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schizo thread
>thread gets deleted for breaking the rules
>retard immediately makes it again
This. Do what other schizos do and wait a few hours.
it’s worth making tranny jannies and their pet schizoids mad, yes
>verification not required
Delcattyschizo should not be listed amongst these faggots, DESU. Replace him with Rhyperiorfag or Icefox.
Yes he should. He's a mentally ill Muslim Pokefan
>rhyperiorfag or icefox
Delatranny avatarfags and posts in several threads it's not as annoying as yawntard but he's definitely annoying
Based tranny obsesser!
they are real women
Where's the pic with the plane seats or whatever it was?
this is not very halal of him
fuck Glaceon
marry Delcatty
kill yawny
Kiss Delcatty
Fuck Glaceon
Cuck Ivysaur
I feel like i haven't seen yawnfag in the last couple days. Did someone kill him?
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Is this Ivyfag on /pol/?
>that filename
We know it's you delcatranny
he's falseflsgging making all these schizo threads because he got mad everyone want him dead lol
the file in the image has a different name from the file of the screenshot though
What all these have in common? Discord

Nuke Discord.
if it weren't him falseflagging he wouldn't be spamming that "is that ivycuck?" post also only he goes on /pol/.
You don't filter memeflaggots? I haven't seen a memeflag thread for half a decade
Why Delcattyfag now falseflags as Ivyfag?
Fuck delcatty
Drown the guy yawning in a latrine
Marry Seviper
So you're doing guesswork cause delcattyschizo made fun of your jeet kind
we know it's you delcatranny, go outside for a bit
You’ve got balls OP I’ll give you that.
>jews are now behind people calling out shitposting schizos on /vp/ according to delcatranny
Yeah, /vp/ are too retarded to understand that no means no so they constantly remake the threads the jannies nuke like the dumbasses they are
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what about ACK is he still around?
Based, NGL
Previous thread was deleted because OP (Braixen mod) got btfo too quickly and that strawpoll didn't go as he expected so he's trying again in hope people go after Ivysaur instead of him (Yawnfag)
ivycuck just woke up
get ready for some more schizoing
Also he made it again because he's not afraid of getting banned which proves that he's indeed a mod
can already tell lol
OP here. Neither a mod or a janny. You’re right about me not being afraid of getting banned, thoughever. Oh no, three days of not getting to interact with this shithole board? However will I recover? Kek. I’m just doing my part to bully the mentally ill responsible for making this board unusable. I don’t really care which schizo gets caught in my net, just so long as they work up a good seethe.
>fox mods weren’t satisfied with being called out for their shit in last one
>let’s make this one to change the narrative
Contained in generals
I kneel.
You made ivycuck seethe harder than any other schizo
For the record, the mod usually gives only a 1 day ban if your post is deemed off-topic. And it is a board ban not a global ban on top of that too.
Fuck Glaceon
Salute Delcatty
Shoot yawnfag 3 times
Hire pajeet to beat up shaunberg
Poor widdle shitcord troon who tries to project his AGP on his betters! He's sad that everyone just shot his last hope! 3x each
Samurott should be that weird looking edit because that's the one he always posts claiming it's better.
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Use this one instead
Delcattyskizo isn’t based or “redpilled”, you just never grew up
>you are a loser because of your genetics & subhuman looks, not the Jews
>you are not intelligent or clever for being racist and anti-Semitic, in fact it implies the opposite
>if you were born in Nazi germany you would most likely have been killed for being genetically inferior
>you have no right to speak on eugenics, let alone who dictates who gets to live. You are no Aryan king, you’re a fat, autistic porn addicted virgin who posts anime photos on boards. That doesn’t scream ubermensch
>you shit talk Jews and Indians and whatever online to make up for the complete hopelessness and powerlessness in your own life
>your only retort to this post will be to call me jewish or ESL, and it will only prove my point more. The laziest jew has accomplished so much more than Shitpost about white supremacy on a dying board

