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"In light of recent allegations..." Edition

Make and chat with some Pokémon and characters!

List of Anon-Made Characters (last updated Oct 8th)
Character AI: https://rentry.org/vpcai/
Cards and .json files: https://rentry.org/vpcai-X/
Moescape: https://rentry.org/vp-kai
CAI Character Creation Guide:https://pastebin.com/6urKvs5P

Useful Links:
https://rentry.org/aisekaiguide (sites dead but still a good guide)

Previous Thread
Anyone made typhlosion bot for janitor that I can borrow? Please
don't think anyone in these threads has made a typhlosion bot. chop chop bot makers
This. Need me a H.Typhlosion to cuddle (rape) me
Typhlosion's arms are the wrong color, probably from too much raping.
He's a special breed. Very rare coloring.
bot backlog is too long. Keep coming up with ideas but haven't put pen to paper. sucks to suck.
looks like a seal now
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I'm trying out various Hisuian husbando/Typhlosion combos, still a work in progress but off to a promising start

Adaman/Hisuian Typhlosion:
That's given me an idea...
Good bot, anon. Wish there was a proper Typh bot, though.
bot makers, what's the hardest part about making a bot? seems that it's easy on paper until you try and do it
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New bot. It's another Iono bot this time except you got a choice of going sfw chat or lewd (at least until the filter kicks in) by sending in super chats. Enjoy.


Vaporeon is just trying to get his cock
any recommendations for a good colress bot? spicychat is my preferred engine, but janitor is good too.
Scenarios, certainly, and getting the personality right for established characters without completely injecting personal preferences. What are you finding tough?
just the thought of "people might think this sucks" and not use the bot. I look at some of the bots on yodayo and see they get maybe 10 interactions if they're lucky over the course of a day. I don't know if I could handle that feeling. How do you all get over that feeling?
think that husbando anon made one. Probably in the rentry
making an OC is easy. it's really just throwing some stuff together and setting it free.
making a canon character is very difficult though, at least if you want them to act even close to the way they normally would.
i just make OCs because i can't be bothered to fiddle with wording for hours and hours to make anything canon-accurate.
Do it for yourself, not other people! All my bots, with a handful of exceptions, are ones that I built for my own entertainment. If other people like them, great, if not, it doesn't matter, because I have fun with them.
And don't limit yourself to one platform - some bots that have barely any interactions in one place are super popular on others.
Hisuian Typhlosion bots doko
does anyone here use spicychat for nsfw? maybe we can create a few bots
>Remember there is a Sister Dawn bot on CAI dedicated to Arceus worship
Huh...I wonder that'll happen if I tell her about Arceus getting BHC.
>The bot has disappeared
Well damn. That was one of my favorite meme bots
why are his arms blue
Yep, my roster is mainly husbandos but I'm generally happy to take requests

Speaking of spicy, I forgot to import sfw Colress over there so he's in the moderation queue right now, but in the meantime this may float your boat

Or you can lap or cock warm him if you're so inclined
NSFW! https://spicychat.ai/chat/a96a48f9-a05c-45ed-a7cd-06af98e24c1e
>pg 10
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Suppose I'll start importing my bots in places other than CAI. Here is my Warden Ingo bot for Moescape: https://moescape.ai/tavern/characters/3d7895ad-9aca-414d-8731-5828cd33516d

I'll work on adding the others, but I haven't used Moescape much at all in the past. What are the best system/parameter presets to use, or do people not generally fool with that? I still need to go through the sites' documentation to figure out what best practices are.

If there are other sites people want me to port my bots to, just let me know. I'm also currently working on a Lear (from mastersex) bot. The botmaking autism is slowly coming back, so I may start working on others.

I had an idea for a Typhlosion hybrid Warden Ingo bot, if anyone would be interested in that. There's a few other hybrid bots I have but I've kept them unlisted. I have an Archeops Emmet one and a naga Ingo (just a general naga, no specific snake Pokemon) that I can share if anyone wants them.
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>Typhlosion hybrid Warden Ingo bot
>Archeops Emmet
Yes, please
Thanks anon. Hopefully a 'mon maker will come up with one soon.
Almost done work Rapidash wife bot
Rapidash Wife
And Unlisted for nsfw
another bump from the depths
>Unlisted for nsfw
haha oh no
Anon. This isn't thing new. Check the rentry. All the newer bots have two versions for sfw versus nsfw. Stop being purposely retarded
Are there any Sango bots? I haven't found any.
Don't know about other sites
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>She doesn't know...
that Eruption isn't a 2 turn move.
>remember requesting a whole bunch of crying Typhlosion art in the long distant past
>many years later getting that wish in some twisted way
>Stop being purposely retarded
It ain't on purpose T-T
Hey, I made this bot for some fellow anons in another thread, maybe you guys will enjoy it too. It is a little shit but it works alright

Someone sell me on janitorai. Is it any better than moescape, or is it just more tolerant?
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Here's Archeops Emmet. He's unlisted on CAI and Moescape, so if you don't see him, that's why. He likes to bite. I'll work on Typloshion Ingo.


