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>I finish oxidized gold, pretty much the same buggy game unfortunately
>rg gets through the renegade path in the lawds mod for rejuvenation
>after 6 gorillion hours the grassy rabbit formerly was chasing in empyrean appears
>tiramisu finishes pokemon azure
>adolf returns, continuing his pokemon reborn run, just getting done with the glass factory
>jagi watches an old man throw elk jizz on a horse in empyrean
>john vpposter gets the fourth badge in scorched silver
>orevald gives it a fair chance but drops oxidized gold because the mapping sucks and it's buggy as hell
>wagie is undecided on oxidized gold, idk kek
>the twin tower stall continues...

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator

>Edge of Eternity mod for Empyrean

>Oxidized Gold
>The faggots who handle the Pokemon anime wanted to violently cram "muh canonical gay characters" and """""""""""subtle""""""""""""" feminist themes into the new series
>They also completely fucked up a lot of the guidelines Gamefreak handed out to them to the point they had to step down and tell the anime faggots to fuck off
>The leaks are all pointing towards gen 10 being Alola but even worse
It's unironically so fucking over.
leak stuff aside, I guess I'll start Scorched Silver back up.
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She cute
>Game is handing out all the weather TMs as well as decent boosting options like Bulk Up this early
Kaizo xissies......I don't feel so good.....
Wasn't quite planning to get so many but I ended up finding 4 really good Slowpokes, 2 normal ones and 2 Galarians, hopefully the wreath and cuff aren't too far off.
Opalo feels short, i'm only 5 hours in and i'm on the 5th badge. Hopefully the post-game is big.
game uses the real time clock for the in-game time (though it's always visually day) so I can't evolve espeon until tomorrow morning
how very irritating
cuff and wreath are further into the cave after surf I read, so level 40 or so
and in door number two...
also I realized I could just change the clock on my PC which is much more convenient
I was gonna say why don't you just time travel.
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Got swamped with chores, back.
>Bugsy's gym has a girly fairy tale aesthetic
Shelly bros.....?
Oh also, clicking the armors and the piano has an activation sound, so there's definitely a puzzle in this gym I'm yet to figure out that I don't think is related to the gym challenge.
Noted, kinda sucks it's that late.
>Fully EV'd Sylveon with leftovers and Draining Kiss
>It takes almost no damage what little damage it takes is easily undone
Holy shit what the fuck is this shittery?
This is gym 2 dude and the first mon was a Huge Power Azumarill with a stacked movepool too.
it's actually thick fat, got a trace on it with a kirlia
still a bullshit gym though
titties, if you will
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Whiteouts: 3
I hate Fairy types with a burning disdain (except for Stacyvoir and a select few).
>Illex forest is now a cherry forest that looks eerily similar to the ever after in Reborn
Shelly sure brought a lot when she came back from Reborn huh?
Oh noted, it was hitting pretty hard still so I assume it was Huge Power, yeah, this gym is very shit.
next two leaders are a bit easier, mostly because you're not relying on nfe mons with shitty movesets
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>move relearner lets you learn egg moves
Thanks bro, hopefully so, my Aron is bulky but it was getting deleted by Sylveon.
Steely death cometh soon fae pest.
That's nice.
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Fuck you dad.
>peeping on the farmgirls
raikou is a psychic type, in a manner of speaking
and the way he roams around really bugs people
>Found not one but 2 Aipoms with great IVs while making note of the encounters before goldenrod
St.George bros........it's time.......
Jokes aside, I remember how for a brief period of time I think in v12 you could actually get Thunder, Fire Blast and Blizzard in terajuma in that one shop in kristiline, shame having is illegal now a days.
>Tutor for Substitute right as you enter goldenrod
Anyhow, calling it a night, I think I'm starting to understand why reborntrannies like the mighty REN ELITE think this game is le bad.
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the guy making legends mew, the fangame that's gonna be gen 2 graphics but with legend arceus mechanics, revealed it's also gonna be 18 gyms. idk how he's gonna get the part of catching pokemon to be good, that shit worked because LA is 3D and this is top down
Looks like this will be my next pick. I'm close to running out of highly rated fan games, but not quite yet.