>Fuck Glaceon
>Fuck Delcatty
You retards know that the topic is the schizos behind these Pokemon and not the Pokemon itself right? You are literally saying you want to have sex with Delcattyschizo and the Glaceon zoophile, both of which are male
Only one day? Geez. I usually get 3 days if I'm being racist and the mod doesn't like it.
If you get a global ban, for being racist for instance, then it’s 3 days minimum. But the mod often gives out 1 day bans or just warnings if you didn’t violate a global rule.
It would shock you what many religious people do that they aren't supposed to
It's just one schizo. All those mons are fine. /thread
this is why you schizo enablers are getting aids stop dick sucking them and have some god damn integrity smfh!
>thinking anyone cares in the first place
Imagine making circle jerk threads and trying to see if you and your shitty friends efforts are doing anything to be "infamous" amongst a community.
Honestly it's really pathetic.
It's going to be a few more years of this at the most until the underage group moves on like every single other shitpost group in the history of this site.
>you are THIS mad
>>you made ivycuck seethe
>retards malding nonstop about ivyfag and ivyfag is nowhere to be seen
Eh not really. Mostly just bored. At the very least they could change the style a bit and maybe even up the stakes a little.
It's just not fun anymore. Sure for a brief moment it was ok. A little chuckle here and there.
But now its just looking at the same joke and material and hoping it would change at least a little bit.
No one ever makes threads about shooting me ;_; That just means I gotta try harder
i still like seviper tho
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spectacularly based
This user has a brain
Incredibly based. I would love to suck your dick (or tits if you're grill)
>the board is just a bunch of coomers dickriding schizo spammers
do we really need an IV drip of news to not devolve like this? there's decades of content to discuss...
It's just OP, Braixen yawny, trolling and samefagging to direct the hate from him (Yawnfag) to Ivysaur after failing in the previous 2 threads lol
Look at him instantly samefagging whenever he gets called out lol
2 shots for yawnie, 1 shot for cordie (You)
These are your choices:
>Stab one
>Behead one
>Hang/Neck one
>Shot one
>Electrocute one
>Delete one
>OP here. Neither a mod or a janny
So why is your older thread deleted and this one isn't, even though it's the exact same?
All 6 to Yawnfag
Gee, i wonder who the fuck that crossboarder is. I swear to God, you both need to eat cyanide.
Your efforts are in vain, but i salute your intention.
What's the story behind yawnfag?
The original thread caught Ivyfag so it succeeded, even if that’s a low bar.
Braixenmod isn't an yawnfag impersonator, he just wants to keep the furfag bait and bara threads alive, and bully the ivycuck.
OG yawnie would praise only new gens 6-8 and whenever someone would retort he’d just say “yawn” and rattle off pro fen8 talking points
I’m pretty sure the OG doesn’t post anymore and it’s a cordie imposter with just as little free time

