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tesoro's sexy pale midriff edition Oh shit, what I meant to say was These count as Halloween costumes, right?

>Thread question: If your OC could change one thing about their life, what would it be?

>Thread task: Draw something autumn related This is the last time that I am rerunning this thread task because I need more autumn drawings for use before and after Halloween

>/tog/ archives

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
Picrew links, Sprite-making programs and resources, and AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials and Drawing Program Downloads:


>Koa's Interview
>Responses to Koa's Interview
Ivy: https://pastebin.com/Qtqzih2N
David: https://mega.nz/file/SctESZwK#yqw9Y45OLUvZfRfeR8Ni95JeTSaG02liWqwdIhuJHLg
Luke: https://pastebin.com/vyBBbbyW

>Luke's Interview
>Responses to Luke's Interview
Silas: https://pastebin.com/Zphs0wza

>Alex's interview

Luke's response

>Recent Works

Watch the debut of one of Archivist's OCs here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wiuz7SX68R1fyhBpXDbDgHwPkCGzY2Iv/view?usp=sharing

Control Human Delete: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N3q0FgbtGiKEFdlxJf2VTTv9Worra_IdresRR0B0cvo/edit?usp=sharing
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>rOgUe hUh? WhY arEnT yOu uSIng a FasTer POkEmon tHEn?
Previous Thread: >>56711127
Windows wouldn't let me download my file for some reason
reading these interviews have really been a treat. I have no doubt Luke would let Alto babysit. He'd be reminded of his good friend Nox.

Also, I guess I didn't make it clear enough, if the wife is happy she gives 500 upfront instead of 300. Still, I like how all of these ended up.
Damn, I was hoping the new verification system took you out.
I do have to wonder how he does it. Does he just spend all his tardcash on 4ch passes to use on vpn servers?
Well, after a weird start, let's try to get into the groove again.
Hey, I said "into the groove", not "into the grave".
I'm going to do the TT, but for the TQ I'm going to make the personal interview OC I didn't make. But first, I need to consult it with the pillow. See you in a few hours, guys.
Reminder that after 8 months, Circe's theme is FINALLY up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGSx-r6t6sE

Attempting to write a short story to try and get used to writing next week.
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The second Community Booster Pack starts NOW!

Take Pokémon to the next level: the Xth Level!
With LV.X cards, gain new abilities and attacks to turn the tides of battle in your favour!
MEGA Pokémon also return as LV.X cards!

>Use https://pokecardmaker.net/creator to create your cards.

>Access the recently-expanded Schizo Resource Pack here for backgrounds provided by the Archivist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15yLgfXZUNxehHv79cBMEk5M8dueHg_9e?usp=sharing

>Edit your background/card style with https://www5.lunapic.com/editor/

>Submit your cards here: https://forms.gle/rinJ5WeXFW25GQva7

Submissions end December 11th, all rules and resources included in form link!

>You can read about them and how they work here: https://files.catbox.moe/0vg83h.png
>Mega Pokémon will be reintroduced as LV.X cards also, be sure to place the following rulebox on the left just under the image border: https://files.catbox.moe/h63wnz.png
>Example of a regular LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/1bz70x.png
>Example of a MEGA LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/pj4cms.png
>To create a LV.X card, select the Sword/Shield Base Set type, and under Subtype select LV.X
>Look at existing LV.X cards here: https://pkmncards.com/level/x/
>HP limit is 210.
>Replace the SV1 tag in the bottom left with TOG2

Don't be afraid to post any cards you're happy with here too for the thread to look at.
TQ: Wolke would have it so her parents never died. (Though after significant character development she would realize that she would be an entirely different person then, and would rather say that she's putting in the work to make the changes she wants to see.)
Merumo would wish to be more confident. That's maybe more related to the last TQ. But her life would be very different if she wasn't struggling with everyday human interaction.
Wait, what the hell, how come no one told me we jumped ship already?! Guys!
Today's STADIUM is NIGHT OF 1,000,000 GHOSTS!
>"Mom can we have night march?"
>"No we have night march at home."
>Night march at home:
You know, I really thought that I would be able to get more creative with the jacket than I actually did but there’s not really much to incorporate into the design besides the collar and minor details. Compared to what I made before, https://qu.ax/RZuJD.png this feels a little bit plain. CHD goes live at 2:30 PM EST, I’m just editing it now. Don’t forget to vote because I’m now editing the final story and I need it (third poll is new). I did actually manage to find official Glimmora earrings as well.
Wait, I thought it was already out? What's in the OP then?
That is indeed CHD, but I decided to temporarily private the document again today in order to do some editing. I will open it for viewing at 2:30 PM EST.
E-Chan says to make Franco less chatty.
I don't know what she means by that.
I thought his speaking was terse enough. He only appears briefly once. I guess I’d have to strip out basically all “non-essential” dialogue if what I had already written with him, which isn’t a lot, seems “chatty”.
i am schizo
The Editor says Franco's way too open about himself and his business.
Furthermore, I quote, "I don't know why Alex didn't think he'd get filtered by Franco's secretary or why Franco would be willing to talk business over the phone."
Not knowing what's actually there, I'd have to agree. But I'm sure the subject of the Heriot company was floated to start the process of arranging a transaction.
Ok, let me just remove the entire bottom half of the first story then. Mfw
destroyer of worlds?
I'm not saying to remove it, just giving a heads up that you may need to tweak a few lines of dialogue.
Nah I already nuked it and if anything the fact that Franco is implied to have just left Alex on read is funnier
Well, all's well that ends well then.
Don't worry, bud. We already knew that.
What a joy. You had me at "Instantlergram" and it just keeps going from there. I love that you resurrected that old, old old lore about Alto trying to woo the daycare worker; and things actually ended on a rare positive note which is nice.
Thank you for finally giving my boy Alto a minute in the spotlight.
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>Gholdengo = ninja
Can smeone explain?
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>yesterday was some of the best work performance of my career
It's been a very slow start to the day, but I'll be ready to finish writing soon.
In the meantime, it's a very funny coincidence that Luke stole the show last thread when this is part of the opening scene I had put to pen before even Koanon had shown up again.
Gimmeghoul are loot ninjas, grabbing gold and then disappearing. Gholdengo thus becomes a literal ninja made of loot. Plus, it rides a surfboard and you know who else uses a surfboard? The Ninja Turtles.

