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Mimikyu next Edition

What is Pokémon Sleep?
Pokémon Sleep is a sleep tracking app that utilizes your smartphone and/or the Pokémon Go Plus + device to record data as you sleep. In doing so, you'll be able to meet a variety of Pokémon and fill out your Sleep Style Dex.

Be sure to post your Research ID so that you can add and share candy with fellow Anons. We are currently locked at 50 friends.

>How do Shinies work?
If you encounter a shiny Pokémon, you only need to feed it a single Poké Biscuit to befriend it.
>What should I spend my diamonds on?
Expanding your ingredient pockets, item pockets and Pokémon box. Long term you’ll want to max out ingredient pockets, only get half of max for items and max 100 for Pokémon.
>When should I use my items?
When you have a good grasp of the game mechanics. You may want to save up Recovery Incenses for event missions.
>What should I spend my sleep points on?
Poké Biscuits first or if you’re a premium user: Main and Subskill seeds and Great Biscuits.
>Can I play this game if there's a lot of noise where I sleep?
The game tracks sleep based on motion only; sound has no impact.
>A Pokémon I fed got full! Will I have to start from scratch the next time I find one?
Nope! Pokémon retain the level of progress they were at the last time you fed them.
>How do dream clusters work?
The higher your research rank, the more you get. You may want to hold onto them as long as possible.

>Official Pages
>Unofficial Pokémon Sleep Wiki
[WARNING] Turbo Cancer-ridden with ads. Use at own risk.
>Simple Candy Calculator

**Back up your account by linking it to Google or your Apple ID. If you change phones, or factory reset, your account may be lost otherwise. At the very least copy your Support ID on the first Pokémon Sleep screen (click to reveal Support ID under menu)**

prev: >>56638223
Can't sleep a full 8 hours and play this game if you have a job
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Upcoming changes.

So it's looking like these new skills that have names (Stockpile, Disguise, Moonlight) are going to have a little bonus attached to them. The default versions will likely still exist in current and future pokemon, but some will get a unique version of their skill.
And so far all of these new skills have a way to "crit". Stockpile can store activations for a big hit, Disguise will be able to pick up extra berries from your team, and Moonlight can provide a energy to another pokemon.
thanks for getting it all out of the way
even with this, umbreon is still going to be terrible. It's still a skill pokemon that requires BFS just to do a worse job at gathering berries than berry Pokemon. And it's ingredients aren't anything special either so there's no reason to try using it as a pseudo ingredient pokemon like the slowpoke family.
Which one is better?
Technically the left, but I'd probably go with the right. The left is better at 50, but it also has EXP down, so the right is much better at 25. In both cases, Ingredient Magnet is more just a bonus than something you can actually rely on, so the main difference is easier access to Ingredient Finder M, and the speed bonus from the Naughty nature.
I was worried this thread went to sleep eternally.
Did Charging Strength M power get increased? My Ampharos is procing 10k now for some reason.
Did you take into account area bonus? It recently increased to 70%, previously capped at 60%.
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How many females have you captured? :3
How many males have you turned into candy?>:3
For anons who use Dedenne, how many more meal crits do you get per day/week? It's kind of hard to calculate that with the effects going away whenever you get the crit, but I still want to know if it's worth it before investing Main Skill Seeds.
With Dedenne I get about 3 or 4 skill triggers a day, with one crit every other day at worse. And that's with it at skill level 1.
Once I can get it to 10% (level 6) I imagine I should be able to get a crit once a day at least.
I only use it on Sunday. Procs twice maybe 3 times at most. Will get a crit for one of my meals.
Maybe once a day or twice, it's at level 30 but I seldom use it because I have so many Pokémon already over 40 or 50.
It has zero skill boosts until 50 which is the issue, and an EXP gains reducing nature (but sleep EXP bonus helps a bit). It would be incredible with a Careful mint, for sure.
That said, my skill-maxed Wigglytuff hasn't been proccing very much recently, maybe 2-3 times if I'm lucky. I think it's just bad rolls but my team has been dipping below 80% noticeably more frequently.

