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everyone is going bananas edition

Previous: >>56859048
Friend ID Survey

Friend ID Sheet

Tournament results/decklists
>tfw got every promo card except for butterfree
>game would rather give me clefairys up the ass
are you using butterfree in a deck or just want it for collection purposes?
Collection purposes.
That and I don't have a regular Butterfree anyway.
If we’re unsure if we’ll ever get access to these cards again, it’s not unreasonable to want 2 of all 5, even if 4 of them are unplayable
My friend has nothing but event pikachu and event mankey. He can't roll anything else.
How do you feel about them making limited cards you won't be able to get again?
A post in the last was how I found out Butterfree was in the Pool. I got 2 copies of Lapras for personal use, two copies for trading in the future, and have 2/4 flairs.
Sounds like business as usual in the gacha world.
I hope it happens a lot so that collections actually feel worthwhile
I had to dust my second Garde, but found out I only have 1 RALTS after 300 pack points worth of pulls. I'm going to start grinding for Sabrina in the Charizard packs and just dust that Ralts whore.
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>still missing a second Zard EX
Should I just start opening a different pack and pity the final copy instead? I don't know what's more efficient.
>That and I don't have a regular Butterfree anyway.
The amount of evolution lines where I have 20 of one or two of the pokemon and none of one of them pisses me off so much
Meh, just don't have autism
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>I think your energy costs are way too high for what you're trying to do. 2 energy, 2 energy, 3 energy. It's too much. I'd swap out something for a Seaking if you have it. Probably Frosmoth, it just feels like a bad Dugtrio to me. Regular Starmie, Farfetch'd, Mienshao, or Dodrio are also okay picks. Just something with a low energy cost and preferably a lot of HP, which is why I suggest Seaking.
Frosmoth is the deck, it's in a different tier altogether and it can win on its own if you they fail the roll. It's Seaking and Dugtrio in one card with effectively no weakness.

Energy is right on the curve except for Seadra which sits in the back and you feed it with when you can spare it so it can snipe late game. The deck has the same issues as all the evolution decks I have played: going second is almost a guaranteed loss and you have to get all the cards you need in order.
aren't exs 500 pack points?
Yeah, but I barely have any cards from the other packs so I'm kinda screwed. The only dark type I have is literally just Ekans and Arbok.
delightfully devilish
Different art and shitty cards are great. It would suck if essential cards get timegated. They can always rerelease stuff with different art for people who missed out while keeping the limited cards unique.
wtf that's illegal.
Am I reading Hypno's effect wrong? It feels to me it should be a staple of any deck since I think it works from bench and can be extremely annoying
Maybe it'd be best if they collected the event cards into an event pack (with one pack per event) or something that you could always roll? Dunno, just spitballing.
>Zebstrika's attack doesn't have bonus damage for type advantage
Fucking horse shit. My shitass low rarity deck could've easily won so many times against the Lapras Ex decks sooner if only I got that extra damage. Stupid horse. At least I got it all done now though.
There's no one turn guarantee of sleep here. You could end your turn and it'll wake up on their turn, when you fail the coin toss.
You also need to run Drowsy which dilutes your PokeBall tutoring, making your main strat more inconsistent.
Effect damage =/= actual damage
It sucks, specially since it doesn't count for solo quests too
>don't have my key monster out and loaded up by turn 4
it does if you are hitting the active pokemon
>have Fighting deck with two Marowak EX and Machamp EX
>get promo Mankey, already had Primeape
>craft two Sabrina
>remove Marowak
>life becomes 10 times better

I'm done playing this dumb game of chance, reliable big dick damage is where it's at.
Type bonus doesn't apply to benched pokemon, which cost me a victory before. It works fine against the active one though.
Red card seems like a waste, most of the time I just unbrick the opponent
just packed him and threw him in a mistycuno deck for banter
keep or kill?
only ex pulls were a second cubone ex and a mewtwo x, but also

2 Giovanni,
2 Kirlia,
1 Ralts,
1 Arbok,
1 Weezing,

so may still have potential...
>AI DIDN'T start with Lapras Ex
>I got my Pikachu Ex ramped almost immediately
>Keeps putting in one point shitmons, making it take longer to win
Petty ass AI
I would reroll
maybe if you also had a gardevoir but as it stands I'd bin it
If you're in an unwinnable spot against the AI, hit the opponent anyway while setting your EX in the bench
For some reason if the opponent is on low health it won't KO your pokémon even if the energies are already attached, I think in fear of a revenge kill? It's weird

