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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading. What've you been reading? What've you been writing? What would you like to see more of?

>Thread question
Seriously, what would you like to see more of? Make requests, maybe someone will be inspired to fill them.
I would like to see my family again.
>Thread question
SI's with no superpowers of any kind or reincarnated as another person. Seriously, why is the latter such a common thing in SI fics? Might as well make in OC.
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>what would you like to see more of?
Grunt girls NEED hero love
I have biweekly fantasies about the let's go pickachu ace trainer
Erm aura isn't a superpower they earned it by meditating a couple times and doing gravity training for a couple weeks.
Still superpowers in the end, amigo. Also, a person from the real world shouldn't be capable of getting powers.
Anon are you okay

Do you need to talk about something
Why would you want to see your family again when you can just live in the world of Pokémon?Just get yourself your favorite waifu and settle down with your supernatural pets.
>Seriously, what would you like to see more of?
Dietary requirements for Pokemon, honestly. I know foxfucker has touched on it, but different 'mon would probably need different diets for each typing and general form factor.

EX- a Growlithe and Yamper would need to have the same general type of food, but Growlithe would probably need stuff like charcoal added, and Yamper would need some copper. Stuff like that.
>no superpowers
Got you covered:
Link to the old thread dumbass.

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Why aren't clothes on Pokemon more common?
If we go by that unless they took over a native's body they should be basically made of crystal, and if you make them fallers then they would be hunted down by UBs and the Interpol
What I would like to see?
Earnest fanfics.
I'm so sick and tired of everyone being some flavor of contrarian where all they're writing is to try to "own" someone or "win" an argument or "BTFO" a trope they dislike or whatever.
I also would like to some a truly earnest Pokemon World. So tired of all those fics that make the Pokemon World somehow look and feel even more unfun and miserable to live than our actual world.
So, in short, I'd like more positivity overall. If that makes any sense.
That's why I could never get into Reset Bloodlines, muh racism has no place in a world like Pokémon just because you have powers or whatever, psychics are so common they have schools for that and there are ninja villages in almost every region
This is the realest thing anyone has ever said I'm this board, anon.

Hopefully I'll be able to make an earnest fanfic one day...
What're your opinions on game novelizations?
I've always liked them and it makes me sad to see them fall out of favor.
I always looked forward to seeing people putting their own spin on what could be called a good solid structure with definitive beginning and end for them to play around with.
Something that actually takes advantage of the concept of a Pokemon isekai would be pretty neat, it could make a nice fish out of water story if the protagonist ends up with an ace on their team that's the same in some way
I've always liked them too, though I understand the critiques.
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>tfw the starter pokemon evolves into their final stage
it's so fucking kino bros, every single time
What were you reading where that happened?
Honestly since the leaks I've amazes me how much thought and effort Game Freak will put into things, only for none of that to come up at all in the games.
Ancient atlantian civilizations, corporate conspiracies, the relation between the legendary pokemon and their supporting gods. Makes for prime fanfiction material, but it's just really weird that some of this stuff wasn't even put into in-game books.
40+ threads, I'm bound to fuck up once in a while. Sorry. The worst was when I forgot to put the subject in the subject line.

We live in a world of post-postmodernism, where everything is a deconstruction or a rebuttal of what came before it. Why do you think hollywood has so many adaptions, remakes, reimagining, and endless sequels? New ideas aren't in vogue, neither in big time productions nor in little internet niches. I would say "be the change you want to see in the world" but realistically, very few people would probably read it anyway. Sorry.
Blue Mage is the most fitting class to trainers, huh...
Ghost Specialist, the Quilava became a Hisuan Typhlosion by fighting a Trevenant and talk-no-jutsuing a tree.
Ha, I just read that as well. I was actually wondering if the MC was going to catch the Trevanant but his starter evolved instead which is neat. It's nice to finally see the payoff.
Gimme some good fanfic recs that are just strong stories. Not a gimmick like SI/Isekai/Ash but edgy, etc. I want a compelling narrative set in the world of Pokemon that stands on its own legs.
On one hand it'd be cool for him to catch it. On the other hand though it goes against the whole "care for the forest and regrow it" part of the character arc, so we'll have to see. The fic has been well-written enough that I could see either way being handled decently well.
Fuck, you might actually make me put my current project I’m 20-ish chapters from finishing and going to the Isekai slop project that’s been taking most of my inspiration recently.
>Seriously, what would you like to see more of? Make requests, maybe someone will be inspired to fill them.
Game novelizations. I blame Zelda for my obsession with them. They tend to be kind of shit most of the time though. Or unfinished.
>or reincarnated as another person
The only one I know of is hard enough, almost everything else is "I isekai'd as an OC" or "I'm Ash, but I'm going to do things SMART (while only writing up to the s.s. anne or dropping the story at some other part of early/mid kanto)" which both might as well be OCs anyway.
20-ish chapter from finishing on a hiatus*

“When is a Spoon a Sword” also qualifies on the “reincarnation,” although it at least has a reason for it.
>I'm Ash
I have never seen one of those now that I think about it
Was Type Specialist and Ghost Specialist actually good all along? I kept thinking they were the worst kind of isekaislop with loser wimp MCs.
>“When is a Spoon a Sword” also qualifies on the “reincarnation,” although it at least has a reason for it.
Yeah, I considered that to fall under
>I isekai'd as an OC
since "donut steel psychic swordsman who is siblings with tate/liza" is pretty up there; it's ultimately just a journeyfic with a sponsor being present at the start instead of coming in after 20-30 or so chapters.

I was talking about things like someone SI-ing into Lance and having to deal with League bullshit while managing his GMen glowies and trying to catch criminals, or an SI becoming Archie (or any other evil team leader) and realizing he may have to tard wrangle his subordinates and either go for the evil route or try to swerve them into doing something else. Or a SoL fic with someone turning into a Nurse Joy and dealing with comedically stupid Pokemon injuries like a Rattata having a water stone stuck inside it because the local Joey wanted a water rat and he heard rumors about PikaBlu the amazing water-type mouse.
Ghost Specialist isn't an isekai, it's an OC.
>loser wimp MCs
Really? The only time I thought Type Specialist was a bit ridiculous was when he lost to Dawn in the grand festival. Every other time was pretty acceptable given the scope of his progress at the time.
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They'd get torn up in fights so it gets a bit awkward in any story that has fighting. Most writers are too cowardly to simply have the clothes silently reappear in the next chapter/timeskip like straight out of north star
Because Pokemon are animal analogues, and you generally don't put clothes on pets.
If that's true then why did Mewtwo give his human pet a custom made gothic style nurse joy outfit
Keyword there.
There's a reason why everyone looks and thinks of those "dog moms" as the freaks they are.
It's not just generally though. All pokemon make sure their human pets and work animals are clothed. Even the wild boy and wild girl got loincloths.
If anything, pokemon who don't clothe their humans are the ones who'd be considered freaks.
>I also would like to some a truly earnest Pokemon World. So tired of all those fics that make the Pokemon World somehow look and feel even more unfun and miserable to live than our actual world.
>So, in short, I'd like more positivity overall. If that makes any sense.
>Gimme some good fanfic recs that are just strong stories. Not a gimmick like SI/Isekai/Ash but edgy, etc. I want a compelling narrative set in the world of Pokemon that stands on its own legs.

https://archiveofourown.org/series/434011 kind of stuff?
What's the combat benefit? Cybernetics augments are where its at.
If you try to make something cool even cooler it becomes edgy or cringe.
If you try to make something uncool cool it becomes kino.
hey so uh, can I get some criticisms? this is gonna be cringe as fuck to a tonne, but I want to write a short story, and I didn't get too far, but I'm happy with how far I got so far. It's probably the first thing I've written that's gonna be psuedo-public, so.. I guess some things of interest would be nice.
not reading a single word without paragraphs
I'd definitely recommend formatting it, dump it in a pastebin or something spaced out in paragraphs. Right now it's just a brick that's tough to follow.
So like, are you guys authors or something?
Formatting, anon. It will help.

No, we're autists, as with the rest of the /vp/oreons.
I don't really wanna put it in pastebin because I feel it'll be awkward after a while. especially with how I plan to do the ending.

idk what "formatting" is, but here's a version with it split into paragraphs.
(gotta be honest I'm glad people said about it, it makes it so much easier to read.)
Author is a strong word, but I published a few smutty trash novels to make ends meet back in college because I couldn't find a publisher for any of my real work ;_;
Dialogue should go on separate paragraphs every time the speaker changes.
I guess, but outside of that, any other choices?
For those that read Lonesome No More, I have started posting the sequel, Whereabouts Unknown. My upload schedule will begin in full on 12-1.
If you haven't read Lonesome No More, no worries. This sequel is written so that anyone can join and read.

>Author is a strong word
So, does writer suit it better?
Now that shit would break the setting more than Aura and Psychic powers, any electric type would kill you without trying
Genetic and organic augments then.
Nanomachines, son
I'm tripping over your second sentence:
>I came from Galar to this place through my parents and brother saving up money to a holiday to here.
It's dogshit. Was your brother helping save the money? Did your parents come with? Why do we care that you saved money to take the trip? It's bad and unnecessary and unclear. Don't feel the need to establish that you're a bong in the same sentence that you say you're vacationing on Ula Ula, or at least do so in a way that makes more sense as a sentence. Most people save up money for holiday, so there's no real need to say that you saved up money for holiday unless it was some special effort or a long term plan. Completely rewrite this.

Your third sentence sucks too. Don't start with a preposition unless you've established something happening already. You haven't. Also holiday locations are supposed to be enchanting and make you want to stay. It's better to say that something happened that you never want to go back home, or that you want to make a home here. But I suggest getting rid of this entirely, it's much better to have something like this be an emotion expressed in the story itself or for it to be some kind of thesis.

I haven't gotten through the rest of the first paragraph, but it's brutal, man. No flow, dumbfuck statements (it's a good choice, as it's realistically the only choice), missed capitalization, etc etc.

