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Borgar Edition


We have:
>Full SVN repositories for Platinum, HGSS, BW, and B2W2, which includes source code and full commit history
>USUM git repository
>Pokemon Bank source code and builds
>Shitloads of design documents, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and other such things from Gen 1 to Gen 6 (but mainly Gen 3 to Gen 6)
>XY and ORAS staff documents, source assets, concept art, dev videos and XY prototype builds
>Anime production art up to BW
>Source logos, manuals, boxart and promo PDFs for select mainline Pokemon games up to BW and ORAS
>Miscellaneous stuff like digitized scans of GF Magazine and anime art; data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO QA builds, etc.
>Legends: Arceus mid-production overview PDF
>Codenames for past and future games (e.g. "Titan" = S/V)

Non-Pokemon leaks:
>An unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one of them involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Localization, sheet music, and other development documents for Drill Dozer
>An unreleased DS conversion of an unreleased port of Yoshi to the SNES
>Some HarmoKnight stuff

The amount of data here is immense and even more is still on the way, so please be patient.
People are rummaging through the files as we speak.

>Files: https://rentry.org/freakleak
>Torrents: https://rentry.org/gfteratorrent

Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 10.
Previous: >>56698055
First post for genwar is against the rules
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XY Files
Gen 7, 8 and 9 are trash. Now go to bed.
As the person who made last thread, please don't forget the subject line when making threads and don't make new threads until the prior thread either hits image limit or page 10.
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There has to be more about Sycamore and Lysandre....

originally could have been Charles or Patrice.
gives burger
obsessed with lysandre since the beginning with the lion plush in the storyboard thing

had mutton chops instead of beard
wasnt the original villain (or was and name was changed)
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This is the thread
I still believe in mega flygon
qrd on Roaring Moon?
Filepath/source right now
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look at her go
only 7 is trash
I really want to see mega jynx
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File path please
What was the age of Archie and Maxie?
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Which place is this supposed to be?
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vggg sovl
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They're in the spreadsheets in kujira for sango_field graphics docs.
They're super annoying to scroll through.
Here's most at full quality. Could of missed some though.
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>May and Serena get all the good leak concept art
Not showcased: Unprotected sex of Calem and Shauna
>Centro is beating us to posting/finding new Kalos images
what the fuck bros
Kalosian serperior
Both 34
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>Pokemon if GFtried
He is probably getting help from others to do the work for him.
It's time machine
whats the filepath
He stole it from the discord, theyve had it for a bit.
>Verification not required.
Wow, so young
Hilda got an artwork accurate 3D model though.
I don't care what the faggots of other sites do.
Post leaks or fuck off.
You should care, we're getting dripfed from Discord. If we piss them off we don't get anything.
30 is old
That's not Rosa you retard gorilla nigger
Are you in middle school
No I meant compared to their faces? I thought they were 40
It's OK bro...... BW3 will save us...
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I can't remember, did the leakers say they have BDSP stuff, I don't want to set myself up for disappointment about the possibility of seeing BDSP Jasmine concept art when they get around to the switch era
Anon is japanese of course
are there any updates from the leaker bros...
Only if you pay for hormones for them
We're not getting anything else, its fucking over
he dieded from ligma
Hilda is better.
from what i've read from other threads he's just got some late builds of the game and nothing else.
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TCRF is parsing through Black/Whites Stats. Here's my favorite. The Tao dragons were going to have Pressure as an ability, before getting that and Mold Breaker as a hidden ability, before getting mold breaker clones.

alright, thank you
no need to fight, gen 5 just has the best MCs period
graphics\outsourcing\doc\kujira_field_spec\kujira_ワールドマップ.xls includes final Kalos plans, including this very spicy general overview timeline, quite a treat if you translate it :)
i know GF is retarded, but is there legitimately any reason why they were using SVN over Git by the time of XY
apparently git is trash for big binary files like art assets. they switched code to git for gen 7, though.
>maboroshi island
shitty translation aside, FUCK, we couldve had the cigarette island
Agree to Disagree.

We're here for leaks not waifu wars
Is it true that even game design documents have been leaked? I'm interested in those.
On top of what >>56700971 said, SVN is also just simpler to handle than Git, for better and for worse.
Sure the leaker posts on Discord but not all the finding are from Discord. Their fucking drama is irrelevant to the thread, if you are so desesperate for new content dig the files they have already realesed.
>Verification not required.
They should ask Mega Lopunny, she has plenty to spare.
What's the filepath for OP image
>but not all the finding are from Discord.
Throwing my hat into the ring to say that like half of what we're getting is from Discord, and that number is only going to go up further and further as the threads go on.

Because in case it weren't obvious, 90% of posters here didn't download anything, and of the 10% left half of them are too stupid to even get anything to either boot reliably or find something new.
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Slowly editing/making more sprite shit.

Weird, so they made the two Southern Kalos maps and then archived it for X2Y2?
did any of the leaked XY 'mons that were scrapped have actual names or no?
To be fair I was finding shit for BW/Pt/HGSS but I don't care for the 3DS games and want to give other anons their space to post findings...or lack there of
Mega Flygon just flew over my house.
>6/28/2012: R32 deleted
>7/15/2012: Entire southern part deleted in anticipation(?) of 岩尾のローカル (idk what's this about)
>9/23/2012: Illusion Island deleted
Dog line looks sick as fuck
fucking nothing
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The true robbed
can't wait for xy_field to leak and we can go back through the commits and found the yote areas.
Thank fucking god. Sometimes it seemed like they didn't know what ability to give a legendary so they just went for pressure and called it a day
Should've been ORAS champion desu
Some corrections.
>7/15/2012: Entire southern part deleted in anticipation(?) of Iwao's local (I still idk what this means)
>9/23/2012: Illusion Island deleted from table
Not even a cameo or mention despite being in B2W2.
>Kazumasa Iwao
>Game map designer for X and Y
Iwao was map lead for XY, and later directed USUM and LA.
Makes you think, doesn't it.
Can someone post the doc with south Kalos again? I wanna see if there is something labeled R32 there.
So it was replaced by something and they deleted beforehand? I wonder if any documents have that expression 岩尾のローカル
If Iwao was hacked we could see south Kalos
We might see it in the history of the source code
anything that was in the files should be findable when xy_field leaks. It should have full history like sango_field does.
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I may be blind, but I can't find R32 in any of the images I've saved. I only see up to the low 20s
>bros, southern kalos was never real
>proof it existed halfway into the games revisions
R32 might mean somewhere else, the map only goes far as R26
Any concepts for the southern kalos locations?
They’re pretty old fashioned from other stuff I’ve seen. They still use windows 7/8
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The closest i can find is this, which is 31. Which considering that changelog implies somehow this is during that very brief gap.
We'd have to wait for the XY repo to leak and we'd likely to have to go further in the revisions for it, if anything beyond final concept art exists at all
And of course, if the XY repo leaks before the leaker gets v&
Can someone translate the top part? It seems like the order of implementation of the maps like Level Design and Camera
Did you make the others that were shared before? Is it possible to get all in one image? Thanks :D
Still don't get why the faggot isn't finishing the XY dump first when it was the most information.
Just darted right on my cats nose
PC ports when
Or wait i get it, 32 was literally removed so the entry was deleted on this chart.
That makes more sense.
yeah, he should leak the smaller xy repos before the 300gb oras shit. xy_tools, xy_pokemon(the pokemon models), etc.
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Friend Safari?
Have the leaks explained why HGSS Safari zone was so shit?
because there wasn't one they could re-purpose from X&Y
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It's been said before, but the promise of lewd modding would Kickstart a PC port. We need to convince the rest of the board.
>He didn't download the Busty May Mod
Is this XY or ORAS? They go up to 16
Looks like that XY city with the grass gym, but with more to it
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It's Coumarine
The ones filled by circles or Xs right?
Here it goes:
>>Level design
>>Specification document
>Check before ordering
>Presentation of data
>Acceptance inspection
>>AD check
>>PD check
Fuckijg hated this town
So far as Southern Kalos is concerned, they made the level design at least (probably in the game way as >>56701222). dae is an acronym for what?
at least for R19 and R22* I doubt they worked in the really bottom stuff
dae is a 3d model format
>dae is an acronym for what
DAE is collada, a 3d model format.
We need all the NPCs and Pokemon to be on par with Busty May. Source port would allow us to do jiggle physics, custom animations and higher poly models.
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Okay yeah the doc says grass gym according to google translate

