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>The Waifu pokemon
>Doesn't have any stories of being in relationships with humans
Why must we suffer so?
You guys have enough content
>Fuck a Gardeshit
>Throw her into the ocean
>Stupid bitch fucking drowns

Sorry but Octillery and Lapras are both superior.
>Sir Knight
Sorry Gardevoir, but you're too thin and stick-like to be able to reliably bear a human's child. Ursaring and Octillery simply outclass you as a partner for man
She doesn't need to rape to get human-Pokemon action
Dude we've barely even scratched the surface of these leaks, it's entirely possible that there are more stories.
Because her official info already practically confirms her role as a partner for humans.
Think about it, you need official lore to believe that anyone would fuck an Octillery, but any picture of male trainer with Gardevoir instantly makes you think he's mating pressing her every night. I mean, who wouldn't?
>fuck a Gardevoir
>its frail body and empathic heart give out from the rough sex and it dies on the spot
Bad breeding stock. Try Ursaring or Lapras next time.
thats kinda hot in its own way
>need to have very slow and gentle sex with your gardevoir as to not overburden her mind and body
I think it's funnier that we ended up with the selections we got, everyone would have expected Gardevoir or Lopunny, not Typhlosion or fucking Octillery of all fucking things.
This. If the writers were using characters like Gardevoir and Lopunny, the whole thing would've felt like transparent furfag pandering, impossible to take at face value. Using squids and horses made the stories feel much more like authentic old fairytales.
>Garde wife that cums almost instantly at the slightest touch.
>Every session with her ends in mind break and hour long quivering cuddles.
What did Lapras and Rapidash ever do to deserve such slander?
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>fucking your gardevoir so hard its chest crest breaks
old forgotten oc of mine
I imagine /mlp/ would not have flinched in the slightest
Gardevoir can't even lift herself up without using psychic powers because stick legs can't even support her, so what makes you think she can carry a humans kid?
I can only imagine the footfag art of gardevoir where she's given a more human body being able to support bearing human children.
you had your time frame to sneek one in and post it when the others did post the real ones. missed chance. forever gone.
The only thing surprising about Octillery is that it fucked a man instead of a woman. I thought they were for tentacle rape, but GF says they're disposable onaholes.
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Its the birdo mouth dude, it drains you in seconds
>so what makes you think she can carry a humans kid?

Because a Ralts is like 6.6 kg / 14.6 lbs,meanwhile the average baby is like 3.3 kg / 6.7 lbs .
Mostly because she's not directly inspired by any particular youkai or animal, so they don't have anything to ripoff.
Okay but ralts grow in eggs. Which mean they can be really light but grow heavy.
Well without sound like a nerd,the closer an egg is to hatching,it actually gets lighter due to some water loss, a Ralts egg is at max weight when it gets laid.
gamefreak knows that there's already trillions of stories about gardevoir so they didn't bother writing another
Lesser gooned mons need content.
The rape stories were written by a woman, as rape stories usually are. Why would a woman want to fuck something woman-shaped instead of getting overpowered by something large and bestial?
What a slut
he is my good cuntboy slut
>written by a woman
Kek retard
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the dude stories where written by the same woman that did typhlosion
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Its a guy you braindead faggots
It's a woman
Gardevoir and Lopuuny are already humans. They walk on two legs.
Why tho
My main oc is a futa, I got the inverse.
how do I know that last name Suguru gets shortened to Yuu?
Is Kirlia fertile?
No,Kirlia and Ralts are for grooming,Gardevoir are for breeding.
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Know your roots, anon

Princess Knight

It has it all, the angel theme, an angel that looks like a ralts, the double heart, the girl protagonist is born with two hearts (spiritually speaking) one of a man and one of a woman, the style, the tights are identical to Gardevoir's legs, Mega Gardevoir's dress when she hides her identity, and to top it off her children in the sequel have the hair style of a Gardevoir and a Gallade.
Even the shiny one
gardevoir doesn't need help. she has more porn than 1000 plus pokemon
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Children had their fun with Gardevoir.
Now it’s real mens’ turn with Jynx.
Ignore them dear, they know little of true love and happiness
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NTA but the actual amount of meaningful Gardevoir content that isn't just one off images is actually surprisingly low. Unironically Zebstrika has more despite being way newer just because of all the horsefucking porn.

