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FYI: None of this comes from the "Gigaleak" that happened some years back.

We have:
>Source code for Platinum, HG/SS, B/W, and B2/W2 as well as for Pokemon Bank
>Loads of files relating to OR/AS, US/UM, and Pokemon Home
>Unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Some HarmoKnight stuff
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one of them involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Internal names for past and future games
>Miscellaneous things like digitized scans of GF Magazine and anime art; data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO, etc.

Additionally, the most varied payload of files to sift through contains:
>Shitloads upon shitloads of design documents, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and such things relating to other series titles like R/S, D/P, X/Y, and more
People are sorting everything out as we speak, and more is still coming in as of writing.

>Files: https://rentry.org/freakleak
>Betamon documentation: https://rentry.org/uoctw7op

Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 9.
Previous: >>56612566
Kys yuricuck
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imagine working on a pokemon for over 5 years and no one cares about it
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Where is the confirmation of yuri in the leaks
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Tourists are illiterate monkeys
Literally every version is better than the final design.
How is this even possible?
Hey, I like Huntail...
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>That OP webm
The fourth panel is useless.
leaks are over. post more yuri
wait for a real thread
Kill yourself c/u/ck
>pikachu was going to pant with ears down when at low health
where is this?
just like you
>still 200gb of xy stuff yet to be released
>look mom, I posted it again!
Can these kikes just leak everything and stop clout chasing on discord
What, because people are hyperfocusing on Typhlosion?
Found the illiterate monkey
Did something handsome men related drop? Like Steven, Sycamore......?
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>What if Girafarig was a fish????
fuck off retard
no, the clout chasing is part of the ritual
>no power plant
>no southern kalos
>no aliens
maybe they shouldn't have made it a held item trade evo only found at the very end of the game
>tourists getting This uppity at loli yuri
This has been board culture since DAY ONE
you need a mental illness to hack video game companies for no monetary gain
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post loli feet dumbass, yuri is trash
i'm so happy your thread got ignored retard
Unova route 6
>hurr it's kind of a similar animal so that means they're the same design
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Imagine that nigga pouring baby oil onto Elesa (15)'s body
if the choice is between a shitty yuri gif and a 'jak, I'm going to choose the shitty yuri gif.
You doing OK there buddy. You seem to be having a bit of a meltdown.
from what we know the rest of the files are BIG. that plus leaker has potato internet is why its taking so long
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>>no aliens
Wasn't alternate version of UFO the only BW2 "Betamon"
kill yourself, tourist
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GEN 10 FIRST ROUTE BIRD FROM BETA BUILD (game crashes when you run into it to interact/battle with it)
They refined the soul straight out of it
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was combing through the hg/ss files, is this guy from the ursaring story???
Wheres /l/ faggot
>two more weeks
I'm hard.
Don't let your dreams be dreams.
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yes, that's clearly the joke, retards are looking at this thinking it's supposed to be a fake leak when it's just making fun of them
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SOUL vs SOULLESS trash made for coomers and trannies that doesn't fit with the rest of the franchise's design philosophy
>schizo fanfics were in fact, schizo fanfics
BETA Mawile?
Gen 8 has always been for faggots.
Oh that's pretty cool, the tail eventually spun off into Gorebyss
Because you have shit taste?
kys yuri pedo cuck go jump off a bridge
i just got done jacking to that image in the 4th panel and didn't expect to see it here
now i have to jack off again so i hope you're happy
>trash made for coomers and trannies
But enough about elesa
Post link or tits
this kills the redditor
Go hang yourself, wannabe janny.
The stories are just lore-dumps. They wouldn't have drawn anything for them. Also the brothers were using bows.
>ummm guys I heard on the news we're supposed to be the homophobic website do i fit in yet?!??!
Betamon page is broken with missing images linked from discord
This nigger is seething
4cuicks are mad i see
Nanjomo is cute and you let queers command your mind
Yuri is for literal losers who likes to watch, same goes for any shippershit. You always been on bottom of the hierarchy.
AI generated image
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I think I like him
i want to shove elesa's long feet down my throat
At some point it was set to evolve in RS, but I haven't seen anyone post something beyond placeholder info in a listing of what habitats Pokémon can be found in.
leaks will happen again specifically when YOU go to sleep
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fuck off back to plebbit gay ass nigga
Previous threads:
#23 >>56612566
#22 >>56609572
#21 >>56606916
#20 >>56604028
#19 >>56601783
#18 >>56599565
#16 >>56596295
#15 >>56594056
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its crazy ive been lurking/posting on 4chan for 10 years now, and in that time i only just learned about sharty less than a year ago
seeing them in action is surreal, it's a literal glowie board that grooms children into pure, easily suggestionable mental illness.
what reason would they even have, even from their perspective, to derail a fucking pokemon thread of all things?