In this scenario the AI had an active Starmie at low health with 2W and a Lapras behind with no energies, meanwhile I had a Haunter in KO range and a Mewtwo on the back with two energies, the Starmie did not attack nor switch
>Exeggutor deck was beating expert on auto consistently yesterday
>Have lost 10 in a row today
What the fuck is this rng bullshit
Is it a good reason to get 99 friends?
It's good against other actual players. It punishes hoarding cards. The AI is probably just cheating.
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>opponent has 4 ex monsters in play
>I have 1 basic pokemon that needs to evolve
>they concede before the finishing blow
I purged half of my 99 friends, sorry folks. I go to all my friend's showcase and give them a like.
As a Venusaur player, if some fucking Golurk swings at me for 200, all I can say is gg shake my hand. Goddamn.
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>lose battle
>win battle
Sounds like me.
My buddy dropped 50$ and said that he got about 500 cards (on top of the other 300 he pulled just from playing). Now he has every meta deck and then some. What's a good amount of money to get most cards? I don't really care for building a mewtwo deck or anything, but I'd like more cards to play with. For reference, I have something like 360 cards.
>first pack articuno ex
>first wonder pick pikachu ex
ok where to go from here? pikachu pack or mewtwo pack?
You want to build either Articuno or Pika. For Articuno, you want to get a second Articuno Ex and two Misty for that delicious (possible) OTK. For Pikachu, you want to try to get a Zapdos Ex, as you can easily make do with one of each. Obviously two of each is way better, but one of each works plenty fine with a little luck; I have that setup right now. Which one do you want to prioritize? Pick the pack that matches your answer. I'd suggest aiming for the Zapdos, unless you have Misty already.
yeah, the Articuno Pika split is the reason I can't decide between opening Pika or Mewtwo packs now. Don't have a Misty yet, only have 12 cards total.
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Paypigs fear the Snom
Sleep is rhe one where you have to get a correct coin flip to undo, right?
Yes. At the end of both yours and your opponent's turns, they have to do a coin flip. Heads wakes them up, tails leaves them vulnerable and unable to retreat. Real dick of a mechanic.
>8 fucking Pikachu promos
>Only 1 (one) (uno) Lapras
What the fuck is this
your life
Mewtwo packs are generally better, Pikachu doesn't have much except the man himself
Anyone know if the 3 overflow WPs recharge at a slower rate?
Finally, a Lapras EX pull
Do we know the rates for Lapras ex? Making event shit random, he'll double random for the packs and drops, seems real dumb. What's the best way to farm this?
>7 Lapras
>1 Butterfree
I don't think the overflow recharges.
Every single wonder pick I miss the card I want, what is rerolling and will it help with my odds going forward?
>Articuno (me) vs Pika
>Have Lapras Ex active and both Frosmoth and Articuno benched
>He gets Pika online, but can't 1shot Lapras
>Use Oak, get a Misty, energy and potion Lapras, and hit Pika for 80
>He gets a full bench, so Lapras goes down
>Send in Articuno, use Misty, need 1 energy at minimum to take out Pika
>get 2 heads
>Energy Articuno, take out Pika and hit backline for 10
>Sends out Eelectrik, hits me once, then concedes
Clutch ass Misty
is there a way to keep the game running while I minimise it? it pauses.
Lapras pls
You think future items will be purchasable at the shop?
Is there a round limit for the duel or just the time limit?
I think someone said the limit it 30.
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Come on
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>Playing Articuno Ex deck
>First opponent has fighting deck, and goes second. I have Snom, he has promo Mankey
>Draw Frosmoth, have Misty in hand
>Pass, he puts an energy on Mankey and attacks
>I evolve Snom, use Misty
>6 heads
>KO his Mankey, he has no bench. Win turn 4.
>Second opponent has dark deck, and he goes second. I have Lapras Ex, he has Pidgey
>Draw Misty, use her
>4 heads
Ban Misty
You can use Centiscorch until you get zards. Due to there being so many version of card, they aren't that rare.
Give me good fighting deck NOW!
Why cant i pull any misty or erika cards
i have two pikachu exes but zero zapdos ex, is what can i use instead of the latter? i've been using regular zapdos but it fucking sucks and is almost always deadweight due to its move's secondary effect. I was thinking of going full lt.surge
I’d say around $40-$50 but it depends on luck obviously
the zebra and lizard are decent
>2 Promo Mankey
>2 Primeape
>2 Aerodactyl
>2 Potion
>2 Professor's Research
>2 Giovanni
>2 Poke Ball
>2 Old Amber
>2 Sabrina
>1 Red Card
>1 Hand Scope

Believe in the monkey. Or the fossils.
Sadly I have no Aerodactlys
It does work from the bench but it's still not that good, you have to win 2 coin flips for sleep to do anything.
and electrode cause it has zero retreat cost
Yeah, Electrode can kinda serve the same function as Starmie.
>No Aero
Then add another red card and hand scope. Believe in the monkey.
but my full art misty playset...
I'm doing kind of ok with this:

>1 Mankey and Primeape
>1 Sandshrew and Sandslash
>1 Hitmonlee
>1 Machop, Machoke and Machamp EX
>2 Potion
>2 Poke Ball
>2 X Speed
>1 Red Card
>2 Professor's Research
>2 Sabrina
>1 Giovanni

