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Post the new links already edition


We have:
>Full SVN repositories for Platinum, HGSS, BW, and B2W2, which includes source code and full commit history
>Shitloads of design documents, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and other such things from Gen 1 to Gen 6 (but mainly Gen 3 to Gen 6)
>XY and ORAS source code & assets, staff documents, concept art, dev videos and XY prototype builds
>Legends: Arceus proof of concept protos and mid-production overview PDF
>LGPE source code
>BDSP debug builds
>USUM git repo
>Pokemon Bank source code and builds
>Anime production art up to BW
>Source logos, manuals, boxart and promo PDFs for select mainline Pokemon games up to BW and ORAS
>Miscellaneous stuff like digitized scans of GF Magazine, anime art, TCG art, data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO QA builds, etc.
>Codenames for past and future games (e.g. "Titan" = S/V)

Non-Pokemon leaks:
>An unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one of them involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Localization, sheet music, and other development documents for Drill Dozer
>An unreleased DS conversion of an unreleased port of Yoshi to the SNES
>Some HarmoKnight stuff

The amount of data here is immense and even more is still on the way, so please be patient.
People are rummaging through the files as we speak.
Post filepaths/sources for leaked content or be forever deemed fake.

LATEST LEAKS: Parts 16-17 of sango_project
WHAT'S NEXT?: The rest of sangopart4/sango_project, followed by the XY repo


>Files: https://rentry.org/freakleak
>Torrents: https://rentry.org/gfteratorrent

Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 10.
Previous: >>56720268
Why is it their problem that TPC is too stupid to secure their shit?
Actual latest leaks are more Hayabusa builds and 18-21 of sango_project iirc
xy do be unfinished
Game Freak will tweet tomorrow: "ladies and gentlemen... we got him".
All while the actual leaker is on Discord slowly uploading everything without a single care in the world.
thankfully Pokemon Z will be out in 2014 to fix it
Brigette sex
Once XY gets a port, who are you adding titties to first?
What's new?
Inkling Girl (Negro)
If not her, then like, Gardevoir
He flew too close to the sun.
sagefag do be retarded
yawnfag do be seething
hex will finally get her due
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How do devs make games and not be spooped all the time jesus christ
>y-you’re seething not me who feels the needs to screech at XY unprompted in every single thread out of jealousy
Your projection is showing, sagie.
Necesito pito
Make player character a Hex Maniac and change encounter tables to make more spooky monsters available?
any r34 yet?
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New NieR; game dropped
>y-you’re seething not me who feels the needs to screech at BW unprompted in every single thread out of jealousy
Your projection is showing, yawnie.
Yoko Taro was in PLA?
>still no links
one fucking job you retards have
I'm not posting them to ungrateful faggots. Enjoy your scraps
Zinnia is finally going to get her Z cups. No less than 3X the model limit of the 3DS
I wish the leaker would tell us what Gaia's region is based off of.
>https://discord dot gg/J2wG7mQy
She's more beautiful than the Cyllene they settled on
So since those reports of the Legends: Arceus PDF being all the leaker had on Legends was fake, what else that keeps getting posted about the leaker is also fake?
holy kek
wasnt it islands or something, i know it was in the interview with mega zygarde/zeroara
>Halloween XY hack
Sounds fun
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Pretty please anon?
Can you find Cynthia's model? She's in these builds somewhere too.
I'm curious, are they going after people who torrent this? Has anyone been caught torrenting this without a vpn?
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You be quiet. I love Cyllene and I want to make her smile.
Already used up US and the important european countries
China and Korea never ever
So it'll be Australia
I'm sure there's stuff even the leaker doesn't know that they have as well
Yes, but what location basis is what I like to know.
this is kinda cursed.
i think you can do better.
like, if this is a 3.5/10
I want to see 8 or higher.
Where in the files is that interview located, anyway?
Weird as fuck to have a dog act like that when Eevee and Pikachu are as smart as children. Same goes for Psychic pokemon being smarter than humans but treated like animals and fed dog food.
Last time I got a letter for torrenting without a VPN it was some shitter movie released in 2014, and I torrent crazy shit daily. I think you'll be fine.
What reports? Don't tell me it's Twitter people being retarded
Imagine being this dense, fucking schizo
You've never been on your knees begging before? Neither have I but I'm on my virtual knees now.
It’s too early to know. Lawyers build cases for shit like that. Best to wait until the heat dies down if you’re paranoid
>What reports?
That was reported in this very thread, not Twitter.
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Race war NOW
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Mental illness
parroting is an admission of defeat
thanks doc
Where's the folders for the artwork?
The US has barely been touched.
A South-Western mainline game would be great.
Mid-Western would be... Let's just say it would have a lot of "corn" pokemon.
The Pacific Northwest would be like Hoenn and Sinnoh combined but with less water routes.
The North-East would be like the setting of a Stephen King novel, but probably not creepy.
The Everglades and Swampy regions in the South-East would make for some bayou and tropical exploration.

What's actually surprising is how they somehow stretched Japan into 4 games.
Maybe you shouldn't throw stones from your glass house, since you're the biggest parrot of them all.
>tina breaks out of the distortion realm just to fuck some shit up, then goes back
I want a Texas gen
This is pathetic even for you, sagie.
Or maybe Giratina's participation in the war is why it got banished in the first place.
So? It was leaked here. Just too much work to put
You shouldn't call anyone mentally ill if you're too dumb to follow the passage of time or read.
You could probably go crazy with such a thing, turning trees across the region autumn colors, making Team Flare's goal an end to the night, and your friends into ghosts.
Does no one here get angry that people steal what’s leaked here for Twitter and Reddit updoots. They do nothing but leech
Clay would be in there somewhere, even just as a cameo.
Texas is diverse enough for a region. There are plains, deserts, the dry sections up toward Dalas-Fort Worth, the Swampy hell that is Houston.
The coastal areas. Mexican border towns.
The Panhandle.
I mean, it would still be a pretty 'brown' game.
But it would at least have more variation than Australia.
If we have any instructions on how to run the pre-compiled builds, or instructions for compiling from the source for games we have sources on, those probably need to be in a rentry or Pastebin and put in the OP.
Would help a lot to have instructions immediately available to people wanting to see and document stuff.
There were certain yokai that would only appear when a ton of people died on a battlefield.
I'm way too old and tired to care, I just want the leaks.
It has Hayabusa logo, it's real. Go fuck yourself
Oh sorry I misunderstood I thought you were insisting the PDF was fake, sorry
Either way it's going to be all public knowledge so I don't think it matters in the long run
Pokemon Oz based region confirmed
That’s why you diagonally watermark “NIGGERS” on everything.
ESL retard, please reread >>56723090 very carefully. No speedreading this time.
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did anything cool happen or are we still waiting? I heard Centro got BTFO so that must've been funny at least
Are you retarded? Have you seen beta screenshots and prototype of the game?
They live in Japan, so they know the area the best. I can imagine using the feelings of where I live for a game, but that doesn't mean others will.
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fund it

