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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56643610 (>>56643610)

PMD Catalog (Down at the Moment): https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog (Down at the Moment): https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/f50ltdbd_a
Mobile Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/tusyv_wjdx
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

>Where does dungeon Poke come from?
>Why do kelecon run shops in dangerous dungeons anyway?
>Do you still tear up at EoS's ending?
>What is your favorite piece of PMD fan media (comics, art, romhacks, etc.)?
Recap of the previous thread:
>Team Eevee released chapter 2 of their story (https://rentry.org/oq96baf2) and Ikarus' Introduction (https://rentry.org/tefgx8yu)
>Umbreon-anon updated their rentry home page (https://rentry.org/UmbreonAnon)
>Discussion about EoS's localization, how ferals are handled in Clover Guild lore, and legendary lore

>Sceptile-anon is drawing 2 sentence horror ideas involving the guild characters. Be sure to give him more prompts!
dead thread
dead game
dead community
dead writing project
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>>Where does dungeon Poke come from?
Dropped from clueless explorers
>>Why do kelecon run shops in dangerous dungeons anyway?
Supply and demand, baby.
>>Do you still tear up at EoS's ending?
Nope, at that point I simply think "now i can play the game until that faggot darkrai appears anyways"
>>What is your favorite piece of PMD fan media (comics, art, romhacks, etc.)?
real sucker for the artwork
Uh, okay sis. Whatever you say
>Where does dungeon Poke come from?
I like to think it comes from other explorers or traveling pokemon who got defeated in dungeons. It explains why you lose all your items when you faint in a dungeon
>Why do kelecon run shops in dangerous dungeons anyway?
Firstly, it's not dangerous to them. They're gods. Second, it's lucrative as fuck to just wait for explorers to show up and buy your items in the middle of their journeys (Unless they use a trawl orb)
>Do you still tear up at EoS's ending?
Kek, no
>What is your favorite piece of PMD fan media (comics, art, romhacks, etc.)?
There are a couple that I like a lot. Not all of them are necessarily good
Victory Fire is pretty kino. Wish it had a proper ending but it is what it is at this point.
Guardians of Hope hits this kind of cringe kino for me. The three PMD protagonists fight in a fucking war with swords and shields. I also really liked seeing the artist's skills grow over time. His art starts off looking like some MS paint shit, but he improves so much by the end. He's gotten a lot better since then as well.
Also, I don't actually know what this story is called, but I remember reading a fanfic where a kid gets isekai'd into Super Mystery Dungeon but he actually gets turned into a fucking golden retriever for some reason. I only read the first chapter and it had me on the floor rolling. There is just so much weird shit on fanfiction.net
Is anyone going to reupload the Mega folders? Those were an important part of the OP.
I don't think anyone other than the original administrator actually had a copy of those Megas.
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23 days
might be worth waiting until we try reupload the mega shit, feel like in the wake of the recent leaks they're gonna be scrutinized a lot more
Good point, but it would be good if the mega anon is here and can confirm that he will upload them
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jonathan-sama... i kneel...
I have a copy of both megas from July. I have been hesitant to reupload them since maintaining them and updating them seems like a royal pain in the ass to do.
>>Where does dungeon Poke come from?
other explorers or just don't think about it
>>Why do kelecon run shops in dangerous dungeons anyway?
to run scams for business, of course
>>Do you still tear up at EoS's ending?
not really. heck, i didn't even cry the first time
>>What is your favorite piece of PMD fan media (comics, art, romhacks, etc.)?
i enjoy reading a few fanfictions here and there. current top of the list is one called seekers of soul on ao3
i used those megas from time to time, would be nice to see them back
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Counterpoint: you get to be a cute bnnuy
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The golems laugh at your suffering
This daily challenge has been fucking kino
What is the lore on Jonathan? Who is he?
There's some pic that depicts an "exploration team" that's composed of stereotypical "fancomic pokemon" like Riolu and Vulpix, that also have very generic names on top of that, hence Jonathan. I don't have it onhand but i know someone in these threads does.
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there's a comic called team detect that pokes fun at a lot of the tropes of PMD fanworks. For example, there's a team called Spookydarkandpoisontypes, they all have hair tufts, and wear 3 neck scarves each. There's another team in it called Team Positive Connotation consisting of an Eevee called Tymoydey (time of day), shinx called kompoundwerd, vulpix called anelemente, and of course, the one and only... JONATHAN

