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Previous: >>56934555

>Friend ID Survey

>Friend ID Sheet

>Tournament results/decklists

>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule:https://pocket.codex.gg/news/schedule/

/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)
>/vp/ anything:
>/vp/‘s own meta (no coin flips of any kind, no ex, no Dragonite):
>meta decks or high level play:
Ninetales ex/Gardeoir ex/Lilligant ex/eeveelution ex when

Tier list based strictly on tournament-aggregated results
if they added a playmat, coin, and card shield of your waifu trainer, would you spend money on it
In a heartbeat
I already bought Erika for no reason
>Lance Playmat, coin, sleeve, and all the other shit
You bet your ass i will!
or Red/Blue
Nah. None of the full arts are good. People talking about rolling and even spending money just for the safe full art Sabria or Misty when countless far better art is free elsewhere are golems
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>Playmat, coin, card of the waifu
Probably happening in two sets, and I had fun playing her side of the dueling set when it was in standard, so...

Why don't I have any normal Courtney art hanging around.
>when countless far better art is free elsewhere
Holy shit this so much
I don't know why any sane person would do this to themselves, there's nothing special about what's in this game that warrants spending money unnecessarily, if you just want the shit to stare at you can pull up the same images online for free and likely even find holographic versions too
Would you whale for these cards, bro?
>flip coin perfectly so that it lands on heads
>create macro using that exact coinflip
>use it
>it flips heads
>nice, I beat the system
>use it again
>it doesn't flip the coin
>use it again
>it still doesn't flip the coin
>try it next flip
>it flips tails
1 jinx instead of an x speed is goated in mewtwo
>check Wonder Pick
>no ex or full art except for a Pinsir

I hate this so much
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>pummeling mewtwo deck with magneton
>2 prizes obtained
>a bilion energies on it
>dude swaps mewtwo in
>evolve benched pikachu and lt surge while pretending to miss a giovanni
>mewtwo at 10 life
>no energies on my side
>only magneton on bench
>dude plays a trillion trainer cards and hits raichu for 50
>play pikachu from hand, xspeed and put one energy on it
>wait until he concedes with pikachu staring down mewtwo
Fuck mewtwo players
Yeah. I personally do like some of the Pokemon alt arts like the Chansey event one or upcoming Venusaur alt or Machamp/Alakazam full arts but for trainers they ALL suck ass and are generic as hell
Love how Arcanine Ex went from the worst Ex card to a reliable Pikachu killer.
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Wrong waifu of that image, but if I get back to playing the irl tcg, I'll probably pick up a playset if that deck's still doing good.
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>if they added a playmat, coin, and card shield of your waifu trainer, would you spend money on it
I want to say no, but the answer is maybe. This game seems like it's going to suck to play when they start adding cards, and if that happens, I'm out anyway.
>Articuno EX and Starmie EX decks are absolute bottom tier
Maybe don't rest your entire strategy on whether or not you win multiple coinflips.
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Weezer chad thread. Weezer chad general.
Blaine does way too much damage. If you don't have a legendary bird ex out you die in a single flamethrower by turn 2.

I think mewtwo and Pikachu are only doing so well because mewtwo and zapdos can take a hit well.
>braps in your general direction
I would. But they won't.
>Love how Arcanine Ex went from the worst Ex card to a reliable Pikachu killer

>The game has been out for months. The meta is ALREADY DETERMINED BLAH BLAH BLAH FAGGOTY FAGGOT

I bet there's other decks waiting to be discovered
>winning a game I literally had lost, because the opponent made an awful misplay
what a weird feel
Raichu went from a dummy shit card into beast big dick damage of a card for PikaEx
I think you're correct.
Mewtwo EX having 150hp is a big deal because it tanks MOST attacks at least once while also having an attack that most other pokemon can't tank.
Went up against a bizarre deck.