Comics, doujins, and fics with Gardevoir are pretty thin on the ground, even thinner in English. It's actually pretty surprising.
Cope and sneed plantfuckers.
And good luck trying to find some wholesome longfic,it's almost all smut.

Wholesome longfic is actually slightly easier, not by much last I checked, but slightly.
It does surprise me that Gardevoir or Gallade didn't get a Myth or Folklore story. Could have one about a Gardevoir who became the "Husband" or "Wife" or had "Relations with" of/a Human they befriended The two could have protected, loved, and genuinely cared for each other but the community or an individual within the surrounding them hated them. You could have the tale end with the Human getting killed and the Gardevoir using its power to destroy the opposition and maybe even themselves.

Something good turned to something tragic!
I'll repeat my point, when they were developing gen4 there's no way they could have known Gardevoir would be this popular, it would have taken them until gen5 to get the feedback on it.

This is the same company that couldn't understand why people used special Aegislash, they are not that clever.
aanon...gardevoir is a gen 3 pokemon
Have you seen how fast they develop these games? They are a yearly effort for the most part
It must have taken them at least 2-3 gens to correctly asses what's popular beyond marketability
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Its back to jail with you
Isn't there a few lines of dialogue in PLA as to how Gardevoirs are compared to beautiful and loyal brides?
pokedex goes out of its way to say she ignores gravity even if she doesn't have levitate so
Gardevoir is literally "the embrace pokemon" and her dex entry basically makes the mon a rabid waifu/husbandofag, they go out of their way to give Wally Ralts as a starter in their debut generation too when they could've given him Abra or Whismur or whatever
They may not have thought it'd be as popular as it'd be but there's no way they thought Gardevoir was going to be unpopular
Gardevoir and her canonically large boobs...?
Because humans are classified as aquatic apes in Pokemon, which means humans are most compatible with water type Pokemon
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Gardevoir and her flat squishy chest
Gardevoirs are stinky femcels, a real trainer will go with a lapras or the perfect octopussy.
Last mon of true romance
The numbers say otherwise
personally my favorite part about the 'voir is that both Ralts and Kirilia are almost unusably terrible but if you believe in them and stick with them suddenly gardevoir gains like 220 BST on kirilia
All I'm saying here is that they weren't that blatant in designing waifu bait in the past, things were more comical than anything.
These games went through fast development times, where they started development of the next game as soon as the development of the other one ended, probably even before the last gen ended often reusing elements they couldn't get in like gastrodon

They couldn't have known that Gardevoir would be this well received while writing these kind of tales, they also went for more animalistic pokemon too in order to make it look like folk tales

What surprises me is that they didn't use a Ninetales in one, I'm trying to explain things I wasn't involved in. All I know is that if I could be a fly on the wall when these stories would be written I would be a very confused fly because I don't speak Japanese.
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Anyone know any IRL cultural or popular Myths or Folklore they could have done with Gardevoir? I'm thinking stuff like a Princess or Prince falling in love with their Knight and the knight falling in battle or something to that effect- but I can't think of any named stories atm...
>things were more comical than anything
We mostly just didn't have anything as human-like except for like Machamp or something, but everyone knows about the eeveelutions and diglett dildo
A lot of pokemon's lore actually always went kind of hardcore with the go-to being everything about the lore of any ghost-type pokemon (like gengar just straight up killing you or zubat being implied to swarm and eat alive any trainer who ""whites out""), gardevoir being a husbandofag with black hole powers is mostly only exceptional because she basically looks like a chick in a dress
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How did Slaking even catch a girl when the dude is so slow
She was unconscious
It wasn't truant turn
Slaking has like base 100 speed or something, he just can't be assed to give it his all in pretend pokemon battles
he used yawn
Tristan and Isolde, a love story about an affair between a princess and her knight, comes to mind.
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the one thing:
gross and not canon
>Tristan & Isolde
Yeeahh! That's the stuff!
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Jerry Peet must be seething beyond mad RN, I mean he literally trooned-out just to become a lesbian for her.
And to not be called a faggot for making social commentary vids about MLP & Steven Universe by his ex-army dad who disowned him anyways, but that's not really important right now.
This. What kind of sicko puts clothes on a Gardevoir!?
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she just wants to feel cute, let her put on outfits
oops 50% male/female!
Complete and utter gardemarriage
followed by making a huge happy family
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>troon out
>to have pretend sex with a female character
>and to AVOID getting called a faggot
Caged gardebois....
Harrier Gardubois
The lesson, kids, is that anorexia is wrong and a mental illness.
I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW that my Gardewife Autumn actually prefers to wear clothes and is a very rare specimen.
male gardevoirs are good. i want to be loved by one.
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>eugh gross and not canon
Cope bitch
Go away Wallace.
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she can fly though
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It's about the horn being the source of her power, and us being there for her despite it, Anon
Why do disabled/heavily injured girls make me want to cuddle and care for them so much?
oh shit I didn't even fucking realize what the fuck happened
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You've painted an incredible picture in my mind with only two sentences. Thank you Anon.
>she clings to you for dear life afterwards
>shivers every time you stroke her hair and squeezes tighter
>the joke is rap3
gosh salty is as insipid as his art
An anon made a very cute story about a gardevoir waiting for their anon at work
It was cute, not gamefreak made, but i dont care what those fags write
If i read wholesome garde stories, me like
hes fast hes just lazy half the time
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Parental instincts?
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You have to be 18 to post here.
Post it
They had no clue gardevoir would end up being one of the most popular mons, that's why gardevoir didn't get any shilling till gen 6
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Garde was too obvious but if anything the fact that they have actual pokefucking stories beyond just the book in Canalave library gives us way more ammo now. It's only a matter of time.
And yet mega gardevoir is still worse than mega mawile
You just proved me right, even Gamefreak admits this fact
if you're curious
>line gets an alt evolution in gen 4 to separate out the males
>gen 5's whole gimmick is not having any old pokemon in it

