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Pit Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

Previous thread: >>56698754
is she still?
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You betcha!
>Card image back
fuck art faggots
I'm starting to think Dragapult isn't that great. I lose more than I win. Once that dreepy gets taken out it's over. Hopefully it plays better in paper.
Bro I went from 0 to 1500 as of this morning doing dragapult. 3 to 1 win-loss ratio
It's so ez bro wtf r u doing. Only raging bolt gives me problems
It's not great. Can't ohko things and gets ohko in returned.
Bolt player here
Dragapult is free
Should I build Snorlax for ladder? What deck will make people rage the most/scoop instantly
just kill yourself
How do you win against Hydrapple? Once it gets going it's hard to OHKO Hydrapple and it can heal itself. And they can even use Ogerpon to attack
no, that's what I want my opponents to do
Gust the ogerpons? It cuts hydrapples damage a lot too. For a deck unable to ohko hydrapple you're probably just losing to charizard and dragapult also though
I make it my mission to waste as much of a Snorlax players time as possible
Good thing there's the other 60% of games where it is unable to get going.
I was playing the app version and some dude summoned like 4 legendaries. How the FUCK do you counter that?
that's cool, the thing is I have time, since I'm just watching youtube while I waste their time back
Implying I'm not doing the same
nice, we should do a watchalong while we waste each other's time...
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This was actually a pretty good game.
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must have been miradon raikou, it basically sets itself up even with no nest balls
I don't know what this is but I'm already pissed my OP got this out T2 with all the energy attached and took out my fucking dreepy after I finally drew the rare candy/dragapult T1.
he's not really living up to the hype.. too many tera pokemon around
if the lumineon and rotom replacements are also tera's there's gonna be nothing to snipe
Bro it's not even out yet, unless you're playing in Japan
When is Snorlax rotating out...
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Why the fuck can;t the game just use the cards I own? Every fucking deck with this god damn shit HURRRR U DNT OWN DA CARDZ MANE then i gotta click 60 fucking times to swap in all the shit I actually own.
indie devs... please understand...
honestly they should hire whoever it was that coded master duel... While not perfect, it's very smooth as fuck
Live devs are braindead yes
6 months of stall left >>56725555
the problem is that Live generates no revenue so the dev team is like two unpaid cousins of a random TPCi exec
they should just monetize it... look at how well Master Duel is doing... Imagine that but with something actually popular like Pokémon
Let me fucking play Live without using NA VPN for fucks sake. I hate having to connect to VPN and then still not being able to play anyway because of an error with who knows what and trying out 5 other servers to see if it works
I was blown away when I went into the shop for the first time, ready to spend, and I couldn't I damn near uninstalled because I know these full f2p games with no shops get fuck all. They really missed out no having a shop, hell even just cosmetics and people would happily swipe. I'm curious to see what the reasoning behind that was

>but kid....

They play every other fucking mobile game with a shop.
I'm starting to think it would be better to buy a ton of codes for every set vs saving shit to unlock cards 1-2 at a time, thoughts?
yea exactly, and most kids don't give a fuck about pokemon either, they are busy playing genshit
I open a lot of boosters every set and have most of my staples this way, I've only crafted a few when I need that unique 4th copy of a card
After a couple battlepasses y ou end up having enough credits anyhow.
if you were gonna buy codes, do it for a new set or a battlepass you've finished. that way you'll have all the free packs you'll get/have previously opened from the battlepass meaning more dupes from the code packs you open. buying codes for a fresh set you've not pulled anything on is really bad value, you wont have any 4/4 to get dupes there
If I buy like 200 codes I reckon I'll get everything and a bit of credits to splurge as well. I just started playing pokemon like two weeks ago so I'm trying to get a baseline. I've already spent quite a few hundred on actual cards and game codes

>bro why the fu...