P20: https://gofile.io/d/sreBir
P21: https://gofile.io/d/m00zKg
Oh wow a random comment on an anonymous board
i can see the light
I said this earlier, cuz like wtf. Imagine having to work on that late at night all the time.
soon mega flygon
Thank you.
Is this true or more Centro niggerdom?
I would like for Kitakami to turn into a full-fledge region, with new Pokémon, characters, and locations.
>No the stolen information got stolen by someone else waaah
Yes I played it on stream earlier
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i dont know if this is true, but im pretty sure the PLA beta needs an SDK and driver that isnt in the leak
Gaia is Africa or Greece+Italy region tbqh
Why were they using 2D billboards of Starly when they already 3D modeled Starly back in XY
And now for the Question of the Thread: What is your biggest wish for Legends ZA and/or Gen 10 Gaia?
It will never happen but It would be cool to get a return to japan as the next region. Make it a super dense city instead of the countryside like the first 4 gens.
It would run like shit
port xy to psp
Yet it would be a more accurate predictor of performance
Likable Pokemon.
That the art style isn't fucking hideous like SV, but that won't happen
>Thread Question
Cute girls, that's all I ask for.
Maybe for the next console they can pull it off.
Why were they using concept arts of Pokémon instead of their 3d models?
Problem would be that the game would run worse than SV
no gimmick besides megas (nerfed competitively)

I dont mind people reposting because we are all faggots without morals here but taking credit for that faggotry is a whole new level of homosex.

Go get your reddit brownie points and shut the fuck up about it.
Single screen would be nice, but the allure for me is the use of stronger hardware and mods
so port to android
Eternal Flower Floette release
>Gen 10
Just be both good and run well honestly. I actually liked SV unlike a lot of the anons on this board but if the choice was to be shot in the fact or defend its graphics and performance I'd tell you to pull the trigger
I saw the actual game in motion and it's too much work for a beta to be replicated
>Gen 10 Gaia
That it will be the lowest selling core mainline games (this won't be granted).

Download where? Or can you tell me what folder in the archive has it?
why is every pokegirl in Juliana's shadow, what is the intended implication of this
Because a PNG is easier to work with.
Thanks, chief
Ig the idea is that the person behind Juliana is the player who has already gone through 9 gens worth of main character.
Hot starters
Seems to be how Kieran perceives her.
What do you mean? Is it for performance?
Probably just that he never stood a chance against (you) who has essentially lived multiple lives, but who fucking knows, it looks cool
Don't touch shit from past Pokemon games or at least do it as little as possible. No more retarded lore retcons for prior regions, or ugly, awful new forms or evolutions and what not for past Pokemon. I know XY is already going to get raped by Legends but I don't give a shit about XY, just leave everything else alone.
its easier to make a nextbot than a full-on NPC
go here
Definitely. Could be something as simple as testing the spawn rates, they don't need the actual 3D models for that, that comes later.
Kieran gets mindbroken in the story because he can't beat you no matter how hard he tries. The image shows that the player is an amalgamation of many legendary trainers, he never had a chance.
i have a feeling gen 12 will return to japan.
There's a character in SV that gives you rotomdex skins based on your save files on the switch.

She implies you have lived multiple lives.
So, even if it's a png the character logic is still there right?
3000 lines of dialog have been cut and no one has found any hint of them yet for XY?

No more burger lore? what are people doing....
They're already using the "single city as a stand-in for the region" concept for ZA, it'd be hacky as fuck to do it twice in a row. I'm not opposed to it later down the line though
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pokemon only YOU want to fuck. I'll start.
>3000 lines of dialog have been cut
soon it will be Juliana's turn to become a shadow.
Use one of the billion coomer threads on the catalog for this shit
He cute. Do I need a better reason?
XY romhack but the only thing changed is that one hex’s moomoo milk is replaced with breast milk, all is right in the world
I’m very confused about this prototype. I thought GF couldn’t make games you guys told me they were incompetent
what about it is confusing?
They are. They have plenty of idea guys,
but they need more time and better programmers
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I wish I still had my Comcast email that listed “Anal Overdose 2”
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don't they still have one of the smallest AAA game company
hey its the cut intro :o)
I hope ZA isnt another fucking isekai. shittiest genre ever its so fucking lazy
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What game is this?
they scrap the whole thing and go back to 2d sprites.
i hope it isn't ancient times at all
it came out in a hard to find interview that they cut nearly 3000 lines of dialog because xy was the first time there was a global launch and localizers could not translate (and butcher) stuff fast enough, so they cut things and rewrote a lot.

