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>Not having a dedicated garde thread 24/7/365
/vp/, I am disappoint.
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>Not having a dedicated garde thread 24/7/365
So Ted how's the wife and kid?
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board is too fast because of leaks and people making fun of typhlosion, was waiting for it to pass over before making a new gardevoir thread
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Goddammit Murrlogic
But this >>56610582 is the Gardevoir thread and there was another one that died not too long ago
Garde deserves lots of pats and praise!
Kill yourself.
Don't patronize her anon, headpats are demeaning. Tender kisses are the proper way to show affection to a Gardevoir who bonded to you
She lost
You know there's more that just one singular Gardevoir, right?
They all lost
Gardevoir clears the rabbit
You got rejected by a Ralts, didn't you anon.
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I found someone better.
I get it anon, your cringe ass always was avoided by Ralts so you went with the easy pokemon. Just so you know, Lopunny only care about getting off. The second she's satisfied she'll move on to the next human to use. And while you're busy chasing Lopussy, me and my Gardewife will be spending time with our child. But you do you
By the way anon, the number to dial is 988 if you're in the US
the silkiest
Life finds a way
Imagine coming home to this after a hard day at work
A Gardevoir in mom jeans is honestly the sexiest shit
Even Wally knew
Absolute grace
Such elegance
Aight, which one of you faggots got this creepshot of me and my wife?
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Oh fuck... i was right about N's mother being a Gardevoir. Shit.
Gardevoir's theme: https://youtu.be/oE56g61mW44?si=yqXtrGScIrMpqbr9
Then make your own damn thread
Dumbass nigger
>YWN get to dance to Stevie Wonder or swing music with Gardevoir
Now I'm sad...
>Never much cared for shardevoir
>comes into a Gardevoir thread
What was the next step in your master plan?
Thlamming his penith in the car door
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Either that's a very large hat or a very small Gardevoir. Either way cute!
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Shame on you for denying your Gardevoir love and affection
The Gardevoir with the bold nature is no longer asking.
A Gardevoir is EXPECTED to be loved and treated like an equal, regardless of its nature. If she wants to snuggle on the couch while watching TV with you then its your obligation to enjoy that moment.
My first love and also when I understood why I was never attracted to regular human girls
Respect people and Pokemon's bodily autonomy! If someone doesn't want to hug or kiss or have sex then they are not entitled to give those things. Clearly. Brendan doesn't want to give Gardevoir a kiss which is seemingly what that Gardevoir is trying to force onto him. But maybe later they could hug!
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>A Gardevoir is EXPECTED to be loved and treated like an equal, regardless of its nature. If she wants to snuggle on the couch while watching TV with you then its your obligation to enjoy that moment.
My wife snatched my phone to post that but she's not wrong, honestly moments like that are why I'm blessed she found me in my darkest moments
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What's Garde's favorite thing to drink?
Besides Baja Blast.
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This thread is is full of Gardevoir neets spreading propaganda
This isn't about sex anon, it's about affection and comfort. This is what you young Sawbucks need to learn about Pokephilia: the true bond isn't physical but emotional and metaphysical, just as Arceus intended.
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>Gardevoir's teleporting to public libraries to post on 4chan
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>just as Arceus intended.
NEET? I married mine and we have a child together. Whats your fuckin excuse?
Given its fall? Hot cocoa
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>NEET? I married mine and we have a child together. Whats your fuckin excuse?
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You insultin my wife you filthy Typhlo?
This >>56651522 image is clearly showing a Gardevoir trying to physically force themselves onto a Human who doesn't want that to happen. They are literally holding their mouth and trying to push them back.
He's a fag.
Prepubescent boys still hold a fear of cooties. Also you try telling a Gardevoir "not now" when its mating season.
He'll get over his inexperience. Wallace did
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a boy's first kiss should be with his own species!
Clearly the mother is a bigot.
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No one's entitled to give their bodies to anyone if they don't want to.
>Also you try telling a Gardevoir "not now" when its mating season.
So your Gardevoir would hurt you when you told them "No I don't want to have sex right now" sounds unhealthy and like a terrible partner. Gardevoir is an adult they can wait, they can be mature and tell their partner they may need some time alone away from them while they're going through this.