When I get into a new hobby I go all in then when it starts making me mad in a few weeks I sell/throw everything and move on. One of the reasons I don't try new shit very often I actually just think I'm a compulsive spender
I just mention about doing it on a set for a battle pass you're doing/have finished since you would've opened a lot anyway, so those 200 will yield more credits
but if you're totally fresh, get the cheapest S/V codes you can get then. Shrouded Fable is probably the best one if you're after credits, the set is fairly small and there's only a handful of ex's/rares meaning you'd get 4/4 of them quicker than 4/4 of on other sets.
oh paldean fates is also a smaller set if you wanted to consider that since it's cheaper.
probably because so many collectors are opening it for the shinies there's a surpass of codes kek
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I decided to try out a Zard deck. Easiest win yet.
yes, deck is for brainless retards
What deck is big brain
Guess it's a perfect for me then
Gardevoir, not kidding. You've gotta plan your turns really carefully else you'll just look like someone new to the game not knowing what to do.
Gardy nowadays at an average level is pretty auto pilot with night stretcher. It's just a matter of getting enough psychic in the discard now. Decks only outs to roxanne/stamp/iono is fez now, few run bibarel engines anymore so a scream tail fez into stamp often just wins
>cynthia's Garchomp
autist gonna shit even harder now...
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So far the trainer mons seem like complete memes. They gotta show off a full synergy showcase of all a trainers cards
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No pocket general so I post my pull here
Misty getting nerfed to only target Magikarp. Eevee a cute.
anon why are you bullying newbies on the default tutorial deck
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Looking forward to this dude
don't know man it looks like a meme-tier
>If I buy like 200 codes I reckon I'll get everything
you won't
t. anon that buy boosters and collects with over 200 codes every set and has needed to craft cards anyways
Yes and?
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next saturday my local league is holding a big tournament, any advice on how to improve this deck?

Pokémon: 10
3 Tyranitar ex OBF 66
4 Larvitar OBF 105
1 Pupitar OBF 106
2 Doduo MEW 84
1 Pupitar PGO 38
2 Pidgeot ex OBF 164
1 Gengar LOR 66
1 Rotom V LOR 58
2 Pidgey MEW 16
2 Dodrio MEW 85

Trainer: 21
1 Academy at Night SFA 54
4 Rare Candy SVI 191
2 Earthen Vessel PAR 163
3 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144
1 Counter Catcher PAR 160
1 Lost Vacuum CRZ 135
1 Iono PAL 185
1 Professor Turo's Scenario PAR 171
1 Night Stretcher SFA 61
1 Colress's Tenacity SFA 57
1 Super Rod PAL 188
1 Technical Machine: Evolution PAR 178
1 Roxanne ASR 150
2 Ultra Ball CRZ 146
1 Sparkling Crystal SCR 142
2 Gutsy Pickaxe ASR 145
1 Forest Seal Stone SIT 156
2 Nest Ball SVI 181
1 Damage Pump LOR 156
2 Boss's Orders PAL 172
3 Arven SVI 166

Energy: 1
8 Basic {F} Energy Energy 14

Total Cards: 60
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I have made a serious mistake
oh boy, another hand holder...
fucking bot
>play Dragapult
>lose every game
>play something else
>face nothing but Dragapult and lose

The game's gotta be fucking with me at this point
Go outside retard
Hand holding before marriage is a sin anon
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I messed around with this deck a bit. maybe instead of gutsy pickaxe you can use crispin or glass trumpet? they're both faster at accelerating energy than pickaxe. idk if pideot or academy of night are needed.
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I miss him
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Back again, have at.
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I like the way you use Academy at Night for Gutsy Pickaxe and also a way to discard 1 less card from your deck and make it discard 1 card from hand instead.
Your draw is kinda lacking though. You only have 1 Iono and no Research, and Roxanne won't help you until you're already losing. I think if you're that insistent on having Pidgeot you should just lose your Sparkling Crystal and put in Grand Tree instead, don't forget to put Pidgeotto so it doesn't fail. If not then just lose the Pidgeots and add more Iono/Research/Doduo and Dodrios.
I think having 1 or 2 Night Stretchers in there would be nice as well.
Oh, and you definitely need more than 2 Ultra Balls.
Crispin only works if there's two or more different energies in your deck. If there's only one then it's just a Supporter Energy Search. And Glass Trumpet doesn't help with charging Tyranitar up, unless you use Energy Switch.
Another thing: since Tyranitar's second attack only hits hard with an injured benched Pokemon, I think having Gapejaw Bog or Calamitous Snowy Mountain would be nice, instead of relying on Dodrio and Gengar which is a bit slower to setup.
And, this is more of passing thoughts than suggestions:
Lucario BRS also puts damage counters on himself, so he can be used as a secondary attacked if you want.
If you're going to go full Academy at Night/Gutsy Pickaxe gimmick, having a Pokemon with 0 retreat cost to put in front would be ideal. Mew ex or Dudunsparce works great for this.
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Don't you mean
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After this the rest of the codes are for boxes and small collections. I'll probably space them out a bit more to hopefully show more people to grab them. For the ETBs I'll probably do those one at a time at the end.
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I wanna make my gf a cute deck themed around pooch pokemon. She's a total beginner, never played a turn in her life.