anyway posting the card that got me into Cynthia when i was a lad.
expect leaks in 10 minutes then.
I don't think there will be any big leaks for a few hours.
cant we all be friends
you first faggot shitlennial you started the troonification and the lgbt pandering
>hotlinking Discord
These trannies get what they fucking deserve.
Gay thread
#14 >>56591463
#13 >>56589063
#12 >>56583977
#11 >>56581082
#10 >>56579073
#9 >>56579073
#8 >>56579317
#7 >>56571687
#6 >>56570554
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Doing God's work
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Anyone have more trainer class art like this? Surely classes other than Lady have them.
yum thank you
Putting them side-by-side like that really puts things into perspective
Though isn't Iono secret super hag, and is that height accurate?
don't worry no one's actually posting leaks, it's just retards posting about whatever and arguing
Sauce it you madman
Ew, gross.
Hehe, nice.
that one ScatVomit trailer they made with iono felt genuinely dystopian
>and in that time i only just learned about sharty less than a year ago
Yeah, because it hasn't been around that long.
Sweet dreams anon
Verification not required
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Can we talk about leaks
hold on, so they had a massive leak just like this in 2020 but they didn't secure anything after that?? kek
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Shitty safe yuri for people afraid of yuri ship OP
Anyway I'm still on revision 9000, here's the Abomasnow for anon
I'm gonna post some Luxray line backsprites I thought were interesting and then go take another break
Guys, I was just in contact with Joe Merrick and he said there are no more leaks. Sad, but true. We should stop making these threads.
shit-for-brains coomer. go lick the floor like a dog you disgusting animal
I dunno anon. It doesn't look shit enough to be legit.
#5 >>56569080
#4.5 >>56567187
#4 >>56567178
#3 >>56566238
#2 >>56565439
#1 >>56564293
#0.5 >>56562021
#0 >>56561166
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>see hot girls
>think of trannies
yeah you need to go back
>beta Huntail has the same inexplicable three spines as Grotess
>also has the same round eyes, which final Huntail drops
>other gen 2 cut mons among the gen 3 beta mons
>not even the first time a Pokemon has shown up in an earlier gen and gotten redesigned
Why the hell would they not try to repurpose the deep-sea fish mon that didn't fit in with Johto?
pmythオクタン0714 - Page 2 has them talking about a young man using a sword he got from people who were around a bunch of sharpedo to kill an ursaring. From the same one about the octillery sex.
Yeah sure I gotta take a massive leak
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no, now go back to streetshitting jeet
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Retard can you read? Shipping in general is for cucks.
>this triggers the tourist
No. Enjoy your pre-gen ban /co/ thread.
Beta Lysandre theme
stop spamming. the board is unusable as it is.
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Go back to sucking Joe's micro-cock, faggot
It can be both. It's purposefully designed to look like the story documents.
Mewtwo had a second form.
It's not hacking, it's phishing.
Can't do shit if your employee is a gullible slowbro and clicks on everything.
hi yawnfag
but they stopped when i went to sleep
Oh wait, that fourth design had artwork posted in an earlier thread. Was this ever confirmed?
Thanks for your work anon.
I am not a satanist. There is nothing wrong with this thread.
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Here's that card art in high quality, from the leak.
newfag learning new tricks, I see
Joe BROKE you.
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I've been looking through the BW source code and what the fuck is this?
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>tourists being as obnoxious and newfaggy as possible
>crying and pissing over yurifaggots
>pokèfolktales are still the biggest highlight of the leak season, getting run into the ground by 5th grade retards
>niggercord hoarders either have shitty internet or are too busy fellating themselves with their equally gay buttbuddies
>there is no news
I have absolutely nothing to look forward to today.
Oh, Octillery's kid. I thought you were talking about the female Ursaring one.
>>beta Huntail has the same inexplicable three spines as Grotess
This is the exact shit I'm talking about. You reach for any possible connection, and disregard everything else. They're not even on the same part of the body.
Are you going to tell me that Garchomp was originally meant to be a Sharpedo evolution because they're both sharks and have stars on them?
Did I miss anything since the mega Jynx stats?
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Getting high res TCG art is exciting, I can't wait to print posters
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Is the writter really a woman?
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The sloppiest of heads if you can find Professor Sycamore's beta theme (if there is one)
grilled fish
Random stock image used as a dummy texture. Happens in gamedev all the time.
Obviously placeholder.
Remoraid if he real
No its a guy with a feminine name (probably a troon)
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holy fuck

