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Pokephilia /pō-kē-ˈfilēə / n. sexual attraction of a human toward a pokemon, which may involve the experience of sexual fantasies about the pokemon or the pursuit of real sexual contact with it. Note that pokémon on pokémon is not pokephilia.
Post female pokémon with male humans and solo female pokémon. F human/M pokémon are allowed too, but not solo male pokémon.
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>F human/M pokémon are allowed too
Why though, misleading title and there's already the straight pokephilia thread
I just copied from the previous thread, oops
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Wait so let me get this straight
If you ever got horny in the Pokemon universe you could just go to the beach, wait for a Lapris to wash up, and fuck it right in its pussy?
And it's completely OK because it's a mind reader with the full intelligence of a human and wouldn't even be there if it wasn't ok with you doing it?
No wonder people are so happy in that universe
It really is mindblowing, isn't it?
Yeah and in theory this would apply to any other psychic type, although we've never gotten the same level of confirmation of them being into it like Lapras
>Female Arceus
>Humans ignore egg groups
>Typhlosion slander
>Obscuremons like Slaking and Octillery
These stories definitely are shit some /vp/ user wrote. Way too convenient it just happens to line up with what this place likes.
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Yeah many Pokemon pass the Harkness Test
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Imagine there is a Katress in this pic meaning this leak had such a huge impact even monsters from other franchises were attracted.
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Ah! Someone did it for me! Awesome! I think we need to start brewing some stories, and greens
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Dude draws the best milotic noodle porn.
Only on Friday nighg in Union Cave though
Based Hank Hill
>pikachu and charizard still not there
One job
Based Loyal 3 murdering filthy pokefuckers.
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The artist has yet to make more room still.
That's ok, I will wait for Charizard along with Feraligatr and Sceptile.
The original was just about the mons in the leaks, now it's just random whatever-the-fuck including non-pokemon, there's no rhyme or reason
Gardevoir is also the prime example of a pokemon species naturally adapting to better bond with humanity to the point of having distict variations depending on its temperment
Don't forget to add in the og post
Add Dunsparce to the list
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>Mew gazing endless visions of male trainers making love with their female pokemons after marriage knowing full well she created a generation of degenerate whores to fuck human males
>Just as I hope for my daughters!
Yes! Of course, we’ll remind to add this general when this thread is archived.
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And lest we forget that the old theory of N being part pokemon is partly true, he's just not part Zoroark but actually part Gardevoir due to his personality and traits matching that of the emerald beauty
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God speed anon.
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As I said from previous thread; Personally I prefer when pokemons having their pokemon brain evolve from their human dad’s genes causing them to think and have awareness of humans do. I can easily imagine a Snivy having awareness of her “appeal” to a certain audience that she advertise products with her “imagery”. A Milotic getting a job application for a underwater sea-theme dating restaurant where she dates random male trainers for dinner. Or a Lopunny becoming a celebrity star all thanks to their human dad’s genes. They still can’t speak, but they have similar IQ of humans. Imagine pokephilia becoming so normalize in a few years you see a snooty Primarina with a smart phone live streaming in a beach for her male trainer’s “fans”.
What's the joke?
You know what Joker would say?
Pokemon fucking is non-canon faggots the smut wasn't even original its Japanese foke tails.
You could have two hybrids; a futuristic one clearly made to be a bioweapon, and an ancient one reminiscent of the Minotaur; one being held in a lab, the other in a labyrinth.

To be entirely honest I haven't played a game in years but this might get me back in
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I disagree.
I mean, it looks like Pokemon-Human hybrids just turn out normal most of the time. That story of the half-human, half-octillery guy going on a rampage seems to be the exception not the rule. Maybe he just wasn't raised correctly.
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Joker wouldn't say anything because he'd be getting raped
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>What’s Pokephilia?
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What's everyone's thought of Pokemon wearing clothing?
All of these are lame and gay if they don't include the cut Gyaru girl pokemon from gen 3
It's canon and cute. I've seen some pictures from the Unite.
show us the pics
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The one in red. The two in blue would be nice too, but Gyaru is priority
cute betamon
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Trainers these days will never know what they missed on.
At this rate this image is gonna exceed 4chan's dimension and filesize limitations before the end of the month
We can only dream of such a glorious future where we need to catbox the image every time it needs to be posted
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to whomever made that octillery-human fusion, i guess this is gonna be the only relevant bread i can bring it up in but thanks lad, looks rad
>still no Ogerpon
Fine, i'll do it myself
Someone put a renamon there too then
Pokemon/Human hybrids are a thing now huh
Fuck off, Kieran
I don't like it when new artists cover up older contributions, you can barely see mewtwo anymore
I was waiting for someone with common sense to point out that all of the "lost Sinnoh" myths got condensed into the ones that made it in the game.
I'm not the biggest fan of the concept but apparently.
I still find Mewtwo pose to be really well done, it's perfect.
It's a bit too much with the digimon and pal thing, but mewtwo still looks good, if we focus on not trying to cover every pokemon it would just get bigger.
Unfortunately real estate's not cheap unless you're a bad enough dude to expand the page
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Jesus christ what happened? I leave /vp/ for a day and this image has sextupled since
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Anyone got more like this?
Greentext is such a bad way to store smut.
The last thing a urasing sees