you can read the comic here, it never got finished (which in and of itself might be the deepest cut parody of all time) https://archive.org/details/smackjeeves-185670/185670/comic/pages/chapter_01-1.png
Yeah this isn't gonna last long
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I don't know who any of these characters are but I would love to see more people make custom PMD portrait galleries
Gus and Cider’s exploration of Aegis Cave isn’t going too well, I see.
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today is day tuwenty four
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I'm going to skin Maggie alive.
a true classic
Probably would make for a comfy blanket.
I always feel like I can't play a quadruped in these games without thinking it feels wrong. I guess if they're psychic or use vines or whatever it's an exception, but how in the hell is an eevee or whatever supposed to be throwing stuff and using tools?
>eevee grabs an orb out of its bag
>fumbles it around before accidentally dropping it
Pic related is menu art in Explorers of Sky. Don't overthink it too much.
I would have guessed the trunk is how it would do most object manipulating
Offscreen there's a Caterpie that glued the badge to Phanpy.
Very carefully.
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With his hand
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Seems like they had the same idea back in Rescue Team, although these sprites weren't used.
yeah it doesn't seem like they adhere strictly to animalistic rules when it comes to the pokemon using tools. at some point it just becomes a matter of 'it's a video game don't think about it,' but too many of these kinds of things seems to suggest it's not really as clear cut as one would expect it to be.
not like these games are really all that concerned with the actual constraints of different anatomy when it's just a funny video game. all the transformation sequences are as perfunctory as they need to be in a game for kids like this
Pairing up two dudes who hate each other is the fujo way.
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I wrote another flash fic: "Sorting Things Out" (993 words).
It's a slice-of-life story where Sneasel and Toge have a little chat. It doesn't involve much action, but I wanted to try developing the characters and their relationship a bit, following up on the events of "Training!" by Togetic-anon (which is where the characters first met). There may be a point where our stories contradict in terms of Sneasel's characterization, but it shouldn't be too big of a problem
I hope you all like the story. Also, thanks to Togetic-anon for reviewing the rough draft.

>Where does dungeon Poke come from?
Lost by civilians who pass by entrances or dropped from other rescue teams who had to be rescued themselves in the past.
>Why do kelecon run shops in dangerous dungeons anyway?
Kecleon shops sell stuff geared towards rescue teams, so there's no better place to sell then where all teams go to; dungeons. You wouldn't sell farming tools and work clothing at a luxury resort, would you?
>Do you still tear up at EoS's ending?
I never even played EoS. I remember trying one of the previous ones, don't remember if Time or Darkness, and the experience was so bad I never had an interest in trying Sky, even though everyone raves about it.
>What is your favorite piece of PMD fan media (comics, art, romhacks, etc.)?
Frankly I don't consume much PMD fan material, but art's always a good bet to be enjoyable.
>KFC reached into his bag for an escape orb
>It was actually the hairy ballsack of the killer clown sent to kill him
>a typical interview at Pelipper Mail vs a typical interview at Delibird Deliveries
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She looks happy to see (you)!
that tail wag warms my heart every time
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every day the intense cuteness of nida urges me to further believe that it is actually an incredibly, extremely painful waste to ship with smith.
What's your preferred ship?
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Wow, that kiss belongs in a museum!

