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Pokefucking is canon lore

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So the rule that mothers are the dominant gene in Pokemon doesn't apply to humans?
To be fair I'd also have relations with an Octillery if I found one ashore
Can someone post the Rapidash one? I keep seeing people include it but it's the only story I haven't seen reposted.
The rapidash fucker had ponyta children, so it’s not consistent.

Wat le fug
wtf did i just read??
I was told pokemon had no genitalia

At this point I wouldnt be surprised if Sharpedo wasnt actually based on a torpedo.
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I mean, people use carps as fleshlight
I get him
what rapidash fucker
only rapidash one I could find
what's the filename?
>man fucks an octopus
>his son grows up to become a retard that gets killed by a bear

Checks out.
Thus many endangered species would be saved
Pokefucking is one thing, but polygamy is not okay.
That's the mythology of centaurs but in Pokemon
That was a cuckold story and she was having sex with male Rapidash on the side.
Why are leaks of a Japanese game in English?
why do all these stories start the same way lol
Where is the Typhlosion one?
>"My son, we are proud hunters, but we must always respect our prey and nature. We cannot take more than we give. To teach you, I will tell a story passed down to me by my father, from his father before him, and so on. It is about the Rapidash that we hunt..."
OK but was the pokefucking part of the fable really necessary?
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they're in japanese, everyone just uses googletranslate, accurate or not
I wonder if maybe, just maybe, all this text you see was originally written in japanese and just maybe there's a remote possibility that someone used one of many computerized tools available on the World Wide Web that can convert text from one language to another, perhaps a "translator" of sorts. Just maybe.
fucking retard
it's kind of up in the air. the typhlosion one has a human child born from a human mother, and froslass quest in PLA shows her to have baby snorunt.
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I've been living under a rock (with my Dwebble wife), what are these from?
gamefreak leak so big it could fill the oceans
>shiton of pokephilia
>not a single cunny story or image

Its a sad day to be a pokemon fan.
>be a pokemon fan
>doesn't want to fuck pokemon
I am geting mixed messages here, chief.
"Leaks" that totally aren't just made up fanfics.
Is this like gigaleak again when people are gonna pretend someone made everything up from gigabytes worth of design documents and prototype roms, just for lulz?
>have sex with humans
>thrown back into body of water
Why is this suck a reoccuring theme in these stories?
i faked it. i reverse engineered the gold, silver, and crystal source code and intentionally made the programming super incompotent as a joke. i did it in assembly, my favorite programming language, as a gag. i then proceed to do that 600 more times with very minor tweaks to the translation also as a joke. i then wrote code by iwata that wasn't incompotent as a joke. i also made a new bad gameboy emulator as a joke. i then drew hundreds of sprites ranging from barely started to completely finalized and wrote dex entries and fake moves for everything as a joke. i also wrote hundreds of fake emails, you guessed it, as a joke. i also intentionally programmed in bugs, made fake bug reports, and refused to address the bugs all for a laugh. and i did this in six languages as a joke. you all fell for it.
where do you find the jap files? I want to download them and preserve them
the ruse of the century. we've been had
it's a common theme in jap stories and even european fairy tales do it too
>just for lulz
No, they actually do it so they can pretend their sexual fetishes have validation.

Do people forget that Nintendo sues people who draw pokemon beastiality porn?
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if you want the sinnoh folk myths (including pokefucking) alone, they're in
next level cope
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No fucking shot this has to be an elaborate troll, I refuse to accept this isn't faked
Yeah it probably is, but it's funny
>Do people forget that Nintendo sues people who draw pokemon beastiality porn?
They are just protecting their IP
it's not, gamefreak admitted to a data breach a day or two before this all got out
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It's super elaborate if it is because it's 10 GB total and the pokefucking is less than 6 MB of japanese word docs (some of the docs are just random lore) tucked away in a not entirely obvious place
The Typhlosion one is implied loli
where do you get these files
Stop promoting inane fantasies.
I want to believe someone added that in. I really don't want this to be real, this shit is nightmare level bad for liking certain pokemon
>if I scream cope at things I don't like it means I win

Interesting they don't use sfw artists then.