Pic related is in a separate filetree, also labeled id16, and appeaers to be the same.

This >>56701176 is in the second filetree, labeled id32
>None of sourthern Kalos maps went past outsourcing
>higher poly
but anon, the framerate!
god i want the nice jiggle phys on serena skating
theres password protected pdfs at sango_field/trunk/graphics/outsourcing/mb/doc/

do we know the password?
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So, assuming someone actually steps up to make a modded PC port of the builds we have right now, what would be the things you lads would like to see in it other than the obvious sexo stuff like bustier girls and the battle frontier? I'm a basic bastard, I would love Giga Chadzard and some of the betamons to be implemented if possible.
>dae is a 3d model format
Oh cool, here's >>56701176 as a 3d moel
I wouldn't play non canonical games. Hopefully it doesn't happen. Would ruin this fanbase with delusions.
The crazy beta camera, Gen 5 styled UI. All info on a single screen and more animations.
im going to tell you a secret that exclusively applies to switch-specific shit
did you know the sdk allows you to compile pc-native code so it can be run on the desktop as if it were running on a switch? it is often unused in most studios but it does work
Multiple MC base models and new outfits would be so peak
you got a link to that mod?
what is it
So these routes were not implemented into the game at that point. Looking better at the map posted early, route or not, none of the other Southern Kalos locations had level design outside these two, route or not.
Can't wait for PC version.
I want to see someone implement the beta lighting into XY
Quick, someone look through the files or in-game shit of the may 2012 build (sogabe\sparring) and see if there's southern kalos maps hidden within
More mons, the other game gimmicks
More customization
anyone else think its weird that theres trainers that caught legendary pokemon and people act like theres multiple of them? i know this holds true for a few but its weird seeing tobias just casually having groudon rayquaza darkrai latios and all that shit
There's a split between legendaries and mythicals, but to be honest it doesn't matter and you shouldn't think too much about it.
Also let me play as the other pokemon protags, even if its just outfits i want the largest selection of outfits possible
The motherload would be working online secret bases but that would be too good and too jank
stop posting this shit it looks like a fucking deviantart edit

is better
>tobias just casually having groudon rayquaza darkrai latios
Bot post.
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>ーエスボール。GSボール。(Generation Sympathy Ball
Setting (back) ・The etymology of “CELEBBI” is “blessing (CELEBRATE)”. The origin of the word “CEREBI” is “CELEBRATE. In the earth hundreds or thousands of years in the future (if that is what we call it in the Pokemon world), human beings will not be extinct, and other animals and plants (Pokemon) will be living in abundant nature. Of course, there are and will continue to be many problems to be solved, such as environmental pollution, destruction of nature, and the extinction or near-extinction of some species. However, the earth and all life on it will overcome many difficulties and arrive at a future filled with joy. The fact that Celebi comes from the future is proof that the future of all life on earth is promised. The messenger from the future is Celebi.
If we go in the wrong direction, Celebi will not come. It is said that if you go in the wrong direction, Celebi will not come.
Route 11
Route 11
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A piece of Dendemille
Who posted that golfers big tits before?
>Celebi may be a combination of 精霊 seirei (spirit), Ceres (Roman goddess of fertility), celebrate or celestial, serenity, and 美 bi (beauty) or being.
Bros, is Bulbapedia wrong?
actually fucking robbed
dont these fucking pokemon have like world-saving jobs to do? im pretty goddamn sure they do
So why aren't all of the pokemon in SwSh, really?
We have the lie they gave us. There are some theories.
I want to see the document(s) actually elaborating the decision making process in clear terms why they can't fit all of the pokemon onto a switch cart.
If we get that out of these leaks?
They're fucked.
oh i see, I'm retarded
Being able to play at 60fps without just doubling the game speed
And I guess retooling the UI for a single screen
Was it ever right?
All this leak has proven to me is that most of you retards have no idea about game development - y’know, a major part that goes into your favourite hobby? You fat bastards just love staying uninformed huh?
I mean, that's a bunch of guesses and celebrate is one of these so
What fucking job does Arcticuno have?
>he doesnt know
this fucker legit cant have caught them all if he missed Unova's contribution to the battle scene
File path?
The simplest answer would be
1) To save time in the development of each game
2) To ripoff retards who pay to keep their collection on standby through Pokemon HOME
3) A really shitty FOMO-based marketing spin ("look! your faves are back in this nee game/DLC after so long!")
What is it?
Been out of the house most of the day today. Just grabbed sangopart3 and grabbed the pdf about Legends Arceus before I left. Any other file drops I've missed?
The one thing I like about the fan base being so big is that it means there’s more of a chance of there being actually good fangames.
I'm like 80% sure its the last one. Pokemon already runs on a model of taking shit and giving it back to you.
That was already their official reasoning for removing features; and ultimately what is the other mons but a feature?
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protects the orb
Yes, but Pokemon is a video game first. Same reason why you can catch Legendaries and Mythical's in a variety of different locations after their introductory game even though they shouldn't be moving to a brand new region every 2 years.
>hid a watermark in an image
>centro didn't post it
>other people are
Well i guess i know who just lurks here for things to post now
idk why you guys keep posting shit without a filepath
No, sangopart3 is the latest
Pretty much it's a mix of 1 and 2. You could never catch em all after Gen V without paying for some kind of subscription service or hacking which at that point you're not a paying customer.
part 1 of 29 of the 300GB oras code got uploaded. poggers.

