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Last time:
>The tripfags are going through the earlygame
>The schizophrenia isn't much further out
>Ashime is blessed by the Platinum gods, getting 2 platinum shinies before 4 badges
>Ose is nearing the end of Unbreakable kino
>Meanwhile, John vpposter is suffering through the forestshit section
>Orevald's sudden shinyluck continues, he'll surely get paid back in full for them later
>Tiramisu watches Mndanez's failed suicide attempt

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator

>Edge of Eternity mod for Empyrean
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Fuck I screwed up the link harder than Ghetsis fucked that Zoroark pussy to make N
Yeah I can see it. I think the fakemon as a whole in this game have this problem with inconsistent shading styles etc compared to the canon mons, but the regional Luxray's backsprite is half a degree of separation away from the other fakemon. Feels like someone else drew this one and was trying to imitate the style of the fakemon rather than the canonmon sprites. This game's kind of a mishmash of visual and audio styles in terms of presentation so it doesn't stand out badly enough to bother me.

>You going to keep the god cherub in the back as a reserve "I win" button or just smash the game with it?
Keeping it in the back. I'm enjoying using my full roster, but I suspect there's eventually going a point where I'll either have to rebreed my team to GP 3-5 or lean on the funny slaughter angel a lot given how the difficulty is escalating with random scaled encounters.
Just double checking: is EoE for 1.1?
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Yeah, I am not doing these puzzles.
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Forgot pic.

I'm going to finish hatching Kirlias and get started on Luxios. The regional Shinx evolving so much later than the normal one is really obnoxious for increased GP-inheritance. I really do not like this mechanic's interaction with the genetic similarity mechanic at all. It can partially be brute forced with Power Sneeds for pokemon that're difficult to evolve like Wispaur or Scyther but then you spend a lot of time and money fishing at the carnival which is just trading one type of grind for another.
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Is there an alt download for Edge of Eternity? Because Mega is being weird and petty.
Oh boy the desert, there's a really schizophrenic sidequest in there hidden in a kino cave.
The other one I didn't paste in the thread was broken when I tried to open it.
Route rainkino has arrived
I can probably mirror it to mediafire/google drive or something
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The desert is pretty comfy so far. One of the nicer desert routes in fangames. Seems like fangames either make their deserts comfy or as ass as humanly possible without a lot in between.
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That's weird.
Thanks man.
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Oh yeah it's schizo time.

Try downloading from a different browser. I've had similar issues in the past and sometimes that fixes it.
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>Meteor impact site
Pokefucking annunaki confirmed.
kek I see why you all wanted to replay this after the leaks.
It's not the worst one, true enough and it does have some really neat stuff, I feel like the best fangame desert we've ever saw was Odyssey's, neat layout, good encounters all around, cool secrets, Yugibro stuff, it was just really nice.
Not too tough, I dunno if I'm really to face the elite 4 yet but I'll go for it, I already wasted way too much time anyway.
Tried that before asking about an alt download.
This should work
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I forgot to bring it up earlier too, but Joel the Electric leader as it turns out is the professor's brother, you can get some neat dialogue with her after you beat him, I love the small details with this game.
I don't know what your party is, but you're probably fine. You'll get a couple levels on the way there.
>If you don't reset for a female starter at the very start of the game you can't rebreed them until you get a ditto
A certified debug moment if I ever saw one. While I'm at it, I'm going to just transfer the 3 GP from a freshly hatched scyther to my platinum one.

How do you use your debug mod, RG? Is it as simple as just overwriting files or are there extra steps to enable it?
Thanks again.
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>Jan and A(nne)me
I have to sink this ship, right fucking now.
CHADzard, Aerodactyl, Heracross, Muk, TaVros and Vileplume, they're all nearing the early fifties.
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My team was only in the mid-50s when I beat it on my own personal file. You'll probably be fine with minimal grinding.
You can buy rare candy in the league city.
tbf, there's also wild starters, but haha 1% encounter autism
Just put the scripts file in the data folder and replace and you should be good to go
No problem
Waiting for it to download.
Hey its one of the Gold Beta mons.
I though it was just the one at victory road
you want me to put actual thought into this???????????
fat chance
I'm guessing every number
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Annunaki split its power in 9 pieces and caused a Big Bang of some sort if I'm reading this right?
I don't think Torchic has been available as a wild starter yet has it? Either way, it works perfectly.
I'm going to make it a point to only use this to circumvent the genetic similarity and parents must be evolved to pass down GP autism because I still want to experience most of this game as intended.
Prepare to be pleasantly surprised.
I like math. Give me the "puzzle".
>Lucky shares farmed
>Repeatable chansey trainer
>Enter Macro
Now the pokedex autism can really begin
It was available at the Birb garden on the rainkino route
didn't take that long
thankfully it was a 2 digit combination
>derek gets to be chained up by wardenlady
>while I'm stuck watching cutscenes and talking to ghosts
it's not fair
I just went straight to the door and counted down from 99, only thing I know is that ghostguy said something about 'I hope you like math' when I walked into the room
shut up
RIP. I didn't realize Torchic was there.
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Holy shit Concher is a fat bastard.
Noted, pretty neat team.
Oh there was a BIG BANG alright h-haha........
Pokemon Empire bingo!