>is this just a jpg or does it come from a raw .pdf?
>genwarring is when someone tells the truth
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A man surprisingly
Please let me seethe at electrivire/magmortar
Call me when there are leaks.
No, his name is being incorrectly translated by Google translate
fish that have been grilled
>>56614523 + >>56615089
You are a good anon

No, that name is also wrong. It's suguru not yuu
Good shit.
>should be on timeout
>is seething ITT
Well well well. Someone is cheating the system, I see.
ok if you insist
post # 1275741 on e621
The main difference is halfway in
This is from the gen 6 prototypes, the "final pokemon gym leader" theme from gen 5 in the gen 6 format
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boys kissing <3
No, his name is Suguru Nakatsui. That was a machine translation error.
Post that
Because they're "le ebin trolls" when they can't even troll without a guide while seething at everyone that uses the word though.
Pathetic subhumans.
Placeholder but that's very funny.
STRM_BGM_E_DOCTOR uses XY's Evolution theme as a placeholder
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Was there anything like this for lopunny?
>a raw .pdf
No, that's just a machine translation error because his name has multiple readings. The writer is Suguru Nakatsui, he is actually now one the lead designers at GameFreak.
I miss yawnfag
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sharpedo didnt have it much better but at least people like it
Go get a job, wannabe janny. No matter what you think, they're not going to pay you to do this shit for them.
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Uwah, scary math.
I mean...
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>Mod locked it instantly just because of the jak
2000 is the best
stfu faggot
no you are satanist promoting sodomy and homosexual behavior (yuri)
AI or legit? Wasn't there a very regular looking peacock in the betas?
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Yeah there's a dark mode Lopunny
whoa... i got epic trolled...
Is there any mirror for the document stuff?
I want to read Japanese executives arguing over shit.
appreciate you looking anyway anon
You are autistic. Sorry for the sudden news.
Any Anons that can solve this?
Thanks for taking my request. Doesn't look like there's much new unfortunately, but it's both sad and interesting seeing the bad decisions that went into this guy's sprites.
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Are you sure about that?
finally a mod doing something good
>mods not being faggots for once
Very nice development.
which folder has the TCG arts?
Lol retard
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>Ok lets make a Delibird evolution
>Hmm make them bipedal
>I like when them wwhen they were flying
>Ok discard the Delibird link
>Lets make the bipedal a bird starter
>Simplify the flying one and give it a twin
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Found some unused animations amidst the files.
Better autistic than a total retard.
Mods are based for once
STRM_BGM_ENDING is a clean rip of the RGBY Title Theme used for XY's eShop trailer.
If I could, I wouldn't be here.
this calculates a perspective projection matrix. fov = field of view, aspect = aspect ratio, f = far plane distance, n = near plane distance
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It comes from a PSD.
Here's the rest. High quality TCG card art from the leak, Game Freak artists only, 2004-2008, converted to PNG format.
are you really trying this shit again
sanma or saury in english. Often eaten as an autumn dish in japan.
She looks a lot more sinister, like a creepy ghost. But her thighs are also more pronounced so..
Is anyone gonna talk about the fact that "born this way" by lady gaga is in the beta files for the hilda xy tech demo build
Holy shit, Gen 7 leaks already?
I've been waiting all my life for anime character model references of Darkrai.
Indeed, the mod locked it because you're an annoying faggot tourist who needs to leave, yes.
fake and gay roblox shit
>that backsprite
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The internet is just cable tv at this point, so it makes sense that even the edgy altchans are influenced by the same low-hanging fruit.
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>chest freckles
love to see it
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>Based yuriGOD