Go spend a month reading a book without pictures and rewrite this entirely.
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Gallade and Gardevoir were walking through the beach, their eyes scanning the ground for any hidden berries. The sun shone down on the two pokemon, illuminating their lithe forms.
Suddenly, Gallade stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening as he saw a group of human men up ahead. They were all shirtless, their toned bodies glistening with sweat as they worked to clear a path. Gallade's heart began to race as he felt a familiar stirring in his loins.
"Gardevoir," he said, his voice low and husky. "Do you see those men up ahead?"
Gardevoir followed his gaze, her eyes widening as she took in the group of men. She could feel her own body responding to the sight of them, her nipples hardening beneath her dress.
"Yes," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I want you to go and have sex with them," Gallade said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Gardevoir turned to him, her eyes wide with shock. "What?"

"I want you to go and have sex with them," Gallade repeated, his voice firmer this time. "I want to watch you."

Gardevoir hesitated for a moment, her mind racing. She had never done anything like this before, but something about the idea of it excited her. She could feel her pussy growing wet as she imagined the feel of a man's cock inside her.

Finally, she nodded her agreement, and Gallade led her towards the group of men. As they approached, the men turned to look at them, their eyes widening as they took in Gardevoir's curvaceous form.

"Hey there, beautiful," one of them said, his eyes raking over her body. "What brings you out here?"
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"I was hoping to have some fun," Gardevoir said, her voice sultry.

The men exchanged glances, and then one of them stepped forward, his cock already hard in his pants.

"Well, we can definitely help you with that," he said, his voice husky.

Gardevoir looked over at Gallade, who gave her a nod of encouragement. She could feel her heart racing as the man stepped closer to her, his hands reaching out to touch her body.

He cupped her breasts through her dress, his thumbs flicking over her nipples. Gardevoir moaned softly, her body arching towards him. She could feel her pussy growing wetter by the second, her juices soaking through her dress.

The man wasted no time in pulling her dress up over her hips, exposing her bare pussy to his gaze. He let out a low growl as he saw how wet she was, his fingers tracing over her lips.

"Fuck, you're so wet," he said, his voice husky.

He pushed a finger inside her, and Gardevoir moaned louder, her hips bucking towards him. She could feel her orgasm building already, her body trembling with desire.

The man added a second finger, and Gardevoir could feel herself starting to lose control. She looked over at Gallade, who was watching her with a hungry look in his eyes.

"Fuck her," he said, his voice low and commanding. "Fuck her hard."

The man didn't need any further encouragement. He pulled his fingers out of Gardevoir's pussy and replaced them with his cock, thrusting deep inside her.

Gardevoir moaned loudly, her body trembling with pleasure. She could feel herself starting to lose control, her orgasm building deep inside her.

The man fucked her harder and harder, his balls slapping against her ass as he pounded into her. Gardevoir could feel herself starting to lose control, her body trembling with pleasure.

And then, suddenly, she was there. Her orgasm hit her like a tidal wave, her body shaking as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.
damn I wanted criticisms not a fucking murder. why are you getting angry?
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The man continued to fuck her, his cock throbbing inside her as he felt her pussy clenching around him. And then, with a final thrust, he came, his hot load filling her up.

Gardevoir looked over at Gallade, who was still watching her with a hungry look in his eyes. She could feel her body still trembling with pleasure, her pussy still clenching around the man's cock.

"Did you enjoy that?" Gallade asked, his voice low and husky.

"Yes," Gardevoir said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, I did."

And with that, the two pokemon turned and walked away, leaving the group of men behind. They knew that they would never forget this experience, and they couldn't wait to do it again.

"what else can I say but YABBA DABBA DOO" gallade said out loud
Where might one find that?
Alright anon, let me give you my takes on it. I will preface it by saying I didn't fully read everything, just gave it a dynamic once over.

Starting by explaining formatting. As the word might imply, it's putting your writing in some sort of format. Usually that means stuff like using justified formatting (the Word setting where all lines are boxy and the same length, to make the text seem more neat and organized), using paragraph separation, putting speech in it's own paragraph, using some kind of font change or symbol to differentiate speech, thought, etc, proper punctuation and capitalization, things like that. It's all meant to make your text as neat as easy to read as possible, to facilitate reading and immersion; the more a reader has to work to parse your writing, the less they get fully invested in the story itself.

Now, for the criticism itself:
>For the love of all that holy, separate your speech from general narration. Nothing takes me out of the experience more than getting smacked with speech that wasn't properly indicated thrown haphazardly in the middle of the text
>Ellipsis contain 3 dots, like so (...). Might seem like a worthless detail but it's such a universal symbol that people will get thrown off by your incorrect use.
>Your writting is very matter-of-factly. You try to just go from point A to B in as short path as you can. It's alright to flower things up, give more contextualization to the world around your POV character and the feelings things evoke. Take your time.
>Compounding on that, and like the other anon said, your flow needs work. In trying to get as fast as possible to the next point, sentences feel clipped and very stop-and-go. It's hard to explain, but things don't naturally go together in your text.
>Usually paragraphs are used to separate different "topics", so to speak. When the focus of the text changes from one thing to the next, it's good practice to switch. You have too much mushed in too little paragraphs.
>Having too many different topics or things in a single paragraph muddies things up and makes the reading more laborious/confusing. Doesn't mean you have to use paragraph for every little change, but you need to improve your use of them.
>A good basis is to limit your paragraphs to a set number of lines. You don't have to follow that religiously, but keeping them somewhat standardized might help you structure your text.

Other stuff that isn't necessarily criticism but can be helpful to keep an eye on are, for example, each character's "voice". The way they talk, the way they think, maybe even deviate a bit from proper grammar to differentiate them from the rest. I didn't find anything really bad in what you posted, just something to keep in mind. For example, even though she is royalty, I can't really see Acerola using "Albeit"; it just doesn't 'sound' like her character.
it should be on royal road
Yeah, I'm not reading all of that
>hey so uh, can I get some criticisms?
>gets what he asked for
>yeah, I'm not reading all of that
Then why did you ask in the first place, anon? You can't improve if you're not willing to read what people say of your work.
ah I see! thanks for the help out!
okay, so let me cover some of these and preface that, before this, my only semblance of actually writing a story is this thing here spoilered cause not pokemon. https://pastebin.com/vJGWsKZS and I barely even finished getting through the first main "chapter."

simpler stuff:
-typing 3 dots feels like it's separate from the wording itself. it's too.. big? idk. it's just a weirdo pet peeve of mine so it might end up lingering in my text.
-character wording will always reflect my own word usage unless I find words that work similarly.

Anywho, writing speech has always been a giant issue of mine, cause I either write giant paragraphs of people talking to eachother, or I suck at segwaying into it. both of which is shown in the link above. any tips on how to get better at it? I don't really read many books, so I don't know how people really.. "flow" into wording.

as for the "matter-of-factly" bit, well.. mostly it stems from being unsure on what to do. I usually often return to parts of stories and fix them up and make them longer. you're currently looking at a choppy revision to get most of the information out. that, and growing up on real-time forums like showdown makes you anxious that you won't get everything out in time, so I guess that's kinda another reason why I'm like that..
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..that's not me though .w.
I really appreciate the help! :D
I like criticism, just not when it sounds like the person is more trying to insult me and my work instead of trying to actually help.
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Well, the ellipsis thing is odd and, not wanting to insult you but you will get people bothered by that. Some text editors even have shortcuts that just make ellipsis as a separate symbol in itself (meaning you delete it all at once). Just to show you how much of a standard, universal symbol it is. You can keep doing your thing, but know that it is factually wrong.
As for the word usage, you need to learn to divorce yourself as the author and/or narrator from the characters themselves. A writer's own vocabulary will almost always influence how a character speaks, but that doesn't mean they all need to speak standardized, correct, sterile and stale dialog. The more familiar you are with a character, the easier it becomes, if you do multiple stories with the same ones.

That pastebin example is exactly what I meant. I would never read that because it's just a gigantic wall of text with no discernible formatting, so it'd be a chore to read. You want to to digest things for the reader as much as possible so they can put their focus into getting invested in what the words say, not the text itself.

My personal take on speech is I make it it's own paragraph and do, at most speech > connecting narration > (optional) speech complement. Any more than that and I need to put it in it's own paragraph to avoid making the speech too bloated and run-on.
Depending on how different/unique the interacting characters' voices are, you can even just do speech > paragraph > speech with no connecting narration because the reader will easily identify which is which. The main rule for speech is to make it dynamic to read.

Imagine someone that ESL and can only speak basic English. They would speak like this. They would not use any contractions. It would be tiresome to hear them speak. It would be boring and stale. It sounds weird to hear. It is not fun. It is grating.

That's what you want to avoid the most.
>but know that it is factually wrong.
oh yeah IK that, but it still doesn't feel right. like, usually I do type it as 3 for writing, but as said before, rough draft.

as said before, I've never really read a proper book too much, but any time I do, I just see them as giant walls of text, so I assume that's how they SHOULD be written. not like how I'm typing my messages here.

this would be a weird way to see a book, wouldn't it?

..also I have to be honest, I'm not very smart. a solid chunk of the "speech explanation" (your third to fifth paragraphs) I just.. don't understand. really all I wanna do is just write a story of my self insert and my waifu interacting. y'know?
Let me put it in a practical example.

"So, that's what you wanted to show me?" Character A said, a confused lilt in his tone.

"Yeah! What'ya think, bro?" said Character B, pointing at his new bike.

"I mean, it's cool and all but... a bit, I dunno, garish, maybe?" Character A shrugged.

"Man, you an' your lack of style just kill my vibes sometimes, y'know?" the slump of Character B's shoulders made Character A feel a little bad; just a little.

"Yeah, yeah. Maybe a paint job could change my mind." Character B's grin told Character A he just made a big mistake. "I'm already regretting saying that."

