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The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.

>Dawn Visual Novel by Anon
Walkthrough: https://rentry.org/anewdawnwalkthrough1_0
>VN Extra

>Dawn Screencaps and Scans

>Diamond & Pearl CD Music Rips

>Additional OC (High Touch! TL, A Dawning Duet)

>[DawnSubs] DP001 & 002

>Dawn Nude Mod for PLA

Previous: >>56673490
What's the appeal of anal girls?
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They can be pure virgins and the dirtiest sluts at the same time.
Thanks Pikabro!
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Thx pikabro
Thanks Pikagod
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What's Dawn's PokéFans handle?
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Dawn when she gets a new subscriber
They let you fuck their better hole, as hard as you want, as deep as you want, with no consequences. They also become easily addicted so a fuck buddy relationship can start out as 90-10 vaginal (i.e. anal as a rare special treat) to 70-30 vaginal to 50-50 vaginal/anal immediately to 80-20 anal and finally 100-0 anal. This is unless they're like Dawn or that whore from Kanto who just went straight to 100-0 anal at the start.
PokeHub allows pokemon-related content, right? What would her first video be?
>Taking an Aura knot
>Alpha badger DouPlePeneTration
>fucking every fire-type out of existence (Feat: Rapidash)
All zoomer girls like Dawn are anal girls because they grew up in a time where it was normalized and PokéHub's algorithm encourages it.
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>not posting the original
>Gardevoir watches while I fuck her master
The fact that when they're properly trained your penis treats it just like it's their second pussy, fucking it just as fast and hard as their other one. Only it's their ass.
This too.
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I can see her pubes...
I can see her boobs (implants)...
I can see her hat
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my trad wife
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Are mustelid dicks safe for human pussy tho?
Typhlosions wife*
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So Dawn (at least in the games) is 12 years old and 1.40m
God I need a futa maid Dawn..
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Kinda weird May is according to the leaks also 12 but her height is 1.52m. And I say its weird because at least in the anime Dawn is shown taller than May. Does that mean May will grow taller than Dawn when they both reach 12?
It means that the anime is shit and game Dawn is the one true Dawn.
Game Dawn is shipped with Ethan and they have to repopulate Sinjoh after the world is destroyed.
I don't think Dawn knows who the HG/SS revision of Gold is.
She canonically has to trade him an Arceus.
>Typhlosion OP
Based, Akari and Dawn are for Typhlosions.
Not being big enough to satisfy Dawn sexually!
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Dawn is for Volo!
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God I wish that was me.
Animay was always short, consistently shorter than Ash just as Serena was consistently taller than him. That just means Game May is a tall girl and Game Dawn is the shorty.
Fret not, Typhlosion will take care of her.
>shorty girl and plain as a pancake
Dawn's butt <3
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Nice spritework, reminds me of Gary’s cheerleaders for some reason.
Is Mitsumi's manga worth reading?

What is Mitsumi's male counterpart named? The lucas/dia
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Hareta. Pearl is named Jun.

Sure, I liked it.
>t. yume
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requesting this for the next OP
>not Dawn
>no Typhlosion
Dawnplum a cute
A. Sloppa

very degenerate artist, you don't want to see his other stuff
Oh it's AI? Damn, I thought it was hand-drawn cunny
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Drawing sexualized images of underaged characters again, eh Touya
Are twitter fags having a melty?
Of all the reasons to get mad at Touya, you throw a fit over drawing an "underaged" character and not the obviously fatty body positivity shit?

Slightly more than usual now that Musky is talking about AI more and more. They've either said (or heavily implied, I haven't been paying attention) that people's twitter posts will be used for training AI models. As if that wasn't already happening...
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Dawn is meant to be flat.
Whatever. Her drawings look all samey and boring
Trips dont lie
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She’s so cute whether it’s a miniskirt or complete bodysuit
Forgiving Dawn for cheating on me!
…with a Typhlosion
...with a ni-
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Based and understandingpilled. It was your fault to begin with for not paying enough attention to her and failing to make her climax.
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Ash x Dawn
based canon true wholesome redpilled and kino
Cringe and dead ship
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Ever get an overwhelming urge to want to change Dawn's Dia/per
I want to give Dawn change for a $20 bill.
i want to DP Dawn
i have been on vp for a while but some people using typhlosion emotes and i come here and see the OPs with typhlosion as well

what's going on with that pokemon?
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He is canonically a pedophile and a rapist.
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Taking care of Dawn's emotional and financial needs!
Leaving her sexual needs in the hands of someone more suited for the task!
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I'm returning Dawn bros, I had a great time with her
thats not Dawn, boobs too big
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dawn's cute cosplays ^_^
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That's not Dawn, boobs too small.
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I am the father of Dawn's child.
Women love him because he fucks female trainers.
We can improve the zoroark cosplay!
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Post Dawn feet

