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TL:DR: The translation that's been spread around is WRONG. It's machine translated (never trust them). As the thread shows, the TRUE translation says:

>Typhlosion was a more spiritual creature/youkai (IMPORTANT) and took the appearance of an old hermit.
>The "girl" was 16-20, a very common age range in about 99% of folklore since that age range was still sexually mature BUT lacking enough real world experience to get into trouble.
>He helps her out of a storm by taking her to his home with the only condition being that she doesn't look at him when he sleeps at the illusion of the old man wears off.
>He also doesn't INTENTIONALLY make her forget. In stories with Youkai/spirits, mortals will forget more and more of their mortal life because they are starting to detach from the mortal life and become spirits themselves.
>He never "raped" her, it casually mentions they "get married" and she "has a child". However this is a play on words because Japan always does this. While it has the literal meaning of "she gave birth to a half spirit, half human offspring", it also means "a new life began" and the marriage also means "two souls bonded".

In the end, it means "a point of no return was crossed" and she could never be mortal again or be accepted by humans as she had turned into a youkai.

This story basically was kept in mind to make Hisuan Typhlosion, who resembles a spiritual creature much more, even if the story was left on the cutting room floor.
>The "girl" was 16
>it casually mentions they "get married" and she "has a child"
so he's still a child rapist, thanks for the clarity
Can a native japanese speaker just make a video on it already for fuck sake? Surely this has already been done
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classic and clear-cut case of idiots eating up whatever slop gets put on their plate first and refusing to believe anything else in the face of any amount of evidence to the contrary
>He also doesn't INTENTIONALLY make her forget. In stories with Youkai/spirits, mortals will forget more and more of their mortal life because they are starting to detach from the mortal life and become spirits themselves.
I can accept everything else but this seems highly unlikely. He definitely did it on purpose.
japanesse people are too bussy drawing hentai of hisuian typhlosion to spponfed info to uncultured americans like yourself
He implies they had sex, not that she was raped.
Needing to kill her father is pretty much a dead giveaway he knew what he was doing was wrong. Even if this is very common with 妖怪 stories.
is the monotheistic, Christian God a rapist, anon?
by your understanding of things, He would be.
It's called statutory rape for a reason anon
Yōkai* sorry wrong keyboard.
He was never going to kill her father since she didn't want him to. The typhlosion allowed himself to be killed.
oh yeah speaking of Cyrus he doesn't actually have autism
4chan and disregarding age of consent, name a better combo
You're looking for something that isn't there. Just stop.
He did it because he liked her enough to go by her wishes he planned on killing him before she told him not to. Can you not fucking read into anything?
Pokemon is a Japanese franchise. Arguing about age is pointless.
I'm not reading this. I like the loli rapist Typhlosion too much, and I hope we get doujins showing this off.
He was going to kill him yeah, probably to show dominance. But he didn't.
holy shit you’re retarded.
isn't the Typholosion story just a copy of the Haida Bear Mother folk story? or was that the basis for the Slaking one?
You're probably fat and a woman.
>all of this is subtext and headcanon and nothing to do with the literal translation
First thing first,
>The "girl" was 16-20
That's fucking wrong you retard. Should is, by definition, anywhere from the age of 7 to 18, and if this was written pre-2010, 6 to 15/16.
>He also doesn't INTENTIONALLY make her forget.
The text literally said that she was trying to go home to her family until he bonked her head and made her eat the berries - which then made her forget everything.
Give me the full text in Japanese again and I will show you why you're retarded.
t. Nip
It's one of the way more fucked up retellings of that story.
Your Japanese needs work then
How about you go read a fucking book.
Ah so you're just shitposting. Carry on then.
Nip don’t acknowledge anything about leaked content at all, only calling westerner shit for leaking and harming glorious company.
Only non-western porn were draw by gook as far as I saw.
Is it though? No rape is described in the Typhlosion story from what I read. She just woke up one morning with a child.
Legendary bait.
Typhlosionfags should just embrace this new Typhlosion lore. Cunny hunter Typhlosion is a super hot concept, and it made me love the pokemon even more.
Actual pedos typed these
"pretty young girl" can mean anything. It's never specified exactly how old she is. It's left up to interpretation.
>statutory rape
>pretty young girl
少女 != 美少女
Fiction isn't reality you fucking retard
If you're this pressed about this lore for Typhlosion then you never loved the pokemon to begin with. True Typhlosionfags would love and embrace him no matter what.
so its not even #notalltyphosion, its #notasingletyphlosiondidanythingwrong
Does anyone have the actual raw JP text of the story? I saw JP communities posting a jp text version of the story and the grammar was so off I had to assume it was machine tl'd from the already machine tl'd english text that was already floating around.
>Japanese folklore: And they had half-breed babies
Americans: What is this perverted shit
>Greek lore: and they had half breed babies
Americans: peak fiction, get this shit in schools
Why the double standards?
Fake localizations should never be trusted only trust actual translations or you are a faggot
I care about getting facts right I'm not a fucking seething zoomer whining about fiction. You're making assumptions on things that aren't there.
People are assuming its rape to begin with as the AI trans never says sex happened
download the leak yourself retard
One is God
The other is equivalent of Animal
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It doesn't seem that explicit. Forcing the girl to wear the girl to wear the pelt of the Typhlosion is kinda fucked tho.
They don't teach those greek myths in school, at best we get the odyssey and oedipus (incest with mom). Americans that learn and enjoy the other greek myths learn it from elsewhere, usually movies/tv shows/YA books
Not my god
By god you mean arceus? AWESOME!
ITT: a concerning number of people don't want to read all the possible definitions and connotations of a word in a foreign language they don't understand in order to justify their crippling porn addiction