>admitting to a data breach means saying everything anyone says is true
Can't download it, too many people have done it and it's locked
reverse flash typed this
i think this mirror should still be available:
People are taking this completely out of context. This reads like a typical piece of lore of which there's plenty of in real life as well. It's not a porn fanfic.
This paints a picture of Pokemon as a place with deep lore, not as a place where people have sex with Pokemon.
These leaks have done more harm to the brand than them leaking some Z-A news, congrats bootlicker Leaker.
Wait there's downloads out there for the whole thing? Where?
omega cope
>A half man, half cotopus going on to slaughter bears
you don't think...?
The only context I need is that there are actual Game Freak documents about Pokemon with stuff like murder and mating. Humans mating with pokemon no less.

Yes, it is completely non-canon, made up folklore during the development process that never in a million years would've even made it into official releases, but it's still fucking funny.
>humans mating with pokemon no less
>never in a million years
canalave library talks about human/pokemon marriage
to be fair English release censors it
it's just hilarious to me, a lapras being horny for humans and setting it up so she gets fucked by one, and then coming back for seconds.
doesn't matter if it's canon, someone at gamefreak dreamt up that scenario and that shit is fucking gold.
It's literally just random text files. It's not anything that showed up in any of the ROMs. If you think it's real you're deluded.
No it doesn't. It literally just says that in the past pokemon and humans looked the same.
>masuda-san's materials
A lotta' pokefucking in the lore. Hell, most Aseop's don't end with this much fucking.
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qrd on arceus being a she and falling in love with a man?
This reads like something Justin RPG would write
Trans Arceus
”Staaaaay Fresh~!”
Yeah yeah everyone knows that. But marriage is a word you can use in kids games. Even so they had to soften it by saying that humans and Pokemon had no differences to speak of.

These things have stuff like dead Slakoth bodies with cut off ears hanging from trees, and a man mating with an octillery. Funny stuff considering an E for Everyone franchise.
>t. I don't know about the localization process
No shit the passage of text saying humans and pokemon fucked got watered down for the west
>Gen 5 leaks drop
>No extra lore about Reshiram or Zekrom
>Instead learn half your pokemon team probably consist of kidnappers and rapist
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more like yume arceus, no wonder i liked her so much ever since I was little she's literally me
It's why her every answer to universal threats is getting fucked by human men or sending humans to fix things.
>Femoid Arceus
>Pokefucker stories
A little too convenient to be true. This all reads like shit some loon from /vp/ would make.
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No, it said the same thing in Japanese. You are just coping and want to pretend your fetishes are validated.
So is Arceus a dude or a woman?
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>SlaKING finding a young 10 year old lacKING
Pokemon talking and acting just like humans is so fucking gay
it's just bad MTL, but really arceus can be whatever it wants. all these leaks are clearly based on real-world mythology which had shit like the male god loki turn into a female horse, get fucked, and have kids.
Its folktales. Most folktales have animals talk like people.
Post it
Havent read that one
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>Arceus loves humans so much because they're not pokemon that not only did she marry one, but make it so female pokemon are able to birth human children from them and male pokemon sire human children with them
>the creation trio have a human father
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Arceus was always female.
Anti-pokefucking sisters... how do we cope now?
>queer seethes the pokéfucking stories are all traditional heterosexual
i'd be impressed if someone faked a whole 1tb leak just to get people to think octillery-fucking was canon
Most of those stories really read like some older European fairy tale, mixed with some Japanese type folklore.
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Yeah I dont think I like Pokemon anymore
lets all just kill ourselves
Pokemon is full of canon hebephilia and het pokefucking. . . .
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mommyceus is canon now...
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i can't, the mental image is too cute
Kill yourself woke shill.
there's no way this is real
>Arceus is both male and female
It’s a god, retard. It’s above biological sex
>content that was specifically removed from every official game it was written for
Listen anons, these leaks are cool and all but it’s absurd to call them “canon”
Furry jokes apart you can tell the story was written based on old fairy tales about people marrying animals.
There where meant to be folk stories that where scrapped later during development.
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The father of all inkings and octolings
>Sinnoh was almost about pokefucking and cosmology of Gods and deities
Hilarious how the most autistic players already latched onto these crumbs from the start
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>it says while posting a paedofur staple
Keked and saved.
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>writer of the myths isn't even credited in the games, probably got fired for this beastiality shit
confirmed non canon
This is exactly why it’s real, only the most autistic Pokémon fans would accidentally come this close to the truth on a Mongolian basket weaving image board
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They were too good
Please point to the fur on either of those Pokemon. Oh, and an animalistic feature as well.
What's the Tauros one?
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I got bored so I made this.
Where is Gardevoir you hack
It doesn't exist. Well it does, it's the Lapras one, just has Milotic in the title for some reason
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All these folktales are just sex based. No crazy ass eating pokemon or tricking a pokemon to get access to some kind of treasure. Very surface level shit.
Question is, why the hell would GF keep it though?
I think someone liked Ursaring a little too much.
No idea why people are shitting and pissing themselves so hard when they're obvious attempting of emulating old fairy tales
Yeah no shit they're not making the cut like that, but by letting anyone write whatever a good thing or two can get ported into the game