This is why i think lysandre's story doesnt make the most sense
You Captain America that shit up this time around.
Ok legitimately robbed. And this would explain the fucking MC's room in the final release.
Can't wait for the Zygarde Phone
Z and A come after X and Y so I was assuming a sequel with the Legends gameplay.
I just want them to run and look good at this point
Only the Kanto Starters and Mewtwo were found dude
What am I looking at?
what does this even mean
Based on what we've been told I don't expect the graphical style of the game to improve or change to atleast Gen 11
Someone needs to find this interview
its incompetence mixed with having 1/3rd the amount of resources to make the game they want to make
looks like a cut intro for PLA that shows the protag in their room first. Makes sense given the room was modeled but unused in the final release
I thought the newer games weren't going to be leaked what the hell
Are you guys legitimately retarded? Put 2 and 2 together.
Frozen in ice for decades.
Why did they change the art style anyway?
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I wonder if someone could mod it back in
Yes, Game Freak keeps themselves intentionally small like Valve, but unlike Valve most of the people there are incompetent
less anime = better for global audiences
PLA was an isekai.
Cmon bro it’s game freak. For all we know it can be Firered remake release lol
You can't blame all of your stupidity on GF.
i wonder if celebi would have brought the protagonist back to his/her own time.
Everybody complained about the graphics and I guess this was their attempt at grounded realistic graphics. PLA style felt like they were trying to go for something different but failed.
Webm of PLA proto in motion?
Was there anything in the concept art or doc of ORAS indicating whether a non-gutted version New Mauville and places cracked tiles like Granite Cave ever planned?
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I hate how everytime you guys post about boobs. I end up getting distracted and forget what I was supposed to be doing 10 seconds ago
Dunno why they even insist on it, I can't think of many people who insist the graphics are good outside of the Pokemon themselves. They hire artists that don't even match what they're going for with the newer games.
It's funny because anime is rapidly gaining popularity globally in the recent years
not that I'm aware of
Anon, PLA has nothing in common with narou-kei. Don't be a autist.
>I wonder if someone could mod this storyboard into a game
Probably. The MC's room is fully modeled, it made it to the final stages of development to the point of keeping it in for the final release (it'd probably break something if they removed it tho). They definitely had plans for it, could have been at the start of the game or at the end.
Did the art style even really change that much? I feel like they just applied photo realism textures to everything?
Sounds fake.
You can’t play it without an NX dev kit

I bought a switch kit a couple years ago on Mercari.
sexy women make me forgor
>only you
Well, what would be a good artstyle for pokemon?
This question makes me wonder what pokemon and its characters would look like with a classic toriyama art style
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It’s like I’m really playing Assassin’s Creed II
Oak isn't saying anything interesting just in case
>Welcome to the world of Pokemon!
>Explanation Explanation Explanation
Gen 10 being apparently crossgen pisses me off because it basically tells us it's going to be crippled because it has to run on the original switch.
I still believe that we will get surprises that the leaker is sitting on. No way he already blew the load when there's still so much data left. Maybe I'm coping though since on paper the switch stuff doesn't sound interesting or is missing too much
Any other radical concept art get leaked? Stuff that can be made into TCG proxies. Already played with Groudon and Kyogre
Cel shaded with thin (thinner than previous games at least) outlines maybe, I just can't stand SV's art direction
No but Abandoned Ship was still a thing
Okay but BotW wasn't crippled on the Switch, and it ran on the Wii U.
ni no kuni
Pokemon was always Isekai. Just check the intro the the original games.
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I'm guessing they're finally at the last drops of interesting info left to share

it's been a good leak though
I wonder why everything this Kitakaze fellow writes sounds so pretenti-
>University of Arts graduate
Oh, that explains it.
Yes but we all know Game Freak doesn't have nearly that level of talent to make that magic work. Also Wii U was a console not a handheld.
I’m still convinced there’s gonna be more betamon info when we get the XY repo, if not assets then at least descriptions
Ah yeah I forgot what company we were working with.
>Console, not a handheld
The Wii U was SIGNIFIGANTLY less powerful than the Switch, and the Switch 2 is also a (likely far more powerful) handheld. Your point on that front?
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I'm surprised the builds didn't have any more beta mon pics either like so
wasn't there a sango-pokemon thing?
Anon... the Wii U and the Switch are basically at the same power level.
i wonder how much of the concept stuff is even handled by GF anymore and how much is TPC and creatures
>The Wii U was SIGNIFIGANTLY less powerful than the Switch
What the fuck how, are you talking about the games library??
Yea we have 21/29 parts of it. We will hopefully get the other 8 parts tomorrow.
I'm praying that mega jynx still has assets somewhere
...look at all the cut content
Mega Jynx?
Fucking, no? The Wii U is tremendously underpowered, and the X1 tablet that the Switch is based on is 1.4x faster(3 year gap though.) Why do you think people shat on it so much?
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finally got my shiny horse in a luxury ball, my life is compete.
At the current point we found nothing to do with dialogue lines.
Congrats anon
The Switch is underclocked to preserve the battery since they cheaped out on cooling, so in practice its about on par with the wii u
You know I did not take into account the underclocking.
Still, that doesn't dismiss the fact that my AMD FX driven Acer office computer from 2010 outperforms the Wii U. Do you understand how fucking bad you have to be to get outperformed by an FX CHIP!?
In practice every Wii U game ported to the Switch either runs at a higher resolution, with better performance, or extra graphical features. Additionally, the Switch version of BOTW has 48000hz sounds, whereas the Wii U version has 32000hz sounds.
Centro is dead so why haven’t we gotten Z-A stuff like the leaker said?
Because that was fake bullshit by some discordtranny
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It was a joke.
as much as i hate California, from a geographic standpoint it would be plenty for a Pokemon game
>almost every major biome is found in the state.
>Multiple major city centers which all have a unique identity
>plenty of Pokemon could be created based on local wildlife/objects
Texas would also be a great choice, but no snowy region.
Does anyone have a screenshot of GameFreakOUT mentioning Mega Zygarde/Zeraora?
I just haven't personally seen it and would like to.
yeah lets throw all the shit on centro
they're worthless and expendable
We got him killed for nothing???
2011* not 10, my bad. Misremembered the year we got it. A lot happened in 2010 for me.
My point is that the Wii U is absolutely atrocious for being a dedicated games console that was trying to compete with the One and 4. Unfortunately, the Wii tactic wasn't going to work out, especially with THAT marketing and with the 50$ increased price.
(It is a very good emulator machine though, I'll give it that much.)
Also why haven’t we seen any concept art for Z-A when we’ve gotten lots of stuff for PLA
guess they didn't have enough time to finish it, fucking shame though a proper introduction cutscene was really needed
Realistically how much does having to render two screen fuck over the Wii U?
because ZA isn't out yet
It’s crazy that game freak is just sitting on perfectly good art and won’t share it. Like make an art book or some shit I’d honestly buy it.
They unperson'd it at the literal last second, even AFTER it's 3D Model was done when they didn't send anything to Creatures unless it was 100% finalized during XY's dev cycle. If they cut it then I have a really hard time believing they'd find reason to revisit it now
proof of the leaker saying that?
You say this like Lickitung didn't have 3 different Evo designs
I dont understand whats so interesting about "leaks" from very old games that everyones already played. If it was leaks about ZA or another upcoming game then id be interested.
You could honestly get two regions out of california as a whole just cuz its so fuckin big
shitting out a quick sprite as a proof of concept and then dumping it when you decide you don't want it in the final game is trivial-it's why we have so much beta design stuff on the first 5 gens at all. You can't do that with a model because by GF's own admission it's a roughly 6 month process to complete one for a Pokemon, so if they cut it after going through the trouble they must've had a hell of a realization-whatever it was.
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The PLA presentation pdf could have a couple, but not on the same level as the crazy ones from ORAS
Guys, I have an idea
You know how people have made a FONV vegas mod that integrates FO3 and FONV into the same game?
What if that could be done with ORAS and XY
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I simply find it fun
its the opposite, there's nothing interesting about leaks from an upcoming game unless your some ADHD zoomer.
>"omg I need to know what pokemon gets a new mega now instead of in 6 months"
We will get the info on the new games eventually, we were never going to see this beta content if not for this leak, and therefore it is more interesting.
>FONV vegas mod
Man I'm retarded
dont know how true it is, but i read once that it, even when the screen isnt being used, it was like ~30% of the CPU's frame calculation
Considering Jynx’s history there’s really only one conclusion I can come to on what that realization could be: they could not for the life of them come up with a design that was not equally or more racist looking than regular jynx
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anything in the leaks about gen 2 lore?
Give Jynx an afro?
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>Legends ZA
All the Pokemon.
>Gen 10 Gaia?
All the Pokemon.