I am looking for names for my pokemon OCs, preferably unique plant names.

I hope I'm not asking for too much.
You are beyond unreasonable, you little bastard. Names can be a brutal process. Tell us more about your dudes. What kind of climate or region are they native to? What's the color of their hair or eyes? How about their personality--are they unyielding or are they more on the willowy side of things? Remember that you don't even necessarily have to use direct plant names, you can use names that are evocative of plant names too.
Please pardon my mistakes, I was simply looking for names so I could make OCs based on the character I build in my switch games. You're right though, I should focus more on their designs and personalities before deciding on a name. Thank you and again, I pardon for my mistake.
Nah, no need to be shy, I'm just busting your balls.
But tell me more about your characters, what kinds of concepts do you envision for them? Let's see if we can find some inspiration here.
Or don't.

I'm exerting a lot of willpower to not immediately go read the manga (until the anime ends).

Sasuga BibiAnon.
I jumped in the anime completely blind. My favorite band did the ending theme, so I was like "hm... let's check out whatever this anime is", and it turned out to be great.

"saru" means "monkey".

Yes. But you'll have to do that thing Ayase-san had to do as a child when going out for at least 10 years first.
Ah, I see. Thank you for clarifying to me.
Well, I am sorry to admit I don't have any that really is developed.
Since I have a lot of games that calls for customization (SV, SWSH, XY, ect.) That I was planning to use for my advantage with those vegetation/flora names. I am planning on using the starters I haven't used for my own personal playthrough (Sprigatito, Scorbunny, Fennekin)
Goodnight lads.
My OC named his Petilil after the Queen Sophia Marigold flowers, simply because he was 10 years old and it was his favorite flower. Its good to ask who's naming them and how they might think up a name.
Your naming skills are very unique. But, I meant naming the trainers. My apologies for not making that clear in the beginning.
Thank you very much!
I dig it. My advice is to look up the trees and flowers of Spain, the British Isles, France and others to get a feel for what's appropriate.
Plane (tree) Jane would be a funny pun for someone living in the Region of Beauty, for example.
You're welcome. Have you created OCs before? Maybe not for Pokémon but something else?
Wonderful advice, thank you so much!
I have created OCs (both for pokemon and not for pokemon) before. But, I'm too afraid to share them here because I'm shy. I'm sorry.
>I'm shy
So I've noticed. Well, you're in good company here, so you're welcome to post as much or as little as you like.
It's fine, you don't have to share anything. Do you mind telling us what you usually create characters for? You don't have to post any examples, I'm just curious if you use them for fanfictions, or art, or if you just like creating characters for fun - come up with cool scenarios in your head but never write/draw them (like me).
Thank you for the welcome. It means a lot to me!
I usually create characters for either fun or for story purposes. I like to roleplay them out in my head when I play the games and develop them more along the game. Sometimes I'll include them in my main story, which is a mess of a story that I change often- hopefully someday I'll find a story I will stick with for longer than a few months.
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alright, I've been working on a Character Compendium for the NPCs in one of my campaigns since someone asked if I ran games a couple threads ago.

So here are the rival characters in a sloppily formatted little document to add to my growing list of unfinished writing projects. The ride truly never ends. I'm making this in such a way that if one of you wanted to run a PTU campaign you could use this.


