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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading.

>Thread question:
What do you think about Monotype teams vs non-Monotype? Do you think rising different Pokemon types should require different food or training methods, or do you prefer a simpler approach?

It did. Well played.

>What do you think about Monotype teams vs non-Monotype?
Monotype makes sense for gym leaders, since they're supposed to validate trainers, not actually survive in the wild on their own.

>Do you think rising different Pokemon types should require different food or training methods
I would expect that diet respects the biome that the Pokemon inhabits and perhaps the creature it mimicks when applicable. But we've seen generic kibble in a few ways, so likely there's a common good-enough menu, at least in the short term.
Imagine, an Ice type tricking you into licking its dick, then telling you the only way to get your tongue unstuck is to make him cum
>tricking you into licking its dick
anon i'm sorry but if anyone has done this to you then it wasn't a trick you're just gay
>His Ice type has never handed him a popsicle
He hates you bro
Not to ape nutrition man, but you'd imagine each type has different broad needs as far as intake and further differentiates in species, given they deal with different kinds of magic and/or matter/energy manipulation. As for training, I think that's more goal-oriented. You wouldn't train a strength competition Machoke the same you would a badge circuit one, for example. A contest or other skill show mon would be different than one employed as a Pokémon Ranger partner and so on.
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Confess. How many of you snuck your fetishes into your fanfics? No need for details.
You've gotten it backward.
You write the story and it gives you new fetishes.
>What do you think about Monotype teams vs non-Monotype?
Monotype for actual, sanctioned, roadblocks like gyms and E4, but non-monotype for other stuff. More 'purposeful', I guess.

>Do you think rising different Pokemon types should require different food or training methods, or do you prefer a simpler approach?
Food, probably, should be more specialized, maybe to Typing and form. I figure most fire types are all going to need something similar, but you wouldn't feed a Growlithe the same stuff as a Charmander, after all.

On the other hand, if you trained a Growlithe you could probably train any of the other dog pokemon roughly the same, so Boltund, Greavard, etc would just need a bit of tweaking.

Anyway, my question for the thread is-
I'm batting around an eco-terrorist organization in the likes of Aqua and Magma, but the region they'll be for is a desert shithole. Would 'preserving natural caverns (that happen to be hiding their base)' be a decent front, or is there something better I can do?
Nice to see someone tackling Orre. As for their front, they could be posing as preserving the last few underground groundwater tables or other vital resources that either come from those caves or have been manually transferred there due to their importance. Maybe the region happens to export a whole lot of a certain mineral and their extraction is a highly regulated business, or maybe they had to resort to artificial farms due to the harsh climate topside.
My next fanfic will be based heavily around one of my fetishes. It's nothing too bad (pretty much every anime has at least one of these types of scenarios), but I think it's at least worth a heads up.
I never said Orre, but that's a good idea. I was already planning there to be at least one mining company and a few other interested parties investigating the region for potential materials.

Who am I kidding, the 'eco-terrorists' are another Cipher front.
Or maybe not. Maybe in the Cipher underworld power vacuum, Snagem got their head out of their asses and became a proper, respectable criminal outfit. Make Gonzap's experiences with Cipher teach him what not to do and how to skirt the potential do-gooders that might pop up. Or make the new leader someone that took over (willingly or not) from Gonzap and make the MC have to reach out to him to know how to navigate the seedy underbelly of the crime world to get access to the evil team's base/learn their true objective.
I put a scary violent Houndoom in my VN that had Jasmine in it, specifically as a reference to THAT image.
What image? You didn't post anything.
Not deliberately, but as mentioned in the last thread my MC's aunt is over six feet tall, dark skinned, muscular, and dances in a somewhat provocative way in her profession as a DJ. I just wrote it because it fit who I wanted her to be as a character but a friend clocked me that she checked all my boxes and I was writing her unconsciously horny.
Clearly you need to change that. Time to be consciously horny from now on.
>Female or Male OC and a Ralts as his/her starter

I don't hate this trope, but sometimes it could be done a little bit better.
Who's done it well?
How do you even feed a Gible? They eat metal iirc (or was that only anime exclusive?) so would a trainer go look for whatever they can find or buy top notch from some factory?
I don't remember anything mentioning gible or its line eating metal, and the dex entries say Gible hunts "prey" so it can't be a diet of metal. Sounds like another fanfic the anime made up.
Maybe you're thinking of aron?
>Sounds like another fanfic the anime made up.
Seems so, still, pretty cool since now I have another reason to make guns useless
>some Pokémon will eat them before (You) can react
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Here is an artist's reimagining.