I feel that's as low a bar as I can make it. If they can't meet that bar I have no other expectation.
Mega Jynx was cut despite being nearly complete because a TCPi execute saw it and it was so racist he had a heart attack. Afterwards he ordered for her design to be completely purged.
I'll add to this: all the moves. Dexit didn't just affect Pokémon.
While these are nice, they unfortunately have the center piece in the bottom third of the picture, which text would cover it. Alas
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>moshi moshi, arceus-desu!
Explain this to me anon, I want to understand your ways.
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my mega charizarderino better be useable in gen 10
We got worried for you bro. We thought you died.
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>good online
>non DEI characters
>fun shiny hunting
>good postgame
>fun side mode and mini games
>actual competitive (items ability's etc)
>battle facility
>decent character customization
>good music
>actual towns to explore
prob never gonna happen but a man can hope
blud really said the n-word and thinks he won't get cooked
Find Zinnia anon on /pmg/ and ask him, you might get an answer
>>good online
legends games dont get online besides trading dummy
We're on vp you dumbass
I just want Delphox to earn some nice buffs and a Mega that makes it good, it's a Pokemon that is so close to being great but it's movepool is trash and its special attack and speed are just shy of being truly great, that and good regional variants if possible as well as some crossgen evos on the caliber of Ursaluna.
Flygonfags status?
I HOPE they add it
I just want her to get a 3D model and pose that aren't complete shit.
>I feel that's as low a bar as I can make it
That's an incredibly high bar for a monster tamer
was never implemented
>actual competitive
NTA but he clearly said this after, meaning he wants Z-A to not be stuck with a similar fight system as PLA and make it so you could actually battle competitively against others.
Poor Rosa.
The only way you're seeing Mega Flygon is if the leaker releases an ORAS staff folder with sugimori's subfolder in it.
Not even considered
I can't wrap my head around this. Would they be underneath its body next to the octo mouth or below the face??
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Why? Why anon?
That would be real nice too, hate how much they screwed up the fox witch's 3D model by making it so stiff and lifeless.
Insane how it went from looking animalistic like Typhlosion to just being a person in a costume.
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> gen 10
a return to the swsh's art style 'cause honestly, that's where it peaked... at least at its best

+ keep mega evolutions. if they want to try a new battle gimmick, then run it consecutively with mega-evolutions, a lesser gimmick. i'm here for the designs
Which torrent do i need to download if i want the RS protos?
SwSh colors are ugly af
Like this?
All but two of these look like complete shit.
God, I hate football so much.
Eh i still prefer gen 7 with the weird long eyes. Really what I want is masters style but really thats just slightly unifying all the past styles on a per character basis
The art style wasn't stellar but at least it was easier on the eyes
Except for bea and nessa those are the worst designs in the series thus far
Chesnaught suffered from this too, and a lot of Gen 5 mons have dynamic gimmicks that were never represented in the games either despite the models having the capability to do so or spinoffs showing them off instead
XY was a disaster for the animation side of things and I unironically think they cut mons for being too hard to animate
true. personally, a mixture of gen 7 & 8's art would be perfect77TV
This is gross
Gen 7 was the last time Pokemon still looked anything like Pokemon

Since when PLA was a isekai?
I won't change your mind, but I think it's stupid consider a time travel story as isekai.
This is clearly soccer-inspired.
We already returned to Japan AND the US in Paldea and we are going to go to France too. Is four countries in a single gen not enough for you?
>and I unironically think they cut mons for being too hard to animate
Nah, the handful that haven't come to the switch yet are just unpopular
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is this a new card or a found image. no one on twitter has sauce...people just editing plushies over it
its the most basic type of isekai. time travel stories like that are isekais
getting sycamore of your shit
That's what he said, football.
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they're doing what
*Dragon Ball
I don't use stupid burger terminology.
Kinda sad that the 20th anniversary title was the last one to have the classic anime art style. I wouldn't have minded if the experimentation ended with SwSh or Arceus, those two are fine, but unfortunately things got worse with SV.
Futurama is an isekai
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Don't remind me. I know the majority of people want new moves and new Pokemon, that's what sells games, but I rather have fewer new Pokemon and ensure they are all in the games. Moves can be upgraded and modified to keep them fresh, but there is no need for 50+ new moves if they are forgettable while removing old moves.
FTFY yurocuck
Anon, isekai are defined by going to another world, not to her past. Time travel is just time travel
******tajiri catching bugs outside his grandparent's home*********
Correct but only HGSS
Sinnoh began the downward spiral
I hope I'm not alive by then
They would all be cooler if they didn't have to wear the dumbass uniforms, like Kabu is the only one it fits because he's actually built like an sports athlete. And maybe Bea because it's been modified.
Hardly believe they couldn't have introduced them regardless besides being petty faggots or trying to cut half the dex to force people to buy the DLCs, but some Pokemon like Golurk come to mind with how it's supposed to transform and even fly by using propulsion like a rocket yet that is never represented ingame, heck, even Zoroark's whole illusion gimmick feels kinda lame for not having an unique animation.
Zoomer /pw/ posters like you are /b/-tier.
I'm talking about ones that never made it to the games in the first place like the cut flamingo for XY
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I imagine it's less scary when you're the one who made the model. Still imagine walking past a co-worker's computer and seeing this kind of stuff onscreen.
Using 'isekai' for anything other than the modern isekai genre is stupid. These stories don't share anything in common other than the plot device of going to anorgwe world to form a genre on its own. Thus, using a term to refer to them all isn't informative at all.
That thing calling for you it's like a creepy pasta.
>modern isekai
Meant to say modern narou-kei genre
>I imagine it's less scary when you're the one who made the model.
I reckon that might be how good feels when he checks in on humanity
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>Wii U and the Switch are basically at the same power level.
Dorothy, you shouldn't have access to computers. Born too early.
Whats an anorgwe world that sounds pretty cool
If we don't get more leaks right now I will sex Mary and Lillie at the same time.
Actually Wii U is more powerful because it doesn't have to conserve power or worry about handheld mode.
*May but DJ Mary is welcome too
Then why does every Wii U port run better on the Switch?
Though your retardation, i understand. However, do know that isekai as a genre is just going to another world. The past can easily be said to be a completely different world from our own, so, PLA is an isekai