I'd like to run it at regularly OGPP visits when there isn't an event on or upcoming, as long as I can hit Master 3 at a good pace.
The problem is if you're running a meal focused team, you need ingredients and Dedenne's lack of them holds back your means of making them regularly.
I'm actually noticing that just running my BFS Feraligatr in place of a ingredient specialist, is producing more strength than focusing on being able to make good meals.
I also haven't had a desserts week in too long though, so right now I'm overstocked on desserts ingredients like apples, cacao, honey, and oil.
I keep having to swap in Victreebel for tomatoes which are important to my butter curries, greengrass salads, or cross chop salads, or my Bewear for corn. Point being is you gradually build up ingredients better suited for a given category if you keep not getting it.
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Deleted few non-sleepers and looking for new friends
Ok? No one asked
I answered the question but added my own insights, since I have my doubts about its viability against running dedicated BFS berry farmers.
New diamond bundles.
No halloween Pikachu stuff? Lame.
They're probably part of the actual event mission rewards rather than these bundles. Speaking of Halloween Pikachu, I still have the incense from last year. I should actually be catching regular Pikachus to get a gold skill on the event ones.
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at least 1 or 2 crits per day. it does suck when it doesn't procc or you have 70% chance and doesn't crit. but thats just rng being rude.
having crits for your meals is satisfying. getting extra exp towards the meals feels good too.
after OGPP unlocked, going to start getting serious with my meals now.
I'd say it's worth it. If I had yours, I would for sure invest.
It's a +70% chance, base is 10%.
So that's 80% during the week and 100% on Sundays.
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Generally speaking, Eeveelutions are just not good. They are more or less supposed to have the same overall power, but Umbreon's issue is that its absurd trigger rate does absolutely nothing for it once it reaches 100+ energy. They either need to let energy overflow do something like convert to power, bleed into teammates, or change its skill entirely. I can see what they're trying to do with the upcoming change, but that's only a chance to something significant versus just being "on" all the time. I imagine Umbreon could see some more use if its skill became a permanent conjunction of Energizing Cheer and Charge Energy, which could make it an unusual battery choice for Snowdrop (even if Snowdrop isn't really worth visiting).
The general issue with skill specialists is that they need a skill seed investment or skill level subskills.
They jump from "not worth using" to "this is OP", with Espeon and Sylveon there being the prime examples.
Vaporeon, Flareon, and Glaceon can also be very good, whilst Leafeon I'd argue can't complete with an E4E healer.
Jolteon can be good but it relies heavily on team formation and RNG. It otherwise benefits from being pretty fast and is the best use case for a BFS Eevee that lacks any skill trigger boosts or has a skill hindering nature.
Umbreon is the only one that is objectively bad, it lacks the helping frequency needed to effectively gather berries or ingredients and is outperformed by nearly all other dark types. Its main skill is ironically self serving instead of team serving, and giving it a one a day "maybe give another team a mini energising cheer" will not fix that.

The other major problem is evolution costs and requirements. You either need to invest a lot of sleep hours, or use a rare expensive evolution item (most of which have better uses like Golduck, Raichu, Vikavolt, Ninetales).

It's also compounded by Eevee being a single evolution, not two. They don't get +2 main skill levels like Wigglytuff or Gardevoir.
An idea for addressing the skill specialists would be to introduce a candy mechanic for boosting skill level.
Berry and ingredient specialists get significantly better with a Pokémon's level; skill specialists do not.

Therefore, an option to spend candy and dream shards to increase any Pokémon's main skill level would address this issue, but with limitations.
>Costs increase based on the current skill level (therefore being better to do so before evolving), the costs themselves comparable to evolution costs
>Costs vary based on the main skill being boosted (Helper Boost being the most expensive for obvious reasons)
>Main skill seeds remain valuable by reducing candy/shard consumption especially at the highest levels
>Candies can only be used up to a certain skill level (e.g. 3 or 5), with the remaining highest levels only possible via evolution or main skill seed usage
>Berry and ingredient specialists get significantly better with a Pokémon's level; skill specialists do not.
I get berry specialists but not ingredient specialists. Do you mean unlocking more ingredients at 30/60?
Yeah, so berry specialists it's a given that they improve the most with level, due to scaling berry strength.
With ingredient specialists, it's a given but they have to hit those level 30 or 60 milestones, but they gather far more ingredients than anything else.

There is no such given thing for skill specialists, they introduced that double skill bank buff for skill specialists that helped them a lot, but this does not change that their main skill improves with level.

This is in a vacuum without subskills and natures mind you. Subskill unlocks can improve (or hinder) Pokémon, but berry and ingredient specialists are not strictly reliant on them like skill specialists are.
Whilst Ingredient Finder is very important to ingredient specialists, they still get big boosts in ingredient quantities from hitting level 30 or 60.

A simple way to illustrate this divide in value would be to compare the outputs of these species at levels 10, 30, and 60, with no subskils or natures influencing helping speed or roles.
>Berry - Raichu
>Ingredient - Luxray
>Skill - Ampharos

Raichu will see big gains just from each level gained.
Luxray will see big gains from ingredient quantities rising.
Ampharos will not see big gains from its main skill, any gains would be attributed to the berries and ingredients it gathers and small increases to helping frequency.
So pic related illustrates that skill specialists have no inherent potential that is realised with level. This is with the map set to OGPP so Grepa Berries are double strength, all Pokémon are baseline with zero boosts, main skill level 3 (from 2 evolutions) and mono-ingredient for consistency.
Note that Luxray's main skill (Cooking Power-Up S) cannot have its strength measured, but for the example it's the only fully evolved electric type ingredient specialist in the game.

Raichu from 10 to 30 only sees about +4.2k in berry strength gains, but 30 to 50 grants +6.6k and 50 to 60 alone grants +5.2k.
Raichu's gains from ingredients or skills are much lesser in comparison.

Luxray from 25 to 30, sees daily ingredient counts rise from 23 to 40, and is about +2.3k gains. From 50 to 60 this rises from a count of 42 to 57, and gains of +2k.

