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Berrypilled edition

Previous Thread: >>56710206

This is a thread aimed at self insertion fantasies of female humans with male pokemon. Established human characters are permitted but are not the focus. Keep it reasonably pokeyume and on topic. No yuri/yaoi.

Typhlosion Abduction: https://janitorai.com/characters/04e5cf75-da09-4f93-aa4f-605fbc443274_character-hisuian-typhlosion
Shy Muk: https://janitorai.com/characters/9acb6bb2-5746-4757-81a8-e3a7ced9f9b4_character-muk
Suicune Adventures: https://janitorai.com/characters/20d143a7-74ec-4561-8918-6d85b4894068_character-suicune

>other threads
Gay Husbandos: https://boards.4chan.org/vp/#s=mpomh
Yuri Waifus: Make a thread!
Pokemon Waifus: https://boards.4chan.org/vp/#s=hmofp
Human Husbandos: https://boards.4chan.org/vp/#s=Husbando
Human Waifus: No general, just search for the trainer name
So tempted to make a bot of my own now
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Not proud of it but I nutted to this lopunny
Wrong thread?
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thread questions!??

for the yumes
>how do you like the human girl self insert to look like? (weight? hair color? eye color? height? pale or tan? chest size?)
>do you like anthros and ferals or just one?
>who are/is your pokehusband/s?
>do you want to meet your husband (fully evolved for example) or do you want to raise him (from an egg or as a starter for example) ?

for the men??
>opinion on monsters being stronger than humans in fiction? does it bother you? is it whatever? do you like it? why?
>do you like inserting as typhlosion? does it bother you that hes popular?

also activity
>draw your favorite or one mon you like (no matter if you can draw or not) with a milkshake. bonus points for drinking it together with you.
>draw your favorite or one mon you like (no matter if you can draw or not) being your ridemon because of the rodeo leaks.
Based tomboy and her femboy Lopunny.
There are no women on this board
>opinion on monsters being stronger than humans in fiction?
makes the eventual human dominance all the sweeter
it's not too hard, the secret is repeatedly using the bot itself for its own descriptions until it seems to consistently behave the way you want it to. example dialogue is the most important for style, features can just be a list of things and the bot will understand it, but a slightly more flowery list hints to the bot to be flowery as well.
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>zero respect for your companions
>Monsters being stronger than men in fiction
I guess I have no real opinion. To be fair most of the media I consume where monsters are "stronger", the humans are usually the ones who end up on top despite the odds through their own might. In the case of Pokemon, I feel like the Pokemon themselves being stronger isn't a real factor, as even if humans might never match up to the strength of one, the whole point is that humans can placate them and create bonds with them. Their strength in this case isn't physical, but it's the ability to tame them and make friends with them. As someone who enjoys HMOFA, Pokemon's pretty great for it.
>Do you like inserting as Typhlosion?
Fuck yes, and it's my top Pokemon for it. He's my favorite Pokemon, he's literally me, etc.
>Does it bother you that he's popular?
Not in the slightest, I couldn't be happier. Even beyond the self-inserting, I'd have a Hisuian Typhlosion as my ace if I could, and he'd be my bro. Seeing people have good taste when it comes to Pokemon is awesome, and I'm happy that he's overshadowing other overrated as fuck Pokemon.
>it's nice if they look like me but i can self insert into pretty much anything, recently i've even found myself thinking it would be nice to be furry like him
>ferals, especially big cats and dogs
>i love both the fantasy of raising him from a shinx or being pounced on by him fully grown in the wild
>typh assuring me he -knows what hes doing- as i hear his fire crackle softly
>taking our sweet time as we wait for the berry juice to work on me
>-relax babe-
>he starts stroking my hair as i lay in his arms
>it starts to feel so good
>-it should kick in now..-
>ah wow..
>..i have never felt this good in my life
>every touch and every feel reaches my soul
>eyes roll back into my head as i lay there being a silly drooly dummy
>no more worries or bad things
>just typh and me
>-i got you babe. youre with me now. just listen to my voice alright.-
>my own heartbeat hypnotizes me into total relaxation as i just slowly fall asleep
>typh humming to me as i drift into a peaceful nap
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>What she looks like doesn't matter much to me
>I like anthros and ferals!
>Raise him from an egg, and our bonds develop as we grow together
Wish tomboy pegging femboy stuff were common
Milkshake pic.
do you have to try a lot around with generating or do you just get what you want first time. your slop is impressive.
It took a lot of testing to get a style I like and I reroll a lot before getting an image I like before inpainting but it's easy enough to do on my phone. I am utterly abysmal at drawing or anything which requires fine motor control.
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>how do you like the human girl self insert to look like? (weight? hair color? eye color? height? pale or tan? chest size?)
I normally go with the canon protagonists, but if I'm feeling extra delusional (rping on cai) I imagine it's some scrimblo with a huge ass mane on its head (think Caitlin's hair) and thick glasses a la Clemont, a total freak
>do you like anthros and ferals or just one?
don't care imo
>who are/is your pokehusband/s?
Hisuian Typhlosion obvious newcomer of course, but I've liked Raikou, Gallade, Reshiram, Arceus, Lucario and Armaldo a lot
>do you want to meet your husband (fully evolved for example) or do you want to raise him (from an egg or as a starter for example) ?
Raising it from egg is weird, I'm more of a fan of growing together from starter stage or meeting as-is, especially for legendaries. Typhlosion obvious exception, his lore is as perfect as it is already
im still suffering from my period pains aiie tomorrow I'll draw something decent or at least finish my wips i promise
Aand I'm retarded >>56733169
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alrighty time to answer for myself.

>self insert
i actually prefer white or brown hair. i like them thin cause ive always been lanky. i like them with chibi proportions because it makes me feel feminine and cutesy. i like them pale like me.

>anthro feral
the ideal is a mix of both for me. i do like both ferals and anthros but have a huge preference for shorter mons that can stand up. so something thats cute and cool at the same time.

raichu and typh are my top right now. can love many different mons actually but those are my top 2.

id want him to be fully evolved and older than me. raising can be for the kids we have.
holy based. i need to draw more pokemon holding leashes sometime.
If this is the fujo is any of you actually into pegging or is that just a myth?
Anon, fujos are discriminated against here.
I would peg my husband if he wanted it
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I don't give a rat's ass about raceplay in a coat of paint, I just want to love and be loved in return.
I was worried I might be being a little too forward my desires so I'm glad you liked it. Here's something even worse.
oh no how horrible ! lusting after pokemon in the yume thread?! jokes aside the fact that we know humans and pkmn can interbreed makes this pic so much cooler.
It was something asked for last thread and I couldn't find anything close to it that wasn't also unfit to be posted. So at least there's something now.
>opinion on monsters being stronger than humans in fiction
Well I would expect so, if I encountered a giant badger or bear it just seems natural to me they're stronger. It's like being bothered animals are stronger. Plus I'm weak anyway so I'm used to it.
>do you like inserting as typhlosion? does it bother you that hes popular
Yeah I do. He's handsome, courteous, popular with his partners and able to provide for them, protect them, make them feel loved.
It's an ultimate fantasy, if you get down to it. Being able to provide for someone. He's a good boy I'm glad he got attention.
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>self insert
it should just fit the composition, i want to see what the characters are feeling. when i was younger and not really comfortable with yume kris was a comfortable character to project to and i still like her, but it doesn't have to be her.

>anthros or ferals
intelligent ferals. shapemons and unown are cute too.

>meet or raise
definitely meet. cuddlemon is one thing, but i wouldn't want to kiss or fuck someone i raised or caught.
Last image before I go to sleep alone.
I just realised my self-insert is literally just ginger Cynthia. God I'm sad.
So pissed that we couldn't ride our pokemon in legends, I want to ride luxray!!
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this is so sweet. is there anything more pure than a dude inserting as his favorite pokebro? i dont think so.

im sorry you feel that way. warm water bottles usually help me.

also glad to hear youll show more doodles.

>intelligent feral
hard agree. if it cant think it aint interesting to me. the concept of a mute but smart creature i can still get behind. i could teach him how to write or do sign language if he has hands.
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>opinion on monsters being stronger than humans in fiction?
I'm fine with it, especially in a setting like Pokemon. It's different if there's magic or combat technology in the universe or something, but I feel like Pokemon does a good job of emphasizing that Pokemon are the powerful ones and humans just kind of have to structure their lives around that. For all the criticism Emerald gets for Team Magma/Aqua/the Player Character not actually doing anything, I really liked how it emphasized that Rayquaza is the boss, humans are insignificant.

