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They hate her cus they aint her edition
You know what Gardevoir has that Lopunny doesn't?
A husband and 2 kids from the same man
>folklore found in gen 4 about humans and pokemon marrying
>"ohhh mai gawd i can marry pokemon!!!!! i can have kawaii gardevoir waif!!!!!!!"
>"they obviously married gardevoir because she's so similar to humans"
>more folktales leaked
>no mention of gardevoir
>people are fucking octopi and giant badgers but not gardevoir
everyone point and laugh
>lopunny hands typed this post
Have some self respect for once in your life
>people are fucking octopi and giant badgers but not gardevoir
Because people are degens, real Pokephilia is about marriage anon
>Could g. ..
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I wish Iron Valiant hadn't been a robot. Having a Gardevoir variant that was stronger would have been rad.
I make fun of kekunny too
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That or a new form that'd bring her up to par with Mega Gardevoir at the least.
Iron Valiant is a bastardization of Arceus' grand design.
You know what's stronger than Mega Gardevoir? One who's child you tried to harm.
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It's pretty fun how things turned out
Ever wonder what the Great Civil War was really about? The history books say it was a war to unite the region but in reality the ruling government that has covered up the past wanted to abolish the rights that Pokemon had that guaranteed they were treated exactly like humanity. Pokemon that were happily and legally married to their humans were ripped from their homes and forced into slavery. Families that had children were separated with the children being purged to hide the truth. The humans that saw these heinous acts rebelled and fought to protect the rights of their loved ones and the innocent.
the falseflagging is real
Unfortunately the corporations that were in charge prevailed, leading to indoctrination that trainers go through unaware that their ancestors lived in a utopia.
Silence Silph shill, we know the truth
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The silkiest of Mega Evolutions
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Silph Corporation doesn't want you knowing this but Gardevoir/human hybrids do exist
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Happy 19th anniversary of Pokemon Emerald releasing in Europe, which means also the 19th anniversary of when I caught Sirnight
Circling back to the Kanto War, there's a distinct possibility that Surge had his Pikachu jump start his heart after nearly dying in combat
Hell of a cook
Gardevoir breast milk tastes like creme de menthe. Do with that information as you wish
such a gorgeous bride~
How long have these threads been around?
Since the days when the line between pokemon and humans was blurred
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Shit man, been in these threads since at least 2016.
How many times have you been seeing Gardevoir images? This includes her sprites/character in the games, anime, manga, and merchandise.
Gardevoir’s canonically massive breasts
There's more on gel and danbooru but apparently i can't post THOSE because muh blue board. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.
>play emerald again
>using MyBoy!
>try to use the gameshark code for a naughty Ralts for memes
>ends up getting a Gentle one
Fuckers knew what i was doing
Mint chocolate flavored breast milk
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Have some Gardevoir milk anon
it's mint chocolate flavored
She doesnt have nips though. Do you just suck in the general breast area and it diffuses through her skin?
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excuse me, can she use the restroom?
Inverted nipples exist anon.
Also fuck you
yeah gardevoir is like a platypus, she just secretes milk through her skin and you have to lick it off
*opens mouth*
Pissfags out
>Gardevoir's chest horn, thing acting as the mammary
You were saying?
Licking her clean!
Fucking mong...
I love the Ralts line, very cool designs across the board. I always try to use a Gallade or a Gardevoir in the games that let me. I got a shiny Kirlia and I'm waiting for PLZA to evolve him, assuming Mega Gallade is in there. I might try to get another so that I can have a shiny Mega Gardevoir too
Love seeing this in the morning
Slide them to the slide and mount, listen to happy gardevoir squeaks.
Blissful life!
How do you think our first child was conceived?
it's Gardevoir.
not sirnight.
you are not Japanese. you cannot speak their Nip language.
you are a faggot, and you do not deserve a Gardevoir.

in fact, I don't think your Gardevoir deserves to be punished by being tethered to your retarded ass. transferring to swooshit?? are you a fucking retard or what?!?
>wah wah wah I'm a whiny insecure faggot who writes rants when someone does something I don't really like on the interwebs
He's kino, Anon.
whoever drew this is a retard.
stock or mega, her arms have colour.
stock has the blue all the way over her arms and even across her chest. even the mega that forgoes the coloured chest still has black on the forearms, but that DOESN'T MATTER since this CLEARLY isn't mega form. you can tell by the horn and the EAR FINS (as well as the forearm shape and the lack of distinct contours around the elbow-ish area denoting new muscle groups. this artist is dogshit and loses sight of EVERYTHING that makes Gardevoir so goddamn cool. wanna make her muscle-y?? sure. but you can't just slap blue hair and a sternum horn on some white bimbo and call it a day, expecting free praise.

