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Beads Of Ruin Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

Previous thread: >>56882668

Old /tcg/ pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Ge95YuMA
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Second for Maractus a cute!
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Charizard chads can't keep getting away with this..
>turn 2 Noir your backup mons
>Boss your other mon you're charging up
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>makes pokemon even more affordable physically and in live
thank you based zard
Gay po-faced dumpy crutch lizard
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What are some good trainers to craft the highest rarity/pretty versions of that are safe to stay in rotation other than Professor's Research and Boss's order? I have a lot of credits and want to pretty up my overall decks
pretty much anything that's not F
iono and arven since every deck uses them
Already have 4 Ionos from the Premium Tournament collection, which I really like actually. Granted some of the other prints look pretty too. Arven does sound like a good idea
yeah I like the premium tournament products too. I hope they make more of them
Can't wait for gardyfags to be killed off next year. What a degenerate deck you can't punish unless you can cheat prize cards
got second place in my local league with lugia, it's fun to just let cinccino at the wheel while you play on your phone
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Fun thing are fun
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Now that I look at it this card kinda sticks out, depicting a pokemon looking bored or tired like this
first post is still a cutie...
>poke ball
>great ball
>ultra ball
>energy retrieval
>energy search
>energy switch
>crushing hammer
>pokemon catcher
>rare candy
>pal pad
>poke gear 3.0
>champions festival (not sure if available to craft)
and not so evergreen but
>other balls
>rocky helmet
>vitality band
>escape rope probably soon
>copycat probably soon
>master ball
>scoop up cyclone
actually I don't know if these two have their dark variants on Live but give it a try
also don't know your preference but for old cards I like to have 1 of each gold or illustration variant available, if you have the credits for it
He just wanna sit under the shade to avoid the hot sunlight
>good trainer cards
>poke ball
>energy search
Actually, now that I think about it, Energy Switch and Pokemon Catcher weren't really seeing use until the past year. So I might be wrong in saying that those cards aren't worth crafting in the future.
Klawf status?
pic unrelated I presume
>good trainer cards
>poke ball
These will never ever rotate, might as well have them in gold after buying the rest for any future deck that may use them
The brazilian choked
hate this turbo nerd fucker
Which one?
who the fuck you think i'm talking about, retard?
Eat shit charitard lmao
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imagine needing coin flips to accerlate water energy
Thank you!
Raging Bolt players are so stupid it's hilarious
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Still able to get 2nd place/top 4 in some gym battles.
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*top 8, my bad
Here's the 2nd place deck
Another mess up, it's City Leagues not Gym Battles
This is an interesting one. Looking at the amount of cards, I'm guessing it uses Pecharunt with Iron Valiant to get first turn donks. It caps at 160 for the first turn tho so won't be as good to donk against big basics, but that's what Klawf is for.
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Of course I forgot the image
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damn these crossovers
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If you're getting curbstomped by Zard remember that you're losing to a little kid.
Is there anything in format that disables or at least hinders Latias EX?
The free retreat for basics is killing my matchup vs raging bolt.
>I have been enjoying pocket so I decided to download the actual tcg master duel equivalent
>Go to make an account, enter email
>Email not accepted
>Try two different emails
>An error occurred
off the top of my head klefki and I think thorns
I had a bunch of trouble too when signing up. I think I got it to work after creating the account on my desktop
Klefki, Iron Thorns ex
That's about it. Cards that increases retreat costs don't work cause Latias takes priority
That's awkward...

I'm playing mothlass so thorns is a defo no.
Klefki needs to be in active, so it's gonna be a choice of item lock or switch lock, of which the switching they can get around since bolt plays pokemon catchers...