You got the raw stream files? Would appreciate an upload of them.
Pretty neat they made two Pokemon out of the scratchpad version.
People say Huntail is forgettable but honestly, that’d have to go to Mothim.
its fake lmfao
how do we kill those filthy coomer loli pedos?????
they are unironically ruining blue 4chan
Jesus christ this thread is absolutely atrocious.
What happened to the mods actually cleaning up these threads? They used to watch /ppg/ threads like hawks a few years ago.
Typhlosion fucked this btw
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Well, looks like today is your lucky day !
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What is the song used for?
>reddit filename
>"mod locked"
Get the fuck out, tourist.
this was in the 3d test animation that game freak made with Pikachu and zekrom. Towards the end Pikachu has red health and starts panting https://x.com/CentroLeaks/status/1845664014606459141
Exploud stole his color scheme, and they had to add on the clam stuff because they decided he should evolve from it.
This might be old news, but it seems like they intended to add skiing as a mode of transport (like the bicycle) in DP.
>About skiing
>Twice the speed even in the snow
>Accelerate downhill/Decelerate uphill
>If you have speed, you can jump over the jump ramp.
retard alert
Needs my cock
Wow, this thread is ass.
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Nothing really crazy for a good while now you should be fine
I'm glad they didn't give up on "weapon+shark", Sharpedo is a good Pokemon. Wish that sense of depth on the Festa version's tail stump was kept, though.
Just for you I’m going to go back to my scrapped yuri fanfic
Old news.
thank you good sir gaht damn i didnt know we got so much of the tcg art.
An anon from the last thread uploaded then already >>56614299
They had a great design and ruined it. They only have themselves to blame
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Is he in?
are there more of those music mashups? i really liked the bad x blue monday one
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nta but it is in the RS folder of 02_ポケモンアニメ設定.
There aren't really any game characters besides Gym leaders.
Missed this one, thanks a bunch.
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oh hey the electric oni had a redesign before being scrapped
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Isn't there a gif that makes lopunny even more sexualized by finishing the drawn line on her thighs?
It's funny that they actually did the OPPOSITE to make her less sexualized
That doesn't answer my question, what part of the game was it used in, what was it for, where did it play. I didn't ask for the filename
One of the proto-RSE Pokémon was called Donky, you know like an ass.
Still time to buy some lube so the bugs go in easier
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>yaoifags and yurifags coming out of the woodwork
It really does look like a DQ monster. Very cute fella.
he got pretty far, but he still looks like a king metal slime in the redesign, might be why he got scrapped
Whoever want to add threads IDs like GODchan quote this post
Beta Champion's theme
NTA but heres the dump of them: https://files.catbox.moe/0w7nyt.7z
Sorry, most of this isn't gonna be interesting.
>design a cool bird
>"idk man, a red and white bird with yellow accents? looks like a delibird to me"
>the white was gone from its design by the time Sugimori did beta art of it
It was never an evolution, someone just pointed out the resemblance to suggest that they change it.
>I like penis
Tell us something we didn’t already know
>those legs
fanart, NOW! i'm aware she's been drawn with long thighs before, i just want a new wave
Nobody's managed to get the password-protected CIAs running yet, right?
the opposite
faggotry is not natural
you got it the wrong way around
I will never be able to look at Spheal the same way again.
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replaying to the anon wanting the models overlayed. 1/3
Not surprised you confirmed it. Autistic people are unable to discern non-explicit links and connections in design. Watched this phenomena a lot back when I worked in gamedev
Don't disgrace /ourboy/ Hypno by associating him with those degenerates.
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these threads got horrid taste
beta eye meeting flare grunt theme