Fuck off shill
stay awhile and listen, shillbro
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What in the actual FUCK?
>we got TYPHLOSIONED instead of this
Safety shorts!
Canon btw
...I'm trying to figure out what this could be a euphemism for and I can't put it together
This pic is so damn old
First time seeing it
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Dawn’s fallen on hard times…
Thank fuck we're in the right timeline.
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…at least wait until the other thread is on page 2
Ash x Dawn
based true redpilled wholesome and canon
oh that explains all the pedo jokes using typhlosion emotes
thanks for the explanation anons
Lost to Koharu!
Canon because both have Quilavas!
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Is this a real game? If not it should be.
How would you EV train your Dawn?
My wives
Probably everything in oral and vaginal. She’s just built for it
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Yes anon, it's a real game.
Platinum: Sex Edition is up on Pokecommunity right now.
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>oral and vaginal
This guy here, officer. He's an heretic.
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on their way to kill Arceus
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Googling that lead me to find this gem https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/946308-pokemon-platinum-version/48837220
But no link to the game, sadly
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keep looking anon
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See >>56726864
>The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.
She’s from Pokémon DP Adventures manga.
*Pokémon DP Adventure
are her boobs that big in the manga?
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She's pretty stacked.
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Accidently charging Dawn 250 Pokemon money for pokeballs when retail price is 200!
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Pure May!
May's juicy thighs...
>that filename
>implying getting hit in the crotch only hurts if you have testicles
that implication only exists in your head
>I want to suck her boobs
She didn't say that. She said: I want to fuck her with my futa cock!
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Based fellow cuntpunter
The best.
>Giving Dawn chest
>Her character sheet specifically asks for a flat board
I hate shitty artists like this.
Ash x Dawn
Based kino wholesome redpilled true and canon
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Lost to Chloe Cerise-Ketchum lmao.
We need to have a discussion about upskirts.
You start anon. You were the one that posted Mitsumi after all.
Cringe and samefag
Based and canonpilled
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Canon because both have Quilavas (future Typhlosions)
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Stealing the tournament teamsheet after Dawn registers so I can build a perfect counter team for her team and easily crush her!
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That's what an incel like Kenny would do.

Fuck off shill!
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She's crying behind...
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Would you rather have Dawn present herself to you or go out of your way to see Dawn down there?
I’ll go creepshotting myself, I don’t want Dawn being a whore
I'll definitely suck her dick. She doesn't need to ask me to.
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Ash x Dawn
Based redpilled wholesome and canon
Dead ship
Based king
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Dawn is a cuckquean for Satokoha lmao
>for Satokoh-ACK
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new latinx dawn dropped
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Sinnoh kino
got any bigger picture?
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Best one I've found so far.
It's like a Chinese-exclusive TCG product?? Weird, lol
What... is the purpose of this photoshoot?
I didn't know people still copied from the Simpsons in 2024.
You know...
Damn, Typhlosion gets a nice view.
Siczak isn’t really known for originality.
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The real ship
Based Pearlbro, glad to see the tradition still going. pure and canon
Dawn's an idol!
Would Dawn suck a BBC in the morning?
Dawn? No
Akari? Yes
No, but they both suck off Typhlosion.
Duh, BBC = Big Badger Cock
That's true.
Only after breakfast.
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I love my wife Dawn so much!
Why yes I always have a typhlosion in my team, does matter?
We know, Ash
We know Goh.
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Ash x Dawn

Thank you

also based
Canon dead ship, yes.
Based and canon
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Over time I have become more convinced

The pan is a total lie theres is no room for that bit of cloth
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It's not November yet.
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Post Dawnrai!
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>blocks your path
fucking sauce now faggot
Crackship killed by canon bloombolt.
>Ash x Dawn
eternal canon (and best) ship
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Dawn is a virgin
Because her entire body count has been kept in her ass.
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too sexy
Ojamajo Dawn
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>not posting the barefoot version
Faggot gaylord
that one wasn't in the pixiv post
Mamoswine got away with it
Tysucker took all the heat
Only if you're one of those weird incels who says girl-on-girl doesn't legally qualify as sex
Being too tired after work and maintaining the home to be kept in good condition to keep up with Dawn's voracious sexual appetite!
Giving her the green light to seek other sexual partners to quench her thirst!
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Apparently this got made recently???
No way. Goh would have discovered Dawn’s lack of panties at this very moment!
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Ash x Dawn
Dawn's Dawn is dawning.
Lost to Bloombolt!
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>Ash x Da-ACK
based canon redpilled wholeome and true
how the fuck is she able to keep that thing tucked in
The same way you do anon. Don't tell me you're a dicklet...
Based. And fuck Typhlosion. Dawn belongs to Lucarios.
ty for the daily canon kino, AxD King
i don't run around the snow and mountains in a miniskirt though
You should.
It shrinks when unused, but when prey appears, it grows and peeks out from under the skirt, ready to ensnare and then fuck her prey at its full size.
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Neither does Akarin.
She does it nude
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Shut up, Cynthia
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Pearlfag here and I'm literally on suicide watch right now.
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nevermind, the REAL latinx Dawn just dropped
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>not immediately sucking Dawn’s futacock
gay psyducks baka
It’s so over.
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Good. You focus on bringing the bread to the house and handling the emotional talk. Leave the sex to other men.
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I will NOT make the next OP!
run out of pseudo-SFW typhlosin pics?
It's almost Halloween, we should do spooky/edgy Dawn.
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>edgy Dawn
No. Dawn is cute and pure and wholesome.
I vote this >>56777977
Dawnagius a cute
No. I have enough to last until New Years. The general just needs a break from pokefucking. It's time for edgeposting.
>pokefucking. It's time for edgeposting.
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please stop edging...
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Here's a different angle.
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>Sees Alpha Dawn
Yikes. I wouldn't talk to this girl.
I'm so in love with Dawn, it hurts
I know, my dick would hurt too if I loved Dawn too much.
Reminder that NNN is around the corner so squeeze out any remaining cock juice you have for Dawn.
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Dawn if she crash landed on earth with Deoxys
bet her apartment smells like fish and penguin shit

Dawn is for ALL of /vp/
but this still hasn't reached bump limit
but you replied and the thread wasn't bumped x_x

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