>Guildmons are transformed into substitute plush versions of themselves
>The culprit is the substitute plush left in the guild storeroom, who has come to life to get revenge for whatever unspeakable horror was done to it
Or just the culprit above getting revenge in some other way.
pretty all the quadruped starters could realistically function like a squirrel or a raccoon or something.
They generally walk or run on all fours, but can stand up on two legs to manipulate objects with their hands and probably walk a very short distance
standing chikorita is amazing
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Holy shit he's real
You can see the animation in action here:

I wonder what this was supposed to be used for, I don't think there are any clues.
looking at the little "sweat" animations on them, I am pretty confident in guessing that these were meant to be used in a scene where the hero/partner are pushing and/or pulling a large object like a rock or something.
Some of them, notably Cubone, Eevee, Torchic and Skitty have squinted eyes or flattened ears, suggesting they are trying to move something with great effort. They all have their hands forward.
>Where does dungeon Poke come from?
When the dungeon forms, it hoovers up all the normal inhabitant’s of the area’s shit (as well as miscellaneous discarded items) and dumps it haphazardly throughout said dungeon. Or things dropped by other explorers
>Why do kelecon run shops in dangerous dungeons anyway?
Wouldn’t you like to know goyim?
>Do you still tear up at EoS's ending?
Ehh not since my first playthrough. The music though…
>What is your favorite piece of PMD fan media (comics, art, romhacks, etc.)?
Anything that tries to add as much choice as possible to the customization.
that plushie is the Riolu that used to be in the guild partnered to Eevee, he got Itemizer orb'd (and Eevee killed), everyone in the guild at the time made a promise to keep quiet about it and pretend that the plushie was already there, but Phanpy knows, Phanpy knows.
nida x ____me
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Speaking of, here's that new Riolu and Eevee OC pair I promised. Their names are not important because they didn't even pass the front doors before the Riolu's aura senses detected the unadulterated autism emanating from within.
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That duo got filtered by the guild's unrelenting powerlevel.
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day...5*5 = 25

this... is... my magnum opus
full pic https://files.catbox.moe/p79wh6.jpg
but who was clowne
And then I took them out back as they walked off and killed them.
He probably liked touching those
Sir, you cannot powergame another anon's creations. I'm afraid you have to leave for being cringe.
You should upload these drawings to the booru
*teleports behind you*
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Made another short Ikarus story, won't be able get back to either Team Eevee or Ikarus for a bit since I've been dealing with "mid"terms.

Would also love some ideas for other things Ikarus can create, hopefully some that can let him move away from the reputation he really wishes to avoid though I'm not against him losing progress because of the occasional mishap.
I just shat my pants this is so scary
If this roleplay goes on for any longer the jannies will move us over to /qst/ again
Hey guys, can my Eternatus OC join the Guild? He’s level 1 so he’s balanced, I promise! He likes to rape Zangooses though.
Yeah sure
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>He's level 1
What is wrong with you.
>reboot explorers
>completed it nearly a decade ago
how come Alola hasn't gotten an explorer's title? unsure about galar and paldea.
because they were too laser-focused on pokemon's anniversary that year to care about spin-off titles.
and then spin-offs died due to the influx that created of mobileshit
best overworld/dungeon theme?
guild members for this feel?
Seems like most of his steps are mis- Good story, anon.
Toge is the shonen protagonist of Clover Guild.
He's not the main character though.
Gus retains that honor
How can Gus be the main character if he doesn't even have a partner?
The real horror is whatever KFC didn't think he could beat
someone fucked up and ported Gus into the wrong location, Cider’s meant to be his partner, it’s why cider also got fucked over in treasure town
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don't open
Thank you, arsehole!
for me it's treasure town
>One of the many themes of this series is that that world isn't that dark when you've got a community of friends.
This item wasn't available to me since I stopped being ≥20 and I can't afford to import it anymore.
>You don't have to melt your brain with furry porn to be happy
You might've gotten that bit wrong actually, porn is the probably the only reason I'm not in jail yet.
Not even a government-issued spouse could fix me at this point.
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>waah waah im so miserable
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You do *not* wanna know who made that image.
Yes, but only if I get to live rent-free in your head.
Cassie woukd live a talking Kiyo plushie, but he would hate it. there's a horror story in there somewhere
Thanks for the blog post but we would still prefer if you just go to pmdt to get your pokeporn
>*pisses and shits himself*
>blogposts in every fucking thread
>haha I'm miserable rite?
>everyone points and laughs
>lol what a retard
>heh... r-rent free...
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based correct Skitty
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hello my fellow ppl

