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Capumon Edition


We have:
>Full SVN repositories for Platinum, HGSS, BW, and B2W2, which includes source code and full commit history
>USUM git repository
>Pokemon Bank source code and builds
>Shitloads of design documents, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and other such things from Gen 1 to Gen 6 (but mainly Gen 3 to Gen 6)
>XY and ORAS staff documents, source assets, concept art, dev videos and XY prototype builds
>Anime production art up to BW
>Source logos, manuals, boxart and promo PDFs for select mainline Pokemon games up to BW and ORAS
>Miscellaneous stuff like digitized scans of GF Magazine and anime art; data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO QA builds, etc.
>Legends: Arceus mid-production overview PDF
>Codenames for past and future games (e.g. "Titan" = S/V)

Non-Pokemon leaks:
>An unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one of them involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Localization, sheet music, and other development documents for Drill Dozer
>An unreleased DS conversion of an unreleased port of Yoshi to the SNES
>Some HarmoKnight stuff

The amount of data here is immense and even more is still on the way, so please be patient.
People are rummaging through the files as we speak.

LATEST LEAKS: beluga_allrepositories.7z, parts 8 and 9 of sangopart4
WHAT'S NEXT?: The rest of sangopart4/sango_project, followed by the XY repo


>Files: https://rentry.org/freakleak
>Torrents: https://rentry.org/gfteratorrent

Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 10.
Previous: >>56709188
its over...
>Pokegirl with pants
is she from gen 9?
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In the end, truly it was all nothing.
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posting pathetic womanlett
Sun and Moon?
who's this?
>followed by the XY repo
Chances of Mega Jynx being here?
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Route 119
>Genwars aside, I personally prefer any pokemon trainer designs that look like pokemon trainers (hard to describe: slightly sporty, needs to have a cool hat)
This is also why Kris and May are the best female protagonist designs.
No more Gen 7 leaks, leaker said he couldn't find anything beyond the USUM git repository.
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please post my fat wife.
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The thing that I can't stand about git conversion is that clearly trunk should be master and the branches should be, well, branches and not fucking folders
she's cute
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THIS is mala
No idea who this is. It's like she's been anti-baptised and the soul was sucked right out of her.
Was there any concept art of Cogita?
I hate gen 9 and they way everybody looks so much
It’s a full fricken loop to the bottom…
Monkeys paw for everyone who kept insisting Pokemon should look like DQ11 instead of keeping the anime style it's always had.
Cogita ergo usum?
Reminder the actual last leak was delphis.7z (>>56710511)
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Gen 9 has a dumbass plotline where the evil team is a bunch of bullied kids who went full punk and try to kill their bullies, and by the end of it they all revert back to normalfag conformists
blows my mind people will say gen 9 has a good plot
Was on holiday the last 3 days, last thing I saw was XY leaks. did anything juicy from gen 7+ leak afterwards or no
It was a mix of a bunch of plots with Arven's being the only decent one.
oh. I didn't play 9. Obviously.
I'm waiting for them to put all of the Pokemon back into a game.
...how long do you think it will be until I can play a new Pokemon again?
You didn't play the games
Never. Give up now.
She would have looked cute in a skirt.
Absolutely never again dude.
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Now it is time for based SW/SH.
lookin kinda fishy there
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I did not care for Arven nor his stupid dog, nor his fucking parental issues. It all insists upon itself.
schizokarp my beloved
How dare you, I will have to find you now.
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You. Just. Know.
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I'm still asking for the HQ of this btw,
You should actually play the game and see how they only wear normal clothes for a postgame quest and then they return to their cool personas instead of believing/spreading bullshit on the internet
oh fuck so that's where they got the idea for the arceus movie from
anon this is the adaptation of the movie lol
I did play the game and I don't remember the part where they revert back?
>The Arceus movie was just a messy breakup
Well... at least I have all of my games from Gen 1 right up to Gen 7.
Although, the battery is dead in the first three Gens. Only slightly an Issue for Sapphire, as berries don't grow... But it's mainly to stock up on Gen 3 mons before transfering them to Gen 4, where you CAN get berries.
So I can play those.

>You should actually play the game
lol. If you both buy me the game, and pay me for my time wasted. Then I'll consider it. But don't get your hopes up.
What do you expect? For them to just wear their fucking clown get-ups for the rest of their lives?
Switch emulators exist and roms are trivial to find on the internet. But yeah, the time waste is the real problem. Gen 9 is just not worth it.
Isn't that a sidequest for the Blueberry DLC?
yes, they should
It's in the DLC.
so mega jynx never then?
seems weird to me how late a stage it got to in development with no model
It had some character moments at the end I suppose.
In the end gotta remember everything is relative.
Y'know how people suddenly say XY was good? its because SM was worse.
Everyone loves SM all of a sudden? It's because SwSh was way worse.
Suddenly people missing SwSh? Its because SV was overall even worse.
This downward trend leads to this idea that there's some sort of historical revisionism when really its just "I miss when things were only this bad".

And, more relevant to your point, it goes kinda the opposite way too. SwSh had a completely unfinished godawful story with characters that barely felt present despite the game never leaving you alone. So SV's story feeling like it actually finished feels like a step up. The games keep getting overall worse buy individual elements of them are still better than how previous games handled those elements.
Is the 9 races slop over yet
>and pay me for my time wasted.
how about you pay me for the time I have to waste scrolling past your off topic whining
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Someone please link to all of the employee meeting conversations (you guys did compile/organize this right?)
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I am not in the trannyscored where these releases come from. Do we have anything newer than part 9?
You have to beat Indigo Disk and have cleared all classes of one subject then they ask you for help in their exams in their uniforms, that quest aside they are still in the bases as Team Star captains, costumes included.
Nobody compiled the emails of the gigaleak. What do you think?
/vp/ will never be ready for the the fact that SV are easily top 5 mainline Pokemon games, possibly top 3.
>/vp/ will never be read-
That's not possible when there's more than three versions of Black and White.
you didn't have to read it
you didn't have to reply
you didn't have to be an apologist for Gen 9, retard-kun
But you did all three
>It was then and there she knew she had to have his children
well he has descendants so damos did fuck. Its all making sense now
Ah, yes, the classic /v/ermin counterculture bullshit where you have to like literal garbage and hate things that are popular
This whole thing about complaining about seeing them be "normal", is like if you saw any other gym leader dressed in casual clothes minding their own business outside the gym and reacted with same revile.
This is how I feel but with Lillie
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The difference is that Lillie is cute.
You are retarded
The only good thing about SV are the designs of the new mons and the soundtrack, everything else is absolutely awful. It would be the worst mainline if SW/SH did not exist.
To be fair it was Bronzong's hypnosis' fault.
>Y'know how people suddenly say XY was good?
They really don't. XY apologia had it's surge around it's anniversary last year and even then there was massive pushback against people claiming it was "good", incluing on the positivity echo chamber that is Twitter. On the other hand, Gen 7 isn't even 10 and you see far more people sing it's praises.
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After going through the archives and thus reminding myself of what happened with this girl-