He invented “sagefag” to cope with getting called out
said it before but i'll say it again
how the fuck is great tusk not in this image?
>admits trolling and spamming
Uh oh, our mod here (OP) is breaking rules
Tranitors are sloppy and/or fickle.
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Shit like this does not make the board any better. But if there's no saving it, might as well troll the retards making it so. I hate this franchise and the faggots enshittifying it.
Delphox > Braixen btw
Saying this as someone who played XY twice - both times with them - and experimented with Pokkén. Been exposed to Braixen far more than the average person.
You have to admire the delusion of fox pedos; no matter how many times they get called out or BTFO they just pull the excuses out or their ass asap
>it was Ivy!
>we were framed!
>it’s the discord cabal!
>uhhhh yawnfag guys
The internet is in absolutely dire need of a complete overhaul on who is and isn't allowed to use it. I think that it should be treated in the same fashion as the laws required to operate a motorized vehicle. In order to do that, the law demands that a driver have a license, their vehicle be registered, and have proof of car insurance.
Therefore, the ideal internet must have all of its users be licensed(I.E. show that they know how to properly use a fucking computer and prove that they can and will be a productive member of society), have all of their internet accessible devices be registered, and show proof of stable mental health. If this were to happen, extremely severely mentally ill faggots like the subhumans featured in the OP wouldn't be here.
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this, but as with eugenicschad in the other thread this sentiment will whip the shartlets into a seething frenzy and quickly propel this thread to bump limit
lol what a terrible idea
All that is going to do is prevent thought criminals from using the internet
Trannies will still be able to because denying them rights will be considered transphobic. 4chan as a whole would probably just be shut down.
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you say that like it's a bad thing, making chudcels seethe is always the right choice.
>b-but the trannies!!
are <1% of genpop, your bogeyman is irrelevant.
>4chins might be shut down!!!1
god, I wish. finally, freedom
They should ban anyone under 19 to use internet and carry smartphones.
it sounds way worse than the internet right now
at least watching schizos have meltdowns is entertaining
>eugenics “chad” got BTFO so bad by the pasta he has to larp as having fans
I kek
Every cordie accusation is a confession
>shartnigger immediately baited into thread
hilarious timing
>says this while posting on 4chan
If you weren't a subhuman yourself, you would have enough self-control and self-respect to stop posting on a website you hate.
there's a few notable people missing. this board has way too many dedicated schizos
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I actually just think some of the people in the board should be dragged out into the street by other members of their community and publicly flogged while their 4chan posts scroll across a big screen and the whole town laughs at them.
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>/vp/ would blow yawnfag's brains out first by a significant margin
I love how Ivy came up with the whole idea of a discord cabal and “corrupt mods” so he can cope with being disliked
List of significant Schizos by generation:

Gen 1: Ivysaur,
Gen 2: Gen 2 defense force
Gen 3: Seviper, Delcatty
Gen 4: Glaceon, Cynthia, Dawn
Gen 5: Gen 5 defense force, Samurott, Serperior
Gen 6: Yawn, Braixen, Sylveon, Aurorus, Goodra
Gen 7: Incineroar, Alolan Ninetales (although I think it's just a meme posting)
Gen 8: Cinderace
Gen 9: Mewoscarada