I hope you lads have screencaps of shartcord melties tomorrow.
Good luck h-haha.
>idk how he's gonna get the part of catching pokemon to be good
I forget the its name, but there's a fangame that basically turns Pokemon battles into a 1v1 SHMUP. You could probably do something like that, just replace bullets with Poke Balls or whatever.
It's Kamalover xisters
t b h there's probably some acking in reborncord's dedicated channel for it, but I don't feel like sifting through it kek
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I figured it'd still be going, but didn't think it'd be almost done by now, kek. Also did (((they))) ban John here wtf >>56860909
Anyway once people get freed from the Hypno's Hypnosis, the noseors are all "oy vey shut it down"
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At least more people are starting to become ungovernable. If you need to go around anyway, it might be good to grab the Thunderbolt TM
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This wouldn't be so bad, but I can barely see shit here. Didn't think I'd need this since I thought it was raining in the city, but it's snowing. srsly all the other maps are raining, fucking thing
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I think this is a 2v3, but np for Florinia and Shelly
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Goddammit, wrong pic again
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Ok this is actually nice. There's still a couple cucks in here, but now some random citizens are stepping up to fight back. They're not visible anywhere though, and all you see are the gym leaders.
Speaking of the gym leaders, I guess this part wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be with the Harry Potter strategy of squaring off in duels. Some of them or at least Florinia/Shelly and Ciel/Samson actually work together instead of just doing 1v1s and bitching at you if you try to help LIKE TITANIA
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I don't think the bosses here actually use any status shit, so this is all I get to use this on. Still enjoyed this old trick too much
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I think they're just supposed to be "captured" or something, but it looks like they cut their heads off here, wtf
GG bro. I'll try and finish...at some point
Yeah, jinny jin jin is on the warpath today and probably scrolling for any specific mentions of names
Yeah, Opalo isn't really that long. I'd clock it about 20 hours
It "feels" longer than it actually is, due to how the league works and all
Good luck. Hopefully the recent update with all the battle fixes and being able to stop retardation like Belly Drum Snorlax from spamming Full Restores gives you a better experience
Won't save you from the pozz though
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Oops, didn't get screenshots of the first fight, but it was just some faggots focusing on Hardy first, but couldn't take him out. srsly you just get a bunch of free shots at them.
Solaris blames that no-portrait grunt for letting Julia set up Tailwind and screens for you, kek. But at long last, we fight like men. 6v6 singles, no faggot fields. In vanilla, I think he's supposed to have this nice gen7OU sand team. Here though, his team of what looks like randos suffers from the hail, and he just sends his T-tar out last.
I'll admit that shit where he paces along before running like hell was funny enough though.
we are going to make pokemon fangames great again folks
look at this economy, you couldn't have such an economy under crooked ame, no you couldn't
>Adults cry because.... because they just do okay??
still an absolutely hilarious line
safari zone is immediately to the left of olivine
>ctrl+f "safari" in the encounter doc
>1 of 74
guess I'll be here for a while
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you're kidding me
what's the point of it not rounding up the decimals, you can't go to the pokedollar store and get toilet paper with that shit
scorched silver with special guest developer octavius
every little bit counts
only got a fucked up float integer because my initial deposit was the total amount of money I had at the time with a final digit of 7
>southeastern safari zone has a ton of psychic types some of which are barred behind surf at the ruins of alph
cool I guess I'm getting them earl-
>the southeastern safari zone grass is also barred by surf
elgyem and spoink are just too strong to battle the electric gym with
there are pokeblock stations where you can sweet scent (I'm assuming it's just a sweet scent, at least) for specific natures but not specific mons, helpful but since it's also just 3k and a fast-forwarded hike back to violet city I think this is from before the nature changer existed
there's also sandstorm and a smooth rock in the sandstorm zone (where you can also find larvitar as a rare encounter)
since the damp stone was right next to rain dance I'm sure there's a dry stone kicking around somewhere near union cave and with the dowsing machine I might as well backtrack once I have enough money to swap a bunch of natures and abilities

in other news
>massive holes in the light house floors
Jasmine would've prevented this
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I didn't even need to watch any feeds or look it up, seeing my liberal boss hiss like a teenage girl this morning told me all I needed to know, oh nonono xisters......