>We got concept art leaked of her
>People found sprites of her printed into an art book or something
>Anons then tried reconstructing those sprites, but the sprites were never actually leaked
SWSH at least still has mostly good character designs, pokemon and music.
It's just that the dumbed down plot, mapping and overall linearity of that game is infuriating.
maybe if only you played the 3DS and switch games
I couldn't even play the fucking game without it crashing every few minutes, it runs like absolute dogshit, the new Pokemon mostly suck dick, the story barely exists, Paldea is a fucking joke of a region, repugnant DEI approved designs, game is buggy as shit, feels like a cheap tech demo that was not playtested at all, I could keep fucking going.
>repugnant DEI approved designs
what they mean is that they liked the plot with the professors right at the end
If I'm nice to Lillie maybe I'll be able to sex her mother.
Which is weird because as disappointed as I was by XY, I still enjoyed them far more than I did SM. XY still had some of the OG pokemon DNA in them, despite being an unfinished mess, and continuing the Gen 5 trend of not having a lot of side activities and repeatable content with objectives (contests, secret bases, frontier, pokeblocks, whatever). SM just felt like a completely different franchise to me in terms of presentation, character design, etc. and I feel like we've still been in the SM franchise ever since, just managing to get worse and worse entries IN said different franchise.
anyone who uses this as an argument against anything in this series unironically is either the most braindead gorilla nigger this side of the jungle or their country's equivalent of cousin-fucking trailer trash
>SWSH and SV
>good character designs
>good pokemon designs
>good music
Surely you jest.
Remember how Game Freak's solution to Gen 9's poor performance was to reduce the number of pokemon in the overworld?
what is DEI.
You people keep typing it. What /pol/ acronym is this, now?
Is DEI the new "woke" term to get past filters? I'm typically on /toy/ or /po/, so I've been pretty insulated from all the new bait on other boards. Used to be on /vp/, even back when it was /tr/, but lost interest around gen 7 or so.
Hahaha i don't really know
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If I saw Valerie without the contacts in I'd probably throw up
Its interesting because GameFreak clearly tried every trick in the book they had to get performance up.
Heavy texture and geometry culling, heavy animation culling at distances, reduced entity count, etc., to try and scrape back FPS.
I wonder what the fundamental issue with those games are, that they just couldn't find.
>SM just felt like a completely different franchise to me in terms of presentation, character design
This is outright silly when SM still has the anime artstyle characteristic of the franchise and that was dropped in Gen 8 and especially in Gen 9.
It's an eloquent description of the game's design philosophy. Get used to it, because it's the truth
When was it said that those was contacts
That's very much a (You) opinion there, dude, I liked SM specifically because it felt like it was trying to innovate and expand beyond the tired Gen 1 formula and actually learned from the majority of XY's mistakes.
Man, the moment these threads stop having leaks they basically just become Pokemon-themed /b/
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>in an open world game
I haven't played these games but how the fuck is that possible
Diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Just like all the other ones, some academic term about including minorities or acknowledging them in some way except it lets them not say the n word.
Yeah i agree with you. This game is way too short and barebones, it feels like an unfinished product and i bet that the people digging into the leaked files will find a lot of stuff related to it.
It is just a long corridor with a large empty wasteland in the middle.
SWSH isn't open world you fucking retard
>It's an eloquent description of the game's design philosophy
Maybe if you're IQ is the closest thing to absolute zero on earth.
be grateful they're at least pokemon themed, still. Don't jinx it.
please dont respond to this DEI retard, he ruined threads yesterday with this bait
What's the sales numbers for the pokemon games? I want to compare.
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do not respond to DEItards
Do not engage with sales number fags either
rendering all that water under the map 24/7 probably does NOT help
He was talking about SwSh but you know open world doesn't necessarily means there's no linearity right? SV is open world and yet it's linear too, while you can do things at your rhythm there are certain things you still have to do to unlock the full exploration.
just pirate the games and install them on a hacked 3DS, as it can run every single mainline pokemon game from gen 1 to 7 (or use a PC emulator retard).
Okay, thanks. ...wait, Equity?
Like stonks? What's that doing in there?
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who decided to take out the dynamic camera and better animations from x/y? we know it wasn't Masuda
SM's retarded handholding at least gets some level of a pass because the aether story is interesting and warranted actual discussion
SWSH has nothing, eternatus barely exists and doesnt even have a DLC to salvage that shit, it feels like a placeholder
They hate you because you speak the truth.
They still exist in the game, retard.
>SM's retarded handholding at least gets some level of a pass because the aether story is interesting and warranted actual discussion
you are the only person on the planet who thinks this
I just mean how the pokemon started to feel so much more like cartoon characters which all had their special OC abilities and what felt like very pre-defined personalities and what not (it was still relatively tame by SM, but it led off the deep end with SwSh).
Idk, in XY I felt like I still had some stuff to put time into, not as much as I'd like, but there was SOMETHING for me to sorta grab onto even if it wasnt much. With SM and even moreso USUM I beat the game, played it for like a few hours after that, and just dropped it, felt like there was nothing to do, I was also barely able to finish USUM, lost all motivation pretty quickly and it was only kinda redeemed in the end by the ultra Necrozma encounter's shocking difficulty spike for my team, but as I said before, same problem once the credits rolled.

Obviously its all subjective, and if I mention what generations I actually like It would lead into some sort of genwarring even moreso / off topic than this has already got (to me genwarring doesnt count for 3DS+ games).
Good lord that part of the map where you could find Dondozo and Tatsugiri (I don't remember its name) ran at like 5 fps. It was terrible to surf through.
No fuck this shit
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Hey anything related to the official Pokemon timeline in these leaks? I still remember when Toshinobu Matsumiya posted this prior to the announcement of ORAS, and I suspect he deleted it because ORAS' addition of parallel universes completely disrupted the need for canon (as Masuda once admited they aren't too bothered with continuity)
I'm gonna fucking kill you
Got tired of spamming the other threads again?
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I want to go back to memeing about arceus fucking a guy. pol arguments and gen wars are gay
the universe egg story is better anyways
even better
being confined to one timeline is so fucking lame. I hate this shit. Just let everything exist so they dont have to worry about shit, the worst part of ORAS was WOW WERE IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE JUST LIKE MARVEL UOHHHHHH
the QA tester from mario club who got nauseous after playing the game with that camera for 5 hours
Arceus fucks a guy because she's injured from fighting the giants, that could very easily tie into the Universe egg story.
he would vomit if he ever played revolution or colosseum, what a pussy
I want Arceus to impregnate me
>DEI characters
>No battle facility
>game runs and looks like shit
>ugliest mons ever
Cant tell if gen 8 is worse
The translated pitch document said RSE was supposed to be set 7 years before Red/Blue
gen 8 has sexy girls but its the only Pokémon game I've ever not finished besides gen 7. true slop
Faggot probably had 3D turned on too.
SV looks absolutely nothing like Pokemon
I thought so too kek
>DEI characters
I want to know what you mean by this. Genuine question. I would like a list of who's DEI to you.
I own Gens 1-7.
It's the post-dexit games that I won't buy or play.
And it's not even the lack of my bros, but whenever I ask a large swathe of /vp/ what they felt about the story of SwSh or SV, I mainly get
"SwSh isn't worth playing for the story. The DLC adds to it, but that's not 'in the main game'"
"SV is a story improvement, but is still subpar for the pricepoint. If you're going to play it. Play it for the 'jank'"

Not wanting to take /vp/s opinion for it, as /vp/ seems to hate pokemon, even my friends say they hated SwSh. Although one friend said LGPE was his most fun in Kanto (and he's a genwunner), and another said PLA is the best pokemon game on switch, for better or worse.
/end blogpost
The timeline was loose anyway, I think alternate universes are lame though.
To each their own on some of these. I know many people who are extremely "anti-canon" and dont think anything should even have lore or world building, even if to me that stuff is what really tickles my autism and keeps me invested in the franchise, and is probably why I'm still here running almost entirely on what little goodwill I have left from gens2-4 and their heavy emphasis on world building and lore.
Nothing besides that one pitch very early on where Ruby and Sapphire would've taken place 7 years before Red and Green (1989 if RG in 1996 was still upheld by then.).
Things were fucked since Gen 3. Had FRLG not exist and/or RS took place in 1989, how would they explain Dark and Steel types existing before Gen 2 treating them as this big discovery?
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Celebi is soft disclosure.
I want to lick Gloria's navel.
Arceus literally has the womb of all creation, she'd never bother with filthy mortal women.
I think its pretty clear that at least since gen 3, any sort of "discovery" is a discovery in entirely a meta sense.
Its pretty clear by now that the first 151 kanto pokemon were not the first pokemon discovered, and that every other pokemon was found later. But instead that each individual region has known about all their pokemon, and all the types have always existed (fairy, steel, dark, etc.), and anything "newly discovered" is essentially a marketing term, they're new to US, but not the people of the world.
this is one skitzo diagram holy shit lmao
I meant in my ass, anon
guys if you're going to have retarded genwars could you at least post porn with it so there's something of value, thanks
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what is with those tranny trainers anyways? its like a gayer version of the colosseum ones
>character customization options are woke because... THEY ARE OKAY?????????????
[kɛɫ̪ɛbi] celebi
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That kinda contradicts Matsumiya's own tweet since it claims that RS and FRLG happen at the same time (the connectivity between games canonizes them as simultaneous), but I'll cut them some slack as I don't think they considered making remakes at this point
Why the fuck there's no FRLG stuff in this leak??

Additionally, fuck anyone who thinks XY is set in a parallel universe because of the Megas, before ORAS came and shit all over the floor it Megas were presented as a Kalos-only phenomenom, the events are meant to happen alongside Unova becoming covered in ice
does SV ever explain why there are old people in their 'school'.
Is the school more like a University, or are they just retarded and keep getting held back.
>t. member of the 10th race
>Is the school more like a University
/pol/faggots get out of the leak thread
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you're not telling me how having the option to still be white is woke. as expected
What an ugly fucking game. Don't understand how anyone can be excited for ZA when these designers are in charge.
I dont wanna jump to the defense of annoying DEI spammers, but you're definitely just grabbing one thing out of the image and using it to discredit the entire image.
Its hard to deny there's a definite shift in visual style, one that I'd at least personally argue shifts the series a lot more "western". Its something I noticed from the first trailer that showed human characters and I got used to it, and felt that some characters still looked pretty good (Nemona for example), but most of them are pretty rough, and while im sure some people will defend that using character templates the way they did for random trainers is good because it means you dont have the "copypasted team yell grunt syndrome" of swsh, the loss / death of distinct trainer classes with their own specific designs, a series mainstay since gen 1, is extremely disheartening to me.
The characters are made ugly so that ugly players dont feel a painful envy when they see them. Sounds crazy but its true. People can actually be envious of fictional characters.
Haven't played XY's since release but didn't literally the game started with those two guys that also showed up in Sun and Moon telling you a new type was just discovered? (re: fairy) IIRC there were other NPCs who also talked about studying them like they were something that appeared out of nowhere
>ugliest mons ever
Chien-Pao? Kilowattrel? Garganacl? Ceruledge?
>I made a bingo image that means every argument against me is invalid
>politics in the beytah thread
Take your woke vs racism bullshit elsewhere. I just want beytah for gods sake
>ugly cat
>ugly bug eyed bird
>a fucking minecraft rock
>ugly digimon
It's a different dev team, we can only hope it at least matches Arceus' character design.
>Galarjeet is STILL seething by the fact people would rather play SV instead of SWSH
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Is the leader uploading anything else today or did he go to sleep?
I am the leader of /vp/ and I'm not uploading anything sorry.
Anything after XY is hot garbage.
You cannot refute this.
>not wanting to look at ugly characters is a woke vs racism thing
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What a legend
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>people actually discussing about DEIMON