As expected, it destroys the bingo with no less than three full bingos.
Are you done or is this just part-way through?
I've done it up to the last chapter you could play.
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Alright back to this. You can't leave a girl alone with a schizohorse for more than a few minutes, can you?

If this entire game is leading up to Arceus fucking a human to create the universe and annunaki I'm going to shitpost the entire review at the end.
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I remember this! I took one look at the evil cult murdering the secret agent dad and bailed out for something less stupid.
Let's do this, might be the first hard opponent in my Opalo shitmon run.
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Is this game actually Imagine The Smellposting? Is this real?
>Every single trainer has at least 2 Explosion Pokemon
>The entire bottom section of the ship is full of sailors going on jihads
Outside of that miserable experience, CHADzard is hitting surprisingly really hard on the physical side despite it not seemingly having higher attack than usual.
Speaking of that, chapter 13 should be coming up soon, because the suffering never ends.
>That Rapidash
Kek, oh you'll see soon enough.
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>The missing cutoff word is "Pokemon" I'm not snipping an extra textbox for just that
Holy shit kek this game's going all-in on it.
My ironic enjoyment of this game's "story" is rapidly rising.
I completely niggered the first panel over the previous screenshot because I was laughing too hard. RIP.
>Guy has a fetish for Sawsbuck cummies
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That's a big mole.
For you
I did the same, but I started from 0 thankfully
>Got Pokerus only halfway though box 1
haha...this is only the beginning...
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Lucky and based. Does pokerus have any additional properties or interactions with this game's autistic breeding mechanics?
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Blazichuck bros... Sneeiken bros...

Mega Ring can't be far off now right?
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The Lickytung evo aka Tungtyed is bulky as shit and it is seems to be Normal/Psychic, the betamons have an issue with stat distribution I'd say, Anchorshark for instance can't take a single special hit without it getting deleted and it also isn't fast at all.
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Finally, Starter time.
Baneposting is the kinochemo to the cancer that's spreading across the boards.
What're you going with anon? Might want to make a name and or trip to keep your playthrough easier to follow amidst the others as well.
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Musk's spirit rises from the grave. Is that a regular shiny or a platinum? I cannot tell.
after being reminded that I actually need to be cognizant of what my team is weak to and not try and bulldoze with a Gliscor lead when that's my only pokemon not weak to fire, I came back and Mothim gots a free 4stack of quiver dances and showed off how cool it is that he can learn shadow ball by solo sweeping
Total Whiteouts: 5 (+1, 4 was from female rival 2 on top of the tower and my being too excited to swords dance)
I wish the chansey was higher leveled t b h
Not that I know of? I'd probably have to look
normal shiny, platinum shinies have a silver/white shiny icon instead of yellow
I went with Fennekin since I usually I go for Fire and I wanted a Psychic type early(ish, I know it'll get the moves and typing later).
Otherwise I would've picked Totodile or Rowlet.
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>Get warped back for every Smeargle found
>Have escape ropes to circumvent the walk back
why tho? Why not just let me collect all 4 then warp me upon completion of the event?