Something like that. You can put blocks of narration in-between each spoken paragraph, depending on the situation or if you need to explain something about the environment, the context, etc. but this shows how organizing speech can ease up the reading aspect and let the reader fully immerse themselves into the writing.
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that legitimately does seem much easier to read holy fuck
I was gonna go on a tangent about how "most books written for stories don't seem to have that way of writing, just being a wall of text, and I'll get a picture to prove it"

but the book I opened legitimately has that way of writing in it
but separated by only one gap like how I'm typing here
instead of two gaps like the sentences you gave me as an example

I understand what you mean now. thank you for breaking it down for a simpleton like me -w-
Not if Dr. Gero studies Electric very thoroughly and adds Electric-absorbing modules. Now Electric types just become walking battery packs.
Well, skipping one line or two is personal preference, really. If you type your stuff in Word, you can even change the separation between each consecutive line for ease of reading, but that's to each one's taste.
I'd also like you to take notice how Character A and B have distinct voices, just by a few changes in word choice and typing. I imagined A to be more of a stuck-up, kind of arrogant guy, while B is a relaxed, chill dude. One is certainly closer to how I myself talk/write, but differentiating each of them makes it much easier to jump from one character to another in your mind, no?
NTA but those walls of text show that you don't even know the basics. Formatting is like the bare minimum to sharing your work with others. And saying
>idk what "formatting" is
Makes me wonder if you've read anything else before.

He's not wrong to tell you to read before trying again lol. Formatting stuff into paragraphs is like the bare minimum.
huh.. yeah, I could definitely see that. my main issue is I struggle with writing personalities that aren't my own. I'm not too great a great writer because of it.

the word idea would be decent, but I mostly just want the ability to just.. write text. instead of having to fandangle with 50 new things just to get a paragraph down.
my guy I ain't smart, I spent about 80% of my school life at my own home because I got bullied by the teachers. I never really had the proper chance to learn anything like that, so of course I don't know the basics. I never really found the way to learn it. and as said before, I just want the ability to write a comfy story with a self insert and my waifu. and I know that different people have different ways of helping, but getting frustrated with me doesn't help me, if anything all it does is make me not want to continue.
Like I said, it gets easier the more you do it. Each writer has their own style, their own formatting, their own take on preexisting characters or when making their own. The best way to improve your writing is to do it; the second best is to consume various types of writings from different sources so you can see what vibes with you and what doesn't. You can take what you like and apply to your work, until you create your own style that you're comfortable with.

I also agree that that anon's advice of "go read more and then rewrite this" isn't wrong, but he could've been more constructive in his framing I think is the issue. I didn't delve into the specifics of "don't use prepositions here" and "this is redundant" because that seems like a step ahead from the place the writer is at the moment. Also because I wouldn't say I'm amazing at the grammatical nitty gritty, either. Baby steps and all that.
Aww, that story is adorable. You love her very much.
>because I got bullied by the teachers
Year? That shit started to get them fired nowadays after 2016
Don't worry, "proper schooling" doesn't really teach you much when it comes to writing. They just teach you MLA formatting or whatever bullshit is their standard and then make you write essays on what the author meant by curtains being blue. Other than teaching you basic formatting, that shit can actually hamper your ability to write creatively.
It's genuinely good advice to read in order to learn how to write. We're monkeys so we see and then we do.
I get that writing is the best way to learn how to write, but man.. that noir story I was writing is about a whole year in the making. started it late march last year, and I love the setting, but I don't have the energy to open it back up because god damn IDK where to go with it. and like, yeah I know reading more and then writing is the way to go, but like.. I struggle with reading books and stuff. I really appreciate that you went and helped me out with simpler things though, because that was just really nice to do, especially with the original bit of "criticism" I got, which sounded more like abuse.

like, 2009? it was a while back. mostly ableistic stuff. but I'm over it now. it's my life and it's how it was laid out. (basically as a kid you needed to go through the 5 stages of grief with me to get me to do any schoolwork, and they did not have the patience for it.)
If your problem is winging it/writing your story as it goes, it might be worthwhile for you to, as soon as you get some inspiration, to put down how your story will start and where do you want to reach, and then work backwards on how to make the start A reach conclusion B.
One thing that could help with that is getting people to give you prompts, where you work to write within the confines of a preexisting framework.

For example, what if I were to ask you to write an Acerola story (since you like her so much; it's important to work with stuff that interests us) where after the game's plot - so, after the establishment of the Pokémon League and all - she's tasked with revamping her Trial. The Thrifty Megamart ruins are going to be cleared and she, as the Trial Captain, has to create a new trial. Maybe with some help?

How would you go about it? Where, when and how does your story start? You have a goal you have to reach, but it's your job to make a compelling path to that end.
So you’re an actual retarded sperg, kek.

Tell you what, go to one of the bigger AI chat websites (I personally like moescape) and role play with a character of your choice. RP is genuinely a great way to build your writing skills, and it can keep you engaged for hours. There’s a thread up in the catalogue if you’re interested. You can choose a mommy bot that can coddle you and suck your dick on command instead of expecting us to do it, fag.
But I want it to be anon...
I.. am not gonna talk to you. clearly not worth it.

oh no my problem actually is I don't wing it enough. I OVERthink things for the story, and then I write until I get a mental roadblock and then it's shelved for fucken ages.

although, as I've said like 3 times now, that main story in that image is mostly a framework. I'll add fillings and rewordings/reworking to a lot of it, but the main structure for the story is essentially:
>autistic galarian dumbass goes to poke-hawaii on holiday with his parents and brother after saving up for it for ages
>slowly settle into malie city and the island itself
>beat sophocles' trial by using an unruly centiskorch that doesn't fucking like him
>he stumbles his way back to the malie city and go to the library
>encounter acerola
>talk with her for a bit
>she leaves, he leaves later on to find her trial (that he doesn't know is hers)
>meet up with brother bullying team skull members
>go to the tapu village
>disappointment.wav for the megamart
>trial happens, ace through the main trial aspect due to photography skills
>start panicking with the battling segment and white out
>gain respect from acerola for trying despite shortcomings
>go to the base of mount lanakila and catch a drampa
>go back to the trial, take time to actually do the trial, acerola tags along out of interest
>manage to (barely) beat the trial's totem pokemon segment
>romance blossoms
>adorable scenes happen
>happy ever after. kind of.
Have you ever written something as a gift for someone else?
Does my inner chuuni self count? It wasn't Pokémon related tho
Yeah like "Happy birthday"? Totally
Most of my writing is for others. Be it fulfilling prompts or ERP, while what I write is for myself/catering to my own wishes, it's usually engaged by external input.
You have zero talent, every paragraph you spend so much time painstakingly putting on paper is boring and quite frankly, weird. You lack the humanity needed to be an engaging writer—every sentence is a stark reminder of how hard you try at pretending to be normal; a mockery of every great fiction you’ve ever read, and are clearly attempting to emulate.

People half your age get millions of hits writing stories at the fraction of the time it takes you to pump out a single chapter. You know writing’s supposed to be easy, right? You will NEVER be someone capable of inspiring wonder, or joy, let alone leave any sort of mark in the world.

You have nothing, you are nothing and a half-assed attempt at mattering is pathetic, and sad. How could someone like YOU ever create anything of value? You should have listened to the people at school. You failed at life. You should just kill yourself already and stop being a burden on everyone and everything.

Hope this helps.
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>A new writer gets called shit and told how to do better

This makes me happy.

Anyway, how does the thread feel about giving 'mon with clear aesthetic formes or even without new variants? Picrel, Shellos variants, etc.
Threading dangerously close to fakemons, so I'd go with it being overall cringe, but if you have a very, and I do mean *very*, environmental reason for a 'mon to have evolved a regional variant like that... I still would find it cringe, but you can try your luck with the masses.
>People half your age get millions of hits writing stories at the fraction of the time it takes you to pump out a single chapter.
Weird flex but that's true

That's already a thing with Rotom and Porygon so it shouldn't be a problem
Your idea is shit. Go read more and do better next time.
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Fair enough. I wasn't thinking enough variance to be, y'know, an entirely different 'mon, but enough to be flavorful and distract the thread to get productive conversation going

True, but you never know what people think without asking.
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damn bro you're trying TOO hard to bully me. it's actually kinda funny.
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Also I found my folder of these.
Cybernetics? Canon in the future

I'd just make some eyes and maybe limbs this, full cyberpunk stuff would be hard to put though it would explain the lack of cripples
I think it's nice that you're thinking about getting into writing. I've written my fair share of stuff as well, even if it's mostly just simple paragraphs. here it is, if you're curious:

(Warning, a lot of them are quite lewd)
read the first 2 paragraphs and
yeah, I get it entirely.
didn't read much else though because
fucken idiot lmao
because I'm pretty damn tired. but the whole nemona thing is the dream. but y'know, someone else instead.
The rest aren't like that, those were just the first things I ever wrote. The other paragraphs are much better and less lewd (for the most part).
honestly the first paragraph isn't even lewd. it's just.. complete adoration for someone.
Not bad. Kind of innocent as far as lewd goes but that vibes with the more innocent vibe of Pokémon as a franchise. Definitely has potential to go deeper into NSFW territory.
Sorry, didn't see this when I made my reply. I'm glad you liked them! I hope you can have some very sweet dreams about Acerola.

I agree. It's still lewd by definition (nudity, and all), but it's a labour of love. Same with the Penny one, although she's definitely an acquired taste. I hope you get to read the rest soon, I'm very proud of what I've written.

If you're off to bed, goodnight! It's probably gen 7 (and Acerola)'s 8th anniversary where you are, so make sure you get some good rest for her!
When will I find my soulmate and live with her happily ever after?
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>I hope you can have some very sweet dreams about Acerola.
had one last night while I was buried into my body pillow actually. it's why I wanted to write that story ;w;

> It's probably gen 7 (and Acerola)'s 8th anniversary where you are, so make sure you get some good rest for her!
you'll see somethin alright! :D
Unironically go to a country with more women than men
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It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.
>Kind of innocent as far as lewd goes
that was the intention. I'm not really into hardcore things, I'm more into simply appreciating girls and their bodies (solo stuff, basically). I'm also more into the emotional side of sexual stuff, so the stuff I write tends to reflect this. Although there might be a bit of reader self insert stuff later down the line.