fucking funny
add "muh" /pol/
I'm not a woketard and I hate nuPokemon but ok whatever you say retard
only trannies would disagree and unfortunately plenty of gen 7 to 9 apologizers exist in this thread
why can't you fags go a different thread or make your own if you don't want to post or talk about leaks
Schizo post
Like anon said, this thread just becomes a Pokemon /b/ after the leaks dry up.
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Days since /ppg/ has devolved into political bullshit: 0
that fucking lillie kek
>T. /pol/
There's been a Nintendo NX SDK out for half an hour now and nobody has posted the link
ORAS is okay mainly because its a remake of RSE but its a bad remake because its not even close to HGSS quality. SV dlc was okay
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So your taste is just abysmally shit, got it.
>56712100 (no (You) for you)
>Don't have bad taste? No, you have bad taste. I have good taste. It's totally not the other way around
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then post the link
>after XY
XY is literally the worst game.
Tell me how the retarded rock is a good design
>https://gofile.io/d/DdDrO2 NX SDK 9.2.0 megazarf with private packages for beluga and orion inside.
Yes it was bad but at least it was going to be good at some point
And no it's not the worst one, that title goes to ORAS
Nobody currently in this thread wants to talk about the leaks
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It looks fucking cool. It's a salt golem. It's like Regirock bit a ziggurat. How is that not a good design?
And no, Minecraft did not invent cubes. Fucking zoomers.
how long till thread stops being full of these faggots
I think so? But again, I think thats more for the players. Basically for kids who arent autistically refreshing serebii or marilland or whatever every day to keep up to date with the latest news of an unreleased game, just see a trailer on TV, and buy it in the store, and have no idea there's a new pokemon type.
Why are there so many images of Lusamine dressed like a Preschooler trainer class?
>"Fucking zoomers"
>defends alphoomers' favorite pokeslop
leaker decided to do a few switch drops before going back to the oras upload grind
>an ugly looking golem is le cool because its salt or something
It evolves from a minecraft pig and that evolves from a mario mushroom design is objectively shit and even fucking Golurk did it better
Until either the mods wake up and actually do their jobs for once (ha) or the leaker finishes posting sangopart4 and gets to the XY documents (days or more from now)
Fire-type Aegislash regional variant when?
Both of these games suck, both of them are still far better than anything that came after.
ORAS main campaign sucked and it had no frontier, but at least it had secret bases and (butchered) contests, a bad campaign is a bad campaign but in the end its only about 20 hours out of your 200+ hour save file.
pretty cool
Did the bdsp files ever get cracked
>they all revert back to normalfag conformists
More like they threw away their DEI punk trash which shows they became good
(NTA; i hate anything gens 6 and later too)
>implying golurk line is bad
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Lets please not make fake arguments ignoring the fact the line has fucking pixel eyes.
>Masuda once admited they aren't too bothered with continuity
Thats a big fat lie just like everytime Nintendo says they dont bother with Zelda timeline despite the games showing evidence that they still care
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it's not that much a lie, more like saying this they cover their bases for any continuity mistake or discrepancy
why are these threads still being made? Leaks are over
>anything I don't like is DEI
Post transmon
Psycho posters
Might be a "I want to reference things from another game" vs "this game is specifically this number years before/after another one" thing.
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>Black 2
>White 2
>Blueberry DLC
I mean...
All better designs than Unova's starters and legendaries.

Unova has a battle facility, even if it's dogshit and halfassed, but the rest of those points don't apply to any generation but gen 5... well, I guess gen 4 runs even worse.

It's like a better Golurk, and that makes DSzoomers seethe. You can tell it's zoomers because they think minecraft invented cubes.
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>Political shitflinging
>People spamming pokegirl art
I'm surrounded by manchildren
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Registeel in gen 3, Bastiodon and Dialga in gen 4, steel type has clearly existed since the very beginning or at least olden times despite older titles claiming those types were newly discovered. Also simple retcons are a thing
They're not over, the big tgz is just taking ages to upload (though at least it's uploading in parts)
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Any new leaks?
Game feels like it needs a party system like Dragon Quest 8 where you collect human characters and you can just randomly talk to them for feedback or opinions on random things.

I personally think the games are bad, but they cared enough to flesh out this small friend group and I would like to spend long with them.
Wait, SV had DLC set in Unova? Wtf? Is this the first time since HGSS a game has content set in a past region? This is news to me
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Welcome to the Pokemon fandom
when it stops being made
Unironically it's probably /v/ refugees who got filtered by the 15 minute timer and found another board to dump their schizo shit on.
I miss old /vp/
Continuity with previous games peaked in BW.
It's an underground terrarium (or "terarium") off the coast of Unova, but yes. The battle music is even a remix of the gen 5 battle music.
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it's unova only in name, it's not a location found in gen 5
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thread going so fast nobody will know im straight
Doesnt't /vp/ also have a timer before you can make threads?
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This is why BW and SV are peak.
I enjoyed gen 5.
Aren't rock salt crystals naturally cubic in shape?
part 10 and 11 out of 29 just dropped. poggers.
Yes, but I'm referring to this little thing added earlier today.
No, this behavior matches the people who have been infesting the board for years. /v/ tourists would be an improvement if anything.
all boring leaks, when will the fun stuff leaks
Gorilla link?
chad rowan
Then link it you faggot
You gain nothing by hoarding it
>Unova has a battle facility, even if it's dogshit and halfassed
It's literally the most popular battle facility in Japan. In Masters, Ingo and Emmet both get alts and event apparitions all the time, meanwhile the Chateau girls are so unpopular they exclusively get thrown into ticket redeeming for free because nobody would roll for them lmao.
Mods are faggots
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>still no sexo leaks
unironically a good choice 2bh

P10: https://gofile.io/d/Y3RmRp
P11: https://gofile.io/d/0FH3KN
Jokes on you since we are winning
For you, never. source code is for turbo nerds so you may as well leave.
Valerie nudes soon
An objective fact is that random NPCs are fucking horrible, but gym leaders etc are fine. The NPCs look like Concord characters.
sango_project, which contains the full xy_project repo history, will have beta assets though
Needs to supercharge that mcdonalds wifi
>which contains the full xy_project repo histor
It doesn't
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Unova is popular in Japan in general (even if certain anons refuse to believe it), I remember how much Pixiv exploded with BW art back in the day
Wait was there gen 1 stuff out of nowhere or is OP image random?
Why do autistic people like Pokémon?
We are talking about morals, no one who is sane can stay quiet when it comes to the cultural pollution that has poisoned fiction and how you enabled it. Also a reminder you speak a European language.
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DEI post. All anons used to be men before this woke shit
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No, it does.
I still have not even looked up all the gen 9 mons but god damn bow i love Garganacl I definitely want that on my team
Scat and Vomit are genuinely bottom 3 games under alola and galar slop.
>I remember how much Pixiv exploded with BW art back in the day
literally happens with every pokemon game tho
I was ready to disagree but I just did a quick search through the catalog and there were way less dogshit coom or /pol/bait shitflinging threads than I expected, so maybe there is a bright side to this.
I'm not a woketard though.
I find it funny how every time I ask for political bullshit like this to stay out of vidya, both sides accuse me of being eachother. It's funny how stupid you are.
It's really not a lie, in both cases you have autists going nuts over small nods and references while ignoring all blatant discrepancies that prove Nintendo doesn't really care that much.
Japan isn't any different than the West and the children who grew up playing those games are on the internet now.
Then why is BW worse?
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Here's more evidence the ORAS code repo has the full history of XY's code repo btw
oh, he's here
>Old people existing is DEI
what the fuck
So what does this actually mean for XY findings?
We'll have not only the source code for XY, but beta code and beta assets for XY. Maybe even cut content, possibly.
Who is?
yeah 15 minutes to lurk moar faggot is unironically a goated choice when theres actual gayops in discords to spam boards with shit. anyone whos not a newfag and not spamming doesnt have an issue
Playing B2 right now. Gen 5 has at least 3 dedicated battle facilities.
Battle Subway
Black Tower
Yes you are faggot, II'm glad you are at the stage you learn to be ashamed for even trying to defend DEI bullshit, but this is not politics, opposition to that is based on moral and your own insecurity about what happens when people start rejecting your bs. and this is why I welcome them policing this board because its the thing that helps keep retards like you on a leash, so you faggots can learn to agree, stay quiet or get out. After all, you are the one stirring up shit because you disagree.
>Scat and Vomit
These are not games these are your fetishes
It also stands for the following:
>Discrimination Entitlement & Ignorance
>Delusional Executive Idiocy
And my favorite.
>Didn't Earn It
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As of May 2024.
By beta assets does it also mean more early/scrapped designs for Pokemon / Megas?
>People spamming pokegirl art
How is this one a bad thing?
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Feels good to not be a faggot genwarrer like you kikes
I am not fucking defending DEI my fucking god
YOU are the one stirring up shit for trying to trigger a culture war between you and wokies
Just shut the fuck up already
BW was the first big game it happened to and it's still popular on Pixiv to this very day.
Do you think these people drawing tons of BW art on Pixiv in 2010-2012 were children back then? This argument is always so revealing, when you think the only reason anyone could like a thing is because they grew up with it.
I mean, if they didn't police this board, we would have faggots like here acting like they are welcome and are NOT the tourists we don't like.