>do you like inserting as typhlosion?
Any of the roughly man-sized bipedal mons are fine. They basically just need to be larger than the human female and humanoid enough for it to make sense in my brain.
I'm just really happy to see my boy get more art and based discussion around him.
a big reason i like suicune is the telepathy. it's a comfortably intelligent connection, but still tickles that sense of limitless intuition. i like to imagine he rarely if ever use it with anyone other than his partner.

i relate to fujos a lot and i probably would count as one a lot of the time, but pegging is very hard for me to even imagine.


adorable pic, azumarill is so cute
im so sleepy pilled today. might just drop one half of the drawings. we see.

i like that. it seems pretty intimate. something hed only share with his girl.

its funny how the stars aligned for him randomly. typh definitely deserves it and hes fun to draw. the more good boy art the better.
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>how do you like the human girl self insert to look like? (weight? hair color? eye color? height? pale or tan? chest size?)
I prefer them to look like me. I always inserted as the male mc which tells you all you need to know about me. I really wanted to be Brendan lol and still do
>do you like anthros and ferals or just one?
honestly I dont have a preference, theres very few pokemon I like and I dont think my main one fits into either of those categories. I do like it if hes intelligent though, more than me
>who are/is your pokehusband/s?
pic related
>do you want to meet your husband (fully evolved for example) or do you want to raise him (from an egg or as a starter for example) ?
I could go either way on that. Either way I would teach him that humans are not scary or a threat, and most pokemon aren't either despite his encounter with rayquaza. And he'd be very protective of me because of it.
I'd love to see some art, it genuinely is always really cool and exciting to see creative stuff spawn from the thread's passion. Even if it's stuff I might not particularly care about, it's just nice to see. The Chad Typhlosion doodles are some of the best stuff to come out of all of this. I just get excited seeing more neat art of Typhlosion get made, kek. Also, I'm not surprised the stars aligned for him, he definitely deserved it and I'm glad that it happened.
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we've never been more robbed.....
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Typh really has everything going for him.
>Fire type, so he's warm, but one of the ones that's safe to handle. His natural habitat is cold where his warmth would be extremely pleasant.
>He's a mammal, with a mammal's understanding of sex and breeding. He is vaguely bipedal. He has a dick and he'll fuck you with it.
>As a starter line he is naturally drawn toward humanity and totally in sync with his human partners. The compatibility is almost uncanny. People used to say Typhlosion were half human. The patterns on his pelt give him, especially his Hisuian form, a rather anthropomorphised look. Some say he looks like a handsome man.
>Speaking of his Hisuian form, it's a guide for lost spirits and known to be very gentle. He can draw out any negative energies hanging over you and make you feel safe and secure.
In terms of male Pokémon and female human compatibility, Typhlosion is the most compatible Pokémon for humans.
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oh you have gotta be .. man i always wanted that fucking feature in pokemon. being able to make them unique. being able to put clothes or drawings on them. hell making them wear the badges that they earned. man imagine if you could stack several of these and make unique art that way. this franchise man.
>gamefreak leaks reveal internal discussions on how to appeal to female audience
>no one suggests pokemon dress up
Clearly the answer was to make Pikachu an idol and a wrestler. Hell, I'm pretty sure kids and boys would like pokemon dress up too, fortnite generates billions in skin revenue.
Sometimes I feel like this thread is more about how you want to live your life with your favorite pokemon rather than how you want that pokemon to fuck you
Why can't it be both?
and thats a problem because?
This I tell ya, brother.
You can't have one without the other.
It’s not a problem, it’s good. No diddling the critters.
love and marriage, love and marriage....
oh I diddle that critter. but I also want fulfilling companionship. and after all, isn't that the main point of the series?
>The Chad Typhlosion doodles are some of the best stuff to come out of all of this.
any of the chad memes showing him following the lore are so damn funny and based. i still remember when i posted my own take in a thread and didnt even think much of it (was thinking the thread would fall off and i dont really post my own memes several times) but it just kinda spread anyway which was extremely fun. i really wanted to draw him cause it was pure unfiltered chad teratophilia kino.

also i love how people were drawing him saying sorry meanwhile im over here making him chad tier cause he fits my tastes in everything i like.

>I'd love to see some art
happy to hear that. i usually just draw it for myself so its cool when i can make something others enjoy as well.

>see creative stuff spawn from the thread's passion
mhm i was thinking of putting the general name on it just cause it wouldnt even exist otherwise.
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How explicit are greentexts allowed to be? Might post a continuation of >>56685635 but I don't think the jannies appreciate descriptive smut on a blue board, which is why I kept it vague in my previous posts.
Monsters should always be physically stronger than humans in fiction imo. Borderline feral monster tamed by feminine charm is something I love. I absolutely self insert as typhlosion, I want to be him. Or any monsterous creature that has fallen for a human girl.
You should be good being as explicit as you want to be.
ive written some horny shit on here and nothing really happened uhh
Honestly, I feel like a lot of the "apology" stuff, at least on this board, are falseflaggers. I swear the only people actually mad about this are the people who already didn't like Typhlosion, everyone else is having fun, kek.
>usually just draw it for myself
Same, but with writing. Anyways, you certainly have an audience now and I wish you luck on your creative endeavors.
>wish you luck
same to you. writing is difficult and sometimes underappreciated imo. i cant get into something unless theres plot or scenarios or like character interactions.
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NTA but writing is super underappreciated. I write things for myself and people will always tear you down because they dont like what you've written, so its nice to get positive interactions on my rarepair shit. Right now im working on a rewrite of jewel of life because I love arceus, and already when I posted a snippet in a fanfiction discord someone called it 'cringe' and also got mad the main character is transmasc though its not explicit. think male pronouns but born female. Its crazy how they'll be relentless lmao. I always thought of arceus as male since that movie, but I am incorporating some of the new lore with him as a zeus type and i'm writing it for me and not them. I'm getting railed by that llama and they cant stop me. it's very gratifying finishing a work and hitting post for myself.
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shh the baby is hungry
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Monsters being stronger makes sense. Like, the point of a monster is to be strong. Historically so the hero's defeating them would be more impressive. In pokemon that element is still there with the whole idea of being badass enough to capture and train powerful pokemon, but I don't think that element is in this thread as much. If monsters weren't strong, I don't think any of us would like them.

Personally I like inserting as the weirder pokemon more than pokemon like typhlosion. Give me something with tentacles or a special ability. Ghosts are good too. I would love to try possessing someone.
not sure how i wouldnt get horny at being the bottom scenario gee. nice pics.
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there were a few posts about it in the previous thread but I really like Gengar, he’s a cute way to fantasize about those rapey stalker fantasies, he’s a creepy weirdo but with a sarcastic joker personality, or at least that’s how he is for me
>hmm i wonder why people would get mad at me forcing unnecessary gender garbage down their throats
Just make them a female like a normal person ffs
If you dont like it, dont read it. Its properly tagged. Thats on you for being incapable of not entering things you dont like and bitching about it
>being incapable of not entering things you you dont like and bitching about it
Tbh I can still enjoy the story without giving much thought to the weird genderblob shit (all those "transmasc scara implied!1!" fics gave me the ability to not give a fuck)
Just, why would you deliberately choose to make a female MC just to go through mental hoops to call them male? Just make them female and call it a day.
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>how do you like the human girl self insert to look like?
To look almost like me, white, brown hair with a ponytail, glasses and a little chubby.
>do you like anthros and ferals or just one?
>do you want to meet your husband (fully evolved for example) or do you want to raise him (from an egg or as a starter for example) ?
Fully evolved! I first met my shiny Hypno when I hunted him through dexnav in AS
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I don't want to be a creep or to possess someone who doesn't want it. It'd be something I'd talk about with my trainer first, and we'd set a time and a place where she's comfortable with it for the first time.
Getting to bathe or masturbate in her body would be nice but I feel to get the full possession experience, I'd have to impersonate her in public. Maybe just shopping, or meeting with her friends, show her how easily I can trick people with her body and muscle memory.

