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Old discovery edition

FYI: None of this comes from the "Gigaleak" that happened some years back.

We have:
>Source code for Platinum, HG/SS, B/W, and B2/W2 as well as for Pokemon Bank
>Loads of files relating to OR/AS, US/UM, and Pokemon Home
>Unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Some HarmoKnight stuff
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one of them involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Internal names for past and future games
>Miscellaneous things like digitized scans of GF Magazine and anime art; data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO, etc.

Additionally, the most varied payload of files to sift through contains:
>Shitloads upon shitloads of design documents, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and such things relating to other series titles like R/S, D/P, X/Y, and more

People are sorting everything out as we speak, and more is still coming in as of writing.

>Files: https://rentry.org/freakleak
>Torrents: https://rentry.org/gfteratorrent

Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 9.
Previous: >>56629231
hilda status?
So how long until those devs tools are getting up and running alongside the fan-made tools?
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So yeah, where do I find more of those.
Moonspeak is also okay.
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she's putting together a party
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Did anyone check if Ice Punch Blaziken was an actual thing for OR/AS?
Add ursaring
I still can't get over everyone (including myself) getting hyped over the spaceship confirmation yesterday only to quickly find out it was fake lmao
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If you viewsame in the archive you'll find the thread they got dumped in and should lead you to the filenames? If not, I'd say it was somewhere between #14 and #18.
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fresh leak
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So does the leaker not have anything else for the GBA and DS games?
Someone ask him if he's got anything more like HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt
if you post this on Xitter OOCPokemon will block you, bestiality is not a JOKE matter
Peak tourist moment tbqh
Has any bios and stuff leaked for the Hoenn Frontier Brains
What's is/was your Pokemon holy grail?
It's why you consult the music guys, and why me who's been doing 3DS era style music wasn't convinced.
And now we know to not continue repeating ourselves over and over asking the same question to only be met with "haha read the thread, idiot" from the usual suspects.
>3/7 is uploading
what was in 2/7?
3/7 was upped like an hour ago bro
it's just more XY builds close to final
Who knows because these fags don't even want to put in work because it in the way of their bitching and moaning
Will check, thanks
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anon's analysis of xysider
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who was Hala's son so I can have Hau x Father moments fanarts
>40 of you downloaded my garbage meme model
these are the things that fight the sewer sidal thoughts :)

on that note, god damn do i feel seen by that ethan design doc note about him being a linkin park edgelord.
If anyone wants anything to tide them over until the next info comes out, here's the director's cut of Shudo's season 1 anime from the novelization

This was released well before, about 7 years or so but nobody ever really talks about it and fits the theme
will not read that coping
Just woke up. Anything I missed since aliens were deconfirmed?
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i'm mostly here for the picrel content. i need to know if he had a beta theme or a bio
Does anyone know how to use the svnadmin thing to get the source code/assets from the tar.gz?
Minor stuff, more X/Y dumps but nothing immediately stood out.
That was Lucas. Dawn was modelled from Ashlee Simpson and is said to like her and other "cute" american rock singers.
Fake news.
If you want to build/work on the code convert it with git-svn, will take a few hours though
Otherwise if you just want to browse it install tortoisesvn and right click the extracted svn folder -> repo browser
It's mostly just japanese source code & compiled asset files though, you'll need something like Tinke to look at the assets
oh right i forgot, i get the male protag names mixed my bad.
Yawners went to bed to be in time for their 9-5 US jobs.
Yawnie spends way too much time here every day to have a job
Thanks anon, really want to see if I can recompile it for the 3ds and have native larger res support
He's French or British.
Spaceworld was my holy grail and it was more than I could've ever imagined
My next holy grail is the XY drafts/documents and hopefully we get them in this leak
Eh might take some effort, a lot of the libs in there like gflib are precompiled for DS, don't think leaker has the actual src for most of them
Maybe there's some way to run that code on 3DS or something though since they're both ARM, idk
Anyway there are some guys trying to make pre-converted git repos since converting takes so long, I'd guess those might get posted in next day or so
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Someone post Samurott's model sheet please
Pretty certain the ORAS content is just finalized debug builds
I still want to see ORAS shit, scrapped content, beta builds and design documents.
sup anons? i missed everything that happened after South Kalos, was the ayyy lmaos actually real or not? i'm seeing conflicting info
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Did volkners ref sheet get posted?
As far as I know, it's a group of people hanging out in Discord organizing the waves of shit.
That's at least how it was a couple years back when I last was here. Unless they disbanded, but with the amount of shit these last days?
Either way, it would be really sad if the yawn was working 9-5 with no other hobbies than to do this. Still not as sad as the guy on /g/pcbg who spun up bots, making the general completely unusable for several months.
the music is real aside from the one short spaceship track, the actual filenames had nothing to do with space/ayys
It's basically yawnie, the original dipshit, and a collection of underage discord shitposters technically unaffiliated with him who decided to orbit him and follow in his footsteps
Am i supposed to feel sympathy for him after the leaks?
I mean knowing he's a turbo autist that took bullying the school shooter kind of way is pretty relatable to most of us im sure.
What happened to the aliens stuff? Deboonked?
Beat me to the punch. This is how 100% of schizo's known by a board operate; it's the original sin and then the followers who get off on copying them.
Will you fuckers do anything with the Roms are you waiting for the Discord to do it for you while you moan at them
Unlucky. Would be cool to have confirmation if it was intended.
Ah, I never really dug into the situation. That would make sense.
hes just funny. Literally the RSE villains if they werent dumbasses. gen 4 is refreshing because hes just a guy willing to murder literally everyone who gets rejected. it does not surprise me that the creation lore that was cut was so grimdark when cyrus is the way he is.
Not necessarily, though the spaceship music clip was debunked. Unfortunately, not enough data. We're holding out for the rest of the leaks before making the final call.
It's a perfect demonstration of why humans mostly imitate other people. One guy saw another guy getting hyped and the domino effect started. There only a few anons who were thinking independently and asked where the filepath was to confirm like >>56632903
>We're holding out for the rest of the leaks
By that you mean fags doing nothing with what is there
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part3 roms were already checked and romfs confirmed to match final
now we wait for leaker to dump more near-final roms
>Will you
Dunno, will you? The tools are easily accessible and plenty folks here are going through them theirselves, what's stopping you from doing the same?
>part3 roms were already checked and romfs confirmed to match final
Based on what Anon
yeah we should definitely stop whatever we're doing and check near-final-release builds you colossal yes massa faggot kek
We've had better total annihilation nihilists in games, like Van from Tales of the Abyss.
He's better in context with the rest of Sinnoh's lore, but his goal is still "I wanna feel nothing" which is obviously very shallow.
Even more annoying that it killed all the hype from the Southern Kalos reveal. Now it feels like everyone just wants to move on to the next game.
>literally nobody complaining about discordniggers
Huh? Just say you're one and you want to be spoonfed on the Totally Secret Info we're "keeping" from your Discord. I'll post my findings if you do ;)
part3? I'm only seeing up to XY-Builds-2 on the google drive.
Leaker also said he had the source repo he wanted to give us so that's the big thing for me.
When the spaceship theme got revealed as fake too many people just switched tracks right onto the anti-hype train instead of just pausing and actually thinking things through
In the anime interviews for Verne (Horizons) there's a lot of information about the setting of Scarlet/Violet, a lot of clarification behind what Terapagos actually is, how Area Zero was formed, etc. It's actually really interesting.
what is "there"? you have the same access to shit as we do, the literal only difference between a discord and /ppg/ is a couple minutes after a gofile gets dumped there
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some discordfag checked it but I can't find their post now
if you look at the dates in part3 they're only like 1 or 2 months before release
gdrive is always behind, part3 was posted a few hours ago in last ppg thread
The RS villains were originally going to be Maxie and his admins as Devon Corp members using President Stone as a unwitting puppet for their own ends to develop more wealth and land for humans while Archie (who had Captain Stern's name) was a eco terrorist who robbed wild and trained pokemon to shuttle them off with the Mossdeep Rocket to a island to live peacefully in from Maxie's machinations.
No, we're all waiting for X/Y source.
Yawnie and orbitars who seem to be quite a few want to shift public perception, don't get fooled.
I have contact with Mudstep and I could ask him to check if he knows who made the tracks. Since you're staying up so late and won't shut up, I might do just that.
Post link
>i could
>i might
>i totally know people
I genuinely don't understand why you're acting like you're someone on an anonymous imageboard. If you can then do it and if you can't then you're just grandstanding like... I can't even call you a faggot, because it's just strange? On a website where each post can be presumed to be another person easily.
Can someone explain the spaceship shit real quick? I was at work and missed a good chunk of the XY stuff
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As a resident of the sinnoh region It is your right to know the names and likenesses of sex offenders living in your area. As a public service, we have created this video so that you and your friends and family can stay aware. Stay safe, and maybe even have a little fun.
in the op. you can bypass the limit by making a folder in your google drive and adding a shortcut of the file to the folder you made by clicking the folder icon in the download page and afterwards download the folder which will bypass the download limit
yeah that sounds banging. Too bad it didnt make it to the final cut. I do enjoy those games but that sounds way better of a plot.
it was fake
>Can someone explain the spaceship shit real quick?
Anything new in the past 6 hours?
vp fell for another fake leak
You mean the entire 4Chan text from a few years ago? Or something from the past 24 hrs?
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This shit crazy
past 24 hours, threads 26 & 27
Pretty sure this is confirmed fake
I feel bad for that anon. He slapped together an image real quick a couple threads ago and now there's discordfaggots like you reposting it in each thread as if it's new, despite the fact that's literally a 4chan filenaming convention.
I blame Gen 5

Too much story.