Any tips on where to start in putting together something she could take to kitchen table and shop locals and have a decent time?
She's also a Slowpoke superfan so if there's fun stuff built around it that's great too.
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Here's my Slowking deck >>56703725 but I think she would be better off playing a Slowking ex deck if she's just starting. Maybe put in some Daschbun ex for the pooches.
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Cool, I'll take a look. We did just get the SIR Dachsbun ex the other day.
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I haven't run into any draw issue and as soon as I thought that I had 2 horrible hands, somehow won because the enemy was in the same place.

I removed roxanne and added a research, removed 1 energy and added another ultraball. The pickaxes saved me more than once either by adding energy or finding a supporter, maybe I should add pokegear, 1 carmine and a riolu/lucario instead of dodrio, their draw hasn't been that significant by far. Whatever I can get by friday noon.
oh I forgot glass trumpet only works with coloress pokemon.
>Crispin only works if there's two or more different energies in your deck. If there's only one then it's just a Supporter Energy Search.
crispin still attaches even if you have one type of energy. the idea was that you can attach an energy on tyranitar without having one in hand and then possibly fish out another one to attach with lightning rampage. but it still isnt a
very optimal card to put into into this deck. it might be better to run more colress tenacity so they can get an energy to attach and so they can fish out their academy stadium
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The order is the text is important. If you only pull one card you just put it into your hand, you don't attach.
If you have energy search elsewhere, why not use Giovanni's Charisma?
Crispin needs to grab 2 to attach 1

Giovanni only works on active and only lets you attach if the opponents active has an energy. It's more conditional than crispin
>watching s*reamer play to see how they play and try and pick up tips/tricks
>deck they're playing looks interesting
>try to get decklist using their command

Fuck these stupid ass faggots. I'm not joining your shit fucking discord just to have to verify and then be told "IF U WNT DECK LIST U NEED TO SUB" (faggots in MTG did this shit too).
>playing the tcg
ew, why would you play with valuable cards?
go outside, retard
game keeps giving me more copies of hydrapple ex
fuck off, I'm not playing this shit
you should give it a try, it's fun
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What would Revavroom ex need to be viable? Better tools? Metal acceleration?
TM seller arven will save it surely
just "forget" to detach them at turn end
better metal draw support
baby vroom sucks
are you interested in any of the upcoming ex? Almost all the tera are interesting to me and I really want to try exeguttor and hydreigon
it worked it live when I tested it out against the ai. it must have been bug lol.
unironically pikachu
I watched one guy where he told everyone who wanted a deck list to go to his metafy page or w/e. I just took a screenshot of his deck and made it manually. I don't want to sign up for some cringe gamer site.
I'm more interested in Uxie and Detection Set? or whatever that card that lets you arrange the top 3 cards of your deck
I guess Durant ex and Milotic ex is neat
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I couldn't find a decent maker. But, this is roughly where I'm at
this is just dumb wording and arbitrary rules on your part. The order doesn't imply one takes priority over the other up unless it says "First" which doesn't happen
he's right tho, that's the official ruling
>do this action.
>now do this action.
makes sense to me
Ordering matters. Prime catcher can't be used if your opponent has no pokemon, even if you just wanted to use it to switch yours. If you can't meet condition A you will not proceed to condition B, or even allowed to play the card period
Pretty sure crispin was worded like that to avoid him just being a universal +1 energy attachment for solo energy decks. By making it require 2 types of different energy you prevent that
it says you have to do two actions, not one and then the other. That's why using "then" before shuffling your deck is important, it makes clear that's the last step
Switch catcher makes it very clear there is a condition you have to meet in order to switch your pokemon. Crispin doesn't say that, it should let you attach whatever even if there is only one energy
>>Crispin doesn't say that
>Search your deck for up to 2 Basic Energy cards of different types, reveal them, and put 1 of them into your hand. Attach the other to 1 of your Pokémon. Then, shuffle your deck.
>Attach the other to 1 of your Pokémon.
>the OTHER
It's even in a different sentence. Showing that there is an order
if you read, only 1 of them goes to your hand, the other one is not in your hand and instead relies on being attached to a pokemon right away. If it said "and put both of them in your hand" it would be a different story
not that anon but this is what fucks me up, what determines whether a card can be played even if you can't meet the first condition? it feels arbitrary at times
main example, I've been told you can professor research with an empty hand, but with how its worded implies you physically cannot because you just don't have anything to discard
iono being unable to makes sense because it clarifies that the action needs to happen for the draw effect, same thing for skwovet, so at this point I just chalked it up to "look for clarification text", if its not there it can just do whatever, but thats clearly not how this works, right?
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show me where in the rules it says putting a word before the other means you have to do that first. Other cards make very clear the things you have to do to fulfill a condition. Until then you are illiterates
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Ceruledge seems like it will be amazing
My wife collects Pokemon cards. She's pretty autistic about it, just collects the ones that are shiny, full art, or "special" in some way such as EX/GX/Mega etc, anything with a Rule Box pretty much. She buys a lot of them, so I'm left with a metric shit ton of bulk pokemon cards that she doesn't give a shit about, I'd like to make some money off them if I could.

