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We have:
>Source code for Platinum, HG/SS, B/W, and B2/W2; some of which is very early and also includes commit history
>Loads of files relating to OR/AS, US/UM, Pokemon Bank, and Pokemon Home
>Tons of XY's development concepts and beta builds
>Shitloads upon shitloads of design documents, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and such things relating to these and other series titles like R/S, D/P, and G/S
>Miscellaneous stuff like digitized scans of GF Magazine and anime art; data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO, etc.
>Internal names for past and future games (e.g. "Titan" = S/V)

Non-Pokemon leaks:
>An unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one of them involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Localization, sheet music, and other development documents for Drill Dozer
>An unreleased DS conversion of an unreleased port of Yoshi to the SNES
>Some HarmoKnight stuff

The amount of data here is immense and even more is still on the way, so please be patient.
People are rummaging through the files as we speak, and some have already begun constructing builds from the early source code.

>Files: https://rentry.org/freakleak
>Torrents: https://rentry.org/gfteratorrent

Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 10.
Previous: >>56688839
I'm going to need everything from the leaks regarding Serena, mainly concept art.
its amazing how many IT'S FUCKING NOTHING's we have to work with now
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SWSH leaks when?
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i can't help but wonder why they never released this concept art, it's not like they've got anything against it
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leak status?
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What thing are we waiting to be uploaded now?
It's over....
Has the leaker said anything about Legends ZA other than shinies make a sound like in Legends Arceus ?
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>"well, well, well..."
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Where's the link for sango_demo?
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(these xy storyboards are in english from the get go for some reason btw)
>Professor Charles
that was original name? lmao
damn he was a chad in these storyboards
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Do we know who storyboarded them? Game Freak has a bunch of employees from overseas.
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Do we have these but for like other trainer classes? So like swimmer or hex for example?
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could be james to be honest, but I have no clue
They made an artbook for ORAS but it was pretty lacklustre.
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>are you a boy or a girl
we can't ask that anymore
>you're a girl, right?
serena really was the main one during development
James Turner? Team Flare/nuMagma/nuAqua was done by Gosiniecki.
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Where the FUCK are her panties?
Doesn't look like his artstyle but I'm no expert either. But yeah if it's in English it's possible it wasn't a Japanese who did it.
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seems like in general the artists just wanna storyboard the girl when they can
I ate them, sorry. She's probably the hottest miniskirt trainer class.
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>those couple of pixels in the middle
The "Body Type" portion of Zinnia's design notes basically talk about how she has bigger boobs than all the females in the game, but is toned and muscular despite also being so curvy (since usually it's one or the other). Here's part of her bio (personality and name origin are cut out for the character limit)

Name: Higana

Key Information

Height: 159 cm

Weight: 47 kg

Age: Physically still developing (appears to be in her late teens)

Gender: Female

"Dragon Trainer" girl.

Appearance Characteristics

Hairstyle/Hair Color:
A bob cut tied loosely to the side just below the chin.

Hair Texture/Color:
Straight, black hair.

Skin Color:
Slightly tanned (from her travels, giving her a somewhat healthy, sun-kissed look).

Black, slightly upward-slanting, large (cat-like) eyes.

Body Type:
Extremely well-developed and among the female characters, she has the the most shapely body.
However, her body is also muscular, so she's tightly built despite this appearance.

※For example, there would be a very noticeable difference in physique if compared to Haru and Altea if she stood beside them.

Other (Desired Features):

The character image resembles Rinko Kikuchi.

When she smiles, dimples are visible at the corners of her mouth.

As an adventurer and traveler, I want her to have an active image.

Tank top.

Shorts or hot pants (since BW's main character wears denim, I'd prefer something made of a different material).

Poncho (as material that evokes a sense of being a traveler).

Anklet with a small bell on the right foot.

