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We have:
>Full SVN repositories for Platinum, HGSS, BW, and B2W2, which includes source code and full commit history
>USUM git repository
>Pokemon Bank source code and builds
>Shitloads of design documents, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and other such things from Gen 1 to Gen 6 (but mainly Gen 3 to Gen 6)
>XY and ORAS staff documents, source assets, concept art, dev videos and XY prototype builds
>Anime production art up to BW
>Source logos, manuals, boxart and promo PDFs for select mainline Pokemon games up to BW and ORAS
>Miscellaneous stuff like digitized scans of GF Magazine and anime art; data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO QA builds, etc.
>Legends: Arceus mid-production overview PDF
>Codenames for past and future games (e.g. "Titan" = S/V)

Non-Pokemon leaks:
>An unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one of them involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Localization, sheet music, and other development documents for Drill Dozer
>An unreleased DS conversion of an unreleased port of Yoshi to the SNES
>Some HarmoKnight stuff

The amount of data here is immense and even more is still on the way, so please be patient.
People are rummaging through the files as we speak.

LATEST LEAKS: beluga_allrepositories.7z, parts 8 and 9 of sangopart4
WHAT'S NEXT?: The rest of sangopart4/sango_project, followed by the XY repo


>Files: https://rentry.org/freakleak
>Torrents: https://rentry.org/gfteratorrent

Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 10.
Previous: >>56711416
the leaks are over
go home
Genwars are cringe
My prism dragon, how I long for your Ultra form to come back.
Some philadelphigger has 12 and 13, and wont fucking POST THEM
They are far from over my friend
They're over for me if there's nothing aside from source code for Sw/Shiny and SV. I want design documents for them to prove my schizo theories about their stories. SV in particular I feel was supposed to be entirely different with Geeta and Team Star.
Got clapped for a race war joke like 3-4 days ago, what did I miss? I only saw proto Florges with the scrapped XY mon and ORAS shit from my friends.
You are insanely far behind. Also racism is real in XY.
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so is pokemon, so just sit back and enjoy
We literally learned about race theory in the Pokemon world.
Diantha is a phrenology enthusiast and is a deep believer in Victorian era racism.
Isn't there XY SVNs? Like more docs? And is it confirmed that there's nothing but source code for the switch games?
Wasn't there a repositories for Sun and Moon found or am I going schizo?
The leaker stated early on that they didn't get Sun and Moon's data before they were cut off.
>Racism is real in XY
So like France
there's a git repo. no assets and it's not buildable.
With how big the leak is I doubt that there isn't more staff docs. I guess the leaker just prioritises source code
No shot this is real
Really makes you wonder what was specifically in the Sun and Moon stuff that GameFreak wanted to hide
Partial XY SVN yes, it's coming after ORAS
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thaaaaaat's right, bring her in niiiiice and gently, now.....only 50 more gigs to go! be gentle with her!
There wasn’t but there is a beluga repository and it has some sm stuff, however that stuff been known for years. Here’s more if you’re curious https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/gen-7-development-repository-leak-discussion.3671969/page-4
Ah fuck
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Has anyone managed to rob the pokemon bank?
Im not clicking that link you fucking shill. go back.
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This is the floor of Diantha's room.
I will rob Lillie for myself.
No wonder why she's friends with Lysandre lmao
Any fan artist out there willing tl draw her being cancelled?
>No shot this is real
The racism part is a joke but we found a document stating the existence of "9 races of humans" for XY together with the 18 Pokémon types and they also should understand each other to flow like the water.
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There's concept art with notes stating that there are 9 races of people in the pokemon world and someone autismed over it
Keep these coming Anon.
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It is odd that Gen 6 is the cut off for the design documents, concept arts, story boards, and other such things. Maybe when Ohmori was heading the new generation he changed how those things are stored thus making it so they would not be leaked even with the hack. Still don't know how we got the git repository for USUM but not SM though