I wish if Pokemon took inspiration from older games or darksouls where you get lore from interacting with the world.

Main story should just be collect badges elite four champion.

Everything else should be up to you to discover.
is there a beta pokemon archive/collection?
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you're trying so hard to spread doubt, it's hilarious
ah thanks, will check them out lmao
Its confirmed real
I also have saved the video of the guy opening it from the menu too
I'm a literal nobody, don't doubt that. But I do know the guy and the circle of people, since I was involved.
But I'm glad to keep you entertained, the one orbiter who decided to stay awake!
I didn't say it's fake? How the fuck did you get that implication from my post? I said he slapped together the image, not the map.
Ahh here we go again
interesting stuff
Other anons said it was fake, which anons should I believe?
It's ironic you're calling someone else an orbiter when you're literally proving you're an orbiter who has nothing to provide.
Again, nut up or shut up, nigger. Nobodies going to suck your cock begging for leaks like you want.
Did the gen 6 starters had any different designs in the leak or were they the same as the final version?
Looks like TCRF is slowly trying to archive it all.
TCRF says its real
Only spaceship theme was a fake, the southern kalos and the beta battle tracks are real, you can check the filepaths from a few threads ago.
They were discovered around the same time as the fake post so shit got messy.
>literally one guy making fun of you for being retarded
all me by the way
wrong, because IT'S ME AUSTIN
Everything is fake. There's nothing on the folders. The folders were man made. It didn't happen. And if it did, they deserved it.
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We still only have two parts of the seven files (or so) of XY right?
Old builds aside, hope we get actual development documents or concept art in one of those, sounds like that's were most juicy stuff come like the DP stuff.
It's because like 90% of the people on the board rn are here because they have nothing better to do/retarded memes/are content creators and have to. Then the remaining 10% is autists like us who just adore anything and everything that helps us learn more about these fictional regions
The thing I want most is visuals for any unreleased megas. Stats and ability for Jynx doesn't interest me, I want to see them megatitties.
excuse me nigger im all of those things except ((content creator)) (3d modeling for the first time in months thanks to the hilda thing) (also autism)
Anything on them?
3 now, but 2 doesn't seem to have anything in it. I don't think there's any concept art lined up.
And yet most of the anons here hate over half of all Pokemon in existence
I just have two quick questions. Sorry if they had been addressed

1. Any info regarding Dexcut and/or when they had decided it was time to enforce it? Conversations, documents, financial, etc. any tidbit about that?

2. Anything about Bank's close date or how they feel about it?

3. Last, any plans for a new Stadium/Battle Revolution?
He's just one point of contact I have who I saw comment on the thing. I've not been in touch with that general group for a long time for various reasons, so I don't know who else has commented on this.
We have -P3 now. >>56633273
Sad this wasn't the final story, sounds great. I suppose they can revisit it in a new Hoenn game
not yet
This is the part where you say by content creator you mean porn artist, because if you modeled hilda but you're a dirty poketuber I'll feel sad.
Wait so the only southern Kalos town we did get is friend safari town?
If there is anything on that then probably when we get the gen 8 stuff
Oh boy i can't wait for another zip and find only slop that's only days away from the finale game!
and there won't be anything
which only makes me wonder, didn't the leaker hyped XY has being one of the bigger ones, with 200gbts worth of content or something like that?
So those are the people who have nothing better to do
i just had my first coffee and swear i typed what i said correctly, but if i gotta clarify, i'm NOT a content creator and NEVER will be even if i manage to become a proper porn artist.
Yeah while RS is cool in theory, its pretty obvious they didn't have it in them to really write two different good plots.
So we lost one good plot for two pretty sloppy ones.

I can always appreciate the energy of what RS is doing though. Even if none of its plots are particularly good.
A couple of locations and towns, some folk think that one of those locations was at some point mean to be for the Gen 1 Pokemon.
Nothing, loli secrets too dangerous to leave at a server to be hacked apparently.
We haven't gotten anything past gen 6, so no.
He said he's going to post a staff folder for XY after the builds, should have some good info in there
It's too bad he didn't post that beforehand so we could look through it while all these near-final builds are uploaded...
Yes but now it's clear that it's only because there's like 8 builds of it. I suspect we've found most of the interesting stuff and there'll be only minor differences from here on out
>I've not been in touch with that general group for a long time for various reasons
>I have contact with yada yada yada
>still hasn't contacted a supposed member of the leaking team or whatever for info
So yeah, you're the biggest orbiter ITT. You have nothing to post or no contribution beyond begging anon to praise you for "knowing" some literal who you probably haven't talked to in years.
Post something of worth, dumb faggot.
You first.
well perhaps areas they'd thought of for southern kalos could've been moved up but there's no way of knowing
Luigi doko
Slop slop i truly love Mater Game Freak's near finish slop because it was leaked so it can't be slop slop!
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>woke up
>still dead hours
Going back to bed
some areas* I meant
Me first... what, exactly? I never claimed to know any of "your people" that you "could ask for info from". Go ask him nigger, he's your friend right?
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Here's leakers current plans btw, looks like we're on build duty for a while
So, XY has fucking nothing besides the map then?
My sincerest apologies for comparing you to a poketuber, I read your post extremely wrong then.
Mega jynx
And near final slop that need to be something that not slop!
>nothing more for (U)S(U)M
it hurts so much bros
Anyone with a brain should already know that bigger games like XY don't tend to have the good stuff in the protos themselves.
The real shit is never actually merged into the main branch, out hopes lie with those fucking staff folders.
what did I lost, beside Southern Kalos, in the last 12ish hours?
Well that could mean that they changed their workflow in newer projects and so we're getting just debug builds from now on until its done.
I have a feeling that the Switch games have also fucking nothing
Nothing because all 3D Pokémon games are just slop even in the betas
We are in for a treat if the staff folder has game concept art
it's fine king

it's not about what the leaked switch content contains, but how angry it makes nintendo/gamefreak/tendies.
the journey IS the destination man.
who is this and why should anyone care?
we got BROWN volcanion
we got BLUE hawlucha
we got PINK FACE klefki
mega jynx stats
yeah no real beta mons in the builds because they'd have to have the designs mostly figured out earlier so they'd have the time for creatures to model them which is why the differences are just color/texture
there is also beta music tracks
Why did he do it?
He's said that SV is code-only without any assets (and only partial code at that)
Don't think he commented on any others
Sent ;^)
And where are the staff folders of XY/ORAS/SM? Or did the leaker only leak useless builds of the games?
Did you mean slop that meaningless and pointless
You say that, and while we'll never have Spaceworld levels of shit, it all depends on the revisions. For all we know we'll find some obscure piece of code in a few weeks from a specific revision that confirms Zeraora was going to appear or whatever the running theory is nowadays.
>No Alola stuff
some fag rolled in his turf
>it's not about what the leaked switch content contains, but how angry it makes nintendo/gamefreak/tendies.
Stop being a homosexual, we are only reading these threads for the content, if there is nothing then it's a waste of time.
Lick lick lick the slop that Mater Game Freak make because it so yummy and good
Do what? It hasn't even been 5 turns.
From this leak, seeing the Latiken sprite. It was a similar feeling to when they found Luigi in SM64 in the gigaleak
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>we are only reading these threads for the content
Uploading game files in the 3D era is a fucking waste of time that goes nowhere. Give me more concept art/lore/anime stuff, dumb leaker
trucknuts status?
Arceus told him to smash the egg. Arceus is a part of the egg so time to smash her.
Will there be anything that not slop
thank you!
Our hopes also lie in the actual source code.
We've only gotten one preview of the staff folders and that was for the 2011 XY internal battle demo - and it included source assets like the PSDs for the textures within as well as the source model data for the demo. Whether or not it will include concept art and planning documents is up in the air, but the staff folder we got did have folders there named after Masuda and Ohmori, albeit empty, so, we'll see.
If you want to waste your time reading the same dumb regi memes and poke rape threads go ahead anon. Not everyone can be here all the time, so yes having something interesting in the betas is necessary.
This anon knows
Shame - I was hoping for a R/S/E or FR/LG SVN/CVS repo.