The anklet represents her wish to "free the power," reflecting her personal thoughts, so the anklet holds meaning to her.
that's what is so confusing, they had TONS of this shit lying around and instead of ever releasing any of it they just grabbed a random few along with the protags and shoved it in a pre-order bonus book
Stop I can only get so erect.
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"This is Erik, my good friend, and the leader of Team Flare"
where are thesefrom?
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Storyboards are done by HUDSON.
However, you will notice many of them include ENGRISH and romanji, like Xerneas' spawning scene includes "Henshin" outright on the storyboard. But they also include some english jokes on them, so I'm not sure.
Every leak i see only further proves the male protag was an afterthought
That's been the case since they introduced female MCs.
definitely fucking robbed, or perhaps it looks too much like mario party reactions.
Anon-chama, thank you for this Sina and Dexio, if there's more about them on the leaks, I'd love to see it!
Alright, thanks Anon.
doesn't this happen in the final game?
Uploading these next few storyboards to catbox because they're over 4 fucking MB.
scenario_flower_01.jpg: https://files.catbox.moe/4jz7k6.jpg
scenario_az_01.jpg: https://files.catbox.moe/3hhfj2.jpg
scenario_az_02.jpg: https://files.catbox.moe/mopi2c.jpg
in the trash where it belongs
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Press S to spit on the grave of whoever said gen 6 had no cool stuff to leak.
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Middle bottom frame makes him look like a Zatch Bell character, maybe even my man Folgore?
It does but there's no "attack motion" I'm sure
There's no attack animation, it just flashes the pokemon's idle model.
Oh hey, its the beta mural I found in a build the other day. Complete with weird black lines I couldn't understand! My emulator wasn't fucking up, they just used that exact image lol.
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free rob
>a dude and his pokemon were best buddies
Oh this is definitely ESL, i love it.
Saw your post (also props for sniping the new thread to.make sure you get the goods).

It might be an hour or so but I'll post links to all of her and Shauna's art, no worries. Keep an eye out. I'll make sure to tag the post with "Serena Concept Art".
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I stopped following this more or less after souther kalos
what did I lost
A lot.
One of the things you missed was AZ was going to be the big bad, Lysandre was never supposed to exist.
Does anyone have the link for the newest folder sango_demo?
A lot, like Zinnia being a teenaged mom.
I want to replay XY now
In (very) short, you missed;
>More Gen 3 beta content
>Lots of character design documents
>3D models planned earlier
>Soul-filled animated sprites reminiscent of Crystal
>Scrapped story concepts for a few games
>Serena's alternate outfits
>Your grammar