I wish SM/USUM had a menu for the amount of side quests they had too but it took them until Arceus to actually put it in a game (and then SV had a grand total of 0 side quests).
Why is this image everywhere
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Possibly in reference to this of all things.
Possibly just because 9 races of humans divides easily into 18 Types.
People can't believe there's racism in XY when certain stores straight up kick you out if you don't dress a certain way.
Feather anon needs to tell us about this image.
After this fiasco, I wonder if they'll keep this shit under a stricter lock and key.
no but it would be nice to get my bankmons back from my nnid but of course the virtue signaling cucks aren't going to touch that with a 30 foot pole
are you saying git repos in general cant be built or just this particular one? sorry if its a dumb question, I havent slept in 3 days
One would assume so but considering that GF suffered leaks before and promised to build a more robust system only for this to happen I doubt much will change. Maybe they'll handle employee data more carefully so they don't all get doxxed but that's about the extent of the scope I'm expecting
Isnt there a shiton of concept art for SM, BDSP, Sword and Shield and even SV? Its more like they straight up started selling those.
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At this rate, it might be uplouded by Monday.
it needs like hundreds/thousands of headers that aren't in the repo. They're generated on the fly from like csv/excel files we don't have.
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I need to know about the discarded lore about Acerola and her royal lineage
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>chadest MC in years
>only picked by faggots and trannies
We need more lgbt-freaks bullied to death
>>>/lgbt/ is all the way down
I know XY and ORAS ask you what language you want before starting the game. were these source leaks from before or after they added all the translation text in?
That ain't hilbert
Considering the rival personality it makes sense to make him a faggot.
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Hilbert is second.
>alola 2 set 2 years later traveling the region with acerola as a pair of 2 to uncover mysteries of her lineage even her grandmother doesn't know NEVER EVER
He's just french.
Nobody named "Hilbert" can be a chad in any way or form.
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Calem himself is a troony tho
And if she really is a ghost?
Top right seems like a ploy to sneak into the women's restroom.
Forget about that, I want to know if Acerola and Nanu were FUCKING in the early stages.
Nanu killed her, thats why he is so depresed
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Looks like they already had planned up to Pokémon #901 at the early stage of that PLA build.
>Not canon material
Yeah, and Platinum Lucas is first.
Well, can you post the link for us at least?
>No argument
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I thought it was canon
If these symbols aren't in Legends Z-A, I will rant.
celebi was gonna take us home after PLA was he
He started the fire? Damn. I suppose that makes sense given he works for the man.
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Pokemon boys are the peak masculinity
>had to mercy kill her for some reason
>now owns a horde of alolan meowths (dark type) to keep her ghost away from hunting him
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Dude was Blair in the demo. He's always been Blair to me.
Don't we have the pokemon bank source code? Is possible for someone to just turn it into an offline 3ds app? I know there is a homebrew for that but I'm still curious if it's possible.
Isn't Blair a girls name?
Well at least her ghost doesn't seem that vengeful since she just kinda annoys him from time to time
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my DICK is getting so hard in anticipation of the time it will take to compile ORAS' source code.
What do you have against classical germanic names?
I want to contribute someway for game historic reasons, but is even possible to be hacked just browsing 4chan or looking at these files?
How can any male trainer be gay in the generation where Braixen is available as a starter.
Would have nasty sex with girl calem
Will romhackers actually do anything with all this source stuff
Most likely not, they are too well trained to FRLG.
Is that actually a girl Calem or is it a busty boy Calem?
Hopefully the latter
Yea thats how the evil hacker gets you. You’re actually already hacked
No, Gen 4 source code was a complete nothing burger years ago
>nanu's left hand
>acerola's face
Oh this is legit good Anon.
this is gonna be the first thing I try once I get the time and quit grabbing all the source like a hoarder. first step would be to compile it, second is to cut out the faggy online service dependency. PKSM doesnt support VC gen 1 and 2 which was always my biggest gripe about it