I'd be surprised if possession is a remotely common for people to fantasize about receiving though, and my enjoyment would depend on the person I'm dragging along as a passenger in their own body liking it. And if she likes it enough to let me use her body as a puppet and plaything whenever I want, that would be wonderful.
because its a self insert. Thats how I feel about myself. I dont explicitly discuss it because doing a pronoun round robin is cringe, but its based on feelings i have about my own body. I myself am extremely flat chested, tall, and have a deep voice. its kind of a curse being misgendered like that to this day that you develop complex feelings about being a girl, im largely disinterested in other people. This is my outlet. that said i cant stand when people put modern twitter lingo and conversations in their fics, that shit is insufferable.
beautiful anon, what a happy family Ginger cynthia is kino
The root of the problem is simple:
girls aren't allowed to be "tomboys" anymore. You like "male-oriented" things? You have to be trans. You're an egg. You're not allowed to be a woman and like ""male"" things, there's something wrong with you... and I have the solution: expensive surgeries and monthly hormone regimens that totally won't have long lasting effects on your mind and body.
It's ironic to me how we've gone from "only boys can play with trucks" to "everyone can play with trucks" and now "if you play with trucks, you're a boy"
okay and if I dont want those things and I am just fine how I am? What then?
clearly you're not, if your last post is anything to go by
sure bud, you know me better than I do. Thats why I enjoy writing about it.
thats really sad. having those features doesnt make you less of a woman.. i hope you can be happy with your body one day and not do this weird tranny coping nonsense
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This shit is bad for boys too. Self ID is a joke, but what's really happening is ID by stereotype, which is way worse.
believe it or not, I know how you feel. I've been through it. I'm tall, stocky, and have a low voice. I often get called 'sir' when people see me from behind, even if I go out of my way to wear girly clothes that I don't necessarily like to wear.
But I'm still allowed to be a woman. It doesn't matter that I don't fit into people's preconceived notions of what a "woman" is.
If I'd been born even five years later, I would've been manipulated into being trans because honestly, I'm an autistic, gullible person.
Absolutely. The people who are trying to help are making things worse by gaslighting vulnerable people.
i do miss the "fuck gender roles and stereotypes you can be whatever you want" era, short-lived as it was
really felt like things were looking up
but of course good things never last
>On one side you have macho dudes and guys who hate women forcing guys to be miserable dickheads
>On the other side you have manipulative mentally ill freaks targeting those same guys and tomboys by making them mutilate themselves
Both sides are practically cults that don't care about the people they target and simply want to encourage mental illness in their victims, because it furthers their agenda, through "a community that accepts them". It's fucking sad.
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>develop 2 personalities inside your f head where one is the masculine and the other the cute girl
it just works
based schizomaxxer
Having a tulpa does not make you a woman.
A self‐induced schizophrenia?
from husbando thread
that's fucking hot
Excellent use of screentones.
all of it is you. thats just how i visualize it. its more like you are now free to use whichever one you want or need.

lets say you hear an insult. the girl inside me would be very sad but the masculine would just say fuck it why do you even care bitch? in that moment you use the masculine but you dont lose the feminine like many would do. you keep both.

you have both inside and it comes naturally. its not a tulpa. just different parts of yourself. sure sometimes you cant control it 100% (humans are emotional after all) but its good and i know who i am.
you can be harsh and independent if required but you dont lose the ability to be soft and wanting to depend on someone. thats what i think makes sense to me. you allow yourself to use whatever trait you want without letting any others you have get in the way. they can all coexist.

i have some sort of ideal in my head of a woman i look up to and a man and i try to have them both inside me.
Okay, Alien X.
Anon, why do you internally label all your thoughts male and female? You don't have to waste time doing that. Just think like a normal person and your thoughts will be more flexible. And why is your internal definition of many thoughts a stoic asshole?
Pokemon based on this when? I?'m sure the yumes would "love" it hahaha...
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diddle the dengo
Being diddled by the dengo!
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its not about being rude for no reason anon. sometimes in life its required to be strong. you just cant let it get to you when bad things happen and then break apart because of it. i never said the masc traits cant ever be nice. you just kinda assumed that from 1 example.

i think of these as traits that i like and keep and not singular thoughts. i dont label every sentence in my mind. you probably dont understand what i mean and thats completely okay but also not a reason to be rude yourself. i cant convey who i am as a person to someone who isnt me. all i can do is try to describe it.
How would this actually work without being some abomination? I can't imagine a giant floating foot would make a good pokemon design. Don't let your fetish get ahead of good design sensibility.
He gets so much love, it's fascinating
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diddling dengo in his sleep!
this sounds less like some secret truth about masculinity and femininity and more like autism
>you wake up in bed beside your beloved
>best sleep since the first night with your hubby
>your very own comforting mareep wool futon and blanket you grew up with, piled up on top of you both
>chilly late autumn morning air seeping into cave
>doesn't matter because bedspread and snuggled warm husband
>contrast of cold and warm is absolutely divine
>can't possibly think of leaving bed
>nature calls
>must be because of your growing baby pushing on your bladder
>your belly is getting so big, probably expecting early spring of next year
>you MUST get up. But still too cold, even with your winter clothes now available
>you nudge your hubby and he stirrs with a sleepy grumble
>he's still tired from sneaking around the village all day yesterday
>with a kiss to his nose, you ask him to help you outside and to be your fuzzy heating blanket
>he takes a deep breath before warmly huffing in your face in an affectionate sigh
>'Anything for you, love', then a lick to your lips
>that's your hubby, always dependable
>He stands from the soft blankets, firecollar igniting as he holds out his arms for you
>it's like passing from one heaven into the next when you embrace him
>morning chill nipping at your sides
>doesn't matter because perfectly soft typhlosion bellyfur and bodyheat seeping into you
>you slip on your sandals
>awkwardly clip-clop outside to the designated bathroom area while he's hugging onto you
>squat, do your business off the cliffside
>hubby wrapped around you, patiently hugging onto you
>literal walking heating pad, body so warm and comforting he makes you feel at home even outside the cave
>finish and dab, thanking him before awkwardly clip-clopping back to the cave while hugging him
>slip back under the still-warm futon with him
>snuggle up to him again, swollen belly pressing to his fuzzy body
>he nuzzles into your shoulder
>you fall asleep against his cheek, letting the cold morning pass
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Shut up and talk about husbands
>father calling your name
>want to reply to him but typhlosion blocks your path
>father seems lost without you
>typhlosion hubby not who you expected him to be
>usually kind, sweet, and gentle
>now he's monsterous, angry, and vengeful
>he grabs your father, firecollar crackling
>you scream out for him to stop
>father yells in agony as he's engulfed in flames
>wake up
>it was just a dream
>late afternoon
>hubby not in bed with you
>he must be out hunting again for winter
>familiar voice rings out through the gathering snow
>no mistake, it's your father's voice
>must have heard him calling you in your sleep
>you tear up, haven't heard from him since you were taken
>don't want to go back to the village, but can't help feeling sorry for him
>about to call out to him when hubby appears in the cave entrance
>he has a stern expression
>you waddle to him in a comforting hug, but he claps his paw to your mouth before looking out to the forest below
>your father still calls out to you
>you're unsure if you want to answer, but even if you wanted to, hubby won't let you
>he glares in the direction of your daddy's voice
>father still calling your name
>minutes pass, your father's calls fade
>hubby removes his paw from your mouth
>you cling to his fur and ask him why
>he looks down to you with a regretful expression, before suddenly taking off
>he bounds out through the frosty brush, leaving you alone
>you need answers
>you hike down the mountain
>spirits willing, you'll remember the path down to your village
>terrain and your belly makes it difficult, luckily it's daylight and fair weather
>you slide down icy rocks and make frequent rests
>village in the valley below, you'll make it by teatime
>exhausted, you eventually arrive
>neighbors milling about
>you summon all your courage and walk through the gate
>neighbors glance, then double-take
>they say your name, staring
>crowd suddenly gathers. shit, you should have thought this through
>"Where have you been? We though you were dead! Your family has been worried sick!"
>don't care. Need to see your father
>"He left this morning to look for you. Your mother is out gathering nuts"
>you head to your home, unconcerned
>enter the partition
>house is empty
>missing cutlery, pottery
>head to your room
>all your bedding is gone
>Ry really did just teleport your human comforts into your cave home
>you begin to leave, enter into the living room
>that's right, why hadn't you remembered?
>hanging on the wall is a typhlosion pelt
>one your father had hunted
>you take the pelt from its hooks
>familiar smell... like hubby-- but also not.
>do all typhlosion smell this way, or...?
>sound of disturbed gravel
>you turn. hubby is in the yard. wind chime ringing, partition blowing in the wind
>you turn again
>father is in the doorway, his expression a mixture of emotion; bewildered, elated, and stern
>"Anon, put that down. Come here. Come back to me. Come back to your family, please."
>father is stoic as ever, barely able to hide the desperation in his voice
>Hubby looks your way with a resolute expression. He knows you'll make the right choice
>you look down to the pelt, then up to your father
>you wish things didn't have to be so difficult
>you wish humans and pokemon could get along
>but the moment gives you no other options
>you must choose one or the other
>your father, or your husband
>I'm sorry daddy
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well i though that one was obvious. its not a secret. back to typhlosion posting.
Well, its true form is either a tanuki or a kitsune in some myths...
>you don the pelt and elemental spiritual fire fills you
>your father yells
>your hands become paws, your skin bristles with fur, and the cold of the air disappates with your radiating bodyheat
>you bound out toward your husband on all fours
>daddy rushes after you, grabbing his bow from the display over the hearth
>you skip up the mountain with your husband. Despite your pregnancy, what took you hours to descend only takes minutes to ascend
>panting, you arrive at your cave home
>hubby speaks to you directly for the first time, "I knew you'd choose me, my love. However, we must leave. Your village will surely come after us."
>you can't believe it, the thrill is just like the first night when you were kidnapped, except now it's eloping of your own volition
>you ask where there is to go
>"I know a safe place, but we may need to return here. We must bury the entrance so it won't be found."
>you nod and assist you husband as he places rocks, dirt, and foliage over the entrance
>less than half an hour passes and you both can hear sounds of human men climbing the mountain
>"We must go now, there's no more we can do, quickly now."
>Obediently, you follow your husband into the brush
To be continued...
i think ikuta_semi is my favorite male pokemon/female human artist but she barely posts pokemon stuff anymore..
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Gallade a qt
>snuggle up to him again, swollen belly pressing to his fuzzy body
this makes me woozy