seriously though, not downloading this crap.
No filepath but the jp text looks legit (not mtl).
But this isn't particularly interesting. It doesn't even say thing about the GS ball.
link it retard
>Ready for the longest split?
>P1/29 of sango_project
7 generations of games had all pokemon.
I don't buy the 'save development time' shit for a second, ESPECIALLY with dlc mons.
Explain to me how the jump from Gen 7 to Gen 8 had so many more monsters on technically superior hardware, that they didn't have time to 'put them in'?
Point 2, as ransomware is possible
Point 3 only works when the fanbase forgot they could get them all to begin with. I haven't forgot. I haven't bought anything post USUM, and will continue to support the ROM hack community that can somehow fit all pokemon, Gens 1-9, with megas and every other stupid gimmick, onto a GBA rom.
I have to wonder if their point was to self-sabotage themselves to renegotiate contracts so they don't have to develop the games anymore.
They would HATE to say 'we can't do this anymore', but want Nintendo to 'let them go', so they can go back to making smaller games with neat concepts like Drilldozer and Quinty.
At the very least at the very first commit for oras code there'll be the XY code repo
part 1/29 live! be sure to download it! :D
>part 1 of 29 of the 300GB oras code got uploaded. poggers.
Man, it doesn't feel like exaggeration. I think I'll leave these threads to it for a while if this snail's pace keeps up
i mean, at least we'll have the entire commit history of ORAS by the end of it. good for my autism
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More, can't post the JP too because limit (also includes gs ball stuff) https://pastebin.com/VgyM7ZL1
Celebi (CEREBI) Game Settings - Number: 251 - Time-Wandering Pokémon - Type: Psychic, Grass - Height: 0.6m, Weight: 5.0kg r Gold: It wanders from place to place, transcending time. It is said that the forest where Celebi revealed its form is teeming with grass. Silver: It is said that the egg left behind in the back of the forest where Celebi disappeared was brought from the future.・Treatment in Gold and Silver ◎Shrine msg_hokora_00_d36r0101 "The shrine in Ubame Forest... the god of the forest is enshrined there." ◎Old woman msg_oldwoman_00_r34r0101 "They say there is a god in the forest... don't do anything naughty." ◎Young girl msg_girl_00_r34r0201 "Have you visited the shrine of the god of the forest? ▼ The god of the forest watches over the forest beyond time He must be a grass Pokémon." Setting (front) ・It is believed to have been swept away by the waves of time, coming from hundreds or thousands of years into the future. ・Celebi itself does not have the ability to travel through time and space. It is swept away by resonance with its companions and with the beautiful forest. It appears when its wavelength matches.・Even if they arrive at a certain time, they are quickly taken away, so there are few sightings. ・One day they appear unnoticed, and then suddenly they disappear. ・They can communicate with all animals and plants. ・Whenever there is a beautiful forest, Celebi will appear there. This is the legend that remains. ・There are many Celebis. They have a gregarious habit. They are similar to fairies.
Because my post barely fit the limit.
I pased it all in the paste above though
it begins
wait a minute, is this it? could this finally be something?
You get all parts, then extract the .tar from the .tar.gz making it probably 350GB. Then you extract all the files from that. I'm not even going to bother.

Someone extract the final oras code and final xy code from it and share it separately when it's done please.
And remember, this is likely before svn exporting
Hope you got a really big hard drive, bros
please for the love of god TELL THIS NIGGER TO FINISH X/Y FIRST
imagine if each folder (its folders and not fucking files right itd be insane to be 29 files for ALL of ORAS) took a damn day or two to upload.
Genuine Thanksgiving gift...
So uh, recommendations for a cheap hard drive?
Could you please do the monolith fella?
he said he's gonna do the XY svn *after* the 29 part oras svn so get ready to wait a bit lol
he's been doing 20-30GB a day lately.
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not so fast!
thank you anon
if i had a suggestion though, change the picture filename to the path, i saw some others doing that a while back
those're pretty clean, gj anon
BDSP wasn't made by GF. They probably still had a build but all the development wasn't there.
What kind of file? Shows as a binary for me
What an idiot
Who up protecting they orb?
Fucking hell why couldn't we have gotten this for an actual interesting game like XY. This is gonna be one long fucking stretch of nothing.
>Non-canon crappy movie
i know he said that but why has nobody tried to convince him to just not finish x/y first instead
builds are important too but holy shit dude, the documents take a million times more priority
>he doesnt know
I just want ZA
What a nigger
What if I dont?
ORAS is fated to have XY stuff inside if you are that interested on it
I'll do it next time I just like posting pictures.
Dunno, but the raw text is still in it. All in japanese of course. Just open it in HxD or notepad++
This is source code right? Surely this can be reverse engineered back into XY?
How much are these games built on each other?
We could possibly roll back enough to get some XY shit, right?
>also includes gs ball stuff
I'm not seeing it.
Should at least contain the final xy code at an early revision i'd reckon.
Fuck it, you know what? I actually liked ORAS and I'm tired of pretending I didn't.
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Sounds like a long fucking time. Not much point watching over these generals like a hawk during an incoming dry spell. Think I'll play ORAS and make a playthrough thread to pass the time.
Let's put a counter for ORAS parts in the OP
Fucking hell I posted the wrong pastebin I made one by accident with just celebi but I guess I didn't paste the new URL, my bad.
that celebi lore... It fill people with hope
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goodass movie
>my waifu maren is in it
>misty is pissed melody is getting ash's attention
>lugia doing lugia things and made the creator seethe because it was given a male voice
>the 3 birds and their orbs
>slowking just being there doing his thing
>big bad ship gets what he fucking deserves
>the entire boat sections with team rocket working together with em
yeah its a good movie

Dear god we're gonna be here forever
I think ORAS is possible... Wasn't XY source code cut in half when he was kicked out of their servers?
We could do a community run for ORAS with certain stopping points tied to each part delivered by the leaker
did the leaks, from threads ago, have skyla references (not that she's latina, we had a whole trend because of that, but like images of her design for the anime team)
If so, what general would you approximate them to be in
The anime references stopped at Gen 4, I believe.
i had it on VCR. Best six dollars i ever spent at a yard sale, you fucking bet i watched that shit repeatedly. I might still get chills if i hear slowking say that the world turns to ash.
I mean the development of XY was ostensibly held back by the 3D jump. It's not out of the question they also expected HD to fully fuck them so they took the easier way out. Those Pokemon eventually did come to the game, mostly.

But then they went ahead and either heavily edited or redid models for the next two games too.
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i will never forget the moment where everyone is just shitting themselves at slowking talking like a normal person
>(未来にガンテツの孫が作りこの名を付けたら オい)
Does it looks like this in the file?
whyyyy does she have to have the most retarded strap design, with a long-sleeved croptop to boot.
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Does anyone have the images that have the other temp portraits that look like this Jasmine? Meant to save them because they're silly but I neglected to do so and now I can't find them again.
They're welcome to leave and form their own studios.
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The fact you pretending you didn't is fucking pathetic
He should been a secret boss at the Pokemon Contest
I liked Oras until I went to the battle resort and had a feeling of being kicked in the balls. At least it's still better than let's go pee/poo and bdsp
Do you want to be the one to tell your family and colleagues that you abandoned such a huge cashcow and now make so much less money, with your only excuse being 'that you hated it'.