Ignore Marowak, the frustration is not worth it.
>1 Butterfree
>3 Lapras EX
>5 Pikachus
>9 Mankeys
>0 Clefairys
>lapras ex x2
>frosmoth x2
>misty x2
>the rest of the usual trainers
Could this work? I only have 1 articuno ex
reroll or keep?
you could do better
You use a trash filter on your phone?
Whats the most interesting deck you've seen so far? I saw someone running pidgeot/arbok and I thought that seemed pretty interesting. Unfortunately I only have one pidgeot.
it's reading mode. i forgot it was even on
Reroll. Try getting full art trainers.
I mean 2x pikachu is already a high tier deck.
There was anon running ditto in his normal deck. I've been trying Eevee deck with 2 evolutions and some basic mons from 2 elements that match Eevee evos.
at least roll 20 packs before you consider rerolling. It is easy enough and require 0 actual game grind
The one problem he will have is Zapdos EX. He has no copies and he already has 2 wiggly and 2 pika. He will roll on the pila pack for them with nothing else good there waiting for him. Guess he could rely on WP
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Game won't stop giving me rats, let me trade NOW
>make a true favela fighting deck with no EX to due the advanced solo challenges
>going second, Sandshrew/Sandslah shits down the throat of a turn one Pikachu EX
Glad I haven’t seen too many of those in pvp with my Pikachu deck….
rerolling is starting from 0 with a new account. You decide if you drop it or keep it after the initial splurge of 240 hourglasses the game gives to you + your level up ones up to that point. You can squeeze as much as 60 packs and 300 points worth of cards if you decide to grind an account with all of the current content available ignoring the lapras event.
I feel you, I have 4 mewtwos and 3 marowaks
Yes, this can work. It's unlikely you'd be able to get two lapras and two articuno online. Throw in the Articuno and work with that.
Should I still do two Pokeballs even if the only basics are the two Mankey?
Yes, unless you want only one pokemon at all times. Gotta have something on the bench or else you'll lose with a whimper if the first Mankey fails.
I assume the goal of that deck is to get a damaged Primeape on board asap, so yes
It's easier on the eyes when you read?
Misty should be "Toss a coin until it either lands on tails or lands on heads up to two or three times".
I really don't get why fighting decks are so unpopular. I run into niche cards more often but I can only recall one or two Marowak decks. I don't run into Pikachu as often as Mewtwo or Misty but they are getting more common.
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I'm confident at flipping heads :3
if i only have one primeape, do i still run 2 mankey?
Because everyone thinks that Marowak EX is the only thing you can do and since it misses a lot, no one really bothers. What Fighting really needs is a dedicated support like a Bruno Trainer Card that synergizes with Machamp.
>Faced a Mankey/Kabutops deck with a solo Lapras Ex deck
>We're both down to my second Lapras Ex and his Kabutops
>If I could draw both my potions, I would've won
>Only drew one potion
That was one hell of a war of attrition. Not even mad.
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FUCK bros I keep making the same fucking mistake where I forget to attach energy to a bench Pokémon before attacking and it keeps losing me games. I fucking hate my dumbass
Yeah, you want to reduce the possibility of losing one Mankey and not being able to get Primeape out at all.
turn the warning back on
holy shit promo mankey deck is so fun, feels like a true cheese deck u either win like 3 turns or u lose lol
>2x promo mankey
>2x primeape
>1x pidgey/pidgeotto/pidegeot
>2x potion
>2x oak
>2x pokeball
>2x sabrina
>2x giovanni
>1x red card
>2x x speed
I would double up on the pidgey line if I could I think.
Ah thanks mate, way too late for me to start all over again.
>You decide if you drop it or keep it after the initial splurge of 240 hourglasses the game gives to you
what point is that? after clearing every single solo battle? that's a long hurdle for just one reroll, might as well reroll after level 4 + 1 solo battle
>finally pull a second Omastar
Nice, honestly it’s my favorite Kanto fossilmon. If anyone here runs a deck with it, what do you guys pair him with? Seems like running some EX choices would be my best bet, but my only Water EX’s right now is Lapras EX.
>>1x pidgey/pidgeotto/pidegeot
I was thinking this as well but it just feels too slow compared to Mankey's game plan.
>What Fighting really needs is a dedicated support like a Bruno Trainer Card that synergizes with Machamp.
Unless that synergy is "immune to psychic" I don't see it going anywhere. Machamp is already a good card but can't do anything in an environment where the most common deck in the format is psychic. Marowak is weak to decks that while not uncommon they will certainly be encountered less frequently than other decks.
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So far I have tried
>weezing + hypno
thought this would be better than it is but you have to win 2 coin flips to get any value out of hypno's ability. better to just play straight up weezing deck.
>weezing + dugtrio
better than hypno I think since at least you only have to win one coin flip for dugtrio to work but it's often hard to get him into play safely with his low health.
>weezing + greninja
best hybrid weezing deck I've tried so far, between water shuriken and poison damage you deal a lot of chip damage and can snipe low health mons off the bench. Only have one greninja but I think this might actually be better than the standard weezing deck.