I also forgot I meant to be writing my ghost story this month. Crunch time I suppose. Anyway, I guess I'll work on that before I add the antagonists.
That's cool, I often get OC ideas that way too. You seem fun, I'd love to hear more about your characters at some point. But no pressure. Everyone here is really supportive and gives great advice.
>it's unlocked
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Also, hi welcome to TOG. I like Peony as an OC name. I uses it for a Gym leader once but you can have it

Pic unrelated, I just like it
Taney and Jace are the king and queen of that doc for sure. Good luck with the spooky story.
hey, incidentally, which comment on Phos's crossover in the last thread was yours? I'm inclined to think the Reshiraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam comment was from Silas but I'm plagued by the uncertainty.
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The name of the OC on the right translates to "treasure", and his main thing is being very greedy and vain. A few months ago there was a thread task where some people drew their OCs as a fantasy RPG class. The person who drew that decided to take inspiration from Monster Hunter armor, the funny part is, that's a guy, but the inspiration was taken from the female armor. That guy is also a thief and a scammer, so he got chosen to be the rogue. Gholdengo is just his main Pokemon.
The joke that OP made relates to the fact that he owns the other twinkboy OC in the thread and is also a gigantic compfag, so he was making fun of the fact that rogues are supposed to be fast but Gholdengo only has a speed stat of 83. Whereas OP's OC was also imagined as a rogue (pic related) but has much better speed control in both Weavile and Dragapult. It's me. I'm that guy. Oh, you mean just the symbolic significance? Well, I guess >>56770880 explained it.
I was super curious to what you had planned and wow you delivered. All of these npc character arcs are so well crafted. I need to be there when Seth gets his main character syndrome handed to him. Definitely bookmarking this to reread for more inspiration motivation later.
>Visions of Celebi
And what a coincidence I just watched Pomnimon 4Ever (2001) yesterday.
The hook of stopping an assassination plot is awesome. I want to know how the assassin planned on doing it. With a certain Pokemon?
>I'm inclined to think
You are because you are correct.
Enjoyed reading your story, brother. Saved me from facing metra delays head on.

Tobi was my favorite to play as.
>Player's growlithe tackles Tobi's Wooper and triggers Poison Point
>"Oh no, I'm so sorry, here have an antidote. Don't worry, we'll wait for you to finish with it."

>>56762012 was me. I really liked how you approached the prompt.
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The players really knocked that one out of the park.
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As for the assassination thing, it's pretty convoluted, but I'll get there.
Ah, cheers fellas, thanks for taking the time to read.
Speaking of,
Well, I gotta say: writing a fanfic of a fanfic is some wild new territory for me that's going to take some time to process. Do the crossover interviews count too?
Things ended up getting a little busy around the chateau de archive this evening, but I promise you it will have my full attention when I'm able to sit down and read.
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I do think the crossovers count. I wanted to have Alex be a bit more involved but in the end I went with the plausible deniability approach and cutting Franco out at the last minute was the right call to preserve that. Essentially, the first story doesn't have Alex and Phos cross paths at all and the next two only have them pass by each other while they do completely different things and are only intertwined by being at the wrong place at the right time. What this means is that CHD has basically no implications on the storyline besides being kind of a lead in to The Dossier which then led into Chapter 5 and Serperiority Complex + Declassified + the new third story I added in the update https://qu.ax/vYKEe.pdf it is only then that Alex has a MINOR impact on the story because Chapter 5 broadly canonized him. In a nutshell, just as EIF is "it didn't happen in the canon timeline of Pokemon, but it feasibly could have", CHD, TD, and SP are "they may or may not have happened in the timeline of EIF, but they feasibly could have".
Whoa whoa hold on, tiger, I haven't gotten there yet! I'll get there when I get there.
I'm still hung up on the crosssover distinction. I think of them more as cowriting than ouroboros.
Someone at their computer post that image of Patrick running out of the building, I'm getting another bad idea.
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TT: Does this count? I tried to give it autumn lighting.

BTW I really like the OP image, Bibi you make such great designs.
>do starter quiz
>get Barboach
Fuck yeah. I love this lil' guy and yet somehow I always forget he exists.
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Note to self: post more often than just once or twice per thread.
For now I have settled for defining the "jeweler" character a little more while thinking of how to insert her into Merry's story. My approach with her isn't so much to portray her as the usual arrogant rich character, but rather the nice, well-meaning rich type that's unfortunately too out of touch with the common man to be a real help. Her team will mainly be shitmons like Carbink or unevolveds like Roggenrola that she thinks look nice even if they just can't win a single battle.
>Mfw (Merry's face when)
W-well I'm flattered. On that topic, I've settled on Psychic for the regional Cherubi's secondary typing. I cannot draw for shit, otherwise I wouldn't be using Picrew, but I'll try and throw in a shitty sketch sooner or later to give you an idea of how it'd look.

Another note to self: interact more with other people.
Neat design and a very unique theme, I dig her. What's Adeline like as a character? Her theme and her outfit give me military vibes.

