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Khuck Edition


We have:
>Shitloads of design docs, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and other such things from Gens 1-7
>Full SVN repos for Platinum, HGSS, BW, BW2, and ORAS, which includes source code and full commit history
>XY and ORAS source code/assets, staff documents, concept art, dev videos and XY prototypes
>Legends: Arceus (Hayabusa) source code, prototypes, and a mid-production overview PDF
>USUM, LGPE, and SwSh (plus DLC) source code
>BDSP debug builds
>Pokemon Bank source code and builds
>Dev material on spinoff games from 2014-2020 which includes Masters, Pokken, and cancelled games such as "Rodeo"
>Source logos, manuals, boxart and promo PDFs for select mainline games up to BW and ORAS
>Miscellaneous stuff like digitized scans of GF Magazine, anime and TCG art, data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO, QA builds, etc.
>Codenames for Game Freak's games

Non-Pokemon leaks:
>An unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Localization, sheet music, and other development docs for Drill Dozer
>A DS conversion of an unreleased port of Yoshi to the SNES
>Some HarmoKnight stuff
>Some Temtem build and stuff

Be patient - this is an immense amount of data that's still leaking, and people are rummaging through it all as we speak.
Post filepaths/sources for leaked content or be forever deemed fake.


>LATEST LEAKS: "GFDocs" (four parts) - A repository of internal documentation concerning the games, anime, and third-party material weighing in at ~40GB
>WHAT'S NEXT?: 404 error not found
let it go man
Previous thread: >>56911860

Also, how about we NOT upload things to imgur. The link in >>56931519 works to view the the gallery but download has expired. As cool as this stuff is, I'm not about to manually open everything individually to save it at full resolution.
I hope someone knowing Chinese will chime in about if >>56929060 + >>56929651 would work with the info about Chinese encoding from >>56930018 . (in short, replace the last part about EUC-KR in the instructions with GBK instead)
It would be a good thing to have the info publicly available, if only as a confirmation as to whether it works for the other encoding method or not.
(Going by the 'seems' + 'supposed' combo, methinks it'd would be great to have this confirmed to be the case. If I misread that post and it's more conclusive than I assumed, sorry for reading too much into the way it was written.)
It could be helpful in case someone did end up working on fixing the sheets manually, especially considering the intricacies of multiple ways to spell a thing in Chinese, per the >>56920993 post.

PS: Cheers to >>56930206 for finding a text editor that does support the EUC-JP encoding for Windows. Holy shit, was it difficult to find one...
Keep coping khu
leekerz won
This. Wonder how long until he and his family disappears...
>4+ hour thread
>4 posts
teraleak was fun but it's time to let it go
fuck /vp/
Calm down, this whole board dies during Euro hours. These threads have consistently been <10 people actually digging through files while everyone else waits to be spoonfed. Even if it's slowed to a trickle I'd rather have some productivity here than yet another genwar/waifu/schizo thread that's almost post for post the same as the last one because people are too lazy to make or at least find new pics to post let alone anything new to say.
it actually hits bump limit faster than the coomer threads
Is it over?
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i spent 200€ to get a japanese copy of colosseum with game, case, manual, cardboard cover, original memory card with sticker and the ageto celebi bonus disc
it's completely unrelated to ppg, i just felt like sharing
Did hackerman actually get caught or is it bullshit
That's really nice anon, I was just bitching to a friend earlier how eBay still sends me emails asking if I want to buy another copy of Colosseum, because I bought a copy a few years ago, but this made me want a Jap copy a little bit, I love Jap GameCube cases.
cardboard cases SUCK, they are frail and wear down extremely easily.
but it was worth it for celebi...
Hang yourself.
Are you guys always going to ask every fucking time and have the same answer? No, it's not. Something is supposed to happen later today, and there will always be more in the future, and we have a lot of data that has yet to be looked into so wake your lazy ass up and go look through this shit with us.
Bullshit, for now.
>Something is supposed to happen later today,
All that's happening is the server is going public in 20 minutes. It's over. The leaker's words in his last message imply he's not coming back until 2026 or later.
>Stars was a lie all along
server is public. They also registered a website to host chat and torrent link archives, lmao. Painting a big target on themselves for Nintendo to go after.
whats the point of making the server public
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only when multiple people were dumping entire powerpoints by slide
I don't know if this has been posted already but there's Pokemart music in the BW beta
someone ought to go and let N know the server's open so they can join
Not 'til the fish jumps.
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discordfag giveth, discordfag taketh
So that's the unreleased content yes? Drop the source code then you fucking faggot
Unfortunately this
Euro hours get the one anon who calls everyone a fucking retard at worst.
US hours get, porn, guro and repeat forced meme threads.
You take the good and the bad.
So much this. I love them, they're beautiful, but if you have any intent to do more than just look at it sitting on a shelf they're gonna fall apart. God help you if you live anywhere too humid or too dry. Somehow they're more fragile than paperback books.
The leaker doesn't want to release the SV source code until the online events are finished. We're gonna have to wait until late 2026 at the earliest for that to happen.
"wait until 2026" means "will never be released, guaranteed will get v& before then"
The front sprites for the Green Protomon weren't in there were they?
I'm still finding this in the Teraleak, does anyone know where?
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One of the localization namelists:
GFDocs\ポケモン監修用資料\ローカライズ関連\ローカライズファイル最終版\欧米\欧米 各国語フォーマット030905.xls

