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Previous: >>56930738

>Friend ID Survey

>Friend ID Sheet

>Tournament results/decklists

>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule:https://pocket.codex.gg/news/schedule/

/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)
>/vp/ anything:
>/vp/‘s own meta (no coin flips of any kind, no ex, no Dragonite):
>meta decks or high level play:
Marowak Chads, arise.
I regret crafting pikazapdos
It's very strong but it's not that fun somehow
Doubt I'd enjoy Mewtwo+Gardevoir though, that seems even less fun.

What's actually fun?
>What's actually fun?
Not using ex cards. Once you get all the event rewards, just craft decks with self-imposed limits.
>What's actually fun?
I'm having tons of fun playing Mewtwo. It's all I've used for hundreds of matches.
I have 5 Sabrinas. I do not regret crafting the first 2 when I wanted to do pvp but wasn't pulling from charizard.
I like my weezing/muk deck and my weezing/dragonite deck (even though it's not that good, byt getting 3 points in one attack is extremely satisfying)
I'm trying out a primeape deck now, but I'm still figuring out the optimal build
i crafted 2 gios because i just wasnt pulling any and then in my next 2 packs i got 2 gios
Play TCG Live
You DID finish all single player content, right?
i'm just finishing off advanced, i really need to find a good deck for expert
yeah now there's nothing to do except dailies
The thanks drought is horrible. Should we gather in groups of several people and like each other's showcases every day to guarantee we get maximum bonus shop tickets?
I've got only points in expert simply because there's no way I can win matches with off types due to lack of good enough cards. might as well use the auto deck creation on those.
I tried a few days ago but it's still my opponent's first turn. I'm sure I'll get to begin searching my deck any day now!
misty coin raping
3D """art"""" is so fucking soulless
can it be fixed?
I'm glad someone agrees. I unironically like many of the default art cards more than all the wacky over the top 3D
>3D """art"""" is so fucking soulless
dude, move your cards around. 3D art is cool.

what, you want the cards to be animated or something?
Ok I'm officially a top middle believer now. 2 times in a row that's where zappyboy was.
>finish every possible objective
>get enough tickets to buy 2 packs worth of HGs
I tried at launch, but it was much worse than this game for f2p, and modern pokemon is basically yugioh compared to the gameplay in pocket rn, that shit is wild
I ran into fusion strike several times on launch, that shit was infinitely worse than pika ex to stare down 6 Ex mons all with a wall of text on them
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Secret ultra based card
What killed the hype?
how many extra packs do you get for that
me, and here's the knife I used, still covered in blood
how do i play marowak ex correctly?
3D art is the main reason I never played the irl TCG. I remember wanting to play a Lycanroc deck, but full arts looking like picrel was an insane turnoff, or even worse, the some of the rarer cards being rainbow barf just looked disgusting. Would it really have been so hard to just pay an artist to draw the pokemon doing something cool? Either way, I know a lot of recent cards have had really good alt arts but I still feel like it's too late to get into the irl TCG.
Ban all instances of coins in the game and it drastically improves
Looks shit
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He's right.
Look at the double soul on the left vs the double soulless on the right.
Even ai slop is better than generic renders
Sucks to be you I've gotten
>moltres ex
>2 Pikachu ex
>articuno ex
>starmie ex
>weezing (Full art maybe)

Idk how you guys aren't getting anything or struggling to make at least 1 meta deck.
>how do i play marowak ex correctly?
just flip heads
Same honestly.

Not the main reason perse, but it's certainly a major turn off.
If I am going to be spending money into physical decks, potentially good money for certain cards, I want it to LOOK nice.
I'm not spending money on something that looks like ass, and they use the same shitty design for all the EX GX cards 3d garbage.

And then yeah they look good now which is amazing, but it feels too late by now to get into and idk how healthy the meta is rn I think some people were complaining about the new tera cards?
A bit unrelated but that's the reason I can't get into magic either, I like the mechanics and when other people copy it, but the art is just, ugly, and with very small windows.

I don't even know if magic has full arts or not.
>I still feel like it's too late to get into the irl TCG
Really should've been on that train back in the early years then instead of jumping on at SM.
Anyone try this deck yet?
I have a few missions left in each, not in a hurry cause rewards are ass.
You're kidding right, MTG has so much god tier art it's nuts
Yes, you roll tails and lose.
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i like how some of the 3d art pops out more though. i think both have its strengths. Full 2d arts are definitely the best though
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Just say you don't like the aesthetics. MTG has fantastic art, you just want to look at pokemon in focus.
I don't like how lazy the 3D render art feels but I don't really like the drawn art in TCGP either. The one drawn art I really like is the Machamp EX though, that is a beauty. If the other drawn cards were more like that I'd vehemently vouch for more drawn art, but as things are, most things are just meh.
So cuuute
is there a trick?
i usually flip it slowly and it works but that's just my headcanon.
Yes rotate your phone 90 degrees flip at a 27 degree angle while humming the JP version of the season 1 anime opening.
my headcanon is that unless you get a real good flip where the coin spins multiple times in air it catches on the table and lands on tails.
The 20 card limit and 2 copy limit, combined with no mulligan... I start a round, see my hand, concede instantly. Needs improvement. I would like to play with a full deck. I have 3 eeveelutions but only 2 eevees...
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Most art rn goes for cute or cool instead of bad ass, maybe when we get more edge lords or ghost boys we'll get more cool alt arts like the champ
misty's fishy pus pus
I'd wager they did that to ease everyone into the game. 20 cards and 2 limit are easier to manage. if this was full decks it would be a slaughter and slow the game down immensely imo.

>people with 3 mewtwo ex's and 3 gardevoirs
wish you could flip the coin by shaking your phone
Is this worth it?
Down + B before every shake but not during
well yeah, and it fucks the paypiggies over, but it also means it's way harder to play off meta. My eevee deck will never be competative.
Nice to get something from these fucking packs after 13 shit ones with only two 3 diamonds mons total in them.
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>tera cards
Not sure if this is a hot take, but I hate Dyna'd and Tera'd pokemon with a insane passion. Pokemon being skyscraper huge definitely was just a fetish that someone at GF was lucky enough to pass off as a mechanic, and the concept of Tera is cool, but it's visual execution is the most soulless thing to come out of Pokemon in years. I just can't look at this Charizard with crystal skin wearing a chandelier and think it's cool.

Never played Magic, but there's a lot of really cool full art cards, it's just that you're more than likely to pay more than you'd like for them. But that how most TCG are anyways.

Define early years? I've played the pokemon video games since RS/FRLG, but the Yugioh TCG had my heart from '03-'16. Around when they released Links is when I wanted to switch to the Pokemon TCG, but the 3D card art stopped me.

My biggest hope for this game is they try to use less 3D artwork as time goes on.

I have 4 bro, I'll trade you 2 when it comes around.
>you want the cards to be animated or something?
uh yeah
>phone files through the air
>cracks the screen
>you still get tails
She needs you
>tfw 316 cards all from mewtwo packs and not a single mewtwo ex
Is my account cursed?
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This shitter right here man.
>Lead with bonehead against his snom
>He wastes a totally safe turn where all I did was growl by attaching energy to snom instead of dratini
>attacks me for 0dmg due to growl
>Evolves into Dragonair and Dnite too early to swap in and attack
>I Sabrina punish for it
>he ragequits
He got lucky too that his energies swapped back to water; despite the wasted turns he almost still had me draco’d

Absolute state of the dragon community; I am deleting my deck.
>uh yeah
this isn't yu-gi-oh.
Yes, I got 2. Now I'm pulling for Pikachus. :D
When I saw the trailer I thought all cards would be like the immersive ones.
are you spinning the pack wheel? you're supposed to look for the unique packs.
Yes, you roll heads and still lose.
>I have 4 bro, I'll trade you 2 when it comes around
what decks do you use it with? only 2 retreat cost seems good. but articunos has only 1 retreat cost.
Skill issue
I'll give, I should have just said it wasn't my preference, it's not like I think a majority of it is poorly drawn. Also haven't really seen any of the standout good cards to be fair just casual pack pulling stuff.

Too much realism for my tastes and the shading + muted color pallet, idk it doesn't really seem "exciting".
Not even just a "western art eww" I guess I just find it boring.usually.
Just causally scrolling through img results and I think a lot of them can feel a bit too zoomed out too?
>you're supposed to look for the unique packs.
i've heard that if you use the light of a full moon you can see through the pack packaging.
>Define early years?
At least the WotC era, at least. Gen 1 in general honestly.
Honestly at that point if you're not super attached to your account I'd just reroll for mew2 so you can actually open other packs
I wanted to build a misty luckchad deck after this but I can't even build my first deck. Marowak EX is carrying me.
>you're supposed to look for the unique packs.
I got the full marowak ex deck and all the other cards for mewtwo's so I don't know if it's worth to reroll.
Dual types is just coin flipping but every turn
wonder pick
funny thing is, so many people will say it doesn't work but I have so many full arts and exs now. Barely opened any mewtwos and I have a full garde line
kek does Yugioh really have that now? I just thought it sounded like a cool idea.
I agree with you in spirit. MTG art makes me feel like an old school nerd, but Pokemon art (the drawn stuff) makes me feel nostalgia, and that's a hell of a drug.
I need a burn heal.
Misty fucking sucks anyways, I had articuno and gyarados to go with Misties and everything would go great until the first coin and both misties would tails and I get fucked. Coin flip = no fun. Might as well just roll dice or something and make Pokemon noises yourself.
I'm so sick of Dragonite decks. They're so ass into everything in the meta, but they're unbeatable for my non-ex shitdecks. It's the kind of deck I hate more than anything else, it can't beat anything good but can beat whatever I specifically am playing. So naturally, it's all I face. Carefully calibrate your deck to beat Pikachu, Mewtwo, and Charizard? Sorry, Dragonite is the most popular deck in the game and your MMR isn't high enough to match against exclusively good decks.
I don't use it, Lapras EX is just technically better. I like the alt art too, but I don't have a use for it right now. If you're ok with waiting for her I'll trade them for something cool.

