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Lucius Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>November 22nd: PM2023 074 - The Three Explorers


Future episodes:
>November 29th: PM2023 075 - The Future We've Been Entrusted, the Shine of This World

>Upcoming episodes preview:

>Previous episodes:

>OS-JN filler guide:

>Web series, specials, and audio dramas subs and links:


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Previous: >>56919300
This week is gonna deliver a Liko vs Diana battle alongside the encounter at the Crystal Pool from the previews.
Mainly reposting the questions of an earlier thread since they have the most relevancy for this week's episode:
>Bets on the outcome of Liko vs Diana?
>What are Gibeon's motivations?
>What happened to that woman (Rystal)?
>Why did Lucius cucked his six heroes from entering Rakua?
Liko will lose.
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Church of Lucius. Feel yourself at home.
>Bets on the outcome of Liko vs Diana?
Somewhere between a tie to the former taking the W.
>What happened to that woman (Rystal)?
Probably was told to stay behind.
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Liko in Pokeland when?
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I watch for she
>What are Gibeon's motivations?
Probably reaching the same level as Zygarde.
>Why did Lucius cucked his six heroes from entering Rakua?
If Rakua is doused in the pink mist of the Rakulium rather than the one from Terapagos then it might be Rage city with everyone inhaling it there being batshit insane for who knows how long. Exposing his six friends, three of which are Legendaries, would be too much of a liability.
Liko will mate with Alex and produce plenty of children against his will.
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Trust the plan. Alex will be happy with this capture.
>Do NOT repost to other sites
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Lucius reminds me so much of Marth and I love it.
So about that Shiny Fug event starting on December 19th, I'm guessing that there will be an episode about it on the 20th then to time it?
Haven't noticed the similarities yet but lol that's neat.
Yeah, that's probably it. Like Shiny Zygarde after the ZA announcement.
Roy... why are you such a happy cuck?
>>Bets on the outcome of Liko vs Diana?
Doesn't matter
>>What are Gibeon's motivations
"Hey I am long white hair dube and I think the world should revolve around me therefore everything in Rakua is mine & mine alone"
>>What happened to that woman (Rystal)?
They went to Rakua aka Tree Of Beginning from Movie 08 and that girl got absorbed by those red blob that acts as Rakua's white blood cell that get rid of foreign matters and there was no Mew around to release her. Lucius and Gibeon had no choice but running away.
>>Why did Lucius cucked his six heroes from entering Rakua?
Because Lucius feel guilty about abandoning the girl which made him believe himself to be unworthy.
>So about that Shiny Fug event starting on December 19th, I'm guessing that there will be an episode about it on the 20th then to time it?
Yeah, that works out.
Is Liko taking over /padt/?
>Liko in Pokeland when?
I would dig an filler episode with that
Hey nowy the second post is actually a nice idea.
A Paldean Painter Pokemon to compliment her Papa who happens to be a Painter from Paldea.
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>A Paldean Painter Pokemon to compliment her Papa who happens to be a Painter from Paldea.
That actually checks out. And it's cute. I like it.
Where is Lucius from anyway?
Two hotheads beating Lacey and Liko into the kitchen.
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>If Rakua is doused in the pink mist of the Rakulium rather than the one from Terapagos then it might be Rage city with everyone inhaling it there being batshit insane for who knows how long.
That's a dark situation honestly. I mean putting someone under hypnosis is one but an entire town of People and Pokemon being under what is essentially PokeCocaine is kinda wild.
>Bets on the outcome of Liko vs Diana?
If Liko keeps the tricks of her Floragato then she got it in the bag.
>Likonime is an combat program against Pokedrugs
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Amethio's steelbird can't run away forever.
Why would he? Just because he has a Rayquaza? He has an Arboliva too. All we know is that his family ended in Kanto and then when Lucca fell for Alex's charms, in Paldea
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I think they recruit the Heroes Pokémon in the order of when Lucius got them, starting with Arboliva.
That would imply that Lacey cares about Crispin.
>I think they recruit the Heroes Pokémon in the order of when Lucius got them
Haven't thought of that. Lucius starting with a smol Smoliv seems reasonable.
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>What are Gibeon's motivations?
Varies between what is in that glittering Paradies and what beef he has with Lucius.
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> Black Rayquaza: A serpent.
> Shiny Zygarde: A serpent
Ash should get Miraidon who also happens to be a dragon serpent legendary. I wonder if Miraidon has a chance to defeat Rayquaza and Zygarde.
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>I think they recruit the Heroes Pokémon in the order of when Lucius got them, starting with Arboliva.
That or Lapras. Aside from Hisui did the Guy go in a lot of places. Either hopping around for clues towards Rakua or it became the main objective for him later on.
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>I would dig an filler episode with that
Or any other interpretation of the grimm's fairy tales. There is a handful of material available which can be adapted within the Likonime. If they went with a Superhero homage with Mighty G, then going with those tales seems like a decent next step for filler episodes.
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I will do it again.
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She's welcome in LiHell.
Lapras can be found everywhere though, although just by looking at the two maybe he actually started with Lapras, he'd need it to travel to other places since technology wasn't far at the time.
And from the scars on it we know he had Lapras before the Hisui ones.
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>And from the scars on it we know he had Lapras before the Hisui ones.
Yeah that's a fair one. His first one would pend between Smoliv or Lapras before Kleavor at the very least.
I think Smoliv first, Lapras next, somewhere with Entei or Gmoltres did Lapras got its scars before Kleavor. From there it's the 5th Hero and Fug.
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I can't wait for all the Lucius x Gibeon doujins that will drop in the future.
There's one with all the Horizons boys in sadpanda.
Wait, which boys? The RVTs or the Explorers?
Friede and the Explorers.
Liko is a whore.
Nice, will check out, thanks
The anime broke its own rules to pander Lucius therefore the series better give Ash a counter team against Lucius.
>although just by looking at the two maybe he actually started with Lapras, he'd need it to travel to other places since technology wasn't far at the time.
Yeah, going overseas with a Lapras probably was not an uncommon approach to use Water Pokémon to travel
>entire town of People and Pokemon being under what is essentially PokeCocaine
That shit is probably a fever dream for dream eating Pokémon too.
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>If they went with a Superhero homage with Mighty G, then going with those tales seems like a decent next step for filler episodes.
Yeah would be nice to see a story or two adapted from it
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Then he would be from paldea or another (unseen) region that has Doliv
How Dotfags will ever recover?

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