Same reason they let someone draw those gritty dark concept art pokémon that don't fit the pokémon artstyle in the slightest, that's how you get to think outside the box
Look at the latest Zelda game for example, the entire core team wasted a year with an original idea of gameplay that simply didn't work
>No crazy ass eating pokemon
no i think these pokemon are definitely eating ass
Jokes aside, the Ursaring story explicitly states that the family eats the meat from Ursaring
the tauros one has no sex in it, it's just not getting any attention because of the sex ones.
What's the Tauros story?
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>that other leak about Greece with the new Minotaur evo

That's the most important question here. If this was blasphemous shit, they would fire the writer and burn everything. Not archive for prosperity and new devs to read for 20 years. Makes me think they wanted it in but Gen 4 library was the best they could do with higher ups/ censors.
I'm struggling to believe these where in the files were they found and what were they for?
They didn't delete any betamons from existence either. They like just vault this stuff and sometimes bring it back for future games.
Oh god, please no....
There is still a chance
his ANN profile says that he worked on both journeys and horizons
Mespirit is thirsty and wrote fanfiction about humans.
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Tell me about Yuu Nakatsui, why does he write the pokesex?
>troon discord
fuck off
>some assclown hacks game freak
>all /vp/ finds out is it's pokefucking fantasies are Canon
You know I expected shit about the new legends game but this shit is so damn funny I'm actually ok with this.
Isn’t Yuu a girls name? Makes sense a woman wrote such degeneracy
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why does he have a wiki page then huh?
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Or is it this person
I think it can be either
Yuu is a unisex name.
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You saw nothing.
>birth name Suguru
Probably Canalave library and these were several drafts to try and find one to suitably fit.
That it just reinforces what we've been telling the board we built, that it confirms Game Freak see the universe the exact same way some here do it the icing on the cake.
large parts of the leaked docs have common japanese ChatGPT phrases in them, I call bs on it.
Imagine getting your inside turned inside out by a Slaking like this?
how do you think people are getting them to english?
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you mean the actual japanese leaked docs or the english translations that were literally translated with chatgpt people have posted?
DeepDL. Nobody uses ChatGPT or virtually GPT distilled models like LLAMA for translation
original jap. gpt slop
Based. Replaying Pokémon Ecchi in celebration of this discovery.
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Why are you so stupid, anon?
To think all those Vaporeon fuckers were onto something...what a time to be alive.
Its about how not paying respects to Tauros when hunting them will cause your mom and sister to turn into Tauros. I am not joking