all the 25 previous days drawing are on the booru

26th being drawn rn kiss kiss
I don't understand why people think being viewed as a tumor is some high honor
>looks at 90% of this website
Fuckin' beats me.
t. I'm an oldfag and not proud.
It's because they get the attention that they desperately crave and have been neglected of in real life.
I spend the whole time up till the postgame thinking I want to evolve my dudes, but they always end up looking goofier than my mental image
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day 26
>Where does dungeon Poke come from?
Dropped/stolen from 'mons who go into dungeons
>Why do kelecon run shops in dangerous dungeons anyway?
Captive audience, if somemon needs that one item you have, you can charge basically anything you want and they'll most likely pay, plus first dibs on anything they want to sell too
>Do you still tear up at EoS's ending?
Yes, still cant listen to Dialga's Fight to the Finish, Time Gear or Across the Sea of Time, without tearing up, even years later
>What is your favorite piece of PMD fan media (comics, art, romhacks, etc.)?
Victory Fire, I haven't given up hope yet!
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I played Special Episode 0: In a Dark past. What a waste of fucking time like holy shit. It was so needlessly edgy to the point I couldn't take it seriously at all. Everything they did with Dusknoir was retarded and completely bastardized his character. Also way too much yapping, there was a point in the game where cutscenes went on for 90 minutes straight. Also, fuck the Gulpin escort mission, in particular. After all that effort of praying and abusing save states, Gulpin dies by getting popped like a fucking gusher anyway. The post game was just EoS and Special Episode 5 with mostly unedited scripts and Dusknoir x Grovyle at the end. This hack is close to 15 hours long btw.

I hope the ESL faggot who made this hack gets his teeth pulled out by some Latin American cartel goons.

>pic from the hack
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>that pic
I know Rampardos is a low-iq pokemon in mainline but they didn't have to reflect that here.
Which Clovermon would you sex?
Because garnering hate & resentment somehow sounds better for them than experiencng absolutely nothing ever at all in their useless lives, I would hazard a guess?
What would the third head be?
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I wish my favourite pokemon - Arcanine, had an anthro form variant, because I can't imagine a pokemon that doesn't have hands as an explorer.
I have to settle for Lucario even though Arcanine is my number 1 and it makes me sad.
Imagine needing limbs.
Kiyo and Linoone together
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Explorers but edgy will never turn out well. The story was good enough as is, it doesn't need murder or gay shipping. Whole hack sounds like bait for some video essayist. Don't be surprised if you see that one guy who did The Bright Future video to cover this
>Don't be surprised if you see that one guy who did The Bright Future video to cover this
Why are there so many people that instantly think darker=better? Like the very fact that it involves some stupid death scene makes all the awful writing a complete nonissue.
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My friend tfed me into a doduo then i promptly killed myself in our larp.Can't stand somebody saying that killing yourself is based idea.
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day 27
What the FUCK was cyndaquil trying to do?
>It isn't obvious the plush is filled of cum
Yeah, don't tell me you are this innocent because then you would be underage banned.
>Written and directed by Maggie
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Because their underdeveloped brains cannot comprehend the meaning of nuance.
Tropius actually wasn't too bad for level 1. Was shaky near the end, scizor took my last reviver a few floors from the end and had me fidgety and nervous
Are you serious?
It's his cum jar project. Too bad he left it on the radiator and it boiled.
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This was the rant I threw together. Here is a more official review of Special Episode 0: In a Dark Past.

The Positives:
For the most part dungeon gameplay was very balanced, and every defeat felt fair (excluding the Gulpin dungeon and the injured Dusknoir dungeons). Most of the cutscenes were dynamic and lively. It was quite clear that he put a great deal of time and effort into the scripting. I’d also like to point out the one scene I actually liked. When Duskull was talking to Espeon about why he didn’t want to restore the planet, their reasoning was sound and nuanced.

Personally, I loathe it when humans appear in PMD, but this story requires that one shows up. I think they handled it the best way possible under the circumstances.

The Negatives:
I won’t sugarcoat it, I hate this story with every fiber of my being. First, Rampardos is an F-tier antagonist for the main game. Don’t get me wrong, I like edge; however, the lengths this hack goes to show how evil and fucked up Rampardos is borders on comedy. (The image attached to >>56781062 comes from the hack and it looks like it came straight out of a .exe game.) All the character amounts to is a guy who lusts for power, a very cliché and uninteresting motivation in my opinion.