By the sounds of it, she wasn't even awake when it happened.
there was a Greek mythology class in my school plus the most popular one being frequent in Literature classes
Or she got mindwiped so much she forgot it ever occured.
Youkai if anything are most comparable to angels and/or demons. Just frequently with animal traits
> 少女 is used for for 6-15
So exactly like I said then. It's left up to interpretation.
Stop pushing your fetishes onto others.
If the upper bound is 15, it's rape.
Except we took it out of schools.
I'm going to fucking die from laughter
twitterfaggots are bending backwards on their own arguments against sexual assault to defend a fucking cartoon badger
This is unreal levels of cope anon I'm fine with the story and you're denying it like a fucking insane person.
>But officer, she was a really mature 15
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Checked, quads of truth!
Actual pedos who are trying to spin things to appease themselves
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Seek Christ
Not true. Only some youkais are like that. Youkai is just an umbrella term used to describe supernatural or strange creatures which could range from some dude's ghost, a rare creature that lives on a far away island, to a godlike being that can destroy the world.
Angels would be 神使/神の使い which are servants of the gods. Demons are more 悪魔.
One thing is clear though, Typhlosion definitely fucked a girl that's at least 15 or younger because the story still describes her as a 少女 even with the baby time skip.
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Demons are just hot
Her actual age is never said and it's left up to interpretation.
Holy shit he's melting down over a fucking pokemon
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This is legendary bait however I can't take the bait anymore, enjoy your trolling.
You're the one trying to instill pedo traits onto a fictional character when the facts just aren't there.
I agree.
Of course the facts aren't there it's a fucking cartoon badger
That fucked a 15 year old girl in a story
Her age is left up to interpretation.
As a tourist, God damn this board is really retarded
It's an unholy mix of normies, autists, dumbasses and schizos
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You can interpret her age anywhere from 6-15
>I-i though she was 16 your honor
>I-i was just sex we got married first
>I-i didn't mean to do it intetionally
Typhlosion's aren't sending their best and brightest lawyers to defend them, are they?
Yes, and if you interpret it any lower than 15 then you have problems.
You can't stop the doujin makers from drawing Typhlosion drugging little girls and pounding their cunnies relentlessly. It will get made and I will be fapping to them.
So 15 is your interpretation then.
Unless you're being willfully ignorant of the Japanese language to defend the character of a cartoon badger.
If you interpret it as 15 and still don't see it as rape, you also have problems.
If this is the actual JP raw then I have to assume the writer just stopped giving fuck the later half since the grammar starts to become awkward at parts of the story or missing the nuances of words like the daughter referring to Typhlosion as her father's "son" since the word here is never used to refer to son in laws so they prob just rushed to make their point for the end of the story without reviewing their writing.
I'm going by what you're claiming. You're saying the Japanese translation is between 6 and 15.
I like to imagine the girl was 8 or 9.
It was never rape. Your reading comprehension is just bad.
>Realistically she was far younger considering how human societies used to work, especially in Asia
See, this is called interpreting. The actual Japanese story never says her actual age. People are dancing around this fact to make themselves happy.
>In common law jurisdictions, statutory rape is nonforcible sexual activity in which one of the individuals is below the age of consent (the age required to legally consent to the behaviour). Although it usually refers to adults engaging in sexual contact with minors under the age of consent, it is a generic term, and very few jurisdictions use the actual term statutory rape in the language of statutes. In statutory rape, overt force or threat is usually not present. Statutory rape laws presume coercion because a minor or mentally disabled adult is legally incapable of giving consent to the act.
how old are these laws, anon?
That's just stupid. I don't condone sex with children but defaulting to calling something rape just because is stupid.
Yeah. I only visit when something happens. The threads during regular times are mind numbing.
are you stupid
It's because it's a word that gets the normies to bring out the pitchforks
>or mentally disabled adult is legally incapable of giving consent to the act
Imagine letting the government tell you you're to stupid to ever have sex
this is the most shameful thing to happen to Japan in decades, they would never address it
Obviously she didn't forget about her family even after eating them. She wasn't drugged.
People with memory loss don't just fucking forget everything they forget bits and pieces of shit and usually whats currently going on around them you fuckin retarded?
He didn't because he couldn't. Because the girls father was an Ursarang and it gutted that weasel like a fish.
>typhlosion is a spirit so its okay to marry 16 year old girls.... it just is, okay?!
pedo cope moment
Good point. Maybe the girls mother was the Ursurang and the father was the one who cut through them like wheat.
The story is based on a Canadian First Nations folklore story. If you're going off of that one twitter/reddit thread they went all-in on "IT'S YOKAI JAPANESE MYTH STUFF" when it's not lmfao