fuck outta here with this dogshit. I'm not usually an on-model stickler, but this is just too absurd for me to not call this artist out. kill yourself if you drew this, and kill yourself if you like it and think it's quality Garde-Art.
damn, I was wrong.
you really can speak YAPanese, HAHAHAHAHA

gtfo gook sucker. if I laugh any harder I might find that my sides have taken to the skies!!
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NTA you were responding to initially, try harder
Gardevoir threads have been around long before /vp/ even existed
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People forget this but /vp/ is a containment board and these threads were included in the bitching and moaning that created this board.
Counter argument: Faggot
Just because you went full Chris-chan imma post all the white armed Gardevoir art i can find
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Gardevoir is very pretty and talented, wish she was stronger in the games
Still working on that idea about a Gardevoir helping a disabled war veteran that she saved
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>I first entered one of these threads well over a decade ago
>Set me down a path I could never come back from
Fuck you guys btw
Embrace it like she embraces you anon
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Found some of those old images I did back before this place went to hell.
Buddy, that path was walked a long time ago. Anyone who recognizes this can attest to that.
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I'm just here sharing some lost media I recovered from a drive I found this morning.
Oh, would you look at: Wally's gardevoir was female after all
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Nice edit/hack, but I think enough of us have played the game to know better.
Wally has a male 'voir, and that's fine.
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A lot of these file aren't entirely intact. unfortunate. I don't think I'm going to be able to save all of these. Blender isn't even able to recognize the model files.
It's probably not an edit. The Ralts wally encounters in RSE can be female and even shiny, it can eeven have IVs so bad that it gets KO'd in the battle to capture it. but the one in his teams will always be normal, male with some pretty bland IVs independent of what he catches.
Wally just caught his female Ralts. EAT SHIT GAMEFREAK, THIS SHIT'S CANON NOW
Fuck man that's a blast from the dark ages. Back when posting gardevoirs with even the slightest amount of titty cleavage on here would give you a one week vacation.
Tell me about it. The drive I pulled that shit off of was from out of a notebook. I haven't had one of those since I was 18.
Ah, I guess I've just never encountered that, or I just never noticed it because I wasn't paying enough attention. It's weird though, I almost always seem to get female starters no matter what gen/hack/fangame I play. Thanks for telling me, that way I won't get it wrong again.

