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Last Time:
>Ashime and Bunken face the most retarded fight of postgame (so far)
>Ose gets sneeded by eventing shitcode
>I'm finally starting to speed up, getting to EoE postgame shit
>Wagie autisms through the temple of khum's shit puzzles
>Jagi meets the redhead waifu
>Orevald gets more money than he's allowed to spend in Rocket Edition: Dragonsden

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator

>Edge of Eternity mod for Empyrean
>These hydreigon statue puzzles
Autism speaks but it really shouldn't.

I'm going to go take some extra Smeargles and see if I have an easy way to engineer this.
that was nowhere near as bad as it seemed kek

there's only really 2 points where the game kind of throws you for a loop on which path you're supposed to go, and you have to take the seemingly worse path to get better results later

i think one thing about fangame makers when they design a lot of these puzzles is that they tend to keep them relatively simple for themselves but cloak everything in a lot of bullshit to make them seem harder than they are. amethyst is surprisingly one of the few that i think doesn't do this, shit like the m*gic square is very legitimately annoying and tedious
sage of the east should really just be called orevald's nightmare
Apparently sketch doesn't work even with itemstalling on g*dlikeniggers, once I found a doubles boss that didn't have G*dlike, it was ez
gg, make sure to do the puzzle at the top right before you go

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These shadows are very unnecessary, they just drag it out more
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Oh, the shitcode of reality is falling apart
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Real quick, what the fuck did you do the entire time you were here?
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Ah now I see what that anon was talking about the ending being good depending on my definition
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Excuse me what
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>explaining the F12 button in game
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When was this made again?
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dragonite can sweep the first round, light screen from diance helps put the pieces in place for second round with empoleon and dragonite, still kind of terrible though.
Has anyone found either the iceroot carrot or shaderoot carrot yet?
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Well hopefully I don't eat my words here but
It's over ?????? creature
I'd like to say deshret came out in 2018? 2020? somewhere around there
How'd you trigger this quest?
thanks bro
where is that? I've been looking everywhere to start that quest kek
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I hope you didn't jynx it either
Was the backrooms stuff already popular back then? I am horrible with remembering when stuff happened
You need to go progress thee deshret postgame exactly one cutscene for some reason kek
Just go talk to crow in deshret and it'll be available
thanks. does that lock out the champion quests though like white man said earlier?
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Oh hey Beta Arceus if it purple
decided to grind out unowns in the temple of kum for a bit


really epic boss you've got here, would be a shame if an own temponigger showed up (and didn't get crit)
you get the scroll of mind from this one

GG, are these still the sage fights?
yeah, it was
at least i remember it being a thing back in 2019, i don't remember if it had fully made the leap off /x/ into greater normie culture where it turned into a mishmash of MUH CAPITALISM and 'SCP, but an office setting'
It shouldn't (I hope kek) since you don't even start the deshret shit, you just get infodumped about what you're going to do in desshret
thanks bro, and gg on that weird cat. no it's a fight at the 3rd augusta quest for the volcanoroa fusion stone
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It's time...
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Well then this definetly feels final
But I thought the last boss had more phases so I am going to reset just to get the kill with roar
am i really going to have to look at the w*ki to see all the electric regionals and decide which one's the 'rarest' and try and find some faggot with that one
oh wait, this is an eoe quest, that makes sense, haha...
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>3 attacks because darkest lariat just ignores the cosmic powers
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>Wiki's fucked
well shit kek
at least I remembered this fag
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Oh, shit stats
so it's going to be that kind of game huh
what are we feeling
all balls no dick
what the fuck
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99% comes from me btw
kek, you think they're maybe noticing our playthrough and seeing that we're using it and are trying to take it down?
anyway, there's only 2 electric variants, machop and the taillow
getting some bad vibes from this one already
mellow i guess
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My plat roar still had better stats, except HP
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Why is this attack here????
for a different ending
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?????????? had 0 chance, ??????? is much cooler
Hey guys, my save of Empyrean seems bugged. It won't let me open the bag to throw pokeballs for some reason and it started after fighting a Pokemon that had some Embargo-like effect. What do I do to fix this? I don't have a backup save.
What happens in it?
saw RegiGODgas on the cover and read that it's double battle focused and figured why not
aye aye
where are you at in the game? it's a problem with the noitemsinbattle script, if you fight something again that doesn't let you use items in battle, it should hopefully flip correctly
not clicking, but i assume GG
File deleted.
>protag and the other people that fused with Zdude and Arceus remember
>mom is back
>Chessnigger supreme is deleted
Seems like a great ending for this schizo fest, also post game ends with you saving your mom basically while the main game is about saving your dad
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I retardely forgot to spoil the image
>first pokemon is level 15
thanks grandma
was immediately given a mystic water in the same building as the pokedex as well
I just beat the elite four for the first time. Where's the quickest place to go and fix this?
I don't remember where you're supposed to turn in the unown. I've got about half of them but this game's so long all the NPCs are starting to mentally blur together.
Oh the game closed itself and now I can re-do the ending to see the other ending, maybe some other day
I can't really rate the game since I skipped like 50% of the total content by not going for the grindy stuff instead finishing the story only
For some reason I doubt that
He's at the canyon irc
head back to the future via the celebi on mt. dynamo, head to the plantation, talk to a girl in the upper left. she will send you to a schizo magic room where you can refight all the game's bosses. DEUS is one such boss that disables items in battle, so just beat or lose to him and it should hopefully flip
good job on finishing bro.
don't worry about doing the postgame content, you can see what it's doing to us kek
the guy near the balloon in the desert resort
Ahem I'd like to make an announcement