The idea that the thread is filled with Gardevoirs wanting a master is absurd. They only consist of 0.3% of the global population, and they have better things to do than drool over a species from a game owned by a company that can't produce something that isn't a buggy mess
>no feral paradox gardevoirs in the leeks
>no potential regional forms
>no garderape stories
Gardevoirbros.... we are irrelevant.....
Anon, even the human libido is a fucking beast to be restrained. But Arceus above was that mating season fucking intense. That shit is why i refuse to look at human women.
Agreed, its just filthy Typhlos trying to deflect their controversy
Anon have you ever ejaculated so hard you see the entire cosmos? Thats what an orgasm after giving into primal urges with a Gardevoir in heat feels like.
Despite the intensity of our first mating season together, we have a beautiful child of our own and now come mating season all she wants is to snuggle. Granted she still feels bad for destroying a mahogany bed frame even though i keep telling her that I'm not even upset over it but all in all our marriage is actually quite picturesque
Reminder that Gardevoir is extremely sensitive and at first will cum her brains out from a simple kiss. Take it slow to prevent potentially dangerous overstimulation.
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This, that's the thread that I was using
>Gardevoir and her canonically large boobs

Most of the leaks was focused in content of the 3 to 5 gen, doesn't even have a "beta" version
Speaking from experience i take it?
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My wife during our first mating season
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I'm nothing but happy for you both anon.
Wife tried to use Hypnosis on me to make me stop shitposting, little does she know only Sing works because her singing is almost as divine as Meloetta's
>Speaking from experience
I wish
>making out with inexperienced Garde gf
>her mind is almost melting from the torrent of sensations
>she syncs with your mind and shares her sensations
Having Synchronize used in the middle of a passionate primal baby making session during mating season is the most intense orgasms to ever experience but absolutely fucking worth it
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Btw not meming, this is my wife in our shower
A married man with a Gardevoir is fucking disgusting. Either be loyal to one or don't soulbond with a Gardevoir you bastard.
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I could see a married couple having a Gardevoir- call it a hunch.
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Finally got my husband to sleep. He's stubborn but its why i love him. Just wish he wouldn't work long hours since his back has been bothering him as of late. Anyway AMA
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Motherly Gardevoir is the best Gardevoir.
Wtf it's Gardevoir
i disagree. gardevoirs belong to their trainers and you should celebrate us finding our true places along side our masters
Hiw the fuck do you paizuri this
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>For reasons unknown
koreans draw the best gardevoirs
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My wife didn't post anything spicy did she?
Gardevoir are spouses and mothers, not tools for battle.
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>for reasons unknown
Bullshit, the reason is mating season.
Only a heartless bastard would harm such an angel
Till death do us part
To see a Gardevoir smile when you come home makes even a shitty day worth it
And then mating press
Arceus i love when she does the naked apron
Literally me.
Word of advice: while Gardevoir is a faithful wife and loving mother, DO NOT PISS HER OFF. All Gardevoir have one trigger that will unleash a rage not seen since Regigigas killed Arceus husband and that's to threaten her family, especially if she happens to have a child with her human partner.
>even a shitty day
Impossible, any day with gardewife is a good day at minimum
I was referring to work, coming home to Gardevoir erases that shitty work day
Also daily reminder that Diantha is a Gardevoir abusing cunt that deserves to be lynched for domestic abuse.
Nothing like a stroll through a Christmas market with the love of your life
Something about antebellum just resonates with me
Fall is sweater season after all
Frying eggs naked! She probably uses a psychic barrier
Bout the only time she uses that move honestly since we're trying for child number 2
Never a bad angle on her
Her smile: worth protecting
Brandon finally stopped being a fag
>Gardevoir kicking away the goyslop """bread"""
Based. Gardevoir will take care of you by making sure you're eating real proper foods and not disgusting goyslop disguised as health food. She is best wife and mommy.
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>Gardevoir your job for today is....! Relax! You've been working really hard as of late and deserve some time off! Do whatever you want!
What's a Gardevoir to do with all this free time?