>Thread question
Merry would probably change... her parents, who were the ones that she had no business being a Pokemon Trainer and she was better off getting a real job. Perhaps things would've been different had they been more supportive of her.
Anon's referring to https://theworldofpokemon.com/starterGenerator.html for those who were confused.
Pretty solid results, anon, Barboach is a fantastic little dude. I got Heracross.
Psychic is definitely an interesting choice, very outside-the-box, but I'm already envisioning a few different ways to make it work. Don't worry about your art skills--Cherubi and Cherrim are pretty easy to draw and you can chalk any oddities up to a regional difference, so I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Bump before bed.
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Koanon here. Koa already kinda cosplays his best friend on the regular, so I'm kinda lost on how I'd draw something like the OP image...

Let me see if I can remember some stuff from the interviews.

I thought Luke's entry was cool because Koa clearly got to reflect on family and responsibility after that. Thoughts on his own dad too. Ivy's was neat, she's clearly an energetic character and Koa does well with those. Especially since she was telling him not to be so formal, Koa appreciates that even if it's his habit with trialgoers. David's was neat, Koa would absolutely go fanboy mode about Clair. I really liked the Cassie entry, despite the trouble she caused Koa he'd try to handle her amicably and calm down Mo-o after Cassie tried to yoink his scale. The Nyx entry was really sweet, and Koa would love to spend a moment with Hydreigon. It's rare to see one in Alola and it'd be a nice learning experience to learn what the species is like from Nyx.

Thanks for filling out my first ever interview!
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I'll count it.
How goes things at animation school, bud?

Holy shit how did I not know about this?! This is going to make encounter building so much easier for my games!

I did the starter quiz twice, once for where I want to explore and once for where I live. I got Onix (I was destined to play Luke) and Tynamo
I find that quiz so fun. I've done it before but it's fun to see different results. Depending on whether I classify where I live as forests or fields (they're both here) I get either Zorua or Pumpkaboo. I don't think I could pick between the two, they're both adorable!
>Holy shit how did I not know about this
I don't know. You tell me. How come you never looked through all the resources I so generously and painstakingly provided in the OP links? Hmm?
Oof, that is a really tough choice. For me, I spend most of my free time hiking and biking through the forest (Heracross). The forest that is growing on top of the giant beach (Cramorant). The giant beach that is right outside my home city (Pidgey).
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>I'm kinda lost on how I'd draw something like the OP image...
Scale armor. It's even canon that Kommo-o scales have been used to craft weapons and armor. Since they are bEsT fRiEnDs if the lizard sheds its scales they can be collected by Koa for use. The "sexy rogue" meme exists (do Alex and Tes count?) because it's a class focused on mobility and trickery so armor isn't necessary and more skin can be exposed. Something like that works for a "Level 1" character (using DnD terms), but at later stages Koa's chest is just begging to be sniped by something out of sight.
I thought I had, I am fool, a fool who can't fucking read.

Also, I thought I'd start giving my own little Thread Tasks in the form of encounters I've run for my players. This is one of the earliest ones I've written. It's a low level encounter with a relatively high level Lickitung. I got the idea from looking at it's abilities and move pool and deciding that it would be an ambush predator. I am hesitant to post it though given a certain enthusiast. It is public on my pastebin account though.
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Aha, a man after my own heart. Get in line.
Seems you and I >>56773543 had the same idea.
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happy you had fun reading it! as for the $300, i was just going with what the point scoring system said to do, and i already felt i was being pretty generous about what would and wouldn't warrant a point in alto's favor. having been in a band luke might have some sort of fond nostalgia for an aspiring musician but who knows if selene might be put off by his weird gothy glam rock style. it was fun to write though, and it was a good opportunity to point out alto's sort of built up a well of eclectic skills just from doing whatever he thought would help him pick up chicks (while still channeling most of his energy into the one thing he doesn't have any talent for).
the design's really fun! i love the ghost parade and want to join
the image op picked was something i drew a while ago when we were tossing around the idea of ocs as jrpg archetypes, so i picked classes i thought suited my characters and then themed the outfits around pokemon on their team (toxtrcitiy, koraidon, gholdengo)
ahh i haven't heard a lot of zutomayo but the ed's a banger (funnily enough i was happy when i heard creepy nuts was doing the op). thanks for the regular pokemiku posting
maybe a route you could take would be picking flora and basing names off them? aconite=connie, lycoris=lyco, edelweiss=eddie, etc. alternatively you could pick names for them based off the flowers meaning in flower language if you're willing to look that up
>Crunch time I suppose
you and me both huh? i'm never making fun of mangaka and deadlines again. dropping a teaser image for the thing i'll hopefully get done for halloween
>Bibi you make such great designs.
thanks! same goes to you, wolke is mad adorable
>shitty sketch
one of us! one of us! one of us! looking forward to seeing that alt on paper
that pic always makes me smile, look at em go. nobody better than nyx to learn about hydreigon with i'd wager!
She seems both friendly and trustworthy, where is she taking me?
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Our thread moves slowly
The board is quiet again
Peaceful autumn days
Those are the best times. Comfy times.
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To an extent, to an extent. I'm glad to see everyone taking some time to themselves (goodness knows we all need it this late in the year), but I also like seeing what everyone else is working on.
For example, the Editor has a day off tomorrow, so, by E-Chan's recommendation, I'm cranking out the remainder of Episode 6 tonight so we can meet up and go over the rewrites tomorrow.
Y'know what that means.
I know what it means. Enjoy the drinks, pal. Have one on me.
So what happened to
>Episode 6 is already complete and ready for publishing, I'm just waiting until Alex posts his work so I can post mine immediately after.
Oh, and you STILL haven’t updated Serperiority Complex yet (btw, when you do update the file, delete the one that’s currently in the folder and rename this one https://qu.ax/vYKEe.pdf “Eons In Flux Bonus, The Follow-Up”
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That was all a ruse. I was going to post this gif and the entirety of the Bee Movie script just to psyche you out.
>Oh, and you STILL haven’t updated Serperiority Complex yet
The hell I didn't, I replaced the old link in the writefag folder with the one you sent. The dedicated pdf folder in the archives is totally vestigial at this point, there's a lot of things in there that need to be updated.
Out of respect to both authors though, I will be keeping the title as-is. I like Serperiority Complex better.
>The dedicated pdf folder in the- ACK
He says as Bibi put out 3 PDFs this week, ripe for placing in there. Let’s make a compromise, when you go into the Mega.Nz to update it, title it “Eons In Flux Bonus, Serperiority Complex” like you did with the interview.
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Darling, I know you're not trying to boss me around while I'm drunk and surly.
King posted at least one of those as catbox files, ergo temporary. I'll leave it up to him what he wants me to do with those.
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For someone who supposedly works in IT I'm shocked and frankly disappointed that you don't know this distinction
>Bibi Meets Koa: https://files.catbox.moe/rh01rz.pdf
>Nyx Meets Koa: https://files.catbox.moe/xxz1ts.pdf
>Alto the Babysitter: https://files.catbox.moe/tgbhmz.pdf
These are CATBOX files. They do not expire.
This is a LITTERBOX file. It lasts for three days at most. Check what's before Catbox. files = permanent litter = temporary. Also:
>qu.ax - 56 more GB than Catbox
>pomf.lain.la - 800 more GB than Catbox
Use either of these instead. They are objectively better than Catbox and function the exact same way.
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Thanks for this information. Now I can share bigger lewd/cool sauces on this site.
Hey guys, look: here I made that interview from that thread.
>David welcomes you to the Battle Frontier