>Just causally scrolling through img results and I think a lot of them can feel a bit too zoomed out too?
I think I get it. The card arts themselves are supposed to be more like art pieces than character-focused TCG card arts. That's probably what's throwing you off.

>WotC era, Gen 1 in general
>WotC stopped making Pokemon cards in 2003
Ahhhh, ok. Not only was I really into Yu-Gi-Oh then, but I was like 6 years old in '03. I had Pokemon cards but I kept them in a rubber band and didn't play using energies.
I think water decks can't have multiple pokemon lines that need excessive amounts of energy.
Just had Misty pay out on turn 1 for the first time ever
>Lapras EX is just technically better
But lapras ex requires much more energy to attack and to retreat and gives 2 prizes.
The whole game is honestly becoming less and less fun as things shake out. Too many coin flips, too many stupid unfun decks, too much power imbalance. The whole meta is just "god i hope mewtwo doesnt draw gardevoir" "god i hope moltres flips 3 tails" "god i hope i dont brick slightly against this pikachu" "oh misty flipped 3 heads go next"
I'll definitely get full art Misty soon right?!
Those were my big output for the deck, the whole point was get one out ASAP and ramp with Misty. Totally RNG, fun when it worked, usually just ends with seething rage.
Odds of you rolling into m2 is still incredibly low, if you're cool with marowak and are fine investing wonder picks into m2, you'll get them eventually but it might take a really long while if you're unlucky
Cash in some of your ten rolls, if you don't get one I'd just reroll for 2
I see a Dragon deck maybe once every 10 battles.
If you’re having trouble against them pack double Sabrina and some fast setup mons. I have played that deck often enough to tell you that Dragon decks fail as any time because of the luck factors.
Bro, Lapras needs 4 energy to deal 90 damage, vs EX doing 80 and being able to heal 20. Regardless of which one you pick, you're going to want Misty for both.
Pikachu packs suck. I really don't see the lasting appeal for any of the cards in that pack besides Misty, and I just WP one of her to avoid using some of my 220 points.
My headcanon is that if I throw the coin far enough it has a better chance of heads.
Also Lapras EX only needs 3 energy*
I'm going to start pulling from all 3 packs equally now. 1 from each pack every day.
Boost your luck stat.

They did it purely because phonebabbies can't stay focused on a single thing for longer than three minutes.
Not them, but I was only able to get on Lapras EX. I have like 12 Mankeys though...
Magnezone is going to be a beast, trust
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Ok, who's the shitter who didnt get a Lapras EX?
I never got anything good from unique packs. All my full arts and exes were from opening 10 packs at once or wonder picks.
I don't need lapras to deal damage. That's just a bonus. I need a meat shield to absorb damage while I build up my actually dangerous things.

That's one of thr things I learned from playing in the tournament this past weekend. Having a wall of tanks to switch out and defend your carry card is invaluable. Only problem is Zapdos seems to be the absolute best at that, since it only costs 1 energy to attack and retreat, and as a last resort has a huge nuke for 3 energy. The issue is that a lot of the water cards that aren't ex and are basic have low hp. I really want to put zapdos into my water decks to take hits.
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Post soulful decks
>They did it purely because phonebabbies can't stay focused on a single thing for longer than three minutes.
I'd also think that if the online TCG was exactly like the IRL TCG people would play only one or another and choose the online TCG cause it's F2P.

doing it this way preserves both online and IRL games.
The game is very simplistic. With only 3 points needed to win and so little mechanics, what exactly do you expect. It's the kind of card game an 8 year old can play on the phone while riding in mom's car.
It just needs more depth and complexity for things to become interesting.
> mangetic pull: draw a random magnemite, magneton, magnezone or steel type pokemon from your deck and add it to your hand
>4 mana 80 damage: flip heads to paralyze
It will be shit.
Full art flairs?
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It's time for you to become the Monkey King.

Wait, you just want my Lapras as a meat shield? :c
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sex with sabrina
Zapdos ex is probably the best tank in the game. Moltres ex and Articuno ex need 2 energy to retreat. Things like chansey and snorlax costs a million to retreat or attack. Baby mewtwo is actually pretty solid since it has more hp than other non ex basics and only costs 2 to retreat.
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This plus 2 lapras EX (now that the event is over) are my rare cards. You think it's that bad?
Not counting first time completion, for finishing every single side objective on all 4 difficulties you get 315 trans flag tickets, monthly packs are 3 tickets a pop, so that's 105 packs total.
Here is my firend code incase people want to pull on it. Also, how will my pull show up for other people as I feel like they will just see random crap 99% of the time despite thag pic being the last pull I did.
>in order to display flair you have to select it on the mon when it's in a deck or display board
lmao jesus christ, for the last week I thought I lost the flair I spent.

what a waste. also, I'm almost certain i used my promo meowth's to get the flair, not my standard.
You got 2 'cunos so you could go for 'zard packs and see how it goes
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yea, I fucking hate the 3D "art." What a fucking mistake. It's like preferring AI slop. Sure it "technically" looks more impressive because of the rendering, detailed light sources, etc. but it's so fucking bland and generic that it doesn't really evoke any real emotion. It just looks "pretty" but that's it. That isn't to say 3D art can't look good, the OG Porygon card has soul because it just thematically fucking works and stands out. But just shoehorning 3D models with cool effects and showcasing them as the "ultimate" rarity cards is a fucking disgrace. These shitty 3D cards shouldn't exist, the Pokemon TCG should be used to showcase talented artists interpreting Pokemon in their own styles, not bland restrictively on-model slop that looks like a generic image you'd find on the back of the game's cover alongside the synopsis.
Yeah the UI is fucking retarded, having to manually add it every time to every deck, like holy shit it's like they crapped this game out in a matter of weeks with how low IQ and rushed these decisions are
There's an MMR hell you can fall into where you face almost nothing but Dragonite. Sabrina doesn't really help and neither do fast setup pokemon. What kind of deck do you normally play?
If you want a meta deck to play, yeah since you need other packs to make articuno good
If you like the art you can just have fun playing marowak, it's not a big deal having a meta deck since there's no ranked and the events don't care about winning pvp games, fancy marowak is a good reason not to reroll if you like him enough, m2 will come eventually
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It would be really cool if the TCG illustration art contest runner ups got their arts put into Pocket as a consolation for not making it into the full game. There are so many talented artists that should have their art be official.
It's not going to get better with more mechanics. This was the initial release, with the smallest card pool and the most prep tome. They clearly put a lot of time and effort into the game, and what they ended up with wasn't good enough. It's not going to get better when thye have more cards to worry about and less time to balance. This was it, they showed the best they could do, it's downhill from here.
>Yeah the UI is fucking retarded, having to manually add it every time to every deck, like holy shit it's like they crapped this game out in a matter of weeks with how low IQ and rushed these decisions are
on top of which I'm fairly certain it was bugged. I only have 2 promo meowth's left and it costs like 2 or 3 to get the cheapest flair.
I know I wouldn't have used a basic meowth (WHICH I HAVE 8 OF) to make flair with.

there's also no instruction on how to do it all and you can't see any of the flair until you actually start to spend the dust and cards to get it.
uh oh stinky uwu
I mostly see Mewtwos, then some sort of Starmie/Cuno/Lapras deck, then quite a few running Venusaur Liligant lately for some reason.

Look at that tier and typing chart anon; almost any deck shuts dragonite down.
I have played at least 10 games with mine and I almost never felt in control, even when I won.
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1. Go to Las Vegas
2. Spend $$$ on slots
3a. Did you win? Great, ride the wave of lady luck and play Las Vegas Bonehead.
3b. Did you lose? No worries, that means you exhausted all your bad luck. Time to play Las Vegas Bonehead, you can't possibly lose 2 times in a row on your odds, right? 99% of all gamblers give up right before they win big!!!
at least you get free drinks when flipping in vegas.
No, I asked what you play. Never mind, I know the answer - you play some sort of meta ex deck, right? That's why you don't have problems with Dragonite. Because it's a shitty deck that can't beat good decks, like I said about ten times in my initial post. But what it does really well is stomp off-meta non-ex decks. I know that I can beat dragonite with my Charizard deck, that's not the issue. The issue is that I can't beat dragonite with my fun Tentacruel Golduck deck. Dragonite is the most irritating kind of deck, a gatekeeper. It can't beat the good decks, but it prevents you from playing anything fun. If you try and play a non-meta non-ex deck, I promise you, you'll start seeing more and more Dragonites as you get sucked into the gravitational well of their MMR - lower than the good decks but higher than the literal piles of random garbage.
that's a discount charizard/moltres deck.
And I want to be clear that fun decks CAN beat the meta decks. The issue is when you get a few unlucky matches against Mewtwo and the game starts to match you against Dragonite, and now your MMR spirals down so you never see anything remotely good ever again. I want to face Pikachu.
>Have a Moltres EX
>Have multiple Centiskorch
>Only 1 of its prevo
>I have no 'zards
Gonna build this very soon it looks like.
How often has energy pools fucked you over?
I have yet to face Venusaur or anything cool. It's all Articuno/Lapras/Pikachu/Zapdos/Mewtwo/Gardevoir with the occasional Bone/Vegas or Charizard mirror,
If you don't roll at least 2 or 3 energy for Centi you're pretty fucked as you'll be stalled long enough for the opponent to build up too much or damage/KO Moltres enough to be a concern.