Anyhow, did a bit of progress this morning before heading for work, beat big bro, got disappointed at how shitty the casino is and that Applin is locked behind a fucking 5k paywall and then I got Hypno'd.
Checked and noted, yeah, gen 2 graphics and mechanics mixed PLA mechanics seems like a dreadful mismatch.
I liked this game a fair bit so far, but the fucking encounter shittery is beyond fucking awful.
after a little oopsie I got it just fine
total whiteouts: 8 (+1)
probably the easiest gym so far
>can finally use surf
yippee I love backtracking without fly
>actually got a show from the gym leader's band after
>it wasn't 10 years long like the druggie musician from empire
holy kino
it's not so bad since it's separated into different marked chunks (one of which is the entrance which is before you enter the safari itself) but having to waste at minimum 50+ steps to get to the back areas blows
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>That bruised ear
Gamefreak are fucking psychic and meme magic is real.
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this might be my favorite one so far
Pffffft hahahahaha......oh no xisters......not like this.....
There's sadly not much on the fangame cords about it. Nothing that you wouldn't find funnier on 4chan/melties on xitter/reddit anyway
It's good to know Jan still remembers that time /vp/ called him a double nigger on tumblr.
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Lady, please stop sniffing me.
I still can't stop laughing at the Tyrone copypasta coming true on a dozen instances after the election.
Why does he look like he could be Jussie Smollett's hipster niglet?
I decided I am too much of a brainlet for Pokemon Ashen Frost

No, really, I dont want to play a detective game after wageslaving, it requires too much brain work
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>backtracking for surf-gated loot
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oh it's just a roamer
I knew it'd be available as one but I didn't realize it'd be available so early
I guess I'll have to re-teach someone spider web or mean look
actually maybe I'll just save a bit then buy a master ball, forgot they were available
much less hassle I'm thinking
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Yeah this part is definitely cucked as fuck. You don't do shit again. Just stand around during another monologue. Then Lin just does that walking animation from like 2 tiles away and you get shoved out of the way. That's cuckening #21, #20 was standing around and letting yourself get hypnotized
kek thx bros
The detective part is more of a theme really, you just click on shit until something works. Well ok that's exactly how real cops work, just throw shit at the wall/suspect until something sticks kek. Plus the later part was less detective and more degeneracy
holy kek
MuskGODS....we won
You could always just pull up the walkthrough whenever you get stuck desu, I'm pretty sure a link to it is in the game folder somewhere
Don't worry, it stops being a detective game and starts being Rejuvenation halfway in.
I completed Unbreakable Ties. What do you think of my tier list?
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think I'll join the scorched silver train
>Giga nigga in S
>Eda below all of C
>Sakura's father above her
>Bijou in B
See me after class, anon.
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Shelly's learning what being an MC is like in these troongames, she really is a great champion in the making. Also I thought I already had a Lucky Egg before, fuck, where did I put it
lol thanks
the kino cave has a guest bedroom, nothing nefarious about that
Is there an excel document that goes over the encounters per route? I'm going a bit insane with paranoia trying to find out if I'm missing things.
I wonder who has Entei and Suicune.
Don't feel too strongly about it but I find it odd Sakura's dad is up there, I guess his implied arc and the hospital scene are really sweet so I understand, I see Eda's bullshit didn't sit with you, surprised you didn't like the queen, her characterization at least was pretty cute.
Welcome aboard.
Just keep in mind encounter bloat is a thing and that several popular or desirable Pokemon are stuck as 1% encounters in said bloated routes.
Looks like the government of my country fell while I was playing fangames

What a day
thanks. I love 1% encounters that also have low catch rate, very cool
What country?
there's a hint contained in my posts ...