It's based on this.
And kids are infinitely more retarded now
True, however a significant number of elements in the story take heavy inspiration from Japanese Yokai folklore as well.
discordfags have been jerking their boyclits to kirlia and other pokemon lolis for a couple of decades now but suddenly a 16 year old in old time japan is where they draw the line
Ah, so you're interpreting that she's younger than 15. Good to know
A lot of the people in this thread are wrong. 少女 is still a very broad term that can apply to any girl, ranging even upwards of 16-19 (and even on the lower end, it doesn't apply outside of the US). If you are familiar with any form of Japanese media, this is quite obviously the case. Either way, it does not matter since it was never the intention of the author to provide a given age in the first place, nor was the implication ever given in the story. Seems that people (Americans) are simply projecting, for whatever reason. If the author really wanted to imply a specific age, they would have used 女の子 instead.
all countries have similar folk lore.

Look at how many Cinderella arch type out there and you will be surprise. The one from my country have Cinderella kill the step sister and feed it to the step mom.
I see, you are a tourist to the Japancentric image board site.
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He doesn't have a computer any more
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>ranging even upwards of 16-19

Americans can't read Nippoenese

They just can't right!?

It was like this with Dragon quest interview too

There are other nations that can read Japanese you know so why ever lie over something like this??
>anon thinks whatever dictionary he got this shit from is absolute and infallible even on a case by case basis
yeah sure bro what is that even lol?
Typhlosionfags can try as hard as they can, but they'll never undo the rape that is Typhlosion.
It depends on arbitrary age laws of your country and zeitgeist. "Child" is what we call them in our time, perhaps, but historically, and still in many places, a sixteen-year-old female person is not seen as a mere "child". USA is a nation that put out a study suggesting twenty-four-year-olds are still children.
Yes, the reason is if you're from US and have imbibed US laws and culture since you were born. It is not natural law.
Age of consent in what time, and in what culture? It isn't very conscientious or fair-minded of you to insist on being so ethnocentric.
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>ignores colloquial and cultural usage
Either way, why does this even matter outside of the US? Hell, why aren't people freaking out over shit like Snow White, Aladdin, and Beauty and the Beast?
To add to this anon, you can't even say that the rapist didn't mindwipe her or fuck with her brain because
The すると there shows that her losing memory of her family and her home was a directly consequence of him hitting her head.
Post your proof of the child's age.
I mean it doesn't mean he INTENTIONALLY made her lose her memory. He could've just hit her too hard.
Oh so instead of being a manipulative pedo he might instead be an abusive pedo, major upgrade
>Japanese person caring about uniquely American laws and social standards all of a sudden
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Yeah there's no recovery from this no matter how Typhlosion fans try to bail water out of their rowboat. His name is indelibly tied to a kidnapping and rape at a scale Hypno fans only thought possible in their worst nightmares.
I mean we already knew he hit her on the head in the first place. It's a new thing that he was abusive
not a new thing*
>Typhlosion just beats his child-wife bro, he definitely didn't drug her
He does both lol
I could not give two shits about burger standard for I am also a lolicon, I am just here to stop people from mistranslating my language and to screencap posts to share on futaba
No matter how egregious the contents of the leaked story, your reaction to it is that of someone who is mentally unwell, and extremely immature. To allow such a document to affect your perception of a fictional being you have more than likely known since childhood, let alone to urgently canonize it, and assume all individuals are "rapists and pedos" of that species for that story proves my point. To let it emotionally rattle you like this, absorbing hysterical Twitter posts like a sponge suggests a lot about you.
women love it when you slap their head tho
Unbelievably based I love you.
When Japan sends users, they are not sending their best.
They send their pedophiles and some, I assume, are good people.
How do you know Typhlosion wasn't also 16? Two teenagers having sex isn't illegal in any sane country even if they're technically underage.
>two wrongs make a right
never understood this tbdesu. I get that it's basically impossible to enforce, but like still weird to me.
2ch thinks it’s hot which is really all the proof you need.
It’s still h to same shit, stop with thi maniac revisionism trying to claim a term slightly misused changes shit
Yes because the average Japanese person totally replies in Japanese in an English speaking thread, to defend their language against English speaking randoms.
>I am also a lolicon
me too brother, me too
I am also curious. What age is the guy?
It doesn't say
You must've sucked at math class
Wouldn't that be akuma?
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Don't normalfags consider any girl under 18 to be a child?
Why are they fighting so hard to claim she was 16 or something.