Guess it's just gonna be some new stuff for a while, so I will just work on trying to get a build environment for HG/SS protos
Spaceship status?
which of the files has all the fuck stories
fake and dead
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whatever happened to beta hilda anyway, were there any other revisions?
I don't even know where the pink one came from
failed entry
Anything gen 4 starter related?
the havesomefun one
can someone share the zip with all the artworks?
i missed it
When is the new leak being uploaded
Likely just the art we got. Can pray for more but who knows.
Some beta names for Sinnoh Pokemon that I found in a move tutor compatibility spreadsheet in the HGSS repo
Garchomp = DORAGUON
Uxie = REI
Mesprit = AI
Azelf = HAI
Dialga = IA
Palkia = EA
Heatran = HIIDORAN
Regigigas = REJIKING
Giratina = KIMAIRAN
Cresselia = MOOBAS
Phione = ERUFI
Manaphy = MANAFI
Darkrai = DAAKU
Shaymin = EURIS
Arceus = AUS

So nothing that immediately lines up with those extra Pokemon in the mythology diagram (except maybe daabu -> daaku).
umm... rotom bros... I think your guy is part of an evil team
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There were a couple older sprites in the BW repo but nothing major, no idea where the pink hat one was from though
Juliana is GAY
Any unreleased E-reader cards, whether TCG, GBA, or GameCube.
Especially extra never used enigma berries, TCG minigames, and Pokémon Channel stuff.
Huh, for some reason I had the names for the lake trio all wrong. Also I've been a believer it's Daaku and not Daabu for a while now, because the letters are... well, not that similar in Japanese, but I've actually never seen the raw files myself. Just the translated ones.
You can actually make custom ereader cards already
I hope you like slop because that all you're getting
character sheets showing panties
His son is your father. He went to Kanto and got your mom pregnant. Hau is literally your cousin.
why is everyone lumping the beta flare and champion songs, which have been repeatedly confirmed to be real, in with the more-obviously fake “spaceship_landing” track? One was only ever posted in english and sounded nothing like the others, the rest were found in the sound tests of leaked builds
I will continue to remain a nobody.
300mb zip incoming once I can be assed to upload.
Post more hot Hilda
>Board's ruined again and its gonna be fucking nothing for weeks.
See how easy that was, anon?
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These were posted in an earlier thread fyi
Ugh these leaks are the only thing cheering me up at the moment. Been looking for a job for like 10 months now and have got fucking nothing. Applied to like 50 and keep on getting rejections. A lot of em I didn't even want. And I'm not even getting called to interviews now whereas I was at the start of the year. I'm so fucking tired but these leaks are keeping me going. Never enter the technology field bros.
XY one also had a bunch of internal programs and a quick guide on how to use them from what I remember
But I'd still like to know if there were any TCG mini games/animations finished that we never got.
Oh, well! Here's a mirror, anyway.
Pokegirls are gay
how much more do we have left/how much is actually hopefully big?
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here's a brown eye hilda
There only slop because that only what is gotten from 3D games
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Went to a random gym leader and they also have Valerie's badge and Viola/MC as a placeholder, so there goes that theory
shitloads, man. Nobody’s even done combing through what we already have. We’re like 2/7 builds through XY and after that there’s still both Switch generations to get through. We’re eating quite well :)
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and earlier ass sprite
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To check southern Kalos for yourself:
Open the May 25th, 2012 build in your emulator (xy-random-builds/sogabe/sparring/xy.cci)
Open the title screen debug menu by pressing Y while on the title screen, scroll to the second to last option on the second column, press A, then scroll and press A on the option that says town map.
thanks anon. Do we know how much we might get from the XS/ORAS svn, or what might be in the staff folders? I saw some people saying assets we've not seen elsewhere might be there, but I wasn't sure if that was just speculation or not.
guess they only had the fairy badge done
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lastly 3d blueko
People in these threads can't read. Which you want would know if you read the threads.
>all the discordnigger could do was reup files we already had all the resources to
Glad to know my first assessment of you was right, faggot.
are there more character summaries like the ones for iris and skyla floating around, and people just haven't bothered finding them, or was that all we got in terms of gym leader lore?
Has anyone managed to get the July 21 2011 build working? It still crashes on startup for me. I'd like to poke around in it some
which begs the question as to why they finalized the fairy badge before all else
What is Eye Flare?
they were really going in on the 3D with that title screen
It's like the Trainer Eye Contact to initiate a battle.
it might be one of the ones that needs code patches
what's the filename? i'll see if discord mentioned it
new type so probably the first one they decided would have a gym (and thus badge)
Team Flare's encounter theme.
>From boot
Unnecessary, but very nice.
Also, that's a pretty neat title screen concept, shame we just got an image for the release.
The original version definitely says ダーブ, and Game Freak's own "english version" of that word is "DAHABU"
Oh shit, guess I'll wait a couple more hours then.
Assuming true, I'm surprised those were beta names and not just alt mythological names. See if it knows who the fuck Gordon is
We don't have an idea of how much we'll get for anything, but I believe SV has a staff folder? One of the upcoming ones. So the very least if I'm right then we could get a buncha concept art there.
It's in xy-random-builds-002/Development/xy.cci, dated 7/21/2011. Thanks
Dexcut gets a quick mention in a transcript of a meeting about the anime as an example of fans being dangerous, that's about it
Honestly these leaks are gonna kill the franchise, maybe not immediately but I wouldn't be surprised if the franchise ends within the decade.
in a sea of retarded fucking posts, yours takes the cake
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looks like they got it patched, rename this to code.bin https://files.catbox.moe/1j2cqe.bin
Either the front sprites of prototype gen 1 mons, or gen 2 & 3 distribution roms.
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There's quite a few, check the old threads.
anon if these leaks are 100% correct then the franchise has already been running off of recycled ideas from as far back as DIAMOND AND PEARL, it was always going to end sooner rather than later
The folk stories alone are gonna lead to the games becoming even more sanatised and babified. they'll be infinitely more strict about what's allowed in the games in future, there will never be another sexy trainer, there will never be any mentions of human x pokemon relationships even just friendship will be a no go. The games will be stripped of any remaining personality for fear of even the smallest chance of invoking memories of this leak
The franchise will finally reach it's natural death and we can all move on with our lives
More character design docs
Everything Aloli related is physically stored in an undisclosed underground vault and requires 2 key cards to open simultaneously, one is held by Ohmori, the other is held by Tajiri. The site is guarded by 8 ex-GF employees that have been mindwiped and rigged with explosives. The entrance is guarded by their most powerful real-life Pokemon genetic chimera.
Are there docs like this for Hilbert and Hilda? I know there are for Brendan and May. Lucas and Dawn has one too.
>franchise ends within the decade.
it ended in 2010
Do that even work because it don't look high enough res to work
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Her name.
they've been recycling ideas since gen 2
even earlier counting blue and yellow
Honestly we just need Luigi. Once again, he's the key that ties it all together.
It might stop lower game sales, but never merch or card games.
I'm pretty sure our memes about Masuda could all become real and publicly televised and the blowback would be about as strong as a fart in the wind.
Good thing TER is already inside
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Why aren't people reading the emails? Surely work mail will have more cut info on a project than a Beta with all the needless shit trimed
That worked, thank you!
Pls understand reading is too hard
I still want confirmation on aliens desu
people have
but you can look at them yourself if you wish
autism makes it difficult to read other people's conversations pleaseu understandu
unfortunately they are all in japanese
It's not about that, see >>56634135 - guarantee the dex entries will have to be like "and they danced happily in the sun" for the rest of time for example. The franchise is about to become a whole lot more sanatised (somehow).
nevr going happen because this fanbaze is so autistic cultist
There's only so much people can gleam with MTL's and a majority of people here don't speak Japanese. Should've done my reps...
post some pics if you see anything neat, don't think many on ppg tried that build out yet
Why are you such a massive faggot anon?
he caught one
why are you so fucking based anon?
joyless guy desu
just hit the button for off-topic
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Why does Calem have black antennae there
Phoebe's did
How would they backpedal on some Ghost pokemon being spirits of the deceased? They managed to not say kill and use 'suck lifeforce' for some, but death is still a thing as far back as Kanto.
holy shit
anon has to hold back his pee for hours~ before we get any leaks, he'll get his own leak in his pants~~~[spoiler/]
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>not sexy trainers
>not adult themes
>not personality
>not fun allowed
So this is just going to accelerate the suicide. BW was the peak, I guess the team has changed from then.
At this point, Pokemon "ending" would be akin to Mickey Mouse or Cheerios "ending". There is a massive financial interest in keeping the product line going. Pokemon would need to have several baaaad flops, like multiple gens in a row that sold and merchandised poorly, before getting shelved for a while. And even then, it would get pulled back out after a cool-down period. These leaks will do nothing to impede any of that. If anything, they are helping generate interest in the series again with fans that have been unplugged for a while.
Valerie nor Viola have that so hmm.
We're talking about Game Freak lol, backpedaling is their signature move.
>(but in a totally different way then what I said with a implication nobody will understand)
uhhh ok
are you the tween screaming slop slop slop every five minutes or something?
>The folk stories alone are gonna lead to the games becoming even more sanatised and babified. they'll be infinitely more strict about what's allowed in the games in future
GF are probably horrified at the reaction right now, even though most of it are just jokes they always overreact to how westerners see things (see: "winking female")
Wouldn't be surprised if they're ripping out parts of next games as we speak
likely just some sort of transparency error
If you know japanese translate them yourself faggot
Agreed. The non-kiddy potential of the franchise after this is gonna be even more grim lol.
prove it
Me neither, even if ZA does leak wouldn't suprise me if they remove anything remotely sexual or adult in the final product. Trainers won't even make eye contact with you in the future lol.
>The franchise will finally reach it's natural death and we can all move on with our lives
Yeah I fucked them both
Ok Hop
We get it thyplosion, you like toddlers
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Pokemon could be the gateway to massive child trafficking pedophile rings and they'd still make pokemon. Only way it dies is if there is a relentless Warner-Brothers tier onslaught of flop after flop, and even then there would be a cooldown period before the inevitable revival. The only way it stays buried is if there's a cataclysmic disintegration of pop culture and history.
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XY's E4 difficulty hasn't changed much
So straight up cocomelon huh
I wouldn't even say something like that would kill it even temporarily. Even if you could find led in every single product every created, including the food, they'd still find a way to keep going.
>he really thinks he can step up to the top percentage
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Moar xy builds dropped
Thats a fat ass
is that real
I believe it
misread that as build loli
if only...
Omg, Tottotonero Hiker-san uses 4chan
he underestimates the rattata. it will be his undoing