>Mewtwo ex

Still more soulful than my Mewtwo ex/Hypno/Gardevoir slop, sadly
Can Raichu evolve from Pikachu EX or can it only evolve from Pikachu?
Can you put multiple cards in your deck with different languages?
Am I able to troll people by using a raremon like melmetal but have japanese text in my mostly english deck?
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>opponent has his mon at 10 hp
>my dumb ass with zapdos ex used the bigger move
>4 tails
>opponent finishes it off for game
I hate myself for that.
Pikachu only
You can but in battle i think it just shows your clients language regardless of where the card is from
>Not in detail for everything aside from the shitty Venusaur event at all no. No confirmed cards on the mini set or full set after. No details on the Black Friday event, just guesses.
We know about the next PvP event (2, 3, 4, 5 streaks)
Black Friday event is extra gold for paypigs
Next Wonder Pick and Fire-Type events are fully datamined
Mini set and next set are beyond the 1 month window we have
>Black Friday event is extra gold for paypigs
I was really hoping the monthly subscription would go on sale because if you're opening packs daily for a month, it's alot more efficient than gold. That's a shame
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ZAMN! weezing looks like THAT?!
>beyond 1 month
do in the meantime
oh my
*pulls hair out*
how often do (You) check for new wonder picks?
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Do i just spend this on hourglasses or do i save them? I also noticed i stopped collecting them from likes
The employees are here
>Do i just spend this on hourglasses or do i save them?
Save them. new event next week and stuff going down next month.
Do you earn your likes everyday through hard effort; or do you beg for people to like your pathetic showcase for likes?
Pvp event you dumb fuck.
You can only get a max of 5 (five) shop tickets a day so 5 likes, adding whateverthanks you get during battle, is all that matters. Some of you ittreally don't like thinking longer than a few seconds huh
>like opponent after battle even though I lost to some clown coin shit
>no like in return
>playing with the cards fate gifts you
>incrementally improving your deck with each free pack
that's the soulful way to play
What's the best deals? I have some Christmas money I might throw at this game.
Imagine getting a handie from the sock puppet
We know nothing about the deals, apparently there's a 30+30 gold bundle for 5 dollars, some people are saying there's a 30% off on certain bundles
Both because I'm better than you.
It's finally over, thanks for the deck recommendations yesterday anon
THat shit was annoying, but fun
I love that solo shit, can't wait for next main sets of solos (and rewards)
>tier 1
>tier 3
nta but the events are really mediocre, barely worth coming back for
When stage 1s get more consistent, starmie ex is going to run a train on this game. In the games where I manage to get both on the field, it feels like I’m running a better pika deck by a large margin.
>log in
>open packs
>check wonder picks
>collect showcase likes
>log out
EZ game battlekeks
Until basic legendary ex mons start getting 200 hp bro
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It took a while to build up the Butts, but damn did it feel free.
Does anyone ever use vpnx? I never get a match.
probably gotta tell the lads that you're queuing brah
It was fun but I wish I kept track of my coin flips on the expert battles. They were so fucking cursed there was no way it was a 50:50 flip. Tried to use a Moltres and never once landed a hit with it. Only won the sleep challenge with my Frosmoth after failing six times in a row. Felt good though since it won the match and I'd have lost that turn without it.
I'm queueing brah
I hope they keep doing stuff like this for future permanent content too. Having to get creative with decks to clear some of the side objectives is fun
I'm up for some battles.

Reply to this post if you're up for some vpnx battles
Alright I'm about to queue
Why the fuck do these faggots thank me constantly? I didn't let you win faggot, you only won because of a coinlflip, fucking piece of shit.
*thanks you again*
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sex with sabrina
thanks ;^)
This. Earlier I was doing one and had Zappos out. Used Thundering Hurricane 4 times and out of 16 flips I got heads twice. Incredible.
Sent thanks and a friend request!
>nothing but dogshit in my wonderpicks
>have to spend stamina or it will cap
don't see anything
I've had a similar experience.
>Having to waste 2 stam on a fucking 3 diamond wonder pick because there's no EX or full art cards in your picks other than ones you already have playsets of
It feels so fucking bad wasting an entire day of stamina on MAYBE getting a 3 diamond card that you could have just pulled from a pack.
>friend request
>like for your showcase
it caps at 8... relax lads..
Zapper never lets me down desu
No it fucking doesn't, it caps at 5, please play the game before you talk
When I used him with my Pikachu deck for the elite battles I don't think I ever hit higher than 50. Also with the Misty card most I pulled was one energy. Meanwhile the AI would pull three on their first turn.
those extra three spaces are a manual refill overfill zone, they won't recharge on their own
>marowak/sandslash that high
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I want to save hourglass but at the same time I want to complete this Dex... im just gonna spend the hourglasses
what will you do when you run out
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Y'all should vote another game