GG. If I remember right, Mothim was what Wagie used to beat Angie. Really solid mon all the way around.
Noted. I probably won't use the sneedshrew but he's nice to have even if the halfnigger took 20+ balls to catch.
iirc Rowlett is catchable on one of the first areas if you're willing to autism a 1% encounter. Good taste.
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That's an extremely tanky Vullaby.
I tend to autism routes to get all the mons in it that I can reach.
And right now I'm cursing over getting a Zigzagoon with Gluttony. Fucking bitch, Pickup not Gluttony.
Honestly, there wasn't much thought that went into betamon stats. I pretty much just looked at a similar design and rearranged the stats a bit.
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The wind ambience here is as kino as the rain route.
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Bitch wiped out my balls.
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Discount Zapdos detected.
Surprisingly decent special attacker. Any plans for what your team's going to look like?
Finally....just in time for Mienfoo, h-haha.....
Considering all the 1% encounters, I hope your autism lasts bro
If/when you end up with a couple cards, you can sell them for 50k a piece to afford the pokeballs
Wow, the board has really gone to shit now that the leaks slowed down.
GG, shame it's another case of WIN THE BATTLE LOS-*ACK* ANYWAY.
Fair, it just feels like quite a few of them can't really stand up due to the low stats.
IDGAF. All I want is a team with different types. I know I'll have a ghost and steel type but we'll see how it looks.
Rates can be fucky but sometimes someone's lucky to get more of the rarer ones than commons.
I keep running into Zigzagoons and Pidgeys, and I ran into like 5 of the Tailows and Pachams.
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Thank god its low level because this bitch and Abra made me FUCKING HATE wild psychics.
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Fuck yeah Gallade.
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... I think the game broke but whatever this one can go to that NPC.
>Wow, the board has really gone to shit now that the leaks slowed down.
The board's been shit for years desu
We're just back to status quo now.
You're going to have to do a lot of rebreeding with different parents to keep your mons viable later on if you're playing on Hard. Catch as many Ralts as you can now to spare yourself some pain later.
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Too late.
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>Game acting like this is different than what it's already been throwing at me regularly
Sneedscor 1v1s it comfortably.
Reset for female machop if you haven't already saved. You'll thank me later.
The catch combo system makes catching dupes a lot easier, it just takes a bit to really get going
How strong is it and how many does it take to actually notice the payoff?
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There's not going to be a robot rebellion/corruption arc h-haha. That'd never happen here.
iirc you start basically only encountering the chained mon at like 15-20 or so, but they start getting pretty common at 10 I think, I wasn't really counting when I was messing with it for a good ralts
I can spare a little bit of bulk for Ancor. I wanted to try and avoid power creep.
a night of looping and I'm rich, the adventure continues
Good to know. Does it boost shiny rates too? And by how much if so?
it doesn't boost shiny rates according to the textfile
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Too late..
so edge of eternity is a mod to empyrean? what does it change? been thinking on replaying empyrean lately since it's been a while since I last played it (I played it before the final update so I never got to really finish the story)
I didn't know you could go to the underground casino before postgame, or is the casino EoE exclusive?
some tweaks to pokemon, expanded postgame, option to turn off gp/cards, I think some more regionals, etc.
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Based garden run enjoyer.
>Have mechanic that incentivizes shiny pokemon
>Have items that only drop from shiny pokemon
>Don't implement multiple methods to boost shiny odds for various encounter types
What did the devs mean by this?
Apparently makes hard mode harder among other things. picrel isn't a rare sight for random trainers in the midgame.
idk what you did, I'm getting mons at my level but not that crazy gp yet
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if you do the quest from the grandma in sylen city where you hunt a pinsir and then deliver a letter you get a coveted booster pack
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Internet crapped itself for a bit.
>Enemy trainers have Charizard with Hurricane, but the player can't teach it
Sucks but understandable, CHADzard is simply too powerful.
Elite 4, here I come.
Fair enough, but now there's tourists, trannies and other undesirables stinking up the place en mass and it's really fucking shitty.
Fair enough, but most betamons have very low stats or lack a kick to them, I do agree with the sentiment of powercreep.
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got my 4th badge. the gym leader uses normal types. hitmonlee dusted everything with high jump kick
>is the casino EoE exclusive?
I'm pretty sure it is.
>Don't implement multiple methods to boost shiny odds for various encounter types
Catch chains are a thing, and you can just pay money later on to make your pokemon shiny.
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>Pokemanic furry
I can't read this at face value after the leaks.
This area's aesthetic of being a flower field is really comfy. Sure it's a pretty standard trope, but after having come through rain and desert, it's a wonderful change of pace. Sometimes just the way biomes are ordered to the player matters a lot.
After I hatched a single GP3 magikarp the game seemingly chose violence, even after I put it away due to being difficult to level against GP'd opponents with the rest of my team being GP0 at the time. I wonder if the contents of your PC is weighed for scaling too?