Phew we're almost out of the near-final-build mines
XY staff folder soon bros
I imagine the series is gonna become baby shark/cocomelon levels of depth after this, yeah. I'm not even kidding, GF have shown to be massive overreactors in the past time and time again. It's the worlds biggest franchise, it'll probably become the most sanatised too.
Kids have always been a short google search away from finding graphic Pokemon porn. The leaks change nothing, especially considering the text in the lore drafts aren't even particularly graphic. You faggots need to grow up, there's nothing wrong with anything in the leak.
Yeah, if it was real it'd probably get memoryholed in a week.
>Even if you could find led
God, I need to stop posting on no sleep. Lead, not led. That's a damn first grader-tier mistake, man...
No sexual content
No mentions of death
No mentions of Pokemon eating other Pokemon
No mentions of humans eating Pokemon (or parts of it ie Slowpoke Tail) as food
No violence
What will draw people in besides monster designs and porn?
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It's real. Here's how the files of it look inside the game's code (1/2)

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part 4 contents
that'd be rude
phoebe's panties
looks like two bears high fiving
That bit at the bottom before it gets stretched the hell out looks like it would link up with Paldea
actual 15 year old meltdown, this is the same franchise that was censored to hell and back in its baby days and there's a titanic amount of easy porn available
but sure some memes about people and pokémon fucking from files that never made into the final game will kill it
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Paldean character designs were insipid. Imagine Gaia's.
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part 5 contents
I want to DATE Dawn and listen to her play guitar!
>send piss xy
Huh, might actually be something. Especially if bug pokemon means bugged stuff, given the patch file name and the checker.
Nobody aside from that one retard thinks that
>this is the same franchise that was censored to hell and back in its baby days
>implying these tards even know that
Honestly, I don't expect much from the more recent ones. Even the earliest builds seem to have had the pokemon all the way through Volcanion pretty much finalized or at least planned via dex number. Somewhat disappointing, but not surprising. BW had way more beta mons, but it seems they started to prep the mons and stats far before integrating them into the game builds starting with 6th gen.
oh no. the filenames make me think this might be interesting
but im tired. sleep now.
when i sleep, interesting things happen. thank me when interesting thing happens.
paloworld already killed this franchise anonn making a better and more popular game
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It does!
Huh, this might be the builds they used to test and patch the Lumiose save bug
>all the juicy stuff is just on concept art paper
>SM is STILL locked up tighter than a nun's cunt
Lumoise save bug related I imagine

Plagiarismslop is gonna get suead into oblivion
Justifyingly so
Acerola – 18cm
Anabel – 23.5 cm
Bea – 24cm
Bianca – 22cm
Caitlin – 22.5cm
Candice – 23cm
Cheryl – 23cm
Clair – 24.5cm
Courtney – 23cm
Cynthia – 24cm
Dahlia – 25cm
Dawn – 21cm
Diantha – 22.5cm
Drasna – 23cm
Elesa – 27cm
Erika – 21.5cm
Fantina – 25cm
Flannery – 24cm
Gardenia – 23cm
Geeta – 25cm
Glacia – 23.5cm
Gloria – 22cm
Greta – 23cm
Hapu – 20cm
Hilda – 22.5cm
Iono – 21cm
Iris – 21.5cm
Janine – 22cm
Jasmine - 22.5cm
Karen – 24.5cm
Klara – 22cm
Korrina – 23.5cm
Lana – 19cm
Leaf – 20.5cm
Lenora – 25cm
Lillie – 21.5cm
Liza – 20cm
Lucy – 24cm
Lusamine – 25cm
Lyra – 21cm
Mallow – 22cm
Malva – 23.5cm
Marley – 22cm
Marnie – 21cm
May – 21.5cm
Maylene – 22cm
Melony – 23.5cm
Misty – 22cm
Nemona - 24cm
Nessa – 25.5cm
Oleana – 25cm
Olivia – 24.5cm
Penny – 21cm
Phoebe – 22cm
Plumeria – 23.5cm
Poppy – 16cm
Rika – 24.5cm
Roxanne – 22cm
Rosa – 22.5cm
Roxie – 23cm
Sabrina – 24cm
Serena – 23cm
Shauna – 22cm
Shauntal – 23.5cm
Skyla – 24cm
Sonia – 23.5cm
Viola – 24cm
Whitney – 21.5cm
Winona – 23cm
Zinnia – 23.5cm
Of course there isn't. I just guarantee you you'll never see typhlosion publicly again (if they don't just remove him) - the franchise will never be even remotely adult again. Mark my words.
exactly my thoughts
Thank you for validating my headcanon
>I just guarantee you you'll never see typhlosion publicly again
As opposed to Porygon, right? The pokemon that got two evolutions after Gen 1?
Links for the ones not willing to type it out
Don't save in the city center you might regret it
Where are they? I saw someone share of photo of it, but that was early so it got drowned out by actual photos of beta designs.
Wowzers... this is gonna ruin the game reputation!
Come on anon, it's not the 90s anymore. The reaction will be even worse. Also this is sexual content from game freak themselves, the reaction will be immense internally - its retarded japanese work culture to boot. You'll probably get sudoku'd for even thinking about it.
all pokegirl are trannies
>the reactions will be worse than the era of christian's against vidya
Hm. Y'know, I have this feeling you weren't even conscious around then.
The pokemon that was never shown in animation afterwards and gets skipped in merchandise, yeah
Phoebe's cute brown feet in my mouth
Gamefreak makes the animation and merch? That's news to me. Because the way I see it, they spit in the face of TPC's corporate mandate. Especially because it was that yellow rats fault in the first place.
>gets plushies
>gets tcg cards