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Mine takes care of our daughter and home schools her
Relax and cuddle with her trainer/master. Get treated at a Pokespa. Special meal consisting of.....whatever she can eat (a special fruit salad with all of those berries I guess).
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i love my garde
Gardevoir is made for traditional family values and monogamous marriage
Tradwife Gardevoir? Based
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By their very nature Gardevoir are tradwives. Why do you think nobles would entrust them to be guardians for children?
>tfw no real life Gardevoir tradwife
why live bros? Also, off by one (ree)
My Gardevoir OC usually spends her day off from work or training her mons by catching up on some reading, spending time with her son and daughter, and -assuming he's got free time too- cuddling up on the couch with her husband!
Even a busy-body like her needs at least one day to smell the roses and be with the family she loves- right?
Gardevoir by nature are very maternal and will even often raise orphans as if they were their own children. Before the days of pokemon battling Gardevoir were often seen running orphanages or seen as nurse maids for nobility, akin to how Chansey and Audino are associated with the medical field
OC? You mean I'm the only anon here who actually married a Gardevoir?
can gardevoir be a nice bi-sexual wife?
Post above is proof
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Someone has more Momvoir? I love that trope where one character (usually an alien or magical pet) matures faster than their kid friend and starts acting like the responsible adult, annoying or embarrassing the other part of the duo.
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Wouldn't recommend it because lesbians have a higher rate of domestic abuse. Case in point: THIS CUNT
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Apparently so!
Come home Sinnoh man
Arceus bless danbooru
Thank you janny, knew you were based
For the resident janny who appreciates Gardevoir, you a true king
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Wait why does he look like Simon from Gurren Lagann?!
https://exhentai.org/g/1046851/ff1c9d6110/ definitely worth reading and i believe there's an English version somewhere on exhentai
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Why is Gardevoir so red and breathing all heavy?
>tfw humans are bigger than Gallades
She makes the best pancakes
She has style
She has grace
This beautiful 'mon always puts a smile on my face
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>Gallade this Gallade that
No one considers Kingambit or Conkeldurr or Trevenant!
>Spiritomb: It is a Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits. It is bound to a fissure in an odd keystone.
Spiritomb bukkake with Gardevoir?
>that feeling of going camping with your wife and sleeping under the stars just like our ancestors
Best feeling in the world
Women are envious of this lovely gift of Arceus
Story of my life
Are there any Kirlias like this.
Yeah, mine.
Jared she's your daughter!
Life with Gardevoir for a wife do be like this, but it's worth every second
Were there any lore leaks on the ralts line? I know we have a “good guess” about what it’s based on and the name etc but I want something more official regarding design notes etc
No leaks but i do have some theories pertaining to Gardevoir more or less being the loyal wife/loving mother aspect of Arceus made corporeal
owo that bulge
If you think about it: what other Pokémon has such a human-like appearance along with the ability to read thoughts, emotions, and someone's heart and soul, can only gain the Synchronize ability with a human that its soulbonded too, and is often trusted to care for children as if they were its own?
Fucking retard
As i was saying before the Typhlo apologist rudely interrupted, Gardevoir and her evolutionary line as a whole is the physical manifestation of Arceus' loyalty as a wife and maternal love. Gallade could potentially be the manifestation of her husband's decision to fight Regigigas to protect her and their children
! What happened? Are you okay??
Anon, thats a wedding band.
Wait, this is why
What an amazing wife.
We're actually cuddled up to watch the Mets game tonight
Sounds comfy. Have fun.
How it started vs how it's going
So beautiful
Nerdevoir is cute.
Forza Ferrari!
A relaxing spa day
When did she become Italian? Can she fix the clown show at Ferrari or will Ferrari continue to do Ferrari clown show things?
She's always been a member of the tifosi, as have i since the Schumacher days.
[Spoiler]Maclaren is the new hotness now that Red Bull shat the bed
>caught my Garde when Emerald first came out, as a Ralts at the start of the game
>therefore, that was about 19 years ago
>caught him when I was 13
>transferred him ASAP whenever it's available
>done every bit of content that I can with him once transfer is available
>I'm now 32 and I still see him every day and am walking around Paldea with him right now
I love those cards and honestly am a little tempted to get those specific cards just for this reason
Fucking femboy...