Hell there's too much to list. If only people properly documented this shit as we found it.
and be reminded how much it fucking sucks?
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Well, what's stopping you?
You could even play its updated third vers-- oh wait nevermind
Do yourself a favor and go play... I don't fuckin know, a Drayano? Literally anything else instead.
holy soul
get some sleep anon, you're concerning me.
What happened
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This >>56691829 plus some scrapped Kalos mons and early Mega designs. I hope someone's going to make a compilation of all of them soon, I would, but I'm too busy atm.
Palworld must steal the scrapped designs, it's our only hope
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Can't believe I forgot to mention the most important notes. Guess I need to stop posting after waking up, and agreed. We really need a proper compilation. Trying to browse 50+ dead threads for accurate info is a bitch.
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This wish cannot be granted. It is beyond the limits of my power.
>If only people properly documented this shit as we found it.
I'm still waiting for accurate translations of their notes on France. Everything is out there, it's just a matter of time before it's organized.
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Meh, they're free to grab for anyone now so I'm waiting on the fangame and romhack makers.
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Imagine a romhack that isn't Fire Red and has beta pokemon from gen 1 through gen whatever the fuck we're ending at. Would be so damn good. I want this fish so bad.
Sweet. Thanks for that. Very based for including Shauna as well.
Honestly, I feel like they should make fake mustaches and beards as cosmetics for older players (and maybe a bald hairstyle).
>Imagine a romhack that isn't Fire Red
I could more easily imagine myself finding a wife.
old men, the final frontier
Am I missing anyone?
>Brendan/May: 12
>Norman: 37
>Norman's wife: 32
>Birch: 35
>Wally: 10
>Roxanne: 14
>Brawly: 22
>Wattson: 67
>Flannery: 25
>Winona: 16
>Tate/Liza: 10
>Wallace: 34
>Lisia: 13
>Sidney: 27
>Phoebe: 14
>Glacia: 32
>Drake: 53
>Steven: 25
>Tabitha: 27
>Courtney: 22
>Maxie: 34
>Matt: 27
>Shelly: 34
>Archie: 34
>Zinnia: Unknown (appear to be in late teens)
>Lucas: 12
>Dawn: 12
>Rowan: 70, dropped to 60
>Mars: 22
>Jupiter: 24
>Saturn: 25
>Charon: 71
>Cyrus: 27
>Cattleya Dendrobium: 17
>Darach: 25
>Argenta: 42
>Thorton: 14
>Dahlia: 24
>Looker: 43
>Chili/Cylan/Cress: 15, dropped to 14
>Lenora: 33, 32, then settled on 35
>Burgh: 24, 22, 21
>Elesa: 17,dropped to 15
>Clay: 56, dropped to 55
>Skyla: 26, dropped to 18
>Brycen: 35, aged up to 44.
>Iris: 22 revised to 12, then 11, then 10
>Drayden: 69
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These storyboards (pic related too) are 100% done by James Turner, it fits his style to a tee. And >>56691728 definitely has his handwriting. He was the cutscene director on BW and XY so it makes sense.
Is all the data leaked enough for romhackers to make the complete pokemon Z version?
>22 year old Iris
We were absolutely robbed
There wouldn't have ever been a Z, it would get sequels
But for something as barebones as a third version, guess it'd be like 3 years of work for a small team
Hacking for the 3DS games is still not that far along
Why is he so shit at drawing anime, can the western hand just not compete?
>like Zinnia being a teenaged mom.
thanks a bunch, I guess in some months TCRF's guys will have all info nicely tied up. Pretty crazy we found all this stuff.
Why bother when his goal was to infect Pokemon and Gamefreak from the inside? And he got away with it too.
It really does give off that weird anime imitation aesthetic.
Does anyone else feel like this is a fever dream with how much is being leaked?
feels like the most fucked week on /vp/ I've ever seen.
I wonder if the Britbong region was his idea or if they just made him the honorary art director because he's white.
Exactly. I don't want "selected pieces" in an artbook like the leftovers for a beggar. It's their fault they didn't share some amazing art in decades.
The japanese spend their entire school life learning to draw this way while it's relatively late in our lives where we begin to learn. On the other side of that coin, the western hand can diversify
can we do anything funny with the bank source code since that service is still up
>that service is still up
it is? I thought they shut it down
Too bad the final product didn't look like the storyboards.
>Tana-san yu masuto chaneru ura innaa anguro
>But sir... I'm Jewish
>ura fukkingu wotto?
Do it. It’s more fun than most of the other slop in this franchise.
still works
I know we've been floored by the concept art of others, but in the case of storyboards things can be complete and utter shit so long as the point gets across. That's kind of the whole point of storyboarding.
He was a DEI hire so the latter
>caitlin's age not mentioned in BW's docs
>17 in Platinum
Hey, at least by Unova, my wife is legal.
it is the one thing still up yes
i want to believe it will likely probably hopefully stay up until the rest of the missing gen 5 mons are available in the switch ecosystem
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at least this storyboard artistically kicks ass
scraggy fucking DIES
>be me
>just sittin' about
>adjust my pants
>look up
>see the hellish rainfire of God aimed directly at my location
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This wish can be granted. It is within the limits of my power.
Enjoy your LeafGreen romhack.
uk was innevitable it going to happen later than sooner
That's her planned age tho, officially release material made her 14 in Sinnoh iirc, but a grown up in Unova
Strongly considering it honestly. Would be fitting with ZA coming next year.
meh they are not going to look the same
he predates DEI shit doesn't he? they picked him when they (apparently) had Genius Sonority lobotomised.
do not engage DEI people.
yeah, it wasn't some woke shit, japanese companies sometimes hire weebs living there
Have sex
So did getting the other 2 tar.gz for sangopart1 really not get us much of interest? I feel like I haven't seen anyone digging through it since they dropped last night right as I was going to bed.
NTA but he predates DEI in name only, those practices have existed for a longass time
He's not really a div. hire though honestly, he's got talent for what it's worth
Y really said >:»
consider that there is still stuff and probably there is still stuff already leaked that we haven't seen
This is a once in a lifetime event. It's not like some files were leaked, GF had their entire servers copied and pasted.
I don't think anybody even reposted them here. I still only have .aa.
I imagine most people went to sleep
Depends a bit on what kind of legitimacy checks are actually in use for the Bank. Assuming the source code contains everything, it's theoretically possible to just craft a custom prompt to the Bank server that transfers a specific Pokemon to your own Bank, without actually having to open your 3DS at all.
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Best leak so far, pic rel
>nintendo is going to kill the service that allows you to transfer your old mons up
niggers, the lot of them
I ain't clicking that nigger.
By plenty of years. I'm not a huge fan of all of his works, I got past the glossy-eyed "oh boy, even a foreigner can be important at the illustrious Game Freak company?!" phase as soon as SwSh released, but that is that and this is this.
> More customization options. Ripped tights Serena, r34 delivered by anon.
> Cute May at Sootopolis. Wallpaper worthy.
> Original May design as a finished 3D model. Brock model in Legends.
> Scratchpads with more betamons. Some species are copied with the same wrong color palette for consistency and references.
> Reference to mega Jynx being modeled in 3d and finished at one point, file not found yet.
> AZ's story (video with Floette's casket, war artbook, Sycamore as a placeholder with white hair).
> Magma and Aqua bases, Aqua beta theme. Original Groudon vs Kyogre battle in ancient times simple artbook.
> N dialogue being a bit more nuanced and deep than final cut.
> France notes, mostly unstranslated.
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Nope, sorry fella.
immunity dog
Absolutely based.
Should be noted that 90% of gaijins living abroad are already dislussioned with western decadence and find a safe-heaven in Japan
Kill yourself.
>r34 delivered by anon.
I'm gonna need a link.
immunity dog will always save us
We need a gen 3 beta dog version of this
thats my hero right there
i think anon means the sketch that was just two pairs of tits pressed against eachother, but it was a super WIP when i checked it? like, it was just lines
Oh I see, unfortunate.
I'm curious, where's the Aster stuff located? The Zinnia page didn't exactly have anything about it.
I found James Turner's youtube account a long time ago, and I recall you could see he had favorited a lot of videos speaking out against immigrants in Britain. He is unironically probably right-wing and hates immigration despite being an immigrant himself.
>they're free to grab
You know they're under copyright too, right?
Not just that one, I mean the one with her legs and shaved cunny.
Insanely based if true.
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>Ripped tights Serena
>teen pregnacy Zinnia
>storyboards having a preference for the female MC
it does put a smile on my face to know that GF is still made by otakus
can you repost the image of Serena?
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Dare I say, keyed and redbulled?
where tf was that ?
the cut manectric evolution reminds me of immunity dog for some reason
the one that anon jokingly censored the feet on? that was just a crop, unless i missed something which could honestly have happened.
because it wears a condom
>teen pregnacy Zinnia
God I wish I was Fug.
>comparing the world's most extreme and unparalleled migrant crisis to a few euros moving for work
Gogoat is shit
Why did anyone ever pretend to like this fillermon
That's Skiddo, Golem.
M-Maybe just one bug Mr Masuda.
I checked and it 's still there, but either YT changed how shit works or he cleaned up his account because you can't see it anymore. This was a long time ago in 2017 ish.
skibbidi ?
imagine not screenshotting that shit
fake and gay
>sango_demo dropped
>no one posted it here
>i saw that it dropped
>i will mention that it dropped
>i won't link it though
Please understand, parts 2 and 3 of the big tarball only just got posted 20 minutes ago
[ Pokémon Explanation ]
That one anon clearly has it from all the new stuff he's dumping but won't post the link
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I can't wait for information about this!!!
that is sango part 1, which has sango_app, sango_chara, sango_ctrlib, sango_doc, and sango_effect. They were posted last night.
Sango_demo dropped since then but never got posted here.
then post it for the class, we're running behind because we all have an aversion to discord
The real answer is that basically everyone is in discords now. So /vp/ is 10x more empty. The fact that no one begged for the links despite it being out for 8 hours proves that.
I don't have it, that's why i'm asking
At least one person here has it, because they're posting new art.
You mean the country that objectives female characters at every possible moment using them for everything possible including male oriented products? nah.
I'm going to bed now, I'll ask about them tomorrow.
Why are they so obsessed with cetaceans?
Post your favorite leak from the last week.
>discordniggers withholding files now
Well, it was good while it lasted, but I'm not using a honeypot and sucking people's dicks for leaks
>still no sangopart2
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>sango (coral)
the true winner was hoeen
What's that? Another tuesday evening protest in Kalos?
Not memeing right now, there is ACTUALLY a chance that one of my cats is going to die tonight.
You mean the discord you have to post a selfie in to join? Good for them
So, we aren't getting any SWSH stuff ? We got a few PLA concept arts and it stopped
been there done that
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does anyone have the filepath of this psd?
Hang in there, Anon's cat.
True, euros are a much bigger thread.
I now like to imagine his full name being Augustine Charles Sycamore.
Where's the link faggot
He's right, nobody cares about XY.
My uncle is John Turner and I can confirm this is true.
you normie faggots are genuinely so fucking useless at posting updates, forget this thread, board, and what it fucking stands for when all you retarded fucks do is shitpost