I hope you like it, and I'll be ready to read the answers.
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Migu Androgarde
Is Ayumu doing anything festive this time of year given he's got the shirt to prove his love for it?
Lo-fi Wolke.
Follow your dreams, Merry. Quit your 6 figure job and start battling.
You seen stuff like this? It's PTA, but you can transpose to PTU.

I dunno, I've been very lazy and un-productive for the past few weeks. I dunno how to get out of this pitfall though atm.
>the wiki hasn't been updated since 2013
>the download links still direct you to 1d4chan
>the random trainer encounter builder is still coming SOON (tm)
That's grim. Guess I chose the wrong side in the end.
Well, probably by following the advice others have recommended for you in the past few weeks and months but let's set that aside to talk about the horrific nutritional deficit that you have going on.
Put simply: I think you have a hormone imbalance that's causing you to be more lethargic than you should be. You don't actually do nearly enough to justify needing energy drinks ever and your family should take you to a nutritionist or dietitian to figure out what you're lacking.
This is a lack of MOTIVATION. Not energy.
Well, how about making those interviews everyone is doing?
By putting your characters in diverse scenarios, maybe you may find yourself inspired.
OH MY GOD I AM SO STUPID I was here thinking "curious, Bibi-anon didn't use Bibi for the interview" YET YOU DID I AM SO DUMB I'll read it NOW

Eh, it's okay. Busy with stuff. Gotta figure out where to do my internships
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That's what I'm talking about! That's why she's the MVP! That's why she's the GOAT! THE GOOOOOAT!!!

I love Bibi. Suffice to say, Koa would go NUTS over Koraidon. He's never seen one before, and the sheer draconic aura and ancient ties to another region would make him nerd out and ask a trillion questions to a point where even Mo-o would get jealous. Koa would also be pretty happy to see Bibi has her own Kommo-o, since Mo-o treats most other members of his evolutionary line as brethren, but maybe one from Galar or Paldea might not feel the same way.

BTW, for context, this is my official height comparison for Koa and Mo-o. Mo-o (somehow) fits into Koa's boat home by crouching or going on all fours, but he mostly stays in Koa's room. It's not rare for Mo-o to bump his snout on the ceiling and the whole house would know from the loud clanging sound his scales make.

This is really funny to me, because Kommo-o on average are apparently 160cm / 5'3 and I wanted Mo-o to be big because that's the size I expected from the species. So now I can see Koa talking to Bibi like "ah yes, my Mo-o is in the top percentage of Kommo-o" like he's Youngster Joey lmao

I'd like to add, the most interesting part of the Koa/Bibi dynamic for me is the fact that Bibi is already a Champion, and depending on the time they meet, several times over. I treat all my interviews as, aside from obviously non-canon, stories that happen after Koa's story COMING SOON TM. so Koa has a story on his back, but not a journey that leads him to Champion levels of battling prowess. Being around Bibi, aside from being likely more fun than he'd like to admit, would make Koa reflect a lot on his own training. How to be stronger, WHY be stronger, all that jazz.