who did I miss?
you forgot about great tusk again somehow
kek look at his cope below you
i don't know who is he
Weavile for Gen 4 but that is an old schizo
The guy who posts the schizo anti-jewish rants when the vorefag posts is a leafeon gooner.
the scourge of romhack and fakemon threads, david
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>catfag #4
needs to be higher. this faggot is so annoying
These meta posts make it worse btw
Schizos love to be remembered and talked about, all of them (except maybe shaunberg. That’s a weaponised autist) would go away if they were never mentioned by name or brought up
That won’t ever happen doe
>franchise is so dead and bad that people prefer to talk about random anons than the actual ames
/vp/ needs to be deleted, but it won't be because the mods like watching us suffer. They're outright in cahoots with these schizos to make sure they can be as autistic as possible 24/7 unopposed.
they should rename the board to /mon/ - Monster Collecters and make Digimon and YGO fans improve the quality of the board, since they have more gamers than coomers
That won't improve the board's quality, that'll just subject all the other franchises to being constantly torn apart by autistic Pokeposters who refuse to accept that people want to discuss things that aren't their obsession.
Even worse if you did it now because then the warring would be nonstop based on the current state of Nintendo VS Pocketpair.
ivychad is dangerously based and lives rent free in discord schizo heads thoughever
same with samurott (unless you mean the hater schizo)
hi ivyfag
hi cordie
Ivyturd doesn’t have fans or friends so when someone “defends” him it’s painfully obvious it’s him samefagging, just pathetic to watch
>inb4 hi cordie
Not the same dude but It's the "Paradox mons/convegent evolutions/megas/gigantamaxes/cross gen evos after gen 4 were a mistake" guy.
hi cordie
This thread sucks
How did posting Ivysaur make 5 mentally ill trolls seething for years?
>I love Jannies! I love rules!
I really hope one day all of these people get their real life photos leaked and they are so ugly they get bullied and mocked into killing themselves
ivycuck would probably like that and think he is winning as it happens to him
>t. Schizo who wouldn't be allowed online
It could be happening to him and he’d still find a way to convince himself it’s the planning of some discord / imaginary raid kek
thank god I'm handsome and not one of the schizos in OP
lmao based
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lol nice one
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based total ivysaur death
I love this one
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OP got utterly destroyed in his own game
ivycuck got really mad now and has to post his gay ass rigged poll he made LOL
kek no wonder his 6 bait threads all turned up against him
he lost the narrative
The indie schizo who hates Rhydon.
>thread still up
KEK I thought the other thread got deleted quickly
yawnfag isn't that bad actually
I kind of like him
I also headcanon him as having a slowpoke pfp
how do you look at an image like that and not feel sad?
are you a psychopath?
why do you like to see animals get abused like that?
He's already in the pic.
you must be high on estrogen, sissy
But he isn't
He lives in a savage shithole where they kill and and eat animals for fun
What are you talking about? He's right there
pokemon are not animals and ivytroon is not a real ivysaur, you erectile dysfunctional dumbfuck
For me it’s solar beam
Um everybody knows ivytrans is a valid human-to-ivysaur trans girl, you fucking evil alt-right chudcel nazi
>fagfox gets shot as much as sh**n
>pokemon are not animals
what next, humans aren't animals?
your attempt to correct me has failed because you don't know the difference between "beast" and "animal"
I thought you said the flopxen and troonscat shills are the same? Oh well, at least this way you can shoot the same shitcord troons 3x by including yawntard
Poltard coomers don't play Pokemon
Just spam /trash/
Fucking hell dude you've been screeching for days now over people you can't even prove are involved. You easily take the crown of schizophrenia, ivyschizo
Would have been better if there was a tiny tiny wooper in the pic
Don't give him the crown. That's what he wants. He is a tryhard wannabe eceleb
>thread still up
>schizoids in my OP still posting in it despite the painfully obvious bait
In another life I was a tard wrangler. Thanks for playing anons.
trips don't lie
>me when I don't understand Pokemon lore whatsoever
pokemon aren't aliens anymore, bro
it's been retconned for decades
>Im giving the schizos attention, the last thing they want!
>I am a genius!
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>yawnfoxie lost in his samefagging game he is attacking Ivysaur by attacking a post that is attacking Ivysaur
>anon has never heard of a containment thread
Yes I am a genius.
we're gonna get a LOT of spam threads from this meltie aren't we lol
yep. he's desperate to make this board hate Ivysaur instead of him
This is about as much as a containment thread as /vp/ is a containment board