Anyone have any other cool things you can combo with weezing?
Weezing + Arbok is very fun.
>poison target
>lock them in
i love how weezing is such a versatile, yet strong card
honestly yes it is slow but it feels like a decent enough fall back plan, I don't have aero so I figured this is the next best thing.
how do I get more than 4 promo packs
Keep playing the event levels.
try not being retarded, nigga
red card remains the dumbest card in card game history. auto-win or auto-lose. no inbetween.
You get promo packs to drop by repeating expert, or chance them by doing the non-expert difficulty objectives to get event hourglasses to keep doing more expert battles.
trade when
it's all because of Koga really, such an awesome and fun support card
When the game starts bleeding too many players. It's their "break glass in case of emergency" button.
i accept your concession, but i'd rather have your suicide.
>2 immersive mewtwo EX
>1 regular mewtwo EX
>1 regular gengar EX
>not a single card of the gardevoir line
I'm going fucking INSANE
lol mad because bad
no seriously, hang yourself.
stay mad, troon
I wish Genetic Apex had more emblems, I don't like any of the 3 they have.
hmm, maybe i should try this out
you can just start rushing 100 damage out early
only actual trannies use this word btw
>Run into an Arbok/Weezing deck (and 1 immersive Mewtwo)
>Opponent Red Cards my Erika to the second to last slot of my deck
>Frantic scramble to hold myself afloat after my only Venu EX gets beaten and a turn where my Pinsir flops
>have to retreat my mons several times to tank hits and deal with eventual poison
>Erika comes in the nick of time to heal my ass out of hit + poison range
>match goes all the way to turn 25 before I barely clutch out a win
Holy shit, what a match. The back and forth was crazy and I was sweating. Any wrong moves along the way and I was fucked. Easily the best match I've had since starting the game.
>no basics in my top 14 cards
Totally normal gameplay experience. Nothing to be suspicious about
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Winning with aero is peak comedy
after you complete the advanced tutorials, you get 120 hourglasses. Those stack with the ones you get from the basic tutorials. You only ever need to start and quit a battle to reach this point.
Man, I really wish I didn't spend dust to build my other four decks. I want Aero so badly, but I just can't draw him nor find anyone wonder picking him. Feels bad.
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>First two promo packs
ok troon
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How's everyone doing in matches? You doing okay?
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Would you consider dropping a thanks after winning a match disrespectful? I don't want to be mistakenly rude to randoms.
Now play against a real deck
>t1 red card against AI
>it softlocks the game, removing the end turn button until I play a second red card and then quickly hit the auto button that pops up
small indie company
It is disrespectful not to leave a thanks, for any reason. It like a handshake after a TCG game.
>Reroll to try and get Slowpoke on my main's WP
>See every variant of every card in the Charizard pack other than crowns and Slowpoke
I give.up, bros...
I'm not shaking your hand if you're playing pikachu or water, greaseball
>Mewtwo EX deck completed
>Venusaur EX deck almost completed, no Erika card (wouldn't mind having Exegguctor EX either)
Honestly should be good enough. God knows how long and how much it will take to grab the other EX cards to complete Pikachu/Zapdos and Articuno/Starmie. Maybe Lapras EX can replace Starmie.
>164 wins
>210 most damage dealt
>430 toal points
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I can't wait until I can start turning this whole binder into almost entirely Raichu.
Also I need more friends, even if the friend system is currently not very useful: 1877700572399794
>friend system is currently not very useful
We need clans or some shit.
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Does anyone have an idea what >>56861184 mean by his post ? I don't understand the link between special animation and the energy for packs.
You're aiming for a full Raichu binder? God's speed, anon. Keep us posted on your progress.
>See post
>Had 68 wins
>Play one game
Just started playing a few days ago. What should I be doing? Ive been hoarding all the items I get, should I save them or use them?
They get shop tickets the first few times you do it, you’re not being disrespectful at all.
I'm pretty sure the advanced missions include "get flair once" and "get flair twice", so that's probably what he's talking about. You don't need to do every mission to finish the tier, though, so it's not really necessary and you might have already finished the advanced tier without doing it, which is why you're not seeing that mission in your list.
>ftp level 17
I’m doing alright. Not the biggest fan of pvp, but the game can be fun. There are seemingly no english-speaking opponents online.
>reroll for 4h
>finally some good pulls
>play game
>it actually gets boring quickly
Feels so good when you beat them to give them a thank you.
>take all the drugs
>finally get high
>sober up
>life actually gets boring quickly
peak junkie brain
>some dude mistakenly ran Dark energy instead of Water energy in a Dragonite set
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The only time I didn't leave a thanks was after pic related
As a free player is there any point where I shouldn't be hoarding the hourglass things to open new packs?
It wasn't a mistake, just didn't get it due to it being random. He probably didn't draw his Weezing.
It's more disrespectful that all the gooks invest with my sandslash deck don't give me a thanks just because they couldn't get their Venusaur out in time
This. I never thank metashitters.
I will also play my whole hand and let the timer run till they concede.
except it's the drug that turned out to be boring
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Like with any gacha, [pic related]
meant for >>56862683
Hoarding Hourglasses is basically just banking on future packs having cards you want more than the ones now. Unfortunately as a Snorlaxfag I want that full art.
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I don't even see the advanced missions anymore, so yeah, i robably already complete it.
Thanks for your answer !
I have 360 card points. Should I use them or wait for 500 to purchase an ex?
>Charizard player ramps up a Charizard on bench, has one Moltres and one Charmeleon
>I have 2 points, two Lapras ready to roll, and Sabrina
>He doesn't evolve his Charmeleon before attacking with Charizard
Thank you for throwing and giving me the win.
depends on what you need or want?
Why do I always start with Giovani and Sabrina but never Research and Pokeballs. How do I get good at RNG lads?
I'm personally hoarding
The drug is opening packs dummy
>Get 2 full arts from pack
>Nidoqueen and diglett
>Nobody wonder picks it
I only use my points to buy cheap pieces of decks I want to build.
diglett full art is kino
showcase it at least
nice card man
digtrio or whatever is op too
Been slowly trying to get more cards. What are the rewards from doing PvP matches like? I've done most of the computer matches for the first time rewards.
Well, eventually at least.