He'd still love to go to Area Zero too. Although, in this situation, he'd have no idea what it is unless Bibi would tell him lol
Koa has yet to inform me what kind of take his Kommo would have on Emily since I'm not sure myself and I have been waiting for him to read over the 2 chapters I HAVE written so far so he can get some context and then give me an answer. Alex's interview would come off as bland, "typical kid ramblings"-- despite being 15 herself-- which is to say she doesn't really connect with most other teen trainers, or mundane people in general for the most part. I dunno who else put up an interview thing.
Oh, were you? I think a long while ago you were doubting what to do with that part and I told you Mo-o would show respect to Emily. She's still technically a good guy. I swear I told you that, I'll add more in case you forgot:

Despite Koa's disagreements with her, Mo-o would simply recognise that Emily has power and uses it to do good in the ways she thinks are good. Somewhat morally grey in the sense that her brand of heroism is individualistic, but Mo-o would give her a nod and that's about it.
I was moreso concerned with if anything in Chapters 1 and 2 of what I wrote influence any of that or not.
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I'd tell you not to think so hard about it. Mo-o sniffs out general vibes with this test, he doesn't read into an OC's very soul and weighs their actions like it's the Egyptian god Ammit weighing a dead person's heart against a feather. I just added that question so you'd write a simple reaction from Mo-o parsing out your OC's vibes.
I moreso assumed her attitude and willingness to actually kill would alter the vibe a bit rather than be based purely on her alignment.
If you think that would alter the reaction, go for it. I don't micromanage. Maybe Mo-o is a little spooked by her or something, sure. It's your write-up for an interview, not mine.
Ech, I prefer not dictating how other people's characters/Pokemon would react to something of mine, which is why I was asking for more precise answers. But I'll probably do something later with it, I am heading to bed.
That’s okay.

Man, as I go back and write more of my chapter I realise that I have to keep my story straight. At the start Koa laments there’s no power grid in Poni Island, and then he laments what actually happens there… I gotta be more consistent lol
I don't see an inconsistency in that. He's young and dumb and doesn't know what he wants.
Eh, what I want to make clear (when I rewrite a few parts) is that Koa laments the placement of the power grid. It’s an ecological problem, if anything. Nobody disagrees that you need infrastructure, but sacrificing nature is still bad.
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Today I tried to draw a head perspective from the left in an effort to format a potential artstyle. Needless to say it came out horrible despite the fact that it was basically tracing and I probably won't be attempting again. But while my artwork is worthless, my graphic design is not.

I'm going to be adding this into CHD as a hyperlink once I'm done with it but for now I'm wondering which way to go about the feather part. If I do it 100% accurate to the way that the tail feathers actually look, it looks kind of weird, but if I don't, and I just trace over, I'm concerned about being "inaccurate" or "off model". I should just trace over the earring, right?

Oh, yeah I've used this. It's pretty good. If they finally come out with the trainer generator I might make the switch from PTU to PTA. (Probably not though, the character customization in PTU is one of te best systems I've ever seen)
You could do the babysitter one I wrote. Doesn't even need to be Emily. You've got other characters you could do it with. I'm not picky.
I mean, truthfully, I don't think PTA really needs a trainer generator all that badly.
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On model. Pokemon's no stranger to strange fashion. Just have the earrings taper off the way Weavile's tail does and you'll be right.
Yeah that's true, I've only ever skimmed through PTA because my players want me to use it for a Mystery Dungeon game but I can't quite find interest in that. So if they want one they're going to have to run it. I've got enough irons in the fire as is.
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Suggestions for the third item to replace the arrow?
A silver claw, of course.
I thought of that as well, but I felt like it would be too obvious and too difficult to draw. Other options include an icicle, an obsidian stone, or a crystal resembling Sneasler's head stone.