Are there any "normal" cards--not full art, not shiny, not anything with a Rule Box--that are worth money online in recent sets? She's been collecting them for at least 5 years or so. Is there some resource that would give me a list of ones to look out for? I know 99% of it is worthless junk, I don't want to spend hours searching the value of every Pidgey or Weedle or whatever the fuck in all these thousands of cards.

Should I bother doing this, or just sell it as bulk cards for a cheap price?
>just sell it as bulk cards for a cheap price?
As soon as I saw Ceruledge I was all in on it. I got 4 prereleases (1 of them a draft), an ETB, and a booster box to find 3-4 copies

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Iono needs A player (either player works) to shuffle their hand to the bottom of the deck
>You have 0 cards (excluding iono) in hand but opponent has 8 cards
>You can use iono and draw up to 6

>You have 8 cards in have but opponent has 0
>You can use iono and they can draw up to 6

The only time iono doesn't work is if BOTH players have 0 cards.
That means her "Each players shuffles their hand and puts it on the bottom of their deck." can't be triggered meaning the "If either player put any cards on the bottom of their deck in this way, each player draws a card for each of their remaining Prize cards". Because the "IF either player" condition wasn't met.

Same premise with skwovet except it's only 1 side checking the skwovets players condition
>that prerelease box
My first prerelease
yeah I forgot to specify about iono stating that, but I'm still confused about professors research
Research has no conditions on the discard requirement. Like how iono needs someone to shuffle to work. Research doesn't need to check for any conditions to work, it's just a deletion of your hand into the discard, regardless if there's cards or not in it.