I also took an L as an Arceus bro.

I had this idea of Arceus being a massive pervert who enjoys doing it with human girls: >>>/h/8196923

Now it turns out he prefers to run around as a human girl…

I wanted to write Arceus doing it with Cynthia, with Nessa, with any and all pokegirls, maybe even with Loopuny and Gardevoir. Instead even more art of female Arceus will be made…

So much for the alpha and father of all pokemon :(
Gardevoir doesn't have a flat chest.
She has a very sharp chest, that is what the red spike is.
fuck gen 5
I'm going to use reuniclus in abominable ways
>father of all pokemon
The mother is usually more important on account of actually being the one who gives birth
Tell that to the Christfags.

I know, still I have to right to be annoyed about it. Specially because now finding lewds of male Arceus will be even harder.

Also, I always thought Mew should be the mother of all Pokémon, since she has a more female voice in the anime compare to Arceus. Yeah I know that would mean Arceus is into short stacks or even lolies depending how you see Mew, but that’s the least of my concerns now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why is she naked.
They're working off of some retarded jewish polytheism that got shoehorned into being monotheistic when it clearly isn't so of course it's not internally consistent
>physically frail and delicate
>will literally sacrifice herself to protect her trainer/partner if needed (according to pokedex entries)
>absolutely BEAUTIFUL
What do you mean by suffer, OP? We Gardevoirbros literally won. All these fanfics about rape and murdering? Of course my wife won't be there. Gardevoir was made for happy, vanilla and gentle sex with lots of kisses and cuddles. Since now it's confirmed that human and pokemon reproduction is possible, Gardevoir is the perfect pokemon for having a big family. I literally couldn't ask for anything better than that.

Can we leave IRL religious BS aside? This isn’t fucking /pol/

Can we concentrate in the fact that even though this is overall a W for all pokegoomers. Some of us were still handed massive L’s
You're thinking of kikes
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The only massive L is that Game Freak decided to go with mudkip instead of the glorious aqua bunny
I liek mudkipz...
paws need to be worshiped immediately
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Source? You mean my oc ref sheet? I censored it.

Agree, this thing is both adorable and fuckable as fuck
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salty is based faggot
>>e-hentai DOT org SLASH g SLASH 2750442/2f2e170ac5
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Kind of hard to be the wife pokemon when your introduced in same gen as the Wife Yokai pokemon.
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And meanwhile, here's the first and eternal mon of true romance
This is what the average gardefucker looks like.
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>Gardevoir is based on Princess Knight
>Snivy is based on Lady Oscar
We just need an Utena mon and all the big 3 will be represented

IIRC they kinda did in Red/Blue Rescue team actually. The big WHAM twist is that Gengar's Gardevoir waifu sacrificed herself back when he was a human to save him from Ninetail's curse and he ran away like a bitch.