It was a real kick in the balls to watch Gulpin die after going through that horrible dungeon. The fact the Gulpin dungeon had ghost types to snipe you from the walls was an egregious oversight. Every character aside from Duskull and Treecko dying basically all at once added to the unnecessary edge and just felt rushed because the creator wanted to move on with the story.

On a side note, the future is implied to be several generations after the present, so having characters like Old Man Torkoal and Diglett show up in the dark future doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Fat fuck.
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On another side note, characters will constantly say stuff like “My Plus and your Minus,” “My Mold Breaker has evolved,” and “My Endure won’t last much longer.” It sounds unnatural and gives off a JJBA feeling.

Darkrai’s way of turning Duskull against Grovyle was also absurd. There was no need to throw Duskull into the mind dungeon. Darkrai/Ramparados tells Duskull, he’ll actually die if they change history. It should have been good enough, albeit a little silly. Instead, the hack creator decides Duskull needs to have a headmate to torture him throughout the rest of the main story, then just have it buzz off once Dusclops evolves, which is the very definition of contrived.

This hack had way too much yapping. There were multiple times throughout this hack that had 30-60 minutes worth of cutscenes back-to-back. I remember one stretch of cutscenes that lasted for ~90 minutes, completely unacceptable. By the end of the main story, the game had already overstayed its welcome, but then we get to the post-game.

The post-game opened with the characters we saw die powerscaling Grovyle and Dusclops in front of Arceus. The fact that Espeon was able to stand up to Arceus (God) is a premise so ridiculous I couldn’t help but laugh. The rest of the story was 90% base game EoS and Special Episode 5 with a couple of extra lines thrown in (extending the play time by 5-7 hours). Arceus being able to revive all your friends at the end made their deaths meaningless and took away from the message they and EoS were trying to tell. Also, anything that even remotely teases Dusknoir x Grovyle immediately loses points in my book.

This hack is easily 10-15 hours.


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Top kek, that is even better than I expected.

>He doesn't know
haha cope
this is in Toge's room btw
I raped Toge.
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Completely justified honestly
I really wanted to evolve them, then finished the postgame and realized I couldn't bring myself to do it. It doesn't feel like it's them anymore
The lack of expressions, scarves or whatever doesn't help
Jesus Christ, I have never seen a post explain this topic so perfectly. I am saving this for future conversations
Cumrade, WE raped Toge
I played Blue Rescue team when it first came out. Thoroughly enjoyed it at the time, and couldn't put it down.
I've never played any of the other PMD games, and want to pick up another. I actually own a copy of both Gates to Infinity and Rescue Team DX. Gates to Infinity doesn't look super great.
If I were to play my 2nd PMD game, 20 years later, which should it be between the two?
Between the two, I'd go with Gates. RTDX ain't bad, but personally I'd just play the original instead.
If you have a 3DS, I recommend getting some CFW+Twilight Menu++ on there for Explorers of Sky and Super, which I'd consider better options than either Gates or RTDX.
Gates has a pretty alright story but the gameplay fucking sucks compared to its predecessors. There's not much variety in the dungeons and the base-building mechanic is bland. Also not much postgame content. You can replay rescue team or try explorers. Do NOT play Super though. The story for that game is fucking horrible
now you've reminded me of an image with pokemonified sinners in a guild setting, mainly because the choice of species sucked royally for all of them
What prompts you to say you'd chose original over RTDX?
Could always play Red Rescue Team on NSO.
>If I were to play my 2nd PMD game, 20 years later, which should it be between the two?
Explorers. Between Gates and DX, I'd pick Explorers. It's that much better.
DX is an inferior remake of Rescue Team, and Gates is frequently cited as the worst PMD entry (which I agree with, even if I liked them all).
Do we really need another rtdx debate in this thread?
>toge finds that someone else organized the storeroom for once
>they did it alphabetically
Honestly it's been way too long since I played the originals and came back to it on a whim, so I wouldn't really mind a run down. Obviously I can tell that DX plays a lot more like Super, but I barely remember the finer details of old gameplay
Well yeah, that's why I asked.
Again, I played Blue Rescue 20 years ago, and have not played DX.
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I've kidnapped Cider, Ches, and Rain.
Now: Fuck, Marry, or Kill, anon?
>I can't choose
you must, or i kill all three.
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Day 28 !!!!
only 3 days !!!! come one guys give me the 3 best ones for closing this month !!!
and this time i want the real grit, the horror the spooks !!!!!
kill chespin, kill rain, and kill cider