https://gofile.io/d/JIdFvA P1
https://gofile.io/d/SlPhj1 P2
https://gofile.io/d/6tjCaB P3
https://gofile.io/d/JIdFvA P1
https://gofile.io/d/SlPhj1 P2
https://gofile.io/d/6tjCaB P3
Americans are just waking up. I'm sure they'll post the link that the smelly eruos are withholding.
fuck off
Where's the immunity dog? Where is he?
thank you
Checked, but most people come here only for the links and then post findings on discord for some reason.
shit ):
they think they’re safe if they post in discord the dumb fucks
These leaks so far have been 140GB of garbage and redundant data, to maybe 10GB of useful and neat shit.
Why not move it on to Telegram?
Now that we have HG/SS source code, can we figure out how exactly calling the Black Belt Kenji for a rematch works? It's very random and no one has a clear answer about it online
How much has been posted there that hasn't been shared here?
It's crazy how 4chan devolved into being the slowest place to get infos/news nowadays. Thanks anon
Fuck you.
Not that anon, and i'm only in one discord discussing it, but most stuff is getting posted back and forth and anytime something new is posted there i try to post it here
It's kinda weird, every piece before this was posted here pretty quickly.
Absolutley the best design. F GameFreak
Anon who posted shit (and kept btfoing that one anon) probably went to bed
The one I remember clearly is the first Furfrou pic where people claimed the faggot posted it from us, but the timestamp was prior to us posting it.
Either braggart faggot or they only heard "next dump is out" from a ping on some poketubers discord without a link, then came to beg here.
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People are experiencing fatigue probably. The hacker did choose an awful way to go about this. His shiternet is crazy.
Reuploader is probably a burger.
Not to mention there was a full day or so of just early XY builds.
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>when you post so much leaks that people are getting tired of it
Well, now that its FINALLY over, can you newbabies fucking LEAVE?
Yes, but you could've figured it out without the source too
Anyone got fanart of the scrapped gen 6 mons
she is like Dawn: a nopan enjoyer
why the fuck do they care?
>His shiternet is crazy.
He uploaded all 3 parts of part2 in no time. I think he took the condom off his internet connection.
Holy based.
Because it's illegal
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get immunity dogged you retarded faggot
The reuse beta designs when they run out of idea. Scraggy was planned for gen 3, Flamigo for 6.
>Age: Physically still developing (appears to be in her late teens)
>most shapely body
>so she's tightly built