Tilt harder, ZoomerFag, and get the fuck off here before we call your parents.
The story also leaves ambiguous *why* the man was ignored even before he became violent. Was he ugly, was he ominous, was there a taboo against his existence even then?
Where is the leak archive?
I missed the leaks
I would prefer it be left ambiguous desu. It leaves room to do stuff. Yesterday an Anon said his description sounded like a shounen protagonist and I've been imagining like that since.
More like reworked heavily.
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Someone edit this with Pokephilia Rights on it.
Would a human/pokemon hybrid look like a neko?
Renamon appearing with pokemon is like a meme so why not
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its not pokephilia its called being pokesexual
We basically only learned of some Pokemon who mated with humans which includes Arceus. Outside of that, we already know they were marrying one another.
Wasn't there that one NPC who claimed her Pokémon was her boyfriend? I forget where.
Give her eyelashes.
seconding this
I might do that if anyone doesn't.
>only liking this fetish after the document leak
fake faggots everywhere
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Pokegirlfriend moment.
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Wonder if shout is lurking in the thread?
I hope so. I cant wait to see what Shouting does with these leaks
i need this edited with dratini (or maybe cyclizar) and latias, respectively.
does anyone have the writefagging of an anon fucking Arceus?

i need it for bants now man on arceus sex is literally canon due to the leaks.
Ah I see, he wanted a Flareon
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Goodra is in, finally.
>still no glaceon
come on

wait. fuck, now i can't post it because the file is already posted lmao.
I'll just link your reply i guess.
Anon, Goodra is in OP's pic
Friendly reminder that Arceus genuinely loves her children and still mourns for her husband.
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Im convinced this man is the lucky bastard that impregnated God
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Why is she presenting?
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Gardivor have never been this envious.
>the image that keeps on giving
God mutha fuckin damn you guys are alright
The old timers can keep their Octillery and Rapidash, my beloved Autumn is all i need
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anyone have any good Pokemon/human romance fics? Smut is fine but I want at least some cuddling.

Preferably female human/Pokemon of any gender but I'm not picky.
Well there is the comic of Jayden the femboy Lopunny with his boyfriend on Christmas
>fhuman x mpokemon
>genuine romance, not weird degradation bestialitycore shit
now that's a rare breed. good luck in your search, anon.
and water is water, yet you dont drink from the toilet.
kys cumbrain.
being kissed by a big fluffy Typhlosion boy is the literal dream. i cannot emphasize this enough.