As opposed to, "we were laid off. oh, such a shame..."
...this thread right now makes me feel more like the frozen one
>Interesting game
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You're retarded
Are we able to extract Battle Revolution/Pokken animations? Asking for a friend.
The shit you have to make up to fuel your retarded conspiracy. They did it because it was easy.
>300 gigs
Nah im good
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similar note, who made this silly thing? stole it from a thread a few days back. was it some anon?
Didn't Gen 6 already have triple and rotation battles?
Post Beta Brendan please
Original cries. 99% of the gen 6+ cries for older Pokemon are godawful.
I remember when the games were good. They were good, because they liked making them.
Now the games aren't good, ergo, they hate making them.
It aaaall makes sense.
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Yes letting those people see how incompetent you are and how large a failure you have caused would make much more sense
Generation Sympathy Ball. (Generational Empathy (Resonance) Ball)
-There is also a theory that it is called the Kurt Special Ball(*1).
-It would be [CUT] if Kurt's granddaughter made and named it in the future(*2)
-Twist the top and it vibrates
-GS Balls are given by the receptionist to the person ranked first in the PCC
-One per person

(*1)This name is similar to Kurt's Amazing Ball (localized as greatest smith's ball to fit GS) used in USUM.
(*2)This reminds me of a obscure theory about a Mobile System GB event minigame in Crystal about how a character named it could be Kurt's granddaughter from the future) but I can't remember it well.
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i find it funny how theres an entire scene with zapdos where meowth is just translating the zaps of electricity between zapdos and pikachu and its a perfectly normal discussion
>more banter happens between melody and misty
>flying boats just going up staircases
what a silly movie it is
The games haven't been good since Gen 2
That would be great. And if its a native port, then we can throw all the enhanced specs of a decent PC at XY/ORAS so they won't actually slow down too much hopefully. Every video of the enhanced lighting is at half the framerate of the already slow as shit game.
why are you here
To laugh at you pedophiles
>named it
*name in it
>he eats up modern GF slop
No really where the hell is this, I don’t remember anywhere like this. Is it like, very early aquarium? Don’t remember a train anywhere near there
thanks for compiling
I'm tired. I saw the jacket and thought it was a part of her boobs, making them look way bigger than they actually are.
The train near the waterfalls before the ice town
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well dont worry youre in luck, she got a pretty good rack as it is
Couriway Town, just not as kino as the image
You think Gamefreak pays its employees on royalties?
Every company does its called a salary retard
Man, for being my most played gen, I don't remember XY at all
i thought he said it was scarlets was cut off unless he also said it about xy too
i want to believe.
Thats Gold's mom
I replayed X like a year ago and already forget everything about it
It was both apparently, he only got 60% of XY (but all document and concept stuff are complete)
All will be forgiven if you work on the PC port.
No one remembers anything in detail after you get the Mega Lucario
god i wish
>oak this copter ride is awful but the pokemon game is ridiculous
You think they're making 100x their salary in bonuses?
Same, but it was mostly Omega Ruby on my end, too much shiny hunting autism
Why is the PUTA there
Yes that's how it works maybe join the workforce and find out???
>too much shiny hunting autism
Yeah, that's why its my most played gen lol. A shit ton in Y and then a shit ton more in OR
And if multiple grunts come at you with 1 or 2 weak fodder Pokémon, make it all one battle. ORAS had Trainer Horde Battles as one of their more notable advertised new features and it was only used TWICE and pretty weak at that.
Same here. It's fucking weird that I don't remember but most of my play time was completing the national Dex and hatching eggs in lumiose.
again, can someone find the path to these
>five grunts with five poochyena
>your starter
If a company does well, it's employees are paid more.
This is the model, because if the employees aren't incentivized to do well, other than the bare minimum, the company will stagnate, and usually fail.
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a fine question indeed
Anistar City and that shitty ghost story
I wish inverse battles we're back, a whole battle facility with this concept would be cool
Yes, people are talking about the idea of making a whole mod based in the concept
GF famously pays awfully too lol
I completely forgot about inverse battles. I cannot understand how these different battle formats didn't become staple features in future titles.
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>A month of Gen 6 before LGPE
Jasmine was in BDSP?
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Damn that movie looks like shit and aged like shit, at least they made a good Lugia movie down the line
Sunnyshore, remember?
>lgpe leaks

fuck is there to leak? johto was cut or some shit?
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Most likely. I don't think people outside of here would care enough to doodle this specific Jasmine with the glass of wine
XY struggled but still managed triples fine (was my main format).
Then they chucked trainers on screen at all time in the next gen and it couldn't handle triples...instead of just removing the trainer they scrapped the system entirely. Maybe terrains played a part too.
Actually according to the employee reviews, even the most disgruntled employee had to give them +1 star because the pay was *really* good, and he was just a contractor and contractors at Game Freak only make half as much as the full-time employees
thats fine. makes it all the more special :)
I miss Gen 6 /vp/
>comfy friend safari & vivillon threads
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it was 1999/2000 give em a break
>so youre Ash
>yeah but how'd you know my name
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The pokemon 2000 posts itt just make me wish there were leaks of it.
Do you think all buildings and terrain have to built out of tiles or could you import pre-made models? I wonder if you could drag and drop assets in if the hardware was strong enough.
I think the worst contributor to this is the soundtrack, it's so painfully bland and generic
Shota Kageyama is a hack
It was a shit movie. I watched it recently.
If you are incapable of critical thought, in other words, a child. Then you'll be entertained by pokemon and moving pictures and flashing lights.
Pokemon The First Movie, however, held up upon a rewatch. Like a solid 7/10, I was surprised.
>looks like shit and aged like shi
how dare
This makes me want to listen to Lugias Song which will lead me to the First movie soundtrack
Maybe some design docs will show other core staple features they originally planned to have and then cut. That's about the best I got. Or fresh concept art for KANTOOOOO
I miss gen 6 wfg
If we don’t get southern kalos because this guy decided oras would be more interesting i swear to fucking god
Terrains existed in XY
I didn't remember that Sunnyshore is a place in Sinnoh
straight up the only thing i remember is the champion theme, and bits of the xerneas/yveltal one.
Gen 6's online was the best in the series and it made me unbelievably mad that they removed PSS and the friend safaris in the following gen
So it did. No excuse then
God damn Pokemon is completely unrecognizable at this point. Basically an entirely different franchise.
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god i love professor ivy
nothing but steps backwards since. like the rest of the franchise.
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Think I'll play through X for the first time in 11 years while I wait for sango_project. Maybe I could also make a playthrough thread of it. What do you guys think?
I know it was sort of a gimmick feature but I always found the way they handled the 3D on the 3DS pretty shitty. It was like direct proof of their poor optimisation. Wouldn't work outside of battles for XY and then the feature is just entirely absent from SM, not even in battles.

It isn't something I missed but it said something about their focus
XY has some good tracks here and there but man coming from BW it just doesn't hold a candle, Masuda went full autism when designing music for a game like that
>Music that changes when walking or running and even standing still
>Music that changes with NPCs
>Music that changes with seasons
I don't think any game can top BW's efforts in the soundtrack department
Holy shit gen X leak!!
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Leaker is saving the Flare aliens for the end, I know it
Xerneas & Yveltal have the best legendary theme in the entire series
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Not many games used the 3D after, like, the first year
Isn't there a /vp/ plays thread already?
I mean, go for it. Just don't post here.
Its been like what, 10 years? You're bound to forget the finer details eventually. I only remember the pokemon I had.
i rewatched the pilot thanks to you posting and i hate you for it
>The song has restored my strength
I got chills
Giratina actually
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Excuse me?
Not Pokemon, but Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked I think only featured it in the opening demo and title screen.
Maybe the demon fusion sequence too. I think every game had to include SOMETHING in 3D but they quickly allowed most devs to just not worry about it for main gameplay stuff.
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Zoroark raped Ghetsis
No, I don't think that's true at all. Only two Nintnedo published main games didn't have it. The list is tiny.
It truly was the most dumbfounded diction they've ever made. The PSS was perfect.
I love Ho-Oh's and the Regi's
Yes, it was, no need to seethe so hard about it.
Its so bad that is difficult to not remember
>Yes, it was,
true, it's why no one can come up with accurate critiques for the game

