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angry gato edition

>Tumblr Tag:
>DA Group:
>Dropbox (alternate archive)

This thread is for the growth of artists and those who draw for fun. If you're going to give critique, please do it constructively. Rude or blunt critiques won't help anybody.

Requesters are free to request what they wish, but avoid bumping your request every half hour as it's only going to put people off; try giving it a few hours or more.

Please provide references in ONE image, especially when requesting something outside of the Pokémon universe. If you request something from the old Drawthread or a separate thread, COPY & PASTE the actual request instead of posting a link.

Also, be mindful that requests are done at the discretion of the artists, not on a first come first serve basis.

Please remember to save any piece of art you like from these threads, as we may never know when the archive will start deleting images again. Artists can and are recommended to post their works on other outlets for archival purposes.

Previous thread: >>56542001 (Jaws of Life edition)
Requesting a muscular tomboy Feraligatr admitting that Typhlosion is actually attractive (bonus points for blushing).
Requesting a drawing of Wally (RSE or ORAS) with his Ralts
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Requesting the xenoblade harem meme pic with Red and anthro versions of Lapras, Octillery, and Rapidash as his wives.
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Requesting Misty (or Casey) from Pokemon driving a dark blue Dodge Magnum (back + front view)
I would like to thank the drawfriend who drew Prof. Sequoia and the 3 starters of the Tahoma region. Great job!
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Draw this fucking thing
going up
Requesting Fat Albert as a pokemon in PMD.
This is hilarious, seconding
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Requesting gardevoir doing the cuck face
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Request: Your interpretation of Human Mew from Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga.
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Requesting pic related observing and interacting with tiny galaxies floating around it like flies.
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Requesting art of Wimpod and this beta mon hanging out, being goofy or cute together.
Anchors are for deliveries
This. I didn't want to be rude, but I've seen them being used improperly quite a few times now.
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This but with Arceus
Requesting Gothorita saying she's 20 years old and in university
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My parents are kicking out for being a waste of life, can I get Dawn assuring me things will get better? Alternatively, have her agree with my folks so I can finally have the motivation to end it
Good stuff
Kekked and checked
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Requesting a Lilligant dressed as Susie from Kirby for their Halloween costume and/or vice-versa.
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Requesting Elphaba and Glinda from the upcoming Wicked movie as Pokémon Trainers with Elphaba's Pokémon being a shiny Mismagius and Glinda having a Jigglypuff, with Elphaba and Glinda being drawn in the style of the Pokémon games and anime.
Yeah, I realized right after I hit "post", felt bad about it.
That's fine, it's no biggie. At least you know now
Requesting a giant Eevee
seconding because that sounds kind of endearing
Requesting this freak https://files.catbox.moe/nq7lz0.jpg getting knocked out by a regular lucario
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Requesting a coloring of this phoebe reference sheet. i need to see her pantsu in color
Requesting someone to draw their favorite pokemon drunk for fun.
Requesting a full snag armor based on the snag machine from XD
What the hell is a pantsu
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Japanese reading of panties bro.
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Oopsie, higher quality version
Requesting Danny Devito Greevil
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Requesting the image on the right reimagined with May and her Torchic
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Requesting an edit but it says "Typhlosion" instead of Wario
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Requesting an edit of this pic featuring Akari & H.Typhlosion
You retard know that the /vp/ drawthread for NSFW garbage is in >>>/trash/ right?
Sorry, its my first time posting a request here and its not totally NSFW so I thought it'd be fine. The trash thread is fucking dead when it comes to NSFW so fuck it anyway, I'll never get a delivery on this or anything else I've requested.
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Requesting octillery choking out lopunny and Gardevoir like the Sam Hyde meme
Nigga it’s all furshit.
Bro, it's fine to request NSFW.
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Requesting Lorelei wearing this outfit
Ignore the troll, nobody does solo pin ups on the /trash/ unless its for a pokemon. They'd probably also monkey paw your request by having the Torchic fuck May.
Requesting Monica from the Giant Woman film wearing a bikini.
Thanks for the clarification anon, I appreciate it. I really should have realized he was trolling but I second guessed myself due to being new to this particular thread.
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See this
Requesting Espeon using telekinesis to knock things off a counter like cats do
You say that like the /trash/baggers want the humans unless it's with the Game, ahem, Freak shit
Thank you drawfriend :)
Human x pokemon is the purest love, what can I say

Any chance I can have Flaymigo and Espathra together as laughing bitches meme?
And yet not a single human male x female pokemon request has been drawn in that thread.
If it makes you feel better, that thread barely gets any deliveries as is.
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Requesting two panels of the parasol lady from ORAS pushing down her dress/coat during a storm (or maybe it's Castform trying to blow it off), only for her dress to get torn off entirely, as she nervously tries to hide her naughty bits with her umbrella. Try to mimic Sugimori's artsyle as much as possible.

Might stick around and request a bunch of other Parasol Lady stuff too, she needs way more art.
So how's the bodysuit Akari request going? Hope the drawanon who hurt themselves is doing ok. Health comes first obviously.
>They'd probably also monkey paw your request
Can confirm. I requested something and ended up getting SPH that I didn't want.
Are you that OC sperg?
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The compression is an artistic choice.
>that OC sperg?
Is this /vp/iss new boogeyman? quite sad really
Yeah, but I don't ask for that kind of stuff anymore.
Nah, different guy. I used to request stuff involving my player character, but I realised how cringe it was so I stopped doing it.
No. There was an anon that got really mad at someone doing something he didn't expect with his request.

Good call.
Embrace your cringe.
I very much do. But It's understandable that nobody would want to draw someone else's OC that they have no attachment to, especially after that one guy had his meltdown.
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New template dropped
Where is this from?
Not OR but made me lol, awesome work anon!
if i have to take a guess it's from /pol/
That sounds about right. Either that or /v/.
Knife wielding tranny nigger (actually) getting ventilated. I assume /pol/ would probably be the one spreading it but it's been years for me
A week ago bodycam footage of a asian cop who got stabbed by a 300lb 6'6 black "woman" came out and it got memmed
Requesting a Mega Manectric X and a Mega Manectric Zero
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Don't think it's been done yet, but requesting pic related with Hypno as Gary and Typhlosion as Jeff Doucet.
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Requesting a blue eyed Hex Maniac meeting Ground Miku in a desert. The Hex Maniac is pointing at Miku and shouting 'Behold the Kwisatz Haderach!!!'
Someone edited typedo ass jeff
More like ever
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Requesting the drawers take on an ice/fighting Golisopod regional evo based on Cocytus from Overlord. For some reason when I read the LN and he was described all I could imagine him as was a blue Golisopod and I think a sort of merger between the two would be neat.

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