The sudoku is behind me forever now.
thanks for punishing me when i fail too, really appreciate that
Thanks, good luck on your schizofests with absolute dogshit documentation
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it's got a bastard ending to it too, and the prize might be meh
Thanks bros.
yeah epic, totally didn't autism one of those however many hours ago, thanks
Went and got my face kicked in with a level 1 breedject shitmon by DEUS and that fixed it. Thanks.
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>Awaken the children of rock, ice, and steel
>The resting place of the colossus will open
I wonder what that could possibly be referring to
I like sudoku
doesn't sound like sudoku to bee desu with you, sudoku is fun and that doesn't sound fun so it can't be sudoku
Is that a shiny alolan vulpix colored like regular vulpix or is that just a regular fire vulpix with snow warning
>Uses my lead's nickname
It's alolan Vulpix, Ninetales' shiny is a lot better
uh oh
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Light type eh, shame it doesn't replace f**ry
Is this thing any good?
sorry ashime, i tried the salamence but man you just get fucked over by d*tatrannies with missed hydro pump so often

the worst thing i had to worry about with salazzle was the occasionally really bad RNG roll, like crit into spdef drop from cybereon (otherwise salazzle wins very easily)

nevertheless, GG for making through that shit
reminds me of how 999 had a bunch of ridiculous puzzles and logic leaps at times and then the final puzzle was extremely easy sudoku, kek
does it seem like it's going in on the leak autism so far
congrats, hopefully the prize was worth it
>mogged by the route 1 joey
After a bit of misadventuring I found where the fuck the plot went.

Finally thoughts on Alice, okay gym, decent quality team with some coverage, bland design and no real relevance unfortunately. Tailwind gimmick was meh.
>oh no, i don't want to have to design 20 new npcs for my epic new area, and rejuvevo will have a fit if i steal their characters since i've already stolen their tilesets and backgrounds...

>i know! i'll just have a character talk about how 'imitation is strength'! and that'll justify it!
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Imagine getting scared of a fairy pokemon as a poison pokemon, lmao
The "puzzle"'s pretty neat, it's not really convoluted so far at least
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I go past the ev training area hoping to find the next town only to find this
that was quick
>the entire fucking map is water
I try talking to the white girl who showed up a few times before and now it got worse
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good mega
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oops forgot pic
Might be boned though, my golbat and taillow are fainted and grotle's slept
>5 shitters who only spammed baton pass???
>1 retardedly bulky oc alcremie
>and there are water encounters
help me regiman I'm going insaaaaaaneeeee

seriously look at this map
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Never mind we're not boned
who the fuck is Alia though
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ah shit, that explains it
Trivial after trial and error sudoku. Relaxing, even.

Thanks bros.
It's not even a hard puzzle. They ruined sudoku by the jank they used to implement it which makes it both extremely irritating to even figure out how to meaningfully interact with it let alone trek back and forth to see what does what in taking steps to solve it.
>congrats, hopefully the prize was worth it
Electric Scroll.
i wonder if he'd let me through if i was a pretty blond woman in a black coat
>router fucking dies for no reason
>turn back on
>my CAPTCHAs are finally working again
it's been 3000 years...

>train my pokemon up a bit before setting off
>the entire bottom stretch between the large starting landmass and the small one directly to the right is maybe 50 tiles max
I may have overreacted a bit
Thanks bros. Smeargle is kind of fucked teebeedesu.
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I hate contrary
>10 million is supposed to be a lot of money
el oh el
i like how he also gives them out separately because the retard modder didn't know how to just give them all at once like in the basegame

GG. Is that the rita quest?
>711,CHOCOINFERNO,Choco Inferno,1AB,105,FIRE,Special,100,5,0,04,0,b,"The user releases a wave of molten chocolate which drowns anything under 6 feet."
>ohko's anything below 6'0
Yeah epic, thanks
thanks bros. it is the rita quest
>empoleon is a manlet
Where's Shofu for starting it in the desert? I try heading south and got blocked by Aggrons.
when going west from factorial town you should be able to go down past the first guard, go west once you do that, the bar is a building with a flame on it
top fucking kek
should've been called 'Modern Dating'
gg, I share the sentiment kek
Don't worry, my whole team is full of manlets, h-haha
And I'm apparently not allowed to leave and prep either
Wait...I gotta know...
>The invisible walls inexplicably open up to let you further west between two cacti
epic map design
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He says this after getting punted off a bridge. it's great but again, what are the fucking narrative conventions and rules here.
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Do I just keep following the Deshret quest after talking to Shofu to trigger Rita or do I have to go back to the mainland and do something?
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Okay I know where the fuck this is going and I do not fucking like it.
fucking kek
after talking to crow go to sylen hq, lensio will be in the room past the receptionists
WT is balanced, just smother it in poo. Skill issue on the game's part desune.
Thanks. This game and its arbitrary flags, I swear.
>mech gauntlet lets me use dragon rage on fairies
>usable in hellstreak tournament
time to scam the casino
>Only has 5 pp
Just realized I never turned the difficulty back to hard mode, so I guess I'll redo and see how cucked I get by the level boost and I wanna try and sketch the togekiss' retarded move, it didn't work on Stacycremie though
fucking kek
okay smeargle just fucking dies if i use sketch, good to know
gg. second wind? if you can sketch that it seems broken
>the sages have randomized teams
Yeah dude how fun