Ampharos from level 10 to 60, Charge Strength M usage increases from about 2.66 times a day, to 2.95 times a day.
Its daily increase in skill-based strength gains only goes from 4.6k to 5.1k (+0.5k), that's pathetic.
The other 10k in gains it realises are by a majority in berry gains, and ingredient gains are still 3x more than skill gains.

Also to note from this is that recipe levels exist; the more a given dish is cooked, the stronger it gets.
There is no equivalent there for skill specialists. It brings to mind the Move Levelling system that was introduced in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity; where continued use of a Move improves that Move's Power, Accuracy, and PP for all Pokémon.
If Main Skills had this sort of perk, skill specialists would have more of an innate growth, and co-ordination of Pokémon by their main skill would have increased value (your berry or ingredient specialists all sharing Charge Strength S suddenly matter).
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Just started recently, but really enjoying the game. Have a shit ton of open slots if anyone is interested
While all of this is true, have you considered that evolving a Pokémon is supposed to be the way of improving their skill?
I know this to be flawed logic considering how non-evolving skill specialists are treated but that's currently my guess for how SB might see it.
What it'd prefer to see is somewhat similar:
>skill specialists that don't evolve start at main skill level 3 or 4
>skill specialists that evolve gain one additional main skill upon evolving (so two at once)
>evolved skill specialists start at their respective main skill level they could have had if they evolved upon recruitment
>upon recruiting the same species of skill specialist 10 times they have a 50/50 chance of either getting a first slot gold subskill or another main skill level

I know this to be flawed logic considering how the other mons work but this is the best I could come up with on the spot.
choose one
Both are candy
corn corn eggs is so good. bfs is also really good
Any speed down nature mon is trash.
I see where you're coming from, but levelling up and evolution are perked granted to all Pokémon, but with drawbacks to those that can't evolve (e.g. Dedenne) or only evolve once (e.g. Eevee).
The main argument is that skill specialists are uniquely disadvantaged from level gains and are far more reliant on subskill unlocks and item usage.
These ideas for granting skill specialists bonus main skill levels under certain conditions, really does sound nice though, but actually starting with extra skill levels unconditionally is kind of an opposite problem of still not having growth.
Something as simple as a guaranteed +1 skill level for reaching a target level, might be enough.

The other big disadvantage skill specialists have is the scarcity of main skill seeds.
Premium players can get 1 per month, you can scarcely get them by gifts, dex goals, achievements, events, so you might get say, 15 main skill seeds a year.
That's likely enough to take 3-5 skill specialists to max main skill level, depending on which species (going back to Dedenne as likely needing 5 seeds unless it has skill level subskills).

These circumstances make it that skill specialists should be actively avoided by anyone going free to play, barring maybe one absolutely essential one like an Igglybuff with max skill trigger rate, as it can carry a team composed of berry and ingredient specialists.

Speed down is tolerable on ingredient specialists if they have Modest nature (Ingredient Up) paired with Ingredient M or M+S, but that's the only time it can be tolerated.
I have a Sausages Charizard and Coffee Grubbin like this.
Berry vs Ingredient vs Skill is a balance of powers.
Berry pokemon are very strong with BFS and favored berries, but they require levels, meaning candies and dream shards.
Ingredient Pokemon get their power at the level 30 and 60 steps, plus their contributions to cooking can be very powerful with the same investment costs.
Skill pokemon however, need very few levels and instead mostly look to Main Skill levels. This gives them potential for a very high and early power spike that will carry them very far regardless of favored berries.

Individually, sure. But those skill setups don't do it any favors. Bewear isn't very fast, so an added berry isn't going to do much compared to Ingredient Finder M and/or ingredient nature.
This is how many Pichu it took to find ONE with bfs before level 75.
bfs is an atempt to polish a turd in this case
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It took me 23 and exactly as long.
The moment I get a good Drifloon, it's getting max investment, I don't even care if it's less optimal than running an Ampharos or Golduck.
you have essentially 1/7 chance for the guaranteed to be bfs
in my opinion they just need to make umbreon's moon light a self heal + dream shard magnet. It could even harvest less dream shards than the regular dream shard magnet, but at least then it could be good for off weeks.
Umbreon is a fan favorite, I don't know what they were thinking making it so garbage.
Are you trying to one up me pussy faggot? I'll show you something exactly as long.

Which one is winning?
>levelling up and evolution are perked granted to all* Pokémon
That's is why I considered it because berries and ingredients are also something everyone gets but yeah, I didn't really think it over.
>but actually starting with extra skill levels unconditionally is kind of an opposite problem of still not having growth.
My pet peeve of "recruiting evolved Pokémon is silly and should be improved" might have influenced that idea. The only time I do it is because either it's a shiny or I have fed the mom before I stopped feeding evolved pokemon and it's hungry.
>Something as simple as a guaranteed +1 skill level for reaching a target level, might be enough.
Hmm, fair point. It would also work better with ribbons I reckon.
>The other big disadvantage skill specialists have is the scarcity of main skill seeds.
True, I haven't quite considered that because i have ~12 of them since I only ever used mine on the max trigger Garde I got (and on my special lil Togekiss).
I find it much more difficult to amass subskill seeds for the very same reason plus a lot more mons go from decent to great with these.

