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ITT: We try and reconstruct Southern Kalos from the concept art and leftover material from other media.
Inventing fanfics again, eh sagie?
Kill yourself.
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This should help you a lot.
How is South Kalos leaking fanfic?
It’s a fanfic because there’s nothing to reconstruct. We know from the excel documents that there were no plans for sourthern Kalos beyond 3 maps that were repurposed.
>We know from the excel documents that there were no plans for sourthern Kalos beyond 3 maps that were repurposed.
And numerous areas referenced in the concept art.
>Ship graveyard
>Air balloons
>Sea geysers
>Roman ruins
>Connecting train bridge
>there were no plans for sourthern Kalos
Then what's the map all about?
Concept art being made doesn’t mean the concept is going to be used, sagefag. Concept art is used to brainstorm ideas for the game and pick and choose what to use. Learn how development works.
>ah yes hey put all this effort into envisioning it but never intended on making it
The whole issue is that they DIDN'T make it, retarded boogeymanfag. It was only axed in 2012, which is very late in development.
>ah yes hey put all this effort into envisioning it but never intended on making it
That’s how concept art works, sagefag.

>It was only axed in 2012
With nothing actually in it.
Was this supposed to be like the Battle Zone in Sinnoh?
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>ah yes hey put all this effort into envisioning it but never intended on making it
Unless they moved the league? Yeah
Sinnoh would’ve been better if the Battle Zone didn’t exist so I’m glad they cut it.
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Wasn't it supposed to have some areas that are akin to the Battle Frontier or am I misremembering?
>how concept art works
They’re to flesh out in game concepts retard. They just happened to axe a big portion of it and never ship it
>nothing in it
That concept art was in the game, just on a smaller scale. Also, it was their intent as seen with PLA datamines to fully remake DP.
>They’re to flesh out in game concepts
What do you think “concept” means, sagefag?
are you telling me they cut a whole cruise ship from the game?
>he thinks the sundial isn’t real because it also has concept art
Anon that's literally how game development works. Concept art is usually made at the early stage to get general ideas on how the project will look, it's not something made with the intention to be in the final product.
There's a lot of stuff from the concept art that was used or at least inspired things in the game, for example the Solarpunk seashore city with the crystal became Anistar City or the windmill town concept became Dendemille town. And there's a lot that also wasn't. Not every single concept is going to be used, it's just brainstorming like the other anon said. It does not hint at unused content because the intention was never to "use" it
That isn’t remotely what I said, sagefag.
No, concept art is made to get all official details right about a particular concept. There are next to no examples of concept art for characters, just redesigns sometimes. That’s because there’s rarely a reason to cut a character like there is for a location, which can have many developmental challenges. You guys are literally just defending the unfinished but obviously planned areas by saying that they spent dev time just fucking around without ever intending to implement stuff. That’s objectively a bad business practice on this scale. It only makes sense if they struck an issue when making it and decided to leave it out. It’s like deleted scenes in movies. They shot it but before doing final edits, which cost money, they realized it worsens the product or is too problematic for their development so they leave it out and don’t waste resources on it.
Then how about responding to what I said with an argument instead of an irrelevant question? You’re obviously implying concept = never intended but that’s not what concept means.
>No, concept art is made to get all official details right about a particular concept
>yawnfaggot STILL having a meltie
No anon, concept art is made to get the loose CONCEPT of something on paper, BEFORE it is properly worked upon. Not to finalize details. You might be thinking of reference or production art, which is used to finalize details. Concept art in any medium is only that, a concept.
XY, being the first 3D mainline games, obvious required a solid art design. So it's no surprise that they had many different concepts of what they could do with the game's design with the possibilities of 3D. And some concepts were used, some repurposed, others went unused. But it is nothing more than that.
>concept: a plan or intention
You gonna apologize for semanticsfagging in vain?
Well no, look at literally every concept art that isn't just a loose sketch that we have for Pokemon. It's almost exclusively towards the end of development and meant to solidify official details about the thing at hand so that all the different tentacles of the franchise don't mess up and misinterpret the elements of that thing. This should be known by >>56736130 as well
That’s not what “concept”
means. Try again, sagefag. But I’m sure you’re aware of that since this thread is on page 9 and you’re hoping no one sees your cowardly posts so you can stop embarrassing yourself.
Get a fucking job, sagie
>That’s not what “concept” means.
Good luck arguing with a dictionary definition anon. but you knew you couldn't since your post only has weight via boogeymanfaggotry without actually responding with an argument. Looks like we'll all have to cross our hands and wait for you to grow up and provide one.
>blatant samefag
Time to take the bullets schizo
Anime locations have never been canon but sure go ahead and put Dubai in France absolutely nothing can go wrong with that
GF themselves do this. Sootopolis is obviously greek yet it's in Japan, and so is a parthenon-esque tower for some reason. Unova also has Old-World ruins in it, as well as a piece of Pueblo-ism in NYC. This isn't real-world mapping.
>Good luck arguing with a dictionary definition anon
Too bad that’s not the dictionary definition, sagie. I pity you being ESL.
Scamming and bootlocking does not count,schizo.
>Too bad (fanfic)
I'm trusting Oxford over some literal who /vp/ manchild who can't cope with being wrong.
People on this site are too autistic
>muh oxford
stop breathing sagie ESL
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Yes, "muh oxford". Keep projecting and schizophrenically boogeymanfagging, ESL.
These are demonstrably false thanks to the leak.
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>Partway through development they gave up on it and said they'd just implement it in the third version
>Never make the third version
Kalos was fucking shafted
wait... are you actually trying to claim a official gf planning doc is fanfic? holy autism
No. I’m claiming the fanfic you just made up is a fanfic.
How about instead we recreate Unova not to be a straight line circle failed region?
>no u
keep deflecting and psychopathically sagiefag, UOL:
CHADnova is already do be like dat, thougheveralhoweverbeit
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Kalos got shafted so fucking hard man.
>Iwao had plans for several areas fairly early in development, including an area to transfer your Pokemon, something that would definitely be in the first version and therefore have a good reason to flesh the area out more
>This screenshot literally says they're saving it for the third version
I don't know what the fuck other evidence you need. Or do you have another theory for what the fuck is going on there?
You are NOT black.
Why the fuck would there need to be a Poke Transfer area when Bank exists? You’re just adding more proof that the southern map isn’t necessary.
this is the only time this board becomes actually interesting and productive, you fun-hating cocksucker
go back to talk about how you want to fuck serena or something
holy autism inception
Inventing fanfics out of beta leaks with barely any context and then treating them like facts is the opposite of productive.
and i suppose shitting on said thread or whatever you do here is meant to be productive? get over yourself
Because the development plans changed, therefore they removed it. So, essentially, they intended to include Southern Kalos in the first versions, then decided to cut it from the first version to save it for the third version, then SM was a complete clusterfuck so they never got to make the third version. It's an incredibly easy to follow decision making process, and at every point the intent was to include it in some version of Kalos.
As opposed to you thinking that the area they planned on including in various versions of Kalos isn't cut content because you're an insane person who doesn't understand what you're talking about? Like, we have examples from other video games, Xenoblade 1 had an entire area that was cut from the final game and was in an insanely rough state, or Xenoblade X going in wildly different directions during development, and people talk about the cut map and how unfinished X is.