That just seems like upside
people here are sheltered kids, and also just don't understand the creative process. same type of people saying the Gen 3 edgy concept art couldn't possibly be Pokemon. people need to understand these devs are autists just like us. and during conceptual development of a game, the devs cut loose and make whatever their heart desires, then it gets pared back until it's suitable for Pokemon. it's part of the creative process and helps you figure out what the final vision of the game is. for every idea that makes it into the game, there's probably 100 that didn't, but were crucial to coming to that one idea that did.
seriously, the devs aren't soulless autonomons who see Pokemon as nothing but a sanitized corporate product. of course, that's what it becomes on the shelf, but the devs are just people. autistic people. anything that you guys imagine about the franchise, you can bet that they have thought about too, and more.
Octilleryman is such a fucking chad
Beyond the degeneracy, I honestly like when games insert mythology like this.
The last game I can remember did this well was Morrowind.
Rapidashbros are cucks.
It's a bit on the nose but I like the lore snippets in Wukong for this reason. Every enemy has a short story in this style about that type of yaoguai.
>Arceus jobbed so bad to Regigigas he turned trans and had to bear some guy's seed
RegiCHADS we won.
>are Canon
This is clearly just some creative writing exercises and if something doesn't make it into any final products it's not canon
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Why did he do it?
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Good job poképhilia did make it to canon then, showing this as more than just creative writing, you seething little berk.
That proves literally nothing
It proves Game freak view their universe in the terms they wrote about. Humans fuck pokémon, pokémon fuck people. That they just insist on adding details over and above pure animal behaviours, making them more relatable to kids and adults alike proves it over and over.
Suddenly remembering the creator of Lugia and it's getting me riled up how dirty they did him.
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Hello. It is I, Aus.
>No gay rape myth
I sleep
Arceus smites faggots
it troons out to get fucked by men. Arceus is faggotry itself
Don't let Lewtwo get his hands on it.
This is just the Veilstone's Myth that's in game
the church ladies were right, satan lives on this games
..and that's a good thing!
Never thought I'd see GOOSH GOOSH again, but here we are...
wat the fug
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>m struggling to believe these where in the files were they found
What happened to him?
He thought he was the driving force behind Pokémon, so they kicked him out and moved as far away from his grimdark edgeshit to protect their burgeoning brand.
Why is Zoroark in this? Is there a Zoroark Story aswell?
Celestica tribe = direct descendants of Arceus’ human children
Pearl Clan = Palkia-human’s followers descendants
Diamond Clan = Dialga-human’s followers descendants
Celestica tribe = direct descendants of Arceus’ human children
Pearl Clan = Palkia-human’s followers descendants
Diamond Clan = Dialga-human’s followers descendants
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Gross and unbased, i wanted to have cute buneary kid with lopunny
That's N mom
Yeah I'll just send you my Youngster x Bibarel humiliation rapefic
Is that like, confirmed in these files?
>no cunny on cunny rape myth