It would be pretty kino if he actually got to have a shiny, assuming he had one in the first encounter. Wally has been my favorite rival for a while now, so I think he deserves something cool like that outside of just PMEX
>cucked by octillery
>cucked by rapidash
>cucked by lapras
Can't believe I made this this and my biggest concern was if the janitor was going to send me to tell.. Now I'm a man who owns a house, runs a business and looks forward to climbing into bed at the end of the day.
Well, I do think I'm not going to get much more out of this drive.
Bridal Gardevoir is best Gardevoir
>Now I'm a man who owns a house
I've just come to realized how little and how much things have changed for me.
Working more and making way more money than I ever have. But still cant afford a house.
Housing prices in my area are cheap, I got this for 160k and I worked like 50-60 hours a week for 3 years. I don't recommend.
I quit on the spot at that job after getting assigned overtime during a meeting where the higher ups were bitching about the amount of OT we were getting.
At least your hard work paid off anon
Yeah, paid off. I put on like 60 pounds from eating and sleeping like shit and I'm still working it off.
I also found a whole ass batthroom and a second basement in my house. I've liveed here for a year and a half and didn't know about them. I basically came home to sleep and that's it.
So whats the deal with the chest horn thing? It'll block hugs and paizuri
Now that I think about it. I worked 11 hour days Monday through Friday and came in for 8-12 hour shifts on Saturday most weeks, so it's actually closer to 70 hours a week for YEARS.
Anon, I could stop working for 4 years and be absolutely fine, even after the absurd amount of money I dumped into my business. I'm twenty-six years old and have more money than most people know to do with because it's incredibility easy to save money when you don't get the opportunity to do anything with it!
And people say zoomers are fucked. Way to prove the boomers dead wrong anon. Feel free to ease off your grindset king, you earned that shit
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Anon, the Gardevoir is specifically called Sirnight. I was 13 when I named it.
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This is nice (along with all of the other relatively on-model wholesome stuff)
Oh i have nsfw shit but sadly this be a blue board
Also body variation is a thing anon
One of my favourite Gardevoir quirks is that she has a built-in dress, so if you want to make her wear clothes, the only ones you can make her wear are even bigger dresses.
Dress amputators shall not apply. You are disgusting secondaries. Doubly so if you also disregard the heart.
>Dress amputators
Anon, it's not skin.
My head canon is Gardevoir weave their own dress out of various things they find and their own hair.
Gardevoir are very adept at technical tasks and make excellent seamstresses.
That and a Gardevoir in a MILF sweater and mom jeans with the body she gets after two children is just downright dick destruction
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Well I'm not complaining, I'm not really here for that kind of stuff anyway. Not to be dismissive or anything.
Also last thread we were discussing the biological similarities between humans and Gardevoir
it is skin
I forgot that if you imported pokemon to the old builds of PLA you get an instant tiny mark
No it fucking isn't you fucking retard
then what is it
They don't evolve clothes out of thin air, buddy. The dress is part of their body. It's probably some hair-like material if we're being honest.
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>Lopunny, quick! You need to kiss my trainer! No time for questions, do it now!
I will fucking lynch your Typhlo defendin ass
Jokes on you, Gardevoirs don't have trainers.
[spoilers] they have husbands who are monogamous and are the fathers of their children
Which region, Kanto?
Aye, ever wondered why Hoenn doesn't have any pokemon from either Johto or Kanto? Its because Hoenn is a sanctuary region.
Makes sense. In my headcanon/worldbuilding, gardevoirs have been the ruling class in Hoenn since time immemorial (which is where the legend of Himiko came from), and the island was closed off to non-Draconid humans until relatively recently. I'm very tempted to steal your loreposting for it.
>Hoenn doesn't have any pokemon from either Johto or Kanto
What? Like a quarter of Hoenn's dex is Kanto mons. No Johto ones though.
Well you're only slightly right. In the time before the war Hoenn pokemon were actually natives to the regions. It was only because Silph controlled the regions that Johto natives began relocate pokemon to Hoenn where the Devon Corp actually funded the relocation efforts
Some Kanto pokemon got relocated but sadly not all. As for the Johto ones, no one wanted to take Typhlosion.
>no one wanted to take Typhlosion
Typhlosion is the one who does the taking here
NTA, but I'll be honest, I completely forgot the Hoenn dex had some Tohjo mons. Checking again, 68 of 202 mons listed there are from Kanto or Johto.

Gar... garde.. ga? Garde? Gardevoir? Gardevoir!
(Oh lordy loo! Trainer-sama, you've been putting your big floppy thing inside of octillery every time you called her for special training? and that's why all these half octopus kids have started showing up around here?? And you want me in the room with you the next time you do it to show me how it's done?? But I have to wear a dog collar and drink your leftover cum out of a doggie dish while I'm there?????? Sounds like a swell time, I'll be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail!)
Remember that Lt Surge and the trainers fought in the war. Given how he even said "electric pokemon saved my life" one can assume that his Raichu (then a pikachu) might have more or less jumpstarted his heart after taking a severe wound that would have killed him.
>Lopunny hands typed this post
By the way you actually said 5 slurs rather unfluently.
I always assumed it was World War II, since his earliest(?) trainer card in the TCG has a map from that area as its background. That said, source?
It's worth noting that selections from Johto were only added later, release version had zero mons from Johto, not to mention that some of the Kanto and Johto mons can only be acquired from the Safari Zone, and not in the wild.
I just realized Surge actually fought in Desert Storm, his fucking pants are the same shit issued in the 80's and 90's
I'm just looking at the Gen III Hoenn Dex on Bulbapedia, specifically the first 202 mons, available in the maingame.

