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Slept Too Well Edition

What is Pokémon Sleep?
Pokémon Sleep is a sleep tracking app that utilizes your smartphone and/or the Pokémon Go Plus + device to record data as you sleep. In doing so, you'll be able to meet a variety of Pokémon and fill out your Sleep Style Dex.

Be sure to post your Research ID so that you can add and share candy with fellow Anons. We are currently locked at 50 friends.

>How do Shinies work?
If you encounter a shiny Pokémon, you only need to feed it a single Poké Biscuit to befriend it.
>What should I spend my diamonds on?
Expanding your ingredient pockets, item pockets and Pokémon box. Long term you’ll want to max out ingredient pockets, only get half of max for items and max 100 for Pokémon.
>When should I use my items?
When you have a good grasp of the game mechanics. You may want to save up Recovery Incenses for event missions.
>What should I spend my sleep points on?
Poké Biscuits first or if you’re a premium user: Main and Subskill seeds and Great Biscuits.
>Can I play this game if there's a lot of noise where I sleep?
The game tracks sleep based on motion only; sound has no impact.
>A Pokémon I fed got full! Will I have to start from scratch the next time I find one?
Nope! Pokémon retain the level of progress they were at the last time you fed them.
>How do dream clusters work?
The higher your research rank, the more you get. You may want to hold onto them as long as possible.

>Official Pages
>Unofficial Pokémon Sleep Wiki
[WARNING] Turbo Cancer-ridden with ads. Use at own risk.
>Simple Candy Calculator

**Back up your account by linking it to Google or your Apple ID. If you change phones, or factory reset, your account may be lost otherwise. At the very least copy your Support ID on the first Pokémon Sleep screen (click to reveal Support ID under menu)**

Previous: >>56825688
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I will never financially recover from this.
you will if you're level 60
I was level 60 before and it was a weeks long struggle. Pretty soon after OGPP released I reached it and still had to basically empty my dream cluster stock.
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Ehhh... Usable, but it really does only have Ingredient Finder M. Everything else is practically useless.
Vaporeon or Glaceon/Flareon if you think making Macaroons is worth it for Desserts weeks.
I'm still sitting at a 63 ingredient pot. I can't reliably make the larger recipes anyways, so I won't bother for a long time.
It's just tickles my autism if i keep it as is.
I need a LOT more reliable ingredient Pokemon. I can basically only get high quantities of Fiery Herbs, Milk, Sausage,.and Oil.
what am I supposed to do if I want to farm Stufful spawns? I need a corn farmer urgently
go to lakeside lapis
hope to get a stufful incense mission
get to master 1 quick as possible
do 2 slumbering sleep sessions a day and hope for the best
if pogo++: "sleep" with pogo++ and make movement every 2 hour to get slumbering.
that's all i got
That's all there is, too.
I need advice for curry and to a lesser degree salads. Whats a good, easy to achieve recipe to aim for? My pot is at 45, and theres a few ingredients that aren't feasible to consider. Most of my ingredients mons are low level outside of my great ABB lvl42 blastoise,
3 friends slacked off over 5+ days, so opened those slots up.

Add: 3107-9468-7371
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It's so over?
is this bad or good though?
they are moving the development in house?

also, unrelated, is a Go++ worth it?
I'm finding a local offer that's around $40 after conversion, I could probably haggle a little
Idk if you can "cheat" sleep styles as easily as a phone though
Rip in peace. It was good while it lasted.
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Man I just got into this game a few months ago, it better not be going into maintenance mode
This is terrible, isn't it?
If they're building an entirely new team to work on the game I wonder what the priorities would be, the current team releases content at a decent cadence
I haven’t played in so long and now I’m trying to remember how any of this worked

The one downside of mobile games is I can’t make a second save slot to remind myself of how shit works and then go back to my actual save
Ad campaigns are still going strong for Pokémon Sleep, they're actually incredibly high effort, like having animations just for Clefairy or Mimikyu, or getting that Dua Lipa promo (which is high enough production that they might even play it in cinema screenings)


TPCi is clearly seeing returns on Sleep and are continuing to support it, but on the other hand you can see that Select Button more than likely only planned up to level 100 with two more islands, which would really be limiting themselves.
It might not be an entirely new team, but a team made of people poached from Select Button.
As long as it's not GameFreak, it's probably fine? Not entirely sure what this would mean for the game. There are other Pokemon spinoff mobile games, but I don't recall any of them being directly under TPC.
>Dua Lipa collaboration
Miles better than Ed Sheeran and Post Malone. Still hate the credits song in SV.
with the recent news it is OBVIOUS they are gonna implement a pokemon transfer system
Eevee week bundles... Pretty standard except the rare inclusion of a Main Skill Seed in the bundle L.
Friendship over 50 Eevee and having constant triple Gold Skills is terrible. They keep cucking slots for Skill Trigger or Helping Speed for dumb shit like Research EXP Bonus, Dream Shard Bonus, Energy Recovery Bonus, and Sleep EXP Bonus.
>only planned up to level 100 with two more islands
how do you figure there's only two more islands when we're only at level 60? We've had two new islands from release and that's covered going from 50-60, there's no reason they can't do leftover berries + greengrassbuthard then release new berry combinations for turquoise beach and snowflake steppe before doing greengrassbutsuperhard
If you look at the trend of Sleepdex goals, every new goal increased area bonus by 5%, except for the current last goal of 390 sleep styles which gives a 10% bonus from 65% to 75%.
The datamined cooking pot upgrades also only go up to 84 so far (+15 / 5*+3 from 69).
That part doesn't quite line up though, since each Sleepdex goal gives two cooking pot upgrade unlocks, and previously datamined cooking pot upgrades were also changed so this part is equally subject to change.
The key part is that each map unlock is separated by one sleep dex goal, with the most recent being Old Gold Power Plant at 340, and 390 being the current last.