What you're probably thinking of is it needing a condition like this "Discard your hand, if you discarded any cards this way, draw 7 cards". In that case it would be unplayable if you had 0 other cards in hand yes, but the actual research works regardless of handsize.
I think anon has a point. There should be an "If you do," before the "Attach the other" to make it clear that the previous action is a requirement.
logically you'd think that simply saying discard your hand would itself be a requirement to use it, and its the entire reason why I don't trust any card in this game without more clarification text on them to be intuitively understandable, even if its only one line for the effect
this one card has given me massive trust issues and I hate it, but I appreciate you explaining these things and setting up the iono screenshot
just imagine you are a robot, and the card is giving you orders, and you perform them as soon as you hear them, so you will naturally do them in the order you hear/read them
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OP fucked up by putting all his energies on the Lapras and other non EX cards but had no answer when I swapped his no energy Bax in.
who the fuck cares about your shitty ass stall deck, especially against irrelevant shit like lapras ex
play a real deck you fucking faggot
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It's agree it's not the clearest wording. It's assuming people know that a new sentence would require the previous sentence to be completed first.
Adding some sort of "if you do" "if you did" at the beginning of that next sentence would make it clearer, like how they worded giovanni
Try limitless, fuck streamers and discord.
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cared enough to reply.
Was busy for a bit, back now
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Fuck me...
can i attach 4 defiance bands and deal 120 extra damage?
yes. all 4 will de-activate if you aren't behind in prizes anymore though. so people built revaroom as a tanking deck instead
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Got a list of anything? I like decks that run a lot of energy
>don't have my win con by T3
>alt f4 and go next
I swear to god I lose more in casual than ranked.
kill yourself
>draw fezandipiti as my only basic at the start
>lose 100% of the time
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Last of the collections. I've got 7 ETB code cards I'll do them individually. Not sure if I should do them tonight or tomorrow
can i go 4 luxurious capes and play all or nothing then?
Read the card first, then play it.
>draw lumineon as my only basic
>unplug my monitor
what i mean is, can could it work or is it too gimmicky?
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I believe you were instructed to read a card first before moving on to theorycrafting.
You can't make an all-or-nothing pokemon, even in expanded. The most is 5 prizes from 4 capes on the non-rulebox toolbox sigilyph
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>boss is an obese manchild into pokemon
>so much so he took off a week to fly to NY for a pokemon convention
>makes these halloween goodie bags for everyone and includes a couple packs of pokemon cards
>I dont play it but my little sister loves pokemon so I ask for my co-worker's packs to give to her
>grab like 20 of them
>get home and notice one is kinda open
>literally every single pack had been resealed
>my boss used the corporate card to buy 50 packs of pokemon cards, open them, scalp them of valuable cards, reseal them, and then gift them to the department
>imouto sad because she got 0 cool cards from all the packs I grabbed
do these trick or treat booster packs have valuable cards in them or something? Otherwise I think my boss legitimately missused corporate funds for fucking pokemon cards
Is there a better way to mass enter codes? I have two ETB boxes full of them and have been putting off redeeming them because it would take forfuckingever.
eevee set reveal when?
That would be a QOL and you know this game has none of it.
Sad but true
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Can't win with or against the fucking dragapult deck.
nvm I just gotta not play like shit
>do these trick or treat booster packs have valuable cards in them or something?
They don't.
>The 2024 “Trick or Trade BOOster Bundle” will cost $14.99. The bundle will contain 35 mini packs, each with three cards. Every pack includes one holo. You can complete the set with just half a bag to a full bag.
You can be suspicious of your boss if there is noticeable gaps in your collection.
barcode gun, it enters the text on the card faster than your camera or keyboard
Scanning the QR codes on phone is fast enough
There's much more needed QoL like a functioning game or swapping alt arts to versions you own when you import a deck
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Does this mean it's possible to have 8 Mausholds out at the same time? (With Area Zero active of course)
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as the player of the rat bastards, sadly no. you can't play maushold without tandemaus, which means at max you get 4. BUT IF YOU COULD-
It says "put them onto your Bench", so you don't need Tandemaus. It's like Nest Ball's effect but only for Maushold. Tatsugiri ex does the same thing but for any Pokemon, even Stage 2s.
Why did you delete it Mausbro?
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Forgot to add image. Gonna try cooking with this.
...why tho? There's literally a better way to do that right here >>56749899
That's a better way to get only maushold lol
4 dusknoir, 2 togekiss, let's go
Tats is a basic which allows for a T1 setup and potentially better yield of rodents to put on your bench. You're also not losing any maushold if your active gets knocked out the following turn. It might not work out but I'm try it out.
The guy I was replying to said "Mausbros?" in his deleted post
>T1 setup
Good luck with that. You'll either need a Crispin and a Sparkling Crystal or some Tandemaus on the bench and a bunch of energies in your discard to Glass Trumpet and Energy Switch to Tatsu.
Also, you're overestimating the success rate of getting a Pokemon in your 10 top cards that's more than 2.
I guess it's an activator for Area Zero, which is something.
Good luck if you're still gonna try it.
>playing Iron Thorns ex in ranked
>opponent playing Chien Pao ex
>go first, decent setup and end turn
>Chien Pao in active
>opponent drops Lumineon
>Irida from hand
It's pretty funny but I still feel bad lel. Annoying only getting 30 pass points though.
You deserve 0 points just like Snorlax players
>Annoying only getting 30 pass points though.
thats what dailies are for. most of the time I do my dailes and concede as soon as they're done.
>least butthurt Chien-Pao player
I play bolt and one of the reasons I play bolt is so that I can destroy iron thorns players
There are cards that are always in rotation, right? I'm curious what the list consists of. Anyone have a small rundown of these cards? Unless I'm completely wrong haha.
you are technically wrong but there are some trainer cards that get reprinted by the time the older version rotates out
cards like switch, boss's orders and professors research are likely to get new versions stay in the game for example
Has there been any full season without some variant of switch or energy search?
looking it up it seems they got a reprint for at least every single pokemon generation since their introductions, so I assume not
That's what I meant but thank you. Prof Research, Boss's Orders and Switch are the ones I thought were eternal. Am I correct in saying there's always a "Draw 3 (That's it)" card always in rotation? Same with Energy search as >>56753669 mentioned, as well as Energy Switch.
Any cards that come close to having a lifespan like these cards? Double Turbo Energy has done the rounds a couple times, right?
Yeah draw 3 cards are always there, easy way to give a character a card without needing to think of an effect
double turbo is a replacement for a past double energy card that didn't have a drawback
>opponent flips charmander
>t1 rotom
>t2 poffins for pidgey and DREEPY
what the fuck is going on
>Build and battle boxes finally opened
New guy, you don't need to narrate all the new things you just saw in ranked. Charizard with Dragapult has been a thing for at least 4 months now
There's a couple of newfags lately who seem to think this thread is a discord server. For some reason, they can't shut the fuck up about anything involving Dragapult.
>is a discord server.
or that other website
Are you the guys who keep calling everyone a bot?
If I were that fag, I would've done the thing you said already. I'm just saying that being excited about something isn't so exciting for everyone else since it's really easy to look up why something is what it seems.
You can look up decks in Limitless, search for card prices in tcgplayer, read on new info on PokeBeach. Make use of those sites and get yourself more insight, then make a post if you think something is interesting to talk about.
Honestly I don't know what people are thinking with that deck. It's always just been a free win. Regular Charizard is better
Go outside retard
every general inevitably has its janny wannabe
just keep posting whatever you want, it's not like you need anybody's permission
Am i the only one who hates squawk?
>Weak start because it's a basic
>Only relevant turn one, drawing it after can literally brick you
>Snorlax stalls loves to see it on the other side
you might be simply playing a deck that doesn't use it well
the card is good. Like if you're playing a very aggressive deck it's great to set up and attack right away. You don't care if it becomes a liability or useless from turn 2, the game will just end quickly anyway
What decks make good use of it?
bolt, moon, drago
just to name a few
Look it up yourself.
Go outside retard
Maybe I'm just bad then. I played Drago and I took it out. I play bolt and I hate how it just sits there in my bench when it could be a rad gren or a fez
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Virginity unlocked