>Because the development plans changed, therefore they removed it
They removed it because there was nothing of value there.

>then decided to cut it from the first version to save it for the third version
They cut it from the first version because there was literally nothing of value there.

> As opposed to you thinking that the area they planned on including in various versions of Kalos isn't cut content
What content was cut? You haven’t given any specifics beyond “poke transfer area made completely redundant by bank existing”
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We could argue what any of the maps actually were at that stage of development. Iwao's version lacks Reflection Cave, but this version does. Gen 2 were finalizing what Pokemon were even in the game months before the game had to release. SM didn't have the fucking island trials until the debugging phase. They clearly had an intent for them, otherwise they wouldn't have planned them in the first place and especially would not have saved them for a third version, they didn't include the long ass surf route they planned in DP in Platinum. Unless you consider post-game content to not be of any value, that's your opinion man. I like some post-game stuff, if it's fun. HGSS, Emerald, and Gen 5 are my personal favorites for overall variety (especially BW's post game maps, they're just really nice), and my least favorites are probably Gen 4 Multis and the Battle Maison Triples because they're miserable. Let's just split the difference and say Kalos' post-game would have been awful anyway, if the current post-game is any indication.
> They removed it because there was nothing of value there.
> They cut it from the first version because there was literally nothing of value there.
This is your actual fanfic. Read.
>What content was cut?
Nearly 20 locations.
>They clearly had an intent for them
Nope. The spreadsheet has nothing but placeholders.

>m-muh postgame
I wish my IQ was low enough to be tricked into thinking content is magically better just because it’s after the credits.

Go ahead and tell us what content was going to be in those maps.
>nothing but placeholders
And proof of plans for more that was never finished. Thanks for playing unfinished Kalos.
>muh credits
No one said this because Kalos needed more content anyway. Postgame content IS different you know….
>what content was gonna be there
Routes, buildings, Pokemon, people, potential facilities. All things they never got around to making because they chose to not make the locations they planned on making, therefore making the game unfinished overall.
>The spreadsheet has nothing but placeholders.
Everything is a fucking placeholder at that point. But if "Poke Transfer", "water town", "Mirage Island associated with Hoopa", "area associated with Volcanion", and "new Team Flare lab" aren't fleshed out enough for you I don't know what else to say.
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> Everything is a fucking placeholder at that point
Nope. The northern maps have descriptions and actual names.

> And proof of plans for more that was never finished
What were the plans for the content they were going to put there? Tell us, sagefag.