Like >>56614680 says they definitely knew.

Bonus points like you mentioned >>56614936
they even brought fucking Ninetails into it, though Ninetails also has the OG Anime episode that's also just a youkai waifu legend as icing.
Y-Young masters? *Xianxia ptsd*

After the Origin story drop I had a headcanon where at the end of time before the collapse of dimensions Mew laid an egg and the egg endured the destruction of all things. Then created a timeloop where she gave birth to Arceus.
This but kirlia
Fair point, and as always most pokefuckers were awaken by PMD

Religion is /pol/? Nahh, you are just a perpetually online moron.
Gengar is such an enormous bitch in all of the mystery dungeons it's insane
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It's interesting how some people are really seething over these leaks.
There's always at least one buzzkill
>th-the joke is dead because I say so!
The normalfags really are coping
wow this really has shaken the puritards huh?
Its honestly fucking great, he's the real best rival in the franchise, hands down.
>Childhood friend kirlia you started doing naughty things with as kids
>She's never lasted more than a few seconds
>Always tries he damnedest to please you despite her quick shot nature
>This has persisted well into your adulthood
>She thought when she evolved it would finally be her time to win.
>As she now desperately clings to you her eyes glazed and body trembling you think of what a cute thought that was in hindsight.
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>literal god of the verse is confirmed to be into human men
we won
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>The waifu pokemon
Gardevoir was an accidental waifumon, the original Gardevoir was male, it makes sense that stories written for generation 4 wouldn't use it in that context yet.

the waifu pandering started with Kalos when Gardevoir became a cute fairy mon with a wedding dress mega
That's all well and good except
>miniskirt and big ballgown
No I don't care about muh ballet cope
I love shit like that in these games. When the juice is worth the squeeze.
If Im a sick man (literally), would Audino be a good Pokesex waifu choice for me?
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>would bear weak children
She's yesterday's news and water types just got that something something.
>would bear weak children
they'd be smarter though and really what's the point of being strong in today's society
10/10 wife material, 7/10 sex material. A good choice overall.
The downsides would be her shortness combined with her density: she's twice as heavy as a Braixen despite only being a few inches higher. Short but not easily portable.
Consider the shortness of her stubby little legs, she can't leglock you. That is important. Positions would be limited, as well.
But, advantages? She has opposable thumbs and is capable with them enough to be employed as a doctor. Imagine the Helping Handjobs.
Like a Sylveon or Psychic type, she can read your emotions/heart. Probably not as well as one, but no reason she can't sync herself with you.
You can bet there's a use for all those healing moves. She could use Entrainment on you to give you her Regenerator ability, continually keep you ready for more. All of the day, bro.
It's the fact that her sensitive emotion reading organ is right in her chest, her bust, that does it for me. Such a sweet, intimate spot. Imagine giving it a feather-light kiss, and it's so sensitive it nearly causes her to collapse right then and there.
>octopus with blowjob face
Some of you guys have your standards through the floor, I swear.
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It's written as 優, which could be spelt as both suguru and yuu when written as a name. The Translation assumed it was a woman and spelt it as yuu, but no Yuu Nakatsui has worked at GF.
Oh look, its Typhlosion
>or fucking Octillery of all fucking things.
Sometimes a man just wants some good S U C C without getting bogged down in a relationship with a clingy and literally psychic bitch
on the bright side she'll never lose her fucking mind and accuse you of cheating on her
assuming of course that you aren't, if you are then your dick is a black hole
noot noot motherfucker
>Garde gf reads your mind while you sleep
>that day you had a good time visiting your mother
>she reads two things: woman, happy
>Pokemon can give birth to humans
Humanity is pretty lucky this is the case, or the pokemon themselves might have driven the human race extinct.
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gardevoir can not only read your mind but she can also perfectly sense your emotional state with its heart spike thingy, you can't keep any secrets from her
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She would never abuse your trust that way
pretty sure her mind reading is a lot more exact than just basic vibes
Rocket Edition, it's pretty good go play it
Depends on whether or not she knows Psychic, otherwise it's just feeling sense
Cuteness is a synonym of weakness.
Be glad you're not the cute aggression kind of man who gets off on that image in a whole different way.
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>ywn surgically remove her horn rendering her powerless and infirm
>No Ursaring nor Piloswine nor Rapidash nor Lapras
>vaporeon for a literal meme
>anti Hypno (the defender of chastity) propaganda
trash image
>She could use Entrainment on you to give you her Regenerator ability, continually keep you ready for more
And she'd still have it herself. Audino is made for week-long sessions.
>hour long quivering cuddles.
My interest is piqued and I am not even a pokefucker
It was sleep rape both times are you fucking illiterate, it said she passed out twice
>Ursaring got five
What the fuck?
The whole "written by a woman" thing is so interesting to see in real time as an example of that phrase, "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." People are so ready to parrot something that sounds appealing without any substantiating evidence. I keep seeing this "fact" reposted and subsequently debunked across the board and in other places online, each time with the original person claiming the writer is a woman or tranny doubling down or demanding far more proof of the counter-claim that it was just a normal guy that we know worked at GF.
gardevoir is a gross VIRGIN!!
They could totally have done one based on Guinevere and Lancelot's forbidden love.
>your favorite pokemon not being slandered with pedophile lies and being canceled in real time while the entire world dances on its grave and game freak iinevitably erases it from the series is “suffering”