Huh? >>56697098
Good to know that you can pay for it later at least.
doesn't that go away when you leave that section
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Generally I haven't had much of an issue with the betamons, but I haven't used all of them. Maybe I have more patience to put up with something like Searion. I used it for a different team I've completed the game with.
>Good to know that you can pay for it later at least.
Would a mechanic that makes it so you can only encounter one pokemon not increase the odds of you encountering a shiny of that species?
I suppose it does if you're looking for a specific species, but I'm unsure if it's actually more efficient than reloading saves before eggs are generated given the other shiny rate modifiers that can apply to eggs, especially since the game also tells you the gender and shinyness of the mon without you needing to hatch the egg.
My Tauros is just running everything over, every single Thunderbolt and Blizzard from this bastard either crits, paralyses or freezes, it truly is a BVLLevard of broken bucks.
Noted, I don't think all of them are bad stat wise, some are plenty good, but many of those are evos that are not well communicated to the player, do what comes practical I'd say.
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Oh shit, he's real after all.
>Kadabra evolves at 34
>Gurdurr is still trucking along at 49
I'm pretty sure chains are mostly for card autism anyway desu, that or booster packs
your tauros is a magician
The wiki says there's no way to convert a normal card into a shiny or plat card. Is that still true for EoE?
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>Statistician admits that the science is as soft as whatever you can convince yourself is a valid data sampling method
Most honest academic.
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>A random trainer in the field
>Tauros' lucky streak immediately ends and I get put up against 2 bullshit fights in a roll with auto accuracy X boosting+sleep moves
Kek, sadly all good things come to an end.
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maybe you beat emannuil and the game decided you were ready, kek. if that keeps up I'm afraid of what your trainer tower's gonna look like
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>Lead with Plusle and Minun
Okay a standard loli twin figh-
>Followed by Slaking and Machoke
The leaks have mindbroken me bros.
White man would know more about it than me but iirc he debugged his cards too kek, I'm pretty sure there's not outside of maybe the cheat items in EoE's postgame, but a 1/500something for shinies and 1/1500something for plat (iirc) isn't TOO terrible considering how grindy this game can get, the real crime is that shiny/plat cards aren't guaranteed when you catch them with a card ball imo, otherwise I'd probably actually think about autisming them
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>Opponent gets a billion boosts for free via X items
>The player can't even use items to rectify this absolute cancer
Really? Fucking really dude?
The sleep and accuracy cancer is already horrid enough, I don't even like relying on items to begin with but this is fucking dumb.
X items are held, and activate on switch.
honestly the sane method other then debug is grind money and pray for good booster packs, even with card balls it's still not good enough odds
Whiteouts: I don't remember, somewhere around 18
I knew it was gonna come to this and it fucking sucks.
And the game never communicates that to the player why?
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It does.
I was planning on just leaving my game on while running the forest marathon with as many rental properties as the game lets you have would be enough to get me enough packs to brute force the plat card mechanic.
oh definitely, and in the card shop with the boosters there's a tiny trading area nearby for cards, you can get some lucky deals sometimes
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Its time for the big man.
A person could very well assume it's the game just handing gym leaders from boosts by all accounts since that's how they work normally.
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What did he mean by this?
I can get that if you're used to playing fangames that do that. But they don't burn up a turn, and NPCs don't use any items directly. Only held items.
Mothim is a real trooper, definitely has moved way up my favorite pokemon list
thankfully this wasn't something items could fix
Card balls actually get an increased chance on shiny/plat pokemon. I'm pretty sure it's a 50% at plat. I also think there's a way to "evolve" a card as well, but I can't quite remember.
I think I started debugging cards once I started to having to make new teams for certain fights. My plat card for Thanatos was legit, and the same with my Hydreigon.
yeah but the odds to see the plat at all should be enough, you know what I mean? 50% is still a coin flip, I'd rather just buy 200 boosters. you can use a card+card upgrade to evolve it, like pichu to pikachu card, but you can't increase it's "rarity"
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>Custom healthbar
uh oh
>I'd rather just buy 200 boosters
I wouldn't. What's the pokedex in this at 1.2k? times 3 that's one in 3.6k, and you can get duplicates.
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It's joever.
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>the level cap right now is 67
Pain, guess I will just get a Corvidknight
That scene was great, voice acting all of a sudden really made it top tier
No to the non destruction removal but it did get a very good boss, a main deck monster that can search any of the gladiator backrow and summons another monster in the hand for free, a great field spell and some other two cards that aren't as crazy but still good
If you wanna take a look at the cards here
Also it's so dumb it took so long to get a wolf glad beast, the deck is roman themed and it took close to 20 years to get a wolf
Funny thing is that the "puzzle" is just
>everyone starts with some berries
>rodolfo gets more
>rodolfo stole some other berries
>then got some stolen from him
It was just simple addition and subtraction you probably spent more time trying every number
Also that 50% doesn't include the alternate roll from it already being a plat/shiny.
I get it, I'd just rather buy boosters myself. I know if I did it the other way I'd be so tired I'd hit Run by instinct when the platinum mon did show up
>The regional mienfoo evolves via light stone
>Wasted all of this exp getting it up to 50 for nothing
Considering the card dex, definitely kek, but going for one specific card, it's probably better to just chain and hope for the 50% unfortunately
The boosters are certainly the better way if you're attempting to get a large amount of plat cards. However for specific ones I find catch chains to be a better method.
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>Trace its broken boss ability
>Never get status'd
>Boost up calm minds while the faggot ranger next to me chips me with earthquakes in addition to what the rapidash is doing
>Barely manage to outheal damage in what's effectively a 1v2 until the ranger dies
>Stabilize with a crit draining kiss pushing me out of crit range from the earthquakes
Gardevoir solo win.