>tropius finally is able to fly
>...on seraphim wings
local linuxfag gets itemized into computer it runs windows 8
Fuck Cider
Marry Chespin
Kill Vee Total Eevee Death

Next time give me a hard one
kill all three
Kill Cider and Chespin
Marry and fuck Rain
>Original RT vs RTDX
Just play both

>The evil has been sealed
You overestimate the good will of this thread to not fuck or kill all of these characters
Kill Rain
Kill Cider
I want Chespin to sit on my face.
>Lliam finds out PMD universe was Earth all along.
>"You maniacs! You blew it all to hell!"
I could sort of see myself trying out RTDX, but I will not under any circumstances pay any money to do it.
Stop talking about the games, asshole. We don't do that here.
Fair enough. You can't buy red/blue rescue team now and I'd consider DX to be a downgrade by all standards.
I know one of you stupid niggers is thinking it so I'll remind you that paying a subscription to get a temporary license to a video game is not the same as buying and owning it
I can buy Blue Rescue team right now for $32
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Punished for vore crimes
Holy shit… AU Cider likes vore…
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So this is the canon outcome of Gus x Cider
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Been a large influx of canvas pokemon joining lately... the balance between canvas and canopy is starting to tilt towards one side... I'm not sure what this portends. Nothing good, surely.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Kino. Gus and Cider are endgame.
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curious, I was working on a clover drawing directly based on one of the ending CGs. I eventually gave up because perspective is le hard and couldn't find a fit for a few sinners in the guild.
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I've been so used to seeing funny ones I am genuinely a little disturbed by this
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hah! ghey <3
Where does this art come from?
Your mom's anus lmfao.
50% of this thread is just a second art general
50% of this board is art generals
And the other 50% is just a collection of fap threads
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>look at hack
>basic bitch furrymons as far as the eye can see

If i see another goddamned zoroark
'ate eevees. 'ate riolus. 'ate lucarios. 'ate zoruas. 'ate zoroarks. 'ate lopunnies. 'ate gardevoirs.
How would you rate a Hisuian Zorua clearly still traumatized by dying of hunger and/or cold?
But what about art field marshals?
Why are you even here.
>I saw someone cum to a Pokemon on the internet and now I'm a chud starter pack
For cool 'mons like Joltik, Natu, Togetic, and Phanpy.
Miss me with those vanilla ass furfag magnets that every pokefucker has a danger hair colored sona of.
>no Zangoose
We're in the clear, baybee. No takebacks.
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Do we really have to do this every fucking thread?
That's actually not a terrible idea for a character
what the fuck does this mean? Please spoonfeed me.
Also this is already out of date
Thinking of replaying Explorers of Sky for the first time in a very long time but I dunno who to pick for my player and partner pokemon.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone pick a Mudkip and a Chimchar together. Though I've never picked either, so there may be a reason for that
Because it’s Torchic erasure. You can’t cross-region. Do not separate region starter trios. Only villains do that.
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They seem like a good fit to me.
Because you’re evil.
We do not support segregation in this thread. Diversity is our greatest strength. You WILL let that fiery porch monkey on your team
i support segregation but only against that guy
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Put him down. It's not a life worth living
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time to install Windows ME on this bad boy
Windows 8 wasn't actually that bad. You're all just haters.
This. The only true evil was Windows Vista
In a vacuum, it wasn't, but it was what started Windows' catering towards the mobile crowd, which degraded itself and all future iterations of Windows for PC going forward.
scariest one so far
Can confirm.