>you wish humans and pokemon could get along
this was painful.. tears... maybe its just one of those days but this hit me

>Obediently, you follow your husband into the brush
actually cute. would say giwtwm but running away from family is a very sad circumstance.

this is really awesome Citrus. i would love to read more if you do more. thank you so much.
go ahead.
prove us wrong.
make my fucking day.
but until you do, THERE ARE NO WOMEN ON /VEEPEE/
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I'm really happy for the positive feedback, it makes me wanna keep writing

I do have more ideas in my mind of what'll happen next, so stay tuned ^^
MGTOW Typhlosion.
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does anybody else not really like knots i think theyre kinda gross looking and wouldnt feel good
This is the kind of situation that makes me rethink living in the cave with him. Maybe a small rustic hut would be comfy. But at the same time I want to live in his element and share his experiences.
I think they look wonderful but what does it for me is the whole joining together with each other in a literal copulatory tie. After studying reproductive biology I am irreparably damaged. I could not sit through those lectures without rubbing my legs together.
I support rape and Typhlosion, but stop masturbating to animals
You troons have really gotta get a grip and not goon to animals. You have autism, not the soul of a w*man
>Raise him from an egg, and our bonds develop as we grow together
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part 1 done
well its something

>catbox down
just my luck

yeah ill probably redo the glasses scribbles and some other scribbles im just tired
fuckin based, keep up the good work
Please make it so Typhlosion reheats his food using his own flames after he's done fucking her.
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ive been thinking about his food getting cold too lmao. i wonder how that would look like. her holding it up over him over using a fire move. probably the second. i could include a funny panel like that as some after thing sure.
big balls Lopunny...
How can you say you love him if you wouldn't even eat his droppings?
That's fucking grim.
They look good in their form but the texture and surface of anything that's "sheathed" looks like something I'd have trouble touching. But luckily we can imagine alternatives.
And as the other anon said it's more about the function and experience.
i love how pokken-ish he looks... handsome
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cutee. nice anon.
I love it.
Very cute anon!
how many lovebites would this Typh give
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if you could play a game what would you even want to see. would the genre besides romance even matter.

>self insert that can wear and collect diff clothes
>diff monsters to choose from for marriage (that are actually cool like pokemon and not just furries or people)
>plot should try to be somewhat logical if youre a codelet like me
>strong emphasis on how human girls and monsters are made for each other
>typical interaction elements like riding or washing or following mons
>optional nsfw
>being able to make a family

these are at least my thoughts.
>you wake up covered in lovey bite marks
>whatever happened yesterday is a blur
>typh doesnt just love marking his property but he might be insecure about whether you love him or not (youre still a human girl after all..)
>caused him to go a little overboard last night
>youre so embarrassed but love seeing them in the mirror
>well at least people know who you belong to he says
>walks up to you from behind and gives you one more for good measure on your neck
>teeth are spiky but you like the feeling of em burying into you and melt into a puddle
>theres just something so primal about his desires
action RPG in the style of kingdom hearts entirely so you can have homoerotic limit attacks with your husbando
I am remembered of the days of Animal Crossing (RIP) General (RIP)

And you can bet I would love an AC-style game for monster guys. But those cowards at Nintendo won't even let us cohabit with our villagers.
A journey like Girls Last Tour with you and pokehubby across the pokemon world
based. the atmosphere of the world comes to mind and how it contributes a lot.

wish there were more ac clones that are actually good and address this. the game does have a lot of dialogue so i get why there arent more. still hm taking parts of it can work by being able to have your own lil house. that would be cool.
The dream is a traditional Pokémon game with a drawn anime-style and animated sprites. I absolutely despise the empty open-worlds they've given us in the past couple of games. I don't care if they have to go back to fixed camera to make it more polished so long as they have interesting locations and dungeons like in the earlier games. The switch games being full of copy paste houses and fake storefronts really killed my interest in those regions. Bring back Pokémon Amie and let me ride my Pokémon like in Lets Go.
Let me be annoying and rant a little bit more. Pokémon Legends Arceus is the worst victim of this. The concept of a past Sinnoh Region is absolutely fucking immaculate. Gen 4 were my first games and I was so excited to see what all the towns looked like long ago and see the region recreated in 3D. Instead we got an empty region with only 3(?) settlements. The areas were full of FUCKING NOTHING so it just felt like I was running from objective to objective. Also the art style was absolutely abysmal. Desatured and lacking outlines despite using SWSH like models. The Pokémon world is a beautiful vibrant place let me see some fucking colour. Don't even get me started on the fact they made an entirely new battle gimmick but had barely any trainer battles in the games.
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there's a real lack of runerigus art in general
Any good artists worth commissioning?
I like dragon pokemon. Best of both worlds.
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>bring back amie and riding
agreed. an extension of amie would be even cooler where i could have some nintendogs like experience. i want them to build onto features they already made instead of scrapping them. interactions with pkmn should be expanded upon imo.

mm one of the reasons i cant play most modern pkmn stuff cause i just kinda get upset lol. getting thoughts like ah why didnt they do this? or why is that not a thing? i cant just turn my thoughts on that off. at least the phone games can be cute i suppose and i found some joy in that.

yeah i noticed that.. it just looks kinda muddy. i guess they were going for a certain vibe there but it just doesnt work i think. also dont understand their obsession with making everything pale sometimes.
also forgot to add
>that typhlosion but washing his human girl instead
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How would a first encounter go for many? would it be a strong dislike at first or would it be instant attraction?
i'm a man (male) so i would want to play as a monster and seduce humans and other monsters both male and female
Sorry but you get impregnated.
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How do I teach my pokemon to fuck me?
Bend over and most of them will get the idea.
I get my Shinx and I'm like 'Wow what a cute little guy!'.
Then he evolves Luxio and I'm like 'Wow what a cool little guy!'.
Then he evolves into Luxray and I turn into a puddle.
take him to the shower
>ywn go feral with your pokehusband innawoods
hopeless kidnapping for me thanks
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>how do you like the human girl self insert to look like?
I generally love brown, long, messy hair and while I'm starting to self-insert more as older characters (moms and milfy type chars with softer bodies) than the younger girl self-inserts but May and Green both still kind of resonate with me because I remember being that age. It's why I though the Typhlosion story kind of reminded me of old wet dream fanfiction and how I used to be into Typhlosion and gen 3 start finals as pokehusbandos.