Death by snu snu confirmed, definitely top-tier mating press material
Where are the X/Y and ORAS character sheets?
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Is there a higher quality version of this reference sheet? does anyone have it?
They always start with the girl (they are japanese after all) in all the gmae it's always the girl the one they start with and develop around (maybe not in dp but you get the point)
gen 5 and gen 6 haters have always been massive faggots.
Gen 5 was, in retrospect, fine (BW were kinda weak, but B2W2 fixed most issues with them).
Gen 6 got cucked hard due to deadlines and due to gen 7 getting rushed out prematurely for the dumb 20th anniversary.

The real fag gen is gen 7, it is when the decline actually started.
bro you missed your veegee thread
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Unfriendly reminder that corpos dont deserve rights
Okay fine, only fair point.
Retarded fucking /vt/umor.
fuck off
>misread "sun-kissed look" as "sun-kissed cock"
Reminder for everyone to sun your balls, it's good for you.
Gen 7 has everything they were going to add in Z. Great game that fixed the main problems of XY: difficulty and graphics.
they also stole data from unreleased games and games they are currently selling
also they come back to old designs and ideas for new games like the other anon mentioned
I mean...
It's very hard to hack games that aren't fire red or Emerald.

Maybe in a few years thanks to this massive leak it will be easy to mod even others who knows
oh fuck I just realized I have been posting in the shit thread, sorry
IP law was made for an agricultural society and is now just regulatory capture, change my mind.

now this is what I'm fucking talking about
>just realized
Better late than never, thanks anon
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I will continue here
wew lad
I didn't care for this fish until realising it was the surf mon
we have the fly mon so having this would be neat too
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>they're measuring to the top of the crest

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