Also sorry I didn't make a new thread before the old one died; I had a new Nurse Joy webm prepared and on my phone so I could make a new thread from work when the old hit the bump limit, and I just forgot. I'm really tired.
>that webm
writing pokemon fanfic is already undeniably autistic, but you have to be on the CWC spectrum to be writing pokemon anime fanfic
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Shut it faggot, no wonder you weren't chosen as a Dexholder
>installed as a phone app
what's even special about being a dexholder at that point? The instant the code gets leaked it's all over.
not a fan of that grotesque alien-lookin twink on the right
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What are the most fucked up ways you could torture someone with the help of Pokemon?
Four times so far, but each is something new.
Endless timeloop, or using poison and psychic types to give him pleasure beyond human limits to turn him into a mindless zombie
Intubate a fucker in a oil drum, hooked up to air and enough nutrients (maybe), and fill that shit with Brine. Pickled human for the low cost of like, 4 power points.
Scramble nerve signals to in constant agonizing pain with Psychics. Constant drip of organ corroding poisons. Slow and deliberate cuts/incisions with sharp Steel types. Constant mindrape from either Psychics or Ghosts. Electro torture. Waterboarding. Constant beating from Fighting types coupled with accelerated healing from Grasses/healer-esque mons. Burning alive (including using lava). killing bodyparts through frostbite and getting creative with them.
Have pokemon perform logic tests that prove their sapience, then have the pokemon pass the harkness test, then hire the pokemon as an employed worker with a legal citizenship in your region.
Verily, this doth sound like quite the torment for some.
>inventing a new legendary to use its purpose in the world as a major plot device
Forgivable or cringe?
Fakemons are cringe on principle but how forgivable it is depends on the concept I guess. If you have Arceus a brother or daddy I'd be cringing hard, but if you gave a weird eldirtch legendary that "orchestrated" the dance of the unown it could be forgivable but still cringe.
Use a psychic pokemon to implant memories of experiences so extreme as to be fatal, such as drowning in a vat of stinging insects, or having individual body parts mutilated or removed countless times.
All fakemon are inherently cringe. You really can't use some pre-existing Pokemon for that purpose?
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How do I write a realistic female character?
>ermmm you just need to write a human being sweaty
Fuck off, men and women are different. They're going to talk to people in different ways, tackle physical problems in different ways, and carry themselves in different ways. How can I get inside the head of a w*man?
>Secretary: How do you write women so well?
>Author: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.
--- As Good As It Gets
Go outside. Just kidding, read more. All writing problems can only be solved by reading more and better things.
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I need her to ride my face.
Write a weak cowardly man who hates conflict
Call them a girl
Be amazed as all of his severe character flaws become endearing
Have the mental strength to read books written by a wide variety of women or base her off the women you personally know or knew. I'll also tell you a secret: no one actually wants to read a realistic woman, real people are gay and annoying and this goes for the men too. Just write a likable one based off what you've enjoyed in your favorite characters.
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Read Sasuga Kei
>B-but I don't read shitty manga
Read Sasuga Kei if you really want to write a realistic woman
It requires empathy. I don't mean feeling bad for them, but really being able to imagine and think through their circumstances and what their corresponding mindset would be.
Fortunately you will never be a real woman, so you'll never be able to write a broad array of realistic women like you would men.
>Fuck off, men and women are different.
Sure they are, but women are closer to men than they are to what anime taught you women are. You'll need to accept your starting point and work from there.
>but women are closer to men
Yeah, no. A woman is more likely to call you a faggot for crying
Genuine question, how can someone "train" their empathy?
You Will Never Be A Writer
Anyone who cares about writing a "realistic" character is a fucking retard who should kill themselves.
>Nooooooo but twitter trannies will laugh at me because I made my girl character titties jiggle boobily with every step!
Maybe you should instead kill yourself for giving a shit about what twitter trannies think in the first place.
Starting to see a lot of weird projection from you guys here
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Kinda ironic when this place sethees at the mere mention of giving humans something to defend themselves beyond Pokémon because it isn't realistic for the setting
>ultra-durable evolved superhuman battle monster totally immune to electricity
>gets oneshot by some random asshole swinging an electrified blackboard pointer
animebabies explain
Massive tits aren't really what makes me think a character is unrealistic, I'd think that would be more centered on how they act
>asks 4chan about women
>surprised when replies get edgy
>How can I get inside the head of a w*man?
I suggest starting with dinner first. A fancy place isn't *required* but ups your chances.
The short answer is "be born with it". The long answer is start by humbling yourself. As long as you see yourself as special and unique, you won't want to accept different realities. Empathy is about being able to imagine walking a mile in people's shoes and sympathizing with their circumstances; recognizing your own privileges and luck in relation to someone in a distinct (often less fortunate) situation, so the more you feel yourself, the less you're able to do that.
Doesn't mean you can't like your own situation or be proud/happy/content with your circumstances and who you are, but you need to be able to set that aside and be willing to see things from different perspectives.
People will whine about your character being unrealistic no matter what.
I mean, the moment an author starts talking about dick's sizes and how the MC is 6" you know things are getting unrealistic
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>there are """"people""" below 6 feet ITT
How do you make immobile-ish, slow Pokemon interesting? Seems like a lot of popular stories with battles make them more fast-paced.
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By not mistaking low movement speed with low overall speed. A gator might not be able to run fast, but catching something within snapping range is another story, and once you're got you aint getting out. It's a common issue dexfags have that they fail to understand: one strike is often all it takes for a dexfag to get crumble or get caught in a combo they can't power out of.
Something else for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5KBMhw87n8
You might have noticed this one's done major rounds around the internet. The knight was relatively slow, but each movement was as calculated as it was powerful. A lot can be done in a small movement, there's no need for that flashy zipping around.
Simple: you find a way to make the opponent come to you. Usually the trade-off for nimble movement is overwhelming power and bulk. Frail speedsters can't win if they don't engage, so you either make sure you can tank whatever they throw at you, or you use ranged options so they can't stay away and have to come in to try and stop your assault.
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Men are capitalists and economists. They look at things as a transaction. "Do this for me, and I will do a thing for you." or "I did this for you; now you should do something for me either now or in the future." This is why for example old timey organized crime has a lot of favors and debt involved in its operation. You inadvertently saved the Don's life; now he owes you a favor and offers to rub someone out if they're giving you trouble.

