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The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.

>Dawn Visual Novel by Anon
Walkthrough: https://rentry.org/anewdawnwalkthrough1_0
>VN Extra

>Dawn Screencaps and Scans

>Diamond & Pearl CD Music Rips

>Additional OC (High Touch! TL, A Dawning Duet)

>[DawnSubs] DP001 & 002

>Dawn Nude Mod for PLA

Previous: >>56626494
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I’m pretty sure I found the Akari x Typhlosion AI sloppa you were looking for
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Pokemon breeding doesn't work that way. The female always determines the species.
Yep, this one. Thanks. This anon needs to do more.
Not if it's male + Ditto. What they don't tell you is that in such cases, Ditto actually transforms into Akari specifically. Researchers were very confused about this phenomenon until Dawn put on a miniskirt and everyone who saw her realized that it makes perfect sense.
Dawn pedos are the worst subhumans on this board
cope and seethe
I hope more images like this are made. This is just canon.
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I liked BDSP
I also liked that it didnt have dynamax (the worst thing pokemon mechanic ever)
My babies growing inside of Dawn’s tummy~
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You aren't enough for her
Or how in the story they're ripping off the Typhlosion was human as was the baby he had with the girl.
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BDSP make me sad
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>Cynthia and Dawn are akin to mother and daughter rather than lovers
But they share a husband though.
Me on the right (cut off)
That's adorable
Too bad I'm still gonna watch them eat each other out
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Ash x Dawn
based wholesome true redpilled and canon
Typhlosion unseen on the right railing her.
Ash x Chloe
Dawn x Lucario
Akari x Typhlosion
thank you based shillgod
Dawn should train a Typhlosion
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does Dawn have a quilava in these eps?
no, she gets it after DP
has it in BW return
Based and canon.
>Dawn x Lucario
>Akari x Typhlosion
>Ash x Chloe
delusional crackship
>delusional crackship
You're right, he meant Ash x May!
you all think you'd
when in reality you'd just
dawn is cute
and sexy too
also she doesnt
wear pantsu

rate my poem
Who is Dawn's dad...
Dawn is a temptress
Extremely lewd and short skirt
Engorges my dick
I thought it was Palkia
She calls me daddy.
Why is she holding a Cyndaquil?
That's her son, be nice.
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>Cynthia with yellow eyes
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Still smaller than May's
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Concept art Akari is CUTE
Why is she sitting on that person that's making them sweat?
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Dawn x May
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Huh? I thought the leaker didn't have anything about the Switch games?

(brown Akari sexo)
>brown Akari is canon
aren't ainu darker than other japs? maybe dawn is like quarter-ainu and akari is full
Would racemix with.
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Ash x Dawn
based wholesome true and redpilled and canon
Where is her mouth?
That Pikachu (Ash) is already breeding an Eevee (Chloe)!
>Acting as if lighting isn't a thing.
The U.S. can't start shooting themselves soon enough.
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>Dawn goes back in time to stop pokefucking and instill the age of man
The divine tradwife.
>>Dawn goes back in time to stop pokefucking
NOOOOOO, someone stop her!
>Enter Typhlosion
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Comrade anons, steel your hearts! It is time for the long dark of the night, the age of myth, to end and for the age of man to dawn with the light of knowledge.
It's our God given right, comrades, to have stewardship of the world, to have hot hebes instead of bestiality, to lift the veil of the unknown.
So do not be frightened, look to your fellow, and come forth with me comrades to the light of the sun our God has decreed for us.
>Typhlosion mating press
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Dawn's god fucks human men, anon. She's fucking that Typhlosion whether you like it or not.l
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Yeah, human men. Not pokemon.
God sent Dawn back in time to start the age of man for a reason.
>Misunderstanding the Will of Arceus
She sent Dawn explicitly to stop this. Sorry anon, but pokephilia is not on God's plan.
God I wish I was Dawn...
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Clothes swap!
Dawn was a Team Magma grunt before the events of DPP.
I have agp too anon, but this isn't the thread for that.
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Yes, Ainus were generally darker.

Anons were able to found a PDF file filled with a fair amount of concept art for Arceus. Here's another one of Akari showing an early design of hers.
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Under nose.
Goh went back in time and fucked Akari, resulting in Brown Dawn in the present.
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filler flop
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So you telling me this entire time, Akari was a team magma grunt that got sent back in time to Hisui?
Arceus can do whatever it wants, And i like to think it's denying Volo while it fucks Akari, right in front of him.
She's a lucky girl.
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trad wife
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>May was supposedly set to appear in Gen IV
I want my wives in one game.....it's not fair
>modern Dawn wants to be a working wife
Would you be her househusband?
around my dick
They rightly realized May would mog Dawn too hard in her own game.
>Keeps the house clean while he goes out to pick berries
>the reason we don't see adult Dawn like we've seen Red and Green, is because she's already married, with kids, and living a private life
diives draws humans?
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Typhlosion will maul him.
I finally understand. Dawn is "Anal Only" per se, but only with humans. Her ass is for human cock while her pussy is off-limits to humans and only for Pokémon.
Arceus put a seal over her pussy that only pokecock can enter
And who gets the futacock?
>And who gets the futacock?
Whoever Dawn is fucking with hers
May and Goh.
Her womb is for carrying Cyndaquills.
Why would her womb be carrying Cyndaquills?
>because she's already married
to Cynthia, yes
>with kids
adopted but it counts unless you're a weirdo
>and living a private life
as Cynthia's dom
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Typhlosion impregnation.

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