Regidrago, Terapagos, anything that has Nest ball and can afford to lose some resources
Fuck you. Stop enabling invalids.
Literally go outside you fucking retard, stop policing this thread
go back to your fucking website
anything that doesn't mind discarding resources. so usually not evolutions decks
Post your list
Fuck you. Stupid morons will never stop asking stupid questions because of retarded cunts just like you.
Looks like I triggered the three retards
so yellow borders am i right
squawk's ability and sometimes even its attack is goated. like another anon said. its great with decks that want to go fast and discard their cards. it'll also help you out of a dead first hand more often than a discard supportor will since squawk can be pulled out with pokeballs and can use its ability going first.
Thinking that people should try to be self-sufficient and try to figure out their own questions instead of waiting for other people to do it for them isn't gatekeeping.
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The thread is literally for discussion of the game, that includes questions
not sure what you're implying but i'm really glad we have the silver jp borders now. the yellow ones were awful
>playing Iron Throns
>OP is still somehow able to use his brute bonnets Toxic powder

Is this a glitch or something?
i thought we left the vmax meta?
why are people getting 3 prizes on turn 2?
Ability: Initialization
As long as this Pokémon is in the Active Spot, Pokémon with a Rule Box in play (both yours and your opponent's) have no Abilities, except for Future Pokémon. (Pokémon ex, Pokémon V, etc. have Rule Boxes.)
Brute is an ancient pokemon.
brute doesn't have a rule box. iron thorns gets farmed by klawf decks
nvm I'm dumb af, brute doesn't have a rule box
Brute is not a rule box pokemon
>5 energy, 3 bosses orders and a Penny in my hand
>only a single pokemon on this field
>draw another energy
>alt f4