>Pokemon got rid of it for one game and didn't bother for another four of their games even though they were simple titles
It's pretty based actually how little they cared
I don't remember much of it past the Lucario tower desu
We have, you just ignore them, yawnfag.
Yeah it's pretty much a blur from then until maybe snow town

The only use of it that really sticks for me is Super Mario 3D Land used it for some perspective based puzzles
post that mainline tier list Yawnie
Was anything ever found in the files about the romance shit?
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I give up. I can't figure out how to navigate the .srls to find text. Even a monkey can browse the wb_mirror SVN but I've hit a dead end finding versions earlier than rom20091222.
Please spoonfeed me on what you're compiling the WB .srl files (before December 2009) from and how to access the message resources inside. I want to confirm where the text in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApwzmTe9RqU comes from and try to find more.
I thought i was the other way around? Also hot.
So do you forget the game or are your critiques accurate? It can't be both.
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It can be both because one person can remark that it's forgettable and another can remark that it's bad and list out reasons why. Even if it was just one person, that person may still remember parts that irked them, even if the majority of the experience was not impactful.
You've claimed at least 8 people are a singular entity to try to gain an edge, you fucking faggot.
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I remember enough of the game due to the bad impression it left me, if I don't remember the rest is due to being completely and utterly unmemorable
Do you understand that?
>he's here
Took you long enough!
People are capable of forgetting things, and simultaneously also capable of replaying games they forget things about as well as doing research on them :)
I remember some stuff. The latter half of the game is a blur, though.
I remember some neat routes and locations.
like the windmill town, and the autumn route(s).
being able to sit down, and have a cinematic shot was the shit. (at the time).
uh... The toy houses in that one town that never got cleaned up by the end of the game was memorable, and lazy. They cleaned up the ice after the events in B2W2.
Lumiose city being ots. I remember that.
I remember old man with big scissors, Viola, black guy with gems in hair. helmet girl. Katrina, I think. Child from the anime that lives in the Eiffel tower.
Lysandre looking like a lion. The professor fucking my mom.
I can't remember anything else. It was an alright game.
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Amazing how the jannies let him raid thread after thread unhindered yet if you mention him by name they delete your post. Really makes you think.
Seriously whoever’s in that discord convince the leaker to at least finish up the rest of the x and y documents before going back to uploaded every oras build ever made
That reminds me, I looked up stuff about mega evo during an argument I had, and remembered there was a Guru Master who supposedly knew everything about Mega Evos, and... It knew jack shit. Then I was wondering what each professor studied, Sycamore studied mega evolution and also knew jackshit about it.
Mega evolution is so garbage lorewise
Just wait patiently
>It can be both
No, it actually can't.

>because one person can remark that it's forgettable and another can remark that it's bad and list out reasons why
Then it's not both. It's different people with one or the other. No one in these threads have actually listed out reasons why the game is bad, btw.

>that person may still remember parts that irked them
i.e. they remember it

>You've claimed at least 8 people are a singular entity

>I remember enough of the game
So you remember the game and it's not both.

So they don't remember it and their critiques are inaccurate and then they do remember it and their critiques are accurate. Therefore it's not both.
>it's over...
I don’t remember a ton but mostly because i last played it a decade ago as a kid. I really gotta replay it.
>Mega evolution is so garbage lorewise
And gameplaywise
and designwise
And spreadwise
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Don't bite the bait.
>So you remember the game and it's not both.
I forgot most of it though. So yes, it can be both actually.
I just doubt that he’ll live long enough to get through oras at all and it’ll just be lost forever
>I forgot most of it though
Therefore most of your critiques aren't accurate. Good to know.
This. I know there's plenty of you faggots in there, one of you literally just ask
>why not finish the X/Y stuff first?
Very true, this was also a discussion I had where despite not liking Gigantamax I found the designs for Gigantamax more interesting (Fatchu and Blastoise especially) they interfere less with the general design
Theres nothing else to bite onto while we wait and i draw roxanne's white gyatt and washboard chest scoff at the battle of the boob
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What about this: I remember most of the game, and I remember feeling quite underwhelmed by it (I remember the idiot villain, I remember the annoying "rivals", I remember the lack of post-game, etc.)
Look at this smug little retard. Love him.
so i herd u liek mudkipz
she's so fucking cute bros
Uhh.. guys
Give it up already XYsider was debunked days ago
Tho i will say that one of the things i do remember was being disappointed at the lack of content in some areas, like the town where you get your starter being basically totally empty except for one clothes shop, or the team flare base basically being a straight line with nothing much going on. I remember it fondly, but it definitely has flaws.
>no path
leaklet cope
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And that's just the tip of the iceberg!
>Picrel says mega only happens in kalos when it's in alola hoenn and KANTOOO too
>Sycamore says they're made by the ultimate weapon BUT THEN retconned in ORAS by being meteorites from space (Especially the one rayquaza eats to mega evolve)
>Supposed to be the "Evolution beyond evolution" but single/dual stages can also mega evolve because... ???
>Does mega evolution need a "Bond" to be controlled or it hurts the pokemon? gamefreak make up your mind
And mentally challenged people will say it was the best one just because CHARIZARD turned black when beta mega charizard looks miles better
Don't try to confuse others, it's a development tool.
>No one in these threads have actually listed out reasons why the game is bad, btw.
This isn't for you, this is for everyone else to see how much of a denialist clown you are. >>55924262
>don't try to confuse others
i appreciate your intent anon, but you do realize what site we're on
I remember my immense disappointment
Do you? I can be serious when I want to.
Random Aztec temple that never appeared in the movie and arrow pointing at melody for some reason.
Oh, that looks pretty convenient
>the glorified driveway
ohoho, don't bring up the outright useless route 16. Literally nothing of note is there that cannot be accessed on route 15. No mons, no locations, no items.
That they reused the pantheon diagram in PLA but didn't update it is proof they don't care about lore anymore.
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So like, does anyone have a fucking clue what this is meant to be?
The fact its a counterpart to something somewhat readable doesn't seem to really help either.

The only thing that comes up is Sorrel which ????
? All I see is Unova being btfo
What if Mega Jynx was an alien and they cut it because they decided to cut the alien storyline
It was never lore anyway.
>pic fucking related
Update it for what? They don't need to update the LORE to include whatever shitty post-gen4 legendary you have in mind.
i believe this
This is just like professor Elm not knowing about pokemon eggs in gen 2. You would think that after retconning that in HGSS they would realize that trying to pass off new gameplay mechanics as new discoveries in-universe is pretty retard and not do it again.
Just like Oak and his 150 pokemon
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>still engaging the one guy CLEARLY not arguing in good faith over XY
Is it because this thread is dying?
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I think my favorite examples of this are the threads that revealed the discord that emulated him.
>the one guy
Oh anon, there is so much you are missing
To be honest I didn't remember how shitty the postgame was because gen6 was the first time I immersed on the competitve and shiny hunting because how good was the online connectivity.