Can't even begin to imagine how disturbed you have to be to think anyone talking about you is the same person engaging in some "game" of samefaggotry. Not that we had any doubt, but at least you openly admit to samefagging and cope with thinking everyone else that aren't your posts is just one person. Gratz on being worse than yawnfag for the past 2 days. Keep it coming for our amusement, schizo!
There is though
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>you are worse than me I s-s-swear noooo i don't care about polls and the other threads all shitting on me instead of you reeee
Ivycuck made a new obesity fetish thread >>56539837
he is such a hypocrite
Mod's little pet got really mad and cried to his boyfriend mod for help
I don't see it
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>he surrendered and deleted his rule-breaking guro spam
Another win for Ivysaur
so the rumors were true. ivytroon is in beds with mods after all
>xe forgot Goodrafag
>xe forgot proud of its power Lucario
>xe forgot the Reshiram, my wife faggot
are all of you newfags?
>spend all day yesterday spamming, sperging and talking shit about mods
>mods delete one (1) post
>>ehrmeged! the nods are against us!!!
You're retarded
uuh yeah? Wasn't it obvious already? His thread that displays guro lasted days and archived peacefully, while guro inside a containment thread that is anti-ivysaur gets removed within hours.
Yes he is. Ask him why was the post about Braixen fag being Brazilian got quickly deleted
damn I changed my mind. All three bullets go to ivyrat
>>56536734 was right. Sharty are mods, sharty is friends with ivyshart, sharty hates attractive pokemon, due to being homosexuals
heres one of them LOL >>56539849
(dont think the thread is going how he anticipated though)
I've learned so much about the state /vp/ from these threads.
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I miss when the schizos had the balls to do shit like this.
why am I not in it?
fuck you
I still don't get who yawnfag is or what he does.
I keep randomly seeing "yawnfag" eventhough it seems like a nothing post. Idgi
If you ever wondered why a thread suddenly became “gen 5/6 out of nowhere” it’s very frequently yawnfag, he is probably the most autistic of all genwars faggots
but he's always right
Its just a boogeyman to deflect all criticism
Oh he’s that retard? Yeah all three bullets for yawnfag
Some tranny who loves Gen6 and hate Gen2 and 5. He tend to turn any conversation against Gen2 or Gen5 be for monster designs or quality of games while pretending the newer games are flawless masterpieces, rendering all games threads into unusable genwars.
He also usually defends himself in 3rd person and when that fails he claims that yawnfag doesn't exist.
Mods never delete his posts for some reason
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What are you talking about? He's right there
I care so little about gens that I have not noticed him
But he isn't a Muslim
>e celeb stalkers
>tranny obsessers
>off topic spammers
I choose yawnfags side if this is all you guys have
Not fooling anyone, yawnfaggot.
>using mod powers to play cat and mouse with a user
Doesn't that constitute as abuse of power and avatarfagging by global rules?
they are above the rules
.....it's a drawing
of a fantasy creature
are you autistic?
ok so the answer is clearly yes
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They had to doxx themselves to hiroshimoot for the privilege of moderating 4chan for no pay. Let them have this.
>brownoid calling someone else a brownoid
I guess it takes one to know one
lmao stfu you baby
imagine being this fragile on 4chan
4chan users let themselves be convinced that moderating their own forum was a job for losers, freaks and trannies, and then act shockedpikachu.jpg when their mods are losers, freaks and trannies and act like it. should've stepped up instead of leaving your community in the hands of people who hate you.
Wouldn't this count as a meta thread? Should have an MLP reference as the dead schizo cherry on top lol.
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New faggot just dropped
That worked when boards were anarchy now we are limited to a mere 3 nigger words in each post.
I hate whiny schizoid faggots like OP more than I hate jannies, it's that simple.
All of /vp/ salutes you, OP for keeping the worst of schizos contained for so long.
>all of the anti skeledirge threads ands the pro meowscarada threads got bumped at the same time
lol yawnie...
these threads were very educational and helped me to be able to identify these subhumans on sight, thank you OP this was based
how do you rationalize such a nonsensical ranking in your mind
by being a janitor himself
The anti-paradoxmon poster
Every Gen 5 fan is schizophrenic.
Gen 6 for Greninja fans, Serena fans, and Hex Maniac fans
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see, and this is why newfags are told to lurk. now remember to ignore their posts, dont respond, and never refer to them so they run out of attention fuel and fuck off.
That won't work, some of the schizos are too good at getting attention. You not giving them attention won't do shit.
also some of them re just massively autistic and will continue to post their bullshit regardless of what happens around them