Man i wish we had path back.
Strange tried in the app tried in a browser neither work
I didn’t think something as simple as creating an account could be so fucked
>who the fuck cares about juniors
>evil won seniors
>good won masters
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Has Pokemon ever had a tier 0 deck like yugioh
Many times
The current meta is very balanced and healthy all things considered, compare to a lot of previous metas
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I made account online because I was getting similar error. After making account online I just logged into TCGL

D block Lugia was tier 0. Either you played it or played something with the express purpose to beat it.
>Latias takes priority
Changing the order of factors does not change their product. Any retreat cost * 0 is 0
Yeah that's what I was trying to say but I'm lazy
I think what you can do is limit their bench so they don't have space for Latias. There's only 1 card for reliable bench reduction though, which is Collapsed Stadium.
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>want to build meme spidops/ariados retreat stack
>reminded of latias

I doubt I'll cut him from my mill deck anytime soon but that damned plane really dampens things harshly
at this point it feels like any matchup she gets thrown down in is now a lost cause for great tusk and wugtrio, just gotta mill away all their pokestops and vacuums now i suppose
Alright this is fucking annoying does anyone have any idea why I can’t make an account
I've been seeing a lot of people have this issue, don't know why tho, sorry
no idea. I had to do a couple weird things for me to make an account. but both times I made an account I just created it on the pokemon trainer website
I’ve tried that too
App and Firefox browser
Maybe I’ll try a different browser?
post the fucking error you get at least?
Sorry at work
Basically just says something along the lines of email not acceptable or something
What email are you using? A lot of services nowadays can pick up and reject temporary email addresses. Or you could be getting caught by a word filter
inb4 horsefucker.org email address
Dont think collapsed will cut it, if i play it early they just bench it before capping their bench, and playing it late they just choose not latias.

bolt also runs 2-3 pokestops so they can always bounce it too.
Tried multiple gmails and yahoo mails
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>Starting to get into TCG and bought the Iono box since the supporter is apparently good and waifuism
>coin is completely black instead of sparkly
What the fuck...
ah that sucks. it must have been a manufacturing error. if you really want the coin I think you can get the coins and sleeves off ebay for just a couple bucks
nice misprint/error, people collect these
sadly, blank coins can be easily faked
collectors usually only go for blank coins in sealed blisters
snorlax stall is so unplayable now fuck my life
>It's better to grind matches for exp on battlepass now
>but battlepass dailies are the only way to get crystals so you gotta login slave for them
I dislike how conflicting the methods are now
upgrade to pidgeot control.
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Any Chads in here playing Ninetales Ex? Decks pretty cute and I bought it before finding out the charizard deck was coming literally the next day as some friends invited me to go locals

I'm having fun with it but can't hold a candle to dragapult or terapagos
What's so good about the deck? Conditional 220 damage on a Stage 1 ex is pretty bad.
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Only good thing it has going on for it is its beautiful art.
why can't we have a cool thing like this again?
We do have it, it's called Radiant Jirachi and Amulet of Hope.
Came in a box for £20 and I was going to a tournament that night with 0 other cards owned at that point. It was that or Quaquavel and the duck is ugly

Was hoping people had tips for the deck beyond just running Bibarrel and Judge to equalise easier and then praying
I know that but I want it with no restricted one -per deck
I was planning to go to my first offline event this weekend (a League Challenge) but there's a good chance the letter with the 2 Counter Catchers I ordered for my deck was lost by the post office and now I don't know what to put in their place. The list was this one:

Pokémon: 13
3 Charmander MEW 4
1 Charmeleon PAF 8
1 Rotom V CRZ 45
1 Lumineon V BRS 40
2 Duskull BRS 60
1 Fezandipiti ex SFA 38
1 Cleffa OBF 80
1 Radiant Charizard CRZ 20
2 Pidgeot ex OBF 164
2 Pidgey OBF 162
1 Dusclops SFA 69
1 Dusknoir SFA 70
2 Charizard ex OBF 125

Trainer: 17
2 Counter Catcher PAR 160
1 Collapsed Stadium BRS 137 PH
1 Unfair Stamp TWM 165
1 Forest Seal Stone SIT 156
1 Night Stretcher SFA 61
3 Nest Ball SVI 181
1 Thorton LOR 167
2 Boss's Orders PAL 172
2 Iono PAL 185
4 Arven SVI 166
1 Briar SCR 171
1 Professor Turo's Scenario PAR 171
2 Super Rod PAL 188
1 Defiance Band SVI 169
4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144
4 Ultra Ball SVI 196
4 Rare Candy SVI 191