sounds pretty alien to me bros...
fuck off, this guy would've been my favorite gen 3 mon and on every hoenn team i'd ever have
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Why? It's not far from its original concept of a bowling ball. Unless I'm missing something...
ugly brown degenerate
Stop posting fan shit
ur right btw. don't listen to these straight gays.
people are this mad about yuri?
>kanto cycling road mechanics but skiing
Would have been peak. It's funny imagining a world where Pokemon fans expect every game to have a cycling road-like route.
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seems pretty huge to me
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yaoi <3
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the theme you hear before Team Ayy kidnaps you
Holy based.
it's a slow news day so the shitposters are out of their caves
You've gotten so offended by me saying that you're seeing what you want to see.
handsome men and cute boys.....leaks.....please....
>all these rapists
>and then there's the purely consensual octillery
get my girl out of there
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>Our boy
Show nose, fag
what i said is right sorry chuds
Where's muh lore
>*shits in your way*
>wowzers! are people mad at this? :(
So far it looks like they never seriously planned a sequel or third game for kalos kek
And do what? More coomer bait and Pokephilia threads? Because until we get more news or reach the end of the week, this general is pretty much the only thing /vp/ is going to have right now.
People are always mad about yuri. irl lesbians are always ugly as shit so maybe there’s something about attractive women kissing attractive women that makes people seethe
I need Typhlosion to hug me fug me and tuck me in
All I saw last night was the fix for the xy builds
It's just chagen stirring up shit again again, ignore him he literally have a diaper fetish.
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forgot to put the 2/3 on the other one.
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idk why the blaine picture was replaced
If not those, has anyone gotten Development/xy.cci to run?
one guy
I'm the yuricuck btw
>girl girl girl
where are the boys
Beta XY's Victory Road theme
sound pretty weird
Hate homosexuality as much as another Anon, but I’d take it any day over zoophilia, which is currently majority of this board.
I assumed it was one dude samefagging. Slow day for leaks so I guess he has nothing more to do.
>skiing in Sinnoh possibly scrapped
Appropriate time to say FUCK ROUTE 217
I'm sorry you failed your English classes, anon.
the ones starting with f have the password 'eggerland'
there's one called 'opower' with its password as, well, 'opower'
i don't know the others
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>pokesex leaked
>no cunny sex
GF is a bunch of furfags, disgusting.
i call bullshit, jumping from delibird to latiken is a massive leap
>Kalos really was always supposed to be an unfinished mess
It really is over...
Know that feel
>all this off topic trash
>no leaks in sight
>but still call it a general
when will mods delete
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You lost. Get over it.
Makes me laugh when people try to say Elesa must still be 15 based on that old document when it's clear she was aged up to the point that she's the tallest canon pokegirl.
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Clearly /ourboy/ saving an innocent child from a rapist, probably a Typhlosion.
This fix seems to have worked for some of the available cci files but not all sadly, was just curious if anyone had made progress on that front. Thanks
Sugi's design philosophy. Every pokemon needs to look at least a little bit dumb and goofy if not completely.
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call me crazy but were these three supposed to be a legendary trio? they all have a similar style and have that "legendary" feel to them
Closing the thread will have the same result for you, anon.
even if this is a fake i kind of love it
ermmm, directory for this one?
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buy me a drink first jackie
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>look kinda ugly
Everyone calls you a pedo, shits fucked up.
>Hate homosexuality as much as another Anon, but I’d take it any day over zoophilia, which is [FANFIC]
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mystery nigga
>the lore documents was written by the same guy that wrote the pokestar studio
>yet we get zero leaks of the pokestar studios

>girl in woods looking for BERRIES
>hypno chad trying to help by undoing the hypnosis with his own
me on the right
>victory road
You're too obvious...
When yuri shows up retards and trannys can’t help but post yaoi
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You wanna know how I got these leaks?
Beta XY champ theme labeled STRM_BGM_VS_CHAMP