confirms that the three Pretty Petal Flower Shop girls names being Nicole (Noriko), Rita (Reiko) and Natalie (Naoko) is game canon. They are listed as being RS characters and the comments say "We leave the localization up to the anime dubbers. Their names are not revealed in-game, it's secret info".

I downloaded only GFDocs (hard drive smol). Can someone confirm if the RS source files contain any references to their names (in Katakana they're ノリコ レイコ ナオコ)?
In the Gigaleaked src repositories for the first two gens, there were full dialogue lists identifying every speaking NPC. Does RS source code have them too?
has GF even trademarked it?
took you long enough fucking retard
"Their names are secret info"
>too humid
The cardboard sleeves specifically being on Japanese GameCube games feels like such a massive oversight because of this. Yeah, most Japanese places have an aircon that can also serve as a dehumidifier, but for long-term storage it's far from optimal.

Then again, Japan has been a lot slower getting on the preservation bandwagon than the west has. So much of what's made is culturally seen as transient merchandise that exists in the moment, and if you aren't there at the right time, you've simply missed your chance. But collector subcultures do exist, and numerous companies release merchandise for a specific mascot or brand with the idea that there will be collectors for it. That's why there are so many merchandising tie-ins.
We have all the front sprites for Red and Green and it's been that way since 1996.
But I don't get it. Eurogamer said Stars was 100% planned and only cancelled after they saw the Switch was successful, they said they had trusted sources. https://www.eurogamer.net/so-what-happened-with-pokemon-stars

But there is literally nothing anywhere indicating that such a game was ever even considered. You're saying Eurogamer lied to us?
It was obvious the second we got the gigaleak and the game they built the switch era off of was fucking ORAS.
If SM was already semi ported they'd use it.
Cedric Juniper is like this in Japanese too. In the games, he's simply referred to as アララギパパ (Araragi Papa) to note his relationship to his daughter, but you can't quite do that in English, maybe Juniper Sr. at most, but it gets weird saying that instead of a name. So they localized his unseen Japanese given name キャラボク (Kyaraboku) which can be found in the localization documents.

Interestingly, Araragi was one of the names they were considering for Professor Rowan in Gen IV (they went with Namakamado).
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All cut Gen 7 Pokemon

Part 1
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All cut Gen 7 Pokemon

Part 2
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All Gen 7 cut Pokemon

Part 3
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All Gen 7 cut Pokemon

Part 4
Tbf, they did give it machine gun hands. Keeping the wings might have been too op.
>trusting journalists
Gee, if only there were 1 or 2 existing ultra beasts or ultra beast hybrids that we could see being what the jellyfish idea turned into. Oh well!!
I'm pretty sure I read that some of the file for X and Y he couldn't finish uploading would be posted that day too but ok. Doesn't change the rest of my message, that anon should stop asking shit we have been answering non stop and help us look through the rest of the files.
time to download everything if it wasn't the case already and spread it, archive it on multiples sites and make sure they can't ever delete it all in the future
I definitely think the ultra beast ideas got shuffled around at some point. Jellyfish is obviously Nihilego even though its in xurkitree's spot. The very thin Shikigami one is where Nihilego ended up, but I think that may have originally been Kartana.
Are you volunteering?
Fighting buffets in SM: https://files.catbox.moe/57b59w.xlsx
Drop and receive items?: https://files.catbox.moe/a6zaqn.xlsx
Sale coupons that alter prices and additionally some NPC interactions: https://files.catbox.moe/ebgb4f.xlsx
Scrapped learning requirements for Dragon Pulse involving max friendship in the same fashion as the special elemental moves of the evolved starters: https://files.catbox.moe/tf6m6a.xlsx
Scrapped learning requirements for other moves for unevolved starters involving max friendship in the same fashion as the special elemental moves of the evolved ones: https://files.catbox.moe/0jqpb1.xlsx
Scrapped concept for graphically depicting books upon reading them: https://files.catbox.moe/1ae074.xlsx
Wholesome player birthday event. Anyone know if this ended up in the game?: https://files.catbox.moe/zxkqd0.xlsx
Unless my memory of this was totally wiped out, I don't remember the ferry being anything more than a cutscene in the final game:

Filepath (reverted SVN): GFDocs\開発素材DB\niji資料\document\04_フィールド\02_仕様書\サブイベント
The lack of good sleep is getting to me but I must keep looking through files. MUST... KEEP... GOING!!!!!
nta but if I weren't broke after a huge car repair I'd go buy some drives and do it myself, but by time I financially recover enough to do so all the links will be long dead.
Excel documents for the Alola trials: https://files.catbox.moe/byy8s6.zip
Filepath (reverted SVN): GFDocs\開発素材DB\niji資料\document\04_フィールド\02_仕様書\試練

The gigatorrent (magnet posted last thread) will stay up for as long as people keep seeding, though I don't know for how long people will keep doing so.
if it can motivate others to also do so, sure
i don't care if we have to fill archive sites and any other place to make sure these won't ever disappear
Thanks anon for your hard work!
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So has anyone managed to get the stat growth calculations from the Legends: Arceus source code? I can't find a comparison anywhere between it and mainline games.
Is this what you want?


LA is a mainline game btw
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Not exactly what I mean; like I'm generally talking about how stat growth is absolutely insane for early-game levels, generally what makes it so that damage in general gets weird (such as not OHKOing your average low-level drifloon) alongside image related.
Wheres the mimikyu without suit image?
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Can't get the path right now, but this is the actual image in the files. The one Centro posted showing a little blob monster is a fake edit. The real one is just showing that Mimikyu only inhabits the bottom half of the doll, not necessarily it's actual body shape.
Has anyone leaked the plot of Detective Pikachu 2 yet?
This is actually something that was already known about Mimikyu due to a plush toy. A few years ago fans were complaining that the Pokemon Center's life-sized Mimikyu plush was the wrong size. So the Pokémon Center put out a message clarify that it's body only inhabits the bottom half of the toy, and that's what the Pokedex measures.
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As for the "real" Mimikyu, I want to point out a collectible figure that probably flew under most people's radar. This is the Pokémon Gallery fogure of Mimikyu using the move Shadow Sneak. Anime and manga depictions of the move Shadow Sneak show a shadow version of the Pokémon using it attack it's opponent. The shadow on the figure obviously isn't a Pikachu doll, so it could be the real Mimikyu. It could also just be a generic shadow blob, and I'm reading too much into it.
pokemon niji draft script (word file is around 100 pages long)

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Representative = Lusamine
The girl = Lillie

Lillie and Lusamine were originally half-sisters.
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Totem pokemon are apparently released by tourist.
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Lusamine's frozen pokemon were supposed to represent the X&Y life & death theme.
That's hilarious. I thought it had to do with some kind of saved energy but nah.
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sacred energy*
That's cool. I wonder whether this was originally going to relate to Zygarde.
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The cut battle cruise.
>Either choice will explain the Battle Cruise
holy fucking kek GF
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Breaking into the Foundation through a drain.
The Foundation is an Ark similar to Noah's.
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Then the Foundation was supposed to sink with the professor coming to the rescue.
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The relationship between the Alonan and Kantonian poke must've been a chicken and the egg situation.
Sometimes journos think they have a legit source, when it's just a dude in his basement making shit up
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After Lillie's hair change you would name low level pokemon. The professor would give Lillie one of them as a gift then you would battle Lillie in an even playing field.
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Lilie's leaked design had extra stuff compared to the artbook one. Anything similar for Acerola or the others?
The Foundation Shelter would return in a mobile form.
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An injured Lusamine would give Lillie harsh words.
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You were supposed to fight Hau when you defeated the Elite Four.
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Lillie would leave on a boat.
Guzma wanted to leave but missed the boat.
The End
Jews took our aryan girlfriends and imported them to Japan
What the fuck is wrong with these fuckers, seriously?
Does anybody have concept art for Baltoy and Claydol, perchance?
Lillie did leave on a boat. Did you guys even play the game?
This was always a stupid tearjerker, she leaves to seek treatment for her mother yet one would surely think Lusamine has doctors on payroll as part of her literal floating paradise fortress, or at the very least is rich enough to fly doctors out to them.
Illusion of choice is funny when you're a dev
That third eevee is straight up Sylveon though?
Are you sure that release date is correct?
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Lillie was going to leave to her hometown.
She spent all their money on exotic jellyfish, so she had to whore herself out to wealthy Japanese businessmen to be able to afford her experimental neurosurgery
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Daily reminder XY are unfinished games