>No one said this because Kalos needed more content anyway

>Routes, buildings, Pokemon, people, potential facilities
What was going to be in them?
Because Poke Transfer is part of Bank and is a scam that you needed to pay for. If you didnt download the app tough shit fag you cannot download it anymore.
>the northern maps were finished and thus included, with the South explicitly for Z but kept being unfinished.
So XY is unfinished, got it.
>what were the plans
Routes, buildings, Pokemon, people, potential facilities. All things they never got around to making because they chose to not make the locations they planned on making, therefore making the game unfinished overall.
"Poke Transfer", "water town", "Mirage Island associated with Hoopa", "area associated with Volcanion", and "new Team Flare lab"
Yep. Fewest locations up until that point.
>what was going to be in them
In the Pokemon? In the NPCs? I already answered these. Routes, buildings, Pokemon, people, potential facilities. All things they never got around to making because they chose to not make the locations they planned on making, therefore making the game unfinished overall. These ARE content. Navigating a route is part of what’s considered content of the game. They were unfinished and thus were never fully made, only planned for creation and described by the devs.
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>Nope. The northern maps have descriptions and actual names.
And they've clearly made more progress on the Southern Kalos maps concept wise since then, which says to me they were working on it. Having ideas is a step up from nothing, and part of the iterative process.
> water town", "Mirage Island associated with Hoopa", "area associated with Volcanion", and "new Team Flare lab"
that’s not what it says
>And they've clearly made more progress on the Southern Kalos maps concept wise since then
such as…
T7 and C10 have actual descriptions. On the other hand, several maps in the main game are still super vague in their descriptions. T6, which would eventually become Couriway Town. In addition several main-game routes are about as placeholder as the southern Kalos routes. It seems more like the game was just in development rather than any particular area just being in the plan for no real reason at all.
>T7 and C10 have actual descriptions
Which are…..
you may be the biggest faggot i've seen in a long time, and that's saying something
like just insufferable for the sake of being insufferable
Moved to Azure Bay, which still doesn’t exist in this version of the map.
>new Flare hideout
Moved to Looker postgame in Lumiose.
>Ancient Ruins
Moved to Lost Hotel, which still doesn’t exist in this version of the map.

Wow, it’s fucking nothing.
>Moved to [FANFICTION]
>Moved to Looker postgame in Lumiose.
That's the same Flare hideout from the main story. Same map and all.
>Moved to [FANFICTION]
>basic math is fanfiction
>That's the same Flare hideout from the main story
With a completely different story and bosses, effectively accomplishing the same thing.
>basic math is fanfiction
It's impressive to move goalposts three times in one post.
“they didn’t remove anything”
“they didn’t remove anything”

wow so many goalposts moved
The isn't a port at Azure Bay.
A hotel isn't ancient.
You went from cutting nothing, to cutting LITERALLY nothing to not having cut anything at all.
It’s connected to Coumarine City, which does have a port.
The Lost Hotel is ancient.
>It’s connected to Coumarine City, which does have a port.
It isn't the same port from south kalos then.
>Lost Hotel is ancient.
Wait there are actual concept arts that can link to the southern region? I thought we only had the map. The cool if true.
>It isn't the same port from south kalos then
Doesn’t matter if it’s still a port.

The English language. I’m sorry you’re ESL.
>Wait there are actual concept arts that can link to the southern region?
Unfortunately no.
No, sagefag is just making a fanfic so he has more genwar material.
>Doesn’t matter if it’s still a port.
It's matters. That like saying all caves are the same because they are a cave.
>The English language. I’m sorry you’re ESL.
This game's original language is japanese.
Anon explicitly there was no intention to include Southern Kalos in XY, at least not in any version of it that wasn't super early on. The fact that there's literally 0 about it except for a leftover map and some throwaway data should be telling, and they explicitly had already finalized XY's Kalos to be the star shape that we see in the final game. The idea might have been to maybe explore the area in a later follow up to XY, but that never ended up materializing, because of ORAS and later SM.
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>Well no, look at literally every concept art that isn't just a loose sketch that we have for Pokemon. It's almost exclusively towards the end of development and meant to solidify official details about the thing at hand so that all the different tentacles of the franchise don't mess up and misinterpret the elements of that thing.
That's once again not concept art you retard. Most of the art with finalized details are reference sheets. That's why you don't see any drastic changes in the design. Because they are supposed to be the finished production design. A concept art is early production. I understand you have only ever played pokemon in your life so it might be hard to understand this concept, but this applies to many other mediums and franchises too. You could very much even just google the fucking definition of concept art for christs sake
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It's really impressive how badly this leak mindbroke the dedicated kalosfags.
Forced to confront the reality that the region they defend is a shadow of what was actually planned and got ultra fucked by SM, all they can do is cope in increasingly pathetic ways.
I drew the exact opposite conclusion
if anything kalosfags were vindicated since it's proof that the region had the potential to be good instead of merely mid

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