Trading will be nice, because I have that Snorlax and would gladly trade it.
>no Pikachu promo
>4 Lapras EX
I just don't know.
15xp, if you win, nothing if you lose. Its 500xp to level up when you get about level 15 or something. Not worth it.
>You can try to wake up after every turn ends
>You can't try to shake off paralysis
Shit game
>go into competitive queue
>get mad when people play competitive decks
You get some shop tickets from the first few thanks of the day you get, if no one is liking your showcase you can get them from PvP
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>another two likes from randos
>I vill send friend request
>I vill click thanks
>I vill like your showcase
and no there if nothing you can do to stop me
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rate my shitty non-meta decks

I'm interested to make more fun decks using stuff like Greninja, Snorlax, Muk, Seadra, Parasect, Vileplume.

Lemme know if you have suggestions, also my ID is:
1538311680338969 (I'm in the docsheet)
You gotta get rid of the Giovannis. Their natural habitat is the first fifth of your deck.
>20 pikachu packs
>0 Mistys
>3 nidoqueens and 1 full art nidoqueen
>Lemme know if you have suggestions
x speed is the best card in the game you need two of in every deck
>also my ID is:
you don't add x speed I don't add you
Is there a reason to add a bunch of friends and put a binder together even if I only care about collecting cards insofar as it lets me play the game?
Where do I make room for more x-speed?
What do I use to play this on PC, bluestacks?
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Fuck, I should have listened to the Top Righters
Pikachu ex should have 100hp or less
Wrong question. Deck building starts with 2 x speed then you go from there. The correct question is, "where do I make room for everything else?"
Is there a way to see how many of each pack we have opened?
I don't think any emulator works for now.
It's not needed in the beedrill deck because it's all cheap to retreat. One is enough for the poliwrath deck. I think I'll switch a sabrina with x-speed in the victreebel deck. Not sure in the Gyarados deck, I think it looks kinda clunky might need to revise it.
>It's Seaking and Dugtrio in one card with effectively no weakness.
It's not, though. Both of those cards cost 1 energy, which means that you can build something up behind them. Frosmoth's sleep sounds powerful, but it's actually just the same as Dugtrio or Seaking - a 50% chance for you to get an extra 40 damage shot in. It averages out to 80 damage because that shot also sleeps them and can give you another shot, etc (same logic as misty). 80 damage for 2 energy is only slightly better than Golduck. That's if they don't just retreat.

Yes, it can win you games, but it can also lose you games. Just try out the 1 cost attackers if you have them, I know you'll start to realize how much extra energy you have lying around to dump into your seadra / retreating to shuffle damage around.
Seethe more. Pika is going to be ass soon, partially due to its already low health. If fighting didn’t suck right now, pika would already be ass.
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Works on my machine
>promo counts as a different rarity for quests
Fuck this gay earth
>Lapras ex (me) vs Grass opponent
>Start with Lapras ex, he has Caterpie
>I go second
>He plays Petilil, ends turn
>I draw Misty. Use Misty, one head. Play energy, Lapras has 2. End turn.
>Opponent uses Oak and two Pokeballs, doesn't play anything, puts energy on Petilil, ends turn
>Draw Sabrina, use Sabrina, energy on Lapras, take down Petilil
>He plays Bulbasaur, energy on Bulbasaur, ends turn
>Draw Giovanni, attack his Caterpie
>He evolves to Ivysaur, puts energy on, ends turn
>Giovanni Lapras and attack before he can concede
Finally, a game where I get three points.
Friends give you likes, likes give you tickets, tickets give you hourglass, hourglass gives you card. There is a daily 5 ticket cap for a reason. You would have infinite cards if they didn't cap them.
Mumu Player 12. Other options are laggy and/or have intrusive ads.
>Pick up the subscription trial
>Venusaur EX in the first pack
Top right has burned me so many times, but that’s fine, I’m top right’s strongest soldier.
>Venusaur EX in the second pack
Reliable = boring.
Hitting the double heads from behind and decapitating their meta EX for the win is a feeling like no other
the point is that usually the drug makes you continue to engage with the game, not quit it after you realise it's hollow
Now that I have everything for plants, which variant of Venusaur EX is better? Do I go with Exeggutor or Lilligant?
I fucking hate going first, but that turn 3 zebstrika is so good in some games.
Isnt that the worst thing to do spending 35 pack points on some common shitter you will absolutely get in packs or wonderpicks soon?
>It's not needed in the beedrill deck because it's all cheap to retreat.
This is wrong. If you use one energy to retreat you fall behind one turn. If you switch a Pokemon then switch it back you fall two turns behind. Especially in a deck with weak Pokemon you need to shuffle around multiple times a game it's essential.
>One is enough for the poliwrath deck.
This is also wrong, you have at least 3 Pokemon you might need to rotate around. If Poliwrath doesn't don't switch out it wont survive.