Underlated, but PORYGON WHEN?
I mean Isekai protagonist usually have a special skill, everybody jacks off the protagonist in PLA for amazing skills with taming Pokemon like they've never seen before. What other tropes are we missing tho?
Xenoblade X is incapable of running on Switch
Is a good game too much to ask for?
It is if they keep churning out low quality games and starting from scratch every time. If they have a clear plan they can have Creatures make the models they will use for the next couple of years. They used the models from XY for 4 years. Then on the Switch they had 4 games in 4 years with different models for each.
My god… Idiocracy is an isekai
Having cheat powers is common to all Pokemon player characters.
>The past can easily be said to be a completely different world from our own, so, PLA is an isekai
No you fucking idiot.
>What other tropes are we missing tho?
They weren't based enough to give us a harem
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New TCG yeah, from ex Starter Deck Generations. The XY version will come out in November 22nd.
Translation from Justin Basil is this:
>Professor’s Research {Professor Sycamore}
>From ex Starter Decks: Generations

>Discard your hand and draw 7 cards.
As for the plushies, yeah, the Pokemon Trainers plushies are real and had been sold for some time months back. Sycamore is part of Vol 2. Other plushies of trainers/rivals/gym leaders are from SwSh, BW2, RSE, Blue from FRLE, and Lillie from SM. Of course, most are fan faves like the female MC trainers and waifus.
Any sort of major content besides catching pokemon
>Gen 10
Any sort of major content besides catching pokemon and battling online.
That was clearly a bullshit line in that interview, especially considering the later Xenoblade games. They just didn't want to port it.
Amerilard... football is the sport where you constantly use your foot to touch the ball, not that brain damage inducing rugby shit you guys have where you grab the ball (which isn't even an actual ball) against your chest. Even if real football didn't exist, you couldn't call your shit football, it makes no sense.
That's more of a case of them not wanting to do it.
As is "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court", written like, 200 years ago, before fucking manga as a concept WAS.
Why? I just want to know the technical details. They interest me.
The second screen functionality for starters.
They literally just don't want to. The general fan reception was weak enough that the entire marketing for the next game they made was about how it was more like Xenoblade 1 (even if that wasnt technically true).
Too much power draw and a bottlenecked CPU.
Anons. These leaks are making me lose faith in Pokemon's future... Should I pivot to other monster tamer franchises?
Is it finally over?
It just seems impossible to do Xenoblade X on the Switch because of how much functionality was in the touchpad.
It's not a power issue.
Dragon Ball Origins is a good monster tamer rpg fwiw
It took you this long? Ive already gone through Digimon and Shin Megami Tensei in the meantime when I skipped Gen 8, and then my cousin just mailed me a copy of Scarlet saying "play Pokemon fag" and I was forced to.
SMT 5 has monster titty mods while Pokemon only has monster cock mods. The choice is clear.
I don't have the image on hand, so image I posted that one that has Akari in a parody of the ending of Planet of the Apes.
>Pokemon only has monster cock mods
for now
XY mods will be a revolution for coomers
That's why a Switch Pro has been begged for over 5 years straight?
is there any actual in game information that Legends protagonist is actually from the pokemon world? what if they are intended to be a representation of (you) and hence are whisked away from a fictional version of our world.
I'd make a joke about moving on to Yugioh but the TCG and OCG both are so hilariously fucked and the player based has dwindled so much in these past few years that it's situation might ironically be worse than Pokemon.
No, you did not understand. Going to another world is just a plot device. It on it's own doesn't merit to be considered a genre.
In recent years a genre whose actual name technically is narou-kei uses this plot device in 99% of its stories became popular leading to the term isekai becoming popular and being used for any story about going to another world and such.
However these stories outside the genre above-mentioned don't really share anything in common other than the plot device of going to another world/whatever.
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Thanks doc.
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>did it take you this long
I was coping, hard.
and while I did play shit like SMT IV and Strange Journey Redux on the side, I never got too deep into Megaten.

Monster Rancher is cool though.
Sent to masuda
Powerhungry retards will always beg for more powerful consoles, you're seeing it now with the PS5 Pro.
leak deez nuts
>Should I pivot to other monster tamer franchises?
Eh, I mean, if you don't like Pokemon now you're not going to like them since they all do a lot less than pokemon as a game. Next to none have multiplayer let alone living communities.
You may as well stick with pokemon because even the way it is now the other games in the genre are much worse.

You're thinking of fusions.
It hasn't. The Switch Pro has been journo bait while we all laughed at them.
Because people are stupid and don't realize that Nintendo pretty much couldn't have produced anything more powerful than the Switch by the time it was released, not unless they wanted microscopically short battery life. There's only so far they could've gone with a handheld. Besides, the Switch Pro was less "begged for" and more something that fake leakers kept peddling for clout and headline coverage.
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Wanting the current games to run properly is not being powerhungry. PSfags never wanted a pro, just more exclusives.
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hunh the trophy references the egg stuff. neat.
nobody really asked for the PS5 Pro and the whole internet has already shat on it
Play more, III remake is a bit poor in some aspects but worth it for the QoL, Vengeance might just be the best SMT if you like gameplay
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>Yugioh is mega cucked
>Most other Monster Catching Games are dead or dying
well fuck now what
You faggots acting like you can only enjoy one montamer series are so weird. I just played SMTVV to completion and that had 0 bearing on whether I get Legends ZA or not. I consider Yo-Kai Watch 3 to be one of the best montamers of all time-far better than most of Pokemon's catalogue INCLUDING the first five gens-and I'm still a far bigger Pokemon fan than I am a Yo-Kai Watch fan.
are you implying people shouldn't be pissed off over the ps5 pro
edison in yugioh is the only format to play, its fun as fuck
>run properly
Oh hey it's /v/ tourists again.
I did end up buying SMTVV earlier in the month, only now have some time to play some more of it, SMT 3 I might look into emulating down the line since I'm broke as fuck.