Because DeNA ain't giving us shit if we win anyway lol
i dunno. maybe start a new account each time there's a new deck or someshit
I wouldn't vote because this game is dogshit but I can't vouch for any of the other games either, I've heard good things about ZZZ but haven't personally played it to trust the judgment of others
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I hope wuthering waves wins
but it'll probably be this because it has pokemon in the name
>tfw never meta in any game I play
>went mewtwo cards only not knowing a thing about this game
>look up what is good because everything I made wasn't
>mewtwo ex deck
>have almost all of the cards besides 1 sabrina
>wonder pick her

i feel dirty but man is this strong.
Great pick for anyone who needs a paras
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the art/memes this game is generating is pretty good
Alright lads I just need the one last Venusaur, where's it gonna land?
bottom left. my 7 says so
Bottom Right Chads always win
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>Enemy gets Marowak ex online
>Two tails
>Instant concede
Brother come on, I did not have a huge lead on you. I leveled up, so thanks for the free pack, but still.
>Wigglytuff ex out of the pack
>Two packs in a row, too
Okay then, I'm making a Wigglytuff deck now.
Always bottom left
Why's wiggly get a Full Art tho???
Center of course
Because Wigglytuff touches you at night.
oink oink OIIINKKK
I understand a bit... but 12k cards on a set that has 250~ cards is INSANEEEEEEE
Finally I am released from this torture of opening Mewtwo packs
Thank you sweet bros
I'm done with the game for today. Next five responses determine the languages I play in for in each of the rest of the days of the week.
Forgot venuproof
How the fuck do i do 1,500 damage in the expert solos?
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I do not understand why someone would even do this.
Like, at that stage you HAVE to have playsets of everything already, alt arts and rarities included, so why did bro keep whaling even after his collection was complete?
its over a set amount of games (same with 12 points)
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you don't have to do 1500 at once, just a total of it through different matches. damage max is 990 anyway
You get Lickitung to flip like a god.
maybe he's collecting all the cards in another language
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>Playing against Weezing deck
>Heart of The Cards gives me Wigglytuff
>Jiggly on bench with 2 energies
>2 X-speeds in my hand to withdraw Kanga
>I can oneshot Weezing before he Koga's this turn and take care of Muk next!
>Accidentally drop my energy on fucking Kanga because I dragged too fucking fast
>Stare at screen at my fucking 2 energy Wiggly
>Calculate I'll die with Weezing into Muk
>End turn sadly
>Opponent poisons me
>Kogas back
>Brinks Muk out
>Places Energy on Muk

What a chad. Friended after that match. He must have been laughing when he saw me put energy on my bench and just stay still for like half a minute. Good sportsmanship for recognizing he lost if not for my obvious misclick.
My waifu isn't from pokemon.
That said, I would get a Misty or Korrina set if they happen.

We also know the next premium shop is Pika themed.
wiggly has 3 full arts
I've wonder pulled for the damn full art Porygon like six times now. It's the only one star full art I didn't get back when I was pulling Mewtwo packs.
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Hello, Mewtwo fossilchad posting again.

