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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Psyduck (November 14th)
- Tinkaton
- Galarian Rapidash

- Darkrai has been released
- Gengar lootbox and Lucky Ice pop event has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>56668441
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best girl soon?
Why aren’t you playing dark void/dark pulse right now?

Hit them once with dark void. Then hit them once with dark pulse. Hit them again if they’re going to die. Otherwise exit away from them. Hit them with another dark void. Then you get two boosted autos.

It’s super safe and super high damage. Each dark pulse hit is the same damage as gengar shadow ball.
Been best girl since 1999
Who have you guys been picking as bans? I usually do A9, Pikachu, Ho-Oh, or Armarouge.
usually ceruledge, armarouge and sableye since most randoms dont know how to fight invis enemies
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You know what?
I would like another Team Healer like Clefable, they can make her a Tanky Healer like Alistar from League of Legends.
You have my vote Cowplower
I'm assuming Tinkaton is coming in December and Galarian Rapidash in January?
We know Psyduck is November so yea
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hips of width... legs of cream... eyes that gleam...
I’ve had two darkrai on my team, even played wiggly for them, and both have been total shit
Had one just now who I literally outdamaged as wiggly
Comfey cuz I hate it with a passion it's a fucking blight by inherit design.
If someone else bans Comfey then it's usually Ho-Oh, the knights, or Umbreon.
At least Wiggly isn't a meme pick currently so if you do pick Wiggly and the Darkrai is ass you're still good.
Yeah, I honestly started playing it just now and it does feel very strong
But there’s only so much I can do as a defender (yeah I know it’s labeled as a support but we know it’s a tank lol).. I mean I did 45k and our darkrai did 44..

It’s hilarious bullying junglers with it midgame though. I just walk up to them and kill them
Wiggly is great but if you’re looking to carry and influence games as the support/off tank mime probably does it better
I actually play stacking mime a lot, just kinda wanted to abuse the new meta mon
Funny enough, just bought darkrai and got 124k my first game. Not even hard. Though I’d have done better had our bottom ELO cat not instacalled jungle like a retard

We were losing and had good rip and yet team refused to force ray. So fucking clueless
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>my duo has a 51/49 WR
>their duo has a 55 WR
>3 players on my team have a negative WR

Why put me in games that it’s obvious I’m going to lose?
The Mysterious Forced Loss...
I got matched against a 70% WR player next match. Unfortunately, Darkrai was just too strong for them…

They were playing Umbreon; very balanced for a tank to have 65k healing
Just had a match where my Jungler spent the entire time losing a 3v2 on Bot. Never once visited my lane.
Just had a match with two TTV guys; one played spoon Mimikyu and the other played Blastoise but made an effort to avoid every teamfight
So suffice to say, I can relate..
What's up with HydroSpin Blast? Just seems worse than Spout in every way.
how do i get darkrai? i have to play this stupid board game and get 1000 tickets??
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Don’t play it, it’s not impossible to play but you should stick to spout

Correct. Or you could drop 1365 gems on him to get him now..
If you want an ult that does *84% max HP damage*, you gotta pay up after all, don’t you?
what the fuck? darkrai is literally just void spirit from dota
Is "Mew Main" even still around, or is posting this just tradition now
Tradition. Mew players are extinct.
Mamo's still pretty good despite the nerf, although you can tell it hurts.
>jungler Wigglytuff two games in a row
I'm gonna fucking kill someone
>Galarian Rapidash
wow, another bland pokemon
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>Picrel might actually happen in the future
I think she has high skin potential, mostly because of the fact is that her bodyshape and lack of clothes makes her a literal dress-up doll that she can pretty much work with almost anything style of outfits.
>skins changing the hammer
silky sailor girls...
Nooooooo, where are the starter release, fuck you timi.
it would just be rillaboom since timi loves galar shitmons so much. Funny they are all the least played
I wish they'd rework the interaction between them, maybe give hydropump an extra charge when spinning or something.