>that vibes with the more innocent vibe of Pokémon as a franchise.
I never thought about it that way! That's a very nice and thoughtful description, thanks for that.

>Definitely has potential to go deeper into NSFW territory.
I'm rather tame when it comes to what I'm into, so I likely won't go too far, sorry.

Have you read all of them? Things go a bit further, but not by much (still solo).

Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot to me.
What, why? And where would that be?
>had one last night while I was buried into my body pillow actually. it's why I wanted to write that story ;w;
Aww, that's so adorable. I would ask what it was, but if you're not comfortable sharing, that's alright. I would have a body pillow, but I still live with my parents.

>you'll see somethin alright! :D
I'm excited to see what you come up with!
Didn't read all of them, but I scanned through them all. Also, I wasn't saying you had or should go lewder, only that those have the potential to. If you wished, it'd be easy to extend them to go into more explicit stuff, is all I meant.

Nothing wrong with preferring to remain on the, shall we say, shallower side of the lewd pool. While my own NSFW writing tends to go deeper into it, I can respect people just wanting to appreciate their favorite character.
Bark for me.
only reason I ain't comfortable is because I got too much connection back to this site now due to my photography shindig.
..however, go to the right thread and you'll probably find what I dreamt about.
>robot world wish mons
>actually from the future
Pick one.
That's it? Not even gonna offer to buy me dinner first? Your game needs work, bud.
Yeah, I feel you. I keep my /vp/ life as separate from everything else as much as possible.

I would ask for a hint regarding the thread you're talking about, but if you don't want to give anymore details, that's perfectly fine as well.
As do I. Even the stuff I have written for this site is kept apart from anything connected to me in the internet at large.
That's good to hear. If things ever escalate, I would try my best to treat the situation with as much care and respect as I possibly can. It would be a very emotional experience. The pleasure takes a backseat to the love and emotions of it all. I love Nemona and Penny very much, and I want to channel that love into my creative endeavours. Thank you for your understanding.
remember that one place where you posted your trainer and got something for it? there.
Eh, I don't kinkshame and as a person very in tune with the emotional side of things IRL, I can understand your point. I do genuinely enjoy getting into the down and dirty side in my writing, but it's called wish-fulfillment for a reason. Plus, the more emotionally focused kind of writing has some genuinely touching things it can tap into and those can be very filling for one's spirit, so it definitely has it's place in fan fiction.
I see!

Didn't think you'd be into that kind of stuff (or that you'd have that kind of headcanon about her), but to each their own.

Precisely. It allows for good character moments. And like you said, it's mainly just wish fulfillment for me.
while yeah, it's kinda weird, but it's not too heavy. I just think they're prettier than the usual things, and they do a lot more.
While I personally don't go that way, fair enough. I prefer when things are more realistic when it comes to what I'm into. But again, to each their own. the way you describe it is cute, though.
technically it does have some realism. I mean, some girls are like that. it's mostly what happened in my dream though, so.. yeah.
ngl though I wish it was easier to talk to you outside of derailing 4chan threads though .w.
Just fuck already.
i got you covered, fren.

we're like 1000+ miles away from eachother and only know eachother through discord.
True. Dreams can be weird.

>I wish it was easier to talk to you outside of derailing 4chan threads though .w.
Same. I would love to be able to chat with you somewhere else (I imagine poeple are getting quite annoyed), but I don't want to give away any personal details, and I don't know how to make an alt account. Sorry.
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through 4chan, not discord.
I am not very smart .w.
oh it's simple! just type +1 before your @ on your email. you'll have to add it when you sign up but it'll allow you to make a new account, free of charge!
Good to know! I can't chat right now, I'm chatting in two other threads and doing work for university at the same time, but I'd love to talk to you when I have the chance!
Discordtroons really are a cancer, holy shit fuck off and die not your personal blog faggots
okidoke! you know my handle on my other socials, it's the same as discord!
See you soon! Let's finish the discussion here, people are getting REALLY pissed off (understandably so).

Sorry about all that.
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yeah sorry y'all
promise it won't happen again!
This sounds like it's gonna be emo as fuck.
Is it emo as fuck?
>"written my fair share of stuff"
>look inside
>all your works together total less than 4k words
I'm going to call you out right here as writing almost exclusively through ERP, because it shows all over your writing from even just a quick skim.

Roleplayers, especially from more fast-paced platforms like discord, generally have trouble adapting to longform content since they can only write so much at once before having to hand it off to their partner/other players. Your writing is also really lacking in style; it's very repetitive, and, outside of a few added details here or there, tends to glaze over things without much elaboration, making everything feel like it's going by too fast. This is another common problem among roleplayers, where their writing is too 'utilitarian'; everything is stated matter-of-factly and there's little effort put into the prose. They're used to a setup where what they write only has to communicate the basics of what happens on their turn, because the thrill of advancing the scene and having things decided by other players makes up for the lack of execution, especially if it's two particularly active users who send messages back and forth with little downtime between each. When it's more about the reaction of each post to the post before it and how it keeps the scene developing, more emphasis is put on the basic concept of what happens than the execution of how it's written because nobody's going to read it outside of your small pool of players during the brief period where it's relevant to the current turn, and applying this mindset to longform published writing tends to lead to short works with little polish.

Also you're a faggot blogposter.
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>still no manga/anime merge
I know it would bring up the biggest autists ever, mostly Game Red fags because who the fuck knows or cares about PokéSpe Red, but come on
I'm pretty sure I've seen quite a few PokeSpe x Anime crossovers "Worlds Collide" kinda things.
Unless you mean something else?
As in a mixed setting I guess?
This one counts? There's also a dead fic named Ash Gray Chapter, but that one is hidden behind a heavy download on Internet Archive.
The thing with Pokespe is that because they more or less follow the same plotlines as the games there's only so much you can do with it.
Outside of using the characters or some of their characterization or trying to capture the "vibe" which is a vague as fuck thing to say there's not much to go about.
not emo per se and certainly not actually edgy, but it does play a lot into introspection of the MC; he does obviously have some issues with his view of his father and the world in general takes a realistic approach.
The manga has weird shit that doesn't quite fit with the anime/games imo. It's a fun read but I don't care too much about fanfiction related to it.
The anime is full of just as much weirder shit that doesn't fit with the games at all either.
Talk about double standards.
Like what? Aura?
You think the anime invented aura?
I'm referring to people being able to use aura. I don't think that ever happens in the games. Like the weirdest things in the games are psychics and N.
>I don't think that ever happens in the games.
Literally Riley.
>no link in the OP for all the community works
does not bode well
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Riley actually, but it does look more like psychic powers and speaking of aura that's actually quite tame in the manga, I suppose to not look a copypasta of the anime.
What you're asking for is a thread template and we don't do that anymore.
Well fuck me, I guess I remember less of gen 4 than I thought I did.
I make money catering to furries and degenerates. The stories I enjoy writing don't get published either.
To be honest the publishing, editing and writing field is succeeded by a specific type and if you can't meet it, you're better off monetizing smut while writing your preferred work as a hobby.
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Can't blame you, the first actual mention was the Lucario movie iirc
I hope you aren't discouraged from improving. Take what's useful and ignore the incensed sperging.
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Don't listen to this anon. The incensed sperging teaches an important lesson too. It teaches you to not be so cringe on 4chan and to avoid trauma dumping as if this were tumblredditwittercord
Having read the rest of that conversation since posting that, I agree with you.
Both are correct.
How exactly do you even monetize smut? Or written works in general?
I know commissions are a thing, but how do you get people to commission you?
Any new promising fanfics popping up lately?
Are you opposed to self-shilling?
Not him, but I'm not. The only stuff I'm reading are stories that are already pretty well-known.
Is your fic promising and rising through the ranks?
Nta but is it journey trash?
what's wrong with journeyfics?
Personal problem, most of the time, no matter who's the MC, they tend to get stick on the third badge while fucking around not doing anything beyond the ocasional muh politics bullshit and the evil team plot but edgier instead of a journey to know they world
Which ones do that? I haven't read much, but all of the ones I've read have progressed past the third badge relatively quickly.
Okay, fine. I'll buy you some scooby snacks first. How about that?
"Okay, fine."? That shitty-ass suggestion? I gave you one chance to remedy things and you ruined it. How disappointing, anon.
You really need to go back to your Flirting for Dummies book and start over from the beginning.
So what would the correct answer be then?
Shilling once a thread is fine
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What cures can Pokemon centers provide for people/Pokemon afflicted by mind control?

Is it possible to train yourself to resist hypnosis? What kind of training would that entail?
I think it's promising, but I'm also me so eh.
It gets a few dozen consistent views every update, and what feedback I've gotten has been mostly positive or constructive, but the hard part's getting any feedback at all so it's been hard to tell what people really think of it.

I'm not super familiar with how terminology like that gets used, but it's not a badge quest. It's an OC(non-SI) led adventure story set around a decade after the Pokemon games following the MC trying to stop the efforts of a mysterious villain who seeks to destroy all Pokemon, while unraveling the past of his own family.
Tell me about the OCs that you've created, their story, and their pokemon team.
You had your shot, anon. I'm not gonna spoonfeed you.
I can't believe you just got shit-tested by an anon.
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I choose three scripture passages and write a blessing when I make a wedding card for someone I care about.
The MC of my fic is a 15 year old boy named Kuzey Ferris, from Kalos by heritage but raised in Paldea. His father Barris and mother Eclat were among the top genetic researchers in the world of Pokémon and lived in a remote southwestern Paldean villa to conduct their research. This all changed a few years back when one day they vanished without a trace, no message left behind save a Pokeball marked as a gift for Kuzey, containing a newborn Charcadet he named Crest.

La Primera, the Top Champion of Paldea, was acquainted with Kuzey's parents, and when she learned of their disappearance she pulled strings to get him a student visa to attend Naranja Academy and live on-campus until guardianship could be transferred to his aunt, Eclat's elder sister Bounvialle back in Kalos. His move back to his family's homeland is where his story begins.