t. Had upgraded to vista by mistake back in 2008.
I wish PMD was real. I want to turn into a Pokemon and go on adventures.
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Get in line, pal
Sex with this Piplup in particular.
I don't know. The game's world runs on fairy tale logic, but suddenly not having hands or some shit and being in a world full of monsters with only a handful of safe locations where everything isn't attacking you would have it's own issues to say the least
I'm here for the prospect of meaningful, gainful employment that pays well and a housing market that isn't totally fucked.
I don't think a real life dog is complaining about not having hands. Lacking human physical traits is something you could easily get accustomed to, especially when most Pokemon have a power level scale strong and capable enough to take down a third world country by themselves.
>t. Gus’ depressing ass
>a housing market that isn't totally fucked.
Don't most pokemon just live in the wild or camps? You can do that here, though I wouldn't recommend it
>something you could easily get accustomed to
Arceus, turn this nigga into a Pineco NOW
Bulbasaur with giant glasses is peak design aesthetic.
this but eevee
>DX is an inferior remake of Rescue Team
>Explorers. Between Gates and DX, I'd pick Explorers. It's that much better.
Oooh, nevermind, he's an explorersfag. He couldn't even be bothered to read the post. Opinion discarded immediately.

I drop by this general about once and twice a year and I'm reminded how absolutely dogshit it is. Goodbye, fake PMD fans. No disrespect to the few anons who aren't brain-rotten.
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Okay, but, like, nobody asked, sweaty.
hoping you're having an eggscellent halloween /pmdg/

beast story is coming along admittedly slower than I know what i'm capable of but i'm learning a fair amount about what i can and can't do at my current skill level which is nice

anyhoozeewhatzit not much 2 say aside from that, i : abdgheart: you guilDEITIES
they're right though
>hey guys should I play A or B
>ummmm ackshually you should play C because it's much better than both A AND B combined
When option A and B are "rushed/flawed game" and "low-effort remake" respectively, it's only natural if anon hasn't played option C yet.
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More PMD characters in general should wear giant nerd glasses, it's cute. I already had this idea, but this pic inspired me to draw it.

>Pic related. Shelby is supposed to wear her reading glasses, but she never does. Even though she promised her mum that she would.

Based and spooky art. Excited for new Beast story.
Glasses actually being an accessory in PMD makes this shit funny and adorable.
>Shelby is a dork
wow I hate her now
I'm the kind of guy who wants to die in a war. This isn't killing my dreams of getting isekai'd
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Get out, zoomer
I think that's a pretty easy to achieve dream
Cope boomer
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skytemple hacks really just are middle schoolers not doing their homework and changing a few words from someone else's work
I should’ve made a Pichu clovermon. DAMMIT!!!
Nothing you say has any value.
If DX is a low effort remake, then Explorers of Sky is a giga low effort Brazilian fanmade expansion pack for Blue Rescue Team.
Come to think of it, it IS a standalone expansion pack for Blue Rescue Team. Now I don't want to shit on EoS which is a good game, but eosfags are like genwunners of spin-offs. They are the worst and should be gatekept from all communities and gatherings of actual PMD fans. Even when asked specifically about different games, the absolute baboons cannot help themselves bringing up explorers.
Thankfully there exists another place on this website to discuss PMD.
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Please… just PLEASE stop sending this retarded Chikorita.
Cope and seed
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finally a whole month...
he did it...
So is there any reason for me to play Explorers Time/Darkness in addition to Sky? And are the Wiiware games any good? Otherwise I'm jumping straight to Gates of Infinity.
Darkness has a harder Zero Isle South than the other two, because all of the good items are Time/Sky exclusive. I don't even think Darkness gets Petrify Orbs or Wide Slash.
Oh, so no unique story or meaningful lockouts, just a harder campaign due to oversights? Fair enough. As far as I'm aware Red and Blue only had like ~5 exclusive Pokemon so it didn't matter which you played. Surprised that Explorers included exclusive items.
>And are the Wiiware games any good?
They're really just one game split across three apps because wiiware had retarded file size limits. You can load your save into each "game."
Some notable differences are:
>completely different intro, which includes the only music track missing from Sky
>as mentioned, T/D has version exclusivity for items and Pokémon, which was completely dropped in Sky. In particular, you couldn't get Mewtwo and Celebi in Time and Darkness respectively unless you got Wi-Fi-only Wonder Mail, which is impossible today without cheats
>lots of minor dialogue differences in shared scenes, plus some minor added polish like extra graphics for the chapter title cards
>Meowth and Munchlax are partner only in Sky, hero-only in T/D
>Luxray boss was replaced with Manectric in Sky, due to Shinx being a new hero/partner candidate
The stuff that's not mentioned are additions, so there is very little reason to play Time/Darkness today.