When looking for inspiration I stumbled upon this, I thought of potentially redesigning the Black City Casino to resemble this but then felt like it would clash with the staple architecture. I'm probably just going to keep the original design when I get back to writing it but maybe this can work for a casino in Castelia City.
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autumn is brendoom's least favorite season but he can't explain the exact reason, ironically his birthday is during his favorite holiday
one of his favorite pokemon used to be venomoth
Declaring war on dry leaves (Grim's greatest agents)
Never give up. The initial improvement from zero to novice is the most rapid and noticable.
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Don't know how much I'm feeling this black bar.
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For reference
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I've seen enough hentai to know what that black bar means.
Welp, after 130 pages, the spellcheck just straight up no longer works in Word anymore. It's got too many things to track, I guess.
Regrettably, I've gotta start porting what I have to smaller documents, which means my word count isn't going to look as impressive.
I guess it's not the size of the doc, but how you use it that matters.
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Not like anyone cares, but Control Human delete will be temporarily locked until 7 PM EST while I migrate all of the Catbox links to Pomf Lain. Qu.ax is my preferred domain due to its brevity but it has a bad habit of becoming slow for no reason, which is why I originally migrated all of the links to Catbox in the first place.
it's perfect
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this nigga has a pokemon duel disk
>one of his favorite pokemon used to be venomoth
Will they ever be friends again?
You did a terrific job on the shading work there.
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Very lazily made Dragapult wallet.
I literally just picked a gradient from the color swatches available in Illustrator. Do not assume that I am good at anything, ever, because I'm not.
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Autumn also includes Halloween, so this ought to fit in. Best writer dressed up as best detective and best girl passing through!
Got an urgent poll for you guys since I'm going back into the document to edit it. Reopening has been postponed until 7:30 EST
502 Bad Gateway
The links are working now.
Woo! Hasumi!
I don't remember Looker ever wearing laces.
None of the 3 girls would really sign up for babysitting honestly.
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When you hate going outside but your little brother wants to go "trick or treat"-ing.

Or something like that. I'm not American, all my knowledge comes from watching Hocus Pocus as a kid.
This'll be the Espurr's hairstyle from now on. I tried to make it more elegant, to reflect his nickname Little Prince.

I would have said go with the headdress to replace the arrow but this looks great.

Oooooh, looking gorgeous so far!!
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They're adorable! Little Prince is getting the king-sized bars for sure.
I found Zutomayo kinda early, when they were at their 4th MV on YouTube, the MV that YouTube kept recommending to me until I finally clicked it:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJy8qZ77bpE (shameless ad)
Then after watching/listening to it, I thought to myself "this is great, maybe I should check what YouTube recommends me more often." which led me to make a rule that if any given MV shows up 4 times in my recommended, I'll click it.
Anyways, Zutomayo is short for "Zutto Mayonaka de ii Noni", which roughly translates to "I wish it was midnight all the time", and as a child of the night myself, this bandname alone already speaks to my very soul, so it's great that I also very much like their style.
Like them so much in fact, I even imported 3 of their albums, despite my PC not having a disc drive.

>Creepy Nuts
Now I didn't knew them prior to DanDaDan, but like some random YouTube comment said, considering the contents of the anime, a band called "Creepy Nuts" is just too perfect of a choice. The song itself is great too, so I'll certainly look up more of them.

>thanks for the regular pokemiku posting
I wouldn't call it "regular", but speaking of which:
I know your pic related is a teaser of the Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei inspired(?) comic you're making, but seeing that image I can only think of this:

H- How did you know it was me?
Jokes aside,
Ayumu isn't a very festive person, however, he does cause a certain incident every Halloween for a few years now.
As some may remember, Ayumu likes to spend his nights in haunted houses whenever he can (Old Chateau, Strange House, Lavender Town in general, but realistically(?), there would be more than 1 haunted location per region), so he has a pretty good affinity with Ghost-Type Pokémon, that combined with the fact that when he's spending his nights outside, some wild Pokémon tend to gather around him, he ends up with quite a few Ghost-Types following him around. Normally, he would disperse them before leaving the area/entering any towns or cities, however, on the night of Halloween, he leds a little "Hyakkiyako" of Ghost-Types into the nearest town/city. In preparetion, he'll hand over a small bag of candy to each of the Pokémon that want to play along, so when he brings them to town, each Ghost gives a bag to a random kid, then they'll play with kids and adults alike for the remainder of the night, then, a little before the sunrise, he'll lead the Ghosts back to where they came.
Because of those incidents:

>The towns/cities he visits during the Halloween night will see an exponential increase of kids having Ghost-Types as their first Pokémon due to making friends with some of the Ghosts Ayumu brings (who will choose to remain with them once the night ends);
>As some may remember, Ayumu just spends around 1 year in each Region, as such, "Ayumu's HyakkiYako" will happen in a different region every year
>Naturally, people around the Region and the World hear rumors about the "Night of the Ghost-Types"
>The Pokémon League, catching wind of this, and knowing Ayumu from past business, ask him to inform them when he goes to a new Region
>Since Ayumu refuses to comment on or even acknowledge the incidents, they have no choice but to be indirect and spread rumors of the likely location of the next incident
>Those rumors in turn greatly increase the flow of tourists to the rumored location around Halloween time, which is a very appreciated economic boost to the town/city in question
>Since it'll always be in the town/city nearest to the biggest forest in the region or the place with the highest concentration of Ghost-Type Pokémon, predicting where the incidents will occour turned out to be surprisingly easy
Despite the increase of people around for an introvert like Ayumu, he doesn't mind the Pokémon League's intervention/scheme as long as it continues to be fun.