I have been coming around to the fact that potion is quite good in Mewtwo, but you need to play 2. Gio was an easy cut, but then it became difficult. Currently I'm testing just one fossil (shocker, I know). Next I will test One Sabrina. One X Speed is somewhat interesting to me too, but I'm not sure it's worth it since it minimizes your nut draw when you have to lead on ralts.
As always, playing more than 4 basics is absolutely terrible. I understand why people want little Mewtwo to wall up against Pika, but you can just use 2 Mewtwo Ex. Little Mewtwo is an absolute liability in the mirror. Jinx seems awful. Meowth is terrible. Khan is also quite bad. Sabrina ranges from "trades for x speed" to "absolutely game ending". Red card is very good, but playing more than one seems god awful.
I will try to play that ursii whore's tournament next weekend and bring home the bacon.
Mewtwo is certainly the best deck if played at a high level. I hope that Wheezing/Arbok doesn't grow in popularity since people are starting to realize Mewtwo is better than Pika when played well. No idea how to fix the Dark matchup or if it's even possible. Just gotta hope the pikas kill them all in the first few rounds and I don't get paired up against them.

Currently playing:
2 Mewtwo ex
6 ralts
1 Fossil
2 PokeBall
2 professor
2 x speed
2 Sabrina
2 potion
1 Red card

I'm not opposed to playing the winning list from last tournament either, but I think fossil really helps against mirror Sabrinas and is quite good overall against the field.
You're going to be living like a fucking king when Porygon-2 comes out with the ability to pick 2 cards every fucking turn on the bench
If you went second you didn't beat the game.
kanga lead versus the wheezing deck is pretty good
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this dude dropped a porygon. intrigued me enough to not win and watch his deck cook
>Another Charizard EX
>Totaling four
Please god let me trade these. I just need Moltres EX
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No problem!
>Crown Rares are the highest rarity
>They look like absolute shit
Why did they do this?
The Immersive Rares are peak, but the Crown Rares look like fucking ass, literally worse than their Full Art versions.
when they add more shuffle effects it might not be completely useless? currently there's only pokeball and the tutor mons like caterpie
This makes sense, but I just can't justify putting in a 5th basic. It absolutely rapes your percentage of nut draws

so what'd he use?
Mewtwo. He was just bad.
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top right never fails

what would he even need to scry the deck literally does one thing lmao
I've yet to get a hit on top right...
Its almost usually top left or bottom right aaaa

you're not believing hard enough. gotta choose top right every single time for it to give you what you need.
Have you actually done the math on this?
>tfw threads slowed to a crawl
It was fun while it lasted bros
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It's fine. It's almost midnight on a Monday in normal time zones, there's nothing to worry about. We'll be back to shitposting when the next events drop.
>Normal Timezones
Nigmericans are not normal.
It'll be fun again but they definitely fell short on content. If you can finish all the solo content and get bored within a week while f2p, why would anybody sign up for premium or buy poké gold?
Don't worry, new event soon!

some people can only find joy when they're able to collect all the pictures on a gacha game. at the end of the day that's the target demographic for not just the shop but the entire game.
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Is this even a real card?
I've never pulled one. I've never seen it played. I've never seen it in any wonder picks.
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If the GSC/HGSS set releases and makes all of the big decks from both it and Genetic Apex all basically tier 2, with no real tier 1, I could see the playerbase doubling. But only if it's genuinely fun.
Trust the plan.

I've noticed the entire line barely appears anywhere. Might just be a bit of a rare pull but also made worse by the existence of pika EX decks so not much use in PvP either.
I saw shitters use tynamo as a filler basic for pika EX
having to flip a coin for the paralysis makes this card so much worse than it needed to be
Fuck off Dkayed
Nobody likes you

why did they make paralysis so much worse than sleep is my question.
Nah, our only options to get out of paralysis are evolving or Koga. Without the flip it'd be a guaranteed KO and whatever switches in would only get a single turn to kill it.
Is it though? Even if you pass the paralysis check you're still unable to attack for that turn, right? But with sleep you wake up and it's like nothing happened
I have come to the conclusion that it isn’t pika ex that is holding water back. It’s actually zapdos ex. Those 40 damage pokes for one energy are simply too much for a type that is forced to two-shot zapdos to remove it from play. One poke puts starmie ex at 90hp…outside of the range where a potion could save it from pika.
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Update to the Missty tails I have encountered.
In what ways in Paralysis worse than Sleep? You have to flip a coin for most Sleep effects anyway, and the opponent can still wake up from Sleep by just immediately flipping heads. With Paralysis, there is no roll, only you need to flip heads.