Because he is a tourist.
No, making all of your npcs ugly on purpose is dei.
It's almost like this is a thread about leaks and prototype content or something, not pokegirls.
Then again most of the people here seem to think this is a thread about genwars and falling for yawnfag's bait.
You think there's official sales numbers in these leaks? Surely Game Freak must keep track of them
Yes you are, because your getting angry that people hate it.

Thats it. You wouldn't be putting this much effort in being an angry little cunt if ultimately, your problem is that people bring it up.

There is no such thing as a "culture war", another red flag for using that outdated 2016 term.
For XY, it seems designs had to be finalized before being 3D models, so the best you'll get is concept art or something
Fair enough.
Less a tourist and more a seasonal resident
>so you faggots can learn to agree, stay quiet or get out.
This isn't your safe space.
SwSh and SV being the highest-selling games since RGB never fails to depress me. Why did it sell so much anyway? Did the switch sell more than the GBA, DS and 3DS?
Pixiv literally exploded with X/Y too, and even harder than BW did with the whole hype season it got around it, but nobody will ever claim Kalos is popular in Japan or in the rest of the world fot that matter, not until the kids who played get online.
>reddit spacing, typos, and deflection
I am not getting angry that people "hate it", I'm getting angry that you and wokies are bringing this bullshit into EVERY FUCKING COMMUNITY.
I still think genwarring and realistic doomposting are two different things. Its basically objective that there has been less content per game (or to account for remakes, third versions, DLC, etc. per generation) after gen 4.
The Switch bonus, pretty much every big franchise sold more on the Switch than anywhere else
We've already gotten concept art for a few XY mons / Megas
Oh fuck had a brainfart and meant to quote >>56712416
I was going to comment on >>56712408 but decided not to.
Nor is it yours but that doesn't stop your desire from getting angry that people don't like the new pokemon games for that reason, so learn to shut up or get out. More proof that you support it, by the fact that you suddenly shifted your position.

And thats why I welcome those posters, because their mere presence pushes you out
after yawnie got mocked out of the other thread, he's here again, what a slut for humiliation
>loved emerald
>loved platinium
>got what i wanted both times
simple as. i dont even care for anything past platinum, including hgss
Sold more than everything but DS, yes.
DS (and GBA to an extent) suffered from being released during the time where the "pokemon wave" had generally got into the point in their lives where it was socially unacceptable to like pokemon, before they entered college or whatever and got back into it.
Switch is a money printer
Let's go and BDSP being the best selling remakes is really funny to see
Yeah but there's nothing wrong with just posting cute girls in the meantime, unlike faggot shit like genwars or political bullshit, I do agree with that.
If I had to guess those games actually attract *new* people in the way previous entries just don't somehow, maybe the fact that each new entry is actually cut-off from the rest rather than being built upon the series' legacy
In an ironic/cosmic sort of way, because of how lame they are?
I want pump gallons of cums inside her AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH
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Why do people hate Unova for no reasons
Is it really that hard? You just click the thing, shitpost in other threads for a bit, and come back to make your "is coffee good for you?" thread.
As long as you're exclusively posting girls from gens 3-6, I'll allow it.
After all, these leaks have been primarily gens 3-6
The BW tag has significantly more artwork on Pixiv than XY (BW's 45,260 works compared to XY's 28,188)
the funny thing is if you posted this on the leddit, they would ban you, and you would feel like the weakling who cannot enforce your will on others. That is why you crawl onto 4chan.

You're talking to a guy who used to ban people on gaming forums all the time. I know what works to control people, and I don't sympathize with you

Thats why its important to note that hating DEI isn't even political, its moral.
I like may but not because I think she's hot owr whatever but because I grew up as a girl and picked her in ruby when I was a kid and loved her in the anime sucks to talk about her though when its all UOOHHHHHHH posting
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>maybe the fact that each new entry is actually cut-off from the rest rather than being built upon the series' legacy
This makes no sense.
No pokemon game is connected to another in a way a unfamiliar observer would notice.
Oh so you're a mod abusing his power? Got it, you're no better than "tranny" discord mods
True true
>admitting to being a jannie
this is not a good look for you bro
because you had to use the newmons
Oh, this is the one where tourists argue with yawnfag because they don't know who he is...
I've seen this episode already. Recently, too.
But nothing else is on, I guess I'll grab some popcorn.
That's part of what made it good though. At least there was no KANTOOOO pandering.
Plus you could still use all the past mons in the post game.
>trannyjanny is a reddit user
Ayy lmao.
Shitposters here love to bring up their hatred of Gen 5 unprompted all the time because it was a popular opinion here that the Gen 5 games were the peak of the franchise, or at least the last great games, so those shitposters made it their life mission to spam against Gen 5 at every opportunity.
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Yeah, why couldn’t it be like old gens with sexy, curvacious trainer designs???
Of course it's a forum janny who wants to turn every thread into his personal /pol/ circlejerk.
>That's part of what made it good though.
I know but genwunners gonna genwun.
This thread reeks of sharty
how the fuck usum sold more than bw2 what is this bullshit explain it to me
They're not ugly on purpose autismo. They are ugly because they're randomly generated instead of properly designed like usual. There is no difference in the 'goofy to attractive' ratio among the named unique characters, the titanic amount of porn the game got stands as proof of that.
Am I the only nerd that sees Masami Kurumada's style in this shit?
I swear that guy (forgot his name) could very well don a saint cloth, we aren't that far from greek mythology after all
Not really relevant, I just understand how power dynamics work to control what people say on the internet, and how to ensure people only discuss what you want and punish anyone who doesn't. It works. Not limited to just forums, can work on any organizational level.

I am giving you good advice, you should be glad that people who complain DEI are posting here, but this police and sets the tone helps push people like me away.

I should know because I was leftists and I did a good job crushing right wingers in the past decade. I just find it hilarious watching people attack the very people who would oppose me from crushing their voice. Like the guy whining about about people who hate the new Pokemon game, I like how the guy is so afraid that he knows deep down to only attack them, the guy will never be brave to attack the other side, and thats how you win.
Isn't on outdated hardware.
BW2 came out when the 3DS was already out for a year, DS piracy was at its absolute zenith, and you could emulate the Pokemon games to completion.
The fire chick from Team Star shouldn't be in the top half of the image
Pokemon is too big to fail now. ZA or Gen 10 could be worse than the entire Switch generation but will sell better than all of them due to it being cross platform.
So you're a powermad janny and the "leftists" you claim to hate. Got it.
Anon USUM came out the launch year of the Switch
I hope Switch 2 won't be as much of a success as its predecessor.
ftm? quite based desu. do you self insert by picking male protagonists/making yourself or are your protagonists choices unrelated?
I'd knock up a gardevoir to be honest.
Also just, consider the fact that it’s comparing a single game’s worth of trainers in a gen that just didn’t even have a swimmer or equivalent, or even a sailor, to the entire rest of the series
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>No ribbons
>No following pokemon
>BW was incredible inferior to HGSS in everything that isn't the story
When the anglophones go to sleep, the thread quality goes way up
Remember when people thought Pokemon Stars would be made for the Switch? Fun times.
Don't even link to this thread in the next one, nothing good happened here.
Do you have Japan-only sales?
Unironically yes, Nintendo always goes back to the core demographic when that happens.
>>I should know because I was leftists
powermod jeet lmao should have known
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We don't need this thread anymore to begin with
Nobody was buying the 3DS on its first year tho, it had a very slow start with its high price. Also emulation doesn't make a dent in sales.
Reminder that this model has a cameltoe
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>stick her in the back
ORAS was the last good game
Always thought it was weird that your mom stuck you in the moving truck at the beginning of RSE/ORAS. What was her problem?
No, that would be B2W2.
I hate how much of a hallway the games become.
I think the stories are too overly present for as childish as they are.
Like its a Pokemon game, I'm not expecting Planescape tier writing. But don't force me into it all so much when you got writing like that. Just let me fight monsters in the woods.
The tweened sprites clearly were handled algorithmically, so they rarely actually look that good. The resolution is too low for them to ever not look like messes. They should have made every sprite twice the size, at least. So that it could be far more smoothly rigged.
Meanwhile the DS was 8 years in and had the replacement over a year old by that point. Even the tie-in software for it was 3DS instead of DS.
I had it but I dunno where it is. If I find it I'll post it.
Remind me who was driving in the front? Her mom and who else?
BW was the era where we all said "Pokemon's for babies, I want to play Gears of War 3"
USUM was a post-GO world and had fucking Superbowl ads
>Dumbed down dungeons
>No battle frontier
>no kanto pandering
>when like 80% of new monsters are kanto clones
cmon bro
Only two seats up front. Driver, and her in the passenger seat.
Daughter goes in the back.
implied mover who owns all the moving pokemon
lmao I remember emulating a poorly translated JP copy of BW2 back in the day because they weren't doing worldwide releases yet
And the 2DS XL came out after the Switch. What's your point?
This board is truly unsalvagable and ought to just be deleted.
Is there are reason why they didn't have a pokemon that followed you?
I won't enter in this discussion but I'd like to point out that the Unova pokemon animated sprites vary from decent to good. It's the old gens animations that are mostly garbo.
>SwSh and SV being the highest-selling games since RGB never fails to depress me
Did you ever consider things like, theres more people now than two decades ago?