How do I play Masters daily yet forget how massive she is compared to everyone
Didn't give a shit about Iono so never bothered comparing them in lobby
kys hebe spamming cocksucker, the age of consent will never be lowered
Sorry, only Jynx here
It's interesting that internally this is labelled VS_FLARE while VS_FLARE_BOSS is a placeholder. Makes you wonder what happened here.
And to think in the old /ppg/ threads the mods would go on purges and wipe out beytah shitposting, anything mentioning discords and off-topic coomer posting.
It really drives it home that not even the mods give a shit about this franchise anymore, which makes me wonder why this board is still here.
I know the horn comes from him being a yokai, but it makes sense if his name came from "incense".
Incense was a pretty prominent thing in gen 3.
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It is just one dude, he does this shit on multiple boards. Guy is a pedo christcuck with a diaper fetish, he also doesn't actually like yaoi since he used to shit up /a/ fujo threads with random seething at yuri and /u/ 24/7.
I think Rairai is a very early version of Rayquaza at least.
the beta version sounds more complete than the real one, fits x/y in general
it's just the gym leader theme as a dupe
Its from a dutch pokeclone
>Hahaha a wild Pokemon is going to vore help 10 years old trainer!
What did they mean by this?
this is the gym leader theme isn't it?
More prominent choirs
It's Pokémon Liquid Crystal's Victory road theme lmao
Even with the passwords I can't manage to run the cia files inside, maybe the format is a little different idk. Thanks though
Aliens probably
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based, we want proto brown pokeboys
I'm pretty sure that at least Suiba and Rairai were considered as possible legendaries. Remember, Groudon and Kyogre weren't chosen as the cover legendaries (nor were the games known as Ruby and Sapphire) until relatively late in development. Suiba might mean something like "jade horse".
it's just the gym leader theme again
Get those fucking rags off.
You (apparently) have to install everything in those folders.
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yuri isn't shit though
irl lesbians aren't ugly lol, you don't know any if that's the case
see attached file
>everyone i hate is trans
touch grass
jesus christ
This thread is fucking gay wake me up when something happens
it's similar to rayquaza but the face is definitely altaria
you could argue they were one and the same at some point. hell it'd explain why altaria is a dragon
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i haven't either
most of it's coming from the ccis which need to be made cias, but that can be done with a hacked 3ds
the drive contains system files useful for running those, i'm using citra
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Suiba looks like an MLP character, christ
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which Pokehebes would P Diddy take to his mansion
Oh fuck I think this is the faggot that I did a favor for which got me a 3 day vacation. Bastard!
What the fuck is a sharty? Where's all the interesting XY stuff already?
>yuri isn't shit though
Gay and wrong.
fuck off with your dogshit drawing you sicilian nigger faggot.
im playing pla and im fucking in love with the female protagonist
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do you remember?
i remember
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>Women are already lusting over getting 50 Shades of Gray'd by Typhlosion
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eikichi a qt
The mess i made in my pants when i finally got my mits on that hilda model
anyway the x&y leaks appear to be done sadly, but not surprisingly.

i honestly have no idea why i continue to lurk this thread knowing the best of the leaks are kinda over now. But if it was supposed to be a terabyte of shit, did he even go over exactly what the size distribution is? is that really ALL the gen 4 and 5 pokemon franchise content?
(Franchise meaning content including spinoffs/third party games/promo material.)
So what's the current state of the leaks? Are we still trying to crack the password to the files? Or are we waiting on the leaker to send the next batch of stuff?
I just downloaded that from the previous thread. I thought it was a draft that was scrapped. Jeez relax holy shit.
>sees 2 cute girls
>immediately thinks of dicks
>immediately thinks of diapers and shit
>N-no YOU'RE the degenerate
Many such cases
I still don't understand how this happened.
He saw into the future, or was a GF employee
This is Professor Birch's introduction. You can see the starter bag below him. Guess this is just a mockup.
would be cool if anyone had the original 1279854100.jpg image
he is quite based.
MS Paint thread is two blocks down
what the fuck could this have been used for? it kinda fucks though sounds like some gen 3.5 shit

Think it's just waiting
Because yuri IS shit.
good morning
i hate johtonean women so fucking much
i hate sinnoh
and i hate galar
good morning
Why the fuck are you people going through the XY leaks if you don't know anything about XY?
is that not zygardes theme
I did which made (some of) the cci files work, but the cia files need to be decrypted to work in citra. Using the batch cia 3DS decryptor on them doesn't work since it has "problems parsing the cia", and I haven't had much luck elsewhere. I haven't used citra or 3DS tools very much so I'm probably missing something, but so far I've only managed to load the May and September 2012 builds of X as cci files
keep squirming you lying esl fnf pedo shartycuck.
Dodrio Racing
that's the beta elite 4 theme. do you even know the original game's music?
That's the Elite 5 theme
It's just an early version of the Elite Four theme. It's near final, but the instrument mixing is different
There is another build gamefreakout is trying to upload. not sure if people are still brute forcing the passwords
Elite 4
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>Thread full of SWSH gayshit (based)
>Still no actual Gen 8 leaks