Women do not think like this, for better and for worse. Women are anarchists at the worst; socialists at the best. Women view the world as a mix of, "Look guys we all need to help here or it's not going to get done" and "I'm going to do what I want and you have no right to stop me." A woman might flip between "help me" and "don't fucking help me" while working on the same task, based on what seems to be needed in the moment.

If you want to be more subtle, women are worse at estimating dimensions, both in space and time. The part of their brains that deal with measuring based on sight is literally smaller. However women are much better at multitasking, including both "remembering a bunch of different things at once" as well as prioritizing which needs to be done and when. That's not something you can just outright say to your reader, like "Joan couldn't figure out whether the box would fit in the car because she's a woman; while John struggled to remember the grocery list because he's a man" or whatever, but it's a little thing you can keep in mind while writing. Maybe Joan was late to The Event because she was wrong about how long it would take to get there; or John forgot about The Event because he had three other people asking him to do things at the same time.

Also men are considering every woman they encounter within the ages of 15 and 45 as a possible mate, whether they'll admit it or not. Women are constantly thinking about women as well; the difference is a woman is constantly comparing herself to all of them.
Half-swording makes me hard. That's all I have to say.
Pick a person and think about them, about their perspective, their experience, who they are as far as you know, and who they might be out of your sight in the private moments, what might have made them the way they are. Really try to put yourself mentally in their shoes, to feel what you think they must have felt or what you would feel in the same situations that made them. You can practice on someone close, someone you happen to know a lot about, someone you like or dislike. Read a biography or an autobiography, watch a documentary, listen to courtroom victim testimony, courtroom defendent testimony, etc, and when you're done really give some focus and thought to the person's world before you move on to something else.

It's less about learning how to empathize than it is about about training yourself to empathize actively - reflexively. Thinking "mom would be happy if I called her" instead of "it's been a while since I called mom." Setting aside your superficial judgements of a person and considering how much more there might be to them that you may never know. Trying to care about and relate to things someone else cares about instead of nodding along when they talk about it.
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>How do I write a realistic female character
...don't? Write a realistic male character and then write the sexy fuckhole he gets to bang. Why would you ever need a female character?
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>peak fiction spotted

Listen up, anons. I come before you all today to settle a great debate..
>Legendaries and mythicals can transform into and disguise themselves as humans

Is it based? Or is it cringe?
Legendary humans can instead disguise themselves as pokemon.
Sounds cool but that would fit the ones dealing with concepts instead of elements
Anthropocentric and cringe.
Very funny pic.
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Armors are really cool and underrated nowadays since most think that would make your character slow.
>Only able to get 6k words written tonight
I'm slipping bros
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It's a meme but this clip is unironically correct. Especially for a young teenager/adult.

If you want to make a woman character that has some sense of reason then she needs to be some level of tomboy, or have some sort of hormone problem with her ovaries.
I'm not bullshitting you on that last one, you ever speak with a woman that has PCOS? They're basically a dude because they don't have female hormones raping their mind 24/7.

Humanity would be very different if humans had mating seasons instead of menstrauating.