You can study this and extrapolate out probable key milestones:
>440 sleep styles: Dragon/Bug/Poison Island, Max Map Bonus 80%
>490 sleep styles: Max Map Bonus 85%
>540 sleep styles: Final Random Island, Max Map Bonus 90%
>600 sleep styles: Max Map Bonus 100%
Though this would end on a cooking pot capacity of 93 if each goal gives 2x +3 unlocks. So, unless the last two instead give 3x +3 unlocks, there might be five additional Sleepdex goals rather than the 4 I've considered here.
The game has suggestions that they want to end on round numbers, ingredient and item bag maximum storage will probably finish on a round 1000 similar to Pokémon storage.

I get the impression that they're going to drag their heels on these final few unlocks now to artificially extend the lifespan of the game, and keep the research rank/level cap unlocks in-line with those ingredient space upgrades.
Next new island could have a new cap of level 75 or 80, final island could be the level 100 final cap.
There is after all only the two subskill unlocks after level 60, and the EXP curve will be so high that it takes ages to get there. The level curve actually would mean berry strength would probably be more valuable than the subskill unlocks themselves in many cases.
some of the mechanics of the game HAVE to get changed sooner than later
you can't just expect to ever get a pokemon at Lv60 unless you started the game since launch, always sleep at 60 and even use all your candies to level up, jeez
(i'm obviously exaggerating a bit but the point still stands)
guaranteed gold skills just aren't good, if not for BFS
>That part doesn't quite line up though
>previously datamined cooking pot upgrades were also changed so this part is equally subject to change
>there might be five additional Sleepdex goals rather than the 4 I've considered here
>You can study this and extrapolate out
like, you're probably not wrong regarding what was initially planned, but it also seems that that's changed given the schedule they've released content and caps. Also, capping island bonus at 100% would be very counterproductive to the presumed ultimate goal of having people play and pay for this game forever. Like it'd be very easy for that to go to 1000% to enable stupid high drowsy power islands
And eventually some way to reset your level 100 pokemon to go back to level 1 but buffed up so they can keep expanding the pot
The content of the game can only be finite, really. Every new Pokémon to add is new assets, new sleep styles, new stats etc.
There's a shitload of Pokémon not featured, but many wouldn't be practical to feature due to their nature, like river or ocean dwelling fish Pokémon, or don't "fit the vibe"

The game balance was probably figured out pretty early on with how berry strength would curve, what the strength/DP goals should be for each island and realistic progression of a casual player running level 50+ whatevers without paying attention to stats. What I mean is the Master 20 goals for each island are likely balanced around running max level teams for given caps over time, like how Master 20 at Greengrass is currently very achievable under certain conditions usually factoring events or Good Camp tickets.
That by extension, once you finally, finally get level 100 helpers, that actual strategy falls to the side and you can probably hit master 20 on most islands fairly easily, and it just becomes a numbers game of eventually discovering every last sleep style to be found.

I don't see them introducing a prestige mechanic for Pokémon themselves though. More likely that they'll stick to the EXP overflow for handy candy you can stuff into other helpers that aren't yet level 100, after all.
Area bonus final cap might not be a hard 100%, but it might be something far more gradual like only +1% for every weekly increase afterwards, preferably across all maps.

At the current late stage of the game it's very normal to find only a few sleep styles per week. At the very final stages where you're trying to get the last ten you're missing, you might be going weeks without a hit especially without an event bonus to boost discoveries.

The only gold skills I want to see are BFS and Helping Bonus, maybe Sleep EXP or Skill Level UP M situationally.
They choke up the essential role skills for ingredient specialists and skill specialists, it sucks.
They should just change friendship level bonuses to +1 or more subskill rerolls of your choice for each milestone. The level 10 gold skill can be decent, but past that, most Pokemon just get fucked.
God damn it we finally get another main skill seed in a bundle right after I spent my gems on the Halloween one. I’m down 800 gems and I will absolutely never buy them at the ridiculous prices they are.
Usable shiny?
I've been impressed with how top notch the promotional content for Sleep has been for the past few months.
Yeah it's usable, it has the essential Ing Finder M, viable subskills, a decent ingredient spread though its leek finding is going to take a big hit once it hits 60.
Really food if you want beans, but if you're actually using Leeks, it really needs Leeks at 60 minimum unfortunately.
Carry limit isn't even that low... impressive!
You can tell from the main skill level and subskills that it's been evolved twice, so yeah it has +10 inventory from that alone.
Sure to the low quantity, high value of leeks, you could probably catch a pre-evolved one and be fine with its inventory. Given how strong its skill is though, you probably just want to evolve one from the first stage no matter how infrequently it actually activates.
>catching all the male Eevees
>friends list says friend hasn't been active in 7+ days
>has been consistently showing up in community research despite this
>months later, its spread to 5 other friends
>all of them show up in community research every day but have been marked as 7+ days inactive in friends list
wtf is going on, this is annoying
Oh, what an unfortunate bug. Try clearing the cache.
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BFS Gengar puts out just as much power as a BFS Banette, but a maxed out Mimikyu can actually get more berries (not counting the extra berries it gets from its teammates) despite its low power total. But later on, Mimikyu will actually scale better with levels, while Banette is still in the middle and Gengar falls behind.

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