Kuzey has a gift for battle tactics on paper, and possesses a knack for observing and exploiting his environment to his advantage, but this is undercut by the fact he's a natural coward, seizing up in fits of panic and doubt in stressful situations. At the Academy he never once successfully ordered Crest to attack. But despite his cowardice he's deeply kind, and can't ignore someone in need, even a stranger.

His more childish side comes out around his partner Crest, who's become like a little brother to him after losing his parents. They play-fight and squabble over little things, and he encourages the resentful side of Kuzey that looks down on people who behave abnormally around him. "Weirdos," in his own words.

Currently he only has two Pokémon, his first partner Crest the Charcadet, and a Bulbasaur he received from Professor Sycamore he's named Phylla.
Chesto berries jolt you awake from Hypnosis and mind control.
I love auraslop so fucking much bwos

bump faggots
There’s a fuckton of wuxia and litRPG shit out there, how well can AI handle writing auraslop?
AI still isn't at the stage where it can keep a coherent narrative going for long, so it can't. Not unless all you want is a short oneshot.
Just tell me to kill myself lmao

But not much as a whole, AI tend to repeat a lot of stuff and isn't good at dialogue. I know because I tried to write vampire slop using it
Unsure about the name at the moment, but my planned OC is a late teens, battle focused trainer from Kalos. The son of a fashion designer/coordinator, he spent his early teens being frequently ill, but still caring for the 'mon he's winding up with as his starter, ensuring that he's got the technical knowledge for raising and upkeep.

After spending years stuck not battling due to his health, he's seen a remarkable upswing in vitality and resilience, borrowed a second 'mon without from his family without telling them, and ran off to hone his skills and build a team to take on whatever league he chooses.

Personality wise, he's showy, brash, and even gutsy in battles, going for dramatic effect rather than actual effectiveness. He does handle his teams diet personally, though, since he did spend time learning while he was stuck at home and unable to travel.

I've got him penciled in with a 3 stage starter, and a bunch of 2 or even 1 stage 'mon, with a spare slot. His first two are a Zubat and an A. Sandshrew, with the rest as a Gligar, a Shroomish, and a Zangoose. The first two will have been prepped for cocontests, but surprisingly better at battling than expected, while the rest will be caught or recruited along the way. The joke is that he's terrible at food safety, and had been accidentally poisoning himself while feeding his Zubat.
Speaking of AI, does anyone here use it to spitball ideas or refine parts of a story?
Yeah, chat bots are the best for that imo. Roleplaying with them is basically co-writing a story with a robot.
>spitball ideas or refine parts of a story
I do but in picture form, sometimes an image can help more than writing.

It's also fun as fuck
Are you any good with the video AIs? I’ve seen some guy in the NovelAI thread make a few images move. I think once the technology gets better/more easily accessible I’ll give it a try, mostly for gooning purposes.
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>Yayoi Ogata

>President of Golden Altaria High’s Art Club. While not necessarily introverted, Yayoi is infamous for always wearing a mask at school, a habit that makes several people compare her to a ninja, much to her disapproval. Reality is, she wears that mask to avoid inhaling the scent of her Grafaiai’s toxic saliva, which she uses to craft ambitious pieces of art.

>Personality-wise, she's usually a chill girl. When she works on her art, she tends to focus so much on it, she ignores everything else, and and takes the job seriously. Due to inhaling the smell of Grafaiai saliva in the past, she always sounds dull, as if she doesn't care about anything, but those who get to know her realise that her emotions are still there.

>As a trainer, her team is composed of five Smeargle and one Grafaiai. Her usual strategy is to use Sketch and steal moves from friends and foes alike and then use their techniques in combat.

I made her based on Final Fantasy VI's Relm (artist motifs) and Gogo (mimicry gimmick).
Hey fuckers, board tourist here.

I'm like top 300 on Royal Road less than 5 months from launch on my webnovel. About 400k words in now; I update 3x a week. Solid 4.6 rating with a couple million reads still, gained 5k followers in less than five months. I'm doing quite well on the wordsgooding front. Turns out people think I'm funny and my actions scenes are "too notch" according to my team from Podium. Got audible working on a few audiobooks with Podium after I signed with them. Met Travis Deverell and a few other people recently who also write webnovel; I even briefly saw motherfucking Jim Butcher! (He did not talk to me and wasn't even involved, just in the background; I'm told he's dabbling with narrating now.)

...my wife recently bought me a Switch and I've been playing Pokemon again. Last time I played In was like 18 and my oldest son is 13 this year. I've been nostalgiacore hard on pokemon in general.

I think I can do a good job on a pokemon fix since my usual content is nonhuman/monster oriented anyway. I take feedback immensely seriously and it's contributed a lot to my success.

So...please reply to this post. Tell me exactly what you want in a 'perfecf' Pokemon fanfic. Really let it all out; don't hold back shit. I can get closer to the target than you guys probably think. I don't wanna come across as a pompous faggot but I'm actually a professional writer at this point; and I want to give this a shot.

I know it can't really be monetized, but I have the money handled at this point. I have 3-4 books in my series being made into audio books right now. I can do eet.

Give me the opportunity to make you proud, I wanna take a crack at it. It seems fun.

>Proof I am not a liar attached
Kek I deserve the typos for phonefagging

The point stands though. I'll start drafting shit and keep you cunts updated if you actually help provide feedback. 100% won't publish on my main account because I'd be crucified for it, but I'll link it here when it launches.

We can pretend it's a group project or something lame like that.
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>Ash's idyllic return to Alto Mare becomes anything but, when he's faced with a set of heavy questions— What is he looking for, and why did he come back?
>It's time for some answers!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59830117/chapters/154933534
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14402750/6/Pok%C3%A9mon-XY-Finding-Something-New
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Idk, Game Of Champions is a lot of people's pick for favorite Pokemon fic, and it was never even finished. You could give it a glance to see what it's all about, it's worth it. I personally think the greatest draw for fanfiction of this franchise will always be the world of Pokemon itself. If you can move away from cutesy or anime-like portrayals and capture what it truly would be like to live and get lost in such a world, you'll keep people reading. I would also at least brush up in the basics of competitive—which Pokemon are the best and why, type weaknesses and resistances, popular moves, balanced team-building, etc. Maybe the wikipedia plot outline of each of the mainline games if you haven't played in a while. How smart people want Pokemon to BE varies with taste—I personally think they shouldn't be much smarter than animals, because then you have to justify an entire species somehow being okay with living in slavery, but whatever.
Frankly, what grips me the most in Pokémon stories is how well realized the world with and around the Pokémon is. I don't care if it's a journeyfic, some independent plot, slice-of-life, etc., the way Pokémon behave, how they interact with the world and how, in turn, the human characters interact with them is key for me.
They should feel like living, breathing creatures with unusual care needs and special routines and services catered to them while also being a common enough occurrence that society fully integrates these magical beings into day-to-day life.

I personally don't much care for Gens 5, 8 or 9 as far as setting goes, but that's just one anon's taste, of course. As long as the world itself is interesting and has it's own cohesive logic that dictates how characters (human or not) interact with each other, I think it's fine.

For specifics, I think something that explores lore could be nice. A mix between plot progression (be it action-oriented, exploration, what have you) and contrasting moments where we slow down and can fully appreciate the magical world and living side by side with Pokémon makes for a nice palate cleanser. Doesn't have to go full slice-of-life, just stuff to help immerse the reader into the world.

Shipping is pretty optional and involving 'mons in it even more so. I don't have strong feelings for or against pokephilia, but I know others do. Same goes for how intelligent or animal-like the mons are. Both can work in a well enough realized context.
Your talents are wasted just writing fic. Write a visual novel, so the audience can interact with the players/world you build. Ren'Py can be learned in like an hour.
... few million reads, my wife recently bought me a switch,,,

hi, i've been brainstorming a lewd fic between akari and cynthia, and rei and mai, where they are interlinked by the arc phone (akari and rei get one each) and then it gets lewd later

what do you think of the idea?
>Kill tourists and normies

Okay we got a plot

I'm serious though, if it makes you feel better I'm more of a pilgrim. Been getting more into Pokemon again and writing is my main hobby/job. Why not write some poke shit on the side?

I mean, it's fun, I have glowing childhood memories of it and people like reading it. Its a side project sure but I can do it well, so why not do it? Looked left, looked right, bunch of people wanna see it. I can do it. I happened to be here from circumstance to see the thread. I wanna participate too lmfao

Thanks anons, I'll take that I to consideration. I am a bit out of the loop, that's true.
I've got my shit on lock really, this just seems like a fun side project. I'm contracted for a certain amount of books but I've already met the quota in pure backlog. One other serious project is in the works but it's more of a Tom Clancy type of thing I'm trying. Certain parties think my writing style lends itself to success in the genre, and I decided to take a stab at it.
There is really no perfect fic. The ranger fics, the journey fics, the tournament fics, etc, are all frameworks within which good stories can be told.

Frankly, a fic that's more divorced from the typical gamelit might be better. Something with characters that are established persons already and not new to the world or building themselves as people yet might be good. Something I've been playing with but haven't taken past story outline yet is a story from the point of view of a fisherman. What compels these people to keep a full team of tackle only magicarp? For how much people seem to fear gyarados, why are they doing what they do? What is the purpose, goal, or amusement involved?
>non-human/monster focus
As a local xenofiction enjoyer, tell me more.
Do keep in mind, although I'm sure you're used to it in your own source gathering and supplementary material gathering, but getting familiar with the subject is paramount. I'd say main games > some side games > anime > manga would be the priority order, but you have to have some of this knowledge at short range before committing to any story structure, since all the main sources of info do their own thing and a lot of works try to blend them together with... varying degrees of success.

>Tell me exactly what you want in a 'perfecf' Pokemon fanfic.
It's simple.
You know how the anime has that narration describing the series/franchise and it ends with "the mysterious and wonderful world of Pokemon"?
That. That simple phrase. That feeling. If you can replicate that then you're perfect.