Remember, writing a women like this does not = make her a roastie toastie who sleeps with 100 men a week.
>he managed to write 6k words in a single day
I'm NGMI, huh?
Dumb and pointless because we already have Zoroark disguising as human. I think some ghost pokemon can do it too. Ditto can probably do it to some extent. And then there's psychic pokemon doing illusory shit...

You just want a fix where a human can fuck Xerneas or something without it "technically" being bestiality, don't you?
He's probably just inspired. For a regular pace aim for 4-6k per week. That pace prevents burnout after the initial fervor of writing a fresh story starts to wear off.
If you can't shit out at least several thousand words of slop per day then your writing is nothing, you have no purpose, you should hiatus yourself NOW.
Ditto literally does in Gen 7.
He might be inspired by the leak lore where Arceus disguised herself as a human and fucked the first man to spread her creation
I think it could work for the Gen 4 Leggos and the cover legends for gen 6
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>implying I ever started anything more than a rough outline of the start
You look really stupid right now, anon, not gonna lie.
I only really get one day a week to write, I spend the other six days wrapped up with other stuff.
Then just do what you can, try to aim for 2k words on that day.
when I was a teen I wrote 35k words in one weekend and got dozens of reviews
then I realized I was a retard with no real premise and deleted it and didn't write for more than a decade
Trying to write a story but it's gunna focus on two characters, basically a duo of sorts, two trainers on a journey together. Anyone here wrote a fic with two MCs?

Do you guys usually write in Third Person Limited in one section of your story, then switch to another character in the same chapter? Or have a dedicated chapter for that one MC?
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As I opened the door to my apartment I was greeted by the sight of my beloved wife gardevoir being fucked by our trainer, Redo-sama. Her dress was up around her waist and she was leaning forward over the arm of a large sofa as he fucked her from behind. This was the first time I had seen my wife being fucked. I had eaten cum from her pussy, but never seen a dick in her cunt, not even mine.

My dick throbbed with anticipation as I watched. "Like what you see cucky boy?" she gasped as redo-sama fucked her hard with his huge dick. I nodded my approval and moved closer. Gardevoir kept her eyes locked on mine as he fucked her, only closing them briefly as she came.

"Watch me cucky, watch me get fucked", she gasped as Redo-sama's big human cock slapped into her little poké pussy.

"He is cumming in me now", She gasped and redo grunted, "he is filling your little wife with his hot cum".

He plunged his big human dick into my wife's cunt and held it there whilst the last of his cum drained into her pussy.

With Redo-sama's balls finally empty, gardevoir sat back on the couch and opened her legs for me, letting me watch as a drip of his cum oozed out of her pussy.

"Clean me up, cucky", she instructed and I dutifully buried my head in her crotch, lapping up my trainer's still hot cum from her pussy. When I had swallowed the last of his cum from my wife's pussy she kissed Redo-sama hard, with a passion I had never felt in her before.
>thank you master! thank you for not killing me which you could do without breaking a sweat! thank you for letting me be your personal cum cleaner!
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>oh this sounds like a cool premise, I wonder where—
>God fucking damn it
>Was this story good or what?
Nope. Diantha never loses!
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You wouldn't talk all this shit in front of your mother or your sister
Why are tranxfolx like this?
>be a starter pokemon
>some fat loser picks me
>tell the professor I reject him because he's a creep weirdo loser
>fat loser throws a tantrum, gets kicked out of the lab and banned from selecting another starter here
>several years later
>i'm still living in his head rent free
rate my story premise
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This thread needs a hero.
>Sylveon fodder

>Arceus is depicted as a guiding hand who does just enough to keep the world from going completely off the rails
>but Rainbow Rocket implies there are very slightly alternate realities where every single Team Leader achieved their goals, including the ones that totally remade or genocided the world
Which is it?
Arceus didn't like those worlds.
What, you think God isn't allowed to have favorites?
Balance in all things, the worlds the MCs play through just so happen to be the Good Ending ones.
Imagine being able to perceive every line of multiverse theory, there are infinite worlds where everything goess well and an infinite where they don't. Would you fuss over a few bad endings? It's hard not to be apathetic.
My take is that when the Rainbow Rocket leaders get sent back to their worlds it sets events in motion to put things right there. Arceus just takes roundabout means to fix worlds that didn't have a champion to defend them yet.
>Talking shit
Don't be so insecure fem-anon. It's not a failing of your personality or anything it's just yet another way that your reproduction system makes your life miserable.
There's a reason menopausal women are far more level headed. I have in fact spoken to my mother about this.
>There's a reason menopausal women are far more level headed. I have in fact spoken to my mother about this.
What gets me is it's never a man with his shit together that'll say shit like this, it's a 4chan user. They could be the most hysteric woman imaginable but that doesn't mean the guy complaining about them suddenly has room to talk.
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So it sees defeat already in their future and lets fate take its course? Makes sense.
>falling for Shaunberg's obvious bait
C'mon anons, I expect better from you guys.
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Shouldn't writers strive to foster a deep love and fascination for all of humanity, and not a cynical, unfounded bitterness against half the population?
I've tried to garner reviews here to see if I'm coming across well in writing my characters but nobody will fucking give me one.
Most literacy books are done because the author is seething at someone or something tho