The story was shit

The characters were shit

The main challenge was SHIT

But the *chef kiss* 3DS connectivity saved the game for me
The airship is different too.
Gen 5 dragons are just some strong dragons, not actual gods, gen 7 legendaries are said to only preside over alola (ie solgaleo and lunala are only alola’s sun and moon), gen 8 is just bootleg gen 5, and i don’t even know whats going on with gen 9 legendaries
Gen 6 tho yeah life and death are pretty essential
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Its just one of the Gen 3 leak mons, it seems to be a sort of rival mon to a panda.
Its 384 obviously. I did the panda and then realized "wait how the hell can i even do anything if i have no idea what this monstrosity even is".
>alola’s sun and moon
Not that this will bother anyone except me, but Reshiram isn't a dragon.
It's a Wyvern.
Zekrom is, however, a dragon.
Early Seviper and Zangoose concepts?
>alola’s sun and moon
New thread?
Yeah the famous Wyvern/Fire type, Reshiram
Nobody else agrees with him when he shows up, so yeah its one guy.
for what
>only on page 4
>e solgaleo and lunala are only alola’s sun and moon

I'll be honest, I don't even remember either being associated with the sun and moon like that. I just remember the king and tapus fighting necrozma or whatever and making an altar for them. Far as I'm aware, they're just strong aliens.
>he doesn't know who he is
I get the strangest feeling that someone was angry when making this image, but that'd be ridiculous.
Page 4, and image limit not reached.
Yawnfag is an idea.
Like /v/ saucy
Thats definitely the final stage of what these became but the issue is that knowledge doesn't help parse the design.
The rival thing is literally the only coherent thing going on, its fucked up legs and nothing shape just result in pure mystery. And unlike a lot of mons its name seems vague.

Maybe its meant to be something related to bamboo but that feels like a stretch outside of "its green".

>Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 10.
Bro, they gave dragon type to a seahorse.
let's not use 'typing' as an argument.
Reshiram is a wyvern.
Yeah sure, it's totally the person who made that image who was angry, and not you projecting your own anger for being called out.
What if Jynx's mega stone was in southern kalos and once they removed southern kalos you couldn't get the stone anymore so they had no choice but to scrap mega jynx
>leafy seadragon isn't a dragon
Reshiram is a dragon anon.
That doesn't even make sense. We might see notes in the future about why she was scrapped though.
I was referring to Kingdra.
I forgot about that one.
...They did it twice.
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Since these threads are dying i'll admit i made this up
Do we have Shauna's full bio?
Bump limit. Here's new thread
Favorite parts of the leak so far?
It's a play on words, JP word for Seahorse uses the word Dragon (タツノオトシゴ)
Serena nude folder
fuck off shartyteen
If a sheep is a dragon so is Reshiram.
Makes sense since literally half of the mega stones are just postgame locked reducing your replayability to zero
I did not play usum so as far as im concerned necrozma is just some nothing guy
4 limbs instead of 6.
It's a Wyvern.
I told you all I was the only one who it would bother. I told you!
I didn't type an all caps wall of text THOUGH.
Reshiram is very clearly a dragon
>seething over gen 5 again
KINOva was peak kino
Oh yes, he, as in Yawnfag, also known as Yawnfaggot, Yawnie, Yawnschizo, XYschizo and whatever other fucking labels and aliases he has since he's apparently a fucking writhing mass of shitposting rats in a trenchcoat. I'm tired of giving morons like him on this board the attention they don't deserve, so what if I don't refer to him by name? But I JUST GOTTA do my homework on some loser that I don't want to care about instead of moving on with whatever else I wanted to talk about. My day could've been a lot better if I didn't have to see the same amount of posts taking the same tired, wrinkly, crusty, every smegma-filled nook and cranny of rotten, recycled bait. Why don't you shut the fuck up, you double nigger?
Dragons aren't real tho
>not even image limit
Rent free yawnfag won
extremely based
Maybe it's just an stylized snake? like someone wanted the snake vs mongoose concept, but making it more fantastical since Arbok already was a thing, then they decided to just put a viper in there anyway.
It's a dragon-typed Wyvern.
It is literally a wyvern. It has 4 limbs. Legs, and Wings.
Dragonite? 6 limbs.
Salemence? 6 limbs.
both dragons.
>Pokemon aren't real though
Reshiram is a chiken, retards
Sage your shitty thread
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is yawning good for you?
>Zekrom/reshiram is a dragon/wyvern
>No they aren't
zekrom and reshiram are abominations despite liking a shit ton gen 5 mons the legendaries are still the ugliest the mythicals are pretty cool though
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...did Sanrio_VPN pt.1 drop yet or are we fucking scraping the barrels of the last fileset
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>because the leaker is going to take practically a month to upload the ORAS code this thread will continue to slow down and degenerate
Chads, all of them
Well actually Reshiram is a Ram. Just look at the fur.
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We can always NOT make a new thread until the leaks arrive tho
Wow its nothing burger
All dragons.
>Therefore most of your critiques aren't accurate
You're just gonna keep running in circles to defend your shit game
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It's over lil bro, go home
It's a dragon. Wyvern are dragons.
Why didn't they get kids to model for these characters...
>berries one turn away on the daycare route and they give a lot
>hordes for accelerated EV training
>passerbys with notes about what they're looking for
>tfw acquaintances in the middle row from the passerby list are playing the game the same way you are and you both help each other get new IVs and egg moves for egg groups
>confirm wanting to connect, wait a moment, then as long as you don't leave the game or close the 3DS you're connected in real time to everyone playing the same time you are
>tfw you befriend someone with a language barrier from across the world but battles and trades goes smoothly and feel unique
>trade preview with a nickname Hello! and they put up a trade preview with a nickname Hola!
>o-power send sharing for level up and glow stealing for when you run out
PSS, the greatest online the grace the franchise, returning NEVER EVER.
>The story was shit
>The characters were shit
>The main challenge was SHIT
that’s every pokemon game
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>all the grifters will shut the fuck up for a while
>Generation Sympathy Ball
Where'd that come from?
how the fuck did this retard become the most well known and prolific "leaker" in the fanbase
No, wyvern are wyverns.
dragons are dragons.
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As a 3D modeler those pictures are useless.
Same way clickbait accounts become huge. They post frequent hot topics long enough, quick enough, and loud enough to get followers.
>GS ball was the "Sympathy ball" instead of the Gold&Silver ball
See >>56701703
Me as Tate
Me as Roxanne
Just 4 u
No, SM was an inverse XY, then SwSh sharted the bed forever for Gamefuck
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I want to go back
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Snupi my love
Fly high mystery nigga
Those games could easily be ported as phonegames by Nintendo, but I guess they are scared of money
Literally me
Why are they yellow skinned when the characters are.white skinned?
can this dude solo the elite four
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We got scooped!
was this thing ever confirmed real
All the movies up to Sinnoh are good, if only for the Ghibli tier aesthetics
Once they stopped having that 90s/early 2000 vibe, they were no longer worth it.
After Hoenn I only watched the Darkrai one, the rest is just unbearable with the neon grass...
How the fuck haven't jannies cleaned this up yet?
yeah it's in a very early revision of the BW intro movie for some reason
This board stopped getting moderated years ago
I really don’t understand why people are so anal about “stealing” when it’s just dug up documents being posted on here not only publically but completely anonymously, for the express purpose of making them easily available for others to view
Because he's a nigger whose never done an inch of work in his life to produce anything of value.
Centro is a nigger nigger nigger double nigger
>inb4 Centro
Its mostly because the spic reposting everything is annoying and makes it sound like he's the one doing all the hard work when he's just jumping at whatever sounds like a leak and echoing it
I want centro to sodomize me
did he upload it yet?
why is that bad? when nintendo ninjas start looking for a scapegoat to crucify, that nigger makes himself into a public smokescreen for the actual leakers.
Yes, he uploaded the nuclear codes
kys centro
Do you really think the Nintendo ninjas are fooled by fucking Centro? Did you not see the news about Nintendo fucking over the SwSh leakers who posted on this board?
I'm more surprised you think that anon is capable of thought at all.
Then again, I'm now in a reply chain about that fucking leech, so glass houses and all that.
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This thread is so slow that I finished the lineart I could
HFoMA is cringe
HMoFA is superior
If anything, a big twitter account with 500k followers sharing sensitive data is only going to make GF/TPC want to more aggressively target the source of the leaks.
Surprised we haven’t seen the sundial in the XY concept art dumps, surely thats in there
That's because we've only gotten snippets of XY concept art, we're waiting on the rest from the XY repo
Because the leaker and all the anons in here are fucking idiots for not telling him to finish the XY repo instead of giving us ORAS builds over the next week.
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Well I tried for a bit, not exactly happy with this but i can already tell i've in a sort of rut with it.
Easily the worst cut design, no idea how people could like it.
with your right hand, make an "L" with your fingers.
that's the shape you want. Adjust the angle accordingly.
step away from it and come back to it.
you'll get it.
Honestly it's an incredibly hard thing to model in the limitations of a sprite, I respect the effort in trying because lord knows I wouldn't be able to.
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looks those earthbound enemies that weren't quite polished
You see the funny thing is that cut design isn't even real or in the files
What revision and which of the files did it fucking come from then,why can nobody answer this?
First it's "it's in HGSS" then "it's in BW" then "it's in Emerald"
Nobody can make up their minds
The actual issue is the sprite size limit of pokemon, you can't have the pillar be at its concept angle without either having the main body be ant tier or breaking the size limit to an absurd extent.
Having it hold it on its back for some reason is the only real middle ground i can pull.
*8, 9 and 10
think he's talking about the supposed proto hilda, not the bug
it's real, it's in the dp files, maybe you'd learn if you shitty tourists checked the archives yourselves
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Better than a month at least
Yeahh just gonna make my playthrough. Atleast it isnt a month
this assumes constant uploading, no interruptions, no failures, at a constant rate of speed that doesnt change (which is also unspecified)
add like 2 days on it
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start with the limiting factor, and work around it.
You can adjust the angle of the "L" so that it doesn't have to be 90 degrees or 0 degrees.
Perspective also helps.
here's a 1:1 of a very... vertical pokemon.
sort of shows what I mean by 'perspective'.
It's not like it will be easy, but it's possible to do better, like you said yourself.
No it isn't, you're a liar.
RemindMe! 5 days
Thriller series about TCP trying to find the leaker before he uploads everything. /vp/ anons star in a interlude every episode bemoaning the leaker's retardness.
It's also assuming the fastest speed which hasn't been the case, so honestly you could double that time all things considered.
did he upload part 1 already?!
...then why isnt anyone touching it like its a lost kid in the timeless woods
it's useless without all of the parts
Because it's completely useless without the 28 other parts.
So basically we're getting nothing for the next 5+ days?
yep, have fun
welp now that the dust is settling atleast for now whats been your favorite thing so far
All the beta Gen 3 designs that I'd thought would never see the light of day.
Is the name Gurokken or Grokken?
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to whoever said it would take like 12 hours to convert the svn you were wrong. its still going but im pretty sure its nearly done
So this is the point where it becomes a porn general right
File deleted.
thats right, I'm going to say it. Beta gen 2 designs > beta gen 3. I'm a SPACEWORLDER
Getting to hear all the mature back stories intended for Zinnia and N and Arceus And Dawn . Even if it wasn't canon, it was a nice glimpse into a world where Pokemon was allowed to mature with its players and do storytelling for teen or even adult audiences. The Pmyth stuff reminded me of SMT especially.
Also noticed a significant number of bots in his replies.
I'll shit on that faggot for a million things, but that's just how Twitter works nowadays ever since the rat bought it. Anything that gets any modicum of attention has a million bots in it because you're directly incentivized to do so, as engagements = money.