Oh damn
His fucking pants match the shit the coalition forces had
Same boots, just darker.
Imagine platoons getting mogged by Trapinch fields
Imagine losing your leg to an Electrode mine or IED
Jobunny got cucked too
Tis their nature A Gardevoir's is that of monogamy and fidelity, something a rabbit could never have
Love her
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Time for lewd shit
No anon, that's too lewd!
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You just got your Gardevoir pregnant, wwyd?
See if I can get her double pregnant. I
Never change anon
>I heard it on the radio
Based 80s era Gardevoir
Jamie is my fave of Salty's Gardevoir variants because her lore establishes she's actually a human/gardevoir hybrid
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Are they going to take good care of their Plush Trainer?
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>so all that time you spent training cardio with cinderace she wasnt riding a bike she WAS RIDING YOU?
>and you when your wrestling with your female machamp it was ULTIMATE SURRENDER STYLE?
>what else can I say but YABBA DABBA DOO CAN I WATCH TOO?
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It still counts when she uses psychic powers to make other female pokemon fuck her trainer
I want my Gardi to be my wife forever. Just imagine all the cuddling in bed, the soft embraces, and the warm babymaking. We could have more than 5 Ralts if she's willing to.

404 anon
404 file not found
Clothing you nigger
oh, it's probably the gardevoir and diantha sucking dick one
Designer petvoirs is an interesting topic
Selective breeding is a thing humans do for desirable traits, I can see someone just wanting longer hair or a bigger horn on their Gardevoir, it's also useful to explain all the weird OCs that are somewhat offmodel
Or said OCs are just regional and biological variants that have occurred due to natural selection. After all, a Gardevoir with the physique of an attractive human female is more likely to attract a mate than a standard Gardevoir
Gardevoir abusing dyke.
A Gardevoir and her son Before Ghetsis killed her
Fuck off back to >>>/trash/
Not sure if they're reading this but assuming they are- just want to give a big 'thank you' to the anon who mentioned Bandai Namco offering a Gardevoir figurine when I asked. She finally arrived today and I needed some help from my mom but I got her fully assembled! Much appreciation to whomever helped me to get her in the first place- God bless you anon.
>I needed some help from my mom
Wholesome, but imagining this made me kek a bit.
>needed some help from my mom
No offense, anon, but are you retarded?
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>I needed some help from my mom
>I needed some help from my mom
It's weird typing this, but I hope you're a minor.
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>I hope you're a minor.
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>I hope you're a minor.
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For the record, I wasn't laughing at you when I mentioned it (>>56754380), I can't be sure as to why you'd need help, as there are a multitude of possible reasons.
I looked it up and i have no clue why you would need any help building this but congratulations on actually having a good relationship with your mother.
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Bite the curb you fuckin nigger
There's always a pattern whenever some shill begs its betters not to ruin its pet kike's rituals!
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I used "see" because i refuse to bring my A game with you
Gardi says fuck the spammers and total vorefag death
well then your nickname sucks ass.
boot up your PKHeX and change the name.
okay and???
you're still a faggot, lmfao
This smile is worth protecting and worth losing a limb to an Electrode
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What is Gardevoir's reaction to being told
>"You're fun to be around! :D"
A hug and a kiss obviously, but remember they will erase you if betray their trust.
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glad to help, glad you're enjoying it,
>I needed some help from my mom
I was really drunk when I assembled her actually, must've been beer number 8 by the time I did it.
On another note, I don't blame the other anons for laughing and calling me retarded, it was pretty damn funny for me too not gonna lie.
No (You)s for any of you btw because the jannies' retarded new system flagged my post as spam for trying to respond. Sorry.
>I care what other randoms do on the internet but you're the reaaaaal faggot
Nigger stfu and post Gardevoir
>I was le drunk
Yeah you're an underageb&
What is the deal with the horn?
Her prior evolutions use their horns to sense emotions, and since in both final stages they've migrated to the heart, people headcanon that they're extremely sensitive, perhaps even erogenous.