However, I do want to have something else for "after x recruitments you get a gold skill guaranteed in slot 1/2/3" simply because it's actively making your mon worse on 3 guaranteed gold skills (and sometimes arguably already on two).
I know it takes around 60 or so for 3 guaranteed but I'm pretty sure some of the eevee anons in here already reached that.

>Speed down is tolerable on ingredient specialists if they have Modest nature (Ingredient Up) paired with Ingredient M or M+S, but that's the only time it can be tolerated.
If you're starting out and desperately need certain ingredients, yes. After some time if you've got a solid grasp on everything plus some solid Pokémon it should be a priority to find suitable replacements for them or else you'll fall into the sunk cost fallacy.
>Take a "nap" to recover some energy.
>Wtf 5 min and 1 point
>ooh snoozong hope a Ralts shows up
>it does
>crits with daily buiscuit
>this is the worst display of a pokemon I've seen in my entire career
Honestly, I can imagine worse.
ing up
main skill down
Inventory S, M, L, research exp bonus, energy rec bonus, energy up XP down.
welp, it's over, I'm never going to find a good grubbin
Yup could be worse, but I can't find anything in my box to compete with this level of shit.

Post some bad mons you still haven't put in the candymachine anons.
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The second one is the clear winner, it gets 2/3 helping speed boosts by 50, and doesn't have a detrimental nature.

Some many argue that ingredient finder at 75 and 100 is a negative, but having 3x eggs at 60 is actually really nice.
It's a decently strong ingredient and useful for a lot of desserts, but most recently it's useful for "Cross Chop" Salads.
3 females and 42 males, all males were turned into candy
death to male eevee
death to male sprigatito
damn bastards, I've been saving diamonds all year hoping for a pikachu bundle but we get this crap instead. incenses from missions are never enough
Kill yourself.
4h13min until maintenance is done.
You should see more than enough Pikachus during the event though.
Fuck, forgot to do my taps before it started.
Fuck. Me too
RIP dinner.
I forgot that I stayed on Power Plant to get ghosts in preparation for the Halloween event, yet I've seen no ghosts so far.
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Curious how often the E4E pops, seems like an attempt to make Umbreon a little less shitty
Guess we'll have to wait for someone to datamine Mimikyu's ability
Should I main skill seed my triple msc Golduck with also helping speed m?
do you check the game every hour?
post it
Ghosts are exclusively encountered with Dozing sleep, but all ghosts can be encountered at OGPP (including Skeledirge).
Although Fuecoco and Crocolor being fire types means you encounter them with Snoozing sleep.
That sounds exceptional, but post a screenshot.
You would have to be checking the game very frequently to make the most of that.
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Only time when I don't often check is during uni lectures and a couple nights a week. Lectures are like 2 to 3 hours long 1 time a day, hobby nights take like 3 hours time.
It's superb, but the high ingredient counts and lack of inventory subskills means you need to check it extra often to get the most out of it.

It has a 20% chance to skill trigger every time it gathers something, it can be expected to trigger 12 times a day if checked regularly.
Post the real thing fag. But looks pretty much perfect. Very few skills could make it better and it has perfect nature.
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>Post the real thing fag
I don't want to switch language...
Why did you translate the name and numbers but nothing else?
>Maint wiped my sleep data for the night
>Support doesn't give a fuck
T-thanks, it's 0 energy day for me I guess haha...
I'm italian
same. my wiggly with triple skill trigger won't activate a single time in the last 5 hours
i have a bunch of energy pillows that i haven't used, can easily do a whole team up to 100
You can manually input sleep data if you failed to track sleep for whatever reason. Your team will receive 100% energy (assuming you input at least 8 hours 30 min of sleep) and you will get an extra daily biscuit to use your next sleep research.
Main Menu > +Add Sleep Data

Blue button, hard to miss.
The only negative is you will not receive research encounters, but the extra free biscuit for your next research kinda makes up for it.
It only lets me input for 'today', not for yesterday where the sleep would have counted towards so I guess I'm screwed regardless.
Meant for >>56761111
You can manually enter your sleep data up to 30 hours after the sleep session occurred

It will count for whatever time you input.
I think this might be because I already napped today.
Unfortunate, but I'll know for the future.
>game claims I only got 5 hours of sleep
>shit spawns
>garde didn't trigger
>the more grubbin I get, the higher chance of getting shit gold skills
I just want a good grubbin, holy shit
Instead of a guaranteed 100% gold skill I think a mon should recieve a specialist skill instead.
berry mon, helping speed
ing mon, ing up,
skill mon, skill trigg/level
No shut up and take research up. You can have specialist skills at 100 xD
just letting us reroll a sub skill would do wonders, and it still plays into the gacha autism
>select skill you want to reroll
>use Premium Reroll Seed
>skill will change to a random subskill
you could still end up with inventory s or something like that but it'd be good for berry pokemon with ingredient finders and the chance of getting BFS or Skill Trigger M could make a lot of meh pokemon with high sleep hours much more usable
>all leeks
Alrigh- Fuuuuuuck you
Finally got my bro's portrait.
>only one new coffee recipe left
>vaporeon came in clutch and gathered all the ingredients today

just need a pot trigger from my flareon and glaceon and that's all the new dishes knocked out
Kinda wish Slaking hadn't been outmoded so hard by the skill bank buff. Vaporeon vs Slaking now boils down to more activations + the ability to store 2 triggers vs a free skill level from evolution.
Recently, Slakoth kinda grew on me...
Slaking is a pretty weird jack of all trades Pokémon, but I don't think it has the ingredients to make it work.

