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>a new tripfag appears
>rg lands a platinum ditto beneath dad's truck, then breeds another to maximize autism
>the bros head through the desert, then the big city, then through a lab, while bunken goes up a mountain
>orevald beats peridot, finishing off the MAD BVLL
>tiramisu beats up some outlaws in opalo, while john vpposter's iq goes down from tardwrangling eda

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator

>Edge of Eternity mod for Empyrean
I considered dating rita since i didn't do so last time, but just how could i ever turn down ashy?

i hope you're not a moirafag, ashime...
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This is the guy who's definitely dicking his Kirlia right?
w-what? This game has sexo beyond pokefucking?
>i hope you're not a moirafag, ashime...
Nah, she seems mediocre.
showing your age a little bit there, huh game?

does this mean heccin guns exist in this version of pokearth?

I mean, he's already inside of one psychic Pokemon
>This game has sexo
I will not say more. Experience it.
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>win by the skin of my teeth once again
mayhaps I need to start ev training
Total Whiteouts: 6 (+1, walked into the fight with a togepi while farming friendship)
>by their clothes
Sir, you're in good company. You can just say 'by the color of their skin'

It's cliche, but honestly you don't really need to as long as you have le decent strategy
I don't believe any enemies have EVs themselves, just perfect IVs
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I was expecting my Gardevoir would beat up some niggers to save this guy's Kirlia but he just exploded his head.
here we go...the true insanity begins now, and doesn't really ever stop
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yeah I'm doing the loop for better gp and the game definitely scales based on what you got, this is the damn training safari chansey
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On one hand, Ashy a cute.
On the other, fucking Blitz's sister to assert dominance over him is really funny.
The choices are hard bros.
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Mark it off the sheets, lads.
You're now stuck in the kaizoshart dimension. Enjoy your stay h-haha.
>PMD song (i think, it sounds familiar)
this game wanna be a rebornlike so bad

am i the only fag not using GP and shit? kek
haha...it begins
Ironically, my mons being female is actually beneficial kek, since DittoGOD only passes along it's gp if it breeds female mons
Yeah, it makes me sad that platinum shinies are better statistically, but almost always look worse than normal shinies
it's always enjoyable when you have a fangame that hasn't bent the knee to muttmerican's need to sanitize everything regarding sex

and no, terra and caitlyn and the like vomiting about how they want to rape everything in sight does not count
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Normal relationships are ick but rampant degeneracy and AGP-enabling content like yuri are progressive, chud.

>Yeah, it makes me sad that platinum shinies are better statistically, but almost always look worse than normal shinies
fwiw, the stat difference between the two isn't big enough to be a huge deal if you wanted to aestheticsmaxx your team. At least so far.
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I guess I'll give Empyrean a second round, I'll probably play with some concessions since I want to have fun, namely just using debug to get around of the awful shit like THAT SECTION, I guess I'll also go with a Pokefucker/Mememon dualtype.
I miss how based Empyrean can be despite my several shortcomings with the game.
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There's no contest. I don't think even my dislike for Blitz via dicking his sister could overpower Ashy.

Based. Welcome aboard bro. If you find it too grindy to minmax, give the vanilla mode a try.
i was going to screenshot something from this part, but you know what, i'll let ashime find it on his own, it'll be much funnier that way

instead i'll bitch about the sewer level. FUCK sewer levels. literally not a single good one ever in any of these fangames, even the best fangames
welcome to the madness bro
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My position has changed from
>Ashy is the best of the options presented
>Ashy is best girl and will be hard to top
in a single line of dialogue.
i really wish she was able to teleport you past the fucking stealthshit though. i cleared it first try, ALBEIT

nice to have you back bro, and yeah, walk through walls is always there when the times get real rough
if you try to select moira it just says she's too busy training anyway kek
checked, and it gets a lot better
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This game has a pretty big fixation on lunar-themed names and corruptions thereof and I no longer think it's just coincidence.
>if you try to select moira it just says she's too busy training anyway kek
RIP moirafags
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No game had the balls before, and no game will ever have the balls since

don't look at this image ashime
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>Son of a glownigger
>Fluorescent Adolescent
This actually put me into hysterics.
>Edge of Eternity is 1GB
Cripes, how much stuff is packed in it? I thought it was just some fixes and a helping of schizophrenic postgame stuff.
I'm mostly just concerned with the card stuff and such since I don't want to spend hours grinding, hopefully I don't have to worry with that too much, that and a few late game sections as some of us know are absolutely beyond fucking awful in more ways than one.
>jew hires niggers from the hood to commit a crime while rap 'music' blasts
basically a microcosm of modern america