I think that there are many, many cards that don't get played because people rerolled for meta and literally can't get anything else. Like, I'd love to play Kabutops but I don't fucking have any. This guy seems neat, but Tamamo fucking sucks so hard that it might be the reason you literally never see this guy. That, and there's Fighting decks around due to Pikachu being rampant, so you lose to all the people using decks that counter Pikachu.
30 hp on the stage 1 is really rough, it needing double electric means you can't really splash it into other colors, and even for a stage 2 you still need to support it for when it doesn't flip heads
lot of deckbuilding restrictions for an effect basic articuno has, too much work as stage 2 for a support card and really coinflippy as a sweeper
still cool tho, i wanna make him work eventually
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you need to set your pre-battle quote to this, it guarantees more heads

to my knowledge all paralysis effects require a coinflip to activate. sleep is guaranteed but coinflips immediately anyway due to turn end. they both do the same thing yet paralysis clears after 1 turn and sleep can persist without the pokemon that initially set it as long as subsequent coinflips keep going well.

I think the thing holding back a lot of cards is the amount of basics that outclass stage 2s that would otherwise be alright.
Tried a 1-cost WP with two cards I was missing since my stamina was almost full, and woah, I actually got something.

well don't keep us waiting
Those are my opponents tails, I always get heads.
It was between Salandit and Dragonair. I got the latter.
Helps for both the full collection of unique cards and the Mew collection, so that's nice.
the only cards I have left to collect are all 3 diamond and up, I hope I can get a god pack soon
Are you f2p?
>2-2 score
>my only way out to winning against a charged Mew2 EX was getting 3 heads with Zapdos EX
>4 heads
>still feel like shit after winning the game
I really hate coinflip cards
I'm down to 32 missing diamonds, and at least 2 of them are 1 diamonds.
Tynamo is too small. If you draw it as your only basic, you can lose the game as soon as turn 2. Being a three stage evo just makes it worse.
Yeah...? Aren't all F2P close to Mew..?
I already did with Erika
Mewtwo EX is already the Pikachu killer, if you know how to play it. Its only bad matchup is against Zard EX.
nah, I've been throwing $20 at it once a week specifically for packs
>play rrat
>get mewtwokeks conceding left and right
Sounds like you're playing against bad players at your level. The matchmaking is working then.
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haymaker deck has been making good progress knocking out higher cost mons before they can set up energies or evos.
A Rapidash EX or Ninetales EX will make the Blaine deck real scary.
I love destroying mewtwofags as a dark chad. pikachuds aren't safe either
>100%'d Lapras event
>100%'d Beginner through Expert Solo missions
>got both 45 and 50 wins for the Genetic Apex PvP event
What else is left to do? Just pull (daily, as I'm a non-whale)?

Also for anons with shit luck at building decks and are struggling with the PvP event, I'm 80% sure battles with friends count towards the win total, so you guys can just win trade with each other. I could be wrong though.
private battles don't earn you any rewards
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Define close
this is not the game for you my dude
>pulling on the mewtwo packs because I want Gardevior to play around with making psychic decks with Gengar/Alakazam/ect.
>get the mewtwo busting out of the windows card TWICE
Man I don't really like playing the mewtwo deck and I don't even have Gardevior to make it broken, what am I gonna do with these? I guess try to pull a third and exchange it for premium currency? Wait for trading?
only need 2 more before I can get one of these. thinking about getting the sleeves first
DId you get the display board yet? That's the coolest. Then the coin.