...Also, are we finally done with the leaks or nor?
She lied, she left because hates Alola, stupid fucking tourist trap retirement home backwoods islands
It was moreso because she wanted to go on her own adventure, the caring about her mother was the bullshit, she 100% left her rotting in some random hospital while she toured pokéJapan.
Yeah, it's over, Pokemon is dead. /vp/ will be deleted tomorrow in fact.
>/vp/ will be deleted tomorrow in fact.
God i wish
What the fuck is O soon
kek this explains why those tunes were so unbearably bland and forgettable
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The date is real, but it looks like deviantart has an edit feature, fixed*
Really cool idea.
I love the idea of them turning it into a kind of Atlantis on purpose. Would've made for an awesome and thematic setpiece.
Whoa. Is this implying that Pokémon may have been monsters that originally came from another world? Or is this referring to pokémon with regional variants?
Wow I really wish that we could have named pokémon for her like this. That's so cute. Actually I wish they had allowed her to name them, like Nebby. Really wish we had more pokémon trained by NPCs than that specific names.
>the tens is to accommodate the patterns stored in the box
Is this suggesting that you'd encounter legendaries that you didn't already have in the safety deposit box? The idea of semi-legendaries being there and bowing to the protagonist's gives credence to the whole "semi legendaries as messengers of the gods" from the early lore leaks.
Hau's lines are fucking depressing Jesus.
>Accessories are for women
kek calling the protagonist a woman
She's leaving because Bill is in Kanto dumbass. He would know something about getting turned into a pokémon.
>She's leaving because Bill is in Kanto dumbass. He would know something about getting turned into a pokémon.
The idea of this is so stupid it's what they would actually do, "Yeah we just put her in the teleportation machine and she's fixed now"
>Whoa. Is this implying that Pokémon may have been monsters that originally came from another world? Or is this referring to pokémon with regional variants?
Seems to be the latter, but the former would have been kino as a reference to the idea that Pokémon were recently discovered species in the early games living along normal animals in the real world, even if Pocket Monsters Encyclopedia contradicted the first half of that since the very beginning by saying Pokémon branched from normal animals for the first time 2 million years ago.
literally yes, you just teleport the woman and the brain poison, which is pokemon in origin, unfuses from her greymatter
I think this is a callback to a seemingly scrapped piece of lore mentioned in the Japan exclusive book Pocket Monsters The Animation, which mentions that Pokémon literally just appeared out of nowhere one day. Another interesting thing is that this book also mentions Pokémon's natural ability to shrink down to fit into Pokeballs, which was brought up again in Legends Arceus.
>actually addressing what they mean when they say "Pikachu mouse pokemon" even if there are no mice in pokemon
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I definitely think there was a conscious decision to have Pokémon and normal animals exist along side each other in early canon. You used to see them all the time in early media, and it was more than just "they didn't have a Pokémon equivalent for it back then" like some people will tell you. Why else would they be showing normal cats and dogs when Meowth and Growlithe exist. Why normal fish when Magikarp and Goldeen exist, or normal birds when Pidgey and Spearow exist.
how do fossils work into this?
Is it really a contradiction to say 'weird monsters starting popping out recently', then through research come to a conclusion that the 'newfound' (aka initially rare to find/encounter) monsters share ancestor(s) with more commonly known animal(s)?
The IRL equivalent to that would be to find a new species of, say, a tortoise, and via DNA or whatever other test concluding which other species it shares a common ancestor with, then arrive to a hypothesis about when the branching off likely happened.

Before researching, Oak used to be a trainer himself when he was young, so even in RG(B) context, the player would be *at least* the 3rd generation to tame and train the creatures. It could be that while Oak is *the* professor now, research could've been done before him, too.
After all, when a (relatively) big number of kinds of creatures suddenly starts popping up en masse all over the region (if not the whole world), and they have strength that can defy any and all logic, people can either fear the unknown, or try their best to understand what they're dealing with.
'Recent' is a relative term. Soviet Russia can be considered recent history, so can WW2.
An event being recent could refer to one, that happened within the last year, or it could be within the time your grandparent can still tell you about it, depending on how revolutionary/groundbreaking/impactful/new the thing is.

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