I was into Typhlosion before the lore dropped I swear
It was the pre-release of Sun and Moon.
Stop being so bigoted. Accept that some people simply arent attracted to other humans and instead prefer their pokemon. #PokesexualRights
>/hmofp/ general/thread is born on /vp/
>Not a single >Clovermon
Be the change you want to see in the world and add to the pile
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Arkham has a new correctional program, just for you.
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here's a cold one.
I just thought of something: exactly how long do certain Pokémon live? Like i never really considered what Gardevoir's life expectancy is. Would her spouse outlive her or would she outlive him?
Ok so apparently a Gardevoir's lifespan is only 20 years but it's a red flag if she's lived longer than that?! How is showing love and devotion to ensure your spouse lives a long and happy life to see our child grow a fucking red flag?!
>>56629944 the red flag is its actually mew.. whom as we know is a shapeshifter.
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No apparently making sure a Gardevoir gets proper treatment and improving its quality of life so it actually lives to see its child grow and mature is FROWNED UPON BY SOCIETY and is considered ABUSE. You know what fucking abuse: LOSING YOUR GARDEVOIR IN THE FUCKING MOUNTAINS AND FORGETTING ABOUT HER WHILE YOU LIVE AS A FUCKING ACTRESS, DIANTHA YOU FUCKING HEARTLESS CUNT. Arceus above i fucking HATE that bitch.
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Y'all better stand back because I'm about to absolutely unload on this fucking bitch:
Diantha is by far one of the worst fucking characters ever created for the series and its not for her looks. Its the fact she outright abandoned a faithful and loving Gardevoir just so she could go be a d-list fucking actress.
FUCK THAT, this fucking cunt doesn't deserve a goddamned redemption arc for the pain that poor Gardevoir had to fucking endure. In my eyes Diantha is just as much of a heartless character as fucking Ghetsis for the shit HE fuckin pulled. So fuck her, fuck anyone that defends this bitch, and fuck GF for creating her in the fuckin first place
I hope you guys like tirades because I've been sittin on this one. You don't fucking abandon a Gardevoir, especially when it soulbonds with you. A soulbond is the most sacred aspect of Gardevoir being in your life and to abandon that is no different than throwing an infant into the wilds with the hopes of it fucking dying (FUCK YOU GHETSIS). The fucking audacity of abandoning essentially YOUR FUCKING SPOUSE just because you want to be a shitty actress is fuckin inexcusable and deserves to be considered fucking domestic abuse, which would be apt given that Diantha is considered a fucking dyke. Yet if i want to ensure that my spouse gets quality healthcare and improvements to her quality of life to ensure that she gets to see our child grow to be a fine adult then I'm labelled "a pokemon abuser". FUCK OFF with that shit.
Sounds like she needs some sort of correction.
chat, how do we feel about the more inhuman of the mons
not like animalistic, but rather the objectmons, the inorganic, the barely fuckable
No amount of redemption will remove the stain of essentially abusing your spouse.
Grasping at straws and hard.
Can't consent so don't fuck it. Simple as.
...anon all pokemon can consent
they consent to battle, they consent to correction
That's just my personal code of ethics to Pokemon courtship, you do you.
Man, this thread takes me back to when I wrote Pokemon fapfics.
All this news of Pokefucking has me back on /vp/ for the first time in ages.
Well now you can write the Sacred Texts of Arceus and the man she fell in love with
How could anyone abuse such a flawless and loving being?
Tender, loving sex with female pokemon and taking a bath in the lake with them afterwards
I'll do you one better: a quiet life in the woods with your poke spouse and child.
...shit. Now I kinda want to do it. What was the whole deal with that? It transformed into a woman after beating the asses of the giants and was nursed back to health by a guy?
Sure, we'll go with that to piss of the Regitards
Stop making inane threads about Pokemon. Stop sexualizing Pokemon. Cease these inane thoughts posthaste.
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New general has been born , October 2024
>Ninteales "HO" Parthenos
you lost
Lol your faggot ass got btfo'd last thread
Lapras literally came back for round 2 because human dick is just that good
It's funny (you) will be rendered completely washed out from existance. (You)r meme is gone.
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I know you're still here milord, please upload the uncensored version of this image via catbox link.
Has it ever been confirmed/de-confirmed if Pokémon can own property? I cannot take for granted that the state will recognize my hybrid child as my rightful heir.
our HERO
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Silly anon, there are no hybrids. The child will have the form of the mother as all pokemon do after breeding.
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Kinda suprized she doesn't have a pink peachussy, but I'm not gonna complain about shit that's not mine...
For some reason your style reminds me of that fellow who draws that femcel Smeargle getting constanly cuckuaned by her perma-horny Buizel BF. But is it pure coincidence tho?
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Pokemon having an intense training with their master has a new meaning
File deleted.
It's berry time, little one.
>got hard from a femboy cinderance pic
I'm not proud of it, stupid sexy rabbit
What would be the male pokemon version of this picture look like?
Dog types
Typhlosion, Piloswine and Slaking are obvious must haves
Machoke and Machamp could probably sneak in
Have any of you ever done a pokemon cum tribute?
I once thrusted between my Glaceon plush's legs for 2-3 mins, but didn't want to ruin it, so I stopped.
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good start
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>faggots are retarded
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>no Primarina, Greninja, Inteleon, Latios, Serperior, Unown, Necrozma (bound form) or Gholdengo
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Do pokemons from the side of family always feel disgruntled and annoyer that they chose a species that is not only way out of their egg group, but also dating a human that would be considered incompatible and wrong?
this but throw in a sweating Hypno looking around nervously and hoping people don't recognize him
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>gooned to scorbunny again
Stupid sexy bunny
made to be a lovable wife
Occasional writefren from /trash/ and the pokephilia thread there. I made a short greentext with a female Zoroark that focused on the romance but ended before the sex scene. I also have written a solo wet dream green with multiple endings of a male Sneasler character I have in a PMD setting. Either of those sound like your kind of thing ?
Also I actually really love /amohf/ but I haven't actually written any male pokemon x female human before. What 'mons do you like ? Usually I get inspired by images or situations. If I come up with something I can share it here.
Speaking of which I usually only post my lewd stuff on red boards so I don't know how much I can get away with here in /vp/. Do the jannies look past linking horny fics with nsfw art on the page ?
>I made a short greentext with a female Zoroark that focused on the romance but ended before the sex scene.
nta but I read that one actually, it was quite good
Just thought you ought to know
Thankyou Anon ! It's a small thread back there but quite comfy. I'm a bit surprised to run into someone who read it right after I posted here !
Really happy you liked it. May you enjoy the warmth of your own pokewaifur !
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I would make sweet, passionate love to my dearly beloved wife multiple times a day every day. I love her.
>it was female lopunny domming femboy cinderance
Buckteeth are my weakness
They wanna make sure no one finds their secret.
Literal soccer mom
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Would you?
Source: Pokémon Pocket Monsters.
I require a possessive typhlosion that’s been with you since forever
Unfortunately i can’t write
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get Sat on, humie.
Sure, I'd love to see that! My favs are Typhlosion (especially Hisuian), Cinderace, Ninetales, Suicune, Galarian Zapdos, Sylveon, Sawsbuck, Raichu, and Dragonite.
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I wanna cuddle an insecure Lycanroc bros
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And that's a good thing
bnbigus is so based
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forgot pic