The ult buff was the one thing that made no sense, even pre buff Darkrai could take down people easy enough with the ult DoT.
There's so many moves I think need reworks.
Which ones?
Just off the top of my head
>Blastoise Hydro Pump
>Comfey Sweet Kiss
>Clefable Draining Kiss
>Goodra's entire kit
>Snorlax Flail
As a Defender/Support main, I can't think of a single situation where I would unironically use any of these unless I'm just fucking around.
Even other "bad" (I'd say Snorlax Blast and Comfey are still quite good atm despite their sub-50 win rate) Defender/Supports like Greedent and Sableye (even tho those two are larping Speedsters) and Lapras, I can see myself picking any of their moves.
But these are just so mind-bendingly awful that I would never use them.
And Goodra is just straight terrible. Definition of a noobtrap.
>>56740861 (Me)
>>Blastoise Hydro Pump
Meant while playing Rapid Spin in case it wasn't clear
Eh, sweet kiss has its use on certain speedsters and all rounders, I'm pretty sure it was used in worlds but I might be crazy.
Tyranitar used it during Comfey's heyday but nowadays I don't think its used at all.
I believe Comfey's Sweet Kiss sets are the lowest percentage picked sets in the game.
Eldegoss (Leaf Tornado), Blissey (Safeguard AND Helping Hand), and Clefable (Draining Kiss) all compete for that. All of those should probably get buffs.
Aqua Tail on Gyarados needs a rework too, it feels like they've given up on that move.
Ok, smart guy, now give a list of good replacement moves..
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>Hydro Spin - Keep it as Hydro Pump, just increase the amount of spins you get
>Sweet Kiss - Leech Seed, adds lifesteal to the attached Pokemon for blank seconds based off of flower amount (probably a low amount of time)
>Draining Kiss - Keep it as Draining Kiss, but it becomes rapid-fire and sends out way more kisses that deal low damage, with a low cooldown, maybe rooting Clefable in place like a turret
>Flail - Turns into Curse, forces opponents to lock on to Snorlax and gives a shield but makes him slower
I'm not gonna give ideas for Goodra's whole kit lmao
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Clefables draining kiss just needs to gain HP from attacking shields that's all the buff it needs
The only thing that needs to be done with drain kiss is to increase the shield Clefable gets when an ally gets healed by it so it can actually stay in the game if it's near someone.
Any NA players here want to trio once ranked resets?
I’m thinking we could go darkrai/wigglytuff/comfey, maybe replace one of them with snorlax
Flail just needs a hinderance resistance that tapers off over time like the speed boost does and it would be great

Goodra isn’t bad it’s more so that umbreon is too good and ho-oh/slowbro ults are too useful
Nice Snorlax buffs, when's it getting an actual passive?
I hope golisopod gets in, the ability could work perfectly as a free eject button on the opposite direction you're facing
Bros... they buffed my boy Blastoise! Now I can spam hindrances with energy amp even more...! I think.
It'd be less clunky if they just gave it a speed boost at half health, an eject button randomly activating after taking enough damage could really fuck you over.
They might not be in that order
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What are the odds of mah boi making it in?
I'd love for Golisopod or Venipede to get in.
Shit I meant Scolipede, but technically Venipede would be included as well.
I know, but a lot of people want(inculding me) Tinkaton to be next after Psyduck, especially when how they seem to have been focusing on a pattern of releasing on Paldea mons in between older gen mons this year.
>v Duo Old Gens Pattern v
>^ Duo Old Gens Pattern ^
>v Duo Old Gens Pattern v
>^ Duo Old Gens Pattern ^
>Galarian Rapidash
Assuming, if the pattern continues like that.
Goodra is absolutely bad. It's even the worst mon in the game. It's designed as a noob trap, and when you realize how to actually fight it, it falls apart. It is in crucial need a rework. Umbreon and Ho-Oh being good (Slowbro is fine but has kind of fallen off) has nothing to do with Goodra being shit. If the only Defenders in the game were Goodra and then Greedent and Lapras, Goodra still wouldn't see any use. He's Bottom 1, maybe 2 if you think Buzzwole is worse.

Get some sleep
I'm gonna start banning Zoro, that motherfucker is annoying as shit.
Why an I unable to report people for being retarded
oh I love carrying a game just for my team to fucking throw right at the end by defending against eleki at 2:05
>Exp Share, Attack Weight, Weakness Exploit Crustle
This worked weirdly well. Played with SR and RT, I'm honestly impressed.
Ban Comfey instead
Zoro 100% didn’t need a buff though you’re right
>second pick gets pikachu
>goal getter
>shell bell
>energy amp
>X speed
>he’s jungling
>razor claw buddy barrier cinderace also calls jungle
>last pick goes charizard

Kill me
Update: we got 38 kills and they got 20, we were the better players (somehow), but my team lost rayquaza 3v1 to a decidueye so we lost :)))))