Which one?
The same way any random gal doesn't really have the basis to complain about a man's stereotypical flaws. Men and women are wired differently and neither can quite understand the other properly, just make guesses and approximations based on personal experience.
Frankly, I would never say I understand how women think, I can only try to deal as well as my own different reasoning allows.
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It's not just here- people barely leave comments or reviews anymore. I'm lucky to get any form of engagement on my fics, be they oneshots or long form.
Woah, cool down Dostoievsky. I write to have my OC fuck pokegirls
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Sorry bro, I only comment on harem stuff to force the author to put a certain girl or to call him a faggot if their MCs are as dumb a Kekqua
XY hard guns? I thought any kind of weapon was dropped in BW
Writer should strive to foster a deep love and fascination with pokemon, and cynical bitterness towards humanity.
>>>56884548 (You)
>You wouldn't talk all this shit in front of your mother or your sister
Thanks to the existence of Kamala I have spent months hearing my mother rant about the risks of having a female president, how foreign leaders will be eager to exploit feminine weaknesses, and how what Merkel did to Germany could happen here.

My momma don't play around.
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>cynical, unfounded bitterness

This conversation started with an anon asking how to write *realistic* women.
If you'd rather stick with fictional anime women writing then what's the problem? Just stick with that.
No one hates women more than women btw.
Sorry bro. I've only reviewed 3 fics and each time the author immediately stopped updating or deleted the story. I'll never do it again for any story I even half enjoy.
Holy mother of pick-me
The speed at which an honest and neutral critique can cause mediocre writing to vanish is amazing.
If only it worked on the actually bad writing.
And then the good writing doesn't get critique at all because it's on a level higher than that of most would-be critics so they have nothing to say except "good job, moar?"
based destructive criticizer
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>Here, an Eevee
>Pog, I'm gonna evolve it into an Espeon
Pokemon are just units to be used in battle. What's the big deal?
You'll disappoint Sugimori and Iwao if you treat your Pokémon like that.
Are there any fics about an MC that tries to metafag, but keeps getting BTFO by muh friendshipfags and can't figure out why?
I literally make fetish fics on a separate account to cater to my tastes in kink and Pokegirls
My normal account never touches on them

I'd say I have nothing to hide but a SFW and NSFW account split literally proves otherwise
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>Pokemon are just units to be used in battle.
I agree, more people should write TCG fics.
I second this question.
Pokemon want one thing: to become the optimal killing machine. They give their entire life over to weak humans whose society and intelligence are suited to honing them into weapons. Foisting such a critical decision as evolution back onto the pokemon is not only cruel, but a betrayal of the core responsibility of a trainer and indicates an inability to understand or respect the nature of pokemon. It's despicable that they even let people like that have pokemon.
incel post
>"men are capitalists and economists": guy who has been stuck I the same dead end job for the past 10 years
I can unironically see Elon Musk tweeting any one of these and both his proponents and his detractors will have no idea if he's being serious or shitposting
You are in fact very close; I was stuck in the samefull-time job for 10 years before finally quitting about 4 months ago, for a new one that pays roughly 20% more with the same responsibilities but a larger team for me to shirk my duties on to.

Still can't afford a house or a hypothetical random doctor visit, though, cuz 'murica. :D
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>Ash's reunion with Latias takes an unexpected turn when he's posed with an unexpected question: What does his dream mean?
>Without the words to explain it, he decides to show her!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59830117/chapters/154447135
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14402750/5/Pok%C3%A9mon-XY-Finding-Something-New
Does anyone have a list of those Pokémon tropes like the pikachu clone, early game bird, etc?

I’m making fakemon based on my hometown. Posting here because I don’t want to shit up the catalogue with my question. I hope it fits here
But anon, how will we able to know if your fakemon is good for your hometown if you don't tell us your hometown?
Pikachu clone


Early game bird


SV doesn't really have one (it just uses Fletchling again), but some people consider Wattrel the regional bird of the game (I don't).
hometown pokemon should be hometown references
>you remember a notoriously nasty roadkill situation? roadkill ghost type based on that animal
>bunch of junkies who live under a bridge? poison/dark junkie pokemon
>local mongoloids who liked shooting a particular bird species (crows/seagulls/ducks/pigeons/etc.) for fun? make a revenge-themed bird pokemon based on that species
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Any story like concierge? The league and saving the world tend to get boring really fast with the eternal tournament arc like in Reset Bloodlines
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FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14397816/5/Pok%C3%A9mon-In-Mine-Own
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59572648/chapters/154461517

New chapter of my journeyfic, In Mine Own is up.