Arceus, I wish that was me. She'd probably feel so warm and comfy.
>still not updated
>orgasm from a single kiss
Why are Cinderace so sensitive to touch?
I crave Absol pussy.
His Kirlia, oh boy...
Here you go Anon ! I'll be back to post my Sneasler story since I haven't actually put it on rentry yet ... !

>I think my wild Zoroark is trying to seduce me!
Tags: 2.1k words, Greentext, M/F, Human Male on Female Anthro (HMOFA), Pokephilia, Zoroark, Male POV, Lovey-Dovey, Ends Before Sex, Implied Breeding

Not content with teasing you among nature, the Zoroark you caught is now flirting with you in your own home
Unf! Thanks, man!
>My favs are Typhlosion (especially Hisuian)
Check this man's hard drive
Is it me or has GF been making Gardevoir more curvaceous?
What the fuck a-
>looks it up
>gen 3: amorphous, hard do discern what you're looking at, looks like a jellyfish
>gen 4: mode defined, definitely humanoid this time, still has no legs
>gen 5: model made slightly slimmer and taller, looks more like a woman now
>gen 6: jump to 3D, model has a defined waist line, it finally has legs, the mega was made clearly based on a wedding dress
Thank you so much!

>implying I'm a man
>Implying I'm not self-inserting as the girl being kidnapped
Also, hard drive jokes are tourist shit, you fucking dunce.
I swear if the chest horn starts to shrink and the chest gets more defined its proof that they can naturally evolve to better live in a human society
Least my wife's species doesn't Bill Cosby kids
>implying I'm a man
Tits or gtfo / YWNBAW
>OnlyPokes skyrocketed in popularity where a Milotic streams in a beach where a muscle beach guy oils up her noodle body
Wait, who'd be Larry's wife?
>Gardevoir's lifespan
>in a world where they can live forever in the pokeballs and the box system