If you can get Centi on your bench quick with at least 3 energy on it before your turn to attack, you can use it well.
Yeah and it's f2p af and stalls for longer since koga is a thing
It's more of a discount moltres arcanine deck since it's a stage 1
I have this deck and my grimer/muk has never done anything yet
They should do this instead of using 3D slop.
same. i usually only face mewtwo or pikachu.

I'd build a dark or fighting deck, but I just don't have the cards.
I don't have many good decks just Bonehead with Grappaloct. Starmie Ex/Lapras Ex, and Dragons.
I'm very close to building a Fire deck depending on what I can draw.

I'm pretty sure I'm near your MMR anyways because I too rarely see Pika decks, but for me Dragons are still even rarer. I encounter decks made by kids that don't know what they're doing like they stick an Articuno with a Pikachu but then will attach a lighning energy to the 'cuno. I once had a Dragon vs Dragon mirror match though lol.
I actually got a couple of sneaky wins with picrel if you wanna try this.
you could go super budget as long as you have one moltres EX
>have played at least 10 games with mine and I almost never felt in control, even when I won.
post your deck
>only have 1 primeape

iktf, I want to play dark with gengar but I can't get him at all
Yeah, I got mine pulling for Charizard. Sorry bro. What cards do you have? Surely you have enough for a good deck that can get sneaky wins.
If you mean dark/fire generation, not much since you can still poison with weezing and if you stall long enough moltres will feed your fire energy anyways
Just beat a Mewtwo tard 3-0.
With an off-meta deck.

Want to take a guess if he sent thanks or not?
I never got a promo mankey.
So many dupes...
Using gold instead of hourglasses gets you better cards
>Yeah, I got mine pulling for Charizard. Sorry bro. What cards do you have? Surely you have enough for a good deck that can get sneaky wins.
I have a Charizard Ex/Moltres Ex deck and a Exeggcutor EX/Butterfree deck that get me by most of the time. god damned fucking flips

I'm still looking for other types for coverage for events tasks and whatnot though.
I have this deck and it's fun but I wonder if it'd be better with Machamp ex instead of sandslash
>dude playing primeape deck
>heals the 10dmg he had on it
>does nothing for a minute
>attacks and concede
I can feel his pain
The best way to get good picks is to always be sure to cleanly slice the pack open in one fast swipe, timing your swipe to the start of the animation along the seal.
Promo cards only consume 1 copy to get flair, but cost more dust.
Do I trust Lugia?
And you have to open from left to right.
Because pokemon are Japanese, and they read from left to right.

Also, you to open the pack perfectly across the blue line, no white on either side.
I don't have any Primeapes.
How do you not get dead hands with only 4 basics in your decks?
>How do you not get dead hands with only 4 basics in your decks?
profs research and poke ball. sans those, you have sabrina and red card.
You will always start with a basic in Pokemon. Even if it's just one thing he will definitely get a mankey or a shrew and then can clutch oak or pokeball from there.
While standing on your head.
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So I finished the deck I enjoy playing. Should I be hoarding the pack hourglasses now for the next set or are these hourglasses for this set only?
>Should I be hoarding the pack hourglasses now for the next set
if you've already got a good deck, yes.

>or are these hourglasses for this set only?
No. or they better not be.
Charizard Ex Expert Solo is literally impossible for me to beat with only grass types
So what's the point of fossils then? Is it literally just making your opponent take one less price card?
The only reasonable strat is Exeggutor ex and luck.
They evolve into the fossilmons.
Just like they did in 1998.
Exeggutor and Butterfree with Erika x2 and hope to god that you get your meta out super early.

and hit the flips
Did you get it? I failed back when I tried before and it still irks me (though I'd probably be hung up about chasing a 2nd copy anyway if I got one).
Their intended purpose is when you're hoping to get Gardevoir on your next turn but instead get a shitty fucking fossil because you decided to waste a fucking slot in your deck for a very niche and specific scenario in which your opponent uses Sabrina and you need a meatsheild with 0 retreat costs, but they're using a mon that just so happens to have weaker than 40HP output; so you concede the next turn.
I decided not to trust him, I only really wanted it for a collection purposes, and I don't really need it for a deck.
>and then can clutch oak or pokeball from there
Yep, this deck is confirmed not for me, I can never clutch anything.
>Is it literally just making your opponent take one less price card?
If your opponent kills a fossil, they still get a point.
I imagine Marowak and Starmie do better against dragonite, so you're probably slightly above that MMR, but maybe not if you're seeing literal garbage piles. Maybe I just attract dragons IDK, I definitely don't want this power.
Why is it so hard to get 5 thanks per day?
Yeah that's why I'm asking, literally what's the point? I thought they didn't get points
the older exs looked better these new ones just look like fucking shit
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I get so many thanks most of them don't even give tokens.
>modern slop
yeah okay
yes and now im bored because all I have is versus mode.

hopefully a new event happens this week. they really shouldn't have a drought in between them just throw something at as similar to Lapras.
no they don't.
you're both cowards, reroll ad nauseum until the AI gets a shit hand, capitalize on understanding how the opponent will play and prioritize energy
Personally, I'd only play them if you're playing Kabutops, Omanyte, or Aerodactyl. If you don't have any of those in your deck, I think fossils are a retarded thing to "tech" in, but there's some Mewtwo player here who swears by them. I've tried them and they're not good.
>nothing to do for an entire week
Why didn't they have events like up to keep player retention?
because you don't play the game
>you're both cowards, reroll ad nauseum until the AI gets a shit hand, capitalize on understanding how the opponent will play and prioritize energy
i literally have no other good grass deck. if it's not my exeggutor ex/butterfree deck it's a deck the game built.

I'm certainly not using my rental decks. I only have 10 uses out of those.
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I hate the wonder brick!
Top right is bugged.
>Why didn't they have events like up to keep player retention?
they can't create enough events to have something going on 24/7. but waiting until the second week of December for the next event, yikes
What about when you instead draw a shitty jynx that is worthless to you and will only draw resources away from mewtwo, and the enemy, say, has a 2 energy no garde mewtwo on the field or anything else that can't ohko your jynx, or base mewtwo (even worse!) and you have no xspeeds so you can't retreat and keep tempo.

Imagine allowing yourself to be cucked due to lack of retreating when you have a fully powered m2 and gard on the bench but you can't retreat your random basic when you could if it was a fossil, or it would already be dead, and you an start wrecking with m2.

If you play base mewtwo a smart opponent will just let it sit there while they powerup, and then Sabrina you for tempo, and then jynx can cuck you a turn if you lack the speed which can be game losing.
meanwhile with fossil, it's usually a guaranteed extra turn at the cost of a point, and it's impossible for the enemy play around, forcing them to ko it and to give you the free switch,
A smart player isn't going to kill your meat shield unless it allows them good tempo, making low retreat cost vital, which is what fossils excel at.
You sacrifice survivability in order to better maintain both tempo and consistency in your pulls.
I do kinda like how opening packs is apart of the experience in this game. I hate gachas that force non whales to just save for months until something they want comes around. This game just gives you free packs and you cant stock them, so you just kinda open them daily which is fun.
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>no full art waifu cards
>I do kinda like how opening packs is apart of the experience in this game.
opening packs is satisfying as hell, i agree.
holy shit imagine they did a new mainline game focused on the TCG instead?

it would be similar to the GBC game but with more slice of life things. you could walk around town challenging people, getting money for binders, sleeves, playmats etc. You could customize your player fully of course and have clothing for sale. there would be local tournaments and a big tournament also. could be some story elements of a dickhead rival who steals your cards.