How essential is it to beat these fuckers? I might just move onto something else and tackle these later

Am I looking for a random encounter on route 113 or is there a specific event for the "rare electric type" I'm searching for?
holy kek
New thread image?
Need 4 for the checkmark and 8 for the scroll. 8 is also necessary for the EV overcapper later on too.
>Randomized teams
The way I understand it they have 8 possible mons and pick 6 of them.
>mech gauntlet doesn't go through fanlight's ability
that's horseshit
specfic event that you've done before
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New thread image

I'm ready for this kid now
>Find little girl I was gonna look for for a mission randomly
>Suddenly "It looks like she was blown away"
The fuck? I didn't screenshot it because I didn't expect to need to but the fuck?
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Maybe not
Is it in the miilitary base? The only other thing I can think of is shadowglitch who I can't seem to get to respawn.
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Something manageable
His emboar was lv. 36 and had head smash btw so god damn
think way earlier in the journey, Mr.S
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NebbyGODS...we won
>Not a manlet
>Stalls the second battle excellently after the nigger haxorus is dealt with
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Lets go
Wagie have you tried the ""fun"" that is Sage of the North or Past yet?
I'm too retarded to parse this hint tonight kek.
shadman in mera town, where you got the lightning machop
all doubles is kind of rough when my only dual-target damage move is bubble and everything is a water type
also sunkern fucking sucks
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Also why is blitz the one with a future milotic while moira's lined up for machamp and ttar
i've been busy making tea and chicken soup, but the only ones i've really tried so far have been the sage that always hits their secondary effects and the sage that looks like ashy
was trying them at level 133, mostly to see if i could, without any particularly retarded shit
if all you get is a scroll and a checkmark, i'll probably do this later just so that i'm not lagging behind even more kek
What kind of tea?
And yeah, these niggers are hard at 133. I think East and West are overall the easiest if you want to start making headway there, followed by Future. Below is really stupid, but if your team is numerically strongish, you should be able to muscle through it. Above is very RNG heavy and you will lose mons to really stupid shit. South is pretty rough too. North and Past are by far the hardest I find.
>surf only hits enemies and not my own pokemon
it's gaming time
>pelistorm has more then 40hp at level 1
not even chansey can do that, the hell
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I can pay for a heal here or I can take a free cab to doorriver and have my pokemon automatically healed for free
What do boys
Where's Shadman in Sylen after you talk to the Casino boss? The guy with his sprite in the casino wasn't him and the guy at the auctionhouse wasn't him either.
Gen3GODS we stay winning.
A homemade masala chai using my own cinnamon/ginger/etc., its better than store mixes
>And yeah, these niggers are hard at 133
Don't need to tell me kek
I'll probably try these faggots sometime before Pr*sm and B*bel, but I'd rather actually go explore shit than do 8 niggerfest fights
Even weirder is that it only has 90 HP, sounds like something else is fucky
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reborn xisters??????????
leppa berries available at a cheap price in the first shop of the game????
stopping here because I want to fish and I'm too tired to hit the skill checks consistently (you have to hit 3-4 before the encounter for whatever reason)
total whiteouts: 1 (to fisherchad at the end of a pseudo-gauntlet (meaning I just didn't feel like running all the way back home to heal))
unfortunately the starter watermon is a physical attacker and the split is in this mod so I'll have to run around looking for a good water spattacker
Thanks. This section would be a bit less autistic if he didn't use a semi-generic sprite.
>A homemade masala chai using my own cinnamon/ginger/etc
Extremely based.
Before you move on, try Past at least once so you can see why I was seething 2 threads ago kek. I think there's a cogent argument that could be made that Past or North are harder than Grimm by the "you must counterteam this boss to win" metric but once you have the counter, they go down pretty unceremoniously. I think the thing that sets Apeptosis apart from every other boss we've seen in this game so far is that even if you have the counter(s) (not WT/Smearglespam), he's still absurdly fucking hard.
If you want to progress down the same 'path' Bunken and I did, go back to outside the league building if you haven't already found that and started that.
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casino scammed
Nice. Did you get anything for it?
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I got the scroll of stars and a little over 300 casino credits, which I got these two weird things from the gold membership bench, no idea what they do. you get the card from progressing in this rita quest btw, a little annoying
Makes sense. I wasn't sure if beating Rita's quest/gold membership changed the streak rewards.
You can be reasonably confident that nobody in any of the shartcords ever played this game past the superficial surface stuff because if they knew orange man was in the game, the emergency group dilation sessions would be endless.
Huh Muddy Water is dual-typed
that's pretty neat
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Cleaned out what I assume are the event related gold membership rewards.
>x0 against flying and data
It's one of those things that looks way better than it is until you actually use it a bunch. Does crazy damage to a certain seethe-inducing postgame boss thobeit.
Ran into these bike cucks, the guys the previous bikers I thrashed were LOLing about, and they fucking scrammed the moment one cop showed up, no wonder these bitches got ran outta town.
Whoops, forgot my name.
Well, I'm a decent bit into the card at least
What's the condition for the tuna to be obtained at the casino? I'm pretty sure I never got it, and I don't see it available
I did try the le funny dev battle and found that my icon fix fucks that up, so that's fun, I'll probably need to mess with that a bit
Thanks bros
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Swellow looks sick
>What's the condition for the tuna to be obtained at the casino? I'm pretty sure I never got it, and I don't see it available
It might be at the bottom of the TM list for some stupid reason. I remember one of the items was.
Missed this. GG, but not clicking it as I suspect I'm coming up on it from the screenshot.
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whoever the ai was on the right threw hard
Thanks and noted, I'll go check after I'm done navigating M*w hel
>player convenience
This kills the Reborn dev.
5/6 Faller Shards
If you're where I think you are, you need to progress Augusta's quest(s).
Yep, thanks Ashime
thanks for that. I hate these things.
There's another one hiding in the VIP Gold TMs too. Don't know what that one's for yet.
I talked to her, I just missed the switch to unlock the door on my way there, I think
Grabbed that one too, thanks
Cheesebros, don't forget to grab this out of the Gold Membership TMs either. I'm sure there will be 200+ base speed gay shit later on that warrants it.
Some of these are stupidly easy to miss.
don't know if it means anything, but the continental ring looks like the fusion ring. could be a clue
I picked it up as well. It's a key item.
I'm not too deep in the postgame yet, but that sounds an awful lot like it goes in that ring-shaped hole behind Magmagigas' stupid magic square puzzle in Victory Road.
Checked and that's very likely to be what it is. Thanks anon.
you were right thanks man
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this is kind of cheating a bit, but i actually discovered this on nearly my first try (only began attempting this fag 10 minutes ago, and i just happened to have it on my team)
maybe i'll try and redo him without the bullshit to see how annoying he really is, but later