But if you just wanna succeed as a Pokemon fanfic writer and rake on the Patronbucks then just go and read the most popular fics out there at the moment like Hard Enough, Trainer Vicky, Borne of Caution, Traveler, and maybe some classics like Game of Champions, draw from them, put your own spin on them, and write your fic based on that.

Honestly, if you're willing to heed my personal request, is that you make not-Game of Champions and actually finish it unlike the faggot that was the original author. That would be wonderful.
Also, have Cynthiawank and always keep her as the strongest. That's guaranteed success.
Also, tell us which games do you like which games have you been playing which are your favorite Pokemon how much of the anime you've watched if you've read any of the manga and stuff so we can tell you more in-detail things about fics related to those things.
Don't take game mechanics too seriously, it makes the world feel fake. Dumb shonen logic twisting the rules will always be cooler and more fun to read.
Also, anon, since you're a pro-writer and all... care to give us any tips on how to git gud and stuff? Surely you can tell us how you made it so we can make it and also how you get a Nintendo wife too.
>Too busy with work to write
You hate to see it
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>I finally get a comment on my fic
>It's a bot trying to phish me
The left a kudos, so that's good I guess?
Saw some lady's dog eat another dog's shit off the sidewalk while I was driving home from work today. After the minor wave disgust for the dog and disrespect for the owner letting them do it, a thought struck me: this is the kind of animalistic behavior we've been missing in the fanfic scene.

Pokemon are animals, which means your Kadabra is probably going to eat an Eevee's shit straight off the sidewalk. And that would be normal behavior for it. Because it's an animal.
Congrats on your first fan.
>tmw you blink too fast and the metagros starts skinning and dismembering all life within a 1km radius

You know that saying, "Everybody wants to be strong, but ain't nobody want to lift no heavy ass weights"? It's like that.

Write every single day (within reason and good taste as far as your life allows) and don't break the habit. For the first month or so you'll fight yourself over it. It slowly falls off and becomes much more enjoyable as a routine. Doesn't matter about what either. Sometimes I just write random dumb shit on my off days; a stupid story about a goblin that worships a microwave as a god, purely narrative shit like Attenborough, random scifi action sequence, whatever. Content doesn't matter, words on paper/screen matter.

Also don't really worry about trying to emulate anyone you like personally in your writing style. Yours will crystalize with time and practice, just gotta get the words down.

That's literally all there is to it. I know it sounds faggy to say "JUST DO IT" but that's all it is. Practice. It's like drawing, golfing, lifting, whatever. It's 39% habit, 50% practice, 10% luck and 1% pure bullshit.

I got my wife by being funny irl. I have made people laugh so hard they actually pissed themselves on more than one occasion. That's a skill too, but I'm very lucky in that it seems to be a family skill and my father and uncles mercilessly roasted me since age 5 and I learned their lessons well.
>a stupid story about a goblin that worships a microwave as a god
you're going to drop that out of nowhere? and give no info on where to find it?
That's a fair point. However, I'll play devil's advocate here and say that you could potentially hit all those categories in one story done correctly. A Pokeranger close to retirement decides to give everything one last whirl just to see how far they've really come before his old bones just can't take it anymore would cover all those categories for example: Journey, tournament, ranger, even Contests. Just depends on how you stab the problem and your own ability to tell a good story.

I do like the Magikarp thing though, that's hilarious.

I've been reading lore since yesterday, so that's really solid input desu. I didn't realize how fucking old I am until I watched a Pokemon movie last night with my kids and was like, "Who are all these bastards and why do half of them look so lame".

I have weirdly encyclopedic knowledge for a 30yr old boomer up until like...black and white? I never played past those, and skipped Diamond and Pearl because I thought the legendaries looked lame AF (hate me if you want I still think dialga and palkia look homosexual in the extreme). I've been taking notes and catching up.

Never read Game of Champions, it's on the reference material list now though. I actually spoken to fuggman once. Decent dude, commented on one of my chapters. Felt weird because everyone knew who they were in my comments except me. Borne of caution is good (I read it after), but I personally am not sure if I'm down with the borderline autistic Ninetails relationship stuff. I can see how it's worth to be the one dude that's willing to run headlong into pokephilia and just not give a fuck though. The amount of people that seem to be 'based pokepuss enjoyers' outnumber their opposition (unsurprisingly for the internet imo) by zerg-tier numbers. Not sure I'll be that dude since I have kids that might read it someday but it's in the notes as a potential angle, I've done smut commissions before it's not like I'm an angel lmao

The "Mysterious and wonderful world of Pokemon" quote is actually incredibly helpful. A huge part of writing things convincingly is, ironically, telling people who want answers to EVERYTHING to shut the fuck up and cope (seething optional). A good story gives you just enough to imagine the rest yourself, that's half the fun. Solid advice I will keep in mind. Vibe is important.

I played the absolute dogshit out of everything up to Alpha/Omega. I mean that too, I ran the god damn batteries out in the cartridges. Then I got a very demanding job and turned into a turbonormie with shitposting tendancies for like 15 years.

As for Pokemon...despite looking like a caveman/Sasquatch hybrid irl I am a firm Clefable proponent. Dunno why, but I love that goofy fuck. The rest of my 'favorite' pokemon are basically random for one reason or another. Espeon, Venusaur, Braviary is cool, Malamar looks dope imo. It's based entirely on what my internal 12 year old self thinks is dope.

I agree with that entirely. Show-not-tell is god, and rule 0 above all.
It can't be found, I wrote it in a notebook irl.

One of my toddlers, every single day for like a week, would stop dead in the kitchen and say hello to the microwave and thank it for being so nice and cooking them food. They were like 3 at the time and refused to comprehend that it was an inanimate object. It made their food, lit up, moved, made noise, and he usually only saw food being cooked by me or his mom. So in his goofy little brain there was a 'Microwave Spirit' or some shit that benevolently warmed his snacks for him out of the kindness of its heart and nothing else.

So I wrote a dumb little two page story about it the day I walked into the kitchen and found half slobbered-on candy, a juice box, and a hot wheels car left on the counter by the microwave. My wife told me not to touch it because it was a gift from my son to the microwave. I lost my shit laughing and used it as my writing exercise for the day.
If you're looking for fan works to research, aside from the big names (Nutrition, Traveller, GoC) I'd like to posit These Silver Eyes - https://archiveofourown.org/works/54689908/chapters/138599269
Personally I think it does an okay job at trying to blend multiple sources while, at the same time, trying to do it's own thing. Not the best piece out there, but I think it can help informing you as to what direction to take yours.
that's fucking amazing LMAO
I gotta be real, this would make for an amazing character for a fantasy world.
>Write every single day (within reason and good taste as far as your life allows) and don't break the habit.

This. Much like school, half your grade is literally just showing up. By writing every day, you're already leagues ahead of most people that write. The only caveat I would add this is that there are a lot of nuances to writing that have to explicitly taught. You won't learn everything by yourself. For the most part, there are youtube videos for that kind of stuff. So long as you write every day and generally follow good writing customs, you'll be good. All it is is a matter of time and dedication at that point.
I know the feeling. I've only gotten two comments from real people, and people here will only respond to stuff they can dunk on. Getting workable criticism is like pulling teeth.
Sorry, anon. Giving compliments is all I can do. My brain is too low IQ for constructive criticism.
Bruh I'd even take a vapid compliment at this point. I don't mean that I'm writing for others' validation, but it means a ton just to know what you wrote elicits any kind of response at all.
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I require slice of life PMD fics, or at the least some oneshots in original settings. I'm working on a few ideas but I'd like to read some more. I was browsing the archive and caught Dispatch Deferred recommended in conjunction with a story I wrote. It was a wonderful little story, exactly what I needed to warm my heart, so anything like that.
Earnestness is good. I'd add that I want to see stories that hit closer to home. Give me family dramas, stories that hit on core emotions, sentimental tales, whatever works, but I feel people get too drawn into writing edgy epics (understandable, I've been there, and even still am at times)
>However, I'll play devil's advocate here and say that you could potentially hit all those categories in one story done correctly.
If your goal was to collect a new batch of paypigs and dribble a 5000 word chapter each week onto their outstretched tongues for the next decade+, doing a “life fic” and writing 30 years of SOL and battling/contests, ranger career, etc, “hitting all those categories” would even be a good idea.

But if you want a One and Done novel length fic that would be fun to write, I would recommend narrowing focus or avoiding those common story arcs altogether.
>Give me family dramas, stories that hit on core emotions, sentimental tales, whatever works, but I feel people get too drawn into writing edgy epics
This, there's obviously a big ol' narrative involved but in plotting out my fic I set out a very specific theme I wanted to explore in different ways through each of the main characters (and even spelled it out in the opening passage)
>Original settings
>Hits close to home

Self shill time it is then.

>my father and uncles mercilessly roasted me since age 5
Ngl, I would have broken and snapped, and would have resented them for the rest of my life.
nta but there's a difference between roasting and outright abuse. I had an uncle who knew how to shit talk while avoiding the actually-mean territory. It's like banting in an online game, back before everyone and everything was so ban happy.
Do this >>56925322 anon.
One of the biggest complaints/shitposts about Pokemon fanfics threads is how lacking some of them are in this regard.
The extreme autism about things like politics, how everything is locked under loisences, how isekai-kun is capable of being better than everyone else just because they're also to identity that dog pokemon like to eat meat and not just pokemonchow and that makes them 10 times stronger, how MC-kun is somehow the only person in the whole wide world capable of realizing that Clefairy evolves into Clefable if you use a Moon Stone on it and then also the only one capable of realizing that that Clefable is the only one tanking Close Combats instead of getting oneshot just so they can be the ones to "discover" Fairy type for maximum MC wank, etc.
Making the world extremely limited for the same of making it more "deep" and making everyone retarded just for the sake of making the MC look "smart".
Those are among the most commonly mocked things here.