Our last pick had a 49% winrate and theirs had a 56% winrate. Very cool!
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>Great 1st gank
>Armarouge has already evolved
>Nab a Neutral Indeedee on my way out
>Throws an atomic shitfit
>Follows me to jungle & last hits red buff to prevent my own Evo for midbirds, spinning after
>scurries up top for Eleki
>dies once

Damn man there are some spiteful fucking babies playing this game
I haven't seen Comfey Zoro once, nor have I seen a Comfey for that matter.
>team bans darkrai
>get pissed so I play greedent
>end up being #2 damage on my team

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what a lame battle pass..
It's genuinely astounding to me that fags can't comprehend the concept of "if they outnumber and outlevel you, you will likely die" and "standing in the goal heals you."
>entire enemy team walks to a goal
>stun them and get in some good damage, enough for even a comfey to wipe them
>watch as my zacian teammate just sits in the bush for 15 seconds doing nothing but slight unsure movements as I get killed, revving up its unite as they walked past to the goal, missing and then getting bursted to death
What’s more annoying; that, or people not understanding that you *need* to force ray, even if it’s a coinflip, if you’re losing?
Tough question. But, even if your teammates feed all game, you can steal Ray and win. However, if you lose Ray its literally over. I'm gonna say Ray and everything fucking surrounding it is a disaster.
I just hate having to play a Pokemon with good rip every game.
If it’s 1:00 and you’re losing, it’s a 5v5 at ray, I just can’t understand why you wouldn’t start ripping. Force a 50/50.

But my teams are always so obsessed with killing all 5 before starting no matter what. That’s not always the right play…
I've had so many games where they "win" the team fight but don't rip Ray. Playing Defender/Support on solo queue is the literal worst thing ever.
Is there ever a time I should take trick room??
Ray would be fine if they just took away double scoring in the last two minutes making the first 8 minutes of the game completely trivial is retarded. Shields with regular scoring would be plenty of comeback wincon if you deserved to win in the first place
the most annoying thing is and always will be
>team goes to top objective

when u want to lose
Speedsters are the most privileged class in unite and nothing is even close

You can’t even say they’re high risk either because most of their unites are braindead ‘I win’ moves and they get 80% movespeed from them

Not to mention their mobility - which even for assassins is just ridiculous
I give talon and zera a pass but the rest are fags
Every day I pray that every single eeveelution receives the sableye treatment.
I want them to be weaker than release metagross.
>release metagross
not enough, they should be release decidueye
They should all evolve a level later than they do and their passive needs another 5-10sec added to the cooldown minimum unfortunately the only route for this to happen is if eevee fuckers start complaining about not getting to play as my heckin cute stage 1 eevee for longer than 30 seconds a match
>he thinks they'd nerf the eevees rather than just making a non-evolving eevee
They need to evolve at level 4, get their ults at level 8 and never fall off because they just do, okay?
Fuck picking different mons
My fate is in the hands of randoms no matter what I do anyway
I main Comfey now
Magikarp level (after they evolve)
lol I could actually see them doing this shit yet we’ll never ever see raichu again
The Jungler Eevee's getting their Ults at 8 is actually straight bullshit
remember when their was double jungler meta where two eevees would split jungle cause they both just reach level 4 and 8 respectively by sharing
that was so coooool
Qipao bunny when?
Clearly you never fought against a good Talon player then, a good talon can essentially stay the entire game in the enemy side of the map.
Zera is the only innocent speedster.
Give Mimikyu away for free, introduce a BP for him
Wp, if the design was literally anything else I would have pay pigged
>do more damage and kos than my entire team combined
>and take less damage
>while being targetted by the enemy team the whole time for carrying
sometimes this game really makes you feel like you're in a truman show situation
>enemy jungler ganks your lane because you’re winning
>your jungler doesn’t gank your lane because you’re winning
>enemy has no secure potential
>team autistically moves away from fug to hit the enemy giving them a free uncontested fug
>enemy has massive secure potential
>team ignores them completely and puts fug in range for a free enemy secure
Every. Fucking. Time.
Why are you playing at the end of the season? It’s always like this
DKfable is one step away from becoming first patch of Power Swap Mime.
those lickable silkies...
Maybe it’s the ‘tism but being hit with these pumpkins fucking enrages me this is NOT fun
>score guard pikachu
fucking done with this trash game.
Decent but I still prefer the holowear Mimikyu came out with.
This is the list of Pokémon on the roster who are 100% female rep from each region.
>Blissey = Kanto/Johto
>Tsareena and Comfey = Alola
>Soon, Tinkaton = Paldea