Why are we here, just to suffer?
Sharteens hate pedos/lolicons though
it's funny, it sounds like placeholder music in the final release.
it was finished near one of the first ones.
it's weird how these things turn out
early version of the e4 theme
> Using one of the biggest switch modders content.
Ok anon.
just like gen 5 :)
Retard I was literally trying to help. Why are most of you faggots so schizophrenic?
Sword and Shield ARE gayshit. S/S is the 2nd worst gen behind only S/V.
That's the E4 theme, you retard. Play the fucking game.
ok but that theme is a banger and #youfellforit
The switch game leaks are going to be the panic button once people start getting bored
kill yourself alolatranny
It's labelled VS_SHITTENO (Elite Four). If you post the filenames in the thread, everyone will be less confused.
Whoops, my bias came out out.
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>seems similar the normal elite 4 the-
The Meloetta Theme is in the XY beta as STRM_BGM_RELIC
Hopefully X/Y source soon, bro.
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don't try and dilute this with memes. they've always called it that
Why even continue making these threads if there is no new info and only schizos are shitposting now?
I hope not. X/Y ruined the series.
how are you fags downloading this shit?
jdownloader? cuz it is bitching about ""too many downloads""
wait, this is the exact version from indigo disk
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i simply download it while ignoring that error
>tfw Iono is literally a redesigned proto-Elesa
Can someone check if it's actually in the build? If it is then this is huge.
Twitter loves LGBT doe
This really illustrates how far character design has fallen in Pokemon, and how fitting into the world has fallen to the wayside in favor of pandering to social media trends
I don't see it so prob fake.

Those were in the last leak from 4 years ago. Not much came of them because of the amount of work involved.
He has autism, he can't control it :(
no they will not you stupid faggot, the age of consent will never be lowered and you will still be a rejet of society
It was the 2nd best yaoi gen behind S/V actually
Because otherwise /v/, /vg/, /vr/, /vrpg/, /vm/, and /vmg/ would become unusable.
Am i the only one who thinks bw1 elesa looks much shorter? perhaps she really was young and had a growth spurt during the timeskip...
Ho-Oh's origin story has leaked, removed for involving a violent burning of a Fearow, that reincarnated as Ho-Oh, details were originally included in the ruins of alph. Also found out they replaced Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon with 'unknown Pokemon' because it was "too sad" and had too much religious connotations with reincarnation.
anyone have the mp4/webm of the full battle between zekrom and pikachu?
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this entire site is borderline unusable to begin with
I thought you guys were joking. Typhlosion's reputation is truly fucked in normieland
I love my cum idols!
I know you just made that up but it's pretty believable.
Shota art is already legal if you live in a decent country
Both are soul, I love how short Iono is in Masters, Elesa and Iono just check different boxes
source: my dad works at junichi masuda
It's from some Roblox game, anon is trolling
its my fault for liking him
fake and gay. If they had employees writing folklore about Slaking being a revenge rapist and Typhlosion being a child predator as writing exercises there is no way they would care about shit being “too sad” or “having too much religious connotations”
This is what happens when all we have is XY
how're you getting such clean quality, mine comes out tinny ffs
Beautiful soundtrack full of soul. We are so back
>even the leaks are underwhelming
X/Y moment
The password-walling is pretty retarded
xyfags ruined everything
go back to turkey or russia you stupid cp lover
kys unironically
Can we get actual leaks? Preferably interesting stuff? I am so honestly fucking tired of seeing faggots and pedophiles running this thread to the ground and the funniest part is that these subhuman scum think they're victims of something because people don't tolerable their utter degeneracy, you might as well be kikes with how much you cry, it's bad enough tolerating this miserable board normally, the leaks were the funniest and wildest shit we've seen in ages and it's all getting dragged into the mud by what I highly suspect are the mods themselves and their sharty friends running rampant.
tsmt trvthson
Have people been trying to get past the passwords?
Unironic twitter tourists ITT
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once upon a time there was a really big bang
no clue I just dumped it using lime3ds its in the sound/stream folder as AAC's
also this is STRM_BGM_TEST_03 anon was right lmfao
>announcing a report
You speaking of yourself?
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i mean to record it for vocaroo, i have the files, i just wanna dump some damnit
>the spanish accent
I've never been to either of those countries and I don't know what their laws are like. From the little I know I wouldn't call those countries decent though. Last I heard anything "gay" is illegal in Russia, but I don't know (nor care much) if that's true.