>do you like anthros and ferals or just one?
Both but I tend to lean towards bipedal boys because they can do more. Feral behavior can be hot in the right context. I kind of prefer the idea of more feral mons like Furret or Scolipede being matched with a cute pokeboy that is kissable. Serpentine feral husbandos like Milotic and Serperior are fine as they are.

>who are/is your pokehusband/s?
Mostly the notorious femboy mons (Garde, Lopunny, Mawile, etc.) but I also have favs like Grimmsnarl and Ceruledge. Some of my more obscure picks are ones like Darkrai, Goodra (either form), Dragonite, Meowstic, Indeedee, eeveelution boys, etc. plus others previously mentioned.

>do you want to meet your husband (fully evolved for example) or do you want to raise him (from an egg or as a starter for example) ?
Depends on the mon. Some of them like Indeedee and Mawile don't evolve at all. Gardevoir as a shota Ralts and Kirlia is perfection but I would prefer Grimmsnarl just as Grimmsnarl since his prevos are very toony and goofy, he matures into perfection.

Anyways, I am sleep deprived so have a doodle of Gardevoir and Lopunny carrying trainer yumes. The ridemon Garchomp being canonically female ruins the game for me so I'm glad Rodeo got cancelled. The other ridemons were also kind of bad imo, save for maybe owl boy. He is kind of cute.
They're definitely overrated and I think most knot fiends like it because they want to just anally experience popping the knot in and out, which defeats the whole entire purpose of what the knot is supposed to do lol; it's supposed to lock the penis inside the vagina to maximize insemination odds.

I kinda just prefer the thought that most monsters would most likely be tamed towards giving the best female orgasm experience possible and becoming multiorgasmic over it, versus how in the wild monsters just mate for the sake of procreating. Someone else made a huge post about like, how human males have already been tamed by human females to do so and they try to pass that on to feral fems, who (surprise surprise) also tend to prefer being treated well. I can't see how feral male mons wouldn't also particularly enjoy having a partner that not only wants their sex but prolongs their sex and orgasms, purely for the sake of enjoying the feeling. (Even though male mons being excitable quickshots is also hot in its own right.)
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the ones fresh out of the wild are quickshots, the ones raised from an egg or caught at a low level have been trained to last longer
>image is literally perfect at encapsulating the entire fantasy
>wonder where it's from
>it was made 14 years ago
>nothing new from the artist
WTFFFFFF. I absolutely can't understand the absolute lack of content for us. Like, what the hell. Are there really so few people with good taste?
I agree with that anon that called the typh story teratokino. Yet somehow we almost get no proper content for pokemon despite there being like a million werewolf novels? What's going on?

At the very least I found out that there's a "if they mated" tag on danbooru... and it's mostly used for human ships. Fuck me I guess.
I accept this as canon now.
lol that reminds me of a comment I saw recently. linked because I think it would ruin the atmosphere of this place.

Honestly I don't really need to think that realistic about it. They are just good lovers because they love humans.
Knots are based when there's a narrative progression around the act of fitting the whole thing in.
and I appreciate the being stuck together quality, you know?
i'm not a huge fan, but i still appreciate the taboo. realism is not very important to me, so i can imagine variants that feel a little less like something that would just get in the way.
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Gonna post more greentexts later. For now, I just want anons who previously posted them to know that Garchomp, Dusknoir, and Darkrai are all fantastic choices for husbands :)
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let's go to the spirit world together!
im not a pokephiliac but sex with a lickitung...hmmm
that pokemon riding game but it's harvest moon. i just want to have a little farm and make friends with the nearby pokemon with some well-scripted events.
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heck yea
they’re so perfect together
ever since pmd i had a super big soft spot for dusknoir... i want him to manipulate me
butt sex with a lickitung
i like if she looks like me, but there's so little for what i'm into i'll take whatever.


unown/darkrai/runerigas. one of my earliest fantasies was being abducted by unown and have them enter me until they started growing out of my skin. i have a massive thing for infestation with cold solid objects and ghost tentacles.

i find the idea of teaching eldritch horrors how to rape you amusing, but it kind of defeats the point don't it. would still do it if i could
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god he's so hot
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>you follow hubby into the wilderness of the mountain
>at first the pace is rushed, solely trying to escape the humans that are tracking you both
>the thrill of escape dies down as the chase seems to end and the men of the village give up
>now just you and hubby weaving through the foliage at a steady pace
>you feel so free and graceful in this form
>deep forest doesn't feel scary or oppressive anymore
>spend hours just following hubby, taking in the sights, sounds and smells of nature
>light begins to fade, hubby arrives to a sheer cliff
>"We will rest here for tonight, but we must continue in the morning."
>you ask, 'we left them far behind. surely they're not still after us?'
>"Human hunters are patient, if not relentless."
>settle down beside eachother, sunset came and went, it's already dusk
>lingering light on the horizon, just stars out
>nighttime cold. can see breath in the air, but not chilled because now fire-type and hubby's warm furry body.
>life as a pokemon doesn't seem too bad, you could get used to it
>Maybe Ry was wrong about raising your child as a human. maybe you could just stay as a pokemon.
>Hubby staring at you silently, expression of longing
>you rub your muzzle under his chin, 'hey, it's ok. everything's ok now. we made it. I won't ever leave you, I promise.'
>he shakes his head, "It's not that."
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>'oh? ohhh, I see. you want a reward for being so strong and handsome and dependable, don't you?'
>you lick his cheek. to be honest, you're curious about having sex AS a pokemon with your pokemon husband
>hubby looks away, a little uncomfortable. "No..."
>you ask, 'why not?'
>he pauses, then, "We need to rest. Besides, it's not good for the baby."
>painfully obvious excuses. he's such a bad liar.
>smugly, 'you'd prefer it if I wasn't a typhlosion? if I took off the pelt?'
>he looks embarrassed
>in a singsong voice you tease and nip at his cheek, 'hubby's got a fetish for human girls!~'
>"That's not..." he sighs
>'don't try to deny it! you know love my human body.'
>he rolls his eyes with a smile, "It IS true..."
>you can't help but giggle. he's so cute
>you stand and instinctively reach behind your back
>you grab your fur and pull, and it comes loose
>the typhlosion pelt falls off from you and you're your nude human self again
>with a twinkle in your eye, you playfully show yourself off to him
>wiggle your hips and cup your chest for him
>gently, because sensitive breasts because pregnant
>he folds the pelt neatly and places it to the side, before opening his jaws and lustfully grabs you
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>mouth instantly full of hubby's tongue
>hot, slick, cheek-bulging bliss of his makeout kisses
>like a gentleman, he holds you and rolls onto his back so the gravel and dry brush doesn't scrape your skin, cradling your hips at his crotch
>chilly mountain air countered by his warm fluff as you straddle him
>you can feel his hot dick emerging from its sheath and poking at your butt as he humps up at you
>he gently rocks you, craning his neck upwards to continue the kisses
>you shiver as you roll your hips back against his tip, feeling him swell with every beat of his heart
>no need to be quiet, just you sweetly whimpering and moaning into his mouth with only the stars as witnesses to your firey passion
>he's huffing back, breath blowing over your face, deep growls of pleasure and lust
>his cock throbs at full mast, tapping against your cheeks and leaving warm dewdrops of his prenut that quickly cool on your skin from the mountain air
>the foreplay has quickly come to an end. you need eachother. now.
>you scoot your hips forward, your cunt leaving a slick trail in his bellyfur as his tip traces between your cheeks, notching into your lips
>the anticipation is killing you
>you break the kiss only to sweetly beg your husband just above a whisper, 'fuck me'
>no matter how many times he ruts you, the sex you have with him is indescribably perfect every time
>like he knows how to push all your right buttons, how to make you squirm in his arms
>you quiver and scream out in delight, as his cock thrusts up into you with ease, your once long-ago tight hole having been completely molded his shape and size
>hot, throbbing hubby meat stuffed up inside your petite pregnant body. gets your back arching as you lose yourself to the pleasure
>hubby sits up, you're in his lap now, he's gently bouncing you, hugging onto you
>audible wet shlicks of how his cock disappears inside your sopping folds
>gravity forcing your hips down in the best way, his cocktip pushing just beside your cervix for maximum depth, your baby bump pressed to his bellyfur
>lost feeling in your legs, just have to let him bounce you in his lap
>he's so strong and so gentle with you at the same time
>you desperately smooch his chin for more kisses, and he laps at your lips, rumbling with all his own equal passion
>'i love you! i love you, hubby!'
>"I love you too, Anon."
>purer words never spoken
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>you cling to his fur, getting bounced and rocked on his monster dick to your utter delight, mind full of nothing but him
>your eyes feel wet again. you're such a crybaby, but you can't help it, you just love him so much it's almost unbearable
>you beg him to give it to you, for him to cum inside, for him to knot you, for him to not hold anything back
>he bites onto your shoulder, hot breath cascading over your arm and breast as he growls, an animal lost to passion
>you can feel the swell of his knot papping at your soaked lips-- you ache to be tied with him again
>you need to become one with him again, for that inescapable finale of being locked with him for hours on end
>your tummy is hot and ready, his knotted dick stiff and spry within your velvety walls
>his grunts and growls devolve into guttural roars, you can feel his embrace tense all around you, squeezing you from the sheer stimulation
>his bulbs are pressssed to your soaked lips and POP inside you with an electric tingle that rushes up your spine
>the pop is followed by the wonderful, rapid aching swell of his knot, perfectly sealing your human cunt as he spills his monster spunk up into you
>each solid twitch of his cock releases a voluminus hot jet of his love bursting into you, as he squishes you to his warm fuzzy body
>your own orgasm finally crashes over you as he floods you with his virility
>you can't help your own eyes as they roll up and your lashes flutter, mouth open and tongue out like an experienced courtesan as you moan in absolute ecstasy
>ears ringing, cunt tingling, belly hot and full, quivering on his dick
>can't hold onto consciousness
>you fall facefirst into hubby's neckfur, last thing you hear is him panting as he rolls onto his back
To be continued...
Good stuff
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Incredibly based yumie, what a hot and unique fantasy! Unown are so cool and mysterious :D
Japan needs to get off open-world, they don't do it right. Everything tries to copy Zelda: BotW, but that game's open-world was terrible, they only got away with it because western zelda fans and japanese gamers in general never played Morrowind/Skyrim/Oblivion or even Grand Theft Auto so they didn't understand what the point of an open-world even was. Nintendo's stated goal with BotW was to make a game like 6 times as big as Skyrim, the problem is there's way WAY less to do in that world than there is in western open-world games.