Yeah, me too
>exploding van.gif
Ursaluna is 901, which means that basculegion, sneasler, overqwil, and enamorus were later additions.
This is one real "hacker known as 4chan"-ass post. How nu?
Boring virtue signalling done by infantile parents masturbating themselves over their projected fantasies, goes the other way around too with shit like "Raven" or "Illustrious"
What did I miss in regards to PLA
A bunch of early builds menus and a proto version of Obsidian Fieldlands theme.
Brock was the player character
if leaker doesnt post 12-15 tonight, im makung calem go oui oui oui in a shitty mobile home
btw, do we have all beta starters/evolutions of Gen 3? This is probably the only thing missing for a simple hackrom just switching sprites, names and minor stuff
So it's not just the PDF powerpoint that got leaked?
supposedly 12 and 13 were posted >>56713810
but no one here has reposted the links and I'm not ion the honeypot discord.
Nope, the leaked files are in the previous thread.
Nobody can get in it's password protected
>what was specifically in the Sun and Moon stuff that GameFreak wanted to hide
The Alolan myths would make doujinshi seem like Saturday morning cartoons.
Where would GF pick for Gen 10’s region? All we know is that it’s an archipelago.
>implying we would even get Alolan myths
I'm pretty sure GF stopped after Gen 4
Seems to be Greece, probably mix with Turkey. More like classic Greece.
>It is said that the circle (red - white gradient) in the center became the basis of the design of the monster ball
That's cute
starting a new legends playthrough, which starter?
Oh I didn't know pksm didn't support the VC console games. I really just want an offline bank like a pokemon box ruby and Sapphire. I knew that thing was going to die someday with the stupid servers. I wish you luck in making it offline anon.
None, use just Bidoof. That's what i did :D 6 Bidoof all the way. Giratina was hard though.
Rowlet nigga there's no other choice.
Do you think the beta Ultra Beasts would've looked roughly like the final product or did they go full eldritch Lovecraft behind the scenes?
Rowlet as long as you don't evolve it.
There are two other choices.
It could go either way. Gen 3 leaked sprites show that GF could go full eldritch if they wanted to but that was part of the design philosophy at the time where they felt the need to goa way from the overly cutesy Gen 2 mons which was not a part of the philosophy by the time of Gen 7.
So who would be the evil team then, the Persians or the Ottomans?
found in the files. Go crazy
Which file is that supposed to be? I don't have an account to access this.
>he clicked
its over
I mostly ask because with UBs, I feel like they would've had more free reign to explore nonsense with literal aliens.
Can someone link me the beta theme?
They would 100% be weirder. If guzzlord is any example then the beta ones are probably very disgusting in a cool way. Pokemon need to look a little bit stupid so I espect bones, multiple eyes and sharper features in the beta ones.
yeah... I will just wait for the abridged experience done by my favorite eceleb
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you say something, punk? something uncouth?
whoops. accident, I swear.
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Do we know who designed the Ultra Beasts, and is it this particularly un-pokemon designer getting his final coom in the spotlight 10 years later?
What's the file location of the typhlosion story? I want to read the original japanese
have fun
According to saucenao and danbooru, a man
the original script is available on tcrf
the artist who drew this artwork is Jun Okutani (it says so on the text spelled by the Unown)
i'm not sure who designed the UBs but it can't be that guy since anons have looked into the projects that he's been involved with and there's very little of note, nothing pokemon related besides this
Meant for
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Here you go.
Were parts 12 and 13 dumped?
Mr Turner of James designed Buzzwole, Guzzlord and the Poipole line.
That seems to be all we know, because I can't find other names attached to the UBs.
Alright you mother fuckers, if the hashing finishes for fragments 10 and 11, I'm not fucking putting them in the torrent tonight. I'm so tired of putting off the torrent update.
why the fuck isnt there someone in the gay discord just copying the urls in realtime this shit is retarded
>actually a busty boy
Hell yeah, they're super underrated
can mew learn crabhammer?
Because they're all niggers who hate preservation.
didn't know Turner was chill like that (i have a soft spot for the UB designs tbf). he's usually remembered as the "edgy lugia guy" or "the ice cream mon guy"
From the previous thread:


filepath: \Hayabusa_L_Old2020\data\bin\sound\NX64\wwise\bank\904218705.wem
the fuck am I looking at.
It's like if Junji Ito and Tim Burton had a child and raised it on Cronenberg films and Schwartz's Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark series of books.
i love it
>the fuck am I looking at.
Angels feon genesis evangelion
Dunno the artist, but those are certainly the "angels" from Evangelion
That's evangelion
It's a show about some dumb kid that doesn't want to get on his giant robot mom or something
You mean that anime with the long elevator scene? And fantastic animation but a really mid story that keeps getting drawn out in remakes nobody asked for?
That NGE?

Never heard of it.
Oh my god I just noticed Twinleaf Town theme at like 2:45
Holy newfag.
>You mean that anime with the long elevator scene? And fantastic animation but a really mid story that keeps getting drawn out in remakes nobody asked for?
>That NGE?
Yes THAT one evangelion
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>2 hours and nobody has posted parts 12 and 13
It also fucked up what the anime going for by giving him a Girlfriend who fall out of the sky and everything else they did
You should have joined earlier, cry about it
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what did GF mean by this?
>he says having not joined himself
The whole thing was very fucked up
Concept art for flash
She's french, public nudity is in their nature
>She's not wearing anything under that coat
What the fuck?
We all thought Hilda was the biggest whore, but it actually was Serena...
We've gotten depressingly few doodles from this whole adventure
>he doesn't know I'm inside of his spinal cord
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Hilda's only interaction with guys is bullying them.
She's way too interested in battles then she is in guys.
Post the entire concept
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She gets along fine with fellow Waku Waku autists
Bottomless Pokegirls are canon.................
I-IS THAT CH-.. CH-.....
I have a lot of questions and I understand I can just google them but I would have someone in this thread answer them as anons here know more than all of the discord trannies. I am a retard and I am not a tech person either but anyway:

How did you extract the files from the PDFs?
How do I open password protected files?
What are these short forms DEI, SVN, SDK and repo?
What are Open CL and zipcrypto?
Is there a specific way to name the files?
What about filepaths? People keep talking about this. Is it to rename files and make changes?
That’s all the questions.
No, that's a Pamtre Berry.
>How did you extract the files from the PDFs?
Google it
>How do I open password protected files?
Google it
>What are these short forms DEI, SVN, SDK and repo?
Google it
>What are Open CL and zipcrypto?
Google it
>Is there a specific way to name the files?
Google it
>What about filepaths? People keep talking about this. Is it to rename files and make changes?
Google it
>That’s all the questions.
Fuck you for lying to me
touko no chii-mu, hai
goo goo gaga
This can't be real hahahahaha
Get out of here, GrandGarchomp!
Best story in anime you mean only beat by Berserk and Devilman… oh wait those two be manga. NGE can’t be beat.

Still no mega jynx?
get the fuck out centro
Based fellow Dragon Tamer appreciator.
Not watching your anime.
You must be 18 years old to enter this site
I get the average person might not know the first half of the things listed, but nit know what a "file path" is when it's literally in the name??
This is beyond being computer illiterate, this is being computer retarded
Which one of you did this?
Oops, forgot the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUYZjRoVtSo
It was me, sorry.
How about LGPE?
I was waiting for KANTOOOOO concept art (especially Trainer Classes) and original drawings of the pictures that can be seen in the game (like, the Dr. Fuji photo. LGPE has the best details). Should I get my hopes down?
>[batshit tranny headcanon]
It was me, Austin.
It's impressive to watch, let's not suck the unfinished, underfunded dick of NGE that hard anon.
It's not impressive for its plot. That's clearly not what gives it a legacy.
>Non argument canned replying
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>NGE can’t be beat.
Awww baby is a pussy can’t handle actual anime. Other good anime Genocyber, Ergo Proxy, Violent Jack, and Gilgamesh ;)

Back on subject no mega Jynx?
>Modern Pokeballs originate from Kalos art
Deep lore. Maybe that's why ZA comes after Arceus.
You're not supposed to post animes that are actually good
Based taste
That document talking about anime and Mega Zygarde has a date?
The world was not ready for butt jojo
Yes, we got Mega Jynx.
NGE isn't even the best show Gainax made. It isn't the best mecha show. It isn't the best battle shonen.
Frankly it sucks.
No, it's still single.
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PLA beta build has dialogue? Like talking? Or are these files placeholder from something else.
Or did I forget PLA had dialogue somehow
You mean voice acting?
Because it does not, aside of certain grunts for the player character
Rei or Asuka?

Unrelated, but I am HOT off a chicken melt and how are the leakies coming along?
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would you?
It feels in character that Team Rocket managed to actually leak private documents but ONLY the unfortunate ones, and also questioning why the dude just didn't take the Octillery home if he was so intent on "using" it.
>Rei or Asuka?
we're waiting for faggots to dump the gofile links for parts 12 and 13 currently, last thread there was some PLA stuff dumped
Holy shit, it's Serena Du Bois
no, but i would May
>its almost been 10 years since that fateful day
Any progress on the PLA password?
any calem models leaks concept art?
Someone get the fucking part 12 and 13 links already
Necrozma, Mewtwo and Zygarde
My fav legends, what are your fav legendaries anons?
holy shit real
So, did we ever find out what that whole "You are not the one" thing with that Hex Maniac in XY was all about? Surely there's SOMETHING in these leaks about her, right?
It's too late, I updated the torrent. Shame on the Discordfags for not feeding us the files.