shaun is kinda trying
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Do you not see the borts infesting every thread with genwarring?
Pretty sure it's Yawnfag, same as when Johto fans get upset at somebody being fucking retarded, or Sinnoh fans get upset at somebody fucking retarded. Really the only old gen fanbases Yawnfag doesn't shit on are Gen 1 because they're just built different and Hoenn because if he did he'd have to admit ORAS is bad and it's clearly the only worthwhile Gen 6 title. Hell, he even manages to not understand why people like Emerald or Hoenn in general despite using it at a defense, he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about. Same with Gen 7, which makes me think he's just really stupid and only understands Gen 6 because it's so upfront about everything. You can also see that in his arguments about only using an over-leveled starter, or ones which aren't based in reality and usually omit massive amounts of information, to the point where he's either lying or schitzo. In fact, since we're in a thread about schitzos, let's look at some of his most insane takes.
Claiming Gen 6's online worked when it was fucking dead
Claiming Eternal Floette had an event distribution
Claiming that shit like "Faraway Place" and "Hometown" are unique locations in XY
Some receipts for the last one, I dunno why the history on this page doesn't display what was added between then and now
I can dig up some more if anyone wants, it's fairly easy to search the archives for his posts because they've got a lot of good key phrases.
I want some!
That's yawnie having a melty and shitting up all the threads in the catalogue like the little attention whore xe is.
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he doesn't actually care about gen 7, see pic related
yawnfag is so ubiquitous that I've come to assume anyone who uses the word bort is this same subhuman schizo fag. which is unfortunate because there's plenty of actual discussion to be had about gen 5 not being that great without his rampant autism.
Whatever you say yawnie
Sure, here's the classic psycho comparison between every dive map in RS (I assume based on the date he put on it, it could be Emerald and he's being weird again) and one screen of one map from B2W2 that isn't even the dive map in the game
Hell, a lot of his older images are poorly scaled as well.
Him thinking shit like this (https://youtu.be/rxSjiYl3VYk?feature=shared&t=7698) is an ice puzzle working correctly (the only ice puzzle more busted than this is the one in Brycen's gym in BW, which literally lacks collision on one object, holy shit Brycen why do you continue to disappoint)
It should be legal to kill the mentally ill with hammers. You know. Eugenics.
Starting with you?
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>my funposts get labeled as yawnfags arguments
i truly run this board from the shadows
Your feelings couldn't be more hurt.
>which is unfortunate because there's plenty of actual discussion to be had about gen 5 not being that great without his rampant autism.
Impossible when unovafags will flood any thread criticizing them
>fat, porn addicted, neet subhumans think they can dictate who gets to live and die
>this is who is telling you eugenics is a good thing
Peak Irony
what pokemon is that?
oh wow so it was true what that anon said.
You belong in a death camp.
yawnie has been having a perma-meltie for FIVE fucking days now holy shit l3l
Anon i dont care enough to read that but i just want to say i want to cum in that riolu
I hate hyperfocused spamming autists so much. This site has fully turned me into a believer of eugenics.
yawnfag has been having a perma-melty for five years
which schizo has the lowest IQ?
which schizo has the highest IQ?
- competent enough to win with his favorite mon
- can wade into foul water when it is the water of truth, and in the process not disdain cold frogs and hot toads
- got stuck in CAS, the equivalent of a participation trophy, and couldn't even complete his easymode major
- can barely type in English
Highest: me
Lowest: all the other faggots
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Delcatty is highest IQ when he can prove he is a Hafiz
>which schizo has the lowest IQ?
Yawn since he can't convince anyone that he's samefagging/falseflagging
>which schizo has the highest IQ?
the one who leaked stuff that exposed the mods/jannies and made him their #1 enemy for years before they get to shut him down
When's the last time a board has ever been flood to this degree?
Samurottfag Yawnfag and Shaun fight closely for the space of dumbest motherfucker alive. My toaster could probably beat them at chess (it's broken, by the way).
probably delcattyfag because he can somewhat draw
How is drawing shitty doodles high IQ?
Because jannies don't shit up the board with pointless spam.
>everyone I disagree with is YAWNfag
This just proves that calling someone YAWNfag is just a synonym for "opinion I disagree with", which in function makes it a meaningless buzzword. I'd know, I've been called YAWNfag for criticizing every generation in the franchise at this point, if anyone says anything negative about someone's favorite gen on /vp/ then they get called YAWNfag.