This is the list of Pokémon on the roster who are 100% male rep from each region.
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>Paldean rep is Tinkaton
I wanted this guy.
>Only Half-Paldean
>Queue up
>Ray spawns
>Two random teammates run off to farm on the sides for no reason
>>Queue up
>Ray spawns
>Two random teammates run off to farm on sides-
That's more on GF making female only Pokémon way more than male only.
Who else abusing darkrai before the season ends?

Nasty plot, dark void, nasty plot, basic with two bonus damage, nasty plot, nasty plot, basic with two bonus damage while they think they survived
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>Breedable Male Pokémon: 13
>Male Pokémon in total: 22

>Breedable Female Pokemon: 17
>Female Pokemon in total: 23

The only difference is there are more breedable female Pokémon than there are male Pokémon.
When TiMi is satisfied with your losing streak and starts giving you wins again.
to be fair a lot of the male only options are ass and the few good ones would be too similar to pokemon already in the game, the only decent options would be Mothim (which would be a worse pick than Wormadam and worse moth than Volcarona), Hisuian Braviary or Grimmsnarl
also Comfey can be male and I'm pretty sure Unite's one is a male in the code
You're right, it can be 25% chance of being male.
Also, I don't care about Unite's irrelevant code, those don't even matter as they portray the "males" on that list as females anyways, the only one who that code list matters on is just Sylveon.

I think out of the three you named, I think Grimmsnarl has a high chance even if they did bring in Hatterene before him, he'll be a different role than her.
Oh fuck no, last thing Unite needs is more comeback mechanics
>start a new account before the season ends
>playing darkrai
>first human match
>teammate autolocks it

maybe timi could fix the fucking switch version so it’s not laggy as fuck compared to phone? That’d be nice
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>forced loss in expert
>forced loss in expert
>forced loss in EXPERT
I've had so many retarded teammates trying to flip Ray even when we've had a lead that I've got the last hit timing down pat on most of my mains
Anon Meow, Ceruledge, Armarouge, and Miraidon have been in the game for months ranging to a year
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>char with 7 points and 0 KOs
>ninja with 6 points and 0 KOs
those clowns should not be playing dps.
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>Sits there doing fuckall
>"Steals" with guaranteed hit babby Ult

Kill yourself
Wait til you find out that we got ray. Team then decided to fight.. and LOST

Enemy duo had like 2k games and my duo had 160, of course. Enemy ho-oh was probably smurfing too if you look him up. But he didn’t get a forced loss. Must be nice
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I was fully prepared to just lose because the Zacian started melting Ray despite two members of the team pinging him to back off. Whether it failed or not I was planning on going to score after it died anyways, so I figured I might as well try to salvage it and get a clip while doing so
Didn't ask
Nice to see armarouge is still broken post fire spin rework, max stacks trevenant and he kills me in seconds.
This retard literally level 1 invades A9 jungle and still gets 16 kills
The literal only difference I've noticed is that I sometimes get more assists than outright kills when using Armor Cannon. The mix of either long range CC+Short Range CC/Dash or Long Range CC+Also Long Range CC is still super good.
Is curse/pain split still viable? Has anyone played it recently?
Curse Horn Leech is good but Pain Split sucks
it was viable even before its latest buff, just make sure to apply it on enemies with the most hp