But sure it gets skipped

>Come on anon, it's not the 90s anymore.
exactly it's the age of the internet, people will be onto the new hot meme in 2 weeks and this will forgotten outside of the occasional
>hey remember when THAT happened, heh
>skipped in merchandise
it go a linet merchandize recent and life zize plush
>gets skipped in merchandise
Huh? The fuck are you talking about?
People marrying Pokemon has been canon since Gen 4, it was literally in the game.
You're overreacting.
That, and unlike Typhlosion, Porygon actually hospitalized children with its episode. The rapefic is just words people got spooked by
>The reaction will be even worse
what the fuck are you on about? Did Typhlosion put 800 children in the hospital with seizures? how do you think some memes are comparable to this?
Isn't this the Monster Crown guy whose game was a glitchy mess?
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I’m assuming this little Starro Deoxys guy was fake in the end? I never saw him again with any of the other leaked betamons.
Porygon disappeared from the entire anime.
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>We expect to ship this product in early March 2025.
Damn, look how hard he's being ignored.
still waiting for the bladder size leaks
his funky brainworms are whispering in his ears
the typlozion thing is not in an offcial game that shit is irrelevant
Porygon get's a new card like, every year dude.
Brother, it's sexual content written by Game Freak themselves. It's not some retarded anime flashing lights bullshit. It's literal rape stuff (I get its based on mythology but your average stupid zoomer doesn't), it's been trending on twitter for days now. This shit will absolutely have Game Freak and Nintendo shitting themselves and overreacting internally. The games are far more childish than they used to be years ago, they're trying to make more and more money, sanatising the series so it can appeal to everyone. Not to mention their recent devotion to being a diverse company and supporting DEI (and I don't even care about that shit). Stop being an 30+ year old manchild with aspergers for one second and think. It's 2024, the market dictates everything. Zoomers are just as puritanical as christians moms were back in the day, but that's beside the point. This will have irrevocable consequences for the tone and nature of the games going forward and you have to have the critical thinking skills of a child not to see it.
Doesn't mean they still have a chance to retcon that. As well as getting rid of mentions of death and cannibalism.
>life zize plush
but it's data, it shouldn't be this big
>its literal (read: digital letters on a digital page) RAPE!!!!!!!!!
Back to twitter you go, nigger.
Porygon only came back into the merch in the past few years he was blanket banned for ages.
>yeah bro just completely revolutionize the franchise because a fewautistic faggots on basket weaving forums/trannies on twitter are shitposting about pokesex
they won't even know. the average pokémon consumer doesn't care about leaks or is just a dumb kid
It isn't even his, he's just the director for the sequel. He's just an sperg who attracts other spergs to argue with or pretend to tolerate him.
based if true
He's not the main guy, I think? But yeah full disclosure, as someone semi-affiliated with people behind Monster Crown, it's honestly not good.
Better than Temtem, but that's all I can say.
la creatura
Looks like decarabia from SMT
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He also got a life-size plush literally last month,
You're an obtuse idiot, of course its not but that's all the public eye will see.
Slop slop!!!
>in the past few years
[citation needed]
>It's not some retarded anime flashing lights bullshit.
literally hospitalised children making worldwide news as the first impression of pokemon in west
>It's literal rape stuff
fiction, words on a screen
if it's polygonal it can be as big as you want
Looks like its about 1TB
She is gonna attach a strap on to it after. Look at those lustful eyes
The amount of people jumping at the anon's (baitish) concerns for the series going forward sorta makes me think it'll probably happen/a lot of you are actually worried about it subconsiously lol.
>Game Freak themselves
One guy at Game Freak. Also it's fiction, literally does not matter. It's weird, but that's about it.
You're right, the public eye isn't going to see more from cutting room floor content than a rare banned episode in a childrens show, that caused the ire of soccer moms and ratings boards across the globe for fucking years.
Glad you agree that you're an idiot.
Porygon will never be in the tv show.
He's pretty mediocre as far as artists go so I never understood how he even got hired. He's got decent critical analysis so that makes me wonder how the game ended up like that.
that can fit on a micro sd these days, my point stands
Anon speaking real truths here lol the series is over for 10+ year olds lol
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>comparing actual peak anipoke popularity and infamy
>to a fucking meme on twitter based on unused content
It was a joke about the size of the dataleak
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There are many examples.
Yes, thats correct you and I think that. Most of the public don't. You guys have to realise that normies dictate pokemon now. it's made for them and children lol
>Most of the public don't.
Are these "most of the public" in the room with us right now?
Why? Lmao
every cringe poketuber and their mom know about rape typholosion, my fucking friends who haven't played pokemon in years know.
All I'm going to say is pity. A lot of people pity him or use him as a decoy for their own bs.
Yes, I'm here
Wow, I didn't know you knew the hundreds of millions of people Pokemon appeals to. That's a lotta children you must know.
Kinda weird, champ.
Nintendo will just buy Game Freak to amend public image and than murder the indirect leaker
No why would they be here? The series will be irrevocably changed from this, I guarantee it. I hope I'm wrong.
I thought they already own them?
Nobody cares about some literal who
Why are you acting like the sanitisation hasn't already happened? Did everyone collectively forget about SV? DEI designs everywhere and everyone is ugly, no skirts, you can't even call Lacey cute without being reprimanded. It's already over
No wonder why it smell like /v/ in here
Sanitisation has happened since XD made the most garbage kiddy protag and had everyone speak like babies.
because the retard who's posting this is an underage faggot
You guys can't seriously think that this isn't gonna negatively impact at least the TONE of the franchise, right? I mean, the baits retarded, but surely we've all been thinking it.
People love responding to bait. The dumber the bait, the more replies.
>He's pretty mediocre as far as artists go
I'm gonna disagree on that, knowing some behind the scenes stuff from some 2020 project which I worked with him on. But that's all subjective. MC is pretty unfortunate, still.
I know my posts will get relayed so hi Ahab I hope the desert duel town resulted in the kino is was looking like it was gonna be.
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Isn't one of the key traits of autism not knowing that the world exists outside of your perception? Swear I read that in a book somewhere.
No, they co-own the Pokémon IP together with the Pokémon company as a third party. Nintendo finally putting the bullet in the head of Game Freak would be for the best
nope, that's why they released stuff like tembo the badass elephant on everything but Nintendo's systems and the pocket card jockey remake and little town hero on stuff other than Nintendo
what tone pokemon iz the mozt baby rpg ever even yoka watch had rape
It'll be worse.
Gay gay yuri gay
>you can't even call Lacey cute without being reprimanded
Counterpoint: I can call Lacey cute and get reprimanded. This is exactly what I want.
Yeah it's fake unfortunately
What's in part 4? Nothing loads
I mean it's hard to ignore doomposting over something that will blow over in couple weeks, it's kinda too funny not to poke at
it's like seeing someone going on a rant about how their life is ruined and the world is doomed over some minor inconvenience, like lol it's not that deep
I see because i thought they own them but let them do other stuff
Not really? Gamefreak has the ultimate handwave of it being scrapped content rejected immediately after it was written. The only thing that they could be got on is their origin as an otaku and vidya magazine, which people haven't ever known or cared about.
literally my mom staryu
I mean like, we'll never get something like PLASS again, you guys realise that right? Like that sort of middling sorta almost mature but not really sorta stuff? I'm feeling LGPE is in our future.
At most GF is just going to avoid a few stuff but continue the same. No different from the original RBG pokedex booklet or that anime novelisation with underage marriages.
they're turning the pokegirls gay... galar has fallen...
No skirts eas a warcrime

Let girls be girls
So what was in Part 4 and 5
Currently trying to extract garcs in multiple beta builds
Will let you lads know if I find any script text files
>something like PLASS
thank god
Try every other set man, the whole line too unless it's a gimmick set like Evolutions or 151.
Hopefully you find it soon, lord knows we need some actual meat in this thread.
File deleted.
Gloria is a lesbian
and that's a GOOD thing!
I mean (im the anon who said it) I'm not really doomposting I just think the series will be irrevocably changed because of this I don't really care too much, and I hope I'm wrong but I get the feeling the franchise will drop all pretense about trying to not appeal to the lowest common denominator.
if it was just mobile (and maybe PC) then Nintendo might let them do that even if they owned them but the other console stuff would have been a hard no
lgpe were the best pokemon switch game so fine
That was all in the past now.
What are you guys using? Both Garctool, pk3ds fail with older builds
Legends was idiot

Lgpe are worse than frlg
nintendo cant do shit gamefreak haz more power over pokemon than nintendo
I seriously doubt the rapey myths will be what riles them up the most. I think they will be gutted by the reactions to proof of Southern Kalos getting planned and cut, based on the translated emails and such we have where they seem to be aware of fan reactions to things like dex removal and Ash being a lose in the anime. They will probably talk about the myth memes and decide, "Hey, good thing we already don't put shit like that in our products and haven't generated anything like that internally in 20 years."

