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It's Monday morning, so share your Misty work with the rest of the class.
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Hey, I remember that episode niggy.
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Previous thread: >>56607947
G/S/C Misty.
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7/6 I may have miscounted
why pink hair though
She's the girl from 1st movie's cut ending:
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that episode was kino. GF should've helped Shudo out with his addictions and made him the lead writer for the games.
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I have this
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I'm 40 and my left foot feels like shit to stand on these days. I do not like this pic very much.
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Ready, rookie?
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well fuck, this Anon doesn't like my pic
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Without Gen 2 on the horizon, she will never come
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Choose your fighter
Ash self-inserter, get out of here
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Pikachad know it
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I love Neica's art but her AI art is painfully ugly
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Its a piece of shit. Barely 2 inches tall and made out of cheap flimsy rubber
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That's just Nami without the tattoo.
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Holy shit, this is disgusting. Fucking fetishists.
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Misty and Dawn never met. What a waste.
Miror B tyre. I like it.
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For that Anon >>56646585 who was looking for May Oak colourisation’s source.
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My childhood crush is now a full-fledged woman :3
Awesome, I love Dengeki Pikachu. It was peak until volume 2 and then it declined when the author was forced to stick to the anime.
Oh what the fuck now?
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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