Would be cool but we're gonna get a new sloppa with 100 new dogshit looking "pokemon" and the story will be designed for 2 year olds.
i used lilligant parasect and won, it just took me a long time for the AI bricking and me getting a good hand + sabrina/red cards to throw down
What is a skillful deck
What you said makes sense except that they are hurting the HG rate because of it. I don't think we've even gotten enough HGs for 100 pack pulls meaning you can't dig for something you want barring the initial reroll (which is why that's the best time you'll have of the game). If we got more regular HGs instead of this awful fractional dripfeed it would be way more welcoming since you wouldn't have to feel so passive.
That swords dance scyther could go the entire game.
20 coinflip cards
weezing/muk/koga deck. i have it but dont know how to play it

also i just got my ass beat by a golem/brock deck that was fucking sick I want to make it
dragon is skillful because you have to master offense/defense before getting your bomb of
Kinda sounds like Shadowverse Worlds Beyond.
Avatar customization 3d mmo thing but with ccg battling, and some other minigames, I don't think much is rally known about it but it comes out Spring 2025

I remember finding out just how broken Raindance was and thinking "wow this has to be a meta deck its so strong" and then turns out it was.
When will I get a wonder pick of a full art trainer that I don't already own
Even when you do everything right it is still affected by luck from start to finish.
I've had to concede simply because the energy wouldn't switch after several turns to give me the one I needed.
stall better lol
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this kills the mewtwofag
The rarer a Wonder Pick is, the more I feel like doggy doodoo when I miss, especially when it was in the slot I almost took or was my 2nd guess
pikashitter didn't give thanks again
>going to win the game this round
>waste a bunch of time using cards like Red Card or Professor's Research just to fuck with my opponent and waste their time
Post deck, looks fun
>40+20+20+20+50=150 dies if you can't use your heal attack
>150+30=180 second potion wasted
Dumb bitch
>i used lilligant parasect and won,
I can actually build that deck. I'll give it a shot.
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Ditto, Hitmonlee and Jynx. I shit you not.
Good work fellow dual butterfree chad
If they're smart, for Black Friday they'll make special bundle deal to sell a "Booster Box" of cards.
first card game? its called bm.
He won't say it but I will. I fucking hate the art style in magic in the past 10 or so years. Fucking gross looking while being technically impressive maybe. I'll take yugioh clusterfuck artwork over that any day.
if you can use scyther/pinsir to back you up, they're helpful too. but they key isn't to win with points, but by them pulling a crap hand and only having the one starting basic on the field. this is geniunely just luck and wasting time until it works
>FOUR evolution lines
Holy soup! I really wish fucking venusaur would come home already. I am 0:8 on wonder picks
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I know Arcanine EX isn't all that great but honestly it's brought me several wins and I'm going to cherish the big lug for that if nothing else.
160 would leave it in OHKO range if the opponent has a Giovanni
I just need to beat water with fire. I tried for about an hour 2 weeks ago and every time I about squeaked out a win she pulled some bullshit. I have 2 moltres ex's now so I can probably shit on the AI now
WTF is this card real
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Don't do that. This game isn't like Yugioh, you don't have to worry about Mirror Force, or Gorz, or anything else happening when you attack. If you have a clear win, there's no reason to play other cards, attach energy, or do anything else to waste time. Take your win with grace, anon.
You do open 10 packs at once, right? You don't go one by one?
I will rope you faggots with my auto clicker and there is nothing you can do about tit
>if you can use scyther/pinsir to back you up, they're helpful too. but they key isn't to win with points, but by them pulling a crap hand and only having the one starting basic on the field. this is geniunely just luck and wasting time until it works
god, that's gonna be rough and frustrating as hell.
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>What's actually fun?
>weezing/muk/koga deck. i have it but dont know how to play it
>also i just got my ass beat by a golem/brock deck that was fucking sick I want to make it

Replace muk with either arbok or nidoking. it will feel better.
He'd be much better if we had more healing cards. I'd try him with Butterfree but I only have 1 dog so far
Make it so you can only have 1 EX Pokemon per deck. There I fixed it.
do you run multiple Venasaur and egg?
cool event. didn't get a single lapras. very epic and fun!!! :^)
I have:
2x Pikachu Ex
0x Zapdos Ex
0x Mewtwo Ex
0x Gengar Ex
1x Articuno Ex
2x Lapras Ex
0x Starmie Ex
1x Blastoise Ex
0x Venusaur Ex
1x Exeggutor Ex
0x Charizard Ex
0x Moltres Ex
1x Arcanine Ex
0x Machamp Ex
0x Marowak Ex
1x Wigglytuff Ex
1x Koffing
2x Weezing
2x Ekans
2x Arbok
2x Promo Mankey
0x Primeape
2x Sandshrew
2x Sandslash
2x Hitmonlee
2x Caterpie
1x Metapod
2x Butterfree (and 2x promo Butterfree with flair)
0x Weedle
0x Kakuna
1x Beedrill
0x Venonat
1x Venomoth
2x Froakie
2x Frogadier
0x Greninja
2x Ponyta
1x Rapidash
0x Vulpix
1x Ninetales
1x Ralts
1x Kirlia
0x Gardevoir
1x Grimer
1x Muk
2x Dratini
1x Dragonair
0x Dragonite
0x Aerodactyl
1x Koga
2x Misty
1x Blaine

What meta decks can I build?
>Make it so you can only have 1 EX Pokemon per deck. There I fixed it.
whats the TCG rules IRL in regard to EX mons? Cause that's where this game will go.
>Arcanine EX isn't all that great
okay fellas lapras event is over, how'd ya do
time to grind the losers to dust!
You can't open daily packs this way.
I kinda agree
the fact that you can "game" the rules by making your opponent have to earn 4 prizes essentially is fucking stupid
4x Mankey
7x Pikachu
5x Butterfree
5x Lapras Ex
12x Clefairy

Is that good?
that's because Arcanine EX happens to hit for just enough damage to OHKO Pikachex though (and because Moltres makes it easy to get the necessary energy)
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I just want you to know that when I use Giovanni, 2 X Speed, 2 Potions, and evolve all my Pokemon, it's not BM (bad manners), I'm just showing my hand so you have better information for your next duel.

Also when I attach an energy and use abilities when I don't need to I'm just making sure I don't miss anything in case I don't get the KO. Again it's not my intention to BM.


What level are you guys? Am I a levelet at only 16?
I've been playing for like 2 weeks, fuck that.
I'm only 17. I'm f2p, didn't use the free premium, I started late, and I haven't finished my 50 wins yet because I'm still trying to get Koffings and Kogas because I want to have more fun than just playing Mewtwo.
shits bricked lol
The first time I saw a real (tiny) crab do that in a pet shop it was so fucking cute.
Fair enough, you will have to grind out from pack points then to add what you're lacking.
Fuck it, I'm crafting Kirlia.
17. I could grind out levels but I see no reason to bother.
you have two pikas, just fill the rest of the deck with slop.
you also have 2 lapras, an articuno, and 2 mistys, you can just build a water deck with (anything) to back up your little EX+misty package.
also there is no way you've been playing for two weeks and this is the collection you have, this is 48 cards, that's 10 packs, no way you've only opened 10 packs in two weeks
Only whalers and new zealanders are over level 20
i'm f2p and level 20, i just really like battling :~)
I should have enough hourglasses to open 10 packs tomorrow or so. Should I go for Mewtwo or Charizard? I've been opening pika packs for daily.
I'm level 22 but I win multiple matches a day. Also I spent 50 gold on packs and wonder picks
Nah, I just listed the ones that seem relevant. I'm sure you don't need to hear about how many Sizzlipedes or Dubwools I opened.
what deck are you trying to build
Don't have anything specific in mind. The less Ex and coinflips it uses, the more I'll like it.
Like others have said battling is unfortunately the only available grinding method in the game. I'm level 22 and I wouldn't spend any money on gacha.
My mom says it's my turn next.
I only did the 45 wins and am at Lv 19 and change with a fully F2P account (only started on global launch)
Idea: new update allows you reroll a wonder pick, but only with paid gold.
skilled pack opener
alright alright drop the friendcode
>pull from every pack
>wtf why can't I make a deck
This would be nice
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im missing chansey and meowth but I have 10 mankeys so hopefully trade can help fix this issue.