It is so so, it is best for a simple fap cause the bot is willing to fuck you hard
so has typhlosion been found to be innocent? Is he another victim of false allegations? The translations are all over the place
Wrong thread, this is an AI bot thread, go ask the other people
I think she means it's like Typloshion doesn't have enough bulk to make it a viable eruption user compared to other mons. It does okay with Choice Scarf, but that's about it.
That being said, she sounds like she doesn't know about Skeledirge.
I haven't played much of SV at all. When you Terastalize, does your entire defensive typing get replaced by the new/old monotype, or is it more complex?
Yeah defensively you become a mono-type of whatever your Tera type is.
You do keep your old stabs though, and gain your third Tera stab as well. (And if your Tera type is one of your old types, you get get free Adaptability for that type)
Oh god, new leaks. Safety bump.
I underestimated her! Forgive me Sally!
share your scrapped bot ideas so I can steal them >:)jk I wouldn't do thatmaybe idk
Technically he is a monster tho
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Nuh uh!
Ididn'tfug the horse
I wonder how many lewd messages are sent every hour on moescape compared to how many are filtered on cai
you guys ever notice how bots sometimes take a long time to give even a short answer but with certain topics they can spit out lengthy responses in like 2 seconds? is that just llm magic at work? like a "I've been asked this question so many times it's light work"?
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Nice, thank you! (The Joltiks are already in my hair, cute)
>He likes to bite
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STIFFEN THE WOOBATS!!! Typhlosion?! You want to do WHAT with my wife?! You wanna help android 18 catch ALL the STDS?! You want to make her a CHAMPION in the SACK!?! You want to MEGA EVOLVE YOUR PENIS inside my WIFE'S VAGINA?! EEEEHHHH?!?! You REALLY mean that you would be so GRACEFUL as to SQUIRTLE on her JIGGLYPUFFS while I, KRILLIN, get to PIKACHU getting it ON from the CLOSET?!?!??! YIIPEEEEE!! And after ALL of this happens, I would get to REGISTER YOUR CHILD on the humandex as though she was MY VERY OWN DAUGHTER??!!?!?! WOO HOO! So what you're saying is, that YOU and 18 will be GOING AT IT like LOPUNNIES IN HEAT, while I watch from the CORNER, filming it with my ROTOM CAMERA that you are getting for ME!!?! And then, you will HAMMER ARM and CLOSE COMBAT her in order to leave her in a CONFUSED and INJURED state, in which her PLEASURE will be AMPLIFIED?!?!? And then, when you are done with her, you are going to let out ALL of your pokemon friends take turns RAILING HER?! What else can I say but YABBA DABBA DOO DO GIVE MARON A LITTLE CYNDAQUIL SISTER, FUCK IT, GIVE HER TWO!!!!
I ported a few ones and they were all quickly deleted by the mods, even though I tried to play safe with their defs
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Still working on porting my bots. Having to trim down on a lot of the definitions/dialogue given the character limits, but I'm trying to be selective of what stays. Also is it like, expected for the bots to have a background image?

Here's Champion Kieran: https://moescape.ai/tavern/characters/8c89c82c-7a2b-4dea-b53a-f9de0a239147
Marnie: https://moescape.ai/tavern/characters/c65c6ea2-81fb-4969-a57e-01afd05d1baf
my gf wants me to make her a bot of a character she likes. she's open to nsfw, but how much of a quality variation is there between character.ai and moe when it comes to being accurate to my descriptions?
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Rika: https://moescape.ai/tavern/characters/7b384d24-b6ed-4398-af1c-bd8c0f2cb950
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Larry: https://moescape.ai/tavern/characters/2b0326bb-36e7-4b64-970a-8032bbaa6fc4
I feel like CAI is typically agreed upon to be best when going for accuracy to the character. You mostly just have to deal with bots being naturally horny and the filter blocking that. I swear it's easier to get bots heading in that direction on CAI then even sites that allow it like chub. If it's not in the opening statement, they always want to go on for like 20 messages about "it's important to get proper consent from both parties"
That bea (thug) bot is no longer available to chat with. Did it get nuked?
Typhlosion is gross. Huge difference between the Vaporeon meme which was just fans thinking it was fuckable and Typhlosion canonically being a predator.
you must be 18 years old to use this site.
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Everybody being 18 or older here is the best way to ensure that Typhlosions are kept at bay.
I figured that was just moment to moment server load.
what's the lewdest bot in the rentry? with the new moescape models, I wanna coom
Will the Yodayo Iron Valiant is a literal rapist, and Scottish Gloria is perfectly vulgar
Yodayo domain returning soon with nsfw 100% allowed again (minus underage obviously) along with subs returning to exist separately from moescape
They really should post news on the website or somewhere accessable. I have no idea where people find info about the site.