Don't worry, after you test them you'll wonder why you are always low on energy and why your opponent survives with 4 Pokemon below starting HP. You'll see the X Speed light soon enough.
I think the reason Dugtrio feels so nice is the one energy attack. Aiming for a Pinsir/Egg deck for a similar reason next.
Exeggcutor since it only needs one turn to set up, is very bulky, and can even take a point or two while Venusaur is getting set up.
I'll trust your advice, thanks.
What's the point of these tickets? I got 9 for all the Meowth items day one just from the free Wonder pulls every few hours.
I always liked Raichu way more than Pikachu as a kid and was disappointed when Ash didn't evolve it
I have like three Mewtwo EX but Gardevoir to actually enable him just won't appear, any suggestion of cheap/easy to assemble decks so I can do the solo fights?
>No ranks
Do not trust me, trust X Speed.
>Frosmoth's sleep sounds powerful, but it's actually just the same as Dugtrio or Seaking - a 50% chance for you to get an extra 40 damage shot in.
I don't think you know how sleep works.
>hit it
>it falls asleep
>on its turn it flips a coin
>tails and it's stuck, can't attack and can't retreat
>back to your turn to repeat the process
I have a sneaking suspicion you think that all sleep is like Hypno's ability and requires an extra coin flip than it actually does when it's an attack
is the language of your cards that others see determined by ingame language or region you choose?
Pretty sure it's the language you choose. There's a Spanish youtuber whose cards are all in English.
I love Butterfree in my Weezing/Wigglytuff/Venusaur deck.
well you only choose a region though, not the language. language is determined by system language.
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My packs have reverse drop rates
Honestly, just change it to, "choose heads or tails. Keep flipping until failure. etc etc." Such a small change, but it would completely deflect all hatred towards "just be lucky."
>hit it
>it falls asleep
>on its turn it flips a coin
>tails and it's stuck, can't attack and can't retreat
>if asleep it flips again
>tails and it's stuck again
All that while being protected and dealing guaranteed damage, unlike Seaking, and giving you a 25% chance to switch, unlike Dugtrio.

fight me right now bitch, password: l2kfa3
I think you're confused
Explain to me exactly how you think sleep works and I will explain to you why I'm right. I have a degree in mathematics, by the way.
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NTA, but can you do my Math homework?
If I pick the trial option and immediately cancel, do I get the two free weeks, or do I need to wait until the day before?
It's fine to cancel it right away. At least on apple
God no. I could barely make myself do it in uni.
Reminder to not use the trial until near the end of the month so that you can get 2 months of rewards from it.
I'm waiting until we get the second card set.
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come closer so I can prove it to you
password: sleeprules
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The second episode of the anime I ever saw was the Serge episode.
I've adored the fat rat ever since. I adore the whole line, really.
Fuc...same. I really shouldn't have gone for a degree in math.
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Is this correct for Venusaur EX?
Looks good. I'd rather have another X Speed than a Sabrina or the Potion, however
I got the Lapras, now what?
It seems too unreliable to me because you can't tutor the fossils.
Venusaur EX is a stall deck, you need 2 potions. Personally I would also add another X Speed and replace the Sabrinas but that's personal.
The good news is that everyone will be impressed by you forever, even if they shouldn't be.
This. Erika already heals better than two potions. Dump it and get an XSpeed.
You put it in your Articuno deck and you die like all that have come before you.
It's an even trade in reliability. You can't reliably get the fossils, but having fossils means you get the other basics you want more reliably than if those fossils were Kangaskhan or something.
>finally run into a Pika player in VS
>brings 2 EX Pikas against my fun plant deck
>gets bodied
>stalls out timer out of pettiness
As a Pika player myself, fuck Pika players. First time I deliberately didn't give a thanks, no matter how the interaction went.
>Barely manage to scrape by passing Algebra and Analysis 1
>"Whoa.... You're a math major!? You must be so smart..."