Aren't boosters objectively the best way to go if you want to fill your card dex for the autistic 100% completion rewards just because of sheer volume of cards opened, even if there is a chance of duplicates?
Also I think there's a "card charm" you can get that raises your chances again. However that requires you to get all the normal cards first.
>Aren't boosters objectively the best way to go if you want to fill your card dex
They're by far the best method for that.
You could put it in the daycare I guess? You'd have to monitor it once you get to 69 though
not even double trouble or the pokerap, absolute bullshit.
true, I know I'll be really annoyed doing that though, especially for all the fucking eevee cards I'll have to get
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I'm surprised the game just lets you leave to heal before Phase 2.
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I am still sad we lost that little dude from gen 2's beta, that animation is freaking adorable, as the lads have been saying, WE WERE ROBBED, in retrospect I should have use him a bit more but Ice/Normal is a dreadfully bad typing. I'll probably come up with a review later, still need to gather my thoughts. Not sure if I'll play anything else soon, I considered finally beating Empyrean but the lategame sections suck fucking ass and drag on for an eternity.
Holy fucking kek that double battle phase effect is hilarious, glad they at least made the new stuff pretty fun without overdoing it with negates, I really hate the new BE support by comparison despite being a fucking retard who adores big stupid dragons.
Thanks bros.
GG and based Gardestacy.
Thanks bro.
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Blitz is a sandbagging faggot who won't megaevolve his Primarina when his life is on the line, but Garde's got it under control.
Thanks bro.
At least this wasn't a waste of exp
Don't you know? Annoying (you) is more important to Blitz than the horse abomination
There probably isn't enough stuff to do until he gets to that level I get the feeling there is really only Liberty left for major fights, and it's not like I really need something on that level of power either
The nice thing is that due to the E18 Reborn AI after a few Calm Minds, the horse realizes it can't meaningfully interact with Gardevoir anymore so instead of trying to chip her with area attacks to force her to use (resisted) Draining Kiss to stay alive, it decides to spam Judgment and oneshhot most of Blitz's mons letting Garde do >30% per psychic repeatedly for free.
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so here's the leader of "team supreme" brian. I know, such a fierce name. motherfucker used a latios but thanks to sleep spam and crunch I won the battle.

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A complaint form? Don't mind if I do.
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These chabad tunnels are wild bros.
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You know since it's just a flower it really should just be available in random places like this
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even before the leaks this was funny
I was right, it's after sylen city. it only took a night of hard drugs and some reading but I'm out of that awful town
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however that one reborn quote goes, anyway
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Yeah it really was just Liberty left
Can't wait for the next updates
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the loops will be way quicker now
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GG. Final thoughts? Any plans to join us on Empyrean EoE?
it's the principal of it
How many gyms did there end up being? I'm guessing something like 6?
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I'm not sure what the EV cap is, but it's way higher than 510+510+2XX.
>Game crashes when looking at the area bit of the pokedex
Jesus christ
I'm glad I saved recently, h-haha... Only lost about 5 minutes of progress instead of an hour or so...
Yeah, it's six, it's just that the gap between 5 and 6 is really long kek
Yeah, my bad kek, it's 512/512/488
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Thanks, not going to join Empyrean EoE because I plan to maybe one day go back to my old Empyrean save to at least finish the story, I stopped playing right after the Rayquasa abomination
Yeah it's 6 Gyms in total
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I forget if you were making that plat scyther into scizor, ashime, but if so here's some scizorite at mt mesmer
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The foolish gachabrain challenges the cherub...

Thanks. I think I'm going to go with a bulky Mega Scizor set until I get the fire immunity item and then move my mega slot to another mon.
I just realized that the game opened it's twitter and the Latiken sprite in there made me realize that Eda has both Latias and Blaziken, fate really is funny sometimes
Wait when the hell did twitter come back here?
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It's finally over...for now
Back to playing the game now
not sure how much i can get done today, i'll at least try to get to the redhead sexo (i-i don't mean rapidash...)

what did he mean by this?

GG to all you bros.
You can add on 'LGBTQ+ characters' (there's a whole tranny district in empire and alanah/enrico are gay depending on your gender), and 'you can be evil' (you can kill people and in general do heinous shit). pump those numbers up
gg, did you get anything good?
He knows exactly what he said. He's about to make a variation on the copypasta.
Thanks bros.
>did you get anything good?
A lot of shekels. 5 million to be exact.
I forgot about this kek
It's probably worth going for a shiny for GP autism, isn't it
kinda sped through it, 75 or 85 registered when you get to mesmer town gets you the choice scarf
i honestly don't even remember who this faggot is even supposed to be in the grander plot of the game, like yes this is blitz's dad, but i don't think anything about this ends up being remotely relevant kek

what is with the luck this playthrough, fucking hell kek
god damn, congrats
Congrats. How do you get Ditto?
you can use the power glove on a truck near the mc's house
if only....

i think she prefers pichus and men who like their kirlias a bit too much
13/20 Rattatas found. This sidequest is soulsucking.
Does beating him do anything later on ala beating the Garchomp in Reborn or is it just for the EXP and bragging rights?
Noted. Thanks.
you know, haha...was growlithe part of any spicy leaks

just bragging rights, as far as I know
>Shiny/plat (and more importantly the heart) doesn't carry over during the fusionshit
>Would have to reset on the gp5 fusion until I get another shiny/plat
It's so FUCKING over
Frankly I'm surprised I didn't get cucked during the chansey genocide tbdesu
Thanks kek
I opened my Booster Pack from the Pinsir sidequest and got a GOLDEN_MUDKIP card, Slaking Card (kek), and Platinum Cloyster Card.