>go to the m*w next

I don't think i've found one, kek, but i've not really gone to any eoe areas yet
>first current i went into in the maw put me a softlock
this is going to be common, isn't it?
thanks bro, and gg
oh because it's not evident what i did here and the vid got fucked up heart swap works against this faggot, and his yanmega will just freely set up quiver dances on magearna
>>>>>>Heart Swap still works
kek, amazing find. GG.
I did say this place is worse than Citadel without aggressively F12ing for a reason.
>worse than citadel
please don't tell me it starts engaging in am*ria gym tier underwater labyrinth bullshit too
>please don't tell me it starts engaging in am*ria gym tier underwater labyrinth bullshit too
It definitely never gets that bad, but you have to do it at least twice. Up to you if that's worse or not.
>Freeze fire types
>They can't use fire moves to unthaw themselves because of sneed sphere
>Quiver Dance in their faces forever
This smeargle is so gross.
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stopping here for now. wanted to do the pichu quest but can't find where the girl and pichu went, can't find where to use this either. It might be time for the trainer tower unfortunately
>can't find where to use this either.
There's a hidden island past Pr*s*m tower where you can use that.
How do you get there? I found the way to clip out of bounds in the area, but no way to actually reach the island; only ways to go around it.
I'm pretty sure the area you found is not the intended path.
In fact I'm pretty sure you need to finish the desert before you can even get to the island.

augusta desert or proper deshret?
damn. thanks bro
>14 minute recording
You can guess how this went by the screenshot alone; I'll spare you the boring watch.
Noted and thanks.
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Nice to meet you too, Moshekov Uberkike.
forget the citadel, this might be the worst area i've ever fucking seen in any video game period

this is inexcusably fucking awful, i barely have any idea what i'm doing and can barely see where i'm even meant to go

>this is inexcusably fucking awful, i barely have any idea what i'm doing and can barely see where i'm even meant to go
Those fights in there are annoyingly tedious too.
>you can't see where any of the currents go
>it's impossible to plan multiple steps out in advance like this area wants you to
>incredibly easy to either get softlocked or sent back to an earlier area, or to save past a point that's unsalvageable
>constant niggerspam with the whirlpools
would love to know what JZ was thinking when he made this area
it’s the worst of the three augusta quests for sure other then the bosses
I think the Rita quest was genuinely one of the highlights of the game. It told a cohesive story without getting too unmedicated, had the pokemon matter, the dungeons weren't shit, and had a couple cool bosses at the end.

How do you start the next steps to confront the real mastermind tho? I can't seem to find any further triggers after getting told to stop digging and going back to get the glove + free mon on the russian island.
As counter-intuitive as it sounds, the best way to approach the first half of it is assume the closest whirlpool = progress, despite defying all common sense. The second half has a 1 tile wide section with 3 whirlpools in succession (at the bottomish part of the map) that try and bait you into going up/down into getting reset out; just keep going east at that point until you're done. What comes after is infinitely better but that's not a high bar.
i actually even almost liked the temple of kum, the puzzles weren't that bad other than the dev's own fuckup on the temple time puzzle, and it was at least a simple error
yeah, i've gotten through it by now
>the best way to approach the first half of it is assume the closest whirlpool = progress
that's what i was doing, i assumed it was 'path of most resistance = correct path'

the problem is that it's extremely difficult tell after the whirlpools which currents you're supposed to take, not helped at all by the disorienting current patterns and the fact the area is visually dogshit and samey
Calling it for the night. Best of luck on the upcoming bosses if you start the third quest tonight Wagie.
GG. Do not miss the dive area in the undersea city before you leave or you add a third trip through the maw to your backlog.
It's beginning
That took a lot more than I thought it would kek, and looking at it's script to see what it does, indeed, how the fuck is this not banned kek?
Gonna stop for the night now, might autism up more moves tomorrow, anybody got some good ones to look into?
gg on getting through
>trainers using GP1 shitmon 5 mon teams
virtualizationGODS....we're heading home

thanks bros
>dive area
no yeah, i saw that already kek.
>Best of luck on the upcoming bosses if you start the third quest tonight
haha...i'll try
YES....PLEASE....I will 100% take this over the c*rrents
don't show this video to demice or he'll put gyarados after the 8th gym in urmumium


i don't know what's going on with my videoshit, seems like it's fucking up half the time
>it's a gauntlet
might be here a while kek
might be here for a long while
holy FUCKING shit that was a cool fight. not first try obviously, but i got her the next attempt