You have 2 Erikas. I would get rid of the potion for another xspeed. I would also consider red card too. Not a lot of Pokemon can reliably take Venusaur EX 1v1. The biggest threat to you (if you manage to get your setup off) are Charizard EX, Alakazam with Giovanni, and maybe a lucky Dragonite. You can maybe disrupt them with a red card if you read that they're holding the final evo.
i personally recommend swapping speed with another potion
venu ex is a slow but strong monster/deck so you have to stall as long as possible with healing
It's too much healing. If you draw even half of it in your opener, you could be pretty bricked. Eggs is also not cheap to retreat. If he gets his 4 energy Venusaur Sabrina'd that could just be the end of it
Being able to switch out to a different pokemon is like +100 or more HP. You want xspeed especially in a deck like Venu with huge energy costs, retreat costs, and HP.
I'll only say this once so better pay attention: X Speed stacks. Don't be a fool and lose because you didn't knew this CRITICAL piece of information.
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This little shit won't leave me alone I just want Erika JESUS CHRIST
>Bonus Pick doesn't give exp unless you get the card
That's just rude.
damn lucky
but i also want erika too
i want to hotglue all over her png
and maybe sabrina too
i swear garde is shortprinted
also dragonite/weezing is servicable
I wish I'd never picked those Mewtwo packs.
Now I'm stuck with this garbage Misty deck which works once every 10 battles, it's like an Exodia deck with none of the fun.
I'd say drop the second Sabrina for a second X Speed because popping Potion and Erika on Exeggcutor can buy you valuable turns to get Venusaur set up while doing it on Venusaur will make your opponent want to rope themselves.
You might be able to build a cool bug deck if you pulled from Mewtwo.
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For those that don't know, collecting all the base cards in the set (minus the special illustrations) gets you these 3 icons.
It's not, it's what helps you survive chip damage and Gengar. You can switch Exeggutor with 1 X Speed next turn or 2 and save the energy as I recommended. Exeggutor is really good and makes Venusaur possible but if it get taken out it's hard for Venusaur take on everything with Erikas alone. Getting Sabrina'd is the best thing that could happen to a Venusaur because otherwise he would be stuck on active.

Maybe it's the decks I play but when I lose to Venusaur it's because of X Speed (or Exeggutor) and if I win it's because it's stuck and has to take my entire team with Erika.
>it's because of X Speed
Because of "potion" I meant.
I can't build a single deck besides cuno right now. I'm missing too many cards and don't have the points to buy them.
I've had a lot of fun with Dragonite/non-ex Articuno/Misty.
It's RNG heavy, but it makes Mewtwo/Gardevoir players seethe.
>Sometimes get Articuno attacking turn 2
>Sometimes just using it as a damage sponge as I power up Dragonite
>Dragonite gets a quadruple kill
Thanks for all the tips bros.
Did you do all the single player battles?
Have they added any of your favourites yet? If so, are they good? And if not, do you think they will be any good in this Pocket format?
Is there a hidden pity to get Lapras out of packs or is it straight rng?
I'm glad Lilligant is in the base set, she's okay
Poliwrath is kind of ass
I don't expect Typhlosion to get an EX or anything great any time soon
The first set is genwun plus a few random highlights.
I'm hoping for silliness like an absurdly high HP Wailord, and expect great things from Metagross and Garchomp.

I find it odd that the first set skipped cross-gen evos like Steelix, Rhyperior, Magnezone, etc, especially with Lt. Surge specifically affecting Electabuzz, but not Electivire, and Blaine not working on Magmortar.
(But Blaine, Koga, and Lt Surge are fun because they'll eventually work on Alolan Ninetales, Muk, and Raichu, and Galarian Weezing).
1/5 chance per pack.
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Top right has never let me down yet.
I'm gonna be waiting a bit for mine. Getting an ex would be a pleasant surprise. I've heard fossils were never that good in the actual TCG which is sad but despite that they seem to give him some cool stuff.
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Venusaur, Scyther, Jolteon
>are they good
Venusaur is good but I don't use EX. Scyther is not good and will never be good. Jolteon is good and I'll use it when I get it.

I also found a lot of new favorites that I didn't before like Lilligant and Frosmoth, Heliolisk, Zebstrika, and some Pokemon I did like but have become new favorites like Golduck, Vileplume, and Sandslash. Finding new favorites is the best part.
The beginner challenges are pretty easy.

Or you could play with your favorites instead.
No Wurmple, no Braixen, no Deoxys.
I'll let you know when they add them.
I want Mightyena. It'll probably be shit.
Top right only fails when you don't believe. Be a believer like this anon, and you will get the full arts without error.
Half the time I get my wincons red carded away I just get them back, just have faith in the rng gods
Cinccino is in, but doesn't do what it does in the regular TCG. It's a worse Pikachu EX.