Or the fact the Switch is a hybrid console, thus now it has both the console and handled audience as this anon said >>56712460

If the Switch titles were actually popular, they would have sold more than 30 millions, if not near 40.
Which is a shame considering they were the focus of B2W2. They really were an afterthought.
Bad timing.
BW was the nadir of Pokemon as a cultural force.
All the jokes about catching God in Pokemon had even blown over.
The anime sucked and was boring.
The games attempted to minimize the use of previous monsters, but also introduced a lot of weird pseudo-clones of them that felt uncanny.
The DS and 3D were on their last legs, and the newer and more interesting models still weren't out yet.
It's a containment board.
to prevent PokeInfestation on /vg/
/v/ probably doesn't matter, /v/ is shit now too.
Cool chart, do we have estimates for budget?
Could you even run USUM in a 2DS without killing itself? I somehow doubt it. Also I think the 2DS XL is the worst selling of the family.
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I can't remember this in ORAS, it's really cool
just delete the whole site and let fags sort it out themselves
>just delete the whole site
lmao never
I have nowhere else to go.
2ds has the same hardware as the 3ds.
"new" 2ds has the same hardware as "new" 3ds.
They had the same specs.
>It's a containment board.
>to prevent PokeInfestation on /vg/
Not only /vg/ but every other board just because porkyman is that big of a franchise. Pretty sure you can talk about it everywhere.
that would be an interesting internet refugee conundrum...
Where we going lads? Twitter or Reddit?
Or eighth channel. or twoth channel?
>If the Switch titles were actually popular, they would have sold more than 30 millions, if not near 40.
This is incredibly retarded given a new Pokemon game has come out almost yearly up until now with two years of no new game in a row. Most people buy one and may or may not get the next, and if they skip the next they may or may not get the one afterwards-Pokemon games don't really have legs because they get outmoded regularly, unlike BOTW which had like 7 years on the market before TOTK came out.
Not like sales numbers of an individual game even matter given how many there are. Pokemon, just counting the mainline games alone, is still far more profitable on Switch than any other franchise because instead of having one game that sold 40 million and leaving it at that it has 2 that sold 25 million and 3 that sold 15 million, all in a 6~ year timespan.
And USUM ran like absolutely ass in the 3DS, like incredibly bad. The only play to play decently those games is if you had a New console and even then it still dipped at times. I don't think anybody bought a 2DS to play it.
>PBR animations toned down because it was too destructive
>XY battle camera toned down because a playtester got nauseous
I guess that's why SV animation has no weight or a dramatic camera.

Will Pokemon EVER be allowed to look good...?
Technically not a containment board, in that you are allowed to discuss pokemon in any other board unlike MLP. It basically serves the same function as the pile of new /v---/ boards, /v/ is super busy and when a new pokemon game was coming out the pokemon threads were pushing /v/ to the limits of useability (this was back when boards were usable at all).
It can feel like this board doesnt need to exist anymore. I think the quality of the threads (during normal times, not funny leak season) goes to show the state of the games really, there's nothing to discuss, nothing to get invested in, we're all just scavengers trying to pick off our favorite part of a corpse before it decomposes. The board feels as zombified as the franchise does.
*the only way to play
Eri's fucking cute
This talk about the new 3DS makes me wonder
With gen 6 source code on the horizon I wonder if you could mod it to take advantage of the new 3DS's extra ram and faster clock speed
>If the Switch titles were actually popular, they would have sold more than 30 millions, if not near 40.
This. SWSH would've sold 40 million units by now if it was any good.
Hayabusa Proof of Concept build, for both PC and NX:
Have the GF license system, and PC need the NX custom nvidia driver and appropriate hardware.
proof of concept PLA builds just dropped. Maybe it's the brock stuff?
>hating DEI isn't even political
Yes it is you fucking retard, DEI is INCREDIBLY politically slanted.
It should be /mon/ to cover other monster collectors and avoid shilling a single franchise.
Does making a bunch of games cost more than it does to make one like Mario Kart or LoZ.
meant for >>56712729
>and NX
why do you keep posting this and not the links
Hacked New 3DS can be forced to use the higher clock speeds.
Her house is 1 bed room house for 3 people. She clearly has no money for shit like a car.
Pretty sure it's the mural when you're climbing up Sky Pillar with Zinnia.
>sharing a board with persona fans
please no
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>Also I think the 2DS XL is the worst selling of the family
And yet, it was the most kino
I'm guessing that's the "NintendoSDK-NX-Addon-9_2_0-rnd-full\content\NVIDIA_GraphicsDriver-20190718_0023.zarf"
You need to chill. /ppg/ is just a general chat between content dumps. Not much to do right now until the leaker releases more files. I could bore you with stuff in beluga, but there's really nothing interesting there except for the fact that Candies used to be internally referred to as Hearts. If I can't build code then the code drops really aren't useful at all and nobody on here really cares (and I refuse to use Linux). This is /vp/, it's full of horny 19 year old Peruvians.
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I'd rather kill myself even though I like mainline megaten
didn't the leaker say that he only had the PDF for PLA? I guess there's more to it
>This is incredibly retarded
How so?

If the Switch has a bigger audience core than the 3DS or DS it makes sense that Pokemon copies sold would double yet they are barely reaching the 25 mark.

SV already reaching SwSh numbers is laughable since the trend used to shown that first entries in any console doesnt get surpassed by later ones.
eh. nothing competes with the behemoth that is Pokemon.
Threads about other monster tamers/catchers would get pushed off the board.
Also, if Genwars are a thing, you're just opening a can of worms for franchise wars.
It's... not a good idea.
Digimon bros are probably fine on /vg/
I love Persona and SMT (and I'm having an absolute blast with Metaphor right now) but P5 did an insane amount of damage to online discussions.
>Digimon bros are probably fine on /vg/
What about Dragon Quest autists?
Got an error but it's real.

whoops, nvm, thought you meant /vp/ instead of /vg/
>Have the GF license system, and PC need the NX custom nvidia driver and appropriate hardware
time to get to work to hack this shit to work
Those Pokemon games are on strict 3-4 year dev cycles and I legitimately can't imagine they cost more than a couple dozen million to make a game. I imagine each game alone was massively profitable, especially given the miniscule scope of LGPE and BDSP.
>If the Switch has a bigger audience core than the 3DS or DS it makes sense that Pokemon copies sold would double yet they are barely reaching the 25 mark
The DS sold almost twice as much as the GBA did lifetime yet DPPt ony sold 1 million~ more than RSE
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that's the same shit that was posted in this thread before except now its lower quality
Shieeeet someone else confirm.
Which folder is which?
If I had to guess Arceus highly positive reception served as a good advertisement for the first real open world Pokemon game. TPC itself had stated that SV was the most pre-ordered game ever.
Paint Hop white, give him a better haircut and make him the male MC
post higher quality or stfu
is victor sick or something? he looks too pale
Probably for similar reasons as to what's happening here with the leaked folklore stories; a substantial amount of immature fans who lack critical thinking.
I don't think it'd be that different from /rpg/
(I don't know what goes on in /rpg/)
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where is the pokemon stars leaks
Nocturne, P4,P5 and V were different downfalls that we never managed to go overcome.
he's british
whats pla switch build password bruh
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please post video
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Anal with Akari right now
Drill that Jill!
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Found it. This is from November 2022 when New Horizons outsold RGB and became the best selling game in Japan. There's probably more recent data (and I'm sure SV is in it) but I don't have it.
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>Stop waiting for more leakings, there's nothing more to see, I'm completely human.
The fuck is Celebi doing there
The same reason she is doing there >>56712873
not like it's got anything better to do
Imagine naming your kid "main character".
now this is some good shit, this feature is really rare to see actually used
source: im a console game dev, and nobody uses this
A. Early draft because of time travel
B. It's just there just because, like bulbasaur and squirtle
but how else will you know they'll be the main character
Șo is it like a game you can play or is it just video? Is Brock in it like from that PDF that leaked earlier?
It worked in Mortal Kombat.
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So how much of the leak is online versus how much is left at this point?
>akari had a ponytail
Covid could have had a part to play in that.
Wonder if animal crossing fans are feeling the way we are right about now.
Maybe they're still in the post-XY copium "it was a fluke it was just due to development circumstances they'll go back to normal next time" phase.
Gen 6 had the only 3D esthetic in Pokemon other than PLA I liked, though I felt something was off about ORAS' outdoors and dungeons.
I don't find Gen 7 esthetic to be particularly bad but feel something lacking in it. At least girls' design peaked here.
There is something off about the colors in SwSh that makes me really hate it. Also, character design started to decline.
The less said about Gen IX esthetic the better,
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It's an actual debug build of the game locked behind passwords and such