>i wasn't recording
fuck. but i got good sleep luck with hypno so i'm not redoing it. with how wonky my recordings are i'm not even sure if it would have gone through
i guess i should explain a little bit
>this run, magmortarfag started off with mawile in first
>i swap between pet shop and dualcell to reduce its attack to nothing so gyara can sweep

>gyara starts against nihilego, dd once and eq
>then chunks mawile so petshop can kill
>petshop barely wins against wiseraph (i don't even understand how)
>hypno deep sleeps jirachi, she swaps to moltres
>her moltres is somehow completely walled by dualcell as i was pissing myself as it set up 6 QDs
>jirachi comes back out and dies
>volcarona also gets killed by hypno
priority sleep is a very balanced move, and menacing a very balanced ability, and data a very balanced type
>this lady is so powerful she crashes the game with her attacks
frightening. i can only imagine how powerful apeptosis will end up being
i could probably beat this right now, but i'm tired kek

i'll try tomorrow
Sounds like a job for Tapu Lele desu.
So far Velvet is "very vanilla with a bit of chocolate". Hopefully big changes will happen once I reach Cerulean. That's where the "big changes" happens in Yellow compared to RB.
>Beat the Fossil Nerd
>"Don't be greedy!"
>Able to take both fossils
I should have waited before I posted. Team Rocket Duo has no Koffing. At least they have Hisui Sneasel and Butterfree though.
I hate this fight. Good luck.
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>This was a place of high honor long ago
>Witness our great works and forever remember us
some explorer guy gave me some regi balls (tee hee) back in the first town and it leads out to a desert, which leads to ruins that apparently Regirock lives in
hopefully I actually get to catch it while my average party level is still 14, that'd be pretty cool I think
>This game currently has a fully playable region ready to explore, with only a few zones inaccessible (for example, the Strength HM required to reach some areas is not yet obtainable).
le sigh...
>Gonna stop for the night now, might autism up more moves tomorrow, anybody got some good ones to look into?
Sneed Sphere is really all you ever need, but Absolute Zero is also really good for not-G*dlike fights, but Freeze Bug is also an option if you need more PP. Mind Meld is one of the best generic buttons in the game to press (hits both targets in doubles, functionally infinite PP, shuts off Nullifiers, Rain*ow Dis*, etc). Ragnarok Cannon's stat debuffs are really good. God Palm is annoying to sketch and fails if used in succession ala protect but is one of the most broken attacks mechanically in the game.
Honorable mention to Hellfire and Tesla Cannon.

Calyrex has some moves I might try and sketch later if he's refightable, but because of how the fight works sketching specific moves off him seems really annoying.
>backtrack in the cave
>a friendly hiker gives me rock smash
>one of the rocks gives me a sun stone
sunkernGODs... we won
I'm actually getting the hang of braille translating all of these
take that sassy bitch from the reborn regiquest
>The children of the great colossus are sealed away
>The titans will survive even as we perish
>The titan of stone awaits the order to rise again
>It will only respond to the mark of the colossus
>Teleport can't be used for some reason
>Dig is buggy as fuck and sometimes teleports you to the wrong place
What kind of fucking shitcode is this? On another note, the puffy demon has reached her final form and considering how much Jumpluff's special attack was buffed, it has suddenly become an unstoppable menace.
regiGODS we're not just postgame fodder this time
>go to bed
>wake up
>beat her not just once first try, but twice in a row since the first vid fucks up
lol k

it sucks because i liked the first attempt better, i don't know what i was doing with the magearna shit. magearna actually fucking sucks in this fight in general

i actually think this fight is okay, at least by this game's bullshit standards, but that's because my style of play is 'cheat in the shit that i think will be good' and the rest of you are mostly sticking to a very central rotation. and this game is very hostile to adding new members (though i guess the scrollshit makes it a lot easier)

thanks bros
SOVL department...i've discovered a major lack of it in the field
thanks. sorry gookmoot is still fucking you for some reason
>magearna didn't have its card
oh well no wonder i thought it sucked kek. i might be retarded, bros
>catch reginald rock
>now have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing
surfing aimlessly will let me grind wild encounters I suppose...
>evil lanturn
that's the shiny?
pokemon dialogue...?

thanks, and GG yourself on catching UN UN UN
>that's the shiny?
nah, i mean maybe it is, but it's actually a different lanturn form (that the game does not bother to tell you about) with 20000 defensive stats and also is ghost/light. which means it should be 4x weak to dark and ghost, but that its held item halves dark/ghost damage and its stats means it takes like 20 damage from dark pulse and shit

also can't be status'd or have stats lowered because LOLempyrean
thanks i hate it

i like how every boss so far has had some unique theme which sounds like it's from some hypercharged anime
should've been recording but i wasn't exactly expecting that to be an actual boss. first try anyway