have 2x+ of everything else.
would love to have 2 of those mankeys I kept getting clefairy and butterfree all the time.
ursi-chan isn't wearing revealing clothes this stream
My fear is that when I finally get a god pack it'll be when I'm digging the pack that has the rare cards I like the least from the expansion (only digging it at all for the Mew goal)
You can't get that pull in a Wonder Pick
friend, you don't get chansey and meowth from the lapras event, they come from the chansey+meowth wonder pick event (that i believe is over now)
anyone else hate how the immersive mewtwo looks? i use 2x of the regular ex one over it just because of that
same... imagine you pull a godpack but it's all 1 stars.. :(
oh. lmao nvm then
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No seriously, not him, but it might be better for you to reroll. I have 2 alt accounts that I played for 1-2hrs total that are arguably better than yours. The left alt had a full Pikachu EX deck after 20 packs worth of Pika, and a full Char deck after 10 packs of Char, and right alt pulled a Gold Crown, Immersive Char, and an Erika after 10 packs of Char. Your account might just be scuffed bro. If you're too attached to it now then I wish you good luck, but you really should consider rerolling.
Only immersive Charizard looks good and flattering and has that epic large scale battle going on, immersive Mewtwo looks like a spaz and immersive Pikachu and Mew are boring.
>The less Ex and coinflips it uses, the more I'll like it.
The best decks I have seen that don't use EX or flips are Blaine, Greninja/Koga, Alakazam/Jynx, Primape, Nidos, and Melmetal. They are still luck based because you need the right cards in your hands early on. The game doesn't punish losing so it's fun to experiment.
Jynx has 2x the amount of HP so at least lives another turn for you to attach 2 energies onto M2 or buys you another turn to draw Gard.
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no way
>4 water energy
>But muh smart player will just leave Jynx alive instead so you can attach THREE energies onto M2 or a retreat energy onto Jynx instead!
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>5 mewtwo ex
>0 venusaurs
>not even a single ivysaur
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuck
im 25lvl and i play 9 days
get good
>Opponent leads Mewtwo and empty bench
>Turbo out Aerodactyl
>Xspeed into Aero immediately and gust him back into the deck before he can launch a single attack
Tch...Nothing personnel kid
do you have any full decks built yet?
no way im lvl 18 and started 4 days go. granted i completed every single thing i can even the lapras event
i hate healing decks so much
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This is my alt. Too lazy to open main. I stopped doing Lapras when I got 2 of everything. I somehow never got a Meowth or a Cansey on this account. I have the regular Meowths and Canseys, but not the promo wonder pick ones.
this game needs better battle effects for attacks.
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We are nominated? WTF?
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What do?
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top middle for sabrina. ive seen it.
They are OK in mewtwo as a pivot tool but that is really it. Mewtwo wants to run 3 basics so having bench fodder to buy a turn is nice sometimes
Dubs will it
>go second
>opponent drops articuno ex
>rolls 3 heads with misty on turn 1
>kills my only pokemon before I can take any action
Interactive gameplay.
Top right
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Only if they make the art and music in it as kino as the art and music for this game was. Absolutely fucking bonkers how they were able to re-create the card arts on such a small fucking canvas with limited color pallet and have it look THAT fucking good. True masters at work. Modern 3D slop modelers could only dream of having an iota of that artistic skill and ingenuity. Just look at the absolute SOVL oozing from this jpg.
I just X speed a Ralts or use it as a sacrificial pawn. It's harder to kill than a fossil anyway.
Sorry. I just want exp so I can open more packs.
If you lack the xspeed then attaching the retreat energy on Jynx / keeping her in with a pumped up M2 in the back, that can be the one crucial turn your opponent needs, allowing them a chance to Sabrina and force in your Gardevoir, who has an even higher retreat cost, or force you to sack a Mewtwo and two prizes, etc.

Starmie, Pikachu, and Articuno all one-shot it anyway.
Fossil also shits over people that try and play Sabrina early to establish temporary.

Mewtwo needs your turn energy every turn, and if you have Jynx then you need an xspeed to regain tempo, otherwise you let yourself get slowed down and your opponent has a full turn to do anything they want.

And if they kill it then it's the same as fossil anyway, but with a 1 retreat cost.
>spent $50+ on running the event
Nigga what are you DOING
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God bless you anon
>you can't win going fi-ACK
get fucked
holy shit
The decks running fossil only run one ralts to minmax the chance of having mewtwo out front immediately and fish for ralts with balls
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This is the only full art trainer I want. I mean, I want them all, but Sabrina is going to be good for forever probably, and she's the sexiest gen 1 trainer.

Congrats anon, and good job Kababranon
>going to be good forever
Until Boss Orders
>only 1 Ralts
>put useless fossils in the deck instead
That is ultra fucking retarded.
Investment for the future. Going to trade these 1 of a kind cards for years.
>havent been keeping up with tourneys
>check last big tourney
>6/8 top 8 mewtwo and no pikachu
What the FUCK happened?
>best mobile game
So that's like a "least smelly turd" competition?
Balatro is going to win unless Nintendo paid the Pope off.
Lol. Lmao even speculator yards get the rope
On my main, or on the alts?
my wonder picks are SHIT

should i add everyone on the list in the OP? i have no friends :(
You never know, they may be untradeable. I wish I didn't turn all dupes into flair immediately.
im so fr*cking bored , when are we getting new content?!?!?
>Investment for the future.
the absolute state of payfaggots
Nope. Thanks for the reminder though
Mewtwo is more consistent. Pikachu takes actual thought and it pretty much loses by turn 4 or 5 unless you're playing Raichu or stacking Zapdos, and if you're doing that, you're on the backfoot and in the Zapdos case you need to roll well. Comparatively, Mewtwo is just good and wins on turn 4 or 5. Plus, I think more people are playing Arcanine or Machamp/Marowak to counter Pikachu.

That's just me making things up based on my own personal experience with the game. I don't know anything about that tournament.
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this card doesnt need dupes for flair
>going to be good for forever
Nope, there will either be rotation or powercreep that makes her irrelevant. Pick your poison. No gacha can let itself to have a permanently good day 1 unit.
Yes, but these awards also usually means we get free stuff in gacha games.
>Pikachu takes actual
dis nigga really did not just say that lmao
>going to be good for forever
>Nope, there will either be rotation
>or powercreep
Doubtful unless they print real bosses orders or even worse... Real gust if wind
>No gacha can let itself to have a permanently good day 1 unit.
I have played multiple gachas that have top tier day 1 units for 1 year+. She's going to be good until they introduce rotation, but if they introduce rotation they're going to need to start giving out way more packs of the new expansions, because f2ps aren't going to even by able to play PvP when that happens at the current rate.
meme magic is real
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>Each card only has 2 (TWO)[DOS]「二」fucking colors to work with, black, and white
>Able to actually make it fucking work
>start match
>opponent starts with mewtwo ex and a ditto on the bench
>produces water, fighting, and electric energy
>stacks it on the ditto
>chew through the mewtwo
>he sends out ditto who can't copy shit as I'm playing Beedrill
>kill the ditto
>he doesn't thank me
WTF happened?
>mewtwo is more consistent
Only because the shuffler gives Mewtwo players their full Gardevoir line on curve every game.
Or a pokemon with an ability that lets it immediately return to active spot if it was switched to the bench during that turn. Said pokemon would also be meta strong, of course.
You do legitimately need to think while playing Pikachu. Incorrect lines are much easier to play as Pikachu than as Mewtwo. You can be full brain empty playing Mewtwo. You can do that with Pikachu too, but you'll lose more games, assuming equal levels of thought.
>because f2ps aren't going to even by able to play PvP when that happens at the current rate
They only need the bare minimum of f2p to be target practice for whales.
If they introduce rotation I will likely quit. Staggering trading to just the old cards but then making the old cards unusable would be disgusting.
I never see FA trainers in my picks...
lmao even
Native PC client when?
who knows, it took duel links like 3/4 years for it be available on pc
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No items, Fox only, Final Destination.
I have everything I would need for a koga deck (2 of each relevant dark types, 2 koga, blah blah), EXCEPT for one grimer. Would it be worth it to craft the stupid grimer to play weezing deck? Is it worth it or just memes? Also the deck doesn't look very powerful, what's the trick?
That is retarded design and Sabrina would still be good in every other matchup. This reeks of never having played the pokemon TCG
I think Koga decks only play 1 grimer/muk
2 Weezing 2 arbok 1 muk feels really good
So after playing over 100 games, I've determined that Potion should be limited. The way that decks like Articuno and Mewtwo can survive just about anything by dumping two potions into their pokemon is very stupid. It's a card that unnecessarily favors big oneshotty ex pokemon, because they both make the best use of it and aren't hindered by it themselves.

A Misty ban and a Potion limit. I think those are the changes I'd make to the game.
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>useless fossils
He doesn't know
Play with 0 Grimer 0 Muk, I waited on it and winded up dropping them anyway. Grimer Muk is not only bricky and unreliable but takes too long to set up. Arbok is always faster and better for aggro.
The way DENA will solve this issue is to Add mons that attack over that limit kek
can you even use misty on dratini line?
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>Or a pokemon with an ability that lets it immediately return to active spot
>also be meta strong
Meet the gay pony!
>No gameplay journey
>Fucking 52 pickup
>Withering Turd from Kuso Games
>Zenless Coomer Bait
Potion doesn't need to be hit, it'll naturally grow out of relevance. Damage output, HP levels, and healing in general will all grow past it.
Pray for good luck
I still can't get over the fact that they literally just put a Bad Dragon dildo on his face unironically.
Why does it say weakness x2 instead of +20?
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MarvelSnap won against Apex Legends, Genshin, Diablo Immortal & Tower of Fantasy in 2022

Pocket probably wins by a landslide lol. DeNA won't give us any celebratory gifts though. Of course.
>Does more damage per 水 energy

Yea, I'm thinking misty takes this horsecock hard if it's ever brought in.
Are there any abilities in the TCG that let you attack without needing any energy at all on the active mon?
That's how it works over there.
This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It's a problem now, so hit it now. If it stops being a problem later, unhit it. Of course, if Potion ever becomes a bad card, it means this game has become power crept to the point where it's not worth playing any more.
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I feel genuinely sorry for how cucked Dragonite players are
>have to go second or you lose
>have to not get energy screwed or you lose
>have to hard draw your entire evolution line at the right timings or you lose
>have to not get rushed down by some gay shit like Pika or Mankey or you lose
>have to get lucky and knock out the correct targets with Draco Meteor or you lose