Emma leads the others to the doorstep of Professor Sycamore, the foremost Pokemon researcher in Kalos. What can he tell them of their mysterious foes, and what connection might there be between them and the man who once dreamt of a beautiful world? And what aid can he give Kuzey and Herri to help them face Agent Celot? There's only one thing for trainers setting off on a new journey: new Pokemon.

I'm always looking for feedback, so if you happen to give it a read, I'd love to hear your thoughts and criticisms. Thanks!
I now ship Greninja and Latias.
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That is unironically a ship I've considered with these two, actually! Just because Latias is such a dork for the theatric heroics. For now though, she remains his biggest fangirl, nyehehe
? What are you talking about lmao
>>56894741 (You)
The fuck did I do?
No no, Anon is asking for cuckshit. Obviously. Please don't indulge him or he might have an unauthorized pee-pee hardening and his wife's boyfriend's son will laugh at him.
No, because it would be dull as fuck. Who wants to read about someone who keeps losing?
nta, but stop defending cuckoldry writing with greninja x latias just because your feefees got hurt.
And don't out your own fetish by describing an imaginary scenario of anon and his wife's boyfriend's son, that says more about your brainrot than anything else.
lmao, I'm a multishipper my dude. Latias can fuck a boy *and* his frog, thank you very much.
Fnafiction.net called, they want their emasculated white "man" audience back.
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this drawing of Shauntal is too much for me to handle
I need to hide this thread
>Ash self-inserter seething just because of the mere implication of someone else being with his waifu (she is not his waifu and will never be and is only so under his ashschizo delusions)
Comedy gold.
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>People talk about that Loud House fanfic, but that's cheap shit, it's just episode scripts half the time.
I decided to take a look at it. The writer started a sequel to it earlier this year and it's already at 8 million words so there's a combined 24.7 million words but I wonder how many of those words actually contribute to any sort of plot when the entirety of the most recent chapter looks like this.
This reads like a monkeys with a typewriter situation. Dude's gotta be a lobotomite on some experimental gutter oil street drugs
Fuck I love Shauntal and this is a real great artwork of her.
Please understand, he's autistic.
Fuck shauntal, I hate her. Her glasses are stupid.
>Which one
This one >>56894741 meant to (You) you and forgot.
Holy fucking kino.

Do you think in ancient times priests or nobles would sit down and write down incomprehensible tomes full of fanfiction about their Gods and their heroes, convinced they were divinely inspired by the Heavens while in reality they were just autistic?
The first thing I think of is the Mahabharata.
I actually have that one open in a tab to take a gander but haven't gotten to it yet, anon. My b.
I got filtered by Team Flare, weren't they gone at the end of the game?
Minor spoilers: Team Flare is thematically relevant with a few connections, but it's a completely different villain that the heroes mistake for Team Flare at first.
You made me wonder how mercenaries would work in the Pokémon world, do you think that field is mostly for eight badges tier trainers that weren't a le to get pass the E4 and didn't have the connections to be in charge of a city?
It’s a certain major city, and the fakemon are largely based on the history of it
Thanks! I meant more like what other tropes there are, so I could check off boxes
Considering the fent situation in my town you may have given me an idea
Now thats an idea ive been thinking about as well.

I always thought that "mercenaries" work in specific case by cases. I'd suppose that the definition of "mercenary" will be different in a world that doesn't have a propensity for war like Pokemon. But I'd say they work something along the lines of bounty hunters / oddjobers: some mercenaries specialize in research, accompanying researchers to the deep wilderness to help them in research, others may be hired by private enterprises for specific purposes (silph co. Pinkertons).

There are very few mercenaries put there that could handle tasks in the range of E4, and those who are able to aren't in the good side of the law for whatever reasons.
I imagine them as trainers who for some reason or another have been barred from official League participation, and turn to their skill as trainers to live off the grey market. People accused of stealing Pokémon, or committing violent crime, or otherwise violating the League's bylaws in a way so egregious no other penalty fits.