Why even live
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He made Lugia to be a female but then chose to make the movie version male.
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>have sex with Infernape
>your son:
The nerve of this writer...
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Okay, but how long until doujins are made based on these official stories?
A lot of this 'lore' rushes to humans having sex with the Pokemon pretty quickly.
You're being kind of a retard.
It's God, can be whatever it feels like
Though at the time it wanted to be a girl and have sex with a human man (gods are weird).
Pretty sure the octillery one already has art on Pixiv.
I got that info secondhand, though, so I couldn't source it.
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>that story with the woman and her friends torturing Slakoth, only for her to be raped in her sleep by one and give birth to a Slakoth that her friend will later kill
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The small details, left here and there, finally vindicated.
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Honestly the Slakoth story is very well written. There really are kids out there that torture and maim animals for fun, devs being japanese bug kids definitely saw shit like that. Every one of those Slakoths are babies with a mother, so forcing the girl to experience the pain of conception, childbirth and the sorrow of having your baby killed puts her actions into perspective. As a folktale it has a good moral to teach kids, and the darkness of the story is a good deterrent. I don't like the Lapras story as much, but the Octillery version is a lot better. The text that he throws the Octillery girl into the water after sex parallels the way a lot of deadbeat dads treat women, so the son growing up without a mother and becoming a killer makes much more sense.
Honestly a good story to teach lessons even if super fucked up
These are the same exact story save one being Octillery and the other being Lapras.
I agree with this actually
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It can be both.
That female rapidash take polygamypill!
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why the japanese need to portray octopuses with such sucking lips
>OK but was the pokefucking part of the fable really necessary?
Loki turned into a female animal multiple times to get pregnant, old fables are just like that.
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honestly kinda explains how they had become so common in these days, it was always there just waiting for the right conditions to germinate
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more stuff
Milotic and Lapras I get. Why Octillery(female) though?
eight grippies for your dick
Very nicely put
Also the ending with the Rapidash was very poetic too
Dream of the Fisherman's Wife
probably a reference to the famous octopus woodprint
wet, slimy, fishy
I've seen Dialga be the light and time god. Seems it differs from story to story?
>no gardevoir
>no lopunny
fuck my stupid gay life
seven vagánias
Octillery is the canon waifumon
but why octillery? its not sexy
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W-why they are all trying to normalize the rape?
first funny thing to come out of this
>he doesn't know of the dream of the fiserman's wife
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I guess this is canon now
Y-you know. They.
maybe more...
This isn't Character AI, what is this?
I can understand to have sexual relationships with warm blood animals, but cold blood ones? It must feel terrible inside
do... do you think cold blooded animals are cold?
I wonder if the octillery version or the lapras version was written first
like which did they think was less weird and more acceptable for the audience
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I'd say Octilery came first, then Lapras version. Aside from the dream of the fisherman's wife allusions, the fact the 2nd version featured no rape seems like they were trying their damndest to fit a pokéfucker story in as best they could.
piplup is pretty breedable too, there is just something about water pokes...
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can't wat to go on twitter and see the most annoying dipshits with the dumbass tysphlosion pedophile jokes,
My one worry now, is that they will back pedal and remove any fun future poke/human relationship lore based on the overreactions to the leaks. Like PLZA probably has at least one bit of lore that will now be removed if PLA is anything to go off of. Because while the lore has been known, sure. It wasnt widely known because most "fans" skip 90% of text in the games but these leaks are catching everyones eyes.
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Anon, if anyone hasn't already seen this shit, they're willingly ignoring it or are actual children that don't comprehend it. Not as if they were subtle about this shit 8 years ago.
Unpopular mons need love too
How are we not sure this is just some fan fiction a really horny gamefreak employe wrote in his spare time.
As someone said in another thread, what's more likely some kid building a 1TB drive of backwards-engineered game source code from the first 5 gens, a treasure trove of beta and concept work and uploaded it for jokes or Game Freak got hacked.
Hint: Game Freak have came out and said they got hacked, so what IS more likely, hmm?
Read my post again but slower now.
And that's the whole point of conceptualisation and pre-production work, you stupid fuck. The highly detailed stories of pokéfucking get adjusted and re-written until they appear like so >>56582765 in actual games, where the spirit remains but the details are scant.

No one got my joke? :(
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>most lucrative IP in the world gets hacked
>worst that happens is some harmless myths get joked about for a few days
Nonny please
Bite me, you dumb little cunt. It's been pervasive in the series since Gen fucking 1 and Tajiri making sure Jynx was listed as entrancing humans with her swaying hips. Sorry you spent 15+ years telling yourself they couldn't POSSIBLY approve of poképhilia, when their entire folklore's filled with humans fucking animals, animals fucking humans and kids being had by all and sundry.
But gotta tell yourself whatever to allow yourself to still like your kiddy toy, hugh?

That was copypasta. The leak is genuine.
yeah yeah, a pedo on Tor, very funny
You're retard bro
>election denier is pushing her cope to handle reality
Dump lost (and shits himself regularly)
Biden won (and won forevermore by withdrawing and letting the old man lose to the younger candidate)
The couchfucker is thiel's cocksleeve and ironic lads who rail against big corporate shill big corporate because they got told to.
Reminder! Octopus "vaginas" are in their ear holes!
The word is retarded ESL. Retard means to hold back. Hence, your retardation is holding your intelligence potential back.
Wrong tab, friend.