to be fair, you probably should've been more agressive since they only had two people left, and all three of you had ults up
Dayum. Only got up to 1400 when grinding the last couple days this season. Oh well.
The nightmare begins anew..
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>A long long time ago, I was questioned about why was I hording coins
>I told them I had a gut feeling that they're going to add my favorite Pokémon someday
>They told me I need new Pokémon and I should stop playing the same Pokémon in every game
>I told them I don't like most of the Pokémon that are being added
>Almost tempted in buying Goodra, Mimikyu, Delphox, and Falinks, but ended up quitting due to losing streak in ranked got too much, so I never spent my coins
>Ignored Pokémon Unite for almost half of a year
>Last a few days ago, decided to check up on ElChicoEevee twitter posts to see if any new skins for my Pokémon are being added(My Pokémon never get skins), see a silhouette of Tinkaton and Galarian Rapidash with videos showing movesets that looks legit
Glad I kept hording my coins and staying hopeful for my most favorite Pokémon(Tinkaton) and one of the Pokémon I do like(Galarian Rapidash) to be added.
I have every Pokemon on the roster (besides Comfey because fuck that) with 28k so spare, it really isn't that hard if you've been playing since around launch
Same and I only play like 3 of them lol
i have 820 darkrai points without spending money. they've been pretty generous with dice
Yeah, I only really started doing it today (though I've been collecting the daily dice at least) and I'm already at like 750~. It was basically nonstop progress until I ran out of those point missions.
I'm just kind of getting into this game and, to be honest, I'm really enjoying Zoroark so far. Is this a character that actually promotes good fundamentals or are they going to entirely fuck me over in the long run due to learning some shit "wrong"?
Zoro is fine and just got buffed into obnoxiousness while still requiring 2+ braincells, you're good
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>won a match with a team of four attackers and a sableye
>the enemy even had a mimikyu, so we absolutely should've lost
I'd hate to be the enemy team right now loooool.
Rad. Good to hear that my main isn't just a shitter magnet that falls off. I've been vibing with them and Umbreon so far, being able to keep someone far away from the squishies with Mean Look feels almost as good as comboing any clown that steps out of position.
Enemy team was playing pikachu, glaceon, snorlax, trevenant, mimikyu

Imagine how much of a fucking loser you need to be to metaslave in pokemon unite of all games.
Can't really decide if I like Metagross or not
He's got neat mobility tools but too much of his value comes from needing multiple enemies to hit. All while it seems like almost every new mon releasing is built to out duel the last one.
Really not liking the recent trend of speedsters with all-rounder bulk; ie mimikyu and ceruledge

Mimikyu legitimately needs to do like 33% less damage with shadow claw. What a broken Pokemon
Pika mimikyu and any eevee are cringe. Trev and snorlax are good and playable but still outclassed
Biggest issue is there is no counter play other than gravity clefable
Even if you use gravity it can still kill you with shadow claw, still use its broken unite move, and so on
But I do think shadow sneak is by far the most broken move on it
I play mostly Defenders and Supporters and I haven't felt like Mimikyu is op. Maybe I'm just stupid and not paying attention. It's the knights that seem way too strong right now to me.
Oh they’re way too strong for sure.

With Mimikyu my issue is that it has speedster damage but all-rounder bulk. Shadow sneak in particular is just a ridiculous move. It gets a reset like a speedster. Shadow claw does like 60% of a squishy’s HP. But then it gets all-rounder tankiness.
>got to 1600 with like 20 minutes to spare
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I can't wait for the new season to begin oh boy! I took 3 weeks off so hopefully everything feels fresh again right?... Yeah right... immense amounts of suffering and misery for a sticker like usual fun :)
You're stronger than me, I got stuck at 1400 yesterday and decided that it wasn't worth the stress
>playing Comfey
>end game at level 12
>Dragapult ends game at level 11
Beginning of season sure is rough.
Is curse/leech trevenant even better for bullying than azumarill?
It feels so crazy the stuff you can get away with on this pokemon.
>They patched being able to dodge bot games
Fuck me this climb is aids.
Playing Greedent is so much fun. It makes me feel like a scummy ugly bastard.
14k coins racked up from my returning trainer bonus! Now to wait a month or something for Psyduck to be available. Since I already have all Defenders and Supporters, is there anyone worth getting in the meantime?
Idk bout you guys but I'm gonna relax and climb at the middle of the season
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>just play for 3 years straight bro
>then you'll have all the coins you could want
>690 gems for a regular battle pass
when the fuck did that happen?
When Greninja bp happened
>team feeds the entire match
>somehow steal rayquaza
>instant victory
this game is fucking retarded.
>first game of the season featuring dorkrai and his butt buddies snorlax and wiggly
If miraidons passive wasn't so unteliable to proc I'd be instalocking.
>Lore accurate Darkrai
HOLY KINO no it is not kino I fucking hate it, paypigs get to run wild on teams without Darkrai, it's more powerful than the release mewtwos absolutely zero counter play
Curse/Horn Leech used to be THE Trevenant set before Wood hammer got buffed and turned Trev into a CC machine.
It's still a good set for fucking over melee mons.
>didn't play for a while
>rank reset
>went from ultra 3 to veteran 3 and because of too many losses got knocked down to veteran 4
>always get the most retarded team i have ever seen with at least 3 of them having win rates under 45
>if i win once i lose twice
i'm never leaving veteran am i
>i'm never leaving veteran am i
If your win rate gets raped enough by the many retards infesting veteran eventually the game will put you in a team with 52~54% win rate players, your win rate needs to get raped a little bit more anon for you to see better teammates.
Sounds solid for soloq, rip ray real fast and entire enemy team will chase after sableye because sableye
It wasn't even that, we just picked off their Mimiku first and then rest one-by-one before we ripped.
Having a Delphox for stuns really helped a lot, though.
You need to play fire spin armarouge.
caressing her curvaceous creaminess...
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I picked Trevenant recently and I'm getting used to its moveset. Do you have any pointers? I don't need a full guide but I would like some advice for things I should take into account when playing as the tree.
What moveset do you prefer?
Wood Hammer/Horn Leech.
>win 1 game
>bot game
>lose 1 game
>bot game
cool, I'm already almost down to fucking vet
>playing darkrai
>losing every single match
I think I'm just shit at Speedsters, I've never done well with them, ever.
I think I'm to used to the All-Rounder/Defender mindset of "get in and stay in".
I haven't played in years, is it worth me coming back to play at all? How is the game these days balance wise?
I'd say the game is in a decent position balance wise. In the sense that right now the meta doesn't revolve around the latest pokemon as it used to. There's a decent amount of mons that do well to pick from right now. Some are suffering, of course, but there's enough good options in every role now.
Dark void, dark pulse, hit them once, hit them twice if it’ll kill, otherwise exit away from them. Then hit them with another dark void and you get two boosted basics.