Once someone cracks the code it's gonna be wild
At least they didn't name her Anne May
about half or more I'd say
Pretty sure she still has her ponytail.
Or they can find what part of the code have the password in normal text knowing Game Freak
So far:
>regular zoroark is still in
>You can max out a Pokemon's stats to 999
>You can mix pokemon with items(?)
But she's in a videogame. Vidiya Gaemu?
She always did. She just has a different bandana
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I sincerely hope a stable PC build for PLA or any of the switch games launches, because holy shit it would lead to a golden era of fixing Gamefreak's mistakes by turning their rushed tech demos into actual proper games.
A new era begins boys and we're all here to behold it.
Oh hey, it's Unovan Zoroark.
>not Vivian James
What's the point of password protecting this stuff? Do leakers really just do this for shits and giggles?
not possible, we dont have the source
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I feel like I've seen this artstyle somewhere. That face is hitting all sorts of "familiar" buttons. But from where???
Dude just explain. I’m literally asking.
Joltik, regular Zoroark, Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Celebi had PLA style models at some point.
do you genuinely think the leaker password protected it, and not game freak
fucking retard
None of this was passworded or encrypted by the leaker himself
>PLA style models
Thank you
PLA models are different from XY-SwSh, no?
Someone doesn't know about shaders
Please find the password for the development rom build.
did you try password
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>"NX custom nvidia driver and appropriate hardware"
>tfw AMDfag
same bro...
tfw linuxfag too
I've been gone for a few days. Have I missed anything significant? I'm seeing some new sango files in the google doc folder - what are those all about?
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The only notable one is celebi as PLA=SV in terms of models. Both of them featured the same sort of modifications(added textures+some added depth on areas like the eyes); SV having bad shaders and lighting doesn't change this.
Well at the very least we can just emulate the ROM, but it would have been too surreal to just play a native PC version of a Nintendo game (because yes, those games are developed on a Windows enviroment)
We’re up to 11 parts. Also there’s a proof of concept build for legends Arceus, but it’s password protected.
I think there was a pikmin build you could do that with, that they left on the disc lol
Looking through some data and it looks like there's a detailed folder for smells, sorted by items, locations, and even characters in PLA
imagine the Irida smell...
>not having an army of gpus at your disposal
i feel bad for you all fuck nvidia though
And I guess i forgot to throw out the obvious but i doubt a Proof of Concept build has the SV/PLA texturing, though the higher quality models are probably just a general repository thing and not specific to these games.
Which could mean that model is here but thats sorta it. However considering SS didn't have that yet and LGPE was inconsistent I wouldn't count on a mon they ultimately didn't use having an updated model.

I definitely recall this being a thing datamined from final PLA.
which fucking archive are you even talking about
>Y'know how people suddenly say XY was good? its because SM was worse.
maybe on the retard region
It might’ve been for food items that you can use to draw in Pokemon. Can you include a picture of the character one? That sounds weird.
Was there a scent mechanic?
Calm down. It probably the scents the various bait items give off.
speaking of bait, don't fall for it
>Y'know how people suddenly say XY was good? its because SM was worse.
SM was not worse than XY the fuck are you on about? Outside of the PSS everything was a step up.
Does not work
Okay, Shillnus Tech Tips
Yes, the food/bait items you can throw give off smells that attract different Pokémon.
Wow, great idea I'm surprised no one else thought of that.
>if you dont like an ai hardware company youre a shill
I said more over the "army of GPUs" comment because who else is going to hoard those unless it's a cryptominer
And Linus *is* a fucking shill, literally all of his videos are hidden ads
>Want to fuck right
>Want to fuck left
I won.
I'll crack it.
You can tell its on purpose because none of the individual parts look good and that they were left to be ugly in the final product. Designed, created, and shipped out ugly.
Im glad we both agree that theyre ugly though.
The region just kinda sucked due to being split up the way it was, the pokemon mostly sucked (with a few exceptions of course), festival plaza sucked, berries were moved to a dumb abstracted thing instead of a farm and they didn't bring back contests or anything similar from ORAS so berries are still useless.
Character customization sucked, and the whole thing just had this different vibe with the protagonists reset to 11, the goofy interdimensional aliens, the rotomdex, it all felt very juvenile even relative to the rest of the series and the entire adventure was marred by this feeling your on some super adult supervised scavenger hunt (a problem with gen 8 and 9 as well).
The entire thing just felt like an entirely different series that happened to have some pokemon in it, something far more fantasy and idk the term... comic? It felt like a sorta whacky Saturday morning cartoon or something and I feel like it was the moment the series jumped the shark in terms of any sort of grounding or immersion, a line they were already teetering past in XY with the giant superweapon and multiverse nonsense.

I wish I knew what people saw in SM but after playing USUM I started to truly realize how much I disliked it and even if I think swsh and sv are objectively worse, I still prefer playing them to SM. Maybe it's just a case that whatever I want to get out of the franchise, SM specifically delivered less of, even if whatever that intangible element is isn't what other people may be wanting.
The .nsp build of the PLA prototype.
For an asspull at the game's climax
Yeah, you will never finish your game, cris.
>Okay, Shillnus Tech Tips
i have the following
>2 7900 XTX
>14 Radeon Pro V320
>2 Radeon Pro VII
>1 Vega64
>1 WX 8100
>2 Radeon Pro v540
>1 RX580 8g
>1 GTX 750ti
>1 GTX 660
>1 RTX A2000 12g
>1 Intel Arc A750
>1 Intel Arc A770
I do quality assurance testing and minimum spec requirements. It's good to have random hardware like this laying around. I dont need that many V320 cards though but good deal on ebay.
>faggot nobody minimum spec youtube channel/hobbyist
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An attempt was made, it looked somewhat readable on the sketch :(
Added a blitzwolfer mouth with a proboscis tongue and smoke paws as a reference to the actual hounds of tindalos.
Legends Arceus could run on a shitty firepro, i guarantee it
>the pokemon mostly sucked
Im not even the biggest Alolafag but Gen 7 had an outstanding dex, easily one of the best in the franchise, idk by what standards youre even going off of here.
blows my mind even harder when people say gen 5 has a good plot
And you get to keep all of that for free? Dayum
One third of the dex is either post-game or you can't obtain it, the most frustrating thing ever
>b-but Unova
The issue is that they are heavily story based. So unless you really enjoy the characters and story, the game is always going to feel like a drag. Also, fuck USUM!
Looks like he's eating a Pikachu.
>post-game is suddenly bad when it's a game I don't like
Of course, it's my hardware, I paid for it. I just work on a contract basis for game devs and publishers. You'd be surprised how much shit goes wrong in testing and why it's good to be prepared. Many game devs dont even know what hardware their pc has let alone give a fuck. Trust me when I say this I guarantee you there is a lot of shit that can run on very low end hardware if even ONE person gave a fuck. Seeing Nvidia exclusive bugs being created by these people was the point where I knew I had to stick to AMD just for extra sanity checks.
The Arc GPUs are also doing quite well surprisingy. Its a compatibility gamble until proven otherwise.
I do not know a good way to describe it without buzzwords so I won't even try.
To me the gen 7 dex overall too: "scrimblo-coded" for lack of any possible better term.
I liked Decidueye, Golisopod, Lurantis, and day lycanroc well enough though.
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So cool
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I think I get it? They're too toyetic and plastic looking, like they're creatures made for McDonalds Happy Meals. My big go-to example for this is Crabominable and his weird jointless legs.
I'm not that guy but I don't like locking stuff to postgame. SM allows you to get Zygarde before postgame (before USUM), why they use so many dex slots for UBs and legendaries when you can't obtain basically anything other than the box legends before the postgame. Yes, I also don't like BW having so many places locked to postgame but you could get most of the new Pokémon there before postgame.
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>4chan is 2 people
Anyone able to get the code yet?
Yeah, that's something that has been known for years that Nvidia cards have built-in planned obsolence and it's a shame how they have so much marketshare AND mindshare (there's people who don't even know there's another GPU manufacturer out there) that more often than not optimization for AMD cards is neglected entirely