>just leave thundurus out on the field
>it spams helping hand

inb4 gauntletshit
>head home to talk to granny
>granny is gone
now who's going to tell me exactly where to go and what to do
regiwall had a set of eyes start glowing when I showed it my cool new regirock so I guess that's my goal, to collect the regis
as much as I love him I think he'll struggle a bit with how many water trainers/wild encounters there are
>actually a different lanturn form (that the game does not bother to tell you about) with 20000 defensive stats
>still went down in 4 hits
crazy stuff
Based regibro.
GG. This fight is hilariously hostile to most conventional teams trying to cope with doubles and winning in my experience mostly came down to finagling the AI to clicking on their coverage moves more than abusing their potential 4 attacks per turn to just overwhelm you clicking Revelation Dance/Quiver Dance/Lanturn's healing dance over and over. It's also very dependent on what she leads with; Lanturn+any Quiver Dancer is basically an autoloss. Solgaleo, ironically, is the weakest link on her team I found.
GG. I found this one way easier than Yoko. Good luck on what comes next and if you're not planning on debugging team members in to beat Apeptosis, I recommend stocking up on Thorium Batteries before continuing because there's a soft point of no return.
>every trainer in here NEEDS 6 mons, goy

to be fair, that was htiting with +4 attacks on its weakness and offensive stats that look like this also majorly boosted kek
thanks. yeah, i automatically reset as well the minute i saw lanturn in first. thankfully, i think my team was (mostly) geared to win as long as i literally just didn't get the lanturn
>if you're not planning on debugging team members in to beat Apeptosis
h-haha. i'll at least try with what i have in my box. i may purchase a portable teleportation device system from mr. deberg if need be
Smeargles and pink blobs. Duplicate rainbow fruit with fling/recycle exploit to not have a miserable time with the tauntniggers. Magic Bounce is probably an option too but I can't be assed to loop run a Sableye right now for GP5.
Utility Smeargles and Yakubs. Golden Mudkip check needs Rainbow Fruit to not get Absolute Zero'd.
Kyogre, Ho-oh, Wiseraph
3 Smeargles, Kyogre, Ho-oh, Scizor

Finding the fling/recycle still works but also works with rainbow fruit/orb was the breakthrough I needed for these faggots. I'm going to hold off on stealing a Rainbow Disc and duping it to the moon until I legitimately obtain one.
Based Jumpluff enjoyer.
>The trainer dialogue in the ruins implies the dev is nudging you to use WT for Apeptosis
I didn't catch this when I played and realized it in the shower this morning kek

Best of luck. I genuinely think doing that fight without WT or Sneed Sphere Smeargles or w/e is one of the hardest things we've done in these threads.
Prize for beating all of the snakeniggers.
>uses the first move twice
Absolutely Badonken.
i've spent an embarrassing amount of time on this 'puzzle'. i'm so fucking tired. anyone who makes puzzles like these where you need to run 5000 miles just to see the results of some faggot switch deserves to be shot
>anyone who makes puzzles like these where you need to run 5000 miles just to see the results of some faggot switch deserves to be shot
Sudokubros... we lost.
Did you end up doing the second Maw run to the undersea cavern that you opened from the first run?
Back, I still have absolutely no fucking idea how to find the fucking Kangaskhan in rocket tunnel, as if this game couldn't be any shittier, it also gives you dogshit directions and lack of pointers on top of the bad translation.
GG and thanks.
Yeah 4chan is just being horribly shitty to use lately.
How's the game so far? The MC designs seem utterly dogshit.
insert joke about the character cursing that i'm too genuinely annoyed to make right now

>What you had to do was enter and leave rock tunnel fucking twice for the event to work
It's impressive how bad this game's eventing is.
>a 6v12
you know, i'll actually take it over that dogshit puzzle
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>The absolute megafaggot who stole the fossils from me and keeps blustering about his money and status has yiddish name
Hmmmmmmmm.......how peculiar....
Whiteouts: 9
>Game once again gives a boss trainer a busted team that is a bunch of stacked level 35s when the player by this point even with grinding accounted for is around the late 20's mark. FUCK THIS GAME.
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>Muk has a bunch of illegal moves
>Is somehow gaining priority on shit despite not having any items like quick claw
>Has Stench to abuse flinch cancer off of the priority cheat
I've been moving around pretty slowly so far but apart from the mystery meat tranny player characters it seems pretty good
I'm not sure if there are badges to get or if I'm just collecting regis but it seems pretty open for you do go and do what you'd like to barring 'this area has strong pokemon so maybe come back later!'
story so far is basically granny giving you a regi mcguffin and telling you to go have fun
>no g*dlike
>no counters to magearna or basic setup
>was harder to get the video to work than to actually beat the fags
ahhh...what a nice break. now i'm nice and REJUVenated

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Whiteouts: 17
All of his Pokemon just have illegal moves and they're EV'd, have perfect IVs, are stupidly overleveled, have incredibly cancerous sets like an Electrode that's absurdly bulky for no good reason, sets screens and does nothing but spam Seismic Toss that does a fuckton of damage due to it being in the late level 30's, this is just shitty, this game feels shitty, horribly fucking shitty for no good reason and I hate it, I would probably jump into another game if I hadn't already spent a fair amount of investment into this trash.
Noted, I'm fond of the Regis so I a game that focuses on them seems nice but the tranny mestizo designs are typically a warning sign things will go to shit.
speaking of...