No, Arceus is female only.
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now nobody can judge me for being in love w/ mightyena anymore yippeee
I would beat you up irl
You had me fucking laughing like an idiot at work

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how did they find these

WHY did they find these
Probably SpicyChat AI if I had to guess.
Time to rail a vaporeon
That's Crazy
You're going into the ground.
What a time to be alive
Is the octillery on the beach or in the water? Dumbass chatbot.
Not before Dumpy and the cult though. I'm neither old enough, sick enough or guilty enough to go that quick. can I ask, why DO you idolise a man who can't walk 10m without shitting himself?
They robbed like 1TB of data from everything covering Gens 1-5. That was in the Gen 4 concept shit.
>I'm neither old enough, sick enough
You're sure mentally sick. You're a fucking nutjob that dodged the asylum you belong to. You're in a fucking pokefucking thread obsessing over some obese blonde man like you want to suck his cock but don't want to admit it.
Fuck off and get help.
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I'm not pushing his puppet president as disinformation (because that sure as fuck isn't the first time he used that image, even if it's the first time on /vp/ he used it). I'm all for the chocolate mommy president, but sadly any vote I made would be illegal, as I'm not a US citizen. But as the fat shitbag found out, people outside the US CAN have opinions on who they'd like to see as next US president. You gonna an hero (suicide by cop/soldierr is basically that, before you think of pretending to be a big man and shoot up trained gunmen) or leave when the black bitch gets put in the position of power over all you weak white chilren?
Cute Octopussy.
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>zoomer neopuritan is so mindbroken by canon pokesex that he's sockpuppeting a political argument with himself
That explains why there's no wars. Everyone's bussy having sex with Pokemon (and people), they have no reason or energy left to fight over trivial matters. The Pokemon World has healed.
guy fucks an octillery, and that's only the first paragraph
Anyone have the Tauros one? That's the only one I haven't seen yet
Typhlosion's story is literally the Taan Awga myth from Haida culture
As she followed at the end of the group, the girl's foot slipped in some bear dung and her forehead strap, which held the pack filled with berries to her back, broke. She let out an angry laugh. The others went on. Again she should have sung, but she only complained. The bears noted this and said, "Does she speak of us?" It was growing dark. Near her appeared two young men who looked like brothers. One said, "Come with us and we will help you with your berries". As the aristocratic young lady followed the, she saw that they wore bear robes.

It was dark when they arrived at a large house near a rock slide high on the mountain slope. All the people inside, sitting around a small fire, were wearing bearskins also. Grandmother Mouse ran up to the girl and squeaked to her that she had been taken into the bear den and was to become one of them. The hair on her robe was already longer and more like a bear's. She was frightened. One of the young bears, the son of a chief, came up to her and said, "You will live if you become my wife. Otherwise you will die."

She lived on as the wife of the bear, tending the fire in the dark house. She noticed that whenever the Bear People went outside they put on their bear coats and became like the animal. In the winter she was pregnant, and her husband took her to a cliff cave near the old home, where she gave birth to twins, which were half human and half bear.

The Bear Husband knew that he must die, but before he was killed by the woman's brothers, he taught her and the Bear Sons the songs that the hunters must use over his dead body to ensure their good luck. He willed his skin to her father, who was a chief. The young men then killed the bear, smoking him out of the cave and spearing him. They spared the two children, taking them with the Bear Wife back to her People.
MTL has a problem with japanese and gender it'll shove it in 90% of the time when it's not stated in the sentence
maybe it has something to do with that one old japanese art of the girl and the big octopus
If you write pokefucking in the context of it being a mythological retelling of human cultural concepts, you're still writing pokefucking.
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>Pokefucking is canon lore

I'm fine with it.
It makes sense that caveman Pokémon humans would have such a complicated relationship with Pokémon. Without the trappings of modernity, there isn't really that much separating humans from Pokémon when they're both more or less talking animals at such a low cultural development level.