If you insist on nasty plot (which isn’t as good) then you want to keep up your nasty plot counters all the time, you need blue buff. Dark void, nasty plot in, basic attack, nasty plot away (ideally twice if you don’t get too far away from them), basic attack again
What do you mean? Are you losing vs bots?
Is anyone else having problems with the game just fucking freezing in place for no reason on Switch?
What I mean is that I get bot games no matter if I lose or win, in addition to already being treated like shit by the new season
How many fucking coins are we collecting now palace Halloween darkrai something else ?
>That feathers
Chicken GF
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Relax, it's the start of the new season
All the actual good players got demoted to Ultra 3 and you're matched against them
Stay out of ranked for a few days, you can go back in your kiddie pool when the big boys are done
Or you stay with increased chances of being teamed up with good players that hopefully will carry you.
Fucking this all the good players lose all the time shit players got to 1600-1700+ and us chads are shadow locked in at 1400 or so where the real competition is
I'd believe this if my 1400 teammates weren't more fucking useless than my 1200 teammates. I never had anyone compete for jungle the entire game in 1200 last season, but guess what happened every other match in 1400?

Hol up. We got a jungler here? I thought everyone was support and defender cucks
No, no, you misunderstand. I watch BOTH of my degenerate junglers yell that they're going center and then ping retreat the entire match.

Ah okay checks out then. As you were.
i just have more fun in lane i could jungle if i really cared to
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I hope I can play Tinkaton in the jungle, like I do Crustle, I mean depending how low the CD is on Thief and how much it speeds her up, she'll probably be able to get to lanes and objectives decently fast(Like Poppy from LoL spamming W), especially how Thief increases the speed boost even more running towards hindered targets that'll probably be useful in ganking lanes with allies that has a bunch of CC.

Also, I wonder what they mean by Gigaton Hammer throws enemy Pokémon, is it going to be like picrel?
Tinkaton will be an allrounder so of course you will.
Let's go gambling!
With all that CC in her kit?
I guess I can see her as a very sticky allrounder, but I'm feeling she might be just a very offensive-defender with a bit of mobility?
I don't think they are physically able to make defenders anymore. I mean, a Supporter then a Defender? Seems unlike the Timmy we know and loathe.
>second ranked game of the new season
>playing darkrai
>enemy team has leafeon, sylveon AND espeon (blue badge)
>our team has an AFK azumarill
>still win

Darkrai is so fucking broken. I would just dark void, and once I dark pulsed them a single time they were dead.