YES YES YEESSS!! This is just like that scene from PEAKjuvenation where the enemies magically revive themselves and you have to be saved by some other random jobbers! Rejuv is the best game of all time! Rejuv is the best game of all time! It's #herturn! Blumpf Cheeto has been defeated! Rejuv is PEAK!
i-it's beautiful...

Noted, I'll probably pick up the ones that aren't on the B*nlist
>level 16 gyarados
nintendo BAN this fisher IMMEDIATELY
should clarify that 'this area has strong pokemon so maybe come back later!' is just a suggestion and you can go that way anyways
I didn't think to try when I was back there but I'm not sure if there's an obedience cap, wild pokemon south of the starting town are lvl ~30
Good luck h-haha.
Thanks bro.

RG, what did you do to trigger the cynthia event?
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>literally my mom's chicken
I don't know what I expected from a chick in an egg
Thanks bros.
I like how it looks like an UB that never was, makes me sad people forgot about the cool Ayy lmaos.
According to the leaks Gyarados is a legendary Pokemon, this fisher is clearly too powerful for this world kek.
Noted as well, is there gyms or any form of progression?
do i really need to watch the credits every time i come back here kek?
iirc moira was just off to the right of klaus, and that started it
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there doesn't seem to be any goal other than collect the regis and open the gigasdoor, there have been no mentions of badges at all
there was also an old lady who told me not to use repels in the first town, a pokedex checker in the starting village, and now a couple of researchers asking me to catch some pokemon so they can look at the pokedex entries
it's smeargover
>Have to face another incredibly obnoxious boss trainer
>She uses Fly on all her birds as a 1 turn move without power herbs or anything
>Oh cool, I'm glad Fly got buff-
>It only works that way for opponent trainers, not the player
ALL OF MY HATE...........
Noted, almost seems PLA inspired.
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hey gamer what romhack is this? looks neat
Are those the same sprite?
okay, well, one hour in, all i can say is that i'm confused
>the chaos shit is a weather called 'isfet'
>bringing a pokemon with cloud nine does not seem to actually turn it off
>muddy water, despite the fact he's 8x weak to it, doesn't really do anything to him
i might just have to come back here later with better items or some more mons, just not really sure how to approach this. feels like something more balanced towards end of postgame shit like i assume b*bel will be

yes, it is
the EoE dev's 'talents' don't exactly lie with making new sprites
thanks lads. just kind of at a loss kek
>>muddy water, despite the fact he's 8x weak to it, doesn't really do anything to him
His defenses are just that high. I think he has Eternamax Eternatus defenses just eyeballing damage calcs. Everything basically only chips him also I think he has some passive Filter-esque effect. HP GroundWater on Chansey ended up being the difference maker for my attempts and it seems to do more damage than everything else to it from my testing, but it's very hard to meaningfully interact with Apep in general due to both extreme bulk and the recovery disk.
...And there's a whole-ass regular boss fight behind him too.
Empyrean's Edge of Eternity mod
Well, if the ""intended"" solution was to use the faggot that has 20k bst when maxed out like ashime said, I can definitely see why it's really retarded kek
Good luck if you keep bashing your head against it
>bringing a pokemon with cloud nine does not seem to actually turn it off
Does Delta Stream work? I don't have Fug so I didn't try, but if it stops Primordial Sea and Desolate Land, it might work here?

I hope this fight delivered on all of the seethehype Bunken and I had for it. Good luck if you keep at it.
from my testing I know tailwind works if you can use that for some cheese
The brute force pack method is eventually going to work bros.
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Snazzy outfit I guess.
Whiteouts: 18
One smeargle down, I'll probably make a couple more for when the need arises, like a baton pass one (when there's not banlist niggery afoot) and whatnot
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My Magmar's face is so stupid I can't take anything in this situation seriously.
This is my favorite set.

I recommend Armor Up, Sneed Sphere, Ragnarok Cannon and Aromatherapy on the next one. There will be times you need fast mixed defenses and this covers that while still letting Smeargle beat anything that it can chip the SpDef of with Ragnarok cannon.
Had a weekend full of useless normie shit, so only now I can return to what truly matters in life: obscure Pokemon fangaems!
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It's so nice having all this money and not being able to use it on anything, truly amazing game design.
I wonder what kind of pokemon will be in this icy cave
>it becomes a roaming pokemon
>no map icon
... huh, what is this thingy? New fakemon evolution lines being introduced in the endgame?


i spoiled myself on where fug is, i'll get it soon. in reality i think there's probably a few pokemon i could have done this with
Haha. Isnt Jan hecking funny?
>>>>>>>>you still lose money from the forced loss
imagine if someone had beaten that, then reset because they thought they were supposed to win the second phase

also, have you guys listened to the music when apeptosis awakens? unironically kind of finna slaps doe ngl ong. been listening to it for the past half hour
gg and congrats, based fug
G fucking G. How did you coax it into switching like that?
>also, have you guys listened to the music when apeptosis awakens? unironically kind of finna slaps doe ngl ong. been listening to it for the past half hour
Apparently it's Genshit music. For all of the chink gacha's shortcomings, music doesn't seem to be one of them.
Please tell me there's a better way to gain money than blackjack because I'm currently in this flavor of hell as well.
hehe yeah d00d! funny music happy time! the epic evil god defeated by marvel quipperinos!!