This deck is an even worse gambling addiction than Misty decks
How does the state of this board make you feel?
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When we will get horrors beyond our comprehension?
I'm not sorry for them. I've had nothing but negative experiences vs Dragonite decks. They all hide behind some random wall like a Snorlax or Articuno and don't interact with you at all. It's a stupid deck that punishes you for playing small pokemon, as if that wasn't already bad, and rewards you for playing big pokemon, as though that wasn't already good.
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The hyper specific counterpick to Mew VMAX.
You must not hear a lot. Potion is the tip of the iceberg, it'd be silly to hit it and create an awful precedent with healing cards. Misty has way more of a chance of being hit since it has garnered more of a negative reaction from the playerbase.
But arbok only has 100hp and 60damage it can dish out, Isnt muk supposed to be your heavy hitter? Also since weezing can't gas leak from the bench, which is fucking stupid, I think that the sequencing that you want with the deck is setting up muk on your bench with arbok/weezing doing chip damage and then when you're ready to do Big Damage you position yourself so you have weezing in active, gas leak, koga/retreat weezing for muk, put koffing on the field if you koga'd, then hit em for 120, right? Otherwise I don't see how you win outside of your opponent being stupid or having terrible luck. And at that point, it's still luck based but it's not your luck you're counting on
>that hp and damage
If an ADP style effect becomes a thing I am out. That fuck card killed in interest since I have always liked playing single prize decks
I cannot get a single win with my new Mewtwo deck. It's either horrible type matchup or Kirlia in the last two cards.
hey mewtwo already does 150
Lol. LMAO. Read what the GX attack does
wtf is this real?
Doing this would be way more fun if players couldn’t see their opponents energy pool from the start of the match.
On paper Muk sounds nice but in practicality you're sinking 3 turns of energy into an attacker who doesn't even deal full damage unless your opponent is poisoned, and they can switch out if they're onto you. Arbok is better since you can lock in a poisoned mon or Sabrina into a bench mon to lock in to create a favorable position. You're not always going to draw your Koga or even your Grimer/Muk so you have to think on your feet instead of ideal setups. In practicality, Muk was doing worse for me than the consistency and speed of cutting it completely. Like, what are you going to do if Grimer/Muk is your opener? It's dead weight and the opponent will just kill it while it's taking its slow ass time to get going.
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Noob here
Is it ok that I have blastoise x2 poliwrath x2 starmie x2 + 4 support cards?
Is that too many evolution chains for one deck?
Yeah that's about right, that's a fairly common line I do. The no muk/grime I think is tournament specific, on ladder you should have one copy to kill some fatties if need be
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>Isnt muk supposed to be your heavy hitter?
No, god no. Grimer/Muk exists to be a gimped Weezing. 1 energy to poison your opponent for Arbok. Muk exists to enable you to get Grimer out of the active spot with Koga, assuming it lives a turn. Muk can also stall a turn before the Koga to buy you time. You rarely, if ever, go on the offensive with Muk. If you want a heavy hitter then you drop the Grimer/Muk line for Wigglytuff EX.
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Yeah, but we don't have the Lost Zone (yet)
Poliwrath sucks balls don't use it also that is indeed too many evo lines
There was an anon yesterday trying to say that Dragonite was as powerful as Mewtwo.
Typically you only want one stage 2 line in a deck.
Way too many mons. That many means you're just gonna have a way harder time getting into what you need in a given turn while also supporting them. Good ratios should be something like 8-12 mons and the rest item/trainer cards, at least currently.
Confuses. Why would you attach the lightning energy when you have eevee on the bench? Why would he attach energy he can't use on a bench Mon other than ditto? I guess multitype players really are retarded
Okay, Red Card is pretty good against Caterpie lead, LOL. Cheers guy.
So the strat is to one by one force your opponent into unfavourable positions with Sabrina/arbok, using weezing to poison and koga to port him out before lockin me in w arbok?
Maybe koga is the big brain deck
>indeed too many evo lines
Sucks I like the diversity. Too bad we don't have different leagues for that
Thoughts on omastar?
Cut poli line then that's good. 2 potion/balls/xspeed/oak and whatever in the last 2 slots. Hopefully misty but you didn't say if you have her or not
Psst... hey... here's a secret
>the "Koga deck" is actually just putting 2 Kogas and 2 Weezing playsets into any other deck you want to
If you cut both poli and blastoise it becomes a funny STUN/agro deck
I think I'm gonna do that
>Fill out gay spreadsheet doc
> Find out I'm suppose to have a 46% chance of pulling a new card and a 30% chance to get a new Mew card.
>Open 5 packs over the last 3 days cause f2p
>No new cards or mew cards
What the FUCK is this rigged bullshit? Fuck this game. I can only imagine what collecting future expansions will be if this is how shit collecting the first expansion is
Use the trainers listed
Unless I am high that should be 20 cards and a fairly competent deck
marowak/primeape is just so fun. either i blitz them or its gg
>freaking out over losing 5 coinflips
Start bitching at 10 you stupid spas
Issue of skill
What are pokemon tools and are they game changing?
The game is going to die when they release a new expansion. It's going to die, or we're just going to have to accept the fact that you either whale the game, or you reroll your account every time a new set releases.
Koga is definitely the most fun deck to play with since everything else feels super linear. Koga has multiple lines of play and the ability to adjust on the fly. I wouldn't entertain defaulting Muk unless it had 1 less energy and more importantly a 160+ HP breakpoint since all that setup when it can't eat a Mewtwo hit is pointless. That's why speed focus is better since you have to be able to take down your opponent before they get their Mewtwo or Charizard going as each hit is a KO.
If you read the card, it explains the card
Rtfc, if you will
Its basically an equip spell from yugioh
The solo challenges that give you points to buy however many packs are set specific, so when a new set drops it will also drop solo challenges, giving us more content and also currency to keep playing
most decks have only 8 to 11 pokemon cards. usually around 10 or 9.
>What are pokemon tools
>and are they game changing?
Traditionally? Yes
This is what I've been saying. So much of the current playerbase's happiness hinges on what they rerolled to hunt for. When that ability to hunt is gone and we get a big batch of new cards, more people will realize just how trash the system is. It was very telling that 4% of global installs came from Japan yet it comprised the biggest spending. That tells you just how much people in the world were installing/rerolling accounts.
Another great pull. This has been a blessed day.
You only want like half your deck, max, to be Pokemon.
>beat a Mewtwo deck that was cooking up 2 Mewtwo EXs and 2 Kirlia with my based Charizard deck
Kneel before your new king.
Pokeball should also be banned. It's not okay that in my opponent's deck, Pokeball is Mewtwo ex or Pikachu ex, but in mine it's a Squirtle. There's too much of a difference in basic card quality.
>Use the trainers listed
Yeah I don't like relying on coinflips but I'm probably going back to misty. Tho sabrina + omastar could be fun
And yea I always have oak x2
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wtf am i supposed to do with this hand lol
Do Trainer cards that mention Pokemon names work on the EX versions? Like if we got a Magmar EX or Muk EX would Blaine/Koga work on them?
I could swear wp positioning is a seasonal thing, seeing a lot of pp lately getting the good shit from top center, my bro got a 'cuno from top center today, and now this.
Why the fuck metafag on a game that doesn’t even reward winning really?? I can’t wrap my head around it no elo system no ladder Jesus this game is proof positive people are lowdown unfun miserable fags
Misty is too good not to use. Even if it was flip a coin for one energy every water deck would run her at 2
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uhh nvm win I guess. marowak is the GOAT
>attach hit
>hope you get prof oak/rape ape next turn
Any news on the datamine? Is an update slated for today or something?
what did you use all your rolls already, ive got a ton just chilling and you get free rolls and wonder picks for your collection for whatever new decks and pokes you want
>what did you use all your rolls already
Yes. I want to play more decks than just Pikachu and Mewtwo.
im opening packs until i have 2 of everything and the mew. hoarding is for losers lol.
is there a difference in cards with languages? i've only been playing in french, so what happens if i switch to english? i have no cards?
ahh so you mean your dumbass metafag who thinks he had to spend all his rolls for the best decks is going to be fucked if the meta changes once the new expansion comes out
sounds like a skill issue
Thank you based middle picker anon you helped me out a lot
Okay, so you're just a shitposter or an unironic shill.
Probably a shitposter. It's about time you showed up.
Not him, but as a different shitposter, I apologize for my absence today, Been cracking rat packs to get meta cards, and I gotta say they're annoying.
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if I save every pack hourglass from today to the next expansion, how many hourglasses will I have?
Not enough
from just the daily missions, you get like one ten roll if you don't spend i think
It's a shame this game is all luck and no skill. Why's there a 900 second cooldown on my 4chan?
Big expansion is February so ~70 days. Give or take 23 packs from dialies lmao
I'm at just under 20 pack pulls in terms of HG reserves and I don't feel safe at all. We should be getting at least 100 pack pulls from HG materials given the shitty rates. The less we get, the more it makes me want to hoard, especially knowing the 3rd set is only 1 month after the next set.
Low quality bait
I pulled this yesterday
I've yet to see another full art trainer God pack like this
Usually it's just one in these
Consider too shop tokens. You can get 5 a day just from thanks. Then you can buy monthly hourglasses
This is how they get you.
23 packs by feb if you don't spend on the miniset...
Suffice to say, F2P is NOT viable in this game.. Unless you keep playing PikaEx until they powercreep it haha..
accurate depiction of the matchup
look at how happy blaine is!