Our first dance, i still remember the song too: Everybody Wants Somebody by Dean Martin
She was so beautiful on that day.
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I just think of him as a good friend.

Have a picture of him taken from when I went to Pokemon Center Tokyo DX last year.
That’s awesome, anon. What drew you to Ralts when you were younger?
I love Kirlia.
I remember seeing Wally in Sapphire and I never caught Ralts myself (at the time I didn't use any kind of online guides), so knowing about the Wally stuff from that when Emerald happened, I made sure to catch Ralts myself and use it for the playthrough. I think what made me latch on to him so much specifically after that was the dex entry talking about it's dedication to its trainer. I grew really attached and wanted to reciprocate, ultimately. And that attachment never faded.
Anyone have art of Garde that emphasizes/accentuates her large hands? I think they’re cute and would like to hold them.
So let me get this straight. Pokephilia is confirmed canon but none of it references Gardevoir? Literally how? She's the symbol of pokephilia.
These leaks got me in the mood to draw some Garde.
Gimme something spicy but not explicit. Solo preferred, specify if on Model or with curves. Flat + Thighs fine too.
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Maybe Game Freak will take the Bethesda route for once. "Let the fans fix it for us."
Is it true that according to the leaks gardevoir was one of the very last pokemon made for gen 3?

crazy that there's no real beta design for it like there was for flygon and manectric
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handsome gard
Femboy Gard?
Either way, only Gardevoir will remain. She will see to that.
Anon, it's a pokemon that looks practically like a human and is said to form strong mental bond with humans. No point writing entire stories about the obvious.
Would a Gardevoir learn human speech if she loved you enough?
I think that would come first. They'd probably want to learn a human language, then they could use it to better communicate with you. Like Meowth!
She's psychic she can already extract the language from your brain.
>Gardevoir can extract racial slurs from my brain and use them to keep me happy.
I fucking love Gardevoir.
Depends on the particular gardewife
The hopeless romantic that desperately wants to be a human bride like in that one TV ad she saw? Yeah
The psycho yandere that threatens to cook your brain if you cheat on her? No point, she syncs with your mind and knows what you think.
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I carry bags of rare candy with me wherever I go just in case I happen to see a male Kirlia in the wild so I can force it to evolve into a sissy Gardevoir and dash it's hopes of being a strong masculine Gallade.
She is based
Shota too
aren't dawn stones pretty rare in any case
why risk it?
Maybe they can find a dawn stone and evolve into a Gardevoir naturally or maybe they can't but force feeding them rare candy would be different. It'd be like stealing that opportunity from them. No chance to change their fate, it's forced sissification.
They can just find a Gulpin to take their XP away
Noel Denzel Gardevoir
Don't we all?
De-evolution isn't a thing, is it?
Devolution spray is a card in the tcg, so maybe
Good enough for me
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What am I in for?
Sex, but more importantly the ability to OHKO half the mons in the starting zone because psybeam is a TM you can get at the first pokecenter
So I wasn't being crazy when I saw it in the shop, just didn't believe they would give something that good at the start of the game.
I just started violet myself the other day
I didn't pick it up because I thought the gimmick of walking around in the open world was retarded and chasing genshit hype but it's actually kind of fun
Started today, bought a used lenovo legion 5 and was curious how well it could run switch emulation,outside of some hitches at new locations it runs stable.
draw on model gardevoir in a seductive pose with thighhighs and garter belt, it feels like there's not much art of gardevoir wearing that

She scares me
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This image reminded me of that trenevant x gardevoir doujins, i hope they a English translation
gets a translation someday
what a shit rainer
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From the /v/ gardevoir thread that got autosaged
any new gardevoir content? i've seen all the pictures in this thread
You cannot say no to her.
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Depends. Ya like garde tits?
depends. are they large but tasteful and does her horn complement them well?
Except if you follow anime rules, they can refuse to evolve. Also, traps are cringe. I don't want to be like Meowth and Purrloin. What you should do is let him become a Gallade and cuck him with the female Gardevoir he likes and/or his sister. Or just keep pressing B and keep him as a Kirlia.