i'm sorry bros, i wish i could have had some actual clever strat for that fight, but yeah i'm honestly stumped

i was actually using rayquaza before you even suggested it here - actually, i was using lickilicky because it has muddy water and i wanted 'HAHA EPIC DUDE THE EVIL SNAKE GOD GOES DOWN TO A FAT BLOB'. but then it does no damage, so...
rayquaza is scroll of skies behind the 4 sageniggers, first time i've opened vscode maybe not the last
yeah idk man
doe empyrean bosses do have their own modifiers, so idk
i just really have no fucking clue what they wanted you to do there, other than maybe use the broken items you get later in EoE, or what
you can buy the three apartments and setup joy2key to hold right indefinitely and just loop overnight for around 60-70 mil per 7-8 hours
>Bulky faggot incarnate swaps out in fear of a -1 def/spdef STACYrizion
holy kek
gg nonetheless
what an unironically horrible ending to this questline

i get you need to make your epic warhammer chaos godrino seem super powerful, but you could at least let me beat it instead of...whatever the fuck this is

>How did you coax it into switching like that?
i really wish i could tell you
the virizion had a heat nullifier, i was hoping to maybe do...something, this was before i realized the weather turns all your moves into ??? type. i was about to give up in the post before when i remembered it really bizarrely swapped from virizion and lo and behold
thanks. reborn e18's immaculate AI not fucking the player over with shitty partners for once, but rather the niggersnake, is very refreshing desu
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>As long as our works still stand we survive
>Our mark on the world will never fade away
To nobody's surprise this icy cave actually has regice in it
>The titan of ice sleeps here frozen in time.
>Present the mark of the colossus to wake it.
also a short sliding ice puzzle and a single trainer battle
>Get 3 apartments for passive income while you GP5 egg autism and generally play the game
>Refight bosses. I'm not sure which one is the most optimal, but some of them drop a lot of money when defeated for the relatively low time spent
>Use the "sell duplicates" card function
Once you hit a certain threshold of cards, you'll have close to a self-sustaining loop of selling back duplicates.
>Set up a macro to automatically open packs for you
Once you have all of the names A-Bo filled so the pack doesn't shift position in your inventory, set up a simple script to mash A for you and leave your game on all night when you have 1500+ boosters to open. My personal system is that when I stop playing while in a dungeon/at a puzzle, I open boosters. If I stop playing while between activities, I run the loop for more passive income.

>i'm sorry bros, i wish i could have had some actual clever strat for that fight
My solution was drown it in pink tank blobs I wouldn't call it particularly clever either kek. They did have pretty specialized movesets for the specific jobs they had to preform, but at the end of the day I ended up winning because he missed the multihit move on Chansey/Blissey enough times at the right time for me to win. It took Chansey, Blisseyx2 to bring down Apep and Cresselia, Unaware Clefable, and Ho-oh to clean up the rear afterwards.
It'd have been cool if the Lickitung strat ended up working for pinkblobmaxxing across multiple playthroughs tho
>this was before i realized the weather turns all your moves into ??? type.
I wonder if there's shitcode and Hidden Power sets its own type after the part in the code that sets it to ??? which is why it ended up working better for me?
>i really wish i could tell you
I remember a rebornEVO post a while back about the E18 AI apparently having a bug with switching logic they fixed in E19. I wonder if that's related to what you just experienced?
I don't remember this fight, where did you find it?
idk what sets it off but going back to the christmas town moira shows up again for a double battle
Go to the christmas village in the postgame, talk to Moira, get the 3 ribbons, talk to Moira again in the upper right corner of the town.
Fair warning, the balloon pop game is jank bordering on shitcode.
Thanks. Kyogre+Smeargle made them free tho.
That explains it, I never finished the Christmas event.
Whiteouts: 20
>Game is now nonstop throwing you against bullshit gank bosses without even allowing you to heal before
From what little I remember it's apparently a starter from one of Eric's other games called Iberia.
Just taking a break for a bit. I'm not going to lie, that waterfall puzzle might have mindbroken me more overall than Apep kek

Did you guys just use RPGM or did you not struggle? I feel like a retard

>Hidden Power sets its own type after the part in the code that sets it to ???
Regardless even still, you barely do any damage to the nigger even with 8x boosted 60 BP or whatever Hidden Power is, so not sure how feasible it'd be without some kind of cheese still

Has there been anything you'd think would just be absolute nonsense without Smeargle since then? I know you guys were cheesing the manletkiller cake at least
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They even put grunts before this cunt on a narrow 2 tile pathways just to screw you over before this fight.
Missed this, GG.
Thanks bro.
Maybe take a break yourself if the game is being obnoxious
I feel bad for the poor doggo, but nothing else is doubles and also gives a free turn at the beginning kek
Calyrex might be hard without Smeargle but I think he's also one of the least cheesed bosses by the current Smeargle set I used as all of his horses can still attack potently through the sneed sphere assuming the AI isn't being retarded. The "difficulty" there is that it's a long fight capped off by a Wonder Guard final phase with no healing in between, so I hope you still have good coverage on your mons left alive after the horse gauntlet.
The cake is just bring tall mons and the fight after that was just a standard Kyogre sweep for me.
also my hatred for protean greninja continues
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>Game makes mention of buffing not very strong Pokemon
>Ignores most shitmon and straight up buffs mons like Gengar, Machamp and other staples of Kanto
I'll probably leave this game for another time soon due to it just pissing me off a lot, but I'm not sure what to play otherwise.
I can bake
Apollo will become really heckin evil by the end of the game, will he?
>sage of above has mind crush
for fucks sake
you can try pokemon coral

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