you can just turn the cardshit off with EoE anyway
Vanilla mode completely disables GP, Cards, and Shiny stat multipliers.
This game has that vibe accidentally extremely based that Reborn had at times, but unlike Reborn this game doesn't outwardly countersignal against it.
Reigsteel is defeated. Trying to stall before I need to fight the next Hypervisor
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>I just watched Mob Psycho before writing my fangame
Okay Jan.
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>Slakoth-kun must die before he dicks down Ashy
I see where this is going.
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>Glownigger owned
What did she mean by this??? You can't just casually imply bohemian grove in an autistic children monster catching game!
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>walk into pokecenter
>immediately have my pokemon healed before I can take a single step away from the door
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Then why, pray tell, AREN'T THEY
>First female shiny was platinum
>It's small smile is gone
>passive money generation
oh cool, I've never seen a bank being useful for anything other than cheating death costs
>you have to interact with the npc every day to update it
so it's worthless then got it
how disappointing
I'm going to sleep
If I remember correctly you can delete the plat sprites and it'll default to the shiny sprites.
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You will never ever see a line like this so casually in a rebornlike.
i don't think it's weird you get the mega ring here, i think it's a good placement

i do kind of find it weird there's just no like, major boss fight in that entire city section that gates you before this (i mean i guess the rapidash, but i meant more towards the end)

it's something that happens in a few fangames, basically when you blackout, it's supposed to send you back to the last pokecenter, autorun the script where the nurse talks to you and heals you
so if at any point you blackout and aren't sent back to a pokecenter, when you enter that map the script will play
you probably blacked out in a place like the haunted mansion which kicks you out to the foyer instead of an actual center
>no more BANG on wild battles
>just regular pokemon themes

are you just assembling your team to tackle babel early? or will that require even more concentrated autism than whatever you're doing here
.....how do they produce moomoo milk on a farm of 500 sawsbucks?
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>Lopunny dance rooms
Oh my.
That's not milk. Heed the professor's "warning".
only the 'elite' are allowed in, chud

>this farm is right next to the nightclub
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Teleport me straight to the end you daft thot.
what game is that?
>shamal too busy stealing charizard from KANTOOOO to fund his fentanyl temper tantrums instead of fucking my wife
time to break in this zesty buck real good

unbreakable ties
different OTs raise shiny chance, right?
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>Alakazite in the glownigger facility
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>Payapa Berry
Has Empyrean been canceled by discord trannies for this scene yet?
this game was, and still is an absolute mess in terms of story, presentation, mechanics, etc. pretty much everything. but man you can't deny it has its moments, even when they're very simple
>First female ralts was platinum too
Noted, gonna rename the entire folder then kek, I really don't like how 95% off them look compared to their normal shinies
I couldn't handle the BANG while encounter autisming, I went into audacity and just cut it out, and suddenly the battle theme is 100x better because I can hear something other then BANG before I run from something kek
god no kek
I'm just getting shinies to make numbers go up kek
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check'd and kek'd
make sure to check your own room, you'll get a decent sense of what happened that night
>I'm just getting shinies to make numbers go up kek
fair enough kek
personally i love the BANG, it's autistic but funny
100% you fucked ashy, watched blitz drown in a puddle of his own piss and stepped over his body to go fuck yara, there's absolutely no other way to interpret the scene

trvly one of the more based moments in fangames

i don't know what the arcanine is doing...maybe it was blitz's own partner kek
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This kike came to get dumpstered by the Cherub again.
Slakoth-kun evolved into Vigoroth that night.
>i don't know what the arcanine is doing
The reason Blitz is facedown and passed out in the hall.
make sure not to miss a certain somebody sitting on a bench outside the library once you're done there
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This nigger had me checking the city thrice over thinking I missed one.
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Alright they said the thing. Roll credits.
>Get m*le platinum
>Get female platinum literally the next one
I didn't know how much I was robbed last time by having the platinum shiny and only changing it to the normal shiny at the final evo for aesthetic autism, holy shit, why is the shiny so different
I think the BANG is fine, until you're hearing it 10+ times a minute while looking for 1% encounters, haha...
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How did this game, for all of its fumbles and fuckups, manage to do one thing so incredibly right it almost justifies whatever the hell else happens from here on out?
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>Pyromaniac gf
Based based based based based
>every shiny egg has been female
of all the games to not have the weird item that changes genders some of these fangames have
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ah yes, the ''''''''trading corner'''''''''

>Talk to the trader guy and choose the Give Pokemon option. A file called 'trade_pokemon' will appear inside your game folder. You need to give this file to the person you're trading with. Before giving away a Pokemon you have to know the Trading ID of the person you're sending this Pokemon to. You can consult your Trading ID with the trader guy.
unironically, UNIRONICALLY a better system than whatever reborn had in place kek

entirely fair kek, can't wait for if i do that myself, haha..
this entire game is inexplicable flashes of brilliance among a gigantic clusterfuck of things that just clearly do not work together or were not thought out even remotely. it's an honestly fascinating fangame and i do understand why white man was enamored with completing it all the way to the end
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This is a solid stopping point for now. If I don't do any more in the morning before yugioh, I'll do some after I get back.
Checked and this game is a really weird mix between kino, ironic enjoyment, number go up skinnerboxing, comfy ambience, and weird gameplay mechanics that either mesh horribly with other ones or need some refinement to make work.
I've never experienced anything quite like it and from what I understand the schizophrenia hasn't even begun yet. I'm looking forward to continuing.
gl in yugioh
Hey you guys might have good opinions on this - what is the best, least edgy but still somewhat adult fan game? I’m playing Xenoverse right now, and while I like it I hate the overworld sprites and music. Was thinking of playing Rejuvenation or Redalia System next. If all else fails I’m just gonna play Sea Glass.
So, the door is open to anyone? Or was Silver the backup for M? I guess it'll give Silver closure or whatever.
Too late for another anon to join in?
It's never too late to join
>try to force a shiny male with masuda method via shady's daramuka
>no dice after 3 hours
>switch in a piplup, now at normal shiny odds
>3 eggs
pain but also neat. stopping here for now
never too late
>took 30 minutes to do the shit puzzle
it's official bros, i might be retarded