Is Golden a higher rarity than Shiny or Platinum?
golden pokemon are special evolutions.
not quite
Are they alt forms or entirely new evos? If the latter, can you give any mon that evolves into a golden mon an ultra eviolite?
magnetic cave sucks
>Type: Gold
I'm going to have to read up on this before I get memed on by a boss with this fanfic type in the postgame, aren't I?
I-I guess I'll breed some magnemites and grind those up to start fusing, h-haha...
iirc it happens when you have a max IV mudkip or something
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for petes sake
i really like this game's 'karma' system, very well thought out and implemented kek

fucking F
don't worry, just borrow some of ashime and orevald's luck, haha...
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if you've been picking up everything you see you should have guidebook page 3, for once the tutorial widget has crucial info
jesus christ, i don't actually remember fighting a gold type mon (other than maybe the champion...? i really don't remember). very balanced..

still better than d*ta type
I think they can use megas multiple times, or maybe both attempts are blurred together, not sure.
Persona 2 bros.... The Prophecy flashbacks are starting again.
That looks obnoxious. Good to know.
h-how many typhlosions are there in this city?!

oh, don't worry, that's very much the least of the most autistic moves this game has (assuming you're going all the way to the end of edge of eternity, haha..)
very evil things are in this game
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so the deal with "team supreme" here is that they don't like how only bad pokemon are in this region and they want to put good pokemon. and they're going on about it by ransacking every corner and hoping they find something. and the region won't just support them because they're such troublemakers (like why the fuck are you stealing "weaker" pokemon in the first place)
so... why not just import some good pokemon in the region?

it do be like that
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>The grovylefag is now ""cosplaying"" as a zoroark in reborncord because he read some fanfic where one got killed (i think)
Still (very) slightly better than that one tranny in eeveecord, though that one doesn't traumadump about why it types like that I guess kek
Both are really cringe thoughever
haha...here's hoping...

can't wait for gamefreak to fully use shrinking as a gimmick a la dynamax so we can get some more creative fan art depicting such a thing
fucking lmao
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Thanks I hate it.
All things considered Light is reasonably well implemented. Why did they shit the bed with Gold and Data? Or are these boss-exclusive types for the most part and designed to be OP?
That textwall made my eyes glaze over not even 1/5th of the way into it. Does he even try and format his wordvomit at all?
>can't wait for gamefreak to fully use shrinking as a gimmick a la dynamax so we can get some more creative fan art depicting such a thing
What was Bill up to in Gen 1?
data isn't op, you can stunlock it forever with ice moves. I know porygon is data type, and some other regionals are as well
I remember seeing some Datas here and there but they are "balanced" by being completely shut down by ice type moves
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Speaking of...
Good to know.
>The data boss that's holding the ice type immunity item
Can't wait.
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>The Kalosian professor is a jeet
wow this sucked nigger dick, and this isn't even the light mode one

maybe i oughtta tap into the platinum luck myself before a certain snake bitch, haha...
i guess i might as well keep a Whiteout counter, uhh, probably like 10 overall i think?

i'm pretty sure there are data types with ice type shields come endgame, thankfully from what i remember you can just use dark type moves to slowly whittle them down
>That textwall made my eyes glaze over not even 1/5th
just, he got buckbroken by a fanfic, that's all you need to know, haha..
honestly, i'm surprised he didn't start sperging about desolation again kek
>honestly, i'm surprised he didn't start sperging about desolation again kek
That was in the creative discussion channel kek
>Get mindbroken by a furfag murderfic
>Makes the second game out of spite (i think)
>Partway through starts enjoying devving it instead because of some discord therapist
That's about as far as I got desu ne
The part where he basically calls himself an unhinged zoroarkfag was pretty funny at least
oh, surprisingly first try

in my sort-of-kind-of 'only regionals/fakemon + greninja from the ash must lose the championship series' run most of them got fucked over by earthquake spam from the rangerfag, blitz ended up being way more manageable as a partner
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>honestly, i'm surprised he didn't start sperging about desolation again kek
Did deso buckbreak him? Are discord trannies chronically allergic to good taste?
>two hypnos are involved
I don't like this.

>complex stories are....le bad!
he's not exactly wrong when it comes to most pokemon fangames....
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>Non-human DNA in the female Rapidash caused it to morb
>Microchimeric reactions confirmed for canon
What did they mean by this?
New evolution, and yes.
Back to the grinding mines...h-haha...
>hmm this is probably the exit but there's also a way down
>I'll check outside real quick and make sure it's the proper exit before doubling back just in case it's another side-area
but I wanted to explooooooooore
>The grinding chansey suddenly has 1gp now
okay, so trainer's go does scale to your gp somewhat, that explains why Ashime is getting jumped by 4/5 gp faggots kek
The payoff will be a wonderful magnet in the end. Are you going for the early Emmanuel win?
It does not seem proportional at all to the player's current multipliers even if it's using it as an input value. Once I hit GP3 on one mon, the game decided it was kaizoshart time. Also there seems to be a large amount of variance; some trainers are GP 2-3 while others will be GP5+card+shiny in the same area.
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and that's the fifth gym, which uses water types.
the difficulty has dropped a bit the further I'm into this game, only used 2 pokemon this time. maybe doing a dualtype playthrough would've been better
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May his dances be sharp and his fury cutters strike true.
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metaGODS...I must kneel before you. after 17 attempts at doing this with no items, the partner ai just wiped it with endless meteor mashes, I think it got the buff 3 times. I was about to trek all the way down mt mesmer to start the GP loop but thank god it saved me from doing that
Not a magnet, I'm going to forsake the platinum ditto and reset for another shiny/plat one on the gp5 fusion, the payoff for that will be even greater, I-I know it will... it'd hurt a lot more if I didn't luckshit the plat dittoGOD in like 2 minutes kek
>GP autism
If I knew where to look, I could probably find what makes it work in the scripts, but I have no idea where to even start looking kek
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>Dr Guinea