Might pick up Yokai Watch as well, 3DS Homebrewing opens up my options quite a bit.
Mega flygon literally never existed
Pokemon TCG is pretty alright, Digimon TCG is probably the better TCG in the market atm, its fast-paced like Yugioh without much in terms of bans, super balanced
>Legends ZA:
>Actual level design with actual landmarks
>A modern urban setting (no ancient aesthetic ridden with anachronisms)
>Actual dungeons
>Better use of player movement (platforming)
>No L3 running
>A larger objective beyond "catching 'em all"
>A gameplay loop that isn't just "get resources to catch even more Pokemon"
>Smoother controls
>Better integration of Pokemon into boss fights (like in Palworld)
>Allow for proper double/triple/etc. instead of 1v6 encounters
>Make trainer battles more common-place

>Gen 10
>Nothing. Probably won't play it
Don't make us post the SV pics again.
And people will still buy it, same thing happens with this series. People love to vitriol on the internet but FOMO retards will still fall for FOMO and then put the blame elsewhere.
>Digimon TCG is probably the better TCG in the market atm,
Bad choice, it has no players and bamco fucked it over for OP and DB
We're sadly stuck with Pokemon, best we can hope for is good fangames and/or for people to work the beta builds we got into a workable game if they find the source code.
It really is, I fucking loathe the negate centric shitfest modern Yugioh became, no interaction, no fun, half the playerbase are illiterate niggers.
Edison feels like the perfect format, fast enough to not be caveman Yugioh anymore but still slow enough that slower decks still work fine.
>Bad choice, it has no players and bamco fucked it over for OP and DB
I like OP but I dont understand that TCG at all, DB I dont like enough to get into, and I feel the Digimon one is pretty active, at least here locally it has had plenty of scene
As you wish. May as well say Pokemon never ran properly then unless you're being a dishonest retard.
>(no ancient aesthetic ridden with anachronisms)
Legends takes place in the equivalent of the late 1800s in a fictional world that has technology more advanced in it's modern day than in our own modern day. There isn't any anachronisms.
It's been 2 years and retards like you still blame the console for Game Freak's incompetence.
All the 2D games ran at 60fps with no glitches and no need for patches.
Anyone happen to know if the BDSP debug build is floating around? Or is the leak discord still gatekeeping it
pokemon has fucking star trek shit in its version of the 1990s
>All the 2D games ran at 60fps with no glitches and no need for patches.
Not one word of that was true
i havent played it yet but i hear smt 4 is also good and its on the 3ds
Every 3D game Game Freak has made has lagged and yet somehow you people blame the Switch for this.
Outright false.
What about the phone with GPS
Remind of the DS pokemon game with a patch. I'll wait.
Was there any lore doc explaining the reason for the conditions to make Regigigas show up in ORAS?
Why are you faggots talking about everything but leaks in the leaks thread?
Platinum, it patched several glitches in DP
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because modern pokemon is a disappointment to all parties involved
People still coping over Scarlett and Violet's dogshit quality.
A game developer like Gamefreak has to scrap a ton of stuff for time since they are on a tight deadline. It's interesting to see what was cut, since they don't keep most of the cut stuff inside the game's data and will never publically say what was cut either outside of rare interviews where they just mention it and never show anything.
Platinum had a revision/patch we literally have the source code for, and International BW2 had a softlock bug fixed from the Japanese releases
Okay you're just trolling then, have a (You) and go back to your cave.
I like how you had to skip over the GBA because of the berry glitch.
The phone came with the MC from the future and Arceus just modified it, why do people always forget that
Switch 2 rumored to have too screen capabilities
They had to patch a softlock in the localization of BW2.
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Nintendo claims another soul?
bugs are being inserted into his anus as we speak anon
That interview was poorly translated. A better translation came later that said they can't do the gamepad gimmicks with the map and such the same way and they would rather redo the entire game from scratch than do a simple port, the same way they remade Xenoblade 1 from scratch instead of doing a simple remaster.
>Unovabortions starting genwar shit again
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why is it always genwars
why can't it be something fun for once
Reminder centro is a nigger and wishes he was paldean
wtf i love nintendo now
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The genre has hour long directs by fans every year

