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Welcome to /wfg/! your thread to communicate with other trainers.

This is the thread for all your Trading, Battling, Raiding and Camping needs!
Missing a version exclusive?
Want try that team you are building?
Maybe need a Pokemon or two to fill your Pokedex?
Wanna do a Giveaway?
Need a carry for a difficult Raid?
Feel like doing a BBQ with other trainers?
Say no more!

Please try to not offer clones or modified Pokémon, or at least warn about them and no "hacked/injected" Pokemon please!
Have fun Anon, and be excellent to each other!

>Now Challenge hard to find pokemon has ended

>Prepare for Tricks and Treats from Gengar! Has Begun! October 27-31, 2024

>Mass Outbreaks for Ghost type Pokemon coming Has Begun! 27-31, 2024

>Complete the S&V pokedexes using native pokemon to get shiny Meloetta from home

>Ranked Battles Season 23 Is Under Way!
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet Ranked Battles Season 23 has begun!
Running Until Thursday October 31, 2024, at 4:59 p.m. PDT.

Regulation Set H Has begun! From August 31, 2024 - January 5, 2025

>Current Mystery Gifts
>Mythical Pecha Berry Gift
(No code - Receive via the Internet)
>Neo-Kitakami Case for Rotom Phone
D0T1STPARTNER. (November 30 2024 - 23:59UTC)
TEAMSTAR (31st Oct, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Chest-Form Gimmighoul
SEEY0U1NPALDEA (30th Nov, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Terastal Cap
WEARTERASTALCAP (30th Nov, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Expert Belt
SUPEREFFECT1VE (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
>30 Quick Balls
G0TCHAP0KEM0N (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
Y0AS0B1B1R1B1R1 (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
>Roy's Fuecoco
909TEAMUP06 (January 31, 2025 - 06:59 PT)

>Previously on /wfg/
The Next 7 Star Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Tera Raid will be

Feraligatr with the Dark Tera Type

— Dates

November 1 until November 3
November 8th until November 10
>finally get every pokemon except for Walking Wake and Iron Leaves
>get given original color Magearna anyway
I don't know how to feel. I'm happy, but I'm disappointed that I didn't need to get those last two so I could round out my living dex with it.
Oh well, time to take a break from gaming and do something else for a few weeks.

Thanks for all your help, /wfg/, because I know I would still be stuck trying to get version exclusives in SwSh if not for you guys.
File: hoshino-12.png (98 KB, 240x240)
98 KB
Just caught a normal ass shiny slakoth after getting out of a Gengar raid

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