Sleeve is cool I guess... But i have Gard heh
How do you get the currency for these?
please tell me how/when to use red card effictively
do I just send it whenever they have 4+ cards in their hand so they 'lose' one? usually if they use poke ball or oak to draw shit they are going to play it that turn if they can

i'm gunning for the coin personally. 1 more gold charizard card and I cash in 45 special shop tickets.
trade in extra full art cards plus like 500 flair dust
i would get the coin, but i don't run a coin flip deck
I you use Red Card when the opponent has 15 cards or less in their deck, it will probably help them, unless you also run Scope and know that they have a bad card for you, but you probably have better things to put into your deck than Scope *and* Red Card.
I did the math on this just now, to have that many cards collected, this guy would have had to spend around 2,000USD on Pokegold to buy packs
>5 cards per pack, 12,000 cards = 2,400 packs
>we can assume that around 150 packs were free packs from hourglasses and daily pulls leaving approx 2,250 packs
>2,250 packs =13,500 Pokegold
>Largest Pokegold pack is 690 Pokegold for 100USD
>13,500/690 = 19.5, so 20 purchases of this pack
>20x100 = 2000USD

So yeah. That's 2 grand within the first month of the game coming out, most of which was likely just duplicates for cosmetic flairs.
I just realized, I should probably pick up every Alt art Weezing I can get from Wonderpick, I forget her name but Koga's daughter as a support might break Muk and Weezing.

red card is good because it lets you gain draw advantage. using red card causes you to go -1 so you need your opponent to also go -1 or preferably at least -2. use it when your opponent has 4 cards in hand to go even or 5+ cards in hand to gain advantage. also usable with hand scope if you're trying to get rid of an opponent's god hand.
>no new content
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this may sound crazy but you can just open the game once every 12 hours until there's new stuff to do.
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I assume janine will be in the big expansion at the end of january, not the upcoming miniset
Display board is kino though... Different from the single card ones
There are decks without coinflip effects like Mewtwo. It's the most honest one we have.
Wow that legitimately is kino.
I hope I can get enough duplicate full arts to get these cosmetics, they're really cool.
>tfw have 6 FA Porygons
Gonna be harvesting soon...
Where's the Moltres?
By grinding up Full Art cards.
You can also get one for 300 tranny tickets but it's a total waste so don't ever do that.
when you can tell your op has an evo in hand is a good time to use it
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why anyone this interested in the TCG would do this over buying real cards is beyond my comprehension.
People who do shit like this are not the type of people who would be interested in going to a local gaming store.
They're mostly people with a decent income but little to no family or friends, who prefer to do everything digitally so they don't have to leave the house outside of for work.
They're both bad. Pika oneshots all the 100-110 HP pokemon that are meant to be able to soak a hit, and Zapdos puts everything else into oneshot range.

Disappointing but I guess I shouldn't be all too surprised.
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>told myself I'd do 1 pull (as a treat) with my last 3 hourglasses and 3 gold bricks for beating 50 pvp matches with my boy Charizard
>mfw I got a second crown
I fucking love Kanto so much right now you don't even know.
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the current health pools do not support 90 damage for 2 energy
So it's paypiggy only then. I see.
Why do people play Dragonite
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Probably my longest match yet
I intentionally let his stall mon stay alive while chipping at the bench with Greninjas. He had two full charge Dragonites at the end.
Because when you manage to pull it off it's really funny watching your opponent's backline evaporate with each and every Dracometeor you throw at them.
They're hearthstone players
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Dragonite is KINO.
Dragonite ex will take over the meta with the miniset though

trust the plan
What's the fucking brown present in the complimentary item set?
it's a representation of the fact that it's a gift.
Actually, I could see Janine in the "Kanto miniset" which it seems this is.
Presumably we get to see the E4 too. But if they were to do that for Gen 2 too, well, 3 out of the 5 E4 members are repeats. That's an argument to keep Janine for later, and maybe Rival too.
Or they'll just not care and make alt arts for the repeats.
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if she accelerates energy to dark pokemon like in the nonpocket tcg she will pretty good
Every meta deck has energy acceleration except Pikachu EX. It is the most honest deck, if you think about it.
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It's our time... Darkbros..

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