Zelda/Pokemon open-world ended up being more like Daggerfall or DIRT or something, where the world is to real world scale, but unless you're standing within 100 feet of a town/cave/dungeon there's absolutely nothing to do. That's kryptonite for Pokemon because Pokemon regions should feel like a real living place. There's nothing cozy or interesting about endless plains and mountains and rolling hills. If you could just find caves everywhere with unique pokemon encounters etc, you could do a lot of cool worldbuilding, but as long as the world is too big and too empty it just feels like a video game level with 3D pokemon models dumped in it.
>decide to engage with my autism by mixing pokemon and minecraft
>spend the day evolving cyndaquil into typhlosion, building a comfy cave with moss blocks, and exploring a bit to catch other mons
>intend to continue this the next day
>instead I wake up with the urge to maximize the amount of comfy exploring I can do
>I now haven't played properly for two days because of this sudden urge to mod the game exactly to my liking
why am I like this
I just wanted to have some comfy time with my pokehusband
Open world and RPGs, especially JRPGs, don't mix well because of the way the progression systems work. I could go on about it but I could also just gesture vaguely in the direction of Xenoblade X compared to every other much better balanced Xenoblade title and we'd be more or less on the same page. Xenoblade's, for lack of a better term, "open map" design where there's a handful of large areas that have obvious linear progression but lots of chances to explore for various side quests and other stuff is perfect for Pokemon where instead of fighting a Unique Monster for vague reasons you can instead fetch Pokemon creatures. Unfortunately Monolith Soft is just way far ahead of everyone else and even they aren't perfect because BotW/TotK's maps are mediocre at best and rarely take advantage of both games excellent mechanics. As it stands both Game Freak and fans are arguably better sticking to the more narrow classic JRPG format as increasing scope and having to test for anything more than that is a fucking nightmare. I guess this is the threadly reminder to play Pokemon Ecchi version even if it's only remotely what you guys are talking about, but maybe you can fuck around with Pokemon Essentials to make your own ideal game I dunno.
>Pokemon Ecchi
I've seen it plugged enough at this point, I'll check it out.

I think they'd do well to borrow from other JRPG series in general. Xenoblade is a good start, but I think there's influence to be gained from Dark Souls and SMT as well. SMT uses large open non-linear areas connected by some kind of map screen, and they've fit monster catching gameplay into that formula for 20 years with no major complaints from fans. Dark Souls is obviously a seamless experience with no map just like older pokemon games. You hit the nail on the head with "open map." Pokemon, and Zelda, and SMT, and pretty much all old JRPGs had an open map. The transition to an open-world where you have to be able to go anywhere you can see is terrible.

I won't really explain the whole reason why, but a big part of this problem comes from the fact that Zelda is seen as and marketed as an action RPG series in Japan and heavily influenced actual RPGs back in the 80s and again now in the 2010s/2020s. So as you can imagine, execs in multiple companies making RPGs probably saw the sales numbers for BotW and started pounding on their desks to copy it.
>EldenDarkDemonBlood games
Due to the action elements I think that's probably not a good place to look, as action RPGs have two ways to improve; improve your gameplay or improve your stats. Technically JRPGs are similar given understanding of what your moves even do is important but low level runs of JRPGs are very different than action RPGs. See Kingdom Hearts 2 if you want another example.
Firstly, I don't know much about SMT but when I think of it I always think of 1, 2, and Strange Journey, or whatever CBT Marsh is putting himself through this week that puts him in in Micon City on the 8th floor of Daedalus Tower, and our first task is to get to the bottom and kill the Minotaur. Or to put it another way, mostly fun suffering mazes or towns with a world map if you're lucky. Secondly, yes they definitely have had major complaints but that's pretty normal for the internet at this point.
>Pokemon, and Zelda, and SMT, and pretty much all old JRPGs had an open map.
I'd argue that most of those games are way too small scale for that sort of thing, but that's also due to hardware limitations a lot of the time. And exceptions like Chrono Trigger that explicitly cut all the fat on almost every individual map.
>Zelda is seen as and marketed as an action RPG series in Japan
It's a real shame they're fucking retarded since Zelda barely has any RPG elements outside of what Zelda 2, the game only the Hollow Knight devs like? Seriously, Zelda has more in common with Metroid and fucking Banjo Kazooie.
I'm probably getting a little too off topic though. I'm willing to continue if you want game design analysis for any particular concept, but this general high level stuff is better saved for a thread that needs good discussion more than this one which has perfectly good discussion already.
I just meant the map design, not the action RPG gameplay. And with SMT I meant the newer 3D games, not the 1st person dungeon crawlers. Zelda is an RPG series in Japan because it was seen as a ripoff of Hydlide, which was seen as a ripoff of Tower of Druaga, the first Action RPG. We didn't get either of those games over here until years later, so we see Zelda differently. Like you said though, we're straying from the topic. Maybe we'll run into each other in one of the myriad "complaining about pokemon gameplay" threads that pop up in the future though and can save it for then.

PS. Megami Tensei 1 rules, and Micon City is a great famicom song.
>Putting every other Xenoblade's "open worlds" over X
Shit taste.
i used to DREAM of a sinnoh remake and couldn't wait to see it on the reimagined in 3d.....imagine my horror when they announced chibi remasters that not even gamefreak wanted to make and some fugly demo that could have released on the Wii in 2009
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why not both?

i enjoy the idea of her squirming under him as hes already filling her out but now hes trying to get the knot in as well. now its stretch out training. at the moment of orgasm it could simply swell up in the right way and plug her up. monsters dont necessarily have to work like real animals. you can just make up whatever fits your taste and i always think of them as evolving alongside humans so their dicks would simply fit with what humans have. also humans simply dont have the parts a female dog would.. so it going in doesnt even have to mean shes loose or anything like that. that feels more like a natural thing that just happens because human pussy is build differently.

i can understand the frustration though if you dont like the idea of it going in and out at all. the idea that it just feels good for both isnt all that hard to understand though even if someone isnt into it imo.
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this is a cute drawing anon.

almost pmd edition.