>I have weirdly encyclopedic knowledge for a 30yr old boomer up until like...black and white? I never played past those, and skipped Diamond and Pearl because I thought the legendaries looked lame AF (hate me if you want I still think dialga and palkia look homosexual in the extreme). I've been taking notes and catching up.
>I played the absolute dogshit out of everything up to Alpha/Omega. I mean that too, I ran the god damn batteries out in the cartridges. Then I got a very demanding job and turned into a turbonormie with shitposting tendancies for like 15 years.
You're surprisingly good in this regard then.
A recommendation I would make is that your fic is set on Japan-based regions. (cont)
I like that, it's good to have a core ideal and to stick to it for the story. That's been my driving force in the (few) fics I've written in the last decade.
Synopsis alone, I'm in. Just the kind of shit I can sink my teeth into.
No matter how much people like to pretend otherwise the Japan-based regions are by far and wide the most popular regions.
You can have references, mentions, Pokemon, etc from the other regions but a fic set in Sinnoh will always be ten times more popular than one set in Galar.
In that same vein, popular things are popular for a reason, you will always see people complain about how fics always use the same popular Pokemon like Gardevoir, Eeveevolutions, Greninja, Lucario, but those Pokemon are used for a reason. No one wants to read about Timmy-kun and his team of ugly shitmons asspulling victories that make that out of Ash look like masterpieces just because he's the MC. This is semi-related to everyone being retarded just so that MC can look good. Strong Pokemon are also strong for a reason. The rat had mascot privilege to pull the crap it pulled but outside that, the ace was Charizard, Sceptile, Greninja and not Torkoal or Muk or Leavanny. Even with Ash that sort of stuff didn't happen that much when you get to it.

>and skipped Diamond and Pearl because I thought the legendaries looked lame AF (hate me if you want I still think dialga and palkia look homosexual in the extreme). I've been taking notes and catching up.
You should definitively go through Gen 4 anon. It's considered one of the peaks of the franchise for a reason. And even the anime is still widely considered the best season of it with only the XY anime being a contender for the title.

(cont again I didn't meant this to get this long)
Hmm... I guess I'm just very sensitive then.
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>Realize FF.net mobile app has an AI voice reading function that's bearable to listen to, unlike TTS I've come across.
>Decide whytf not, listen to my own Fic over in AI while driving, etc.
>Realize numerous mistakes that I missed despite the fact I've obsessively read over my earlier chapters time and time again. Especially in chapter 1 and 3. And I've gone 3 over with a fine-toothed comb more times than I can remember.

I just know there was some reader drop-off when people were coming across errors I somehow missed as early as page 2 despite everything.
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>The rat had mascot privilege to pull the crap it pulled
To be fair the amount of bullshit it pulled is almost the amount of times both retards got their shit rocked
TTS is great as an error and flow checker, highly recommend.
I always plan to use TTS to fix up my chapters before posting, but I also always finish the chapter last minute before my personal deadline so there's never enough time for it.
Another common complain here in this thread is how so many MC's are spineless, how they're reactive characters, not active ones. Another issue probably caused with writing them first and foremost for the sake of self-insertion.
MC has to do shit. I guess this is an obvious thing for you since you're a pro-writer and all but it's a common enough issue here that I think it's worth mentioning.

Also, a challenge: Do a FemMC.
This is yet another common complaint here: How FemMCs suck because they're trannyshit, how they're vehicles for autogynephiles, for LGBTshit and so on.
For FemMC, If you're good with some shilling of something I like, read Pinnacle Platinum. I think the FemMC there is a very well defined and proactive character with clear character traits both good and bad.
Are you a bad enough dude to write a FemMC that's a genuinely actually strong independent woman who is still identifiable womanly and feminine and don't need no romance either straight or yuri?
Wait, that'd just be writing Cynthia.

That should be it for reals this time. Thank you for reading my walltexts, anon.
I might try this time, I have some freeware installed called Balabolka, but if I don't like it I'm going straight for elevenlabs and buying enough minutes to have it read back first. Unfortunately I can't have FF's Ai voice read it unless I post the chapter first and /that's/ definitely not happening given the mess my last chapter was in when first posted.
Actually really good advice altogether.

I've been drafting random openers and potential plotlines (I generally write by islands) I can segue into. Haven't nailed down anything yet but I'll post some samples here later today for all you fuckers.
It's genuinely impressive how shit your taste is desu
Not him but how about you show us some good taste, mr. contrarian?
For all you anons that like diving into lore, this is a hell of an interesting watch.
Also not him but no he's right, anon's tastes are like offensively milquetoast, I don't even know really how to describe it.
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Okay dudes.

I'm the RR anon; I spent an hour or two on a beta chapter just to give you guys an impression of how I'm thinking of running this.

Tldr everything is a placeholder and subject to revision or complete rewrite ATM. This is just top-of-my-head.


Go ahead and roast me please, feedback greatly appreciated.
It's annoying how flowery this video is. But I guess that's how he gets those views
I'm not the biggest fan of how it's delivered, either, but I very much like the information it contains, so it's a tolerable trade-off.
Nice prose but it reads like the start of every cultivation slop with system in RR, just better written.
Well I don't write cultivation shit so that's weird; I was going for more of a literary anime thing.

Might have to dial down the shounen shit and make it a tad more realistic.

I'll wait for more feedback before adjusting things much as far as prose goes though.
>I was going for more of a literary anime thing.
I suppose that's the problem since while Pokémon as a setting is shounen as heck the pacing for a first chapter felt, rushed I guess? Since in my opinion was more about the character than the world from the very start, wasn't bad tho
Alright, so here's my thoughts on it.

>So far (and yes, I realize this is a *very* small sample) the Pokémon come across half-artificial. They seem like common occurrences in the world, but still have something very not grounded in reality about them. That's not necessarily a bad thing, just depends on how realistic or not you intend on taking this. I think it could work really well, as long as the world is internally cohesive.

>The prose is a tad flowery, which looks out of place in a small, just starting out piece but wouldn't raise as many eyebrows in a long format story, so I'm also chalking this one up to preview weirdness. While having a detailed world is something any anon would agree is paramount, Pokémon has a certain simplicity or innocence to it that doesn't lend itself well to particularly purple prose.

>The setting is alright. Odd not seeing Lyra/Ethan (the HGSS counterpart to the player) not being the Day-Care couple's grandchild, but that's easily overcome as far as reader suspension of disbelief goes.

>Have to agree with the other anon about pacing. I'm not gonna advocate for super slow burn, hyper autistically detailed narration, but a comfortable pace I think would be best, especially for lower stakes plots or to purposefully build tension in higher stakes ones.

Overall, I liked it. Lots of potential there (though I'm not the most avid Pokémon fanfic reader so I'm less familiar with the typical trappings of the genre) and one of the most annoying things - lack of general quality writing skills - isn't a factor here, so color me interested.
So... Is this supposed to be weeb Rosa? Because if not, pick another name. It's one thing if it were a minor side character, but your main character can't have the same name as another main character, that's just confusing and/or mildly annoying.

Decent prose and style, mildly overly flowery at the start but no major complaints.
The MC saying "you know" constantly felt repetitive; if it's meant to be a catchphrase / vocal tic, it's a bland one.
Lance's abrupt appearance was entirely unjustified and out of nowhere. Why would the Champion fly in for such a minor issue? Surely a daycare couple should know how to handle a mere rowdy Pokemon. They're been doing this for decades. By the same token, why can not-Rosa immediately understand the Seadra better than they can, when they've (presumably) been professionals longer than she's been alive?
Speaking of her age, there's really no sense of it. Just because it's Pokemon, one assumes she's probably a preteen, but the story doesn't seem to have decided whether she's super young and naive (like her vocal tic would indicate) or an aloof older teen (more in line with her behaviour). If you literally haven't decided, go for preteen; young adult protagonists are boring as fuck and oversaturated.

tl;dr I'd read it.
This is great, the little details and minor quirks with the Pokemon especially—a lot of bad fics will just mention Pokemon in passing like they're cardboard cutouts and not have them play around and idle and react to things, which makes the world feel that much more alive.
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Noted, this was more of a proof of concept piece to try writing Pokemon in general.

I'm a big proponent of "Just sit down and write some shit and see how it looks after a round of beta reading". Took a quick stab at it, I know I get overly descriptive in the setting sometimes but I usually take the stance of "edit down" the fat. If you write sparingly there isn't as much room to trim it down, so I err on the side of too much since a lot gets cut before publishing usually.

I'll take another jab at it from another angle and see how it looks. I was half expecting everyone to say it doesn't feel like pokemon at all, but if the only complaints so far are "too many words and minor details are fucking weird" I think I'm in a good position to actually start some work.

As far as "Mei" goes it's just a placeholder desu. It felt decent but I didn't know why, was probably half remembering the one characters name on accident. As for Lance showing up I just thought it would be cool; the entire chapter was a test run to see if I could pull it off. Nobody seemed to think Lance was poorly depicted at least, just that he was there, which I was basically expecting.

It seems like there's a general agreement that I'm over the target at least. I'll smooth out the prose a bit, refine the characters. The pacing is fucky *because* it's a test-run, same with the cardboard thin premise really.

Thanks for the feedback anons, I'll go to drafting a real opening chapter with a bit more meat on it and come back in a bit with the revisions.
I liked it a lot. You can tell you're a more experienced writer than most.
I liked Mei, she felt clever, had snark, but you can also tell she's just a slightly more knowledgeable newfag than the average one, someone with potential but that could quickly get in deep shit one day she overestimates herself.
If the idea was to show Mei taking interest in becoming a dragonfag and something greater than just a daycare helping hand then you succeeded.
Perhaps it was a bit too flowery and overly descriptive, I agree with the other anons in this, but I still think it read pretty well overall despite that.
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I don't know the term for it, but you way overuse things like
>supposed to be
>seemed to be
>looks like
>sounds like
>seemed like
>reminded of
It's like you're afraid to describe things directly and instead describe things that they're like. This might sound nitpicky, but imagine the difference between
>The cape was blue
>The cape looked like it was blue
and you can maybe see how constantly describing things that way becomes grating.