In any case the story still involves hypnosis and rape of the girl so i don't really see how that helps the typhlosions's reputation.
Is it just coping?
he just hit her too hard on the back of the head making her forget her family for a moment because of his abusechadness. She remembers them later obviously (it's important to the plot).
If she's not a minor then the whole relationship is consensual including the sex and child birth
Honestly, I don't understand why people immediately assume rape, when it is also entirely possible that they simply fell in love. The story takes place over the span of 6-7 months, and there are several details that seem to imply a meaningful relationship was built up in that time, and the girl never lost her memory.
>If she's not a minor then the whole relationship is consensual including the sex and child birth
this is kind of hot desu, as long as a girl is not a minor you can do whatver you want
I mean no where else in the story does it imply rape. idk why people are thinking that's the case. She literally willingly calls him her "husband"
Funny enough, Typhlosion cannot learn any moves like amnesia, hypnosis, or anything of the sort. Calm mind is the closest, but even then it seems less like manipulation.
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>girl is kidnapped off the street and stopped from going home by some random guy
>He mindscews her to forget her family every once and a while
>He has a kid with her implying they had sex
Isn't rape all about the non-consent of the person?
Just because you mess with a person's mind doesn't stop it from being rape.
I literally explained in the previous post
>>56665193 that he probably didn't use any hypnosis and we're arguing about the girl's age. If she's not a minor she's free to consent. Plus he literally saved her from being stranded in the wilderness.
Interestingly, these texts were written in between Gen III and IV, and Typhlosion first started learning Extrasensory(Supernatural power) in Gen IV
The Mons it gets it from by breeding?
The yokai Ninetales(Kitsune) and Shiftry(Tengu).
>The user attacks with an odd, unseeable power. It may also make the foe flinch.
Wow you're a literal rape apologist...
Extrasensory in canon is more like an energy beam rather than some kind of mind wipe. Very doubtful it would be used to suddenly wipe someone's memory, especially among a non-psychic type.
t josef fritzl
It's just funny to me. I'd like the story if it was consentual.
>young woman gets lost in the woods
>typhlosion offers her food and shelter from the cold winter
>young woman falls in love with him
>they love each other and have a child together
>father finds them, but cannot accept their love
>typhlosion ends up sacrificing himself
>the girl and her child end up becoming typhlosions after being chased out of their village
It's interesting and tragic, but everyone just keeps talking about the rape shit.
Rape being bad is a woman psyop to extract social leverage
Stockholm syndrome is a thing.
it's not actually, that was made up
I'm not saying you are wrong, but it is interesting that Typhlosion got it the same generation this text was written for and specifically from Yōkai.
Remember, it's not rape if she's a warbride and you own her by right of conquest. To the father killer goes the spoils.
>Because the story WASN'T consensual and Typhlosion used his powers to prevent the girl from returning home
Literally all it says is that he hit her on the head and she forgot about her family. I don't get where you're getting that he used magical powers to enchant her or something. Hell even if he wanted to take her home, she was lost when he found her so she doesn't know the way and he obviously doesn't know the way either.
This thread is hilarious. The goal post has been moved so far it's on a different planet at this point.
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>No one is defending Slaking even though the adult woman he raped literally killed and tortured his family
>Everyone defending Typhlosion even though he raped an innocent and sweet young girl who was in her early teens
Starter privilege is evil
>raping people is okay if they killed your family
I mean yeah he was justified, but that's still not okay
Slaking doesn't need defending because it was "oh no the consequences of my actions"
>Typhlosion shits everywhere
>Girl sees poop and identifies it as Typhlosion poop
>Girl gets anxious, because it is known that Typhlosion means danger for young girls
>Girl gets lost
>Luckily attractive man shows up
>Offers to bring girl back home, but only if she stays at his place for the night
>Takes her hand, implying she is young enough to do that and brings her to his cave
>Gives her magical red berries to eat
>Forbids her to look at his face
>Girl sleeps, wakes up but sleeps again
>Next morning girl wants to go home
>Man doesn't allow it
>Goes to get green berries
>She eats the magical berries
>Man uses Yawn
>Girl sleeps
>Girl has memory issues, forgets about her home and family
>She realizes the man keeping her captive was the dangerous Typhlosion
>She realizes she was tricked
>But girl is to intoxicated to resist Typhlosion
>They eat more magcial pokemon berries
>All of a sudden it is winter and she is pregnant with a pokemon hybrid freak
>Father of the girl comes to rescue her
>Typhlosion wants to kill the father
>Girl asks it not to harm her father
>Typhlosion ignores her and goes out to fight
>Father is victorious and rescues girl, but the pokemon hybrid child doomed her future
>Girl magically turns into a Typhlosion after getting bullied by the villager