The myth docs are almost 20 years old, untouched since then. If anything, they will just purge and archive old shit like that offline to prevent similar future leaks.
>would be akin to Cheerios "ending"
....you mean the cereal???
gem, we were so fucking robbed, would be kino if we had this but real
I think people use some other tools nowadays, related to the suite including Kuriimu or whatever
Fucking leak something good already or the threads will continue to spiral down in quality like this
Does the sequel shape up to be better?
it's over
We've got two more lots of near-final shit to wait for before anything good, strap in anon
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>the company with a console that got hacked in literally hours after release
>saving any face of cyber security
rentry dot co / 85ga76g2
idk I'd think they'd care more about the stuff that's eviscerating them on social media, they are that kinda company. nintendo is at least
People don't even read important emails addressed to them, they can't be arsed to read other people's business emails for funsies
looks like the only other XY builds we're getting are more final or close-to-final builds
then it's the XY staff folder afterwards which will be the biggest release yet, which considering the leaker's atrocious internet won't be released until tomorrow
>seinfeld episode
get the fuck out
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I can't help it. When I see an overreacting retard, I just HAVE to dunk on them, and its been a slow morning.
i was talking about gamefreak making non-pokemon stuff on other platforms if owned by Nintendo, Nintendo doesn't stop the Pokémon company from making stuff for PC and mobile already, although game freak doesn't do most of that

they can stop them from releasing stuff on other consoles though
Girlkisser gloria
I wish.
Yes. Pokemon "ending" would be a bigger monetary loss than if General Mills said, "We aren't making any kind of Cheerios anymore." The amount of money invested and returned by the Pokemon IP is insane. It is literally the most profitable IP in history. Thinking that TPC and its investors would be willing to give that up without a desperate effort is laughable and ridiculous.
I do not have a single clue, honestly. I'm not really keeping up with anyone involved since 2020, I've had my own projects to attend to.
The Switch is actually a very secure console aside from the hardware flaw in original Switches, which to my understanding was more of NVIDIA's fault than Nintendo's. Switch revisions that fixed that hardware flaw are secure to the point that they still require modchips and soldering to actually exploit.
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I'm once again begging if anyone knows which file pink hilda came from
Tbh, I don't think he's overreacting (He's spurging out sure). But I wouldn't be surprised if the games become EVEN MORE sanatised after this kek, i'm basically done with the series now so sweet baby here we come
Fucking this.
Are you even speaking english anymore?
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new leaked pokemon, now
Would do if I knew where to get them
brother we haven't been not under the pretense the pretense that pokemon is for every man and his dog in forever, it's literally the biggest media franchise in the world
if there was a ship, it's long since sailed
My niece was actually sad that she couldnt dress her player girl up as well

A girl
Definitely looks like one of the trainer-eyes sprites, when I looked through BW repo I never saw it though, hopefully it's not a spacemusic.mp3 situation
You do know that GF has been hiring so they have diversity and DEI training right? Anon's concerns this will catapult the babification of the series even more aren't unwarranted.
what's this?
Swanko aka Swanna Girl, bro
Enough Pokémon talk
What about Game Freak's other projects? Can we get the prototype for the gyaru action game Masuda fucking ruined by turning it into a pseudo puzzle-platformer with shitty physics? (Source: https://www.youtube.com/live/K6EBgoJ8aJ4?t=2252s)
>was more of NVIDIA's fault than Nintendo's.
the absolute cope. It's also NVIDIA's fault the switch is easier to hack than a PS3
just saying the ship will sail even more(erer), there's a cocomelon collab in our future.
Not at the Switch yet. Forced scarcity.
No it's definitely real, I saw the filepaths myself. I just don't remember them, but I imagine if anon goes back to the threads when it first started popping up he'll find it.

Worst case scenario for >>56635006, switch your theme and keep scrolling until you see bright blue like that in the images of a post. It should only take maybe a couple dozen minutes tops.
Have we gotten POKEPARK FISHING DS yet?

Now that would be my holy grail
>The Switch is actually a very secure console aside from the hardware flaw in original Switches
No it isn't lmao, needing a simple to install modchip isn't that secure. Just because you're afraid of hot solder doesn't mean its hard
My tongue
wish we go more info about their upcoming game with take-two and private division
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is there hope for a fan revival of the dreamworld?
It was actually on PC in the beginning as an early-access game
So are we really only going to get leaks if they were developed for Nintendo? That means no Tembo the Badass Elephant stuff (which had planned Sonic DLC), and not even a peek at Project Bloom?

It just sounds like a weird comparison is all
If they stop making honey nut cheerios i'd riot
Because we never see Vaporeon or Hypno anymore, right? Moron.
God damn I hope we get that.
Internal drama between staff like Pikachu and Ash's VA having beef.
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>Talonflame used have 22 extra base Attack
Mother of god
Oh boy, can't wait for 100gb more near-final XY builds. The leaker is really spoiling us.
Porygon’s episode also hospitalized children. This non canon scrapped Typhlosion lore isn’t hurting anyone, only coomers and prudes care
OK Pippa I'm also waiting for more content of my husbando
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whats the filepath for the beta sprites?
The difference is that it came DIRECTLY from the company my god. Game FREAKY is literally trending on twitter. Why are aspies so bad at critical thinking?
>and not even a peek at Project Bloom?
I'm real curious about this one too
guessing they probably didn't get anything from it though
>h. wilnas was the only got complete information in the wiki same happened with g.vane
why is the wiki so gay
>The myth docs are 20 years old
Most people I spoke to don't know they were written in 2005 and just assumed they were recent, imo only the minority know it's older than most people discussing the topic itself kek
The region would kneel before the bravest bird
>never came directly from the company
>never came directly from the company
i'd tell you to kill yourself for the betterment of all mankind but you'll never actually make a dent in the gene pool
jesus fucking christ we dodged a bird sized bullet there
give it back
unleash him
We need some Wii stuff tbqh
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So I’m seeing YouTubers and social media scrubs regurgitating this stuff and claiming we have Z-A leaks and new megas but I haven’t seen shit following these threads. Just clout chasing as usual?
>we dodged a bird sized bullet there
What type of bird
The pedophile hypno stuff is completely in western heads hes just an evil kidnapper
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Going on a bit of a tangent, but can anyone give me a brief explanation about how to compile DS ROMs from the SVN/repos/whatever? I actually looked up for the archival of the DP leak from 2020 but couldn't get anything out of it
I just want that Drill Dozer badge sprite so badly...
Nah just that GF are pedophile rapists lol
We literally had tegra x1 documentation. it's 100% nvidia's fault. Nintendo only made the software and we still don't have a soft mod.
>hes just an evil kidnapper
but what does he DO to the children he kidnaps then???
Wrong thread loyal grubber
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>The difference is that it came DIRECTLY from the company my god.
>doesn't know what Hypno did in FRLG
Vaporeon was also trending back then. Its a huge meme for a month or so and then its business as usual with the occasional:
>'member when?
But you're not very bright, are you?
>retard concerntroll hasn't even played the games
Imagine my surprise.
goddamn it's been a while since I've seen that design
It's a possible landmine for the channel, and the situation is still developing
Gonna take a year to go through things thoroughly and summarize it all
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>Hypno kidnapping a child in FRLG didn't come directly from GameFreak
Looks like you were projecting when you mentioned critical thinking

Also, this is an image from an OFFICIAL Pokemon t-shirt
an Unladen Swellow, clearly.
You never played FRLG?
It's 2024 bro, times have changed. This shit would straight up cancel some random devs, it's gonna do some damage.
I want this shirt
but whenever I looked last no one was making new bootleg prints with the wrap around design and originals are expensive
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Are you a zoomer?
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>I want this shirt
Hoenn or Kalos
where is this from
I wouldn't wear it out I'm a NEET
A 103 base attack priority Brave Bird sized bullet
Yeah but he didnt go out of his way to drug them with berries and rape them,

Also it's current year, it's not 2004 anymore. Game freak would NEVER do anything like that again, because they know that shit sinks you like a lead balloon these days. Why do you think the games are like for five year olds now?
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game freak were buying gundams on ebay
STFU and go back to Xitter, zoomer
Congrats, intern-kun.
actually I probably wouldn't wear it at all I mostly want it because it's an interesting and neat piece
an oddity or some such
And the documents are also from around 2004, not current year.
>lso it's current year, it's not 2004 anymore. Game freak would NEVER do anything like that again
Does he know?
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research, clearly
based GF employee buying gundams on company time
I'm on your side bro, it is cringe to be upset by this stuff. But this shit gets you cancelled by normies. Normies dictate the franchise now. It will 100% have an impact.
Well duh, it was in the final game. If any of this lore stuff was in the final version of DP, it would be heavily sanded down and censored. Slakoths wouldn't be murdered, they'd be bullied. No one would fuck a Pokemon, they'd marry them or just be friends.