You and your mom building models together is wholesome. I don't really share any hobbies with my parents.
I mean allegedly its not rigid so if it holds its trainer it doesn't hurt them.
Side note: hybrids born from gardevoir as human like the father would most likely have some latent psychic abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, or some limited precognition along with an enhanced intuition and being able to convey empathy on others such as calming the wounded or easing the pain of the suffering especially in a hospice situation or possibly using said empathetic nature as a therapist.
Says the faggot who simps for Palestinians
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You're not good at this
how much fur is gardevoir supposed to have
The fact that you haven't somehow ended up getting into a car crash with shards of glass intensely piercing your body and slicing through your organs is a testament to how there is no justice in this world.
This is kinda wholesome, glad to hear year mom approves of your hobbies
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It's unclear. Most people accept that the white is skin, but what about the green? More skin? Short, velvety fur?
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The SV/PLA models should give you the answer, they added fur to a lot of stupid shit

If it doesn't look fuzzy then it isn't fur
I'm gonna go ahead and imagine the green bits are like very fine mink
Could be ethereal clothing, she is a fairy type too
I don't really save these coomslop Gardevoirs, and I don't draw them either, so it's not like you'd want what I do have, no offense. I took a chance defending one dude and I guess someone couldn't help getting leaky over it. My fault for caring too, I guess.

Sharty-tier thread derailment attempt. Do better elsewhere.
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That's how a lot of porn artists choose to interpret it.
Now, what about the chest horn? Is it hard? Pliable? Soft and velvety? Hard crystal?
Normal: almost crystaline
Around the human it bonds to: pliable as to not harm said human (i fucking refuse to say trainer)
Also the more i look at humanized Gardevoir the more i realize they're fucking elves
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>that fine text
SaltyXodium, i know your ass is reading my posts
Crystalline. It phases right through the trainer they're bonded to.
You don't train a Gardevoir, you fucking marry it
These words are not mutually exclusive descriptors
Some people may actually be autistic enough to feed it from a bowl and become battle autists, it happened to Wally of all people
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Noncanon image. Men prefer Water Types
>Fuck an Octillery
>Your child grows up to declare Jihad on Ursarings
What the fuck is her problem?
It evolves into a Ground Type.
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>Men prefer Water Types
This is because of the Vaporeon thing, isn't it?
Single parenthood
Too bad i prefer Gardevoir as a true intellectual
This is the first I've heard of it not being rigid. +1 gardevoir-ancestry humans haveing psychic powers.