Leeching off of leeches makes more money for the second generation than the first, fancy that.
Too bad Elon wasn't able to kill Twitter
Yknow i guess i can respect the decision to prioritize oras over xy docs if the idea is to get the source code for the latest version of that engine out there so that people can make fan projects
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The last two movies are pretty good
>Anything that gets any modicum of attention has a million bots in it because you're directly incentivized to do so, as engagements = money.
And premium accounts always get their replies above anything else
It's funny because he would have likely outright killed Twitter specifically if he didn't buy it after tanking the stock when he said he was "thinking" of buying it, and now instead we get a shambling corpse only barely being held up by the Japanese porn artists I follow.
I wonder where all the Twitter faggots would go if it truly did die
Literally emolga but better
either back to tumblr (they migrated to twitter in the first place) or a very artifically inflated site
part of me wishes for a timeline where twitter dies but then all the twittertards and tumblrtards combined go to shit up linkedin
Well, nowhere, because we live in a world where larger websites don't die because they've transitioned from being a "website" to "a service".
But that's a different conversation for a different thread entirely, I don't wanna be the start of another gay derail.
For the platinum SVN, what sdk is it needing? Ill gladly fuck around with compiling if anyone wants to toss me a bone
Would we get scrapped designs for SM next?
Emolga is already the best Pikachu wannabe
Well, I would go to where my oomfies (anime nazi pedophiles) would go, they would likely go to where jp artists go and jp artists would to... idk
Don't think there's a set of documentation for Gen 7.
Is it not Nitro? Sorry if I'm not understanding the question.
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Well making the pillar stick out a bit definitely helped but this is still a mess unshockingly.

He didn't get anything notable for SM sadly.
I'm impartial to togedemaru
It's Dedenne and that's not up to discussion
do i go to sleep or wait for more leaks
No new files, but I guess there may still be stuff to unearth in the ones already uploaded?
Mimikyu's the best one and its' not even a proper Pikaclone.
Zoroark N is creepy-pasta tier shit though
i like the other beta bw story stuff and think the final ver would have benefited from keepong most of it, but half-pokemon N is just edgy shock-value to me, I feel like N works best as a feral child. N being a pokemon just means his whole deal is that Takeshi Shudo scrapped movie concept of Pikachu "leading a rebellion like Spartacus"(which I don't like either). I like him better as a feral child sperg, with his closeness to pokemon being a result of his inability to fit in with people, in part due to ghetsis's manipulation. Him being a human makes you and him being the spritual successors of the twin heroes work better. I just think it works better with the themes of the games. Heck, the text blurb iirc only says N "claims" he's the child of a pokemon, with no explicit proof other than "dude trust me" on N's part, and we know N's not exactly the soundest guy.