I think the word you are looking for is that they feel like "mascots": these no longer feel like fantasy creatures in a fantasy world but like marketable cartoons to churn out toys
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PLA's build is from December 2019, imagine how terrible the game looked at the time.
That's probably it, yeah.
I'll concede that XY (which I don't actually even particularly like in the first place) has overall very boring designs, but I feel like most of them still sorta fit into the Pokemon world to me and there's plenty that sorta stand out even if they still kinda have that weird air about them that makes them lack much impact.
Think I also need to be clear that whatever issue I have with SMs dex got worse each gen after it.
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Where's this from?
I'll tell you my favorite secret that will legitimately blow some people's minds here
the pc build of pokemon arceus may require some nivida dlls but that doesnt mean it requires nvidia hardware. just keep that in mind going forward. the dlls do some semi-fancy stuff but it should just work
should've been me
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the psd files
Wow, these look way more awkward as line art.
lol no it fucking doesn't, mix way too many legends, dumb forgettable shit like shiinotic, drampa, koala, then genuinely ugly abominations like a-golem and bruxish. gen 7 sucks ass in every way
okay, okay. so hear me out
what if we move Charizards wings? To it's face.
And then attach it to it's front legs.
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Kill yourself promptly.
We were so fucking robbed.
>forgettable shit like shiinotic, drampa, koala
but you just rermembered them
weird i don't see a single drampa in this thread...>>56687609
Nah it's not shocking at all, to me the turning point for which GPU to pick was that 3kliksphilip video explaining how Nvidia bought up the PhysX API and retroactivelt made it exclusive to their own cards, and AMD are arbitrarely excluded from the feature (even though even with stuff like FreeSync and FSR, Nvidia cards aren't excluded from those)
But anyways, what do we AMD plebs need to get this running?
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Nah, I get you. There's pokemon I still like in new gens but the difference in design vibes between something like Sableye vs. Impidimp or Steelix vs. Orthworm is palpable. There's definitely been a shift.
top men are working on it.
Ooh, sketches now? Hope we can see more new designs too
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>nobody set it as favorite so hes forgettable!
Again, kill yourself promptly.
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Its the same files we already had, he just turned off the color layer
Yknow actually i can get that. I think part of it was the tropical environment lending itself to strange colors and designs but they were also definitely leaning into a cartoonier feel overall judging by the anime’s artstyle change
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Alola dex is brought down HARD by ultrabeasts imo. I just don't like them as a concept.
>Nah it's not shocking at all
to any reasonable person of course not but we live in a time where people have no idea what a fucking torrent is and cant pirate without a reddit megathread with tiktoks to teach them how.
>But anyways, what do we AMD plebs need to get this running?
Well for one you'd still need the password, so that's going to stop you til it's found
As for hardware Polaris and newer should suffice. Im sure you could do older but I wouldn't bother. Ryzen and newer should also be fine
For Intel/Nvidia (CPU/GPU) you can probably even do this with a 5th gen Intel CPU but I wont guarantee it, for Nvidia anything 780 and newer.
For Intel/Intel I have no idea what your experience will be, so I wont promise any Xe Graphics or ARC GPUs working but it probably will given they're usually pretty okay enough to just draw shit

Rememebr thw Switch is just an Nvidia Shield, the Tegra X1 chip is what you're working with. It's not a very powerful machine.
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>PC switch builds only work with nvidia gpus under 2080
Poorfags won? My 3090ti wont work? Fuck.
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To me Gen 3 designs are the perfect example of the ideal Pokemon designs, a perfect blend of naturalistic elements with very specific cultural references so subtle that go over your head (compare say Shiftry being based on a tengu vs. Stonjourner being just Stonehenge because it's the UK)
Unsurprisingly because the designers at Game Freak weren't concerned about merchandise when making the game
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filepath: \Hayabusa_L_Old2020\data\bin\sound\NX64\wwise\bank\904218705.wem

This is a(long) placeholder and not actually in PLA right? If it is I completely memory holed it.
the pc build isn't the one with the password, the switch build is
So only the kanto starters and Swampert have beta mega ?
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This is the biggest case of robbed out of all the beta megas
I dont care I'm going to be autistic about computers.
Just fire up your emulator of choice and get the appropriate keys once you guys get it. Nothing special or if you have an EDEV/SDEV switch just fire that bitch up
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Yeah this is different.
Mewtwo and Blastoise both feel like they got downgraded to me.
Also would have been nice to keep Mewtwo to just one mega (Charizard too, I'm sure people like it but Y is just straight better looking than X which feels like fanservice for Mexicans or something).
I think final Charizard Y looks better than the gigachad chin concept art, to me I think problems arise in mega design once the sorta "face" of "aura" or whatever of the pokemon is lost, and I feel like while it looks cool in a vacuum, the Charizard and Venusaur concepts sorta lose sight of their origins a bit.
>mewtwo but with a tumor on his head
It sounds familiar but I don't think it's in the final game. It might be an early/unused version of something
Yeah, when you have a thousand unique creatures to make, you're bound to slip up. I think exercising some more subtlety could do new pokemon favors in the design department as they wear the inspirations on their sleeves these days. Like I didn't even know Absol had Yin-Yang symbolism until the more blatant beta design got leaked, and even in the final you still see the influence.
Yeah actually i think the perfect example is gumshoos, it’s not just a rodent its a detective now. And gen 7 onwards almost everything has that kind of much more overt theming to it, also very noticeable in the starters tho you can already see some of that even in gen 5. Think it’s a combination of running out of ideas for how to make mostly normal animals interesting and pokemon-y, and making them more marketable. And not to say there weren’t heavily themed mons as early as gen 1 but they’ve become less abstract and more common for sure. Some people enjoy it but it’s pretty reasonable not to
>I wish I knew what people saw in SM
Characters and story.
That's all they actually finished, and that's what's good.
Gladion is one of the better rivals.
Lillie is a good sidekick even if she's a bit forced sometimes.
Guzma and Lusamine are both good villains in their own regards. Plumeria is easily one of the best Admins we've had in the franchise. Wicke is midly memorable as a character beyond the Waifufags.
The captains all seem to have actual personality beyond "I'm the local Gym Leader", although SM are hardly the only games to do this, and it doesn't always hit the mark, but you can tell they were aiming. Trials are very good for something they cooked up in debug phase, and I wish they'd come back.

That's not to say SM is just constant hits on the writing frontier. A lot of the characters are still fairly flat despite having attention given to them you didn't even remember that there was a school on the first island, did you. The guy billed as your actual rival, Hau, is a massive goober and arguably started the trend of Complete Jobber Rivals. The narrative pacing hits the brakes a bit too often in the middle. Obviously the game's production issues caught up to it, as well, and there's blatant plot threads that just go nowhere because the devs had no time to implement them.

Gen VII isn't my favorite Gen by a long shot that'd be Gen IV, but I would consider Gen VII production notes to be the ultimate holy grail of Pokeleaks, which leaves me disappointed the leaker couldn't get them and didn't prioritize them.
I agree with most of this, except for Blastoise: having it grow a tail and mustache that look like Wartortle's ears and tail (a trait that it infamously loses because of being two different lines of turtles stitched together) looks FAR better than just gaining a lot of cannons and a Jay Leno chin
Mega Jynx status?
XY repo is our last chance to see it
Those're bottom men and not top men
Unfortunately I think the newer designs are as unsubtle and goofy as they are on purpose. Idk what changed in the art department but either change it back or reroll and change it again.
Baffles me that they constantly keep pushing old popular pokemon, clearly aware that they're popular, and yet feel like they're making new pokemon bad on purpose instead of trying to make something that people will like even more.
im going to be fr. I only remember nanu because hes depressed and has a shitload of cats and doesnt want to be there. Hes literally me. Everything else from sm is kind of a blur
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Wait we're getting SV stuff too?
I guess this is the perfect chance to find out if I'm right and there a last minute rewrite of the plot since they had to cut so much out to meet deadline.
Like really? The professor is actually robot? What a pointless reveal.
And Team Star claims they aren't actually delinquents and were the real victims this whole time? They sure as fuck weren't meeting us halfway at any point.
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Is this from the leaks? And are there more?
Hau mans the fuck up towards the end of the game though. Dude actually overcomes his problems. unlike Hop *cough cough*
i thought that was a fanart from twitter
So should we reasonably expect any beta assets or designs at all from here on out? Seems like we're mostly going to be getting different builds of what we're already sorta familiar with? Obviously cool in its own way but seems to me like most of the rest of the leak will mainly appeal to tech enthusiasts and archivists.
>Wait we're getting SV stuff too?
leaker said he's got a 8GB git repo of SV code but no assets.
Knew it. Fuck that faggot from the other thread.

pokewalker app for iphone...
Problem is that now there's a bunch of freelance artists working at the game and all of them have very distinct artstyles. This has always been the case for the franchise, but before Ken Sugimori would step in and "tweak" the designs for them to be concise with each other now they just kinda do whatever and have such designs not look like Pokemon if it wasn't because your brain knows it's part of the franchise now (and this problem extends to the humans as well)