Running Vigoroth overall seems preferable especially since it can get Good Night ribbon boosts.
It has OK ingredients used in a broad number of recipes, but I didn't know why it doesn't get 5 Apples at 60. It can also reach a very high ingredient rate, but the limited quantities hold it back from being particularly reliable in making recipes. Tomato/Honey/Apple all have their place.

The benefit of Vigoroth vs Slaking is that the build determines which to use. So it really does open up the number of Slakoth captures that are viable to train. Skill subskills -> Slaking | BFS & speed -> Vigoroth
Just started, fuck, there's a lot to learn to optimize

Anyways, 0988-1124-0936
>Hungry Suicune this morning
>Was at 16 pips
>Premium bonus biscuit: +12
>Regular biscuit: +1
>All Full


Didn't have any great or ultra biscuits, only way to get them was to spend diamonds.
At least it's literally one pip away next time I see it.
>At least it's literally one pip away next time I see it.
shiny next time it spawns
fuck it I'm using aggron as my coffee pokemon
>implying it will spawn
I have an Entei at 1 point left as well.
Finally finished off all the new dishes

How's your recipe dex looking anons
I can't get a passable coffeemon to save my life.
you and me both and the spawns are absolute garbage after the event
finally got a bfs eevee after level 30 friendship.

I am not interested in catching more eevees for some time so I want to just evolve what I have now. Anyone I for helping me figure out which eevees should be which?
it's pretty easy
>skill trigger nature or helping speed nature (slightly worse but not by much)
>skill trigger s/m
>helping speeds
>helping bonus
any eevee with those requirements can be turned into any eeveelution you might need. If you tend to cook meals, I'd recommend Glaceon or Flareon. Sylveon if you don't have an energy for everyone pokemon yet.
>skill down nature, but BFS
Umbreon is still terrible. Leafeon is also not great. People say Vaporeon can be good but personally I'm not impressed. Same with Espeon.
If you absolutely must use umbreon then you're going to want BFS at LEAST, helping speeds, helping bonus.
>skill down
I'm gettin real sick of people bashing one of the funnest skills.
skill pokemon have the pity skill trigger system, so all I'm saying is if you have an eevee with excellent subskills but skill down nature, Jolteon is about the only one that can live without it
I do agree when extra helpful triggers properly it's extremely good. Needs to stop targeting the caster tho
Coming back to ingredient quantities, it seems like some Pokemon are uniquely buffed or limited while most other species are consistent. Ingredient quantities are usually based off of the base ingredient's power, then multiplied depending on the level unlock and whether it's ingredient-focused or not
Slaking and Marowak come to mind as exceptions:
>Slaking Tomato: 110 x4 @ level 60 = 440 Base Power / Apples (90) = 4.88, yet it only gets 4 Apples
>Marowak Ginger: 109 x 2 @ level 30 = 218 Base Power / Cacao (151) = 0.69, yet it gets 2x Cacao
Or maybe on non-ingredient Pokemon the level 30 slot is a 2.5x multiplier? Marowak is generally not as good as other berry types, but it's hard to compare whether that's actually a unique bonus to help give it an edge. Though at level 60, Marowak can still only get 3x Cacao, which is in line with most other species multipliers, power-wise.
i think it's been mentioned on occasion that there is some power number each pokemon has that dictates the amount of ingredients they gather at 30 and 60

but afaik raenonx doesn't show it
The total number of ingredients that an ingredient specialist will gather depends on the ingredient slots (and their counts), their helping speed, and their ingredient finding rate.
That last part isn't visible to the player, same as skill trigger rate actually. We rely on data mining or scientific process to identify what those rates are.

Let's compare Charizard and Aggron for example. They can both be mono-sausage gathers, and both have the same quantities being 2x / 5x / 7x.
You can readily look at their helping speeds and see that Aggron is faster, and therefore logically will gather more sausages.
However, if you level out the helping speed by giving Charizard Helping Speed M, you'll see that Aggron still outperforms Charizard as a sausage gatherer thanks to that base ingredient finding rate. It's 22.40% versus 28.50%

What differentiates these two of course is accessibility. Charmander is available from the get-go, Aron is now exclusive to Old Gold Power Plant and intended to be a late-game upgrade.