If you REALLY think ANY of this SCRAPPED, NO LONGER CANON LORE would be in the final game, then you're just fucking braindead. Go touch some grass or get some pussy/dick
Birt-san got a helluva deal.
>drug them with berries
He can just use hypnosis
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>they'll be canceled for REAL this time guise!!!
>Normies dictate the franchise now
Seriously, go outside
You think that matters to retard zoomers and normies? What matters is what is getting publicized NOW, it's like you guys don't know how brands/the media works.
kill yourself retarded kiddy
>Game freak would NEVER do anything like that again
Yeah man, Gamefreak would never deal with topics children couldn't handle, that's why we had parental abuse and genocide 10 years later.
Go back to twitter already.
Nah. They will find a new toy and move on after a week.
nta anon but you don't really not think this right anon
People really be out here thinking SV is deep
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>mystery nigga's name is almost identical to rock turkey's
>they never appear in a build together
Holy shit bros
Mystery nigga killed rock turkey
>there are pleople ITT tha think that twitter or the internet bubble is real life
as zoomers say, go touch grass, unironically
>bro I just hypnotised and took the kids to a secluded area alone with me I didn't rape them
>Why do you think the games are like for five year olds now?
we learn our friend's mom/dad is murdered by a pokemon we go on to catch in SV, I don't think the series has gotten darker than that but it's always been for 5 year olds man
I think those are referencing BW and XY.
You think I'm talking about SV?
Hey man, I hope you're right. I don't think it'll matter to GF though.
I haven't been here since yesterday, last thing found out before I left was southern kalos, any updates?
No, I don't believe normies dictate the franchise now. I believe they ALWAYS have. You really think the obsessed megafans on the internet have been the driving financial force for this franchsie up until recently? The franchise has always been dictated by the masses. It's the most popular franchise of all time. That's like saying the Mario franchise was once controlled by the hyper-obsessed fans and not your average joe.
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>Game freak would NEVER do anything like that again
Not for Pokémon, at least but you wouldn't know that, none of you, because you won't play anything that isn't Pokémon
Oh well it's puritan pozzed 2024 now not 2013
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>Normies dictate the franchise now
>thinking a 20 year old draft story pushed through Google Translate over 9000 times will be the downfall of Disney 2.0
>its an actual child growing up on /pol/
Dear god. Maybe suicide is the answer for you.
who's exploring the gen 3/4 dev docs?
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Found this at >>56625204, the right side one is definitely the final enc_ci_data face, and left side is updated ver of >>56635006, but none of the enc_ci_data revs have the pink hat ones, and they didn't mention any path there neither ;_;
(the filename for this was some twitter hash though, could just be some recreation of the earlier one)
Why would I willingly play another gamefreak game I haven't brainwashed myself into liking tho...
Please explain your toolchain/process for doing this. I'm struggling to extract files from a lot of the CCI builds but would like to also help in digging through the many versions of shit we have.
We had the same arguments about video games now being for kids, back in 2013. Not that i'd expect you to know, that's probably your birth year
Pokemon ideas for Ruby/Sapphire, found in a text file:
>Water strider
>Giant squid
>Shark (evolves into remora and bull shark)
>Jewel beetle
>Unicorn (corn)
>Raccoon dog
>Hangyo (evolved kappa)
>Rhythm (drum)
>Egg dance
>Spotted Pokemon, Spotted Pokemon
>Piggyback Pokemon (grasshopper, hippopotamus)
>Cuddle Pokemon
>Clock Pokemon
Think those were the first real things people went through, if you mean the things with the obelisk gecko and whatnot
Kino, I want to see more random developer desktop screenshots
yeah but it only gets more popular every year, i'm just saying it gets more retarded and safe every year to fit current sensibilities.
>Carbink's beta name is Diamond
>Diancie's is Pink Diamond
...and yeah, looks like that was just a xitterfags recreation
>I edited them to see how they might have looked like if completed in the current artstyle
The pink hat search continues
Yeah, I don't quite remember seeing one in such high detail and res. Sorry I can't help ya more.
i just downloaded the file and there's soo much that i believe we've only scrapped the surface.
Whether you like it or not, the PR team will be concerned with the optics of this. Zoomers don't let go and that shit filters down to kids and older adults via content creators who just repackage the popular opinion on social media and feed it to everyone. I don't think you understand just how much of an algorithm zombie most people are these days
if you people are going to post this shit post where you got it from
I'm just saying it gets worse and worse every year and this is gonna accelerate it.
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I want it
What's the turkey's name? They might be an evolution line with Glockenspiel evolving into an accordion.
>gigaleak confirmed L was real
>teraleak confirmed South Kalos was real
All speculation is eventually true
Almost identical? Every character is different.
Parental abuse is sun and moon and genocide is xy. Nothing of that is related to scat and vomit games.
Umm that's actually God Mars
Soul of Chogokin I believe
Yeah, cause murdered parents is the safest topic the franchise has ever covered.
>literally been repeating Durr I don't Think You Understand How Da Normies Work for 3 whole hours
maw the bots looping again, someone beat it till it works again
I keep forgetting to check out that game. Wonder if the english translation is finally done, the spanish side of romhacks seems to be going strong now.
>Pokémon that can evolve into whatever
Sounds like the most gimmicky shitmon of all times, it would probably had have terrible base stats/moves
So what was the plan for this?
Something that can evolve into any other pokemon?
Twitter does affect real life unfortunately
you should've thrown in a random 30cm for fun
>underages are now fed /pol/ memes through a straw
The fact that you even think every knows it's 20 years old shows how out of touch you are. 90% of the people speaking about it just know that Typhlosion = predator is trending now and accept it at that. They think it's new
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Do you know where are the documents pertaining to the Quinty SFC remake? I only got the ROMs but I need to see the document mentioning a Virtual Console release
I wish Lysandre was an alien. Praying for it to happen. Only 30 more days of dripfeeding builds before we can actually get to the staff things.
Not anymore. Twitter is an echo chamber for bots. Literally the majority of activity on Twitter is all bots now. Most not-terminally-online people have moved onto other platforms.

Source: literally everyone in my family and friend circle have moved onto Instagram or other platforms except for the ones who are terminally online
They also still used the hardware knowing of the exploit, i dunno if production was to far ahead to change it but they could only watch.
Calling all Japanese robots Gundam is a meme.
I mean sounds on par with ditto
Go look at hypno art on pixiv
Beta Hilbert is so ugly
Actually that's something I didn't consider; how many gigabytes are we through so far? I know the back end is going to be the most bloated, being Switch content, but it's kind of insane to think we're almost at the point of needing to wait days just for a single part of a 10 part file.
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I like this concept for Cacturne, hope they give my man something in the future
dont bully her shes got a bit of the downs its not her fault
I'm not that other anon, I'm just someone who's seen this circus before. But don't believe me, trust me I don't want it to be true. I just hope this doesn't affect their direction in the games, I imagine it will though
i imagine it was meant to be temporary
Ditto but random
If we have the source code for the gen 4/5 games, does that mean we can expect decent rom hacks from those gens in a few years?
the original concept art would've been perfect for a gigantamax form, a looming giant
It's actually amazing how little was changed with Cacturne to fit right in. Just de-edge it, while Metagross became a different thing entirely.
Working backwards was a pretty good idea. Also that's some pretty nice art.
GF panders to coomers in subtle ways (always have) and they don't care about one dumbass unused piece of fictional lore becoming a porn meme in a porn-addicted fan community.
evolution is permanent
Literally no one cares. Post a single legitimate tweet that isn't just making a joke about it
>Twitter is an echo chamber for bots
This, even in the CentroLeaks tweets the replies are full of bots repeating each other's replies kek
I said Hilbert, not Hilda. Beta Hilda looks great, the backwards cap is cool.
>Twitter is an echo chamber for bots. Literally the majority of activity on Twitter is all bots now.
Very true
>Most not-terminally-online people have moved onto other platforms.
Not true at all sadly. Look anywhere and people still embed tweets. The catalog on this fucking board is full of tweets as well as the actual posts. Whenever someone wants to break news they'll use a tweet. The platform is dogshit and absolute clown central but retards just cannot tear themselves away from it. And even if the healthy people move on, it's the most active and online people who dictate consensus, which in turn filters down to normies via retarded content creators.
>literally everyone in my family and friend circle have moved onto Instagram or other platforms
And Instagram is probably the least worst social media but imo it's still affected by the trickle down from places like Twitter. All those meme page creators are on Twitter waiting for the newest news to drop so they can be first to post on IG and get their shitty payout. Things aren't as compartmentalized as you think sadly
>post a single
Oh no, you're giving the retard a chance to feel like his subhuman self is actually capable of a single thought.
Just stop biting the bait, he's fucking boring now.
i thought you were making a joke about beta hilda, who the fuck is hilbert?
I imagine it served to fill up gaps on the Pokédex; if you are missing one specific creature you could just get one Evolotto and raise it to meet the needed criteria to evolve into what you want
when you think about it, this Pokémon works a lot like how Digimon work
Why you acting like a main character? Don't tell me what to do.
the boy
The jokes are the issue retard. This'll have a cooling effect on how Game Freak designs characters and the relationship between Pokémon and trainers in game, watch.
beta hilda looks shit lmao
>these are the types of people posting on the board right now
Fuckin' hell...
>while Metagross became a different thing entirely.
The early concept for Metagross looked like a "rock spider", and that's what the final Metagross looks like desu.
>i just learned all this time later that the male trainer in gen v is named HILBERT
what is with this lame ass name for the least lame looking male trainer?
god gamefreak you SUCK
No we call them Transformers now. Get with the times old man.
I mentioned it in a previous thread, but could have been a mystery box of evolution conditions
[Fanfic] but imagine it being able to evolve from level up, stones, friendship, etc. all at once, sorta like an Eevee 2 of sorts
..you guys are fucked, I only started posting today but you're all psychopaths.
He is fine, who cares about Hilbert when Hild exists.
>pfft you don't know what the male trainer in black and white was intended to be named? what are you a tourist?
kill yourself nigger i bought black at kmart when it first came out, i just never cared to remember this gay shit because its gay shit.
seriously he has the better design but the worst name out of every male protag.
also this
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This should be proof enough that TPCi does not give a fuck, a generic trainer class entirely carried by porn becoming a full fledged character in their approved waifu gacha game
Thanks anon
you can't blame game freak here
this is TCPi's doing
Seriously. Insane how people are arguing against this. Game Freak are fucking retarded when it comes to interpreting public perception - the content of this leak fucking proves it lol.
Carbink = carbon = diamond
TPC not TCPi those homos at international wouldn't make a waifu game in the first place
>Yeah but he didnt go out of his way to drug them with berries and rape them,
Every time I read someone talking about the story, they make up something new to make it look worse than it is.
I get your point, but it's my duty to mock tourists for being fucking retards.
>meet the needed criteria
The criteria is that it's a lottery
This is what happens when our only leaker has 3rd world tier upload speed hidden behind 6 thousand tor and proxies
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it's your duty to get my fists up your fucking ass faggot c'mere
I'm not even that anon I'm just someone else with common sense. Not baiting. Genuinely concerned
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It's a carbuncle you retard
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do we love Lady Gaga like Masuda did 10 years ago?
You're posting on the fucking baby game board bro, tourists are lucky. Also stop talking like it's 2005, it's not your "duty".
Fucking newfags
No, this is what happens when the mods don't do their jobs.
There was waiting in the old /ppg/ threads too but it was nowhere near as cancerous as this.
I'd be surprised if masuda did, he probably just chose some popular american song of the time
We get it bro, you were the first person to ever post on the basket weaving forum. You're so badass.
>stop bullying zoomers like me!?!?!?!
lmao go back to twitteredditiktok tourist
At this point I'd even be willing to sponsor a flight for him to an actual fucking country.
... not really, I'm broke as shit, but for fucks sake man. This was a weekend job!
You know, Hilbert predicted all of this.
I went to sleep, what did I miss
>Hilbert: personal name composed of the ancient Germanic elements hild 'strife, battle' + berht 'bright, famous'
It's kind of badass THOUGH
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scrapped co-op features found in xy beta build
NO! THINK OF ANON'S (non-relative) NEPHEW!
literally nothing
idk whats more annoying to me, newfags or oldfags who think they're cool for being retarded for longer
Thats new, nice find. Which dump was this, the newest one?
this ended up being realised in LGPE (and SWSH wild area kinda)
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>Charizard Y had Gale Wings
Yeah they definitely realized by the end of development that this ability is retarded