GG. It's telling you to use a Metagross.
It'd be a marvelous scientific breakthrough if Dr. Ebugh made the plat ditto's GP go up.
>catch rate is 0.1%
how many do I need for the fusion technique?
also thanks, fuck
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This laboratory area has a lot of solidity errors. You can just walk through a good chunk of the tables and machine blocks. I've yet to find any that let you get out of bounds, but this area wasn't nearly as well playtested as the other areas so far.
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GG. these fusionfaggot fights are way harder than i remember kek, not looking forward to...you know who....
GG. wild that manectric is considered a shitmon
he doesn't like desolation because...the story is bland and he couldn't connect to the characters
i don't know if you were around when i did his fangame, but, well, you can probably make an inference from a screenshot or two about how the story in that game is
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>in the middle of a flashback cutscene
>enter another flashback cutscene midway through the first
I am suddenly and forcefully reminded of how fond of naruto spaniards are

also the new sprites look nice
there were also twitter reveals for derek and dittoguy but they aren't cute girls so who cares
GG, based MetaGOD
haha...I'll pass (for now), mainly because 1 GP5 ditto makes GP autism so much more manageable, so I may as well grind this one out legitimately for the "reward" of not really having to worry about the rest of the gp autism kek
tbf, you can just catch one, breed it, evolve them, and then fuse the children into the best one
Catching one will suck thoughever kek
basically do anything you need to do loop wise before mesmer, it's a long way back down
thanks bro. yeah if the bosses also have the updated reborn AI it's gonna be miserable. I know they can check held items, I had a one use fairy null item on haxorus and it always used a different move instead of moonblast
a leader in spirit, huh....? one could almost say, a spiritual leader....

this foreshadowing sucks

>the new design for the femc
holy SEX
the sakura and bijou redesigns cannot come fast enough
>and he couldn't connect to the characters
I understand completely.
Fair enough kek
What's your team looking like right now? That goes for everybody really, what're you all using?
That's one of my biggest fears.
My tile creator gives me so many revisions I fear I'll forget to fix them before I add them
>run into porygon2
>realize i have no good data counter
very cool

this is mostly what i've been rocking, to try and use new shit. i also have wispaur and some other regionals in the box. there's probably some glaring things i've been missing
just as long as you playtest shit and catch most of the errors, i don't think people will come down too hard
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thanks bro. true I can use ditto for beldum, thanks for reminding me
I've been holding off on the loop until I had access to the sask fumes and fly, makes things so much easier. right now though I have a card for empoleon and that's it, no gp no nothing
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Yeah I'll get right on that right after I singlehandedly end the Fed and every hedge fund, deport all the jeets in tech, depoz the media, and cure tickborne bioweapon-induced illnesses. No sweat.
Based Luxray and Machamp enjoyer. How's Honchrow and Komala treating you? On paper the Honchrow seemed like a Skarmory or Corviknight sidegrade, but I didn't look too far into its learnpool to see if there were any funny sets for it.
Based Luxray. I assume Aggron is going to be your mega? Or is Empoleon?

How's the Swellow treating both of you?
This is what I've been running, It'll probably shake up a lot once I get the dittoGOD back up and running and ready for breeding, since I've been waiting to really set up a team so I could do some GP autism
Does the regional Camerupt get ice shard? Could use that to eternally btfo any data type kek
>the PEDOPHILE child asking a grown man on a date
this breaks the twittertroon brain