Fucking great game
My average game desu
direct retards to a fucking pastebin or else its the same damn questions every new thread, retard. holy fuck all bots
instead of wasting your time calling people bots go spend that time and update the fucking pastebin, it's been out of date for 3 years now
Am i the only one who hates VIP Pass?
>Weak start because it's a basic
>Only relevant turn one, drawing it after can literally brick you
>Snorlax stalls loves to see it on the other side
>do well in ptcgl
>try it irl
>literally lose turn 1 going first because out of the 8 basics and 8 pokemon search items, only get 1 (one/uno/ein) basic and no items

I was really embarassing, I was excited to play it and lost all matches with lots of time to spare
Shuffle your cards better. Use different types of shuffling. It helps with decompartmenting your mons with your trainer cards.
It was great with old Palkia/Intellion
But I'm with you, it is super overhyped for just kick started card.
It is pretty shit yeah
I know you're making fun of my post about squawk but battle pass is unironically worse because it will take up 4 slots on your deck. 4 dead draws. Amazing
Except it was so powerful that almost every deck at the time played all 4 copies, and if your opponent opened one or more of them and you didn't, you were already losing. You're so stuck on something being a "dead draw" that you can't see how good a card is.
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>stop talking about TCG in the TCG general!
>their website
>tcg general
here you go my son. eat up
Guys, why is every deck playing Fezandipity ex? It only draws three cards, that doesn't seem very good to me. I don't get it.
Figure it out, dum dum
Can't you just explain it to me? I don't know why it's supposed to be so good?
>Pleas-please upset
>he needs fez to draw 3
lmao even
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Since Pikachu ex has natural Focus Sash, I think having a Bianca's Devotion would be nice as a 1-of
Pikachu is strong enough people will tech for it
Also if your pikachu survives the turn anyway you've pretty much won, no need for bianca
>people will tech for it
What tech? Canceling Cologne?
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>Pikachu is strong enough people will tech for it
I'm already teching for it.
Yeah primarily, some might run hawlucha if they can gust

Yeah dusk line is one of the best counters to it too, while not being a dedicated tech slot.
Glass Trumpet with Blissey ex is pretty clever, never thought of that
Yeah, I've been using the camera on my laptop.

Oh, I don't disagree at all, but it'd be nice to have a way to railgun hundreds of codes.
I saw this deck and thought it was pretty cool. blissey always felt like it could be useful. its super tanky and has a decent ability.
I think the only problem with Blissey is setting it up is a hassle since Chanseys are 100+ HP so they're not Poffinable. But with that Trolley Ace Spec it should be easier
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>Ability: Sunny Day
>Your [G] and [R] Pokémon’s attacks do 20 more damage to your opponent’s Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
>[G][C][C] Spinning Attack: 60 damage.
Could Scovillain double dip with this damage boost? (obviously only the ones with the dual-type ability)
Interesting question. I think it wouldn't get +20 twice since it only fulfills the requirement twice so the bonus damage stays the same. I'm probably wrong.
You're kinda dumb desu
Maybe because it actually does something besides turn 1
Why bother with blissey, why not just use terapagos?
This was either super op or completely dead depending on when you drew it and I'm glad it's gone, hopefully forever.
Poffin is better
And you're too focused on something going good turn one you're blind to how it's bricking your deck, sorry not sorry that I plan for turn 2
>Guys I'm trolling you! Pay attention!
>Also if your pikachu survives the turn anyway you've pretty much won
Huh?you've won two prizes maybe but you certainly haven't won the match
Why not do penny instead
Nobody plays Canceling Cologne because it's often a dead draw
>Give the Pikachu 3 prizes instead of 2
Great idea
This is so meme
I like it
There's been lots of meme Dusknoir + Luxray memes on JP Gym Battles lately, for some reason
Why crobat
Takes 2 more damage if you KO with the 30 damage it does (to any opp Pokemon). Dusknoir for 130, leaves Bax at 30 for 3 prizes, or Dusclops for 50 to kill any 70 HP basics for 3 prizes. Luxray also hits 180 with Reversal Energy, 210 can kill some ex mons like Ogerpon for 4 prizes.
>Dusknoir and crobat on the opponents squawkabilly
>One Pidgey
>Two Pidgeot
>Two Pidgeot ex
>Mawile hasn't been relevant forever
>Two thorton??
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How do I play around pic related with Spidops ex? Is my only hope to boss it and run canceling cologne, or do I just get to eat shit?
Holy shit I forgot Magcargo ex is a Tera. Which means I can bring Noctowl and Glass Trumpets and 1 Briar
Boss it
no one going to play this anyway
Do you have a list because you're probably the only one who runs magcargo
>no one going to play this anyway
lmao even
>obsessed with something potentially bricking your deck
>doesn't understand how Squawk can unbrick a bad turn 1
Cards like these can determine whether you even have a turn 2. I'm glad you know more than everyone who's been playing longer than you, though.
I've probably been playing longer than you
Read the card. Trumpet the energy onto Blissey, then move them to Pikachu. Terapagos can't do that.
As inexperienced as you sound, I really doubt it.
I've been playing since base set one
No one who's been around that long would call it "Base Set One"
Lmao keep coping dude. I don't know why you're getting so mad about this to be honest, it's just a difference of opinion.
>9/10 games I face a deck that perfectly counters mine
>the last game I brick so hard I would have had a better chance playing a MTG deck instead
you're gonna eat shit sadly, spidops decks are pretty much dead because it