They deserve it though for being eeveeshitters
isn't it better to rank now with people who know how to play? last season I had so many timmies and afks because I waited too long
>is it going to be like picrel?
Launching a random Ceruledge into low orbit sounds funny, so I hope so.
It’s probably better to wait because the shitters are on both teams if you do so
But desu it’s not terrible now. You just need to play the meta
True, but it's also ideal to play now to rush master because unlucky players still don't have Darkrai yet.
Do any free players have him yet?
No I don’t think it’s possible with the amount of dice given so far even rolling all 6s. Would be easy enough to check but I’m not
Been playing since day two of the event. I'm about to reach 900 points so I'll have Darkrai in a couple days I think.
It's possible already, just very unlikely. Needs 150 rolls on map completion.
I wonder how long timi will wait before nerfing him..
I sure hope that they keep him strong for a few more days seeing as how I paid $20 for him
I don't care if it's Scizor, Goodra, Scaldbro or whatever else if I see a retarded damage sponge who I know is gonna contribute nothing other than inting on my team I close the game
It’s so fun how you can see matchmaking giving you progressively harder games as you win more!
I already fucking despised the ugly bike helmet fucks before they got into Unite and now I never want to see them ever again
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I say this and then the next game is against a 55/60 WR duo using shedinja doll miraidon, lmao
You talking about ceruledge/armarouge? I hate them so much in unite, second only to the eevees
>eeveeshitter goes to a lane, takes our side's mobs without contesting anything then fucks off to the other lane
why is this a consistent thing
Because the "archetype" is so good they can just do that
Trev is a good staple to climb to masters and counter the meta if you use curse/horn leech.
It cucks mons like Pikachu if they try to volt tackle you and you have curse up.
Matched up against a guy with the $100 sylveon skin, looked him up afterwards and he had a sub50 WR..
The guy with the gengar skin I had on my team was great though

If they released a gold skin for your favorite pokemon, /pug/, would you pay up?
Let me ask you something about curse/leech. Are you supposed to time it so that curse expires mid-horn leech so you can do it again instantly? Or will you still be able to get them twice if you pop curse immediately after horn leech ends?
you know sometimes I forget that they have to balance around the literal fucking amoebas that play this case and I'm only hit with the realization that every new braindead broken ass mon gets to stay overpowered because the people playing them could not breathe without assistance
how does a Mimikyu get 0 KOs against a full attacker team
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that thinks mimikyu is fucking stupid
I earnestly might give in if they did.
I probably would. Fortunately, I am completely confident that they won’t do such a thing.. because my favorite pokemon is trevenant.
Laned with a snorlax that sucked early game. How do you suck with snorlax early game?
Yes You have to time it. Basically you start curse first and you pay attention to the count down clock yourself. Make sure you use horn leech when the curse meter is at half. That way when horn leech is finish, curse will explode and you get another horn leech. This punishes retards like Arma fire spin and Pikachu since you just double CC then to their death.
Thanks anon. I’m actually starting a second account now so I’m probably gonna play trev there.
Not sure if it’s as good a carry as old spintoise was, but I’m sure it’ll be hilarious to combo some speedster halfway across the lane after they let me get 6 stacks by 9:00
blastoise rapid spin got boosted but the issue is his damage is still a bit bad. He can only run over extremely squishy mons like Dragapult/owl if at the same lv, if he has a higher lv can run over enemies or if the enemy is 50% and below.
The reason why is even with rapid spin buff, he still needs bulk items like focus which is mandatory to go along with cookies or guard. This results in blastoise only being able to have goal specs which cuts his damage but because Blastoise has no hp recovery like trev, he needs the double bulk items to go along with goal specs
Equipping slick spoon
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>decudieye with leftovers and shell bell
Are dumb item builds like some type of trending meme?
>Slick Spoon on Snorlax, to eat berries with
>Rescue Hood on Decudieye, because it wears a hood
Is everyone below master rank fucking retarded? Are the Timmy's still playing? Shouldn't they be sleeping cause they have school tomorrow?
>Have 2 years of experience playing stomp/axel tsareena with a gold ribbon
>Play Scizor
>All with a full set if badges and MX lvl items
>Lose, lose and lose because of teammates everytime
It's pretty fucking bad, I stopped playing for a year and came back
No one is in any objective, no one is helping with anything
Meanwhile the entire opposite team always does everything together
The entire day yesterday and the day before we lose both tier 1 lanes and the top tier 2 lane on the first regi
This has happened in almost every match, I was one win away from master and dropped to ultra 3, currently on 2
It's never been this bad in the 2 years I played this game since release, not even when Mewtwo released
Did Darkrai really attract girls and Timmy's to install that much? Literally lose all my lanes at the first regi
And no, they have no Darkrai on their teams, we lose because no one helps anyone, they don't even defend in regi after losing the first 2 bases
I'm trying to solo carry but I can't no matter what, even when fully stacked
this but they have tryhard darkrai trios every other game, was one loss away to demoting to vet yesterday down from 1950 masters
it's completely unplayable in soloq currently
>last two players (the worst ones on the team) get to ban
>either no ban at all, they ban something they wanted to pick because they can't read, or they ban the most inane pokémon ever because it's what gave them trouble last match
who the fuck bans lapras?
I've seen far too many Clefable bans (no they did not pick a mon Clefable counters either btw)
Is Ground the most forgotten type in Pokemon Unite?
I'm on a win steak by just playing normally, it's about time they find me the worst fucking people imaginable as teammates
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Because they fear her, they fear the Fable, they fear my wife
it took me 56 games to get into master... usually i get in around 15-25 games.. fuck you timi for putting me through hell
It’s been forever since I played this, are Azu/Buzzwole any good atm? I liked Azu but people said if sucked
Ground, rock, and poison.
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I mean if we're going by that logic then Poison & Rock fall under that category as well. Though I'll say Ground really only has so many times they slap on EQs before it gets samey unlike all the different variations of Surf or Play Rough
List of Pokemon by type:
Psychic: 11
Ghost: 10
Water: 10
Fairy: 9
Fire: 9
Dark: 8
Flying: 7
Grass: 7
Fighting: 7
Steel: 6
Dragon: 5
Normal: 5
Ice: 4
Bug: 4
Electric: 3
Ground: 2
Rock: 2
Poison: 2