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The Simpsons reference/easter egg hit home a little.
like orevald said there are plenty of rare encounters and the list of encounters is done by pokedex number instead of by route which is pretty maddening
also moves learned upon evolution just don't seem to work at all
don't think so
I've just been ctrl+f-ing the route numbers
Happens, folks here in my state are on the verge of going full separatist again due to the kike government screwing us harder than ever and locking a bunch of young men due to "muh nartzees".
Yeah, I had to use save states a lot and it's a giant pain in the ass in cases like the starters.
I will say that Sakura's father is mainly from my fren. He really liked him when I felt he was a tier lower. He's not offensive in any way though.
>See me after class, anon
for my based taste?
>I see Eda's bullshit didn't sit with you
She actively causes some of the most detriment to the good guys with her actions without having an arc like Darek, and yes, her constant bullshit didn't sit with me. When the romance system comes, I will romance Darek specifically to kek her. I also despised how often I'd have to play as her.
>surprised you didn't like the queen, her characterization at least was pretty cute
"Ara-Ara" is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Amethyst's whole arc also occurs extremely fast when she dumps her whole story, and doesn't get much more screentime than that.
>wild lapras knows perish song
okay I guess
I haven't come across any incorrect information at least (maybe bruxish being fishable in ecruteak and staryu in union cave)
the only unmarked encounters I've gotten have been in the deeper HM-gated levels of dark and union cave which are just the evolved forms of what's available in the earlier parts
I didn't mean Amethyst actually, it's been a while so I forgot Lilith's mom's name, I frankly disdain the ara ara shit just as much since it's just terminally braindead weeb shit.
apparently slowpoke well too, saw a slowbro while surfing around in the water on the lower level

also there's a free king's rock along with the galarica items after surf so there really isn't any need to gamble unless you wanted a scarf, applin, or porygon
Oh, Lena?
Well, a bit telling you forgot her name.
Me and my friend came to the conclusion that her whole purpose in the story was to be tragic and die, ultimately being a bigger part of Edward's character compared to anything she had going on her own.
does scorched silver have hard level caps?
no, nor soft ones
apparently you can trade with other people and there's an obedience cap for that though
ocean route between olivine and cianwood wasn't as long as I feared it would be, there's a bunch of whirlpool stuff to navigate for loot though
and then there's the whirl islands where Earthquake is but I'm assuming I'll need waterfall/dive to navigate all that
there is a list of gym leader's highest levels though, I should mention: https://pastebin.com/DDh17e1W
>Cianwood Deep Sea Lab
>can revive fossils
>one researcher mentions finding a bunch of fossils on the ocean floor
I guess dive will be available after gym 6 or 7
Hopefully this is just here in advance and I'm actually getting fly
>Elon Musk was a big supporter of Trump this election
MuskGODS trvly won
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GENTLEMEN ninety SEPTILLION votes just appeared out of NOWHERE and after recounting it appears our HERO just WON.
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I suppose that would explain why he's not at home
damn bitch he lives like that?
>all illegal immigrates must step into the New World gates
LinGODS, we fucking WON!!!
thank God
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nuh uh
Eh fair enough.
Holy fucking kek.
can someone post the raw list of bingo squares for the card
i think there's plenty of room for more fangame cliches to add considering how bingobaker cards work
About 17 hours into Opalo and boy do I feel like I made a mistake taking the water stater, everyone and everything feels like it has something super effective against it.
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>20 years and his early evolved pigetotto never got a win
oh no. anyway, easy win as always, thanks fuckner.
Well, that is what being part Ice usually leads to unfortunately
It's Baxcalibur all over again for me.
i boxed the starters when i played it because they all looked ugly
i cannot relate to your problems
stay in the ball quilava
Can't you just take your quilava out of your pokemon party and banish him to the diddy party where he belongs
>Clefairy is locked to the route right after goldenrod as a 1% encounter
This game has a lot of good going for it, but the fucking encounter autism really pisses me off, speaking of which, haven't seen any Water starters yet, found Treecko and Turtwig on the route from cherrygrove to newbark and Chimchar and Torchic on the route from cherrygrove to violet.
The Ice type curse is rough, the Fire lemur starter is really strong due to it being Fire/Fairy and having a massive special attack, but it gets mogged pretty hard early in the game as well.