Anyone who calls people YAWNfag needs to be lined up against a wall and gunned down like the subhuman retards they are.
>he can somewhat draw
porn artists draw well and yet they failed school/college and had to beg on social media to do commissions just to pay rent because otherwise they can't have a real job without a degree
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I mean, say what you want about Delcuccy, but he actually makes OC which is somewhat commendable.
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Let me get this straight because I've seen so much of this drama that I've completely lost myself and 3 brain cells in the process as well:

1-) Ivycuck post pics of Ivysaur
2-) Delcattyschizo doesn't like it for unknown reasons and start spamming
3-)Ivycuck doesn't care , delcattyfag gets mad and call in the braixenturd mod
4-) Braixenturd mod provide immunity to delcattyschizo
5-) The endless cycle repeat since Ivycuck doesn't commit anything against the rules

Is this pretty much it right? Sooo.... basically /vp/ has become /kindergarten/
Porn artists whore out their artistry like prostitutes so they do not count.
The pointless spam exists due to janny negligence. Are you stupid?
the pointless spam exists because retards like (you) exist. If you'd just neck yourself like a good little subhuman faggot, the quality of this board would shoot up 5000%.
1- Ivyfag posts a pic of Ivysaur
2- Braixen/Mewoscarada/Glaceon fags quickly pop up out of nowhere to derail the thread
3- Delcattyfag joins them
4- repeat every time
kill yourself subhuman.

College is a DEI scam, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a retard.
Get the modcock out of your throat for a moment to share your explanation for why trannytors allow pointless spam threads to stay up for days.
1 - This thread exists to be shitted up so others aren't.
2 - It gets shitted up.
3 - Some are confused as to why.
So we are back to the Delcattyschizo is plotting against Ivyfag phase again? How long until Ivyfag starts brownosing Delcattyschizo again?
The original thread was bait but it was suspicious for excluding certain schizos, so OP got mad that his thread didn't go as he planned.
he made a second thread quickly after the first one archived and people quickly called him yawnie so he removed it and made this one to try again.
if you read the comments and how OP gets very defensive and angry, you would know who's behind it.

also the fact the second thread was deleted and this one popped up immedietly after it without a 404 means it's a mod trolling
We are all autistic here
At first I felt bad for him getting banned every time he posts his drawings, but he turned out to be a /pol/ refugee that quickly became friends with the mods here and he always shits up my threads for no reason. That's why his /pol/ threads stopped getting 404s

homosexual furries always love to suck each others' cocks
Your threads suck nigger.
Braixenfag just won
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>flopxen now has more votes than sh**n
well ok, pajeets are cheaper than bullets anyway
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Truth always prevails, no matter how many dogs bark at you
I'm surprised there were even 31 people available to vote
that is the dumbest shit I've read so far in here
butthurt ivycuck and his mod friend have been spam voting it as if anyone would believe it. It takes a certain type of seething to spend this much energy and time to fake a poll
the mythical braixenposter won without even playing
cordies... we got the top 3 votes... what the hell? MAKE ANOTHER ANTI-SAMUROTT THREAD NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!
nice samefagging
Any good movies come out recently?
I think the mod have a fear of clowns
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yawnfag/braixenmod bragging and defending himself:

then claim that yawnfag/braixenmod don't exist after getting BTFO:

here's another proof that Yawnfag = Braixenmod.
he loves trolling, making bait threads and has the same posting style