Someone made a video about the problem of going 1st, hope more people continue to complain so they actually do something about how shit the battle system is
>hoard this hoard that

just spend like $50 a month you losers lol
It's you anon, you're that someone, you don't have to be shy.
>playset of a future proof card
I kneel
Bait used to be believable
>Someone made a video about the problem of going 1st
Anyone with a brain knows that
Nah it's just some player from the Duel Links community which is why it came up in my feed
>Bait used to be believable
Wasn't there some anon in the thread insisting going 1st wasn't a problem? Was probably the usual shill, but I remember there was some argument about it the other day
>its a major problem ???!?
>probably literally every single tcg has
OK retard
Heal, I mean explode.
can you show your math
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>Outskill Mewtwo shitter with Pidgeot deck
>Constantly force M2 back to the bench and Gardevoir out, who then needs to constantly exhaust energies/xpeeds to retreat leavin M2 anemic
>Stall enough for Wiggly to come out
>His entire zone has under 80 HP
>Doesn't give a Thanks

Pidgeot is unlimited Sabrinas the entire fucking match. Just wish it was a 1 stage instead of 2 stage...
He literally mentions other card games in detail of how they're better about it
Use potions to keep Mankey at full health! That move that hits himself is a real pain, but potions solve the drawback!!! :^)
why the hell should I care about this losers opinion when he doesn't even hVe videos of him playing the game?

As far as I know he doesn't even know how to play properly or build decks properly so why the fuck should I care about his worthless opinion?
I'm just gonna play the game. If I can no longer play the game in the future, I will quit or reroll. Game is already stingy as it is.
What's a good fast meta deck? And when should you reroll an account?
The difference is - French cards will inherently have less collector's value because nobody likes French. Japanese cards will have the top premium collector's value because we're all a bunch of ウィアブ. So when it comes time for trade to be implemented people will go
>I'll trade you a キャタピー for your Dracolosse

And you'll think he's trolling you, but then realize that's the fair exchange based on card demand from collectors.
>What's a good fast meta deck?
>And when should you reroll an account?
At the start when you get your first 4 levels and all the free packs from that. Reroll until you get enough relevant EXs for the deck you wanna make and go on from there.
can pokemon ability (like butterfree) be used from the bench, or active only?
It has nothing to do with him in particular, it's a common community opinion that's just in an easily shared video presentation because you could say the same 'why should I care' about rando comments too that make up a big reaction to the battle experience
Pikachu ex or Starmie ex are the aggro decks in the meta. Pikachu is probably the best deck right now.
Are you retarded or just a street shitter? You get 4 a day figure out the rest
maybe u should get energy turn 1 but not be able to attack
> so what happens if i switch to english? i have no cards?

All your card packs from then on out open as English cards. They locally convert to your client language, so your current French cards would temporarily become English only for the sake of gameplay, but if you look at the cards in your collection binder they will be in French.

You can change your language at any point without any penalties or cooldowns so it's even possible to just swap your language prior to opening packs, and then change back when you're done. It's just a pain in the ass because it requires a restart every time.
>He literally mentions other card games in detail of how they're better about it
Doubt. Yugioh is even worse of a coinflip simulator to see who goes first. Yeah at least going second decks exist but in BO1 formats that isn't really a thing
It depends on the Pokemon. For example Butterfree's works on the bench, Weezing's doesn't.
erika san
im about to
im about TO
all his suggestions are ass except the really obvious stage 1 evo pokemon being better later when there's more cards, there's already obvious tradeoffs in turn order, first energy is always going to favor one person or the other no matter how its done
instead of getting salty you're going first you're just salty you go second or go second + they have x speed in hand if first player can gen energy or put it on a bench mon, and then congrats you're back at the same debate every tcg has on the coinflip turn order
Well I'm currently level 9, and I did get 2 of each Ex of Charizard, Moltress, Starmie, Exeggutor, and Machamp. I'm not too far from either the Charizard or Blaine deck, I just need a common from each and Sabrinas.
>muh pikachu
>dropped off the fucking face of the earth in tops and completely dominated by M2
If it says "this active pokemon" or something similar then it has to be active. If there is no mention of active pokemon it can be used from the bench
no where near as popular as PKMN GO
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buy my rainbow coin bundle in the shop?
Next event when?
Duel Links literally has Skills to provide advantage for going 2nd in order to make up for going 1st being able to set up with minimal interruption
>Well I'm currently level 9, and I did get 2 of each Ex of Charizard, Moltress, Starmie, Exeggutor
Holy fuck stop digging charizard pack and switch to mewtwo or pika you luck shitter
Dude you're fucking golden, no worries. The Fire event is supposed to be coming soon so if you really want you can wait until that for basically every piece you'd need for a Blaine deck and start rolling other packs if you really want.
Duel links is also a clown show. I was talking about the real tcg or master duel
I mean he brought up how for some reason TCGP is the opposite of the TCG in terms of what you're not allowed to do going 1st, they definitely made some 'on their own' experimental decisions that shouldn't be looked at as the right way to go just because they threw such a dart at the board
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My faith in top right is starting to waver.
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22nd, friday

>Firetype mass outbreak (fire wonderpicks)
>black friday stuff

next friday
>venusaur drop event

friday after that
>pvp event, 5 wins in a row for gold
also this for the 22nd, but not much info
>Magikarp + Gyarados Event

stay strong brother top right is the superior choice
Blaine. Trust me. Nothing Is faster.
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>5 wins in a row
That's gonna be a pain
The real TCG/Master Duel are late life games at the mercy of decades of powercreep, both the real TCG and Duel Links didn't start off with their turn order broken yet TCGP can't even provide a reasonable start before things inevitably go off the rails later on
Post your tournament results.
oh fuck no

consistent haymaker deck and hope the opponent doesn't draw all their EX cards the first turn is what i'm going with
>4 hourglasses/day
>3 days = 12 hourglasses = 1 pack
>70/3 = 23.333
You can also POTENTIALLY get 70 hourglasses per month from the free currency store (requires you to earn at least 210 tickets per month, you get a MAXIMUM of 6 tickets per day, so you max out at 180 tickets per month without taking events into account).
This means the total number of packs you could theoretically get from non-event, regenerating sources by next expansion is 34 (23 from daily hourglasses, 11 from shop hourglasses)
Some events also give hourglasses in small amounts, so in reality it will be slightly more than that.

The majority of F2P packs come from the 2 packs per day you get to open each day.

On a month by month basis, you get 60 packs from daily packs.
10 packs from daily hourglasses (120 hourglasses).
And UP TO 5.8 packs from shop hourglasses (70 Hourglasses MAX, but you are reliant on events to provide at least 30 'bonus' tickets to buy the last 10 AND you must earn your 5 daily tickets by getting thanks from other players).
I just opened my second Wigglytuff ex. While we wait for promo Jigglypuff, what are some fun decks I can put together that make use of them?
Are you the same guy that always asks for that? You'd think you'd learn by now
trainers are like 10x more bullshit in the tcg, there's a literal draw 7
going first and second has obvious tradeoffs and deckbuilding you can take advantage of, the only issue is the aggro decks putting a 90 HP skill check on your deckbuilding and that's barely an issue compared to actual broken shit
the guy is even a misty defender he specifically didn't want to take away first player gets to attack because he didn't want to target the one deck that does that, fucking misty
marowak rapeape is gonna be good
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I hate this stupid game.
is it possible to play this game just for collecting cards without engaging in pvp or am I crippling myself?
you'll be able to easily finish your Blaine deck during the next event.

nah you're cool, collect away friend
>0 likes on my binder
If DeNA can't even balance the game in this simple state I'd question that they'd have hesitation in introducing more BS trainer cards as the pool expands, they'd probably just make them rarer cards so that they can make more money off of them
You can, that's what i do on my alts, just roll the dailies

>am I crippling myself?
The participating in PVP events gives you 24 hourglasses which is two rolls
Remember to do your part and like all your friend's showcases so that they get tickets without having to grind battles.
Don't be a dick.
Post your fc I'll like ur binder c:
Just knocked out two Moltres EX
So about 70 packs? That will be more than enough. I think I'll try to keep 50 packs on hand for every new expansion. That should be enough to get a meta deck rolling.
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I outlined everything pretty clearly in this post.
The short version is, you will miss out on some packs, but the vast majority of your packs come from the 2 free packs you earn and your dailies.

The LOWEST source of packs comes from battle rewards.
I get streaks like that almost every day. You'll be fine. Just don't suck at the game
Fucking Metal.
I FINALLY got it. Now. I have everything except Moltres, unfortunately. Can I get away with using Rapidash to soak up hits and funnel energy into Charizard?
you'll at least need to battle the cpu dnd you better have a really nice showcase since most likes, which gives tickets for hourglass packs, come from battles.
:D 2218-8412-0014-9670
No, you unironically literally need double Moltres EX, reroll your account until you get them
no, too slow
Do you have regular Moltres? It's also pretty good for stalling.
22 cards left to get Mew. I'm tempted to craft some of them with my pack points.
Because it is based on the pokemon tcg where the games were glacial so turn order mattered less. This format is some bastardization of modern shit and base set were it is incredibly simplistic but also fast as shit. They just chose the worst of both worlds
The main problem is that you can't 'keep' your daily packs, the timer stops counting if you have 2 saved up.
So you can earn at most, over a 3 month period (the average amount of time between expansions), enough hourglasses to buy roughly 45 packs (15/month).
The other 180 packs (60/month) are all ones you HAVE to open as they become available to you as they cannot be hoarded (again, the timer stops counting down after 2 packs are stored).