it's in a LOT of lists
Because one of us is wrong and seems determined to stay ignorant. I can't wait to see more of your opinions.
Optimization with heavy ball. Doing a 1:2 line with heavy ball helps with not starting with the pokemon in active. I've seen the same in some palkia lines.
>spidops and calamitous become useless
>all evolution basics die to dragon dart
my wugs can't catch a break. maybe I will have to pivot to ancient box for mill once this set is legal
>only ever have one pokemon on the field
>zero energy
>have 4x judge and boss's orders in my hand every game
>redraw them every time
They're promoting dusknoir usage. That's horrifying.
People used to do 2:3 lines with Giratina to increase the chances of a Comfey start.
based. I love duskull/dusknoir. They should release more cards of them so I can just make an entire deck with them
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Literally just Prof Research and get rid of them all
yeah no shit retard
well now that they're all in your hand you can use them to draw new cards and you'll be guaranteed to get something else
I love how Iron Throns just straight up doesn't work most of the fucking time
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Post your list, I never have this problem
Pokémon: 1
4 Iron Thorns ex TWM 77

Trainer: 22
2 Future Booster Energy Capsule PAR 164
4 Crushing Hammer SSH 159
4 Judge PAF 228
2 Enhanced Hammer TWM 148
1 Prime Catcher TEF 157
4 Pokégear 3.0 SVI 186
4 Professor's Research PAF 88
2 Penny SVI 183
3 Lost City LOR 161
2 Arven PAF 235
2 Arven OBF 186
1 Colress's Tenacity SFA 57 PH
1 Boss's Orders PAL 265
1 Technical Machine: Devolution PAR 177
1 Technical Machine: Turbo Energize PAR 179
1 Lost Vacuum CRZ 135
1 Colress's Tenacity SFA 57
2 Techno Radar PAR 180
3 Boss's Orders SWSHALT 102
1 Future Booster Energy Capsule TEF 149
2 Canceling Cologne ASR 136
1 Earthen Vessel PAR 163

Energy: 2
4 Double Turbo Energy ASR 216
7 Basic {L} Energy Energy 21

Total Cards: 60
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>bricks half the time relying on top decks
>still somehow winning points with good performances
just shows how cancerous this meta is relying on broken abilities.
>Because one of us is wrong and seems determined to stay ignorant.
That's literally you retard
Stop posting and go outside
Is "go outside" all you know how to say, you stupid, fucking braindead faggot? I hate your posts just as much as you hate mine. Fuck you. Leave the thread if you don't like it.
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OH Are you BRICKING maybe you should run this guy to fix it
This hand would be greatly improved if squawkabilly was in the active!
You can't play that card, it's a dead draw that will brick your deck. It doesn't matter how often it can fix your opening hand, drawing it later just isn't worth it.
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>No u the post
You ran out of intelligent comments a long time ago, scrub. Stay mad and stay retarded.

Intelligent discussion was lost on you. Every time someone in this thread suggested that newfags should try to educate themselves, your response was "No, leave the poor stupid people alone, let them be spoonfed." Stay ignorant, moron.
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>no sexy female outfits

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