To the guys who posted previously, know that I am forever in your debt.
i learned recently the maitnainer of the rentry page has some mutual friends of mine so i might be able to ask for urls
Godspeed, anon.
I don't know why people don't dump the links to begin with, we're all in this together and the sense of superiority some must feel from having supah sekrit knowledge only lasts for like, half a day when it inevitably gets dumped by someone else.
So now that we entered the PLA stage of things.

Any art for Sanqua, Pesselle, Colza, Beni, Taohua, Anthe, Dagero, Rye and other characters that never got a publish artwork?
Not yet, but the ORAS dump seems to have the entirety of X/Y's revision history so we're not done with X/Y yet.
im making no promises i just wanna make sure its all logged. i also want to be sure i document the compiling requirements which nobody is fucking doing
I was planning to do that once the leaks were finished. Unfortunately, too busy right now and I don't have the hard drive space to do checkouts anyhow.
You doing it for me would be of great assistance since I do plan to compare every single revision at some point.
Even the slightest amount of help getting shit straight in any way is appreciated no matter what it is, do what you can since it's better than most others here.
This was just GF having fun scaring kids. Same shit with the ghosts in the Old Chateau.
The usual reposters haven't sent it yet? I guess I'll do it from now on.
This should work for both (nsp version) builds of hayabusa
Anyone creating license check bypass for the nsps? Heard that the leaker said gf's license protection is shitty.
can confirm, works
seeing as you can repost and are likely in the discord with these other people can you grab us part 12 and 13 for the sango shit
Seconding this, they never got reposted.
replaying legends, and man you really cant go two fucking steps in this game without someone interrupting you
>can you grab us part 12 and 13 for the sango shit
Sure. I'll just start reposting it all in here whenever I'm awake. Also we're up to P15 now.
P12: https://gofile.io/d/hv5V9B
P13: https://gofile.io/d/Y15Gwh
P14: https://gofile.io/d/UjgrWY
P15: https://gofile.io/d/BwNmuC

And the 2nd PLA build in case you guys didn't get it (same password)
New NX hayabusa build, 39: https://gofile.io/d/vLoiUH
thank you anon, god fucking speed
when this is all over, ill give you a personal thank you and pass along gears of war 1 2 and 3 source codes
Has anyone in there made progress getting the pc build to run?
Dunno if anyone found this yet, but I found a Game Freak rulelist in the DP folder.

"Expressions we want to avoid"
>Expressions from the anime
>Expressions like "get" (getto), "battle" (batoru), etc. should, to the best of one's ability, not be used.
>Get > Catch (tsukamaeru), Battle > match (shoubu), fight (tatakai), Item (Aitemu) > tool (dougu)

>Expressions from walkthrough books
>"Rare Pokémon", "Effort Values", "Save", etc., should, to the best of one's ability, not be used.
>◯Shiny Pokémon, ◯Strong, doing it's best, ◯Write a report (this is what the save function is called in the Japanese games)

>Expressions from real life
>Expressions associated with particular institutions and people should not be put in.
>Historical buildings will not appear in this. Also, in Red and Green, while real-life food has appeared, but in later works, it's rarely used.
>We will avoid expressions associated with designated religions.
>Christmas, going to a temple or shrine to worship

>Expressions that don't work outside of Japanese
>Fundamentally, it's not a big deal and fine, but there may be expressions that are considerably difficult for localization.