>'oh? ohhh, I see. you want a reward for being so strong and handsome and dependable, don't you?'
blush moment. theres something so nice about making him feel good. gives me energy.

>he rolls his eyes with a smile, "It IS true..."

>like a gentleman, he holds you and rolls onto his back so the gravel and dry brush doesn't scrape your skin.
he cares so much ghgff.

>you desperately smooch his chin for more kisses.
the shape of hubbies head...

>all those good lewd lines.
>the idea of cute preg sexo with monster hubby.

>purer words never spoken.
(sip) mm yep. tastes like the finest red wine on my tongue.

>your eyes feel wet again. you're such a crybaby, but you can't help it, you just love him so much it's almost unbearable.
cute cute cute. i bet shes red like a tomato because tears building up.

>his bulbs are pressssed to your soaked lips and POP inside you with an electric tingle that rushes up your spine.

>floods you with his virility.
hubby filling your body and soul like your puzzle piece. just wonderful.

what a meal. thank you for the greens.

(i imagine it must be quite different to be preg. as someone who sleeps on the belly i bet it would take a bit to get used to yet it would also be very wholesome.)
>I'd argue that most of those games are way too small scale for that sort of thing,
There's an interesting question to ask where the cut-off point is. Is "open world" really just defined by scale to distinguish from the explorability and free movement of other genres?
Because I feel like exactly that thinking led to creators making "open world" games that are a lot of empty walking between objectives.
I'd probably much prefer something that's small scale but has a lot of connectivity as the alternative if they will keep expanding on that formula now.
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Again, very grateful for the feedback. Human/Monster romance is such classic yet rare perfection, I'm happy I can do it some justice, especially for the female audience ; v ; There's more to come in the future, more exposition and drama-- less smut. Was actually planning on posting it all of that today, but seggs just naturally fell into place to assist the plot, lol

I assume you'd get used to sleeping on your side pretty quickly, but that's honestly the least of your worries with the more pressing symptoms taking up your attention = v = Having a baby is hard work, which is why it's so beautiful imo
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are you me? i used to have nightmares where these little fuckers would chase me around that i thought was so hot when i woke up lol.
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trying to finish the big family drawing today
Moid writer from /trash/ here. Been reading the last several threads and love how comfy this place is !
Honestly this general's been great for inspiration so I think I'll contribute a yume fic before long. While most of my existing work is /hmofa/, I always liked the rare /amohf/ threads and would help with bumping them. Closest fic I have to something on topic right now though is a lewd story about a male Sneasler set in the PMD world.
very appreciated anon. ive enjoyed/contributed male human on f pkmn myself in the past so its cool to see that positivity.
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I always wondered how serpentine Pokémon like Dragonair and Milotic would move their bodies during sex.
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How do I have sex with my female Dragalge?
Good choice but
I don't know buy her dinner or something.
I didn't know they had mfofh threads there too. I assume there simply aren't enough women (or self-inserting guys) on 4chan to really keep up a general interest into somethiing this niche.
Which is a real shame, because where else would you even bring this up? Furry forums?
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request done. enjoy it everybody.

i think this might be my best work yet.
i will probably color this.
Cinderace is such a cute twink
Modern Typh but it's with a girl that dominates him and he's too shy.
how fast is she laying those things if she is already pregnant while there's two eggs unhatched.
Also the way her hair is styled is cute. Really fit for the tribal pokélifestyle.
When I breed Pokémon in game I can step away for a moment and there's a new egg for me to collect.
I don't know maybe do the worm? the wave? Or maybe the lady does all the work?
nightmares can do for some interesting inspiration. i don't think i've ever had an unown dream, gotta ask darkrai for one. i love the idea of getting hooked up to a hivemind and the faint vibrations of their little eye things moving around on your skin.
You ever saw how snakes do it? They either wrap each other or they form a big pile.
How a man should treat his wife.
Kubfu is really fucking cute holy shit. Literally made for /ss/. I never even considered it before seeing the introductory cutscene in my Isle of Armour replay just now.
all first-stage fighting types are made for /ss/. machop, tyrogue, timburr, pancham, riolu, scraggy. all of them. also marshadow.
for me, it's the bratty pancham that turns into the rough pangoro
he's only a "little" mad you didn't let him act out as a first stage
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ss with all the cutemons
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also idk how i forgot to make an anchor post for original art. welp.
That's his children.
>Person holding the image was trying to find the horny rapist so that he may do the same to her, but instead she finds a mellowed out guy with kids
I love it, so fucking cute. I bet they're all shapeshifters
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Knuckles the echidna
they were definitely fucking in the anime..
>moid slop
>she desperately tries to make him relapse
i think it's hot when women get so horny their morals go out the window
did you draw this cause i see no saucenow result for this
This thread has tons of slop, we enjoy it anyway
Don't turn our nice thread into a femcel campground. The sexes should lubby chudder here
But at least make sure it's qualitatively well drawn.
well, if it's random images anyway. I'm always happy about OC.
Do you imagine your husband speaking human language or just saying his name?
based. just the wife thinking of their first meeting together.

he probably still has it in him.
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/ss/ with gimmighoul, the tiniest and the cutest of pokeshotas
Coinfucker don't fall to evil!
I still get off to it
i think my husbandos can all talk. how else are they going to vocally dominate me and swear as theyre about to cum.

i agree with this.
It's not evil, they are literally 1500 years old.
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i like the tail wagging
well its lovely anon. cute.
You're so sweet thank you
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sad how little explicit material unown has when he's a literal flying dildo. r34 has a handful of pics but it's very porn-y. i don't mind rapeshit i'm the last person to point any fingers there... but people just kind of treat him like ... well, a flying dildo and i think he's more interesting than that.
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also ugh ive been drawing so much i forgot to make the activity drawing
I hope raichyume sees this
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i- im pretty sure thats me unless theres another one but thank you so much.

also thanks to everyone who liked my previous drawings.
i know what you mean. rapeshit is the only thing i've ever really been into, but very few drawings of it do much for me. i just look at the general artsy ones and imagine the rest. eldritch is pretty good for that.

lovely pic, by the way
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That he is
you're welcome!
we've all hit a low point where we watched the Charizard x Braixen film out of *curiousity*
A female trainer deepthroating Typhlosion as a reward.
Listens to everything in battles, but aggressively dominating outside of battle?
Yeah. Maybe "reward" is the wrong term, perhaps it's more like incentive for him to listen to her during the battles because she's desperate for him to carry her and her kind of shit team.
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damn i had a pretty real feeling sexo dream with him. why cant that be every time. wish i could control my dreams.
>wish i could control my dreams.
I believe what you're looking for is lucid dreaming. If I recall, trying to write down what happened in your dream before you forget it is helpful for that sort of thing, so if you want to do that here before you do in fact forget go right ahead. If you don't feel comfortable sharing it just write it in a notepad, IRL or digital.
You guys still got sex dreams? Mine are all about losing my loved ones.
I'm almost sure I read a Scoliopede comic about that.
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i like the ambiguity. consentunown is cute, but again, barely any images. i want to see how they behave alone and when in a hive.

google kind of drowns out older resources with blog garbage but this one is pretty good https://www.dreamviews.com/introduction-zone/124786-beginners-guide-lucid-dreaming.html
ah that. i did try to learn it with the whole look away and then back thing thinking of a door that leads you somewhere. my dreams are so real that i learned how to wake myself up from nightmares but god i cannot control them for the life of me. i have no issue remembering them.

ill take a look at this. thank you.
Wrong type of frog. Prepare to die.
This initial concept of mons needing to be tamed towards humans plus >>56748603 the possibility of them having a fetish for humans is something that gave me an idea.