>gym task is battling six consecutive gym trainers, each with 2-3 pokemon each
well that's most of what I spent on the master ball back in my pocket
don't be a bigot, chuddie. a totally impartial jury found quilava not guilty
dubs and i ask jan where's our fucking aggronites already
>inb4 singlets or cockblocked by jan's privacy settings
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>scrafty stacks a dragon dance
>then gets a moxie stack off bruxish
>then oneshots pinsir with a crit stone edge for another moxie stack
>then misses a hi-jump kick and dies
not even close
espeon didn't even hit the field, his machamp went down to based stallgod toxic protect spam
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oh nevermind seems like the ID gods have abandoned this board long ago
why else would all the major GETs here be shit or sniped by offsite gem miners
Speaking of 1% encounters, I hope I can get a destiny knot soon to make shitty IVs less of a pain on my mind.
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missed your win >>56863693, GG to you as well
no clue on a destiny knot but you do get a free leftovers from the olivine lighthouse ampharos
Missed this too, GG.
thanks bros
>hit sylveon with smokescreen 4 times
>still hasn't missed any moves
draining kiss also hits like a truck, even to aron, god damn
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Nah, Typhlosion's hidden ability is called "Eat The Berries Or I Kill Your Father".
Yeah this fight sucks absolute dick, I had to rely on leveling up mons via the pokecenter trainer and only barely dealt with it.
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>using evasion rng hax
What if instead of pokemon it was freakymon and instead of typhlosion being ass it clapped ass
>the karrablast and shelmet from the trade NPCs are named
>and you can't rename them
>look up the IVs in a calculator just because I'm curious
>Possible IVs 2-7 for every stat on both pokemon
fuck off you cocksucker
thanks for the free metal coat and silver powder I guess
>draining kiss on every pokemon
>item spam
yes I will smokescreen
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Why do people still keep IVs as a standard mechanic in their fangames/romhacks when it serves ZERO gameplay purpose since barring trick room or very niche cases there's zero reason to not go with 31 in everything
Even outside of competitive IVs are either irrelevant (in easier games) or kneecapping you if they're not good/perfect (in harder games)
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Whiteouts: 5
Ah, a classic and still a giant pain in the ass.
>Musk and his sharty buddies are shitting up the place again
Oh joy.
it's the principal of it, moreso
>give me the precious darling bug you caught so very carefully for this literal guttertrash shitmon which you can't rename
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>luxio charge+sparks azumarill
>same to sylveon but twice
>quilava flame wheels mawile and mimikyu
it's not quite as bad as gaia having a fairy gym first thing but it's still shitty. 4 tries
I reset and beat the quiz minigame this time around, I fucked up on the last question with Dewpider, it opens up a minigame where you can seemingly win infinite items so long as you keep guessing the stuff that isn't a bad egg, kinda curious if this goes somewhere or not.
thanks bro
>there isn't a single bug who learns fly
>except vikavolt who learns it in a later generation than the movesets are based off of
>genesect who isn't even in the game
>and larvesta who I don't have access to
am I really going to have to use pikachu to fly around
you could head north to the bug catching fields and rustle up a heracross
for the bad egg guessing game it's just cheap items like pokeballs, freeze heals, etc. as far as I could tell
better part of it is that you get to drop a save and not have to redo the trivia
that's probably the hardest gym (up to the sixth, at least)
you know what, fuck it
flygon is a bug now
thanks bro.
>genesect learns it despite not being flying
>ledian can't
sasuga gamefreak
Gamefreak? Being incompetent and inconsistent?
In MY pokemans?
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Whitney aged like a fine wine.
I struggled against her due to Aron getting status'd twice due to my fucking up the quiz, but the fight is fairly easy with the boyo in good condition.
Scyther and Yanmega not learning Fly will never make sense to me.
I didn't find any Hera, the bug catching contest was not a thing according to NPCs.
yeah you can just run around and catch whatever on your own
probably because they're not flies
>This game uses sex instead of the made up "term" gender
I once more see why the reborncord trannies seethed at it even though it's such a minor thing.
Thanks bros.
