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Tournament results/decklists
im depressed
*buys more packs*
>im depressed and lonely
>takes 10 pictures in caffes and puts them on tiktok
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oops all heads
frostmoth or weezing for a wigglytuff deck?
How do you put cards on showcase for people to see and like?
Gonna have to craft some Kadabra
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chu chu chu chan chan
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Why won't they join me?
>Venusaur EX
>Rapeape (Forma de promo)
Which deck do we run with today bros
this game is fucking boring
>open 2 packs and get no repeats
>only thing to do is unranked online battles
As a free-to-play player I expect to be up and running for online battles in about 5 months of daily pack openings.
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You need lightning or colorless energy bro
retard chama?
>Pikachu Ex and Zapdos Ex player
>Concedes to my Lapras Ex
Yes, fuel my ego more.
true tha k you
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I'm so sorry ponyta bro...
>doing 2 alt accounts to get venusaur ex by wonderpicking on my main account
>got almost the entire mewtwo deck on both
disgusting give me my plant boy NOW
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I think Dragonite SUCKS!
Why are they both in the same pose.
>okay THIS time I'm REALLY going to save my wonder hourglasses for a good pull
>holy shit is that a JAPANESE full art rapidash?!?!?!?! *recover stamina*
Language doesn't matter. Just change your own language for foreign cards. Would roll for a FA rapidash though, don't blame you there.
>one copy of every Charmander line including EX
>No Moltres
Worth keeping or nah?
This bitch owes me sex
Utility card ranking:
Oak>X-speed>Pokeball>Red Card>Rest
>Another game where all my basic pokemon and draw cards are in the bottom 10
Is it me or 3 stage evolutions fucking suck? What's even the point of trying to ramp when you can just place a pikachu and deal 90 dmg for only 2 energy
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>do all the f2p content
>have to either wait 23 hours or pay to open a pack which might as well gives me nothing good
>or wait like 2 days ? for a wonder pick where its weighted and bad luck protection needs to kick in for you to hit the """""""""""20%""""""""""
>que up unranked and its either some silly willy newbie or a rerolling autist or a whale or some tiktok faggot doing videos

tommorow starts a new fresh league in path of exile, settlers with the necropolis lantern. hop in
>Is it me or 3 stage evolutions fucking suck?
Only way 3 stage pokemon are good is when you pair them with a tank that can keep you from dying while you power them up.
Packs only having 5 sucks. I guess they can't put too many because of God packs. It's a good thing promos are mostly reprints.
>because of God packs
limit the amount of god cards to 5 per pack, problem solved
3 stage evos are good because they're usually stronger than Pikachu ex while only costing 1 prize. Some of them aren't great, but most of them are well worth it.

do NOT play path of exile
It's over.
>Settlers again
>With the dogshit lantern from necropolis
lol, lmao even
I bet in two years it's going to be really obvious in hindsight that Porygon was the best card in the format or some shit like that.
Good luck getting to your 3rd stage with the 2nd stage at the bottom of your deck
I know they obviously didn't introduce trading on day 1 because then nobody would buy packs, but it's laughable there's no CPU guy to trade with that lets you swap your 10 pidgeys for a ralts or some shit.
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if the next packs will have cards like that
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Good thing I've been prepping.
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Weezingbros, now is your time
Imagine being the guy who gets a god pack in WP and chooses the Weedle.
Top right always
Choose either Venusaur or Mewtwo, bro. I think that's the right call.
Top right. Always top right.
3 stage mons are considered tempo/midrange/control style decks that if they survive the early game, they basically win late.
Pikachu is high aggro. It has to win fast or it struggles with Raichu being a basically one shot nuke to attempt to clutch it out.
Bottom right, trust the plan

Nice thanks
I'm hearing top right gets litty
That's the thing though, you're not getting to your 3rd evo with 2nd stage at the bottom of your deck with no way to fish it out.