Biggest example of this would be the concept art for Cacturne by Jun Okutani, no idea how many Pokemon were designed by him because they radically changed his designs
the design is real was found in pixel art
> Unfortunately I think the newer designs are as unsubtle and goofy as they are on purpose. Idk what changed in the art department but either change it back or reroll and change it again.
It will be a mystery of wild guessing unless leaks show us details on the design process behind pokemon. I wish they had the sauce again too, but I always feel like a cranky old man for saying that previous gens were more cohesive as a collection of monsters than newer gens
Character assassination is what happened to her. Her height is not the issue here.
I've heard before this idea that there's two kinds of stories / storytelling, stories about characters and stories about the world / premise.
I think perhaps what it comes down to is that the newer games are trying to be character stories, but I don't really care, I only really want worldbuilding and a sense of immersion / escapism, I probably value the fucking poffin minigame from gen 4 more than I value character arcs. I guess mostly I want a world that feels alive more than I want characters that feel alive.
So they actually thought about it. Interesting.
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they might've got the idea for Pheromosa from this document about beauty
they should've kept him as a trade evo or something
Yeah, sure. This is totally why people find cockroaches ugly.
What retard wrote this? Was it Tomohiro Kitakaze?
One of the internal meeting notes/interviews from the last few years talks about how there's a problem with focusing too much about the Humans in Pokemon. I think it was Sugimori in particular that was annoyed with how little the Pokemon and bonds with Humans seemed to matter to the bulk of current day Pokemon narratives.
I think that the Human/Pokemon relationships in SM are overlooked.
>Lusamine is obsessed with a Pokemon to the point of dressing her daughter up as one. Even if you call an Ultra Beast "not a pokemon", it is functionally a pokemon.
>Nebby and Lillie's relationship is the catalyst for both her personal development and the journey to get the box legendary.
>Gladion and Type:Null is core to Gladion's character as well.
Place your bets, mega jynx is or isnt there
We'll have our final verdict once the rest of Sango drops
This motherfucker needs to slow down, I can't even get the others hashed before he shows up. I was intending to update my fucking torrent 7 hours ago!
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oh no this is kinda transphobic

Kazumasa Iwao
I'd wait until xy_pokemon drops to be absolutely sure.
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Please explain what's going on here since you are exactly the guy working with this kind of shit. Do you think they fucked up, hired a retard or just didn't give a fuck and tested the game on whatever hardware they found laying around?
Mega Jynx is confirmed real
A couple times over

We're just not going to see art of her
I think if a design still existed in some capacity it would've been found in the staff docs with the other concept arts
Tbh regional forms only worked in Alola, any of them after that shoulda just been normal or split evolutions
This is what I'm expecting too. We might get one of those inspiration sheets if we're lucky though.
not him, but it's not a natural hatred. It's a natural repulsion. It's in the interest of our species to want to distance ourselves from the ill, physically or mentally.
i theorize Celebi would originally take the protagonist home.
it be like that tbհ
>For example, cockroaches are very rational creatures, which is why they have been able to survive for so long, but because they are pests to humans, we generally don’t find beauty in them.

I’m guessing this is also the case for buzzwole. Mosquitos are pests, but I’m trying to see how they got “strength” for it.
It was just a gimmick, in Gen 9 there was only one regional form.
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part 12 and part 13 just dropped. poggers
Post Celebrate Bi
go back and kill yourself
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Ive been having several discussions about this shit. Look at the SH2R min specs and come back to me when you realize how retarded it is.
>Do you think they fucked up, hired a retard or just didn't give a fuck and tested the game on whatever hardware they found laying around?
Companies will just fill in the lowest supported common hardware rather than actually test it. Usually thats how you get results like RDR1's spec requirements/minimum. For RDR2 the same holds true but they also probably tested those specs just to be sure. It depends on a lot of shit but filling in a "safe bet" is better than getting it wrong so it can probably run on the same as RDR2
fine post them
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I feel like now that theyve gotten over their gen 4 backlash induced phobia of crossgen evolutions, they don't need to skirt around it with regional forms anymore.
Might be an unpopular opinion but I'd genuinely prefer a smaller regional dex of like 70 new mons than one bloated with new formes, "convergent" pokemon, and whatever paradox pokemon are.
They feed off your vitality?
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We're almost 45% into
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Blood sucking>veins>flexing>strength
Probably because paradoxes felt like regional forms and there was 20 of them. If it was just a gimmick then gen 8 wouldn't have had tons of regional forms either.
By the way, there's any chance the PLA patents are somewhere in these documents?
Yeah, sounds like a proto version of a song that plays in the first map, Obsidian Fields

It's so strange to me how we didn't know about Mega Jynx until last week and yet it seems they were sure to scrub all evidence that it what was ever a thing, whereas Mega Flygon was one that we were publicly teased with and yet we can't find a single proof of its existence
It really can't be that because Ken Sugimori couldn't get a solid idea of what he wanted he literally didn't even make any doodles of it (or didn't think they needed to be archived with the rest of scrapped designs), right?
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Fucking nailed it Anon, thank you.
There was 4 plus one regional evolution in Gen 9.

Also it's not a gimmick if it has been in the 3 gens now
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does pla have a cut sex mechanic?
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Fairy type was called ようせい instead of フェアリー
That's the same amount of gens that Megas are considering Z-A.
I'm guessing they only save designs into the database that are properly submitted. Sugimori might just have all the doodles saved on his own computer and no one but him ever saw them. Heck maybe he never even saved the designs to files, and they're just lost forever. I could see him being the type of artist who just deletes stuff that he draws that he doesn't like.
We will mod it in. I hope you've been practicing your animation skills.
What drives them to pick between a JP name and an EN (katakana) name for the types?
Remember, we aren't even seeing a fraction of the various design concepts that were made, we only see what happened to be put onto a PC and also put into this server.
Theres desk loads of concept drawings we will never see, nor whatever in person meetings and discussions the developers had.
Maybe they weren't lying when they said they couldn't think of anything for it?
Did we establish any new designer from the leaks?
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has this already been posted or not?
What is that thing at 23?
Which one sounds cooler.
post them you philly cheesecunt
I do remember it but still have no idea what it is.
english words sound cool to the japanese
its almost time to migrate
It's a concept for a Stress Pokemon. Looks like something someone drew in its little spare time after being forced to work 15 hours a day.
I'm pretty sure the reason why Gen 9 has a drop is cause the legend games exist.
PLA has like ten and I wouldn't be shocked if ZA also has like ten. Suddenly only having three isn't that weird with that context in mind.
Gen 8 had a pretty similar number to Gen 7.
Golden tools break in ACNH. its bullshit
pokemon practicing their signature move
>ZA also has like ten
If they are focusing in the Megas, there might not have that much. XY introduced 30, ORAS introduced 18 and we don't know how many Z-A are going to introduce (Mega Zygarde and Mega Zeraora seems to be planned)
Tomohiro Kitakaze's folder had the designs for Mega Charizard Y, Venusaur and Blastoise. I don't know if it counts as a confirmation but it would make sense especially since he did Mewtwo Y.
Not that Anon but I don't expect more than 10 or at most 15 new megas desu (3 starters, 5-8 bosses, Zygarde and Zeraora).
>until last week
We had a Mega Jynx cry in HOME for some reason. THEN we got all this evidence from the teraleak
It seems Mega Jynx made it far enough to get an ability, a BST AND a 3D model (I don't remember if the doc said it was finished or just comissioned). I'd be really surprised if we don't find anything else. It'd be really unlucky
About a dozen new megas sounds right to me too.
Whatever the starters are I also don't expect them to have regional forms.
Regional forms only exist to try to make an old pokemon new, give it a new spotlight and new merch, and megas accomplish this just as well.
We’ve know about mega Jynx for years, or at least an alternative form of Jynx. People have found voice clips of mega Jynx and assumed she was made, but cut. We’re now getting more concrete evide That she was made but never finalized.
Its probably lower but at the same time there is the issue that megas are incredibly game locked.
Unless gen 10 is megas(which is unlikely), there needs to be a decent base of regionals to dangle for HOME connectivity.

Its kinda sad there's no real chance that the kalos starters get megas in ZA.
The term is “Yōsei” and the closest English equivalent is fairy, but spirit also works in this context.
They dropped Megas for 2 gens so it's a gimmick and regionals aren't
> It's so strange to me how we didn't know about Mega Jynx until last week
Anon we’ve known about Mega Jynx since 2013. I still remember when people were asking early XY leakers to hunt down all of the mega stones based on the trademarked list, and Jynx ended up being the only one conspicuously absent from both X and Y.
I distinctly remember one diehard Jynx fan throwing a massive fit over it, too; he put all of his hopes in Jynxite and was legitimately depressed when it was never found. I wonder if that guy has seen the recent leaks, and how he would be feeling about the whole situation now.
Only gen 8 lacks Megas and it has walmart version instead, ZA is still gen 9 and will obviously heavily feature them.
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Dropped for only one gen and it was considered for that one too. Megas are not in the 19-22 games because the DexCut and not because it's a gimmick.
it might not count, but some arcade-based Nintendo games just run off of PCs with special hardware keys but the rest of it is just a normal computer running a minimal Windows environment
Disgusting freaks
I'm not sure what's more painful: Finding out your mega was scrapped, or that it never really existed in the first place
Flygonbros, time is running out...
It's bizarre to think about the fact that those people are most likely still out there, enjoying their lives. I've always wanted to keep talking to them...
i just hope they drop megas again in gen 10 just to spite megafags lol
They've been consistent with regional gimmicks at this point and it makes sense in the long term.
It means that every region has a strong image whenever you revisit it, no matter the twist.

Also i doubt people are expecting megas to carry over from ZA?
they carried over the new forms introduced in PLA, I would be very surprised if they didn't do it for the megas in ZA even if it's only tossing them into the postgame like SM did
Are these animation guides for the pivot animations for PLA? After that atrocious Zamazenta cutscene went viral, this makes sense.

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