-TOO MANY PSYCHIC TYPES IN THIS GAME. And now we are getting another one too?
-Ghost and Fairy are also types with a very big representation
-I actually thought Fighting and Dragon had a slightly bigger number
-Electric is so low and I blame Pikachu for that. They should add Toxtricity to the game
-Bug is also a type with very few representation
I can't even think of a poison type outside gen 1 that I like.
But if they want to pad out those numbers Toxtricity is a great pick, it's also in the list of top 50 most popular mons.
We still need an area denial earthquake.
Are crit emblems a meme? It sounds like you're better off just using a regular 6 white/6 brown atk loadout than getting 6% crit chance using gold crit emblems in all slots it's for crustle x-scissor crits btw
They used to be worth it but they nerfed crit emblems a long time ago.
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You don't like?
>Poison Speedster
>If not Speedster, then Speedy Attacker.
I picked up zoroark , is it worth try to master the night slash x move? Or just stick to mashing feint attack and not have to think?
Between gard, meowscarada and Tsareena we already got plenty of sus mons
hoopa’s earlygame needs to be nerfed to the fucking ground
Feint attack is better because shadow claw literally lets you stunlock people late game
Yup I’m sick of flailtards shitting up my games already
but anon they do so much damage if you drop your controller and do nothing
Call me crazy but there has to be some way to nerf charizard other than to make it unable to get a kill on it's own
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Why would they give a temporary A9 license when you literally get it on your second day of playing for free?
lol we said the same thing during christmas event last year
Gigalith, Donphan, and Muk would be cool.
I've been running into teammates that ult safe farm specifically not to let anyone else take it more and more often lately
I'm just going to wait until Psyduck drops. That is honestly the only mon I was excited for. So waiting until then we should see some needed nerfs to certain mons and I can just climb rank back with the return player rewards because the game will give me more bot matches then actual matches to climb back to masters.
Yes Darkrai is a issue. I hate how that little shit can hide in Dark pulse, hide in Shedninja doll and hide with his Unite because if a teammate is targets by Nightmare, you can't even hit Darkrai, then he gets Dark Pulse back again.
>No Golduck
Fucking disappointment.
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>equip xp share
>lane partner runs past the first two bunnies
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You have a lane partner?
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>lane partner has exp share
>lane partner runs past the first two bunnies
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>equip exp share
>the whole team are all in one lane and never come to your lane
>>they also run past the first two bunnies into the enemy jungle
Maybe this was common knowledge already, but you can just quit a bot game on ranked with no penalties
Didn't they change that?
I think every Pokémon should have a range option, especially Rock type ones.
>happened again, twice on the same day
mental illness

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