n-no it had nothing to do with me not realizing the boulders were strength boulders, why do you ask.

night and good luck tomorrow
do not play rejuvenation, it is not good, it is very edgy, and it is honestly very juvenile in spite of everything. if you want to play a rebornlike that's not edgy and actually written by adults who know what they're doing and not shitty anime obsessed manchildren, try desolation instead
realidea is a great pick. any spic game honestly could work. unbreakable ties, opalo, z, reminiscia, etc.
never too late to join, go for it anon
maybe not but it closes 5 secs after opening
how to fix?
didn't full moon have ice siblings as well kek, another amazing feature that game stole

i'm going to bed before facing the autism tomorrow

try redownloading
are you on mac?
no, win10
>Casually out bsts box legendaries in it's first evo
How does she do it bros? Even without the autism boosts, that's still really high for a pseudo's first stage kek
Gonna stop for the night, got a few waifumons bred, will probably use lilligant for my last slot
I should look into some physical attackers though kek
Realidea's pretty good, pretty easy, but fun nonetheless
if you're just looking for a couple more for now
>Unbreakable Ties: slow start, but picks up a lot after the beginning, lots of kino towards the end
>Odyssey: Etrian Odyssey, but pokemon. Your mileage may vary depending on if you're into that or not, I liked it despite never really touching the series
>Z: Unfinished, only about ~50% or so done, but still really good

If you're looking for more, Wagie and I have tierlists to get general ideas on shit to play
https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56576214/#q56588488 (not as updated as mine is albeit)
They're not really objective 'play the top tiers and never play the lower tiers', but they're probably good starting points to pointing you in what these threads like and don't like since there's usually overlap between what we all end up liking and hating kek
I got it to work, nvm, will post soon
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Oh I can talk, dunno if this is a good or bad start
Could get Empyrean to work but the mod doesn't seem to be working even after I put my save data from empyrean into the folder
Do i need to get up to a certain point in empyrean or what?
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speaking of which, let me update mine now instead of being a lazy fuck
decided to ultimately tier the grovyle game, because A. i tiered saiph which was even less of a game, B. saying i don't have good reading comprehension wasn't very nice, grovylethethief :(
but no yeah seriously unless i decide to remove saiph (which i might because the fag's going to do a remake of it apparently) there's no reason a similar game shouldn't be up there
i genuinely struggled with putting covenant above full moon kek, i think it'll comfortably drop when that game gets more content

anyway for the anon up there who's not a retard that cares about extreme autism over tier placements, yeah, pretty much what RG said, feel free to try out any game here, just know there's a reason why the lower ones are where they are kek. and a lot of the lower ranked ones go very directly against the criteria you set

good shit anon
no, it should just be working from the start
you just want to replace what's in your empyrean folder, with what you downloaded for the mod
if that doesn't work, it's not really a big loss unless you want to do the extremely autistic endgame content
Thanks guys, think I’ll drop xeno (even tho the designs are sick, out of all hacks I’ve played I feel like the pokemon look the most “could actually be pokemon”) and start Real.
Oh me again, what’s Salt and Shadow like? Also what one would you say runs the best? I hate it but I’m like a lag/fps autist, and a lot of the RPG maker ones I find unplayable.
A lot of the games we rank highly tend to be a bit newer and run on much better engines. I don't really recall any bad lag at all in any game in the top tiers.
>what’s Salt and Shadow like
It's supposed to be "Dark Souls but Pokemon" (don't worry, it's not tryhard difficultyshit). Open ended world where exploration is extremely important, unique progression system, story is told through learning more about the world around you rather than in a linear fashion. It's a very unique game and admittedly not for everyone but if it clicks it's amazing. And of course no lag or anything kek
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Probably won't bother then
Hate how Z isn't the A button and X doesn't let you run, enter and Z is gonna take a bit to get used to
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based old man
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And now for spy shit
I wonder what happens if you lose this battle against Jones but I won't try
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He'd probably just haul you in front of these guys gloating about their 41-day plan anyhow
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Get your fucking car off the road
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I like Turtwig and I'm keeping him on the squad but this is gonna turn into an uphill battle down the line I'm sure
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What the fuck is this lemur-looking thing and why is it at level 1
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Pic of the squad before I sleep
I'm surprised I found Tepig so early
0- atk is unfortunate
It does get a mega later though
what are the first three in your great tier? I can't read the titles.

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