it gets overlooked in the next OP, I will be very displeased.
Ah, I remember that. What was her name again?
I gotta say, I feel much better now that we're properly crediting the artists. That little detail was the only black mark on the first expansion that was otherwise exceptional.
I'm gonna have some breakfast (yes, I was very late getting out of bed) and then I'll make a google doc going over those Georgia notes for you. Thank you for your patience.
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I have been struggling like a bug this week, and missed a lot of great posts that I don't even have the time now to comment on except this one really quick
Simply STELLAR Volbeat in a bee costume.
It was worth the wait.
Her name is Harley and she was a rival to one of the player characters. The setting was Johto in a time after people stopped being afraid of Pokémon and before they started seeing them as friends (so after Legends: Arceus). Players characters and NPCs of their same age were the first generation to start seeing them this way and Celebi charged them with helping go against tradition.

Harley moved to Johto from Kalos, because the current champion was trying to better organize the League and make it safer for everyone so that even a ten year old could wield Pokémon. She wears her late dad's battle jacket as a reminder that she has to win enough tournaments to help move her family away from the more violent Kalos League.

First half of the campaign was spent pushing back against traditionalists and helping the champion. Was a good time and I've run the game twice and each play group has really liked Harley a lot.
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Tobi was also a very popular NPC, just a really sweet dummy who battles for fun. Also his mother neglected him and drilled it into him that he's "only as good as he is useful."
I'd already drawn the pose when I paused like "Wait, but her skirt..." But I was too lazy to start over. A little ass cheek's never hurt anyone, right?

Maybe you could give it a try and just do one page for a start? Or a comic strip? I'd love to see more comics here!

Although I have my own version of Photoshop I wanna thank you for adding the link. Always good to share such things!

Oh, she does look like an older Emily. I think that's just because of the model's style, though. It gives them both the same pouty face.
She's supposed to have RBF, she does take the jacket off when she isn't battling and swaps the sports romper for a white blouse and slacks or a circle skirt (depending on where she plans on being.
Speaking of Emily, anyone notice that he's been put on a three day vacation again?
What hot take took him out this time?
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