Which is still enough for what you have in mind, but it is a stark reminder that if you are F2P you should absolutely NEVER spend your hourglasses until just after a new expansion releases, so that you have enough saved up to open enough packs to immediately make a viable deck in the new meta.
Jesus you are stupid
whats the rush? are new decks coming out tomorrow?
The one with Sky attack? Yeah I have that one
Glacial would unironically be far better for this game because it inherently goes against the point of Pokemon having to evolve the way it is now trying to artificially speed things up for the sake of moba, Stage 2 mons are done a disservice by how you don't even get to play the game with them for long as they're expected to be win cons that wrap the game up or are otherwise worthless
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or. hear me out. spend like $20 for a game you poured over 20 hours into at this point (probably more) you cheap fucks

serves you right for using the stupid fucking palm tree
Oh wasn't saying it was a bad thing. I love base set because it is so damn slow which makes it skill intensive.
$20 is one 10 roll. Eat my ass. I can build real physical competitive decks for $50
f2p efficiency knows NO BOUNDS


I don't mind spending on Duel Links because they let you guarantee a box UR for a single dollar with certain sales. This game? Lol have fun flushing your money down the drain for absolutely nothing in return.
lol that's bullshit, i thought language difference was just client side like on your phone

i'll just stay in french then who cares
This. Not spending money on this gimped version, would rather pwn the middle-schoolers at the card store for those bux.
I'll trade you a キャタピー for your Dracolosse
I think this was my pack I opened today, sorry you didn't get anything
lol no. i will prob get the premium pass tho only because ill forget to unsub
best value is the monthly pass im pretty sure, 3 ten rolls for 10 is pretty good
I wouldn't even pay for this game even if it had good sales because there's like nothing to do and the battle system is trash. I don't want to reward that dev behavior. I don't know how people can jump in and blindly start spending.
No guarantee of new cards daily, fuck you.
I have to wait a week for for Venusaur event.Which has has an Onix with no buffs, Fuck you.
leave it to f2p retards to not know how to do math
each pack is 1 dollar
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I'm pretty sure I've spent over 100 hours in the game, and no I'll never pay. Thank you for paying so I can play for free, that's pretty ice cool of you.
how many people here bought the Erikas and Gardevore be honest
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gard yes, since it had gold
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sex with sabrina
Yes, the premium pass is BY FAR the best value out of anything on offer.
For 10 dollars you get 30 packs+a bunch of cosmetic items.

By comparison, for around the same price in the Pokegold store, you get 57 Pokegold. Which is NOT EVEN enough for 10 packs.
For 20 bucks you get 120 gold, which gets you 20 packs, still less than the premium pass gives.
All this in addition to the premium pass giving cosmetics as well, while the pokegold purchases do not.

It is unquestionably the best value you can get in terms of paying for packs and cosmetics.
Yes to Gard, no to plant-slut.
Mewtwo really doesn't feel that slow.
is this official?
erika is not a slut....
Ah yes that makes it better. A dollar for 5 cards 3 of which are useless
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yea, that's cool and all, but you can't get erika without buying gold so it's worthless...
>me watching a worse Haunter hit my already bad Gengar ex
How much is a 10 roll in pokegold?
I want to try running the regular gengar line with the new haunter, maybe 50 into 50 and cuck support cards for one seems cool while you build up the other gengar for the ex
Will they make immersive cards of trainers? By now they must have realized that pokewaifus make more money than actual pokemons.
1 Pokegold = 2 Hourglasses.
>had garde out
>game was somehow not over then
>he didn't just leave garde in while pumping m2
What a retard. He probably had game but was too dumb to see the line
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>People concede when Gardevoir hits the field
Well at least they're smarter today.
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>By now they must have realized that pokewaifus make more money than actual pokemons.

Anon, why do you think they made the most expensive skins in the game waifus right out the gate? They're coming, give them time.
Yeah way too Mich for digital cards. Fuck that gay shit. I'll hang around to see how trading/f2p the game is moving forward before deciding to drop it. Seems like it might be duel links tier p2w
>Calling a full art a "skin"
I mean, it makes sense but it still sounds stupid and the immersives and crows are more expensive than them.
M2 had under 80 HP. I had Kanga on deck, he'd need 2 points to win, I only needed 1. Garde was freshly evolved somewhere along the line but I kept bringing it out as Kirlia and he was juggling between his two M2's since I kept Pidgeot'ing them away. Point is he couldn't power his M2's because he was burning energies all the time from Pidgeot. Gardevoir came out too late to help, by the time she was born it was already over.
Retard. He is referring to the garde and Erika playmat/coins
Those still aren't "skins"!
>deadnime fan ruins TCGP artwork
sasuga desu
you are retarded
I've been playing it in my Venomoth Beedrill deck. I've identified that 80 damage is an extremely important number and Wiggly seems like the best way to find it.
I was considering crafting Charmeleon, but that next event looks like it's coming fairly soon. Should I craft the Sabrina's then to help the possible deck builds I have? Or should I just try and wonder pick that shit?
I just like Charizard :3
I will move into Pikachu to try and get some fun things there, would like Butterfree to help the Exeggutor deck.
>Duel Links
Go post in the duel links thread then faggot.
I don't get why people like immersives
I'd throw a 3* pika/mew/charizard for a 2* version of them
By continuing to play the game and provide opponents for other players, I am inherently supporting the game. My time is far more valuable than my money. You should be paying ME to play your game, not the other way around.
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who else has zero self control? i just spend shit soon as I get it
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These cost $23. Mewtwo costs $10/free if you use your free trial. Hypothetically you're getting Gardevoir for "free" if you buy Erica, but you're forced to buy them both. You're essentially forced to buy Gardevoir if you want Erica, so they're putting the human waifu behind a harder barrier than the Pokewaifu, who you could potentially buy and then use the gold for card packs.

In any case, it's an obvious decision to make waifus paywalled. They know what people want to really pay for. They'll deliver with future updates. Trust. Gacha is fueled by coom, they can't reject that even as a family friendly IP. Expect to see popular female trainers/leaders with cute clothing variants and such.
Shiny, anon. It's for the shiny. n the irl tcg, I'd use all SR basic energies if I could afford it, so I can understand it.

I've been trained by other gachas, thankfully. The priest kept spooking me too much for me to trust rate up.
how's this for immersive
*flops my weiner against your face*
What I actually want is full art cards of pokewaifus as they can be very lewd, see skyla and wicke full arts, they actually gave them big boobs.
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Working on dual type decks, Alakazam is clearly the best and most efficient endgame attacker for a dual type deck but bridging the gap between early and late has led me to many different partners. Now I'm using water type pokemon to use misty to help lessen the energy investment zam needs to attack. Had a khan over sabrina for the pikachu match up but ive found that if i find tentacruel on turn 2 i can win the match up anyhow.
bikini nessa full art card and playmat
oh my god
Damn ok
what happened
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>Cosmetic items for your cards, play area, and coin
>Literally serves no other purpose other than changing your appearance during matches
>Aside from a non-customizable avatar, there is no way to represent "you" as a player
>Avatar can't even be seen in-game, only outside of matches
>Not skins
Timed out?
Poliwrath counter ability..
We literally know about everything in the next 4 weeks
nahhh. I have too many cards I'd have to get for a mewtwo deck so I'm saving for upcoming events.
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It's taking a little bit because the devs changed the cryptographic keys to slow down miners. This is the only card that's leaked so far, but the leaker said that they should have the rest within 24 hours.
Start hoarding pack hourglasses NOW
I like Weezing-Zam dual type deck.
I think it's so fucking funny that he loses to Mewtwo.
Venusaur decks SUCKS for this mission, the trick to complete it is to use fast attackers, Pinsir Beedrill and Exeggutor are the best.
I'm sick of weezing it's fucking boring to build around. Weezing Blastoise is fun at least.
>mewtwo fag losing to zebstrika
>mewtwo about to die
>swaps out for jynx
>hit him at the bench anyway
Love braindead opponents
Are you saying you've never ever in your life had multiple tabs open? What a way to live.
Unless you're willing to spend money, hourglasses will be your only source of instantaneous packs when a new expansion comes out.
So if there's a new deck you want to build, you'll be stuck waiting for a month after the set releases before you can pull enough packs to build that deck unless you save your hourglasses.
which spot, bros
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It's in the same spot, bottom right
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Reminder to never use snorlax
MOGGED misty
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Pokken was so fucking underrated bros
>Another top right cultist down
Don't say you didn't get the answer, I literally gave it to you, oh well
Not in detail for everything aside from the shitty Venusaur event at all no. No confirmed cards on the mini set or full set after. No details on the Black Friday event, just guesses.
New bread

top right all the way
This reminds me, we don´t have "confused" or "burned" status in this game, I wonder if there´s a reason for that or they´ll be introduced later...
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>have every 'zard pack ex at least at 2
>still missing a bunch of 3◇
This is just a Misty deck with extra steps.
Snorlax is on a short list for worst 3 prism cards in the game
Alakazam is very powerful, I pair it with Hypno. You have to get it into position to revenge kill and either survive or swap for the second one. You can also get screwed by not drawing the right cards.

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