>Expressions with excessive malice
>Refrain from distasteful badmouthing that would make players feel uncomfortable in the world.
>There are characters like Team Rocket, etc. who say bad things, but don't make it too bad.
Based. Please check in once or twice a day because it seems like the other anons are being dipshits for no reason and not reposting the links.
What is Sango. ORAS?
D you know if the passwords for the bdsp builds were found?
>gears 1-3 src
Holy fuck, yes please
Somewhat. They're working on patching around some crashes.
Also you need a specific Nvidia driver as well as a 20-series or under GPU.
I'll try to post as soon as I see the pings from the server.
Compile documentation would be a godsend.
It's unlikely I'll be able to get most of this before the weekend is over, if not next weekend, so anything that makes future delvers able to work with the data will help tremendously and be much appreciated.
>we didn't even know parts 14 and 15 were already sent while waiting for the 12/13 links
Fuck all the other niggers in the server hoarding the links. Jesus christ why does everyone else involved in this process have to be such a faggot.
Those had passwords? Or do you mean the license check? I don't think much progress has been made on the license check yet.
It's discord niggers what else would be expected
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>Holy fuck, yes please
and to prove im not bullshitting. wouldnt be all of it shown here, just the relevant ones.
I'd figure the anons here who were lurking there would at least have the sense to repost the links, if not anything else, but it seems like there's only a few men of integrity left in this world.
Good shit, anon. We'll be waiting.
>Or do you mean the license check
Oh yeah, i misread the post
>I don't think much progress has been made on the license check yet.
Thanks for the responses anon
My plan was to put it on archive.org but due to changes in agreements it wont happen but couldnt be hard
Didn't that also get hacked recently too, or am I confusing that with another?
>Also, in Red and Green, while real-life food has appeared, but in later works, it's rarely used.
Guess they fucking gave up on that for the Switch games.
Youd be correct but thats different from the problem im describing. It being down prevents me from actually uploading it which sucks but it will be back soon. I made an agreement with the person who gave it to me that I would ask permission to not share it without their express permission, and they declined when I asked them a few days back. Their rationale is fair but it's what it is.
Already got some new links for you guys.
This is the latest version of the drivers needed for the PC builds. Should work with all current NVIDIA cards.
this site is gay as fuck
Agreed, would be appreciated if someone could add these to the torrent and also mirror to gofile.
This does not magically make it work with your PC. The builds need to becompiled with them in mind, so PLA it will not work.
If anyone has old switch sdks, we need them to build lgpe and potentially the other switch games too. Specifically NintendoSDK v5.4.150, but all SDKs are needed!
Overrated doesn't even begin to describe that series.
The thing you have to remember is no system is truly impenetrable no matter how much emphasis is placed on security. Every digital system will have vulnerabilities that once uncovered can be exploited, be it a comercial storage server that doesn't keep different clients' data on completely separate hardware and someone gets a trojan on a drive in the same box or another employee getting spyware on a device they use for work. Even if they go back to paper and non-networked dev kits all it takes is an employee getting their badge skimmed and duped when they go out for lunch with a little stalking and coordination, or someone with legit access going rogue and leaking shit themselves for whatever reason. It may be highly unlikely, but not impossible.
I gotcha. Now working on torrent.
Can't get the .nsp files working due to bad NCA header. Is there a bypass?
>NGE can't be beat
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is objectively a superior anime, and acts as a narrative antithesis to Neon Genesis.
Yep, opsec basically all just comes down to being completely schizophrenic and its impossible to be a worker in society like that.
Though I will say I disagree on one front, and that being encryption is basically the ultimate digital strongbox. If you encrypt literally everything with AES prior to and immediately after use then you're basically golden, though obviously that's not practical by any means and is also schizophrenic in its own right for a simple games company. Maybe if Gamefreak was a government organization lmao.
Maybe it uses a different set of signatures? On emu, you'd need to use product keys dumped from a dev unit. I wonder if the same applies to real hardware.
Also, it's Japan. Japan's corporate culture doesn't expect you to do shit like this, they expect you to respect their authority and keep to your lane. Almost every Japanese company has shit baseline security and training for that reason.
God, fucking tell me about it. The Kadokawa hack alone is eye-opening, and I thought I already knew how shit Japanese society was with opsec but that was just like... wow. Y'know? Just, wow.
>Though I will say I disagree on one front, and that being encryption is basically the ultimate digital strongbox
im a schizophrenic person and heres my response to this. if you can build something, you can take it apart. encryption or decryption doesnt matter. there are people who manage to get through this with success and do not get caught but with the botnet of the world in place today i have 0 confidence in this fucker regardless of how good their opsec claimed to be
having personally dealt with the DoJ raiding me for my equipment for pissing off the right company, i can say that they are leagues and leagues ahead of the game than people think. watching them flash my phone in minutes just plugging a goddamn cable into it using at least 5 exploits and a custom application is mind blowing to me
so whats the deal with southern kalos, i remember years ago it being mentioned or something

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