Also unless I misread it, I think you said that Dragonite was a legendary pokemon? 0/10 see me after class.
Go look at things like Dratini's dex entry. It's technically not wrong.
My biggest gripe is that you made the daycare couple seem pretty out of their depths for people who do that sort of thing for a living. I know that the "IDK where this egg came from, but you should have it" schtick that is so frequently in the game can make them seem like bumbling dottards, but it's a bad contrast to their granddaughter.

Smaller gripes are "Lance out of nowhere" IDK if he's champion in your timeline, but if he is, he went from unidentified redhaired trainer (I immediately assumed that was describing Silver) to "famous person who character B knew by name but instead decided to poorly describe physically to Character A" which is bad.

Another small gripe is that you describe feelings of menace and power from pokemon, but Mei acts like she doesn't perceive the same menace and power. Which is a valid character choice, sometimes, but if it's the choice you've made, who is feeling the feelings you describe?
Guys don't harp about the plot that badly the RR anon already said it's just a beta proof of concept to get into the groove of something Pokemon after so long it's barely even an oneshot.
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There is nothing we yearn more for than to relentlessly attack fellow writers. If Tolkein was in this thread and creating LoTR for the first time but it was a pokemon fanfic, we'd be shitting on him too.
We'd also be expecting him to be mercilessly attacking us, like he did to Lewis. Anyone with a creative bone in their body needs bants and a good argument to get the spite glands working and the words flowing.
Don't forget that kids today are programmed to be unable to tell a boy from a girl on their own without fearing becoming vulnerable to social punishment. It's a strategy to erase confidence and prohibit independent reasoning.

Ever notice that people don't say that someone is "right" anymore? It's always "not wrong" now. This is by design, to prohibit people from supporting each other's positions and having a chance of working together.

Don't expect literature from the Twitter generation. They know only the newspeak phrasebook.
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Noted, added to the project files.

Vaguery is an unfortunate side effect of literary ranging shots on a new setting kek

My usual writing is a lot more graphic and devolves into actual brutality more than a few times; neutering it down to Pokemon standards (again my kids might read this at some point) is a bit difficult. I could write a graphic, gritty, and realistic version but I'm not interested in that for this project ATM. I know some people really like that stuff, but that's not really pokemon to me. I already do that on the daily, looking for something a bit more true to the source material as opposed to graphic realism with minimal suspension of disbelief.

Also, I really appreciate anon sticking up for me here. That said I assure you my comment section even from readers that really like my stories can be absolutely fucking brutal sometimes. Most authors have skin thicker than an elephant because you only need to be literate to critique writing so everyone can do it. Fucking weird that /vp/ has more chill than the rest of the internet in that regard though. Other than a few traditional kys yourself replies it's been really constructive.

Working on a bit of a more serious opener right now I'll post a pastebin when I'm done.
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> neutering it down to Pokemon standards (again my kids might read this at some point) is a bit difficult.
That's a really clever way to hold back your powerlevel and find alternatives and ways to work around it.
Like they say, restriction breeds creativity.
>I could write a graphic, gritty, and realistic version but I'm not interested in that for this project ATM. I know some people really like that stuff, but that's not really pokemon to me. I already do that on the daily, looking for something a bit more true to the source material as opposed to graphic realism with minimal suspension of disbelief.
Holy fucking based.
I kneel.

>Fucking weird that /vp/ has more chill than the rest of the internet in that regard though. Other than a few traditional kys yourself replies it's been really constructive.
Ultimately, we just wanna read some good fics and stories. If you show us goodwill then there's no reason for us to not show any in return.
Odd as it may sound the rest of the internet is more "selfish" and self-centered, if you get what I mean.
Do you guys have a rating system for trainer strength?
I keep seeing new updates for Hard Enough coming out but I haven't read it in a long time. Has it gone down the SoL drags-on-forever route or is there actual plot happening?
And I don't mean One Piece levels of "plot progression". I mean actual things happening towards a visible end goal.
What's wrong with badges/ace/gym/elite/champion?
You have to over-complicate it even more with loisences for which pokemon trainers can have, which moves they can use, which items they can buy, and anything else you can think to put under lock and key so that the setting becomes more "realistic" and "deep", duh.
The rumors are true... I've been neglecting my projects recently... Again.
Anyone know a good regional dex builder? Wanna have immersion before diving headfirst into character creation.
No, I simply keep an intricately deep parameter system logged within my own head on each trainer's strengths, weakness, unique abilities that would only crop up if the right conditions are met, and how each would fare against each other in circumstantial match-ups. I'm a Type-Moon fan if that matters.
It's miles easier to say what's wrong with something than what's right with it. Cause the former is just offensive by its nature.
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Bring me your guns
>Shoot a Machamp with .50 BMG
>It just flexes harder and the rounds twist into its skin and bounce off effortlessly
wait, would an arrow do more damage than a bullet to machamp, considering it has feathers on it?
By default I'd say no, but for worldbuilding purposes I'd imagine ancient craftsmen learned how to imbue weapons with the essence of types, so they could use specialized equipment against specific Pokémon they needed to hunt or fight off.

And humans themselves can invent Pokemon-used moves like the Mega Punch and Kick, so maybe they can teach themselves typed techniques as well if they're a skilled enough fighter.
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Nothing, but I was curious if there was something that branched the gap between people with 8 badges and the E4/Champ. In the games you just go straight to the E4, but in the anime there’s still a gap there that’s bridged by a tournament. I’ve seen Ghost Specialist use a “star” system (I think that was it), so I was curious if anyone had something like that.
Which Pokémon do the police use for aquatic and aerial missions?
>ancient craftsmen learned how to imbue weapons with the essence of types, so they could use specialized equipment against specific Pokémon they needed to hunt or fight off.
Ain't that how it works in the Atelier games? Huh, now I really want some alchemist MC instead of some unga bunga retard aurafag or pretentious psychic
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How strong do you rank him compared to other Champions (with/without his Legendary).
He's the perfect example of someone relying on already strong pokemon to win because he doesn't even have a team he trains. He's not a trainer, he's a warlord who recruits to his side the strongest pokemon he can find and throws them at his enemies.
Because of this, I'd rank him lower than everyone from a trainer standpoint but stronger than everyone from an actual results standpoint because his superpower is being able to get the strongest mons around to lend him a hand.
This. N is what the first human kings would've been before the invention of the pokeball.
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...My mind jumps to religion given his ideological bent and from there to Poke-Muhamad including a separate count of Pokemon wives in the edict tackling the issue of commanders taking all the women.
Offshoot question: in your headcanon/fic setting, did he partner with Reshiram or Zekrom? Was he the bitter Truth of the exploitation of Pokemon, or was he the Ideal of a world where all Pokemon were free?

Reshiram for me.
He was groomed and manipulated by a cult leader, it's ideals all the way down no matter if he believes otherwise. The fact he thinks pokemon are all suffering under ownership is damning enough, no way Reshiram would be down with someone who's just so blatantly wrong.
After breaking away from Ghetsis I can see Reshiram accepting him now that he's accepted the truth and tries to compromise his ideals to meet it. But it's a bit awkward to swap around legendaries like that.
In my fic he probably won't get either due to how many things are different and still changing. The dragons might be stolen from under everyone's noses.
I wouldn't say he's the strongest even with his Talk-no-Jutsu because of the whole thing in Pokémon where synchrony and trust between partners being an actual power boost and all (Ash-Greninja, Z-Moves, Megas, etc.). He's in the upper echelon, for sure, but not THE strongest.

Also, not a champion, technically.
You say that like the very universe you're citing didn't hatch a Riolu from an egg and almost immediately turn it into something strong enough to fight Leon.

A bit of forest window shopping and N can walk out with a team strong enough to take down champions and overthrow regions. As for power of friendship, well, N is nice enough that it still triggers, much like any charismatic general is beloved by his troops.
>N is this nigga
N is a pale imitation of Yellow.
I'm not saying N doesn't have Power of Friendship, it's just that the Pokémon he recruits are essentially strangers, so they don't get the massive shounen boosts the people who trained their entire team through blood, sweat and montages do.
I think of these shounen power-ups as multiplicative. Sure, N has strong bases and a decen multiplier, but other champs have strong (over a longer period of time) bases, bigger multipliers and then actual mechanics on top of it. I think N would be the strongest if they all used random, rental mons or some such but the champs with their actual teams? No, N isn't the absolute strongest.
I never read the manga but Yellow is a girl so I'm guessing she has no ambition and allows her talent to waste away, effectively making her weaker than N who makes up for it with ambition.
it's over
I just use an excel document, personally.
Sure thing Alder keep telling yourself that.
Alder happens to be one of the scrubs that N would stomp, yes. You don't have to seethe like this just because not everyone worships your husbando, you know?
Everyone's a scrub to N other than the chad protagonist
Harmonica hands typed this post.
Now imagine if N had a static team rather than picking up whatever bored pokemon he found under a rock. Nobody would be able to beat him.
His Zorua childhood friend kicks Reshiram's ass. While giving a Gurren Lagan speech. In Unova's common language.
For me I see Reshiram choosing N not as acceptance of his beliefs but as an attempt to free him from Ghetsis's lies, exposing him to the truth.

In my fic, Hilda and Zekrom embodied the ideal of a world where Pokemon and humans could be in true harmony, and helped Reshiram make N see.
>ranking anywhere near champion level because Talk-No-Jutsu
You guys understand he's a hypocrite, right? All you need to do is tell him that his views are stupid because he's dependant on Pokémon like every trainer. He'd break down or throw a hissy fit in response.
>with legendary
That's cheating, but stronger than every other Champion except for Leon___
>without legendary
Lower tiers, around Wallace level. Autistic savantness is good and all, but it only goes so far against masters that have dedicated their entire lives to Pokemon battling.
>N smiles at you autistically
>"You are wrong now release your pokemon"
People are already stubborn enough to argue with, extremists even more so, but actual genuine cultists? Your words will harmlessly wash over him like piss on a porcelain toilet bowl.
>Ey, I'm walkin' 'ere, you big chicken!
Aren't both canon?
AuraChad here, N can't do shit to take my team

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