Energy: 2
5 Basic {R} Energy SVE 10
1 Mist Energy TEF 161

I only have the cards I ordered >>56892883 here and the Charizard ex deck.
Was thinking of going -2 Counter Catcher -1 Unfair Stamp, +1 Prime Catcher +1 Nest Ball +1???
I would just add in another 1 of your important cards. like maybe another night stretcher or another zard
Is there a way for me to get all the art from tcg live?
charizard #1 pokemon and it aint even CLOSE
You need to sideload ptcgsparrow and you can extract them.
what is this? can't find anything on search engines
when does ptcgl usually stop the match due to a DC? I had a match where the opp didn't take any actions for 3 turns. it always seemed like the game would usually cut the match after the 1st or 2nd turn of inactivity before
>tfw when all five cards are star rarity cards from the booster pack
what's ptcgsparrow
>I had a match where the opp didn't take any actions for 3 turns
I think this is exactly it
Wrong thread, retard
Another free deck cosmetic.
The yellow jews finally got me.
Just bought a Paradox Rift ETB, I hope you fuckers are happy.
go to your quarantine thread you drooling moron
is raging bolt a good deck to invest into after F is out of standard format? I got charizard and dragapult but someone is selling a complete bolt deck for roughly 60 usd
It loses shoes and pokestop, but all aggro decks do. Overall it will be top tier still after rotation, it doesn't lose much in comparison to other decks
Dno how valuable bolt is irl to know if 60 usd is a good deal or not. It's got staying power in the meta tho
Should I try Ceruledge ex in Dragapult/Zard?
pair it with Palkia
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So Ceruledge doesn't fit with Dragazard? Is there anything in Surging Sparks that does?
Are you retarded?
but nothing happened to it? What's the issue with it right now? New decks?
Dragazard is already packed as it is, I don't think you'd want to squeeze in even more clunk in it.
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Regigigas from Terastal Festival

Jewel Break NNNN 100+
If your opponent's Active Pokemon is a Tera Pokemon, this attack does 230 more damage.

Meant CCCC. Had a brainfart and thought Colorless energy was called Normal energy
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I haven't played since the Team Rocket set came out 30 years ago and I want to fuck around with some of my old buddies from school I'm seeing during the holidays. Do you guys have any recommendations on structure decks I can get that would play well together and caters to our boomer nostalgia?
If you want to play standard and/or at a reasonable cost, Rocket cards aren't around until March and we don't really know what they'll be yet.
There's a Charizard and Pidgeot league deck that was released recently which is very good, but that's only one deck. Honestly you can look online at premade deck products and they're all more or less functional.
Cool, will do, thanks!
if you want something retro
might as well just print some old cards and sleeve them
you spend less money and you get the same experience
what's the best deck after Vniggers leave the format? I am working on terapagos but 220 feels a tad low compared to most pokemon.
Zard Pult Bolt still stay
dark patch my beloved
I don't wanna say goodbye
Raging Bolt, Dark Zard, Dragapult, Terapagos. Most dark decks that aren't super aggro should be ok with Janine instead of Dark Patch.
Any other rogue decks sort of depend on if they rely on old cards to function. Must decks will lose something with the rotation but so long as they don't need those cards to run they should be ok. To my knowledge fire decks are going to be dead, or at least a lot worse.
Now I hope regular DCE gets reprinted. Hitting 330 vs tardzard sounds great
2 super rod is too much add another charmeleon and another Charizard.
Might be funny for the zard mirror. Wait for opponent to attack then accelerate 3 fire + counter gain, and attach a fire to your own zard.
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Regigigas has often had anti-rulebox attacks, hasn't it? It's good to see one that could be a strong counterplay.
But it's boring now and none of the new decks interest me.
Stupid idea
Palafin ex in Kingdra ex.
I use King's Order to bring out the single prize Palafin, then through some Switch shenanigans, I evolve it into it's ex form.
Not stupid enough. You need to include 151 ditto and thorton in the chain.
How'd they help?
Make it more stupid
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>Regigigas has often had anti-rulebox attacks, hasn't it?
I wish there was an exodia-esque card for regigigas where if it stayed in the active slot for five turns, you would automatically win.
I think he would have been a good candidate for V-UNION cards, but by the time of BDSP's release, TPC was already onto VSTARS
>Lost box is the #1 most played deck again
The meta is healing
Once cologne rotates pikachu is going to have a field day if it's already this strong

>another pidgeot control winslol tournament
I've got control too much now I want to control it too

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