>Cutiefly is partially based on a species of fly and it doesn't learn Fly
>whirl island gated behind dive
awesome means I don't have to deal with that now
>St.George stole Whitney's Girafarig's twisted spoon and kept it after the battle
>You can steal trainer items
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>Just in a short *ahem* "readjustment of wealth" while St.George was out jooggin' and he already got me 4 black sludges, 2 bright powders and 5 big shrooms
Shiiiiieeeet man, he a goo boi, he dindu nuffin.
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>man where the fuck is the kizu forest
>can't find it anywhere
>look it up
>to the left on the safari entrance route
>looked there but nothing
>maybe I need to activate something
you just walk into the tree
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>happenings with evil team happen
>elm's son said something to me then ran off
>dunno what he was on about
>oh yeah can't I just call him on my poke-phone and he'll tell me exactly what to do
>notice dad has an entry in the poke-phone
awesome reveal glad the pieces were put together in such a subtle and thrilling way
I get that it's not exactly subtle who dad is but... it's really just fucking there the entire time

some of these other entries are pretty funny as well
anyways, I called him and he didn't say shit so I guess I'm off to mt. mortar
ummm bro? don't you see it has a slightly bigger shadow???? obviously that's a door
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Was hoping there would be something neat to find by backtracking now that I had Rock Smash but no such luck since dark cave also needs Strength for progress.
Decided to look up the pokenav numbers.
>That name
Cuckguard bros......
>luxio gets swaggered
>never misses, proceeds to sweep
imagine not having 6 pokemon, dumbass big bro
thanks bro
reminds me of that time when nigger was playing clover and everyone laughed at him for missing an obvious rock climb tile because it wasn't covered in yellow paint for /v/tards like him
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>To find a Lapras you must got out on a late Friday to a remote and damp cave far from seeing eyes
I just can't look at Lapras the same way ever again after the leaks.......
Thanks bro.
you don't have to let the leaks live rent free in your head
it's not a hostage situation
>jangy jo and bagon in mt. mortar
seems like all of the pseudos are being unleashed
larvitar was in safari zone, these two, a bunch in blackthorn, a couple in (what I'm assuming will be) the final evil team base
wonder if I just missed goomy though, I haven't seen it at all
>whirl islands stair room leading to lugia and lugia room
you're joking, right?
is hisuian goodra really so strong that goomy needs to be the final pseudo available to the player
b-b-but where's the 3 hour sidequest????
Maybe the real drawn out walkthrough required sidequest hell was the friends we made along the way
Calling it a day since I got work fairly early tomorrow I think.
>Managed to get a tolerable Chimchar while looking for a Ralts with tolerable IVs
Eh, I'll probably still go for CHADzard or the fox witch if they're available, but it's nice to have options.
Ever heard of a joke?
idk man you seemed to have had the leaks living in your head
might wanna do some evictions anyways for good measure, a lot of its tenants aren't paying rent
>ice puzzles
at least I'm in a nice snowy forest instead of shitty cave #437593854
charizard is postgame, or at least is on the small island formation in the bottom left which I'm assuming is postgame
>fox witch
none of the starters past fourth gen are in, unfortunately
>Charizard from KANTOOOOOO is postgame only
this game sucks
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>natural hail
>destiny bond spikes sashed froslass lead
>scarfed g.darmanitan (has snow warning instead of lmao built in band)
fuck off
worst gym yet
total whiteouts: 10 (+3)
a bit fed up stopping here
Git gud chud
>the fucking puzzle doesn't open an exit straight to the door after I win so I have to go all the way around
this gym sucks
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had to drop off g slowpoke and grind up a tsareena for this. wasn't expecting this kind of difficulty, but it seems like every gym past falkner has at least one healing scam pokemon, among other things. the move relearner not being free hurts big time
>This game uses sex instead of the made up "term" gender
just to spite you i'm gonna make a game where you can only fug members of the opposite sex
anything else is strictly platonic friendship only
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using normal types is really funny when you remember they evolve pretty early
there's a guy in one of the goldenrod houses who just gives you a free amulet coin, an old fellow on a couch
what game is that?

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