What if the Pokemon we encounter/abducts us whatever you prefer previously belonged to a human trainer but it was abandoned and released to the wild?
They still long for their companionship but also learnt to love human form from being raised by one. I guess it would be like giving a Pokemon mommy issues?
>"mommy" issues for monster boys
actually hilarious concept
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>decided to try out the bot today
i might be obsessed idk how im gonna get anything done now (drawings) holy shid owari da..
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not sure if new or if i just havent seen it before
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Anyone else husband this cute lizard or is it just me
Too skinny and bipedal for me but it get it.
from here idk but i mean theres an artist whos obsessed with him and greninja. i know he has lots of f fans in general.
Been a long time fan of Typh, and had one a while back, before all of this leak stuff happened. I never get those kinds of dreams so it was nice.
Maybe I’ll have to look into lucid dreaming for myself
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me and the girls
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>how do you like the human girl self insert to look like?
Never really self-inserted before, preferring to have separate characters to ship with my husbands. Then my friend drew literally me hugging my fave and something changed inside my brain on a fundamental level, I can't stop thinking about it. I need help.
Is he playing with your hair? cute
Guess you are his now.
I never thought I'd see any appeal in cheesestickmon until these threads
No, it's still unappealing
It proves that any pokemon is someone's favorite no matter how few.
I still think it looks weird for a pokemon (no offense) but I have started to really appreciate it. Like, I get it now. It's cute.
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Sometimes you wonder for some of the more humanoid pokemon are secretly recording.
Girl that's a penis.
Sounds like someone hasn't been in the husbando general.
Madotsuki sabitsuki urotsuki.
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Believe it or not, when Gholdengo just came out I thought it was the ugliest thing ever and a waste of the 1000th Pokemon. I hated Gimmighoul even more.
Then I saw the coinfucker threads and I couldn't believe it. No way people want to fuck this. I decided to check it out and that's when it was over for me.
I thought that place was for gays
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i have a masada emerald romhack laying around somewhere. he was some kind of psychic type with sing and attract. kind of want to make one with all the npcs.
>White struggles to keep up her facade as the Typhlosion wraps himself around her. She is /intensely/ aware of exactly what's happening. Typhlosion's words are far more than selfless charitable concern. She knows it. He knows it. He knows she knows it. She knows he knows she--

>This dance of his mind game is already making her dizzy. White's now weak knees aren't helping her stay balanced either. They were exhausted from their own dancing after Typhlosion had taken the lead; right into this tight spot.

>Now cornered, White's thoughts interrogated what role she had played in this monster's game. Facing him when he called to her ... Stopping when he stepped in her path ... Looking up at him as he stood over her ... Stepping back as he moved forward ... Sweating under his breath ... Shivering at his touch ...

>How foolish and predictable ! A smart girl like her couldn't be so easily snared ... right ?

>Still, even if this Typhlosion was treacherous, his warnings still felt worryingly plausible to White. What if he /can/ help ? Maybe he's right there are worse Pokemon out there ? Could he really be her best protector ? Take care of her ? And surely a little company is good for both of them ... ?

>The rational side of her brain is juuuust loud enough in its reasoning to allow these events to continue staying their course. And with those feelings distracted, her creative side is granted full permission to dream about what Typhlosion might do to her next ... !
I was going to say "anon I think those girls are just literally sleeping" but you're right. They really are the tsukis.
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i think i have completely fallen for him. is this the power of btc? i dont care anymore hes getting added to my universe.


oh my god? did you write this for me? this is so awesome! ill reply to this in a sec.
>ill reply to this in a sec.
you just replied to it
>catbox down rn
aww cmon you know exactly what i mean

maan this is so based.
>White's now weak knees aren't helping her stay balanced either.
shes just a frail little thing what can she even do except feel overwhelmed while trying to think of what to do in her little mind.
>Sweating under his breath ...
>Facing him when he called to her ... Stopping when he stepped in her path ... Looking up at him as he stood over her ... Stepping back as he moved forward ...
i love the mind games in it. its portrayed just how i like it.
>his warnings still felt worryingly plausible to White.
in my rp she had the same thoughts.. ah its scary out here. it would be wise to have someone protect her..right? thats how she slowly falls for the trap. just too good.
>her creative side is granted full permission to dream about what Typhlosion might do to her next ... !
anticipation is the greatest drug. is this guy really gonna take her away forever? an image of her knocked up flashes in her mind and short circuits her brain making it only harder to think.
oh? maybe i can find an alternative for you. it works on my end hmm.
tbf it's not like we are that fast moving you need to answer immediately.
What universe is that?

Where is that hack?
I was thinking that there totally could be a Mado trainer who would have an all-sleep theme.
Post updates!!!
let me know if this works for you

Bless you anon but what the fuck.is his cum the only moisture she has access to?
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oh i am aware that we are slow. i was just hyped about getting a green of her. its just how i enjoy myself.

>What universe is that?
oc universe but instead of pokemon its like demons.. beasts etc. but with pokemon design influences so theyre all anime monsters. yes its all about human x monster relationships. i mean i could talk all day about it but i dont think people wanna hear about that lel... anyway i basically kinda.. already turned typhlosion into one of my demons by giving him glasses cause thats a whole thing there. also he reminded me of one of my ocs thanks to the whole berry stuff. yeahhh..
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>bot goes down in the middle of him raping me
kek. that makes it funnier than drool. girls be like "yeah i ate" and then its just pkmn juice.
Rape mace
There used to be a bar in New Zealand where they had genuine "horse cum shots"
Nvm, we are so fucking back
Wow that's so crazy hahaha who would drink something like that. Whereabouts in New Zealand?
Green Man Pub, in Wellington
Don't think they serve them anymore?

> According to Green Man Pub chef, Jason Varley, the horse semen drink known as “Hoihoi tatea” is particularly preferred by the female clientele. Most ladies down the stuff and afterwards make jokes about going home and getting their husbands to eat grass, or about the possibility of their children being born with long faces. Varley admits he tried horse semen himself and claims it tastes “ok”, “like custard”, but says it’s not very popular with men, in general.

You already know.
I'm not a pokefucker but read the thread out of curiousity and fuck me the thread quality is miles above the norm. Everyone is managing to stay on topic and have quality discussion. What I wouldn't give to just have a space on the internet that's solely for women that's not lolcow or some shit lmao. I don't hate men or anything like that but my god I'm so sick of retards shitting up threads constantly and it's always terminally online low IQ men for whatever reason.
Anyway enjoy your thread and pokemon husbandos.
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My husbando is bashing and smashing my cervix! Ouch!
never understood why writers put that in (unless they simply have no clue how actually painful that is)
>What I wouldn't give to just have a space on the internet that's solely for women that's not lolcow or some shit lmao.
Uh there are a bunch of men here as well including the most prominent greentext writer. Agree that this thread is more women focused than most but disagree there are no men here nor that a space with just women would necessarily be better.
To be fair this is advertised as a female space, it's literally a thread for female self insertion. It's probably enough of a deterrent that it's what's keeping the low IQ tards from shitting up the place.
some people like pain or have a high pain tolerance
or both (like me)
Me too
good threads usually have good constraints and a few engaged and recurrent posters. this thread got raided and derailed quite a bit at the start, but it seems most people know well enough what to not engage with.

~2011 uboachan, 2015 undertale generals, 2013/2014 s4s and this thread have been some of the highpoints i've had on the site.
I've noticed the undertale general gets good for about a week or two after chapter releases. It's the only time I go back.
the secret of 4chan is that all the best threads are the tourist-oriented ones
God, I fucking love your art.
new thread: >>56763726
>yumies into monster /ss/ and mommy play
Aus bless you femanons and these glorious threads
to the other tq anon from broken new thread, feel free to post your questions in a new one, i deleted the marriage one and will save it for later, i forgot you could actually delete threads on here. if you don't repost it until this one dies i'll repost the same one and we can do yours after
im making the thread but i need to wait before making one sorry
no rush lol, this one likely has a few hours until it drops
also i had marriage questions as well funnily enough
merge em if you liked any of mine if so, just remember to put a thread title lol
>11 questions
do i just erase some now or what
just into the subject right? i have it in there yeah. should be alright.
keep the best ones, 3-4 is probably good
FFFUCK!!!! That image turns me on badly. I wish Hypno can impregnate me right now!!!!
i make ones for everyone and yumes so theres that. alright ill try to cut it down a little.
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is this too much shit we really gotta talk about this beforehand hell its too much lel
i think it's fine
alright im postin
new thread

Typhlosion sisters the life size Cyndaquil is back in stock at the US Pokecen
I own this plush and recommend although when I got him he was cheaper
we did it everybody.

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