Shut the fuck up
They probably think it’s a woman becuas falsely accusing a Pokémon of rape out of spite to get it and it’s fans canceled does seem like something a woman would so, but its important to remember men can be spiteful cuntrag rags too
> normal guy
Guy yes, normal…hating Typhlosion so much you want it canceled isn’t normal
t. virgin
>not teaching Gardevoir Psychic
Only newfags don't know how to play, anon.
Don't forget Stockholm aka outright pedo slop
But anon, since Arceus created all the Pokemon, that means Arceus also created Gardevoir, and since Arceus isn't in the human world any more, it needs a replacement for romance.

And thus Gardevoir.
>Guy yes, normal…hating Typhlosion so much you want it canceled isn’t normal
You're being ridiculous.
No one seriously wants Typhlosion canceled, people are just larping for the hell of it.
anon, that's Suguru Natsuki. The stories were written by Yuu Natsuki. Please don't make such simple mistakes in the future
It's okay, I'm weak, out of shape, and have a small dick anyways, so Gardevoir sounds just right
That's the thing with pokewives, anyone can find one that fits them
Can confirm, my gf gets overstimulated very easily and it's like this.
Sex has to take like, three hours because she keeps needing to take breaks where she just snuggles, shivers, and gently stays warmed up. Shit's adorable. Mind breaking her by nibbling her shoulder while she's already overstimulated is also really funny.
Kinda inconvenient for quick sex though, especially since her gag reflex is super harsh, so she can't do that either.