It was inevitable with all the stuff that's going on.
Saw someone mention John the Ripper going to 10 characters or something, so yes, some are bruteforcing
oh you can just click the upload button on the website? thats what I did and just uploaded the file directly lol
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I like Gen 5 but god damn the new legendaries just cannot compare to the old mythology. It being explained away with alternate universes is lame too.
Post-Sinnoh legendaries really are redundant.
jesus fucking christ, save reshiram and zekkie and nuke the rest
Typhlosion slander
what's wrong with that? the galar characters also have a british voice
I hope the password turns out to be something degenerate
oh ok thanks anon
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true, recent games are very yaoi
Excuse me one of these women is 15 years old, could you please delete this child pornography? Thanks!
I wish we got more lore
x/y prototypes are cool but do we have x/y source code???
when are we re-enacting Total Pedo Death and Total Lolicon Death?
That's in HGSS, they just don't explain it in detail.
Me on the right.
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this one's hyper training, this one's actually the 2nd one of these songs in the final release
a couple of instruments missing, but near final
maybe start reporting and you won't see so many of them in these threads
More like Arceus should've never been a thing.
i cant, the gay mods here are pedos as well
Isn't she older in B2W2?
>dat mouthbreather jaw on Elesa
Neat, but you forget something
does anyone have more of those character information like the one we got for gym leaders in gen 5 and the battle frontier people? i really liked these
Maybe but they look fucking stupid.

Oh and I guess that explains why Altaria is Dragon.
>2 years
Ironically this actually still leaves her underage.
is all of this from a 2013 build?
this one's from the one labelled 2012
These must've been designed by the guy responsible for the original legendary beasts in the Spaceworld demo
I love my streamer girl Iono. You just can't handle the spark.
no title nigger
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Was there a high quality version of this artwork in the files
Why the fuck are you lot so incompetent
because nobody with a brain will do it
Proto Thundurus
are we gonna get anything else? i thought other switch game leaks were coming?

did the ninjas take him out?
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Looking at this guy and seeing some of the dex entries more and more, I'm thinking what if this guy just evolves into ANYONE? Like you raise him up and randomly get a Jirachi or Groudon, or something lame like a wurmple or Magikarp?

This is the same regeneration that made wurmple randomly evolve into either Cascoon or Silicon. Pretty neat gimmick and I wish they kept something like this in the final release.
There's these torrents. https://rentry.org/gfteratorrent
I found this funny little image sequence in the source. It probably isn't anything, but here it is regardless.
This is legal in most of Europe and legal in America
We're on page 9, wait until page 10 retard
thanks for pushing us to page 10 :)
Either he was meant to be a dedicated placeholder Pokémon, a post-game reward or an event Pokémon of some sort. Considering it actually got Dex entries at all though, I’d say it either being a potential post-game reward or a Wurmple prototype is the most likely.
Oh wow, an earlier draft of the intro sequence of Black and White? Wow, that's actually pretty cool. What commit and where did you find it?
That's not how it works. Go away.
It seems like they were trying to do Eevee 2, in a way?
Who knows if this guy evolved using all available methods, stones, happiness, level up, etc. at the same time or what would be the condition for Feebas in the end
I always thought it would be neat if there was a Feebas evolution mon that evolved into 5 different pokemon based on contest stats, kind of a shame they never did that
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>magearna and volcanion
>"fusion" was removed from gen 6 according to early threads
GIVE IT TO ME!!!!!!!!
big if tru
Ermm, that's not wholesome?
You're looking at documentation included with the DS SDK.
Elite 4 theme but sounds like absolute shit

Exclude Legendaries and mythicals from its evolution table. Maybe add multiple layers to it, by having its evolution be influenced by level, friendship, daytime, weather, location, heck even trade. WE WERE ROBBED

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