Presumably a lot of mercs would be middling trainers at best, and might wind up falling in with a criminal organization like Team Rocket for stable income, but the best of the best would be freelancers who can afford to make clients come to them.
Have you guys ever looked at your scrapped material and thought to yourselves "Yeah, I could bring that back"? I sometimes look at the shit I threw out for the fanfics I'm doing.
I reuse and repurpose scrapped content all the time. There is no such thing as a bad idea; merely ideas that needs to be used in a different place or time.
How's the saying?
>A person's trash is another's treasure
Or something like that, tell me about this concept tho, were they fallers?
>tell me about this concept tho, were they fallers?
Not fallers per se. They were part of a story idea I had in 2018. Warning, lotsa autism here:
>basically, Ash would travel to a region where he'd meet Damian/Blankface (picrel)
>both would banter constantly about goals and stuff, because Damian quit being a trainer for being a loser
>one day, Damian finds out Ash has Ho-Oh feather that allowed him to leave everyone static cause Ash has a fear of growing up
>Damian calls him out, Ash feels ashamed and undoes the de-aging, turning him into a teen
>some shit happens, Ash is left broken and parts ways in bitter terms with Damian
>Ash ends up meeting Anabel again and becomes a Frontier Brain, and becomes super bitter and distant towards his friends
>Anabel is pretty much his emotional support
>but after some shit where Ash and everyone have to take down Team Rocket for real, him and Damian come to peaceful terms

Nowadays though, I'll still use them, but they'll just be regular alternate universe variants, rather than making them through an edgy phase. Ash won't be an asshole, just classy because he has Anabel for a girlfriend. I call them the Battle Sire and the Salon Queen.
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Ah, stupid me, I forgot the image.
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Damn, that's hella cringe.
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Eh, I've read worse as far as chuuni Kino goes but the third and fourth point sounds like the Fairly OddParents since that's how the series ended iirc
Its basically canon, the origin myths from the teraleak either have palkia and dialga screwing to give birth to all life(anatomically impossible due to palkia being the female) or arceus literally transforming into a human and fucking a guy
All good dude, appreciated.
>the league is a way to size up threats to the government and then paying the strongest hobo to not start slaughtering for fun while the gym leaders are ruling their cities
Do you write champions, gym leaders, and e4 members as being proactive members of society? As in, they actually go out and try to resolve issues? I still find it very strange that Steven and Cynthia aren't known to be champions in their games until right when you fight them.
If the Pokemon League and organized pokemon battling didn't exist, then the 1% of obsessive pro-level trainers would have no outlet for their desire for battle and proving themself, and at some point some of those people would go on to become warlords, mercenaries, or other types who are at risk of destabilizing civilization. Having an organized and somewhat productive outlet for pokemon trainers keeps them from going off the rails and hurting people.
Gym Leaders are local community figures that are socially expected to help people and Pokemon in their times of need. Beyond that, it's just a job that some people have with regulations in place for their behavior. Champions and E4 members are that to a much greater degree, basically figureheads for their region overall. They're (socially) tasked with addressing issues and crises in their respective regions, ie, dealing with evil teams and take over the world plots if they arise.
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How old is Katy?
I don’t properly write fanfics but every time i imagine something close to one it’s always very obvious and assumed wish fulfillment because why wouldn’t it be?
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I will put guns in my story, aurafags need not apply
Under what circumstances is it okay to physically discipline your Pokémon? How far should you take it?
The moment they draw (your) blood they should be put down, from that moment onwards they lose any kind of fear or respect they might have for (You). God knows I want to kill a certain pitbull but doing it is illegal in my country nowadays since for some reason many put some animal's life over a human
By the time I'd consider punishment I'd have already cut them loose to be someone elses problem.
It is always okay for the Master to discipline the servant, to whatever extent they see fit. Humanity is one of Arceus’s (whose true, complete form is HUMAN btw, unlike what the heretics will tell you) divine arms, placed on the earth to hold dominion over all beasts.
>many put some animal's life over a human
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I think I'm becoming a faggot.