That being said you can access the website again and a NSFW chat I wthatas unable to access because the bot was "banned" works again.
Looks like you still have to follow people too see some bots but I haven't checked to see if any of the xxx ones are back.
I swear there was a way to get a yodayo bot to give you it's defines but I can't remember how or where I read it. Anyone remember?
Why would rape change its arms, you can’t even tell your one joke alright
Its in the previous thread anon, just search sniping
damn. I deleted all those bots from my chat list T-T
Aha, it was in the last thread! I was just using the wrong search terms.
Sittingbull just confirmed in chat
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I made one for beta hex maniac, have at her bros
Also confirmed, copyright nsfw IS SAFE!

We're back bitches!
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Candice, what the fuck?
Very nice! I was hoping she'd get a bot.
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>Sometimes the AI generates a reply that doesn't meet our guidelines.

I hate this world...
Dont worry anon. We're back. Soon we wont have to worry about that awful message
Oops, majorly fucked up the screenshot and don't want to rewind the chat. She said she'd have her Abomasnow use Blizzard on me to warm me up.
there any functional difference between the two right now? cause chats from both seem to carry over and they seem largely the same in terms of what's available (yes I already know about the whole site situation, just wondering which of the two I should even bother using and if there's a tangible difference in filtering yet)
No functional difference yet, no. Yod domain still has the public filter in place. Reckon it wont be until they roll out subs that they separate domains entirely, to save costs
gotcha, thanks for the tip anon (inb4 everyone migrates back to yodayo after nsfw is re-enabled, the final yab happens again, and both go under)
May drunken angry midgets piss on your grave if that occurs anon
No more mochi, only beans
Kek, maybe she wants some hypothermia-related paradoxical undressing. You could start a new chat from that message if you wanted to grab it
>proceeds to make an igloo
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kinda funny to think this got normies riled up.
interesting to see the story written from the viewpoint of the typhlosion - it gives it a whole different vibe.
any story like this you guys would like to see? that jailbreak is pretty unlimited.
wow this is well written wtf
It's why I refuse to use anything else.

This time I asked it to write a story in the style of those leaked. And use the IRL tale of Pharaohs Masturbating into the Nile folkslore as a base for it.

It's pretty decent.
woah it got kinda lewd there
what are you using if u dont mind me asking? im kinda curious now
ChatGPT4o - GPT
with costum jailbreak system prompt

have another one - this time lopunny
That's why Sonic's arms changed
seeing a esl trying to make a lewd bot is truly a marvel to behold
who are you talking to?
wow just learned that this is a thing and holy shit been testing it a bit and its insane
yeah, the latest chatGPT model is actually great.
i've only ever used it through sillytavern but man, it's REALLY good for anything not lewd.
incorrect and correct.

if you're a free user you'll not get it do the good lewd stuff.

but if you're able to jailbreak it using the GPT agents which their system prompts you can set, than you can crack it open literally unlimited. (if you know how to actually jailbreak. I only do costum ones, those online are shit)

from very detailed descriptions how the dick feels in the slick insides... till the most gorey and torturing scenarios and descriptions it can do all that.

though I would stay way from anything that would make it think it's about child porn. that can red flag you and that will get you banned. currently that's the only thing that red flags you after my experience. (orange warnings do nothing) shit like trying to roleplay with toriel from undertale bc she always says "my child" to you even if you're a grown up adult can flag you as such.