>Typhlosion's story is literally the Taan Awga myth from Haida culture

I don't have it on me, but the Rapidash story is also very similar to a lot of Indo-European, Aryan, myths about gods and men fucking horses and siring kings, demigods, and men. "Son of the White Mare" is an animated Eastern-European film tribute to that exact trope.
Something to do with a lot of pheromones and a stampede.
Not even a Miltank?
It's gonna be really interesting if these are all just recycle indigenous folk tales and all the humourless cunt faggots on X bitching about how creepy the stories are, end up looking like retarded motherfuckers on "indigenous people's day" (columbus day).
someone post the slaking story picture please, i forgot to save it
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I'll hand it to the joyless niggers on X that at least they make for a convenient catalog of them all, despite it being for clout chasing.
thank you anon
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Pokefucking being canon is cool and all, but we can go deeper. We can go farther.

I've read all of the pokefucking stories, and as far as I can tell, assuming I'm looking at things correctly, they all have two things in common. Namely, the egg groups the pokemon are in that successfully breed with humans.
If we follow the logic that Pokemon and Humans are rooted in the same primal matter, and follow roughly similar rules in-universe, this means that Humans are in the Field and Water 1 egg groups. Assuming the rules of 2 Egg Groups still apply, this means that Humans can't fuck the Humanoid egg group, nor the Amorphous egg group, meaning we now know a number of incompatibilities.
>Gardevoir? Incompatible.
>Misdreavous? Incompatible.
>Nidoqueen? Incompatible, but Nidoking's All Good. Nidoran F is ok, though, you sick fuck.
>Vaporeon, Lopunny, Delphox, Meowscarada, and Zoroark? All OK!
>humans impregnate everything from Rapidash to Arceus Herself
Humans ignore egg groups kid. Arceus' will.
Lapras and Octillery
Arceus is unknown egg group and she still became a mommy. Humans are probably a special group compatible with all.
>Humans ignore egg groups like ditto
Way too convenient these stories appeal to what /vp/ headcanoned forever.
Water 1, bucko.
The only outlier is Arceus, who can shapeshift, and DOES shapeshift in the story.
If you're concerned with what egg group Actual God is in, then you're understanding the assignment.
>Assuming the rules of 2 Egg Groups still apply
They don't, Froslass is Mineral/Fairy
Then maybe "Humans are Ditto" is legitimate.
Trips of truth, that's what I'm saying
If they made a story about weeding Magnemite I would take it as canon at this point
So basically what we learned is that Pokemon fans do not have lit analysis skills and are completely unfamiliar with the concepts and tropes behind mythology and folklore.

When's the last time you cracked open an actual, physical, book? Who here cut English class?
What’s with the scarred people with missing noses?
They are human forms of the maimed Ursarings
Or they ignore egg groups entirely, because Man impregnated God, ditto can't knock up God.
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half the fun is knowing pokephilia is real
the other half is watching purityfags and anti-pokephiles lose their minds trying to cope over people running with it
Ohhhh, I get it. But why does the boy and the Ursaring killed each other then?
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We said it wasn't possible because of breeding mechanics.
Don't know. Sounds like the other Ursaring sabotaged the meet up by killing the Wailord, or maybe the old Ursaring was setting up a trap by telling him to leave his sword behind.
It's crazy because I don't think that I've created 1tb of art in my entire lifetime. I need to pump those numbers.
>humans are the same primal matter
Ok well I keep hearing this shit, so then that means humans must have a Type. What Type are humans? Or does that change by race?
Oh I know
Normal, Ice, Fairy, Steel
Fighting, Fire, Rock, Dark
Ground, Grass, Ghost, Water
Flying (9/11), Poison
Psychic, Electric, Bug, Dragon
Apparently they got beta L: Z-A and some other shit too, not just concept art and shit but said they're not releasing L: Z-A shit until after official launch (as doing so is a fantastic way of getting the nintendo ninjas after their arses).
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>Pokemon & Human breeding is confirmed by internal documents
>Which means the "Mr. Mime is Ash's real dad" theory just got teeth.
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>Flying (9/11)
It is all bundled together with lots of standard game development material, including prototypes of several stories that became a direct part of the game and Cyrus's personality documents.
His ass is grass with or without the PLZA beta
Weren't some of the pokemon and megas already announced or something?
See, are we sure that's just not code for perfect zygarde? I know it got added in SM, but what if the intent was XY2 or something for it?
It's over

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