In my headcanon, it's made of sarnite, a material consisting of keratin, solidified psychic energy, and crystal/gemstone. (I got the name from Suruga-ya butchering the transliteration of Saanaito lol)
That sounds like something poachers would seek
Gardevoir Pokemon are friends first! You're not an object silly! You literally can do whatever you want- heck you're talking right now! That's a bit more than one could call a "Combat Tool or Status Symbol or simple Animal (Humans are animals too btw)."
Gardevoir are spouses and mothers
I hate how there's just no gardevoir stuff in the leaks, not even any mega gardevoir concept art
If your pokefu needs leaks for validation then its a fucking shitter.
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Gardevoir are Gardevoir anon. They are what they want to be. And I think that's beautiful.
why did people start drawing gardevoir with megamilkers? she's literally a sundress loli
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Typhlosion hands typed this
Illiterate Garde
I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
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>Sundress loli
That's Kirlia.
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They don't have any hair except the hair on their head.
I'm assuming that I'm responding to least 3 other anons, but thanks for your suport. I appreciate it.
>t. Retarded Drunk Namefagging Buildfag who needed mom for help
why did people start drawing gardevoir with megamilkers? he's literally a sundress twink
Why did anon make a failed attempt at a flame war? He's literally a massive faggot
Imagine the intensity of an orgasm with Gardevoir when she uses Synchronize right as you're both about to cum.
uh, because she canonically has massive breasts
me on the left
RIP relatedguy. He should've never went hiking
Wait wtf he died?
i dont think so, but if they at least have a cock it's passable imo
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Nothing, their reaction would be a blank stare.
That seems like a good way to get spaghettified.
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>Gardevoir GF and I are in a "I love you more" battle
How do you win this? What do?
Love her
If this triggers your tism, just know i don't fucking care
Reminder that anons who can't comprehend monogamy without cuckoldry are raised by single mothers who have ridden the cock carousel and wonder why no one wants to raise their half nigger child
Oh you don't fuck Gardevoir? FAG
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Even AZ knows whats up
Maybe I want a harem
>You want to cuc-
A man should have a LARGE family with LOTS of offspring with his many pokewives
>how to admit you're a migrant without admitting you're a migrant
Nah, I can just say this because I know it's not happening either way. Gardevoir isn't real.
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>Gardevoir isn't real
Neither is your heterosexuality
yes, and?
you're a faggot and I'm not.
I don't understand why you're laughing...
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>he can't pleasure his Gardevoir and has to lower his standards
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Well THAT'S a SIGHT for SORE EYES!! Its master's FAVORITE TEAM!! WHA-!??! You are ALL going to TAKE TURNS RAILING HIM?!?! LOPUNNYI'S FIRST?!?! And YOU are going to REpeatedly MAKE HIM COOM into YOUR saggy MEAT-FLAPS!?!? B-but you are TOO TIGHT! You will RUIN HIM for EVERYONE ELSE!!! EHHH??!? And after LOPUNNY CLENCHES out my beloved PERMANENTLY with HIGH JUMP FUCK and POWER UP BLOWJOB, MEOWSCARADA and GENGAR will DOUBLE-TEAM him?!?! EHHHHH??!?! You're both gonna BLOW AND RIM HIM like the DIRTY PIG WHORES YOU TWO ARE?!?! MEOWSCARADA is gonna SUCKLE him with her FURRY SNOUT?!?! ALL while GENGAR WHISKS his MIND away with AWAY with RIMMED PLEASURE like a PURPLE HURRICANE?!?!? TOGETHER you are GOING to POUND his PENIS with your METEOR ATTACK?!?! HE WON'T even know who is FUCKING him since you will be SO FAST?!!?! BING BONG WOOHOO!! And NEXT is GLACEON ?!?! HUUUHHHH?!?! NOOO!!! PLEASE FREEZE ME DURING THE MONEY SHOT!!! I NEED IT FOR MY GOONING SESSION PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE DON'T!!! I BEG YOU! JUST LET ME FILM IT!! WAIT REALLY?!?! THANK YOU MASTER GLACEONI!!! THANK you for letting me see YOU GET INSEMINATED by my FUTURE SPOUSE!! And that must leave us with JUST DITTO!! SAY WHHAAA-?!?! You are going to SWAP BODIES with ME and FORCE me to WATCH YOU in MY body, GET RAILED by my FUTURE HUSBAND?!? And YOU'RE SAYING that seeing MYSELF fucking my HUSBAND, will RUIN my ENTIRE WORLD-VIEW?!? My WHOLE WORLD will SHATTER as I have an IDENTITY CRISIS from seeing such a HORRID and TRAUMATIZING thing?!?! And this will cause me to develop a DISSOCIATIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER, which will require YEARS of EXTENSIVE PSYCHIATRIC CARE, which will EVENTUALLY FAIL and DRIVE me INSANE?!?! And then, I will be FORCED to be ADMITTED into a MENTAL ASYLUM where I will be LOCKED and TRAPPED in a SMALL PADDED ROOM, with only a SMALL window to see my BELOVED getting FUCKED THROUGH?!?! I'm truly speechless and all I have to say is... YABBA DABBA DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LET'S GET THIS TRAIN GOING!!!
>resorting to cuckoldry because you don't have the dick to please your Gardevoir
No wonder you chase kids, that's the only that makes you look well endowed
I'm not into femboys
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>Didn't deny the part about chasing children to compensate for small dick
>Gardevoir haters are confirmed pedophiles
Imagine my fucking shock.
Or the pot thing we had last thread.
I'm in the mood to sketch a Gardevoir. Anyone have a request? Can be cute or lewd
How about funny? Gardevoir choking Anon on a beach
I will do lewd at most. That's too much
Oh damn, you mean choking literally? I though you meant something else?
I will draw her choking anon
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Wow, never thought I'd see the day where that reference would go over anyone's head
Gardevoir holding her newborn son with her veteran husband by her side bonus if said husband has a prosthetic leg
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I'm done for now, but this would have been too specific, sowy
>dat trainer's ass

Nice ass, Anon!
If you were a real drawfriend you'd relish at a challenge
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You know, it's never explained exactly how Gardevoir can just spontaneously form black holes. It's not a move or an ability, she can just pull a singularity out of her ass whenever she wants.
Clearly Prof Oak made some cuckquean remarks and she got pissed
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Gardevoir got fed up with the cuckquean posts and yeeted the retard behind then into the E T E R N A L V O I D
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After a long day at work nothing beats the sweet embrace of a Gardevoir you've been married to for years.
Love her
You don't. She loves you more. That's it.

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