Media literacy is at an all time low if people cannot follow the plot of a fucking childrens game.
>blatant lies
how the fuck does that even happen
You know how yawnfag is
Fuck yeah I meant fusions lmao
Please be bullshit. I'm sick of dual screen shit.
Masuda is raping his ass
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oh shit thats actually pretty cool
thanks anon
pokemon really does look like a unity asset flip these days
I should have also specified that I don't like isekai narratives, it's counter-productive to my immersion
Like it's bullshit they had to contrive a reason for the player to have access to a Sheikah Tablet-equivalent (which in the context of BotW worked because there are magic-fueled machines)
Retards playing on emulators.
Nice try.
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Been a while since you peddled this cope, yawnfag
This one isn't even a glitch the co-op player is just standing on top of a Wiglett.
>that image
We all know what happened last time Typhlosion had fun...
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no thanks that's been talked about to death by this point
why does it have veins
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To circulate blood.
Asking again for a screenshot of the leaker mentioning Mega Zygarde and Zeraora.
I'm not doubting, but I do wanna share the screenshot around.
Don't you hate it when you're just feeding your windmill sausages and Rayquaza decides to abduct you?
Excited to see her
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Okay, then let's brainstorm:
What fun things could leakbros talk about that don't appeal (or provoke) that dastardly Yawnfags delusions?
Do we have clear instructions on how to get the PC builds running yet for people? Or something for compiling the DS games that we have source code for now?
Why are aqua grunts so hot
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Does this retard really think these glitches are the Switch's fault? Holy kek.
No, but they're certainly not the emulator's.
I can see some things going wrong with mega Jynx. Jynx' thing was about kissing so a mega version could exaggerate this attribute. Maybe a Jynx with gigantic lips would be hilarious and racist at same time. A mega evolution wouldn't make Jynx pretty in any way.
So close to seeing southern Kalos...
Just make Jynx naked for the Mega. Like Skadi.
>Why are you crying?
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>encouraging general chat faggotry in leaks thread
I'm not defending SV being a buggy mess but 90% of these are hilarious and just make the game funnier.
You know a lot of games do that, right?
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anon I know what it looks like
but I'd rather do that than even humor genwarring in here
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fucking kek
Most of these bugs were patched but the game still runs like absolute ass.
That's not a glitch
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>why did the fidough explode holy fucking shit
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My fucking sides why did the dog explode lmfao
22 and 23 tonight possibly?
oh 100%. they still havent even fixed the cat being literally worse than koraidon or whatever because its particle effects demolish frame rate. But these are the funny visual bugs that honestly I dont mind every once in a while.
He the legends storyboards literally after this lol
>every pokemon switch game is personalized
Any thing good come out today?
Because it's not a dog, someone swapped fidough's model with voltorb's
fingers crossed
Well good morning you fucking moron, you should have woke up something like 10 years ago but ehy, better than never
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why is a school faculty member carrying around a pokemon that's known to kidnap kids?
Some more hayabusa builds, otherwise it's just more parts of sango_project
What's in sango project?
Wtf happened here? What is this creepy pasta shit?
You aren't questioning the Gym Leaders/Team Boss Villain/Elite Four members who own ones like Typloshion, Octillery, or Lapras?
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sorry anon, the Porygon Ultra brainwashing was too strong
someone was getting shadow sneaked lmao
Odds that switch 2 will run S/V better?
Her team seems to be built around alternative medicine. Hypnosis, acupuncture, electroshock, strange plants...
Unless it's patched, zero.
Read the rentry
Scarlet and violet still run like shit on emulators so they will need at least a patch in the next system.
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that's actually a really cute concept for a team
do you really think SV's issues is the console
Those are all non canon and only exist in discarded lore that was just stolen folklore but with pokemon, Hypno kidnapping kids will always be real.
A lot people unironically think it's the Switch's fault and not GF/TPC.
Deddene casually scrolling through the slaughter
They're obviously brain dead and not worth listening to
gellar field failure
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I hate this panda. Its design is so screwy that I'm not sure if my angle is still bad or if its just hitting a ceiling due to its poor design.

S/V is kinda built to run the way it does, its not built with some mythical second console in mind.
ZA and such will probably only see improvements because it'd be designed with the ability to do so.

A lot of bottlenecks while due to the console; are baked into the game because thats just easier to do.
Dude have you ran any 3D Pokemon game on emulators? It's not the fucking console, Gamefreak is that fucking incompetent, there was a video on youtube detailing all the technical issues with SM like how they copied and pasted Lillie's model a dozen fucking times instead of just using the same one, which causes a bunch of stress, Gamefreak has no idea how to optimize their games and they don't care to, it takes genuine effort to make something like USUM or SWSH run even halfway tolerably on PC.
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They haven't bothered fixing the floating pokemon being flown away and it always cracks me up when it happens.
>What is your biggest wish for Legends ZA and/or Gen 10 Gaia?
For the mega evolutionfags to get cucked once again
wait I thought that was intentional? since its raining the harsh winds blow them away?
>Hoppip are based on dandelions, plants that float
>Hoppip's every dex mentions them struggling against strong wind
>Hoppip get dragged by the wind
>like how they copied and pasted Lillie's model a dozen fucking times instead of just using the same one, which causes a bunch of stress
i hate people bringing this example up because it's like one of the few good things in terms of programming game freak did, it bloats the game but it helps relieve the ram usage
It actually runs worse.
>Charizard but black
Lazy design
I’ve heard about the Lillie thing but never saw a video. Link? Or at least do you remember the channel name?
That happens on purpose, Jigglypuff and Igglybuff also get carried by wind and shiny versions of these Pokemon do not blow away
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I don't know why everyone is posting SV shitty glitches. I guess just there isn't any leaks for now.
>issues with SM like how they copied and pasted Lillie's model a dozen fucking times
That's actually a trick to make it run better, they did it with all the models.
im sorry yo peach cobbler look like throw up miss dubois
it doesn't only happen to hoppip tho, it happens with every floating pokemon I think
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worst shiny downgrade in history btw
where tf do these links come from? is it a closed-off discord with only a few people in it or something?
That's because it's intentional dumbass. Hoppip and Jigglypuff weigh very little lore-wise and thus get blown away. Much like dandelions and balloons do irl.
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What causes models to get retard gigantic like this?
>Supposed to be a leak thread
>4chin goblins cause genwar with seethe
/vp/iss never change
Yes we are getting circlejerk leftovers
>shiny versions of these Pokemon do not blow away
In that case I stand corrected. Alas, it was too funny for me.
pearlescent charizard would have been kino
Still better games than BW.
We have art from Gen 2 that shows it was always meant to be black
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my favorite
You mean seething
There are close to 700 people in it. leaker, wack0, no-intro people, pret people, switch scene people, randoms who got in the first 30 minutes it was open.
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>hurrrrrrrr can’t bake a new thread til page 10. Post in a bump limit thread DURRRRRRRR
It’s your guys’ fault
this looks like utter dogshit even if you ignore the glitch
>They haven't bothered fixing the floating pokemon being flown away
Benches it's not a glitch you retard
There isn't a single instance of this game that looks good. Even if it didn't have bugs or it ran well it'd still look like shit.
i like it when we start talking about how big rosa and serena's tits are, this board is only good for pokeporn outside of leak season already anyway
I saw that video a long while back, I'm trying to find it but I don't remember the name of the channel and jewtube isn't cooperating either, every single video I found when I searched for results like "poorly optimized", "slowdown issues" and things like that just showed speedrun videos or videos complaining about Gamefreak in general.
People paid $90 for this.
People bought the second version and its dlc.
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And they'll do it again.
We can't stop stupid people, anon.
Some of these people already got into legal trouble and yet they can't help themselves to go near this shit immediately after kek
Wtf that's scary
would you fuck lyra
I've always wanted to take a bite out of her hat.
That’s why it’s always early 20-somethings. Just wait and let them be retards, and enjoy the fruits while they get sued
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>leaker, wack0
Why do you repeat yourself? We all know this is wack0 trying to pretend to be someone else so he doesn't get hit with a second lawsuit/criminal charge. I don't think the autism excuse will work a second time.
Her hips are wide. So yes.
they're both in the discord under seperate accounts, anon
What’s the most coomer girl outfit in PLA?