Now, the other Pokémon I wanted to highlight was Quagsire.
It has astounding ingredient quantities:
>Lv 1. - 2x Mushrooms
>Lv 30. - 5x Mushrooms / 6x Potatoes
>Lv 60. - 7x Mushrooms / 10x Potatoes / 12x Sausages
However, its helping speed is considerably slower, and the ingredient rate is also lower being just 19%.
In this instance, the quantities look to be offsetting those low and slow rates.
As a result, it's only a little bit better than Gengar or Vikavolt as Mushroom farmers, and doesn't topple Golem as an A/B/B Potato farmer.
Wooper is also accessible from the get-go, so it doesn't have that late-game unlock perk going for it.
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New update. Do you Rike it?
Bruh. Unrelated to what I was talking about.

I'm saying the ingredient quantities gathered per help is typically determined by the strength of the specie's starting ingredient.
Berry & Skill types typically follow the 1x/2x/4x
Ingredient Types get 2x/5x/7x

This is how you end up with Pokemon that have values outside of these specific quantities due to the difference in power between individual ingredients. And it's also how Pokemon that have similar ingredients can end up with different quantities at the level 30 & 60 unlocks. For instance Ampharos vs Magnezone: Each can get Fiery Herbs at 30 & 60, but while Ampharos gets 2x/4x, Magnezone only gets 2x/3x despite both being skill types.
Along those same lines, if you start out with a high-powered ingredient, you can get a lot more smaller ingredients due to the 30/60 multipliers. And conversely why starting with a low-powered ingredient reduces the number of ingredients you can gather per each help when gathering stuff like Leeks.

Pokemon generally follow this pattern, but apparently there are some outliers.
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You already know the answer when it comes to male Eevees.
I've only made one coffee recipe so far. Maybe I should bite the bullet and get a Vaporeon going to farm that sort of stuff.
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>collect ingredients from a mon
>the ingredients aren't actually added to your inventory
>you need to restart the app and collect them again, maybe multiple times before it registers
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One more level lads and I'll be able to get those Slowpoke meals on a regular basis.
That happens to me all the time except for the restarting app part, I just tap on them again and they get collected.
I think you are noticing too much
Yeah... check their nature and subskills and decide after that. Just like with any other mon because I'm not mentally ill
Good luck, soldier. I've always held back investing in dittos because that helping frequency sounds painful
They're friends and you belong in the trash?
I was only able to make every single coffee recipe because of my Vaporeon. Even with no skill trigger boosts it keeps me topped up on ingredients and it's always producing a good amount of strength with this setup
I think there's only 2 ways to make Moonlight on Umbreon viable
>nerf E4E
>boost Moonlight so that it has a chance to heal the whole party, with the trigger rate being higher than e4e pokemon
My god I hate dozing on taupe. 3 times this week, its infuriating
>nerf E4E
I hate you retarded communist brains.
>let's make shit that doesn't work good by removing the good options

It's retarded. Why not just make it a good enough option that people consider running it instead?
... did you not see the second option or what?
Nah, it was totally related.
I was explaining that outliers are just game balancing.
They under or over-compensate the ingredient quantities based on the Pokémon's helping speed, ingredient rate, and game progression (earliest encounter location).
Hence why Aggron is a straight-up upgrade to Charizard as sausages are concerned.

Just because they were explaining that point doesn't mean they were advocating it.
Pokémon Sleep hasn't been in the habit of nerfing anyway. The big one was a bug fix for energy depletion not being calculated during sleep tracking, and they explained they decided to delay fixing that as a courtesy until they could get more stuff going.
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>it's pretty easy
Which of these should be evolved into what? Which should just be turned to candy? These are the absolute best eevee I managed to find after catching over 30 of them.
to be honest, I would probably trash 99% of these.
The brave one with BFS is usable
the shiny one could be worse
the gentle one is ok
if it were me though I would use none of these
Do you mean brave with helping bonus?
my bad
the lonely with BFS is useable- the inventory L helps with overnight double skill triggers, helping speed nature helps with skill triggers, and you can seed skill trigger S to M
It's still only just okay however.
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DELETE everyone except the ones I marked with an X
I would consider holding onto that Modest BFS one.
The subskill spread is very good for a Jolteon, and it's "fixable with a mint".
Just holding onto a Pokémon really isn't a burden in this game, storage upgrades are easy.
nta anon, but you've got a good point. Honestly even with helping speed nature down, it's not as crippling as other natures can be. And you have two helping speeds to make up for it.
This is why I buy a master ball every month.
You seem to be misunderstanding what I'm commenting on. I'm specifically commenting on an IMBALANCE. Nothing about the total number of ingredients gathered in a day, not the rate to gather ingredients per species. I'm talking about the point values of ingredient quantities being inconsistent with the outliers of Slaking, Marowak, and maybe more, all contained within their own species.

Sure, Pokemon are balanced around a general point value based on their speed, ingredient rate, and skill trigger rate, but what I'm saying is that some ingredient values doen't match up with the supposed power it's intended to provide based on its level tier. For instance if you took the same Pokemon of the same species but it had a different ingredient spread, you actually lose or gain a chunk of power. Like in my example of Slaking, it loses 80 points worth of ingredient power of it has Apples as it's final ingredient versus Tomatoes.
Going to turn it into a jolteon. Going to make the shiny into the Eevee with the best shiny.