Here is the original intro, if you missed it:
You can still catch 'em all in Red/Blue Rescue Team through Wonder Mail. If you finish a mission with an opposite version exclusive as a client, they'll start appearing where they normally would in the other version. I believe Time/Darkness work the same way.
i'm gonna cruit aaaaagghhhghhh oh good i'm cruiting aggggghhh
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He's getting ready for a big performance
Happy Halloween!

Kiyo-anon and I have been working on something special: a collab story! We drew this art together last Halloween, and we got inspired to write something based on it. This is "Booker and Kiyo's Halloween Adventure", in which Booker and Kiyo go on a quest to find their missing partners. It's set during the Clover Guild's first Halloween. It clocks in at around 20,400 words. We hope you all enjoy it.

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well !
i really liked it and i think i'll do it again sometime, for another theme :>

or maybe a 1 page a day challenge haha ..... haha..... ha..
This was an amazing story to work on! I loved every word of it :)!!! Ribombee-anon put a TON of work into it, he's incredibly swift at writing! It was an absolute blast collabing, and I'm really happy with how it came out!! Thanks for working with me :)!
This Halloween drawing challenge has been such a joy to witness. You're so fast Sceptile-anon! So talented! I could never finish a challenge like this :)
Did cubone really not deserve to make the cut as a starter for explorers?
Good story, both of you.
>first Halloween
God we need to fix our fucking timeline
Yeah, but Explorers has more differences than Red/Blue and, like anon said, that gives Darkness at least a little value.
>implying I even pay attention to the timeline outside of what I can be bothered to remember
This is the best one for the last day and I'm glad I was the one that suggested it.
Extremely based work Sceptile-anon. I can't believe you actually did every single day. They were all great.
Where's the problem anon
I know it's basically impossible to hammer down exact timelines with projects this big, but I think having things like years and events/holidays marked somewhere in the broadest sense.
Like "Year 1/Year 2" and the season or whatever as general points of reference for when a story takes place.

Also whether or not time in CG universe always directly follows "current" time. Holiday/collab events seem to be what sets the most current time and date I guess
I try not to worry about it too much
Too much effort. Every writer would need to review their stories and decide on a concrete placement on the timeline, and everyone would need to talk about it and make sure they agree on how things are set up.
I don't really care about the timeline, I just write what I want to.
It wouldn't be that hard to set up a basic season/year system. It would also probably be realistic for the native population to keep track of seasons and years. We don't need a day-to-day timeline of everything and not every story needs to have this, but it would probably help keep things more organized. It wasn't even agreed if the Summer Festival took place a few months or over a year after the founding of the guild and that's pretty important when you're having more important events like that.
The fact someone decided Halloween even exists in the setting is the most unimmersive thing next to claiming Christmas exists.
I just think it's weird everyone's using cardboard for costumes in that story. It's kinda an advanced material.
Well, Halloween has been canon for a while, ever since that other Halloween story was made last year. So it's too late to change now.
I literally ignore most of the shit other writers do when writing my stuff I’m basically just stealing people’s characters to act as side and background people. I couldn’t imagine trying to actually keep things outside of personalities and the setting “accurate”
It can be made with fucking paper dude. With all the abilities pokemon have and the knowledge that humans bring in, I think cardboard is the least unrealistic thing we could drag into the pmd world
You just want cardboard boxes in PMD to exist so you can have gay makeout sex inside one and make love bloom in the battlefield. I'm onto you.
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idc abt ur mess of a lore just make Gus x Cider canon please
Based shipper.
i won’t fucking rest until they’re on a team together mark my words

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