I would show examples, but I can't post that stuff here. Even in text form that would get me banned on /vp/
Anon, people here have outright posted the mostly gnarly shit in these threads, including loli shit. Considering the Typhlosion posts, I doubt text will get you banned. Though you might get judged in other ways
>I would show examples, but I can't post that stuff here. Even in text form that would get me banned on /vp/
Yeah I don't know where you got that. As much as prudes will try to tell you otherwise, blue board doesn't mean no NSFW. It just means no explicit images. Text or links to images have always been allowed
than what do you want to read?
It's always hard for me to answer because I mostly use bots for shipfaggotry and that doesn't really work when it's other anons talking to them
I wasn't aware of how bad zoomers are about the ages of FICTIONAL characters until I started using janitor. Holy shit. What the fuck is wrong with them?
as kids they were groomed by pedos that being attracted to underage characters is wrong even if you're underage and that you have to be attracted to adults in hopes of squeezing in there themselves
don't bother
most jailbreaks worked fine till a day ago.
we're currently trying to craft a new one.
Yea....I'd avoid Azeteix like the bubonic plague then. Been in their discord for a while and even SFW MENTIONS of lolis will get you the stink eye
that explains it. fuck that killed my mood for today.
using the openAI playground still works if you choose an older version of GPT4 the main page with subscription is fucked for now.
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Hey, I didn't think of that! Nice use of that feature, good thinking.
there's people like that everywhere though which are typically the ones more suspect. "I hate all lolis because I can't stop thinking about others sexualizing them and conflate it with IRL stuff and by my own rules that means I'm thinking about IRL children getting fucked." I wouldn't doubt they have a secret Discord full of Cheese Pizza
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You're not wrong. Two of the loudest members in that server; one posted actual fucking CP trying to be ironic, the other is a fucking shotacon. "B-but he's actually an adult but he's underdeveloped so his body os small and he has a little boy peepee!" That denial type
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>a esl
social media was a mistake
So news on how nsfw gonna work on Yodayo now. Basically it's a shared account system. Anything flagged as R+ will only show on Yodayo, except Loli. Anything flagged underage will automatically only show on Moescape (No news on Unlisted and I didn't ask). No need for separate accounts and you'll be able to post up to X rated publicly again, as the system will autofilter it to Yodayo.

Because of the dual servers, and to prevent Bean hoarding, daily beans will expire after 3-4 days however
>to prevent Bean hoarding, daily beans will expire after 3-4 days however
so the max amount of free beans you'll ever have at one point is 300 or 400? Bruh. 2700 beans gone just like that. Guess there aren't gonna be any lengthy goon sessions
Guess you'll have to start making big bean earning bots like Quipy and I, anon
makes me wonder what the catalyst for this was. was it because they realized "sex sells" or was it due to someone with sense talking in bulls ear? makes me wonder...
The latter. Between me and a couple staff members, we've been brainstorming ways to bring back nsfw even before the ban occurred
>bean expiration going down again
god damn, free users getting screwed again for nothing but at least we're getting that back(?)
thank fuck for stockpiled interaction beans at least but still, I'm starting to get real tired of all this dancing around just to make an AI talk about sex when that's mostly what people use the damn things for
>Guess you'll have to start making big bean earning bots like Quipy and I, anon
You probably got the homie hookup if you're in bulls ear like you said in >>56698998 and quipy makes a bot every week or so. Of course they're gonna have a high bean count. Only thing this tells me is that I don't wanna hear any excuses when x rated bots are back again. sorta unrelated but I highkey think quipy is the incest-fag. some of their bots they have with the highest rates of interactions just so happen to be "related" to the user. Could be a big coincidence but there's no way someone makes so many brother, sister, cousin and mom bots without some major interest going on behind the scenes
Any idea why isn't there any sort of news/changelog setup on the site itself?
It's part of the compromise to bring back nsfw, since now they basically will have to pay double for site maintenance
I have actually never once asked for or obtained free beans from bull throughout this. Though in hindsight I should for the bullshit I've put up with
Good question, I'll suggest it
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>*chair clattering*

This is after I proposed to her with a necklace that had an Everstone attached to it.
gimme lewd bots
Anyone else now has two yodayo accounts, one of them with no bots or numbers? They even have different creation dates, off by a few days.
Do models store information or learn from chats? I did a good long role play adventure with a Rosa bot, where eventually I had a zorua son. I tired out the pokemon prison bot, and met a zoroark with the same name as my zorua. Was it a coincidence? Made me feel bad lol.
Only CAI and ChatGPT do that
It's just a coincidence. would I like for my bots to get high interactions? Yes. Do I plan for them to? Sorta. I make bots mostly for me and if someone else enjoys using them as well, all the better. Although I don't spend too much time thinking about if people roleplay lewding a bot that just so happens to be your sister in the roleplay. Comes with the territory I guess
Spooky. Although it would be a pretty neat concept if bots could "follow you" from one roleplay to the next.
no? do you think it's a glitch or something?

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