Plenty of others are missing and won't be seen for a while.
What’s the craziest strat or play you’ve seen? I had a weird game where I thought for a second I had lost because a Pika player left a basic in his hand to bluff a damage range on Circle Circuit (60 instead of 90). It turned out that wasn’t the case but that particular gamestate was one where he could have actually afforded to do so. If I had the Pika deck I’d probably try that out at least once.
Has anyone seen a metal deck yet
I want:
Cradily, Wobbuffet, Munja, Forretress, Kingdra, Crobat, Togekiss, Politoed, Steelix, Shuckle, Skarmory, Celebi, PorygonZ, Relicanth.
I saw one, but it was mostly colorless pokemon and a Melmetal at the very last turn before he conceded.
I've been thinking of making one but I don't open the Charizard packs so don't have them. Mawile looks interesting.
I will use once I get a Melmetal.
Just because I like Mawile, actually, though Melmetal is kinda cool too.
Played a match where they got Melmetal out very early and there was nothing I could do from there, it was surprising since I'd seen people here criticizing the deck for being too slow.
Metal is lame right now.
>Meltan is very vulnerable if you lead with it to set up especially if you go first
>No deck-specific trainer
>All five weak to fire
It'll probably get a nice buff once some legendaries like Cobalion come out, or some a 3-stage like Metagross, Aggron, or Aegislash.
do you have to buy potions from the shop or can you pull them naturally?
Buy them, now.
Buy a playset of all the store cards, right now.
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pokedex and smelloscope suck ass, you don't need those
So opinions on a lapras deck, probably one less x speed for an extra sabrina?
Also not really sold on the pokemon lineup. should I drop a frosmoth line for the only starmie ex I have?
>second full art bulbasaur
>still no ivysaur
>Misty deck
>Bug deck
>Misty deck
>Eggy deck
Needs more Lilligant

I like the green decks.
I just failed a full art Charmander because the bastard went top right. Very painful.
I go top middle because every time I don't the card I want is in top middle.
I think diamond cards might actually be harder to get than the star rarities. I've got tons of miscellaneous ex pokemon and full arts, but I haven't found a single copy of a ton of common, uncommon, and rare cards.
Too late, just boughted them
I bought 1x of each for collection purposes
Did I play you today? I fought a deck like this but got lucky with my own Frosmoth. The one I fought didn't have Greninja as and as a one off seems like wishful thinking. I would keep the 2 X Speeds. I think get replace Greninja for Aticunos giving you space for items, or get rid of Frosmoth and double up on Greninja and use it to stall until you get Lapras ready.
What deck would the dragonite card work in? Is it even worth to play
I'd try dropping Frosmoth for a second Greninja+Potion if possible.
Anon, Venusaur is right there. I'm just mad I don't have another and have to keep lugging this unreliable Pinsir around.
>Lapras Ex (18t) vs Mewtwo Ex
>Both Lapras on field vs one of his Mewtwo Ex
>I go first, get Misty, only flip two heads
>He goes, plays Oak and Pokeball like a good little goy, then starts building his benched Mewtwo Ex with a Meowth on standby
>My turn, I play hand scope and see he has a Gardevoir and Sabrina, but no Kirlia. I energize active Lapras and attack for 80
>His turn, like a predictable fool, uses his Sabrina and energizes bench Mewtwo Ex.
>I don't get my second Misty this game, so I just organically pump energy for 3 turns while he buffs up his bench Mewtwo Ex
>Evnetually I kill his Active Mewtwo, and he whips out his benched Mewtwo Ex
>Of course, he gets four energy and does 150 to take out my active Lapras Ex. Put other Lapras back in.
>He still only has Ralts and Meowth on the bench.
>Play Sabrina, and as soon as the Sabrina animation ends, he concedes
You hate to get outplayed like that.
Exactly once. It was a Wiggy EX set but used a couple Metal pieces and energy. I was intrigued, but there were no crazy plays.
>Still on page 1
>Shitty animation OP
I think I fought you today. I had Venu EX/Lilligant. If it was you, good stuff. Sleep is risky and having a match hinge on a single coinflip is irritating as hell, but it's a nice deck for maneuvering.
The meta deck is Dragonite+Weezing, with no dark energies, so Weezing just annoys the opponent with poison and absorbs damage until your Dragon can attack.
I run 2x Dragonite, 1x Articuno (non-EX), 1x Helioptile, 1x Farfetch'd.
It's usually (especially when going second) enough to energize Dragonite, who generally wins in 2 attacks.
Sometimes I get lucky with Misty on Articuno and can swing for 60+paralyze chance, but the main point is that everything except Dragonite has 1 retreat cost, and that Dragonite can eat a full Psystrike unless Giovanni is in play.
Grapploct was a launch card. Being a fighting type in a Psychic (and Lightning) meta sealed his fate, and he's absolutely gonna get powercrept.
We only have three Steel lines so there's not much to do with them at the moment. I'm patiently waiting for more Pokemon like Metagross and Scizor.
wasn't me from what i know of. Also I don't have water bird so can't really do that.
funny enough I got another ninja just now in a pull so now I have a play set of the line.

feels kinda naked without support moth but I guess a potential 40 damage garenteed if I get both frogs set is an ok?
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>Turn 20
>0 cards in deck
>Have 2 dragonites on field who can't attack because I've only been generating lightning energy after turn 1
>get great pulls, full art EX and shit
>check online
>always 2-3 cards away from meta decks
>it's important cards too so I can't just fill in with random base or shit items

Running Zebstrika+Eelektross+Cincinno deck because it's pretty much the best I can do with my current cards. It's hit or miss, but I managed to beat some Mewtwo ex shitters. I stopped using it for the event and I've just plowed through every use of the Surge rental. Got 4 promo Mankeys but still no Primeape.
How do I delete binder set?

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