>Typhlosion did nothing wrong! It was consensual!
>>Takes her hand, implying she is young enough to do that and brings her to his cave
anon thinks adults can't hold hands?
>Typhlosion ignores her and goes out to fight
>Father is victorious and rescues girl
This is the funniest part to me. Typholosion went out fully intended to fight and win, only to job to a mere human.
Anon thinks that adult women don't hold hands with a random stranger they meet at night in the forest. Heavily implies she needed handholding since she was a child.
uh yeah, a woman totally wouldn't accept a handsome man offering to take her by the hand when she's lost.
If the girl you're bringing home to fuck needs to be lead by the hand you might wanna reconsider.
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You're clearly loosing the plot kek
>anon doesn't hold his date's hand on the way back to his place to fuck
what up with yall? Do you really think adult women refuse to hold hands?
>Typhlosion can't learn yawn or memory altering moves.
>The Typhlosion also eats the berries.
>The girl also doesn't lose her memories, since she explicitly remembers her father later in the story, and Typhlosion isn't seen wiping her memories throughout.
Why can't people be more creative with interpreting intentionally vague folklore, aside from EVERYTHING IS RAPE!
Go out in the dark and ask random women in the park to hold your hand then. We will see how well it goes for you. It is creepy, doesn't matter how you look.
The man is a stranger you faggot. Women don't hold hand with strangers they meet at night in the forest. They would rather choose a fucking bear.
Why did he say that he will never see the girl again tho? Seems to me it implies he sacrificed himself. This is especially since the original Mother Bear story this is loosely based off of also had the husband sacrifice himself to protect his wife and child.
It's dark outside and he was taking her back to his home. Like that's an obvious reason to hold hands. Why are you guys pretending that only children hold hands?
Because its funny back to twitter paco.
Because there is no romance between two strangers that just met. And it was not his home, it was his love cave.

And lets not ignore that Typhlosion tricked the girl into thinking he was a handsome man. Clearly intended rape here.
What mental illness makes people go in denial about the girl in the story being a child?
The story doesn't work at all if you imagine the character as an adult. Hell, it doesn't even work if you imagine her as 14+ (which is adult woman by traditional standards anyways).
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I don't get the argument, she's obviously 18
Krilin is into that shit
Date bringing home under honest and safe pretenses is a different level of intimacy than leading a stranger / scared lost child safely out of the woods except you never get to the safely out of the woods part like you said and she ends up pregnant.