Asking him how his wife is knowing full well he doesn't have one was equally funny kek
>The ditto too
Your protagonist has been a dirty boy.
What's the Magneton for h-haha?
probably aggron. empoleon...has another use. swellow is kinda meh, it becomes a special attacker but there aren't many good special flying moves
imagine hating your newborn child that much you'd call him that

given the amount of sheer reddit that oozes off this man THOUGH, i wouldn't be surprised if he changed his name

you're basically on the money about honchkrow. it's a more offensive version of those mons
komala on the other hand is nice and simple, just a decently bulky normal/ghost type with all the usual tricks like will o wisp + hex, curse, etc.
probably so. i'll likely drop grenigger as soon as i get the samurai pedo, so i'll at least need some dedicated ice attacker
there's also the crobat, but i haven't been using that that often
>they all just happen to be female
I'll probably take a break for a few days unless it starts storming outside again, any recommendations for fangames I could try?
Thanks bro.
>Those designs
Ulala mama~
Fury Cutter might be the best move in the game due to shitcode.
>Got the BP buff from later gens
>Didn't seem to get the max number of stacks reduced as tradeoff
It does absurd damage to even 5GP+Shiny+Card niggers with technician boost and Scizor regularly cleans whole teams with it.
Doesn't Swellow get Hurricane and Aeroblast?
>stack four bulk-ups on dusclops
>win for free
uh nice boss
verlisify redeemed
is every single pilot eda section going to go like this
if it does it hasn't yet
i'm not a powerlevelshart fag but it always makes me laugh when characters say shit like this when there's pokemon that can decimate towns and mountains

it reminds me of everyone shitting their pants in SOVLstones 2 when the anomalies break through a wall....that's made of one inch steel

could maybe try PMD or berserk, those gamejam games
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Current squad. I'll probably be sticking with this for a while, but Blaziken and Machamp feel slightly redundant. I might swap one out to something else depending on how I feel after my Cherub evolves and I have access to the Mega Ring.
>verlisify redeemed
qrd? I've not seen anything to do with him in a very long time now.
The rampaging gorilla had to be put down. It was an inevitability.
I guess I did name the MC Pokefucker, haha...
Might (intentionally) lean into it a bit more and stack up on waifumons, at least for the main game kek
thanks bro
bizarre, sunday, maybe that gold and silver 97 reforged with the betamons?
it's kind of crazy that i don't actually think this literally has any relevance to anything. what the fuck is this talking about again kek

blaziken is definitely better, though you might want to keep machamp as it's a shiny new toy and all that
It's a good theme team for the playthrough in light of the leaks kek.
I assume you can't get the corrupted Rapidash, but Slaking or Typhlosion would be great fits.
I'd encourage you to join us and just debug through the parts of Empyrean you don't enjoy. The more the merrier, but I understand if you're sufficiently put off by the game.
Ah shit, that reminds me, base EoE is bugged and doesn't show most of the shiny/platinum party icons for some reason kek how did i not notice that crobat's icon was bugged kek
I'll probably find my fix for that from that and implement it into this script
Haha...I'm definitely using Typhlosion as well kek
>finally back in control
>run back into the cave
>climb down the ladder I wanted to explore earlier
>just takes you back to the main room
>now have to run all the way back to the exit
I don't know what I expected
one of his more notable dogshit sets was fury cutter venusaur
from another thread a week ago
>the whole set revolves around getting bulky on Venusaur and spamming the move.
Predictably, it isn't very good
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A new mega option has appeared.
Yeah. I could probably justify keeping both around if I put Baton Pass on Blazichuck so it can pass its giant boosts to Machamp and give Machamp an Assault Vest or something with 4 attacks.
>Click Fury Cutter with Venusaur
>Opponent switches in Steel type expecting a Sludge Bomb or grass move
>Takes no damage anyway
kek I'm not sure what he's going for there.
Looking forward to the shiny icon fix since I've been blessed by the shiny gods.
Bros...I think I found the source of the pokefucking degeneracy....
aren't the prototypes the attempts at fusion
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What happens in the chabad tunnels stays in the chabad tunnels.
>the nu...
what was she trying to say?

oh, that makes sense. i forget how the stein fucker fits into everything thanks to the timeline swapping bullshit kek
doesn't he say 'we have some of those in dooriver' too...?
you can catch stein reporting to someone named M on the teleportation floor after the experiment
Yes. Yes he does kek.
You can catch him on the phone prior to the experiment too.
>the entire universe was nearly destroyed because the soience man tried to get his autistic furry nephew to stop being a retard
you know what the moral of the story is

i saw that, but i don't even remember who that is kek, was thinking of the eevee edition lady
the Magician I think, our favorite cult leader
It amazes me how three lines intended to catch mons without a icon (i think? maybe I'm just retarded) can completely fuck up the icons kek
Here you go
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Based, thanks bro.
yaraGODS....it begins yet again.....until it's over

right...but wouldn't that make stein evil kek. never mind i'll play to remember all the epic plot twists and character alliances
Holy fucking based...DittoGODS...we've won
I know shiny/plat increases the shiny/plat odds on eggs, but idk if shiny mons increase the plat odds
holy baste

i can get neu
congrats, and man what a great looking shiny
Based and incredible shiny.
>fight ninjalady on the bridge
>can live three fire fangs on Mothim because of the rain
>with three quiver dances I should be able to sweep
>ninjalady sets toxic spikes like a retard, allowing me to quiver dance one additional time
>actually jk she got a crit on the last fire fang and mothim went down
looks great
does ditto keep it's shiny when it transforms in that game

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