Not him but hornless Gardevoir are okay
>>56670078 #
>>56670096 #
Reminds me of that 2 part Gardevoir ASMR on Youtube by Xarty VA. Listen to it before reading the spoiler. She stole your money to pay Team Rocket's Meowth to teach her how to speak so she could talk to you, but fessed up without you knowing about the money and will pay it back. How would you react to that?
You are a failure anon, you must now kill yourself or be branded a redditor for not knowing how to spoiler in current year.
My phone auto capitalized and I didn't notice. Post is deleted. Making an error on the interwebz, oh no!
No, they aren’t. It’s a huge part of what makes Gardevoir Gardevoir!
oh, that guy tried again huh? that asshole is just fucking blackballed from every artist its hilarious.
it was a woman doin all of the smut, and knowing how women work, ie women hate women, there's not a chance in hell there's any official gardevoir smut, to the chagrin of every pokephile.
>Phone posting
The reason is delving too deeply in the mind of their trainers, peering through their dreams when they sleep and eventually imprinting their master's repressed desires as their own.
This is why the Psychic Type Trainer Association recommends going through courses to learn how to shield your mind and build mental barriers within your subconscious to avoid such things from happening. this is for the trainer and the pokemon's safety. Psychic Type Pokemon are among the most intelligent creatures in the world, often surpassing humans on many terms.
>I am Professor Boxwood and I approve of this message.
>This PSA was approved by the Psychic Type Trainer Association
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OH GREAT ALMIGHTY ARCEUS! What's that Master, you say that you've been eyeing down that SLIPPERY, WET Octillery OCTUSSY and that you're going to FERTILIZE her eggs with another batch of your SWIMMERS after multiple hours of VAGINAL BATTLING!!!? Even when her STICKY tentacles clench onto your thighs as you THRUST DEEP inside of her VULNERABLE HOLE and yelling out about how she's BUILT be bred and to have tons of your HUMAN BABIES over and over again until your make a kid that goes on a HOMOCIDAL RAMPAGE against Ursarings?! And you'll just TOSS her straight back into the ocean like some common WHORE while I watch every SECOND of my MASTER fucking something that's UGLIER AND MORE DISGUSTING THAN ME?!?? I can't believe you can still do this especially after you just got down RAPING a Lapra's SUCCULENT WET DOLPHIN PUSSY all the while she gave you those FUCK ME eyes that SINCERELY screamed out that she was ADDICTED to your bitch breaker of a cock and how she'll keep coming back for more just so she can get RAILED more by your HUGE SWOLLEN POFFINS?!!?....Why....I don't know what else to say except YABBA DABBA DOO GOTTA FUCK THEM ALL
>tfw no perverted cuckquean Gardewife that keeps finding new weird pokemon for you to fuck while she watches and masturbates
where are the mega garde beta leaks?
I was going to shitpost but apparently tag combo of Mega_Gardevoir + Lactating_through_clothes has no hits.
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You cannot milk a Gardevoir
Why are we here? Just to suffer? Has Arceus abandoned us?
Oh, I intend to fill the void as soon as I finish my current task.
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Is there more? Ladypots are an underrated fetish.
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Gardevoir is cannonically desirable to human men according to pokemon sleep unlike non canon leak stories
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an infinite amount, technially. but i'm only posting more because you asked.
just wanted to showcase that even when you force artificial idiot to trim garde down this hard, it still gives her the heart. prompt for literally anyone else and they get a regular pot.
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okay, just one more.
she actually just pisses me off she's incredibly obnoxious
the last rival I actually liked was barry
She's not a good hate sink either she's just an annoying groupie who acts like she's your best friend even though you literally just met her and this supposed champion spends the entire game rushing to the next gym and going teehee what a coincidence
Fucking Carmine is more of a friend to you
Imagine Gardevoir, but she's a fighting type.
>Ralts egg undergoes a strange mutation.
>Comes out a Fighting type instead of a Fairy.
>Shunned by other Ralts, who make fun of her for lacking such abilities.
Fighting type instead of Psychic.*

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