Overly sensitive girls are great.
They appear to be the same person. I did some digging and the only mention of Yu(u) is on ANN, where it appears to be a nickname (or he's trooned himself). Suguru is his proper given name.
Where people got the idea that it's a woman, I'm not sure.
That sounds amazing and you definitely just made it all up.
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Kirlias can lay eggs, so actually they are.
Ralts can also give you an egg.
Kadabra has the GenWun bonus was canceled for 20 years because one guy threw a tantrum because he thought he invented spoons. Porygon also has the GenWun bonus and it got canceled for something it had nothing to do with, long before cancel culture and twitter mobs was a thing. Ana none of those situations involved rape the granddaddy of “you are no longer allowed to exist”. We’re in the middle of biggest pedohunt ever, and game freak almost never used typhlosion for anything aside from the regional. Do you really think Game Freak won’t throw typhlosion under the bus to save their own sorry asses?
It's not just the spoons, Kadabra's name in Japanese is Yungerer which sounds like Uri Geller if you're filtering it through the most racist accent possible
>Kadabra has the GenWun bonus was canceled for 20 years because one guy threw a tantrum because he thought he invented spoons
Bing Uri Geller Anon.
>born in Tel Aviv
That explains a lot
Lol, i brought this up a while ago and some /vp/ retard denied it
Hoping we get more Hoenn deats soon
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>salty is based
Lol no, he's a pussy lil fencejumping faggot. Also got mindbroken by following Pokemon in HGSS
that commissioner has a family now lol
>Tel Aviv
Do Talmudist really?
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Bnbigus mons are cute.
>That Lycanroc with abandonment anxiety in the current arc
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I have become incredibly fatigued by Salty honestly.
>Everyone looks the same
>Never does backgrounds or real shading
>Anatomy often janked to hell
I get that he can shit out colored pictures extremely quickly and that's all that really matters on Twitter, but still. I feel like he's just been sitting as a coombait printer and nothing else for years now.
I wanna give her hugs and cuddles bros
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In fact, the original name of Gardevoir (Sirnight) was Psyking.
He was a king, not a knight.
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The amount of retards making hashtags and memes about not being canon is unreal.
It's a myth written by offical members of gamefreak, it is.
It's as canon as the Arceus lore with the creation triangle.
People are coping. But I blame gamefreak for making the newer pokemon games for 5 year olds. So, people now assume everything pokemon has to be for 5 year olds.
A lot of the stuff in that image is not even part of the original design. Which is a teru teri bozu wearing a helmet.
Those guys are the real puritans in this whole thing, not the people ironically calling for Typhlosion to be canceled.
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Good stuff. Thanks for reposting.
>Good ending
It hurts to imagine Kirlias and Gardevoirs winding up in the wild without a partner, since I like to imagine they're only able to evolve once they've bonded. The only member of the Ralts line you should ever find in the tall grass is Ralts itself.
It's not exactly canon if it's discarded content. Still, the fact that staff wrote it is just +1 point for poképhilia added on top of the millions of other points already going in its favor. The thing is that normies taking things in face value, they don't understand folk myths didn't actually happen.
It was maintained on their servers along with animation and art reference material along with literal source code for the games, that's not discarded content, it's reference material. They didn't add it to the games for obvious reasons, but it doesn't change the fact that the Arceus story alone adds context that brings the entire setting into focus. Framing it as discarded is a desperate ploy.
Gonna need sauce on that Gardevoir.
They chose those Pokemon because they are analagous to real animals in Japanese folktales. Bears, octopi, monkeys, and badgers.
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It's not alluded to, it's not utilized. It's not even in a single source code. It's just there. Reference material is not synonimous with canon. And i couldn't care less about the contents of the myths, because we already know that Pokémon fuck humans and some Pokémon are based around fucking humans.

Palafin comes to mind. He's based on the "boto cor-de-rosa", the pink dolphin of brazilian folklore. Basically, a mythical pink dolphin that lives on sweetwater and leaves his river at night to turn into a handsome man. Then he impregnates a bunch of woman in that form during the night, and leaves for the river to turn back into a dolphin once dawn breaks.

The connection is explicit once you investigate the connotation of the myth. Doesn't mean it actually happens. We can only use the info we already have in the games, those are officially released material, regardless if based on unreleased material or not. And even if the leaked writings were used for reference, that's still just reference not literal confirmation. Something that's not given official consideration is just unused stuff.
that's pretty hot but it also makes me think of trading for a garde whos horn is already broken and nobody else wants her
Got a link?
but what if I want her to, anon?
Shit guess I'll go draw a Gardevoir.
People think it's a woman because women tend to be the most degenerate behind closed doors
Gardevoir? More like Dumb Ugly Stinky Goblin
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I think Game Freak could have written a Greek Inspired Myth/Fable centered on a truly wholesome love story between a Human & Gardevoir that turned tragic due to the actions and feelings of others. The purpose of those fables/myths being cautionary tales.
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The fuck you say bitch?
*straightens tie*
*drinks a glass of water*
*fiddles with shirt cuffs
*straightens back*
*taps mic*
Why are there still people that continue to insist that Gardevoir is a plant when it's clearly not? Does your pinball brain go "green means plant" and just stop there?
And since disabled women are quite rare, I use my fists on regular ones to make them into my fetish
Disrespect my wife, you lose the right to life
What was that story of the singer who lost his wife? A dude that played the lyre.
GF could've taken that, ask Arceus to revive him, maybe copy some of the Izanami/Izanagi mythos, she looks at her master, the man returns to the afterlife, but only his body remains, she stays with it and wastes, passes away but the man was waiting in spirit to take her away.
Ever since, all Ralts and Kirlias will forever be close to human, since they never abandoned each other, even after death.
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>Even the Tomboy Dwarf got a man before the Elegant Elf
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>What was that story of the singer who lost his wife? A dude that played the lyre.
Orpheus and Eurydice?
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>Never even held a Human hand once
How can you be known as a Waifu, if you never touched a Human, why where a wedding gown if you're not going to touch your Husbando?

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