Go to sleep, it's gonna be a while 'til the ORAS source code drops.
>Zoroark N is creepy-pasta tier shit though
The fuck? What do you kids consider creepypasta's nowadays?
Buddy, and I mean absolutely no offense, go find a truck and jump in front of it. By the time you wake up from the coma we might have a single new build. And then tell me your method for an induced coma so I can wake up when Silksong is out in 3024.
Pachirisu is the cutest by far
I don't think the pillar is part of the design anon, I think it's just something the square block guy climbs onto to blend in with. I mean how would it contort to get into that position in the left part of the pic?
The perfect online made for it, the big national Dex to complete and breeding new Pokemon being a lot easier with the bike coin trick in lumiose and the IV judge saying all the stats end up being a good time for me. Everything else? Shit! Ah I guess I also liked being able to farm berries after being almost impossible to collect them in unova, it was always a stupid idea of having them in a fucking server. Yes I also hate home and bank. Fuck locking game mechanics behind servers.
Not that anon but holy shit, I never actually thought of that. This whole time I thought it was a camouflaged tail it grips onto, but you're right.
You'd just spin it on its ass. The main thing I think people get caught up on is the idea of "organic movement".
Its attached to a similar area in both pictures.
>literally just a minecraft block with four legs
Also literally none of the other concept art from that batch has "external gimmicks", its always purely just the mon itself.
>Is it not Nitro?
theres many sdk revisions i just need to know what it expects and if anyone already has some notes seeing as one person has compiled it on the discord already
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yeah, thats better.
let me just...
I'm sorry, I'm using a trackpad, but this is sort of the shape I'm thinking of.
also I don't know what the sprite size is for pokemon.
I think I did 48x48
it's going to be... tiny.
But you can overlap the body as a foreground element with the tail as a background element to get more of it in frame.
depends which gen youre going for. gen 1 and 2 are 56x56 for front sprites, gen 3 is 64x64, gen 4 is 80x80
did we get any lore on AZ descendants and what they were related to in terms of the plot? I just found out that lysandre is the descendant of AZ's yougner brother and I feel like something like this was mentioned in the leaks
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Nope and the descendant thing is mentioned in the final release regardless. The most we got were some hyper symbolic almost like the Dive to Heart stained glass paintings, symbolizing the 18 types and 9... somethings. Human emotions or races, can't remember which.
A entry on a old concept of AZ (where he is the main villain) mentions he wants his descendants to rule the world.
I'm more trying more to convey composition, so I guess It doesn't matter too much.
I just wanted some sort of restriction so that I got a feel for 'not having a lot of space'.
sprite anon can have fun with it. I don't do art anymore.
9 races
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>But you can overlap the body as a foreground element with the tail as a background element to get more of it in frame.
I mean considering thats what mine is already technically doing I'm quite aware. Well its background to foreground but the idea is there. My issue with that angle in theory is that you compromise the unown letter design aspect. In general thats an issue with shrinking in general, he's a really brief edit to show what happens if you shrink any further. The pillar does look impressive like this though. I'm going by Gen 3s 64x64 and this thing is already at the limit.

The only real lore we got for that is in regards to the original draft wherein AZ was the main villain and just wanted to nuke the world so his descendants would be the only ones remaining. Which probably means its purely carry over. Maybe some draft of Lysandre still had AZs motivation? Hopeflly we'll see.
Yeah I remembered now because people were having a hard time figuring out what the fuck 9 human races even meant in this context. Probably another idea that never made it past the concept stage.
Never mind, I figured it out.
I cannot begin to impress upon everyone the sheer volume of how much notable content there is to go through. I'm only focusing on the text in one game and I'm set for life. This is going to take months to properly analyze. I seriously find it hard to believe the Freakleak will ever be fully documented.
Yeah, I'm really curious about GF's racial thought.
part 2 is up i think this is gonna be quicker then we think
lol nope
git will gc in in the middle of the conversion at regular intervals
I was going to ask if that was something that you were trying to keep in your design.
I'd just have different colored dots or 3 pixel shapes showing a direction.
But if they have to look like unown, then yeah... you don't have much of a 'billboard' to work with, especially at angles.
>less than 4 hours
Holy shit.
Part one was about 3 and a half hours ago. Hopefully this doesn't take too long then.
>shows up twice
this was not a good lugia movie
it was a zeraora movie
It's going to take even longer than he originally suggested if he sleeps like a normal human being.
3 1/2 hour intervals = 101.5 hours
I really feel like it's losing a lot without the visible unown. Idk how you would make it more visible though
And even then fucking sudowoodo steals the spotlight
the reason why it's one of the best recent movies
Yeah, I meant that I found out lysandre was related to AZ in the final release of the game. It had just slipped my mind since its a throwaway line in the first or second meeting and he doesnt even mention it at all when he captures AZ I think. I wonder if he has the biggest claim to Kalos if thats the case. Can you delve more into the numbers you mentioned?

Thats cool. Guess az and lysandre would have been a team.
Lysandre literally did not exist at that point and Az was the main villain.
See >>56696762
This assumes that he's a single human being. Lots of "we" out of him in his messages.
You don't refer to yourself using the royal we?
We think this is very silly.
It's not we, it's We. The royal one. If this was a multi-person project we'd have had everything by now, because there's zero chance in hell that a collective of leakers wouldn't know someone who could upload faster than a McDonald's wifi.
I had around 90 hours in it but really only remember bits and pieces. Most of the game is just a blur.
I see N as more of a supernatural character, like an angel or messiah, and the bizarre circumstances of his birth enhance that concept. N is a liminal existence, not fully belonging to one world or the other. He is terrifyingly pure and uniquely positioned as an outside observer. He is the impossible ideal by which no one else can measure, but N fashions himself as the judge and the test. At every encounter, he pushes you to your limit to force a breakthrough. He can see the ugliness and hypocrisy of humanity that humans ignore in order to function and its vileness urges him to slam his fist down upon it. It's only by walking alongside humans, finding the good and seeing the fleeting moments of happiness shared between people and Pokemon that N decides those things are worth suffering imperfection.

The most beautiful parts of BW's narrative only work if N (the main antagonist) has a point, is operating based on truth and is ultimately responsible for his own actions. Whitewashing the world and positioning N as a hapless puppet entirely brainwashed by Ghetsis to believe obvious lies damages not only N as a character but the entire concept of Black and White.
In my opinion, N must be telling the truth. He is not the ultimate and only truth but you cannot disregard him as deluded or wholly ignorant.
Hey, can you guys help me document some shit? What is the demo SVN about? Is the field SVN about the overworld?
I should add that I can't look at the SVNs myself because I don't have the tools nor space to really open them right now. Sorry for asking you guys to spoonfeed me.
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Been away for a little bit, did any drawfriends try finishing up pic rel yet?
oh I'm talking about drawing the rest of her, not the warhol edits
we had a bottomless edit at >>56688859 but haven't seen any of the others yet, iirc some anon did say he was gonna make a bunch though
most features that get cut never make a return unless it's following mons or a remake game
The features have to be sellable obviously; so its not just anything. The point is this is something they publicly admit. They remove gimmicks from games just to have them somewhat be able to stand next to eachother.

Regional gimmicks entire purpose is that latter thing yes.
>GS ball stands for generation sympathy not gold silver
what the FUCK
>celebi only appears when we are on the path to a good future
So essentially if your world doesn't have a celebi, you're on the wrong timeline.

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