ur fake and gay and here's a gardevoir for your troubles
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>What if that half-Octillery-boy was a girl instead.
I'm talking natural lifespan anon, outside of pokemon training. Also stop snooping around my house Gerald, you're frightening my wife
I hated the itemmons even before I started becoming a pokefucker, and I still hate them today. I think turning items into Pokemon is stupid. We literally have a sentient bag of garbage as a Pokemon now. To say nothing of how stupid an ice cream cone or bunch of gears is. And I am not even talking about fuckability, but just in general.
Honestly there are some pokemon that that should be viewed as companions instead of spouse, specifically dog like pokemon
Does the continued existance of this thread signal the complete resignation of the mods and jannies?
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It signals a victory for human/pokemon relationships, and that's a good thing
Mods here are actually pretty lenient, we just keep the smut to a minimum
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I am a big proponent of objectmons, but I have to admit that some of the worst designs in the series are objects. I think it's a lot harder to pull off. If you give in to creative bankruptcy with a animalmon, you get something like wooloo rather than klefki or stonjourner. Still, pokemon like magnenite, baltoy, litwick, and centiskorch make it worth it. Pokemon like Banette, cofagrigus, and stufful are also often ignored when complaining about objectmons too because their objects lend themselves well to being alive.
And if you're willing to stretch, stuff like remoraid, elekid, maractus, or hatterene may count as objectmons too.
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They used to kick any kind of RP to /trash/, then they even started trashing the comfy threads. It seemed like fapbait threads and genwars were all that was allowed and we weren't allowed anything nice.
They've barely moderated at all during the past couple of days since it's a sisyphean task, only the most egregious of cases are handled. They probably see this as currently very convenient to contain a chunk of posts that would otherwise all be separate threads, and will be back to bring down the hammer later when it's no longer of use. Notice how they never even took down the smut cum tribute post, they're basically treating the board as a no-go zone until it's at least practical to even attempt to moderate again.
RP is fucking dogshit just look at the shit on /trash/, it belongs there. But yeah the mods are so twitchy don't expect this thread to be around for long.
I firmly believe Gardevoir is the physical embodiment of Arceus's goal of unity in the Pokemon relm.
But enough about the site, how'd you and your wife meet?
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>pokemon that that should be viewed as companions instead of spouse
>specifically dog like pokemon
Anon… do you seriously?
why is jerma here?
Why do you think my Arcanine is well mannered? The only woman he's around is my Gardevoir wife and views her as a family member to protect.
pls post the non compressed version, I wanna get my game goin'.
>Gender unknown legends/mythics
>Probably shapeshift into human male or female for the purpose of procreation
>They do this to limit humanity's ability to create several of their offspring by breeding (with Ditto or humans) on demand
>This is why Pokemon world's researchers can't identify their sex

At last I truly see
Crazy that this thread is still alive
>13 years ago
He fucking knew the truth
Lucky guy
I can GUARANTEE you're just a tranny.
please, by all means, prove me wrong.
you can even do the sexual dimorphisms thing, and show various traits like finger lengths and collarbone shapes instead of tits, but until then...
we know that you're just one of those subhuman freaks.
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yeah, fuck you, I'll make sure to keep it bumped
I wasn't going to state the obvious, but I'd assume at the very least half the alleged "women" here are, given the audience
Keep it up and someone will write a greentext story
Based, wish that I can contribute.
People thought that nihilego is just a parasitic type of pokemon with self preservation instinct, but with the Mohn episode we can see that it is really just a really possessive pokemon that longs for companion / family. I wont be surprised if Nihilego will evolve to humanoid type pokemon just so it can get more companion / family
Are you the anon that procrastinated yesterday? I'll see if I can do a little "fanart", won't promise anything, tho!
I don't think any media has ever said how long a Gradevoir lives.