Bottom right, you'll be all right
I totally understand what you're trying to say but you seriously just listed three completely different deck types.
It's a sacrifice for the future. You will get a Full Art Mewtwo in a week and it will be top right.
Sometimes you brick, oh well. Any card can be stuck at the bottom of your deck, that doesn't make them bad. Charizard and Mewtwo are the second and third best decks in the format.
I swear these packs where bugged for wonder pick until the most recent update. I have played since the early NZ launch and have never seen 2 EX in the same pack UNLESS it was 2 of the exact same EX up until now.
Mewtwo isn't an evo
The only good one because you never even put her as active, she helps with the wincon but is not mandatory
Does flair dust cap at 9999?
It's hard to remember which is which and if they even apply in the usual sense to what is currently available.
I have 16k so it's not that at least.
You can change the sharing settings in the upper left while editing a binder/display board
>Cheeky ass player uses Wigglytuff Ex
>I already got one point earlier, can oneshot everything else on their bench
>Have two Sabrinas
I could hear him screaming bloody murder when I woke up and wiped his board.
What decks are you boys playing?
im not playing vs people because theres no auto mode inb4 its fun
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Name a more based card, pro tip you can't
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Still Arbok Weezing. New ape meta is hurting tho
Which one of you is this?
Egg/Venusaur deck that's basically done (one EX/one normal for both) so I'm opening Zard packs so I can build a Blaine Deck since that looks neat and doesn't rely on ex mons.
Have you tried Weezing with Greninja? Pretty fun, lots of chip damage and the ability to snipe mons off the bench when they try to retreat.
No, Greninja yet. Currently pulling for Alakazam so I can play that Weez deck
This game is boring as shit when you're not opening packs.
Weezing + Alakazam? Never seen those together.
See, anon? That's what you get for listening to the poisonous teachings of the Top Right cult. It's not too late for you, however. Come into the light of Bottom Right and you shall be delivered dope cards beyond your wildest dreams.
Venu EX/Lilligant. I'm still missing one Sabrina and another Venu, though. I probably have a Pika EX deck in the back but it's lacking Zapdos for now.
What would make the game fun for you friend?
Zard x Moltres
But Moltres hardly ever comes out so it's really Zard x Heatmor
It needs a ranking mode with limited daily plays. Currently winning or losing feels hollow.
I'm a mathlet, whats the odds of getting at least 1 random EX pokemon in a 10 pack box, 30%?
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I still don't have a copy of Sabrina and Gardevoir, which one can I replace with these two missing cards?
I don't want to spend my points before this collection is over.
How is it?
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Fuck, I mean I don't have 1 card of Sabrina and Gardevoir (18/20).
any support item
oof hard to replace..
I like Butterfree as a bench pokemon so far but having 2 stage 2 pokemon is not good.
>It needs a ranking mode with limited daily plays. Currently winning or losing feels hollow.
Weird that you want to pay for something free. If wining or losing feels hollow you can punch yourself in the nuts very hard every time you lose. Raise the stakes.
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This is all the cool stuff I've opened so far anons. How is this?
I have a full meta Mewtwo Gardevoir deck, I need Kangaskhans to round out my Dragonite deck, I need Weezings and Muks and 1 more Koga to build my Dark deck (Weezing could also fill my Dragonite deck), I have an Arbok Pidgeot deck, I need Mistys to build a Lapras ex deck, I need Blaines and Ninetales to build a Rapidash deck, and finally I'm working on a Primape deck. F2P btw.
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>oof hard to replace..
I've been waiting for one to come out in the package or appear in WP for days.
Rotating between Mewtwo, Blaine and Weezing, Weezing’s probably my favorite of the bunch because it gives the most room to outplay and get back in games
tried to play grass deck for my fullart erika, but exeggutor and pinsir being my heavy hitters is not the most reliable strategy, and with my luck not even a very effective one
today I'm trying out weezing/dragonite, and even though I only have one of each I still managed to win 5 games with it, so maybe I'll stick with that
Is Melmetal a viable deck or nah? I have a bunch of Meltans and a melmetal but I assume the damn rat makes it useless.
This is fucking ridiculous.
Some guy placed pretty high in a tournament with one iirc but he didn't win
Full steel deck.
I doubt I'll play much, if any, actual vs stuff, but if I do it'll always be a Raichu themed deck if it's available.
Sweaty pika/zapdos deck. As mad as people get, very few games feel free with this deck. I guess more games feel winnable, though.
My only electrics are two Helyo...whatever and one zebrest...whatever, can this carry me completely during the lapras event? it took down the first two even battles but the EX one looks hard.
Melmetal's biggest feature is that it needs to be 3HKO'd from full hp by Articuno ex. It takes a long ass time to actually get out and its damage is decent but it gets 2/1HKO'd by most of the threats, and it has a long time to get ready. And you need to keep Meltan alive. If amass was an ability it would be way better.
>Not in Pokedex order
Fix it
Good thing the raichu deck is semi-decent at the moment.
Reroll your account. If you have a good enough deck to not make you reroll, use that.
Amass being an attack actually just kneecaps the strategy super hard
There's no paying involved?
Say everyone gets 5 matches/day, and you get hourglass rewards or promo packs for your weekly/monthly rank. It incentives playing while speeding up resource gathering.
I have a decent enough deck at the moment, I'm just going to open the daily packs for now.
But fuck me, this game made me want to replay the gameboy games. Are there any romhacks for them out there, or are they just too niche for that?
True. I hope there's a Raichu that isn't an energy dump in the future though.
You do know the pack points are only for this set, right? Unless you mean you want to spend your points with anything but the card you posted, there is no reason to hold on to them for the future.
That's what I meant. I want to wait until the end of this collection to see which cards are missing from my collection to exchange.

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