What are some good fics with yaoi pairings that aren't obnoxious LGBTQ shit? Just two normal dudes romancing and fucking. Preferably journeyfics/longer works instead of one-shots.
Fetishes which have real life footage?
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>enhanced senses
>can see through walls
>perfectly zen stillness that even the most powerful of recoil cannot budge
The games very often just don't make sense. Either you accept it and ignore the many elephants looming over you, or you spend precious words making changes and try to convince your readers that your vision is better and not retarded.
>and ignore the many elephants looming over you
What elephants? Those elephants only exist if you try to do a game/anime retelling fic. It's not a problem for us chads who actually write a living breathing world that isn't just full of NPCs who remain inactive until the MC interact with them.
Alright then, make
>Aqua and Magma have average IQ
>Multiverse Giovanni
>Cyrus plan
>Ghetsis retarded idea
>Lyssandre's purge
>Time travel/imagination
Make sense
Most of those can be made reasonable, and the rest you're just complaining about fantasy elements.
>Aqua and Magma have average IQ
How is this a problem? Setting aside the memes, their concepts aren't that stupid. One wants to expand humanity's influence and create more land for humanity to live on, the other wants to protect nature and stop/punish humanity's expansionism. There are dumber things that people fight for IRL.
>Multiverse Giovanni
It's magic, bitch, I aint gotta explain shit. Rainbow Giovanni successfully took over the world in his universe and sought to expand his empire across dimensions.
>Cyrus plan
What about it, other than just how dangerous it is to oppose beings that can be considered gods of space and time? He went in with plans to deal with them. He knew the Red Chain would control them.
>Ghetsis retarded idea
Not "retarded" just extremist and diabolically evil. He formed a cult and groomed a figurehead to lead that cult for power. Look through our own history enough and you'll find similar things.
>Lyssandre's purge
Lysandre did basically the same thing as Cyrus but on a smaller scale. Told people he would make a better world, secretly wanted to nuke it. His own personal success helped him gain a following and his obsession saw him grow it.
Rose made a few bad ideas but it can be understood. He had a savior complex and felt that only he could do what was needed to be done. He felt he had to deal with the crisis in his lifetime because he didn't trust anyone else to do it. His timetable was still shit, though, which is another good example of how fanfic can remove elephants that only exist in the original canons.
>Time travel/imagination
It's magic, bitch, I aint gotta explain shit. Shit's like a bunch of paper folding and interlinking with other folds of paper.
My understanding of this is that Gym Leaders are expected to handle the stuff going on in their cities, and E4/Champions are only expected to do work in dire circumstances/champion time, and even then, it depends on how proactive they want to be. If there's nothing for the E4/Champ to do, they're collecting the equivalent of unemployment cheques and are free to do whatever they want.

Also: taking the chance to shill myself because I wrote a bonus chapter in addition to my normal updates on Mondays: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59758336/chapters/152426965
>The entire system is bought crashing down by mute autistic 10 year olds that have subjugated the gods that created the world.
>>Cyrus plan
>implying that an autist from here wouldn't try it if they thought it would work
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>Tfw I've read so much gookslop that the first thing that come to more mind was Lookism "invisible attacks"

Also, reminder that humanChads teach Pokémon techniques
Fuck off Shaun
>shaunberg screeching
It's steadily becoming background noise. It's always the same tired routine.
Nothing makes Multiverse Giovanni work because multiverses are inherently shit
Shut the fuck up before you get a multiverse version of yourself turned into a pokemon and then sold by Giovanni for being too weak to be on his team but actually you have the strongest ability?!?!?!
In the world of Trainers, I am the strongest Breeder!?
You don't need to do much for some of these. You could conceivably make Magma more heroic. No clue for Aqua though, they just come across like pure retards despite their conservationist nature.
What's wrong with Cyrus?
>No clue for Aqua though, they just come across like pure retards despite their conservationist nature.
I can see a strong anti-human greed sentiment forming after what happened with Greater Mauville Holdings. The company horribly mistreated pokemon and even treated their human employees like slaves all in the name of furthering profits and progressing humanity.

It's just so weird that Gamefreak has all this background lore that ties directly into their main story, but they never bring it up. It's only ever in the background, forcing people to go digging through hidden messages and puzzles just to figure it out.
How hard would it have been to just give Archie a line about his time in GMH and how it radicalized him? Or Maxie giving a line about how frustrated he was with GMH being shut down despite the work they were doing for humanity, so he decided to step up in their stead?
Yes? That shit would make the most sense since eugenics are invincible
I could've sworn Tabitha and Shelly were in Devon.
off the top of my head:
>GMH, or Greater Mauville Holdings, was a company in Hoenn
>They were responsible for Mauville, New Mauville, and Sea Mauville
>GMH's primary field was in construction, particularly urban development, but it was also involved in resource extraction and research that focused on these fields
>Archie, Maxie, and Wattson used to work for/with them
>They bribed a Devon employee, Tabitha, to learn about Infinity Energy(basically pokemon's life force) and its usage as a power source
>They researched IE on their own and discovered Natural Energy
>Sea Mauville, a deep sea mining platform, becomes a major focus so they can extract Natural Energy from the earth
>GMH grows a villainous mustache and begins twirling it
>start treating pokemon like cattle and employees like slaves(we see this in the notes.
they had official company slogans like "Maintain top quality. Give up your sanity" and "Worship and praise the founder" and "No need to think. Just work unceasingly"
>start up plans to make a submarine powered by IE to search for deep minerals and Natural Energy hotspots
>Wattson, who I think primarily managed New Mauville, hates the direction the company is going so he whistle blows
>GMH gets taken down
There are more details but that's a qrd
They were. GMH bribed Tabitha for intel. Shelly, I don't know her story, just that she was friends with Archie. I'm guessing she joined Archie once GMH fractured.

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