I miss this glitch.
Isn't that how birds work? Dive to pick up speed.
Same guy?
I'm on the phone with my uncle who works at Nintendo right now. Cute trainer tho.
I was almost expecting a 9/11 joke at 1:03
That's on Switch, haven't emulated the console at all.
while we wait for the new thread, which femc do you imagine makes the most nutritious breastmilk? you can't say may
>1080p png screenshot
>screenshot dated from before the game came out
My uncle is at your door right now.
>Video Game Screenshot 2022-11-15 16-38-24.png
>that resolution
>haven't emulated the console at all.
Why lie anon.
>what are shops selling early
>what are capture cards
Something you clearly don't understand
I have a modded switch, and the date is off of Elgato I use which uses that format naming by default.
I figure a modded switch could take PNG screenshots?
parts 22 and 23 just came out. just six to go. poggers.
Why do you say the correct answer is banned?
were at part 25 now actually. sorry you got left out :3
Do you think my wife will ever like pokemon? All she ever played with me was switch sports
where are the LINKS
post wife
I can't post a picture of Link, this is the Pokemon board.
26 actually if you were in the discord, larper.
where are the KINKS
I wish the leaker would tell us what the region looks like. I want to know if we're going to Europe yet again or a different part of the world.
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it's ok if it's from smash
Probably, but why would somebody using an emulator care?
All day everyday.

Rosa's got the bigger tits and she's a busty shortstack with thick thighs and a pretty big ass (not as big as Hilda's though).

Serena's got big tits with a small tight ass but she's got the sexiest legs imaginable and a long slender tummy that gives Lucy competition.

While we're at it the 3D model from ORAS from Zinnia up top is nuts. They really gave her massive fucking tits in the model itself. Thank goodness it matches her "biggest tits in ORAS" design notes. She got nerfed in Masters - I'd love to see a side-by-side. At least they gave her jiggle physics.

Skyla was also massively nerfed which sucks because meanwhile Viola has tits the size Skyla's should be despite their art making it clearer Skyla's the bustier one.
where are the JYNX
Where are the TheGrandGarchomp screenshots
Wrong series.
What? Her milk would be too salty imo, her teats unrefined, much like Juliana's.
May is banned, because fuck us all I guess, so Rosa. Hilda has some nice pap, but not the best milk. Nuveman cream sucks, fyi.
in my diaper
Where are the STINKS
Either a few days from now or never. Depends on how much unused things are floating around.
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More links just got posted.

Next parts of Sango_Project:
P22: https://gofile.io/d/ONEwiy
P23: https://gofile.io/d/jKoE0n

A new Hayabusa build:
>even more Hayabusa builds
How many does he have?
he said 10
Where are the BINKS?!
So 29 is tomorrow pretty much confirmed?
At this rate, I'd say so
>What? Her milk would be too salty imo, her teats unrefined, much like Juliana's.
Stop I can only get so erect.
Wow, I'm excited but also I actually have a meeting I have to go into the office for tomorrow so I may miss out on most the fun if he gets it done early enough.
where are the FALINKS and CARBINKS
where are the KLINKS

Oh nevermind.
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I mean is this even a fucking question? It's Rosa. She literally has the biggest tits and she was the first MC to actually have her bra visible because they're so fucking big.

She's probably taste really sweet.
Nude Akari.
>in the past
>no plumbing
>no showers
>no razors
ideal woman
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how did these threads get so bad
yeah, that's an issue, but like, a river is real close by in the Obsidian Fieldlands. carry leaves to act as TP.
her pwecious oshawott can handle not being near its razor shell for however long mommykari needs to shave her legs
that reminds me, how do Arezu's leggings fit if she likely doesn't shave?
a lack of new info to sink our teeth into + yawnfag showing up to shit things up
Lack of new shiny thing to look at, being born from a shit board mixed with outsiders.
They'll improve once the leaker finishes this damn 300GB archive and people can start digging in to it properly. Then there's the stuff coming after like the xy pokemon repo(there was no oras version) that should have all the maya format models and high res textures.
tourists, total lack of moderation, lack of new content, and the usual /vp/ superautists coming to shit up things as usual
The hype wore off and the good leaks died after the main chunk of XY was uploaded.
nothing of note is actually leaking. we're in an interrim while sangopart4 parts 24 through 29 leak. you read that right, btw
When the thing leaking is a super massive singular tarball split into 29 parts, and only a few get uploaded per day, its hard to find stuff to talk about.
We've been waiting days for these parts to we can do a proper extraction and get to see everything.
A 29 part leak is currently in progress with some occasional Legends Arceus/BDSP PC compatible test versions that require some special configuration
Same way all generals go bad.
Lack of new things to discuss and schizos.
he is kind of purple there. Such a shame
24 just got posted
What? But 22 and 23 were just a few minutes ago. What's the link for 24?
If by downgrade you mean upgrade sure.
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Would you play as a cute girl to add elemental cute girls to your team?

tourists have an autistic need to post irrelevant bullshit to keep the thread "moving" instead of just waiting and occasionally bumping until new info appears
At least we are getting the parts faster
At the old pace it would've taken like a month
no it didnt, troll
i'm in the discord but okay :3
25 and 26 just got posted
Wasn't it 27 and 28?
It was 26 and 27
Are any of these builds close to final game?
i am too sissy
We are at part 31, sweaty. Don't talk about things you know nothing about next time.
Happy New Year, you filthy animal
Yo fags, anyone have a password for the 20201129 hayabusa build that got leaked a bit ago?
Did you test 2b9N5]fMU[
why was it deleted
Prolly because the link in OP. I will make one I guess
No idea
You are my fucking savior props to ya anon
Noooooo I wanted a burger edition
Should've saved kalos
She was chosen by the equivalent of God to help save the world.

Her body probably smells like roses and lavender just naturally.282RJ
>They haven't bothered fixing the floating pokemon being flown away
Thats not something that needs fixing anon... it also purposedly does not blow up the shiny ones.

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