>still had to nerf Talonflame a second time next gen
You know what, from that perspective, it kinda is.
>maybe co-op
damn XY was really only ever going to be fun if you had friends and enjoyed multiplayer
No wonder this board hates them lmao
midfags who try to RP as oldfags by dragging out dead meme terminology that they read about KYM, I'd say
I can't wait for a compilation of all the stat differences.
>Charizard Y had Gale Wings
>103 base power Talonflame
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good, I hope the last XY batch takes a while. In a couple of hs I have a job interview.
>oh no, priority air slash!!
Retard, drought is 1000x stronger.
it will
What indication is there that this is related to multiplayer, and not just a graphical/controls test
have you tried looking with your eyes
you control one with the analog, the other with the dpad
>controls test
why would that need to spawn a second controllable model
Priority Sky Drop memes though
Is the player character in this from something I've forgotten? She's cute
Best post in the entire thread
BW's overworld model viewer did that
Yeah this guy is just embarassing, even more so than the doomposter lmao
Imagine if he got Brave Bird too.
nope we never saw her aside from this beta build
>159 special attack priority Air Slash/Hurricane
>ontop of Roost, Tailwind, potential Belly Drum sets
Drought is strong but this sounds more cancer
They just took the bear wife native american story and search replaced bear with thyplosion. The other tales are the same. This just shows how removed people are from their cultures.
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Oh just wanted to say Shinzo Abe was a christcuck
Wonder if this is a proto-Selena or just a random NPC whom they used as a test
None of those are that good, you would just use Talonflame for any of that because Zard flying movepool is garbage. Drought is an amazing ability and Zard Y is the best user of Drought, it's basically the reason why he's so great.
I’m getting tired of skimming through each and every one of these threads multiple times a day.
Charizard doesn't learn Hurricane in gen 6/7 so he's right about it not having that many attacks.
To be fair, he also doesn't have Gale Wing. Nobody knows what the beta move pool is like.
Still nothing outside of southern Kalos huh? I need those damned design docs
>what did I miss
ftfy ELS-anon
>I need those damned design docs
what exactly are you looking for?
Show path file of gtfo
Talonflame is still the better mon because it doesn't take your Mega Slot, is a faster mon, has a Item slot and on the time Megas were around Zard flying coverage was garbage.
Hard disagree. GW is good but I don't think it's Mega-slot good on Charizard, especially when Mgea Drought gave full weather control. GW Mega Charizard just sounds like a different flavor of Mega X
Nothing new in the past 10 hours? Last thing I saw was the fake alien shit
nothing really
anything that didn't made it into the game
because as game development gets more complex it's no longer feasible to just implement a bunch of mechanics and assets into the game if they won't make it into the final game, a lot of unused stuff just remains at a conceptual level
Anything having to do with creating a region or Pokemon concept designs (ignoring the beta sprites and the XY tweaks)
I guess it's over
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I can't stop seeing the box art for Terranigma every time this leak comes up.
thread baker-sama.... i need you...
It's over. Give it up. Time to move on
We got the Beta stats for some mons. Talonflae had an extra 20 Atk and ZardY had Gale Wings. People are still seeing the other mons. Gonna have to wait now anon.
When you shit up threads, enjoy but try to limit your yawning, or you'll die
nah it's just been like XY versions posted but seems like nothing unique in them
See >>56635443
Someone who can read moon better than Google Lens - does this screenshot contain the actual home address of Hironobu Yoshida as well as his possibly personal email address?
Anyone have a sprite sheet of all of the Gen 5 beta stuff?
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This were posted over the weekend and monday was a holiday, probably the leakers have other stuff to do during the day
Why do people post in this thread when they have nothing valuable to add? No-one gives a shit about your reaction, you're not that important. If you're not actively digging through the leaks and uncovering content, shut the fuck up.
Why the FUCK did Heatmor get a signature move in SM despite being a transfer-only Pokemon. I suspect something like
>Salazzle would've gotten it (which she later did) but they felt it made the fetish stuff too obvious and changed her to a special attacker
>Grass/Fire proto-Tsareena scrapped and dominatrix concept changed from whipping to stomping
>there was a proto-Blacephalon that would've been Xurkitree's version exclusive counterpart; concept was scrapped and replaced with Mind Blown
The script text files for aug 2012 and earlier builds are in "message.garc".
Unfortunately, the script text files are in an unknown format that's not readable by any existing rom editors.
Sorry to disappoint.
apr 2013's garcs seem pretty similar to final
I smell projection
>monday was a holiday
Man, not at my fucking job. I even had a meeting so I had to go into the office. Working from home today to dig around and shitpost on my main machine while I look busy on the laptop for work.
it says billing address and shipping address
No one gives a shit about what you think either, faggot. Why don't you shut the fuck up first. Real useful contribution to the thread you just made.
skimming through the files and seeing "last updated in 2003 at xxPM" feels so surreal.
i feel like i'm violating something
I believe/hope that's an old office, but I can't into nip enough. I just recognize 区.
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>Working from home today to dig around and shitpost on my main machine while I look busy on the laptop for work
Yeah, used to do the same all the time at my old job until I got fired
loosk good
the tourists are getting uppity at being called out
You've never used a computer before then. Tons of files are over 20 years old.
Should someone tell these clowns this is wrong?
Post it then
The old lore documents really are well made. A very nice and coherent fusion of Norse, Hebrew, and Greek mythology.
Shut the fuck up retard, no one gives a shit about your melty cos people are bored. This isn't your blog, complainers are worse than any type of human on the planet - everyone agrees.
forgot to (You) >>56634869
That's not how you use that word.
what's this about?
I would contribute, but I don't know how to do anything with builds. Please. continue to spoonfeed me anons... you're so cute when you do that.
Anyone got that sprite and back sprite of the Kangaroo thing from BW? Or if anyone has all the sprites from the early BW build too
/r/ing the beta fat Staraptor sprite
They're saying mystery nigga might be proto-munna because they're not in the same build, but build 9792 has munna musharna and mystery nigga
new bread?
Being a girl isn't about wearing skirts, tranny. YWNBAW
Was there a new XY build uploaded?
he cute
all the anime character sheets are in PDF, how can i turn them into regular png's?
2 new builds. enjoy

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