Something like that.
Sorry for the somewhat cluttered Wall of Text.
How did you post all that so quickly?
A little trick called "Typing everything beforehand, then copypasting them after splitting appropriately".
That's a really cute story though, so I'll let it slide. I think that's the biggest Ayumu lore dump we've seen in over half a year.
Oh right, during the Alola arc that will likely take an eternity to arrive, Emily's not even taking part in the Island Challenge and would only be crossing through Vast Poni Canyon to the Altar of the Moone. And she'd say this upfront the moment Koa mentions the Island Challenge in the interview. So how would Koa exactly respond to that?
>"The last nights before Halloween."
>"Now these are horrible nights to have a curse. At least we don't have to suffer them alone."

3 days to Halloween, boys and girls. Any custome you like? What about a small tradition? Anything spooky or cryptic?
Personally, I replay the many Castlevania games I have. And I have a lot.
The originals for NES, the remake and port in the SNES, the clunky yet charming one in N64, the best sidescroller one in PS1, the underrated ones in the PS2. Even the golden ones for the GBA and DS.
May this Halloween gives you lots of fear and candy. I am already having a great time: AVGN posted a video about my favorite non Castlevania game, Nosferatu. The Belmont may be brave with their whip, but this kid faced the undead with their 80s TV Karate lessons and rescued his girlfriend. Awesome game.
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The real episode 6 is about 80% done now. Thanks to everyone (everyone) who contributed to the recent crossover fad for getting me out of my autumn rut.
Happy midnight. I had absolutely no idea we were just three days out already, I thought I had more time. This month really slipped away from me.
You got my hopes up at first that you were talking about Nosferatu: the Wrath of Malachi, which is my go-to along with Dead Space. I love any horror experiences that involve flipping the script on the terrors lurking in the dark.
Take it easy, night crew.
>Nosferatu: the Wrath of Malachi
AVGN didn't do that one, but a guy called Civvie11 did it. You should watch his videos if you are into FPS games.
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Archeops was gifted to Silas by Ayumu as a fossil. The resident Aqua Cove Pokemon Professor, Professor Adler, regenerated the fossil and it emerged a fully grown Archeops with shimmering wings. It takes pride in its colorful coat and can't stand to dirty it. It enjoys precise attacks when Silas is in need, and will flee if any feather is out of place.
I'm not too partial to the name Riptide, but since Ayumu himself is present maybe he or others can help Silas name it.
Ayumu is like a folk hero. I would love to see a short narrative of the perspective of one of the young trainers that takes part in this Hyakkiyako. Seriously magical stuff.
I wonder if a timeskip would have any of the trainers try and chase after Ayumu as a rival or seek him out as a wise and experienced trainer.
Would you say completely regular Apricorns are enough to store Pokemon? Heck, could theoretically anything store Pokemon?

My OC is a wild individual, and on one hand, I want to avoid Pokeballs, and on the other, it may just be a bit inconvenient lugging large Pokemon especially when you need to cross large bodies of water and some members can't swim.
>completely regular Apricorns
That's a fruit. You could probably stuff a Joltik in there though.
What is the particular issue with Pokeballs as a storage device? Does this OC have a name?
Alright, since I have a lot of projects ahead of me I figured it would be smart to use Pastebin to put all my GM resources in one spot.

here's the link to Luke's PTU Megapaste Collection: https://pastebin.com/M2qgsrkD

Wednesday, I should have time to add a gym battle and an encounter with murkrows.
The particular issue does have to do with how I kinda want this OC to have a whole "avoidance of technology" thing at least as a base. She's very one-with-nature and all that.

I have not thought of a name for this OC yet.
Not the first time this has happened in these interviews. Koa would still like to test Emily anyway, if anything to make sure she’s worthy of going to the Altar. In my own writing the Altar was closed off after the events of Sun and Moon and not everyone can personally go up there, so it’s kinda up to Koa to show people around, but you don’t have to go ahead with this. It’s still a sacred place, so Koa would want to test Emily’s character to let her through or not.
>She's very one-with-nature and all that.
Well, that means many shouldermons at least.
But if she were to use pokéballs, maybe apricorns should be part of the equation.
After all, the first pokéballs were wood, a piece of metal, and a mineral, and bam: pokéball. Apricots would be more "I'm using this berry/fruit/root to add a quirk to this pokéball, like catching fat Pokémon, or make catching at night easier".

So, yeah, use apricots.
How many pokemon would she have? Might be interesting to have this aversion to tech limit How many pokemon she trains. Or perhaps she just utilizes whatever pokemon happen to be around through intimidation, charm, guile, or pure connection to nature.
>Would you say completely regular Apricorns are enough to store Pokemon? Heck, could theoretically anything store Pokemon?
Yes, that's how it worked in Hisui. You had to craft the Pokeballs and medicines you needed from gathered natural materials. A regular Apricorn, a stone mined from ore deposits, and a chunk of iron for the clasp was all you needed to make a Poke'ball.
On the other hand, Poke'mon are magical creatures that can shrink as a defense mechanism. Poke'balls give them somewhere safe to go when they shrink, but perhaps you can argue that it's not necessary in your setting and put them in your pocket instead.

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