That leaves the gentle one and the lonely bfs one.
Oh my bad, you were still on Slaking specifically.
So, yeah as you say, 4x Apples on 60 is weak and should've been higher quantity to compensate for its low strength compared to tomatoes or honey.
These ingredient counts are likely to compensate for Slaking having a 33.90% ingredient rate in spite of it being a berry specialist, just a very slow one.
Vigoroth by comparison has a 20% ingredient rate.

Compare it to say, Golduck. A skill specialist, it somehow has 4x apples on 30 and 6x apples on 60.
Its ingredient rate is only 16.2% though, and it should obviously be specced for skill procs.
Actually, the high ingredient counts can be a counterbalance as they cause Golduck to hit carry capacity much faster, where it cannot gather skill procs.

There's a rationale for every Pokémon's stats in this game anyway, if you just look at the whole picture.
There is a pretty clear and simple formula used that's independent of how often they gather ingredients. What's important is that the power at each tier is as close to each other option as possible.

The starting ingredient determines all subsequent ingredient quantities. So for berry and skill types starting with 1x Apples (90) should get you ~2x Apples worth (180) of other ingredients at 30, and ~4x worth (360) of ingredients at 60.
Cacao in the same circumstances would give you 151/302/604, which opens up a lot more possibilities and more even points distributions ingredient-wise.
So the issue is that Slaking is losing out even though other Pokemon can make it out ahead in spite of the supposed standard.
Just go into the weekly missions then go back.
I guess that can only be chalked up to a planning error, then.
The Slakoth family were in the game from the start, when they were still figuring out a few mechanics and balancing stuff.

It's also things like how weak beans used to be. They had to buff them by upgrading beans dishes with higher bonuses, but needing more ingredients.

In balance updates it seems unlikely that they're going to change the ingredients that Pokémon gather.
The only instance of that happening was a correction to Chikorita, which was never intended to gather leeks at 30. However, if you have one of these Chikorita they let you keep it instead of fixing its ingredient spread.
Nice Ditto

Seems like a waste to use a Masterball on anything less than a completely empty legendary.
I'd also argue master biscuits generally aren't worth it.
You're potentially burning 4000 sleep points on a legendary that gets a shit subskill spread or detrimental nature.
I'd much, much rather use my sleep points to gradually use biscuits to build up my roster of varied types and roles, or to buy those seeds and handy candies needed to power up the winners.
How many sleep points does the monthly batch of biscuits cost?
On a monthly basis, the following are available:
>Regular Exchange
Poké Biscuits - x30 stock / 150 points (4500 total)
Master Biscuit - x1 stock / 4000 points
>Premium Exchange
Poké Biscuits - x10 stock / 100 points (1000 total)
Great Biscuits - x5 stock / 400 points (2000 total)

With the premium bonus biscuit giving 4 friendship points, this means premium subscribers can befriend one 5-point Pokémon a day using just 100 points, 10 times a month.
The daily gift can sometimes give you a regular Poké Biscuit too (even 2 or 3).
Premium sleepers can earn up to 200 points a day (flat +100 atop sleep score), so following this it becomes possible to build up sleep points over time, needed to get the nicer things like the candies and seeds, or evolution items.

For a 30 day month, a premium sleeper can get 6,000 points, but with the monthly subscription bonus gift of +1000, and the routine Good Night bonuses of +500 / +1000 / +500, it's actually 9,000 points a month.

Day by day, it's going to vary what Pokémon you're gonna try to befriend. You might just chuck your bonus biscuit into one thing and leave it at that, you might buy up extra biscuits to try and befriend multiple important Pokemon if lots of good ones showed up.
So how you spend your sleep points will fluctuate, but there are also events that may reward Poké Biscuits.
As a matter of fact, next week's Halloween event will have a Poké Biscuits x5 reward for sticking to your bed time three times. It also has a task that rewards Handy Candy S x5 for using 15 Biscuits, though. That task isn't difficult following the "Premium Bonus Biscuit + 1 Poké Biscuit" scenario, but will be an actual challenge for free players.
What's the max monthly amount of points a free player can get? 4000?
Free players can get 5000 a 30 day month, +100 daily, then +500 / +1000 / +500 during Good Sleep nights.

Free players can't buy skill seeds or great biscuits using sleep points, Poké biscuits are more expensive, and they can only buy handy candy S (the premium 3x stock of handy candy M are much better value).
There's dream clusters too, but I don't consider them to be as important since the game is already very generous with the number they hand out via bedtime stamps or weekly + event missions.

Skill seeds are also completely absent from the general shop that uses diamonds.
They're typically available via achievements, event exchanges, sleep dex goals.
Main skill seeds are pretty essential to making skill specialists work, which is a pretty significant issue for free players. The recommendation there would be to start a premium trial at the end of the month (so you have access to two stocks), get two main skill seeds, and put them into your best E4E healer since that is the most universally useful skill specialist, working on every team composition and map.
I'll keep that in mind. Unfortunately premium is too expensive by my 3rd world wage standards, maybe I'll do the trick you mentioned.
Yeah, if you do the premium trial make sure you've saved up enough sleep points before hand.
You need 3,600 sleep points for the two main skill seeds alone.
The subskill seeds are also really useful.
Ingredient tickets are a complete waste though, ignore them.
>Ingredient tickets are a complete waste though
me with only gengar getting ingredients on ogpp...
A waste of your sleep points.
Ingredient tickets get handed out frequently enough that you use the free ones, and only the free ones.