Legendary pokemon have either an indefinite or very long lifespan
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Are the Ultra Beasts the giants that Arceus fought?
>this is the real reason they're suing Palworld
>they copied the mon fucking mechanics
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>tfw you come home after a long day of work and your gardevoir wife welcomes you home while holding you child
Have an Arceus blessed day lads
Feels good
i miss this nigga
This is why all the stories about humans marrying pokemon are kept low in the game world. The stupidly profitable pokemon fighting league that powers the world economy would collapse overnight if people realized they are carrying perfect loyal wives/husbands in their pockets.
I forgot to add:
>and getting greeted by your arcanine ready for an pre dusk walk before dinner
Dog type pokemon are loyal companions, not fuck buddies. LADIES
>family has a boy and girl and they both want a dog
>parents can't decide whether it's safer to have a male or female Arcanine as the family dog
Just as Arceus intended
I love my wife Lorraine
Its a male and his name is Trigger. Because it rhymes with nig-
(Sorry i had to use Hypnosis on my husband, he had a long work day but refuses to get much needed rest.)
I bet every "psychic" trainer is somehow the result of someone having fucked a psychic type.
None of it is canon btw
It's all fanfiction written by a random nobody employee who snuck it into the files and didn't stay longer than two months
Wow anon you're a genius.
Amazing, everything you said is wrong.
Cutting to the Heart of the Matter on ao3
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All "males" mons are genetic dead end
She has no reason to lurk here anon
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I wanna cuddle an overconfident lycanroc
Imagining a Regi version with Regigigas saying "We should kill all humanfuckers"
thank you so much!
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Alternate timeline where Typloshion is female.
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Get on my fucking level.
you should just combine with the other general and just become a full on pokephile gen
HfMp is a sin
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N's mom really was a Gardevoir
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I want to have Relations with this Zoroark
Thunder thighs
You're welcome, also check out Surely not a Reverie
Yes, something you will never experience
Mad because you know it's the truth, cumskull?
Not this schizo again
Like a wise old man once said
You're all wrong
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Holy cringe, seek help coomers
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ew, a human hoe. how revolting
You jealous i found a real wife Darlene?
Come home Sinnoh man
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Add my girl to the list.
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Anon...the advertisers died of a stroke-induced heart attack the moment they saw the nipple...they never stood a chance...
I also had a stroke when I saw that nipple.
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Are the people who draws pokemons hot based now? Refering to Drunkoak, hakkimanime
For me is DASAGI and youjomodoki
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Latias on human relations? also is that a watermark?
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noooo don't btfo alolan ninetales plush and squishy ass hahaha
Wish dagasi drew more futa and rimmijg
Wish dagasi drew less futa and rimming because that shit is gay as fuck
Trace is just a limited form of Transform/Imposter.
>Ok so apparently a Gardevoir's lifespan is only 20 years
I'm gonna need a source for that, my guy.
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fyi, arceus loves human cock. this is canon
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for me, it's the stoat
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A silly drawing I did for another thread.
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>Typlohsan! Slaking! Get his rags off!!!
i forgot my AO3 account
>my waifumon still not in the pic ;-;
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Be the change you want to see
why are we losing HARD to the other 2 threads, was the icetails poster right...? we were just pretending this whole time...
alright I take it back i looked at the "woman" thread and they are probably doing the furthest thing from winning there lol god i hate twitter faggots
I've meaning to try something out but I'm a massive procrastinator.
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>if women want to talk about pokemon sex they have one thread on the whole site
>if gay dudes want to talk about pokemon sex they have one thread here and one on /trash/
>if we want to talk about pokemon sex we have the whole fucking board, half of /v/, and a bunch of /trash/ threads
they're just way more concentrated.

anyway i wanna kiss this bug
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Holy fuckles, how long is this image gonna get? If this is all the same drawfag, you have my respect, bud, because that's a lot of dedication to the bit.
it's at least 3 different drawfags so far
you can tell if you look close enough
Yeah, that makes more sense. Still a commendable effort, though. Whether you're a poke-fucker or not, seeing where it started and where it's gotten, you gotta respect the hustle.
Pretty sure anyone's able to contribute to it so long as they're ready and willing or want to constructively shitpost
Did a few days ago >>56619340
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The holiest of pairings
Look, I appreciate cool sheets like anyone else, but I don't want them to be icy. Plus, I prefer waking up comfortably warm, not shivering and frostbitten. And yeah, her color scheme doesn't mesh with the decor.
Yeah, that's why there's literally no fucking modern wars in the Pokemon universe.
Depressed?, get a psychic-type mon that emits positive vibes
Want someone to push your physical limits?, get an energetic fighting type and start jogging or lifting with it
Wanna get productive?, Something with appendages or a Ghost type because both have infinite patience
Poor?; Pokemon that naturally produce valuable things or call luck to their side and surroundings
Wanna be bad?, there's mischievous Mons by nature.
Horny but no woman wants to get near you?, Well... Have you taken a second to consider if you don't like Pokemon in other ways?, what ways you say?, well, there might be an answer to your pleas for relief... But it's not something that can be taken back once you commit it and to it.
It was right in our faces.
>Yeah, that's why there's literally no fucking modern wars in the Pokemon universe.
There was literally one recently enough for Lt. Surge to have committed poké–war crimes in it.
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Wasn't that super-retconned twice with Gen 3 and then LGPE?
Also, we can assume any "war" is just some Evil Team-like plot that succeded anywhere else and so the Pokemon equivalent of the army actually had to drop in and beat ass. Can't remember if Pokemon has a "DB situation " in which the world is under a single government.
>Wasn't that super-retconned twice with Gen 3 and then LGPE?
I don't think he's even American anymore, and there's no way he's still boasting to 10-year-olds about the time he had his Raichu deliver 100,000 volts straight into a terrorist's ballsack
It's really hard to imagine a world with all the Islands connected as is.
New thread?

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