now you know why his flamewar/genwar threads never get deleted.
schizophrenia at its finest
I'm also braixenfag, yawnfag and the mod
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> It's a conspiracy theory!
> It's schizophrenia
but it's not never "Here's a proof that you are wrong!"
you are only here for our amusement, schizo. Don't forget that. You aren't worth any effort from anybody
File deleted.
Because they wouldn't stay up if you stopped replying YAWNFAG YAWNFAG YAWNFAG to every single fucking threat that goes up, tranny.
>implying he doesn't samefag to bump the threads himself
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can you ramp up your yawniebait so he stops fucking shitting up other threads, thanks
here ill start things off with this pic
posting this in every anti-Gen5/Samurott thread from now on
you aren't falling for a lolcow's lies, are you?
That would make you more unintelligent than the lolcow, and that speaks volumes.
What he posted made a lot of sense
can you prove him wrong?
reposting here too
yawnie is some dumb genwar schizo and ivycuck is a severely deranged schizophrenic that just started claiming his boogeyman braixenposter is yawnie. It is not anything new for ivycuck to claim random posters are his boogeyman. Once he has made an outrageously insane accusation, he will then proceed to treat it as fact and samefag in every thread to make it appear as if everyone agrees with him. It's a phase he goes through every now and then.
yes yes yawnie please stay here and only have your meltie in this thread
>reposting his fanfic in several threads in hope some fool believes his lies
yawnfag lost his mind
ivytroon is trying way too hard
he probably makes up 1/3 of the posts in this thread
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Let's hear it then for the all-time champion of getting shot three times!
Can confirm. I've been called braixenfag way too many times before and I'm not him
I lose braincells just trying to read this thread
fucking ... uhh... ivytroon, yeah lets stay in this thread and argue with him instead of having a gigamelty in other threads!
I post wherever I want whenever I want. I'm not a schizo needing to be contained for mods' entertainment
youre posting where i want actually LOL
And who am I, exactly? Come on, schizo. I want you to call me what you have called everyone else here
thanks for dancing yawnie
keep posting
Thats not 1 person but several.
I have this suspicion that ivyschizo is just replying to himself itt
Gonna be lot more melties when PLZ drops and saves Pokemon yet again.
Why are you so scared that people would associate Yawnfag with Braixen?
Denying it will make you believe it more which is my intent. Dance for me.
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OP didn't even count them separately, but the best part is how a lot of people who shot him did so three times each! Even letting trash like sh**n get away just to shoot yawntard even more, kek
Current Shaun turned out to be an imposter and he started to spam less when he got caught.
OP/Yawn is the real cancer
If only that was true and you weren't a retarded manbaby projecting your boogeymen in everyone that doesn't immediately agree with you.
oh no he did it again?
schizosaur gets kicked in the nuts for the whole thread and then at the end of it he pretends he won. That's so classic of him.
>>56539420 explains it perfectly, which is why schizosaur had his mod friend delete the post
he stopped spamming "ivytrans" and now is using schizosaur because he's soooo desperate to fool people into thinking that Yawnie and Braixenmod are two different people BTW
we all know it's you ivycuck. you're hellbent on destroying braixen so now you're forcing him to be associated with someone already rightfully hated by all, in a sad attempt to make people pile upon your cringe archnemesis. not a good look to be like this in your 40s
This was a very productive and educational thread. Thank you for posting in it anons. I think we made some very stupid people very mad with it.
why is yawnie so scared and mad that people are associating him with Braixen?????
That's why the thread was made. To shine light on the most insane of schizos. Ivytroon taking shared first place with yawnfaggot
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>Shaun status: destroyed and exposed
>Yawn/Braixen status: destroyed and exposed
you are welcome, /vp/
don't mess with Ivysaur
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>don't mess with Ivysaur
Good riddance
I won. Ivycuck, Yawnfag, Delcattyschizo, Braixenmod, Shawnberg, Glaceonfag, Samurottfag, etc. All of you lost.
>ivysaurfaggot has resorted to spamming a thread that reached bump limit to try and get the last post and look cool after being mocked for several days straight
Talk about getting raped.
>every now and again
You mean all the time?
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Congrats, I knew you could do it Weavile Diaper guy

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