Ingredients only contribute to your weekly strength gains so it's stupid to use sleep points like that. Biscuits can be realised as new team members, and seeds and handy candy as permanent RP boosts.

Also, don't fall into the trap of only using ingredient specialists that gather favourite berries. If there's a key ingredient you're missing for an important dish, gather it.
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wasn't being serious about buying them

>don't fall into the trap of only using ingredient specialists that gather favourite berries
seems fine to be honest. but i would like a nice aggron or luxray
>OGPP spawns this morning were literally 2 flaffy and 2 mareep
stop giving me shitmons holy shit
I've gotten Snoozing once in the past 3 weeks and Dozing every other night, unironically. Is something bugged? I thought it was supposed to give you Balanced if you sleep the same way constantly. I already have a good Grubbin and even a shiny one, I just want to see fucking Shinx and Aron spawns.
It'll give you balanced, but it can also give you a different style if it's as little as a 1% difference compared to last week.
>You're potentially burning 4000 sleep points on a legendary that gets a shit subskill spread or detrimental nature.
Better to rip the band-aid off quickly then waste way more biscuits and time trying to get it over a period of months, only to find out it's shit.

>I'd much, much rather use my sleep points to gradually use biscuits to build up my roster of varied types and roles
You get so much points with premium that you can buy both seeds, all premium biscuits, and a master biscuit and have room to spare.
Grubbin is Dozing, Shinx is Snoozing, and Aron is Slumbering, so you always have a shot at one of these families.
The determined sleep is based on an average from your history, and if any measurement is higher than normal.
I'm not sure what the criteria for "Balanced sleep" is though, other than being pretty close to your previous sessions (as opposed to their idea of what the balance should be).
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>can almost listen to the sleep's version of lavender town
Took a "nap" where I laid my phone on a nightstand with the only movement being the phone vibrating from notifications and messages, 0% dozing (which I've gotten almost every long session) and yet it gave me balanced
I think it gives you balanced when it can't determine your sleep type due to improper device setup (like a nightstand)
Depends on your device. My phone is so old that it gives me balanced no matter what I do, because it can't read anything. Perhaps something was wrong with the nightstand recording in your case and the game got confused.
>(which I've gotten almost every long session)
Well that's part of it. If that ratio is close enough, it's going to put you into balanced.
I've done the nightstand method for months, this might be my 2nd ever time having balanced on a nightstand nap, almost every other time it's slumbering or snoozing (if the phone vibrates too much)

Yeah I kinda figured that's the reason why, hard for me to sleep well during cold months so I always toss and turn during my sleep so I usually have over 50% dozing
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No, balanced comes from when the sleep style ratio is sitting on about the average you tend to get nightly.
I'll post a dozing sleep after to show what I mean, but I tend to have high slumber, medium snooze, and minimal dozing when I sleep. Whether it's how I sleep or cat movement during the night I don't know, but it's typically similar to this.
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And my dozing example.
I've had smaller gaps with a jump between dozing, balanced, or even another sleep. Like 4% difference.
It's basically the game working itself to give you a better chance at other sleep styles over time.
I've got no ghosts levelled at all for next week, do I bother trying to get some levelled beforehand or do I just hope for the other two berries to be ok?
It's just Greengrass, so you shouldn't have much trouble hitting the tier landmarks. It's not going to be worth training up something subpar specifically for the event especially since the Power Plant is open now and you need a lot of actual power there.
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Just to review quick, here's the relevant Halloween event bonuses
>Each time a Ghost-type helper Pokémon brings you ingredients during regular helping, it will have one extra.
As an example, Gengar with 2x Herbs, 4x Mushrooms, 6x Mushrooms, will temporarily be 3x/5x/7x instead
>The chance of a Ghost-type helper Pokémon’s main skill being triggered will be multiplied by 1.5.
>Main skill levels of Ghost-type helper Pokémon will be boosted by 1.
These skill boosts are most relevant for Drifblim and Mimikyu, which are the most recently introduced ghosts, both being skill specialists which were previously absent.
However, being that they are so new, you're unlikely to have one ready to make the most of this bonus.
Gengar and Banette are Charge Strength S users, but it's not a priority for them. Skeledirge has Charge Energy S so it'll be a little more energetic if you have one.

So, I wouldn't worry so much about not having a ghost ready, I'll only be running my BFS Gengar myself, and having to roll with the other two berries. Best for me would be stuff like Electric, Fire, Water, and Grass.
E-Zzz Travel Tickets are there to reroll if you get an unfavorable set of berries, make sure you always have a couple handy since you can only get one per month from the regular sleep exchange.
I was wondering why I was running out of item space every few days, but then I remembered that I was running 2 level 60 Pokemon, plus 2 of the Pokemon in my team also have Sleep EXP Bonus, providing me with extra Handy Candy S.

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