Sure if I told my date lets go home to fuck I'd hold her hand. And if I was bringing a child home I'd hold her hand if she needed but she certainly would get home wouldn't end up pregnant, because I'm more chivalrous than you lying Typhlosions.
anon it's dark out and he was taking her home he didn't want her to get lost. Like have yall never even heard of chivalry? Treating women like that is pretty common
Because she told him that she could not live with him if he kills her father/family.
So either way they'll never see each other again. And if he intended on sacrificing himself, he would not have said もし/if.
>They would rather choose a fucking bear.
Have they never met a Ursaring that wants to snu-smu after smiting all her sisters?
The word used is shojo so just think of the age range that those manga are directed at. About 7 to 14ish.
Why did he not show his true identity then? Tricked the girl into thinking he was a handsome man, lured her into his love cave and impregnated her. Nothing chivalrous about that.
because he didn't want to spook her away duh.
Yeah he was taking her home, but they ended up at HIS home and that's not what he promised. Chivalry is taking the girl back to HER home after you tell her you'll take her to HER home dumbass. Only wicked people lie to the lost and scared.
Why should she be spooked by a chivalrous Typhlosion? Ohh right, that fucker had just shit all over the place. Chivalrously of course.
Would you not be spooked by a random wild animal talking to you?
That's what I've been saying this whole time. Actual pedos itt coping.
Yet she somehow remembers her father?
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Just flat out wrong wtf
It's the woods man
Any place is as good a place to shit as another.
>Why did he not show his true identity then?
He didn't want to overwhelm her with lust. Recent events on this board have proven that girls go into a lust frenzy upon seeing a Typhlosion. He still had to provide food for her and needed a bit of time with her off his dick to do so.
Remember how he totally brought her back in the morning?
He didn't because he never intended to.
I believe it.
Yes I would be, especially after i got anxious because of all the poop in the area.

I guess tricking the victim into believing the wild animal was an handsome guy, lying to her about bringing her back home and impregnating her in your love cave is justified then.
TL:DR: You're high on copium.
I just appreciate how passionately we're all arguing about a fictional cartoon badger fucking a fictional child. This is peak human spirit.
They're still ideas from the human mind. You're too simple minded to argue about these things any further.
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It's /vp/, this board *exists* to have heated debates over fictional creatures.
>Typhlosion can't learn yawn or memory altering moves.
Typhlosion can't turn into a human also, but he just did in the story to trick the child.
>The Typhlosion also eats the berries.
Implying the berries have the same effect on a grown up Pokemon as with a human child. Different species, different immunities.
>The girl also doesn't lose her memories, since she explicitly remembers her father later in the story, and Typhlosion isn't seen wiping her memories throughout.
She forgets about her home and family UNTIL Typhlosion mentions her father looking for her.
See >>56644399
so my mans made for loving hugs and cuddles
PSA: Tsuki is a lolicon. He is simply projecting his own mental illness onto Typhlosion.
>erm actually she was of legal age
>but its not like they actually had sex either
>and its not his fault that she forgot about the village even though he knows thats where she wanted to go
I did not expect Typhlosion to get these youtuber-ass defenses.
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But its funny
You just know.
Your understanding of the Bible is worse than elementary if you can't even understand the opening of the new testament, Mary is an example you should follow
I don't know why somebody can believe a random Espanolfag whose entire thread is "trust me bro", while Nips are literally drawing more Typhlosion porn right now after the leaks
Link to all the porn?
>sorry this post had been removed by the moderators of r/PokeLeaks
Dude... she's like 16, she can't consent...
Pretty sure animals can't consent either, so basically she raped him too.
an entire species being permanently branded as pedophiles isn't funny,
its fans being reduced to pariahs isn't funny
It's the funniest thing that has happened all year
Rapemon is funnier, sorry.
>an entire species being permanently branded as pedophiles isn't funny
It's positively hilarious
After the way it's fans acted these past two days, they totally deserve to be pariahs. Also it's hilarious.
I unironically have multiple times, its just that the hypno shit never went viral, never trended on twtter, and never reached Forbes, and Game Freak has enough respect for hypno (thanks to gen 1 privilege most likely) to never allow one of their staff write a rape fic of it and store it on their computer. Meanwhile they have such utter contempt for Typhlosion that they allowed a pervert (likely an actual rapist but that can't be confirmed), to write that filth with it.
you can't retroactively deserve something, that's not how cause and effect works.

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